#ig he’s like the nerdy quiet one of the group
rosekeu · 1 year
soft like a bunny : r. sukuna
this is part 4!
a/n: highschool au, fem!reader, reader has braces, shy+nerdy+sensitive reader! [if you don't like that then leave ig lol] soft spot for reader ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ this part too me all day to write wtf. this chapter drained the fuck out of me. its 2.1k words.
sypnosis: assigned to a project together you have no other choice but to get sukuna's number.
【 playlist 】
[ part 1 ] [part 2] [ part 3 ] [ part 5 coming soon! ]
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sukuna walked to his house after leaving you at yours, though he wasn't too happy knowing he'd be scolded by his parents for his two-day suspension. as he approached his house, sukuna couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. 
 “itadori sukuna! you got suspended! again?!” kaori, his mother, scolded her as she walked over to the pink-haired teen and pinched his ear. yuji stood at the corner, trying not to laugh. sukuna winced in pain but couldn't help but smirk at yuji's amusement. despite the ear-pinching, he knew deep down that his parents only wanted what was best for him. 
“at least it was for a good cause this time,” his twin brother commented, making their mother raise her brow in confusion. “he helped a girl.” yuuji said, trying to convince their mother.
"yeah, it was supposed to be a one-week suspension. but she saved my ass," sukuna said, as the grip on his ear tightened. kaori looked at him with an unconvinced face and asked, "who's this lucky girl then?"
l/n, y/n," he replied, annoyed by his mother's antics. "i heard she's a second-year!" yuuji exclaimed.
"mhm... alright. but you're still grounded, young man!" she said this while lightly slapping sukuna's upper arm. he hissed. "fine." sukuna reluctantly agreed, knowing that his punishment could have been much worse. he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that your name wasn't brought up anymore.
the next day rolled around, and while in chemistry class, you couldn't help but miss sukuna's annoying pestering. you found yourself glancing over at his empty seat, realizing that his absence made the class feel strangely quiet. the teacher's voice seemed to echo in the room without sukuna's occasional snarky remarks. 
as you left the classroom, you remembered you still had a project to complete, with your partner being sukuna. knowing he had a two day suspension made it difficult to get started. you met up with mai and maki and asked them what to do. "you could just ask for his number, idiot," maki said nonchalantly. and you squealed in surprise. 
"no! i can't do that! he barely talks to me, plus he's not going to be here for two days." you sighed in frustration. mai groaned in response. 
"y/n, just ask one of his friends? or doesn't he have a twin brother?" .
you knew they were right and decided to ask his brother for sukuna's phone number. you hurried to the first year hall, feeling a sense of déjà vu from the first time you met sukuna. but this time was different; everything seemed more peaceful. calm.
as you looked through the two classrooms, one said, "class 1-a," and the other said, "class 1-b."
your eyes quickly scanned over class 1-a and found someone that looked quite familiar—the same shade of pink hair; he wore the school uniform more complete; and when you saw his face, it was almost identical to a sukuna, though this one seemed softer and more approachable. his eyes weren't red like rubies; instead, they were hazel, with bits of green, yellow, and brown scattered throughout them. 
the boy wasn't far away, but he sat with a few other friends, including a boy with dark spiky hair and a short girl with short brown hair. you approached them with nervousness.
"hello." you gulped, and the group had heard your voice, turning their attention towards you. the pink haired boy's eyes widened as he looked to recognize you. "you're l/n? right?" 
you froze and nodded quickly, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. "yes, that's me," you replied, wondering what he knew about you. "i'm itadori yuuji!" he exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across his face.
"my brother mentioned you! you're super pretty!" he admitted it truthfully, making you blush and feel a rush of flattery. "these are my friends, fushiguro megumi, and..." the spiky haired boy waved silently.
'kugisaki nobara!" the girl smiled. "it's unbelievable that the name sukuna is associated with someone as adorable as you!" she continued.
you smiled nervously and nodded, feeling a warmth spread through your cheeks. 
"did you need something?" yuuji asked, curiosity evident in his voice. "well, i have a project with sukuna, and i was wondering if you could pass me his phone number." 
"sure, i can give you his phone number." yuuji said, reaching for his phone as you did. megumi and nobara exchanged puzzled looks; they both knew yuuji didn't give out his brother's phone number casually. sukuna was adamant about his personal information remaining private, even for school projects. however, as you exchanged phone numbers, you couldn't help but notice a small smile on your lips. 
'i have his number!!'
"thank you, yuuji," you said, walking out of the classroom. "yeah, of course!"
"why did you give her suku's number?" megumi asked, raising an eyebrow. 
"yeah, didn't you say he was grounded and without his phone?" nobara added, looking puzzled.
"oh, yeah! i completely forgot about that!" yuuji exclaimed, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.
you had been looking forward to going home to text sukuna since you received his phone number. once you did, you were frozen on your bed, staring at the screen anxiously.
time passed quickly. you had dinner and finished your homework. and it was already 6 p.m. you grabbed your phone and clicked on sukuna's number to text him. as you typed out a message, you couldn't help but wonder if sukuna would even reply. the anticipation and anxiety grew as you hit the send button, hoping for a response.
???: "hey! this is y/n from chem class. i was wondering when we were going to start our project (✿◠‿◠) [sent-6:23pm]
you stared at the screen as minutes passed by without any response. the silence made you question if you had said something wrong or if sukuna was simply busy. doubts started to creep in, and you couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. 
you turned off your phone, and a frown formed on your face. maybe sukuna wasn't interested in working on the project with you after all. you showered and changed into your cute teddy bear pjs, hoping that a good night's sleep would help clear your mind, but your mind still lingered on your message.
'was it too long? or was the emoticon too much?'
you hid under your covers and tried to distract yourself, but your thoughts kept drifting back to sukuna and the unanswered message. as you lay there, you couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty and wondered if you had done something wrong. 
i'm just overthinking this, you reassured yourself.
"you gave her what?" sukuna whispered and yelled in disbelief at his twins words. yeah, i gave her your number because she said you guys had a project together."
"it's not that part! i don't have my phone, dumbass!" sukuna groaned from the bottom bunk of their beds. yes, the itadori twins were turning 16, and they still had bunk beds.
sukuna sighed, heavily annoyed at yuuji. " i mean, you can grab your phone from mom's special cabinet." "but you know how she gets if we touch her stuff," yuuji replied sheepishly. "besides, i thought it would be easier if she just called you directly." sukuna rolled his eyes, realizing that yuuji's intentions were good, but his execution was always questionable. 
he lazily gets up from his bed and walks over to their mom's special cabinet, careful not to disturb anything. as he opens the cabinet, he notices the familiar blood red phone case. sukuna takes it rapidly, going back to bed quickly. 
he turns on his phone and finds one text message from an unknown number. he read it and thought it was cute.
🐰: hey! this is y/n from chem class. i was wondering when we were going to start our project (✿◠‿◠)  [sent-6:23pm][read-10:55pm]
he edits the contact so it's a bunny emoji. he smirks to himself.
🐯:  come over tomorrw. we can work on it together. [sent-10:56pm]
he impatiently awaits a response: "yuuji, are you fucking pranking me with a fake number?"
"what? no way!" 
as he was about to curse out his brother, his phone chimed.
🐰: okay :) i was worried you weren't going to respond lol [sent-11:00pm] [read-11:00pm]
🐯:  i'm fucking grounded. i'm talking to you in secrecy 😈 [sent-11:01pm][read-11:01pm]
🐰: don't get in trouble because of me:(( [sent-11:00pm] [read-11:00pm]
🐯:  you're totally worth it, sweetheart. [sent-11:01pm] [read-11:01pm]
as you read the message, warmth spreads through your cheeks, making you grip your phone even tighter. sukuna smirked; seeing as you hadn't responded right away, he imagined your flustered expression. he became impatient again.
🐯:  respond, brat. [sent-11:06pm][read-11:06pm]
you gathered yourself as your shaking fingers mustered a reply.
🐰: sorry (〃▽〃) that just caught me off guard, is all [sent-11:07pm] [read-11:07pm]
🐯:  i didn't know i made you so nervous. you're probably blushing, aren't you? [sent-11:07pm][read-11:07pm]
🐰: nope! not at all! [sent-11:07pm] [read-11:07pm]
🐯:  prove it, then. [sent-11:07pm][read-11:08pm]
🐰: what? [sent-11:08pm] [read-11:08pm]
🐯:  show me that you're not blushing.  [sent-11:08pm] [read-11:08pm]
your eyes widened, and your stomach began to churn. was he asking for a picture of your face right now? you wouldn't, but if you did, he'd be right. you were blushing profusely, and your heart was racing. you became even more flustered at the thought of proving it to him. 
as you were about to type your response, your phone rang with a sudden call. sukuna. he was calling you out of the blue. you quickly answered, not knowing it was a facetime call. 
"eek!" you moved your phone rapidly as you saw your reflection at the corner of your screen, but bigger than that was the face of sukuna staring back at you; he was visible, but his surroundings were pitch black.
"let me see your face; i didn't call you for nothing." he said it with a sly smirk. you were excited and nervous at the same time as you paused for a moment before adjusting the camera to show your face and half of your shirt. the first thing he noticed were your red cheeks and slightly messy hair.  "so you are blushing; how adorable."
"s-shut up-"
"were getting bolder, i see." sukuna chuckled, his smile growing wider.
"i'm learning how to stand up for myself, so...y'know"
he hummed in response, looking closer at you. sukuna furrowed his brow and squinted his eyes to better see your shirt. small teddy bears scurried throughout the fabric, making him smile.
cute, he thought. "nice shirt," he remarked. and you quickly adjusted the camera so it would only show your face. "ignore that!"
he laughed at your reaction. "ugh, y/n, you're so fun to toy with."
"that's so mean..." you pouted, a tiny frown on your face. his heart squeezed as if it was about to leap out of his chest.
'she is going to kill me...'
"it's late. why did you call?" you asked, fidgeting with a strand of hair. "i wanted to see if you were flustered, and you are."
you laughed, covering your smile, knowing if you showed it, he'd probably make fun of you or stop talking to you. "why are you covering your smile? let me see, brat." he remarked that he was a bit annoyed.
your eyes widened as you grabbed your phone, now only showing half of your face. "no, it's okay. you probably won't like it anyway."
"c'mon, stop being an idiot." he insisted, and you thought about it for a minute before deciding to trust him. "alright, just don't be mean. i'm insecure enough." you whispered the last part, but he still caught on to it.
"just get on with it, dumbass."
you smiled at the screen, revealing your pink-banded metal braces. and waited for his disgusted reaction, but it never came.
"that's hot."
"you heard me." he said this, maintaining an unexpected calmness.
"yeah, right," you murmured as you lay on your side in bed. "i'm serious; they're hot as hell."
you couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and relief. "next time you should get red, i think that would look good too."
you giggled, happy knowing that one of the most insecure parts of you was adored by such an attractive guy like suku.
"i have to go. it's late, sukuna." it was the first time he'd heard his name fall from your lips. he smiled softly, savoring the sound of his name on your lips. "alright, take care and sleep well," he replied, his voice filled with a hint of longing. as you ended the call, a warm feeling settled in your chest, leaving you eager for the next conversation with sukuna as you received one last text.
🐯:  goodnight, qt [sent-11:32pm][read-11:32pm]
🐰: goodnight <33 [sent-11:33pm] [read-11:33pm]
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lillylvjy · 2 years
Tender is the night (for a broken heart)
A/n// hello! So I’ve been writing this fic for… a long time. But it’s also one of my fav fics I’ve wrote so far, and it means a lot to me. It is long but! It’s cute so, enjoy! Also, if it seems like it’s everywhere, I’m so sorry. I tried to make it as connected and sensible as I could!
Warnings// kissing, some sexual innuendos at the end ig, hurt/comfort, reader being insecure, crying, swearing, panic attack, a lot of fluff at the end, Sarah being a bitch. (Please tell me if I missed anything!)
Edited and 5.5k words!
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When you and Wilbur started dating, you thought it was a joke.
Wilbur was the smart and nerdy, yet extremely attractive and well known kid. He was the lead trumpet in the band and a straight A student. He liked to play guitar for small gigs at your local coffee shop, but it was also the same place he worked at on a regular day basis after school.
And you. You were the smart and nerdy kid that no one really knew. You always kept to yourself. You were usually sitting at one of the corner tables at lunch watching the group of girls crowd around Wilbur. You worked at the diner down the street from the café as a waitress. You wrote poetry for fun and put your art in art shows that happened in the city to try and sell them to gain a couple bucks.
To put it simply. You were a nobody. An outcast.
So when Wilbur came over to you at lunch one day, tapping your shoulder to get your attention over the music blasting in your ears, you were shocked.
“Hey! Y/n right?” The boy asked you as you took off your headphones and looked up at him. You took a quick glance over at the group of girls and saw all of them looked confused and jealous he was paying attention to you. The schools nobody.
“Uh.. yeah! Yeah I’m y/n.” You said hesitantly and quiet. “What are you doing over here? Don’t you have other girls to talk to?” You said with a bitter tone.
“Ouch. I can talk to other people you know? What? Don’t want to talk to me?!” He asked as he leant against the wall your table was against and smirked down at you.
You rolled your eyes as you put your pencil down on your notebook. “No Wilbur. I really don’t want to talk to you. I’m busy.” You pointed down to your notebook with a rough sketch of the scene that was in front of you a couple second ago. You had the silhouettes of the students drawn out but got rudely interrupted by Wilbur before you were going to start drawing him.
“Ahh. I see. Is this what you always do at lunch?” He asked as he stole your notebook from the table and flipped through the notebook.
“Wait! Wilbur, stop it! Give it back!”
“What?! Got something bad in here?! Do you draw naked people like Jack from Titanic?! Even worse, do you draw me-“ Wilbur froze as he looked down at your notebook, his face falling slowly into a look of confusion and disbelief.
You quickly grabbed your notebook from Wilbur’s loose grasp and closed it up. You held it to your chest as you closed your eyes and waiting for him to start laughing. But yet, no laughing came.
“Was- Was that me?” He asked in a hushed voice for only you to hear.
“Yeah, so what?” You asked back in a harsh voice.
“I- It’s really good. Like super good. Can I see it again?” He asked you softly as he sat down next to you and held his hand out, head slightly turnt to look at you.
You hesitantly put the notebook in his hand and let him have his fun. As he opened the notebook and flipped through, you watched his face. His face was always perfect somehow. Not just because it was symmetrical! But, because it was always so loose. He had very few wrinkles and he had a little crease it his forehead from when he smiled. He looked peaceful and beautiful. Regardless if he did have any or not, he would always be perfect to you. Always.
“I like this one.” He snaps you out if your thoughts as he points to the page he’s on. One of your favorites as well. It was a portrait of him, but it was his side profile while laughing. He continued flipping until he got to the one he landed on. That one was a drawing of him playing the guitar in a flower field. Something you kind of just.. came up with. But it was by far the one you admired and cherished the most. “Now this. This is incredible. How did you draw this?” He asked looking up at you.
“Oh! Um.. I just kind of imagined a place you would possibly play at and came up with this. It took a while but, it was worth it.” You tell him as you trace over the likes of rough pencil markings and dark shaded areas, admiring the piece. While you did that, Wilbur never took his eyes off you. He watched how your eyes filled with happiness and nostalgia from when drawing this. Filled with relief and longing. He watched your lips twitch as you held back a smile. God how much he would love to see you smile. “But it’s nothing important. Just a silly little sketch.” You concluded as you grabbed the notebook and put it into your bag as the bell rang.
“Do you put any of your art in the art show they do up in the city? Because if you do, you should definitely put that one in there.” Wilbur says as he gets up with you and slings his backpack on his back.
“I do. But I don’t know if I want to put that one. I like it too much.” You gave him a small smile as you looked up at him.
Wilbur smiled back down at you. “Do you have another class for the rest of the day?”
“Um… no actually. Why?” You asked him as you both started to walk out of the school.
“Would you maybe want to go get coffee and maybe go to that flower field so I can play you some music? And so you can draw my handsome self again, obviously.” Wilbur cockily added the last part.
“Hmm. Only if I pay. It’s the least I could do since you’re letting me get a free show and a drawing session in one day.” You offered him.
“Deal. But this is the only time you will be paying. Also I’m driving.” Wilbur says as he stops in front of his car. It was an old, rusty, beat up red truck. But it fit him so well. Like it was made for him.
“Oh? So you’re saying there’ll be another time?” You jokingly questioned him.
“Only if you want it darling.” Wilbur told you as he opened the door for you as you gave him your bag. Wilbur quickly put the bags in the back and ran to the drivers side. He put his phone on the aux and put on a random playlist.
“We’ll see how today goes pretty boy. And maybe there will be another time.” You said as you rolled down your window and let the fall breeze into the car. Wilbur did the same with his and chuckled at the nickname. You looked at him from your seat and smiled brightly at him as he looked at you.
“Well then. I’ll try my best to make it the best time you have ever had.” Wilbur says as he backs out of the parking lot and to the coffee shop.
After that day, you and Wilbur grew closer. You continued to hang out as friends. And eventually those feelings turned into more for the both of you, and the hangouts became dates. And by the end of your junior year, you and Wilbur were dating. Everyone always told you how good you and Wilbur were together. And you thought that too. You loved him. A lot. Yes you had worries but, those quickly subsided when he was around.
You and Wilbur graduated high school with the both of you getting voted best couple of the year in your year book. Wilbur went to college for a couple years but soon dropped out to pursue music. He made a band and quickly started to make music and publish it, which was going extremely well. You, on the other hand, went to college and finished. Going to classes for drawing and painting, to improve your skills, and majoring in fine arts and digital arts. You continued to sell and show your art off at shows and art museums when they offered. You also got a job at a school teaching art and teaching kids that art can help express things and tell stories.
You loved that Will followed his heart and pursued music. You loved watching him just play small snippets of the things him and the guys were working on for you. Loved being apart of the writing process, as well as the designing process. You loved seeing him so happy and excited with his music.
You both lived together in an apartment in downtown Brighton and you were both happy!
Well. At least you were. You didn’t know about how Wilbur felt after finding those text.
Wilbur and you were both lying on the couch, watching a movie. Well. You were at least. Wilbur fell asleep half way through the movie with his arm holding your waist, pulling you close to him. The other hand that was tracing your arms was now in yours as you played with his fingers, listening to his soft snores and his little whispers from his dreams. He looked so peaceful.
Your thoughts got interrupted by the sound of Wilbur’s phone buzzing on the coffee table. Thank god it was on silent or he could’ve woken up immediately knowing him. You took the phone and pressed the ‘shut off’ button to turn of the buzzing.
Once you were settled into Wilbur again. The buzzing started up again. You groaned as you moved and turned the buzzing off again. That had to be it.
A couple minutes later his phone started to buzz again, but short, little buzzes from text messages.
Now you were curious.
Who needed his attention this badly, besides you of course.
You slowly reached over to grab Wilbur’s phone and turned it on to show his lock screen.
The lock screen was a picture of you and Wilbur, sitting on the couch that was in the studio. You sitting on Will’s lap with his guitar in your own lap. Wilbur’s hand fingering the chords, as you strum whatever song you guys were playing. Wilbur’s free hand on your thigh as you both looked at each other with goofy smiles. You remember that day like it was yesterday. The day Wilbur told you he loved you.
When you finally snapped out of your thoughts, you looked down at the messages that continued to come through. You grimaced as you swiped up into his phone to reveal the numbers asking for the password. You hated going on or even through his phone. You didn’t want to be considered that girlfriend. You weren’t the jealous type and it wasn’t like you didn’t trust him, because you did! But. His phone never went off like this unless it was you wanting his attention or his band mates trying to get him to wake up on Saturday mornings for practice.
You typed in Wilbur’s password for his phone, which was your birthday. He said it was “more romantic than a stupid little password that didn’t mean anything to him.” Which you didn’t argue with. As you finally got into his phone, you took a deep breathe and went into messages.
But the name you saw didn’t seem real.
Sarah. A girl throughout high-school you were always jealous of. She was the cheer captain her senior year and she was always on varsity cheer throughout the years. She was the definition of perfect to you. She was beautiful, nice and extremely smart. She was one of those popular girls who was always super nice to people… well like you. The quote-on-quote “weirdos”. Even when she was friends with absolute assholes, it felt nice to be noticed by her. Now, junior year, it was rumored that her and Wilbur liked each other. I mean, they always talked to each other, sat by each other, and you could tell by the way Wilbur looked at her that something was going on. That’s one major reason of why you were jealous of her. But, the rumors were quickly shut down when Brett, the quarterback, asked her to the homecoming after the big game against their rivals. She obviously said yes and that was the end of the story. Sarah and Brett started dating and Wilbur was, you could say, forgotten by her. But you could tell Wilbur still had feelings for her after that night at the football game.
“Why is she texting him?” You thought out loud. You heard Will groan and shift slightly after you said that. You froze and looked at him until you heard his snores start back up, that’s when you relaxed. You looked down at the text.
‘Hey Wilbur!’
‘Are we still getting coffee this afternoon?’
‘Text me back when you can!’
When you say your heart stopped, you meant it. Coffee? With her? With the person he knows makes you insecure about everything? He said he had a get together with his friends tonight. What the fuck is going on?!
You scrolled up and saw the text messages they had earlier. Nothing screamed ‘cheating!’, you know Wilbur wouldn’t do that. But some whispered, ‘watch out for her.’
As you heard Wilbur groan and begin to wake up, you quickly put his phone on the table and smiled up at him.
‘Act normal. Talk about it later.’
“Hey sleepy head.” You put on a small smile as you ran your hands through his hair. He looked… perfect.
“Hey. Have you been awake this whole time?” He asked in a scratchy deep voice. He looked at you as you scratched his scalp and smiled.
“Eh. I woke up about 10 minutes ago.” You said while pecking his chin. He laughed and cupped your face in his hands as he pulled you up to be face to face with him. “What’s up?”
He smiled and looked at you for a couple seconds. “You, my love, are so beautiful.” He leant up and kissed you. Slow and passionate.
The kiss lasted shorter than you both would’ve liked but Wilburs phone started buzzing again. He groaned as he reached for the little device and grimaced as he looked at it. “Sorry love. I have to go. James is calling me.” Wilbur said as he got up from underneath you and put his shoes back on. “I’ll bring back some food for you ok?” He asked you as he pecked your lips one last time.
“Mhm. Just don’t get the wrong thing this time.” You teased him.
“That was one time! And I promise I won’t.” He said back to you as he kisses your forehead and grabbed his wallet and phone.
“I love you. Have fun.” You said as he opened the front door.
“I love you too darling.” He smiled at you as he closed the door.
You quickly frowned as thoughts started to crowed your mind.
‘When he comes home, I’ll ask him about it.’
Well. That was two days ago. And you still haven’t talked to him about it. It’s not like you haven’t had time or you haven’t seen him! You two are basically stuck to the hip when you can be. But. You just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Afraid that maybe it was true. Maybe Wilbur never loved you and kept in touch with Sarah secretly this whole time and waited until she was either single or loved him again.
No. Your head was just playing tricks on you right? He wouldn’t do that! He’s a good guy. And he loves you. Right?
Wilbur came home from filming a video with Tommy and the rest of the boys. Once he came into the house and greeted you, you sat him down on the couch with you and sighed.
“We need to talk Will. And it’s nothing bad, maybe.” You said, anxiety filling your body as you looked down at your hands in your lap and started picking at them.
“Love what’s up? Talk to me.” Wilbur whispered to you as he grabbed your hands and kissed them.
You looked at him and sigh. “Do you love me? Like… truly. Do you love me?” You asked, slow and drawn out. your voice quiet and breathy, almost like you didn’t want to be saying those words and you didn’t want the reply to them.
The moment those words fell from your mouth, Wilbur’s face fell. He felt… sad? Angry? Confused? Why did you ask him that? Didn’t you know you were all he can think about half the time? Of course he loves you! “Love. Why are you asking that?” Wilbur asked in confusion and disbelief you would even ask that.
“No. Wil. I need you to answer the question. Do you love me or not?” You said, your voice raising slightly as you let go of his hands and got up from the couch.
“I- what brought this up y/n? I just want to know what I did to make you think this-“
“I saw the text. I saw what you both were doing that night. You fucking lied to me Wil! How long has this been going on? How long have you been seeing her?!” You raised your voice as you spoke. You couldn’t control your emotions. You weren’t angry per-say. You were more upset and disappointed. If this was true, you were done.
“What text?! What are you talking about?” Wilbur said as he scrunched his face up and looked at you like you were crazy.
“Oh don’t fucking try that on me. You know exactly what I’m talking about! You and Sarah have been secretly seeing each other this whole time, right? All the times you went out with the “guys”. It was with her. Right?!” You yelled at him, your voice cracking as you held back sobs.
Wilbur just looked at you with the most heartbreaking look ever. You saw the text? He got rid of those! He wasn’t even worried about the text at the moment though. He was upset and angry you thought that about him. Thought that he would do that. But disappointed at himself for not getting rid of her number and just telling you about what happened. “Y/n-“
“Please tell me this is fake. Please tell me what I’m feeling is just my mind playing games on me!” You sobbed as your ran your hands through your hair. “Please, Wilbur. I- I love you so much. Please. Please don’t leave me.” You whimpered as you choked back sobs as you looked at him through blurry eyes. Wilbur hurriedly got up and walked over to you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and brought your head to his chest and held it there as you sobbed. You wrapped your arms around his torso and scrunched his sweater up in your hands and squeezed.
Your thoughts persisted as you sobbed into his sweater. ‘He doesn’t love you. He never did!’ ‘He was using you the whole time to get over her.’
It didn’t feel real.
“Please- Wilbur please-“ You gasped out through sobs as you grabbed your chest, trying to get air into your lungs.
“Hey, hey. Look at me, ok? Focus on me.” He said in the softest voice you have ever heard as he gently cupped your face. “Deep breathes. In and out, ok? Do it with me. In-“ Wilbur inhaled as you grabbed into his forearms and followed him. Once he saw you take in as much air as you could, he exhaled. “And out. Good girl. Yeah. And just keep doing that with me ok?” You nodded as Wilbur helped you get a steadier breathe.
Once you nodded at him to tell him you were alright, he brought his forehead down to your own and sighed. “Can I- Can I please explain, all of this?” He asked you as he leaned back to look at you. You nodded, afraid if you spoke you would start crying again.
Wilbur sighed and gently brought you to the couch. He grabbed your hands and held them in his own as he kissed them gently. “Darling. I love you so much. So goddamn much. And I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Wilbur started but quickly stopped as he got choked up. He was scared to be honest. Scared you would leave him either way. Scared that once he explained the whole situation, you would still be upset about all of it. He couldn’t lose you. He wouldn’t be able to bear it. Not having you there with him. Not having your stupid jokes and your silly faces when he wakes up in the mornings. Not having anyone to come home too. Not having you to share music with.
He didn’t like the thought of you not being in his life anymore.
Wilbur looked up to see you looking at him with a sad lopsided smile and waiting patiently for him to continue as you rubbed his knuckles. “I-“ He took a few breathe before continuing. “I saw her at the coffee shop a couple weeks ago. And I hadn’t seen her since high school so I just went up to say hi and ask how she was doing.” Wilbur took a deep breathe before continuing the story. “She said that her and Brett broke up and she was home for the holiday. I had to leave, so I gave her my number, just to catch up her! Nothing else. And she texted me later that day if I wanted to get lunch and catch up in person. And me being the person I am said yes. And then during lunch I-“ Wilbur cleared his throat as he got chocked up once again. “I knew she was trying to flirt with me. She kept touching my hand and making unnecessary comments about me and just- it didn’t seem right. So I started talking about you and she got annoyed. That’s when I finally realized she didn’t want to catch up, more like she wanted to see if I was available. Which I made it super clear that I wasn’t! I mean. I thought I did. I thought I blocked her number, truly. I didn’t think she would keep pestering me about seeing her after talking about you. Y/n-“ Wilbur got cut off by his own sob. All you did was bring him into your chest while crying with him. “I’m s-so sorry. I didn’t mean to h-hurt you. I didn’t mean for you to think like that. I should’ve never said a-anything to her. I’m so sorry.” Wilbur sobbed out into your chest as he held you close to him like a lifeline. Like you would leave any moment.
You buried your face into the messy mop of hair on top of his head. You just sat there, holding him and crying with him, whispering to him that you loved him and it wasn’t his fault. He didn’t know this was going to happen. He didn’t plan for this to happen. It wasn’t his fault.
As you both settled down and your breathing was back to a regular rhythm, you lifted his head in your hands and wiped his tear stained cheeks and gave him a weak smile. “Wil. It’s not your fault. You were just being the nice person you always are, and I love you for that. And I’m not mad at you or anything. I’m just, kind of mad at myself and confused about everything. Mad at myself for letting myself get upset over this without letting you talk. Letting myself get insecure about our relationship and your feelings about me because of her. But also knowing your history with her, it kinda made my brain go into thoughts I didn’t like.” You let out a shaky sigh as you tried to blink away your tears. “But I’m also conf-“ you cleared your throat before continuing. “I’m just also confused on where you went that night and all those nights that you just left in a hurry or just left while smiling at your phone. It doesn’t make sense Wil.” Your voice cracked as you ended your sentence, putting your head down to look at your lap as your bottom lip quivered and you took deep breathes to stop yourself from crying.
Wilbur frowned at you as he sat up and took your hands in his again. “Love. You had all the right to be upset. I should’ve have told you I saw her, I should have told you about the lunch, I should’ve have told you about everything. And I’m so sorry you felt that way love. You shouldn’t have to be insecure about yourself or this relationship. I love you. And only you. You are perfect. And I only want you. Not her. Not anyone else. Just you.” Wilbur sniffed as he lifted your chin up so you were looking at him. “There’s my perfect darling.” Wilbur smiled at you as he cupped your face and rubbed your cheeks. You sent him a weak smile back as you leant into his hand. “And if you’re wondering what I’ve been doing all of those nights. I’ve been with the Phil, Tommy, Jack, James, practically everyone. Every night. Not with her. And I had a plan, but I cant wait any longer so-“ Wilbur cut himself off as he went to his coat on the rack and went through his pockets. He held the mystery thing in his balled up fist and came back over to you.
Wilbur knelt down on one knee in front of you as he looked at you with a small smile. You just sat on the couch with a confused yet shocked face. “Wil-“
“Y/n. Ever since that one little interaction in the cafeteria in junior year, I’ve been utterly in love with you. From your art to the way you laugh and talk about the things you love for hours on end. You have become home. And I never really believed in that stuff, about how a person could become home to you. But now I do. I have found that one person i want to spend every moment with until I die. And the only person that will put up with my bullshit.” You laughed at that as you sniffed and held back tears. “And that is you, darling. Always and only you. Now-“ Wilbur sniffed and smiled as he looked at you and opened the small black box. Inside, a silver ring with a small yet beautiful diamond, which you knew was fake, on the top. You admired the ring as he took it out of its resting place and held it up to you. “I know it’s not much but, it’s something. Y/n L/n, will you make me the happiest man to ever exist and marry me?” Wilbur asked you, his hand slightly shaking as he awaited your answer.
You laughed a little as you yet again held back tears and nodded. “Of course I’ll marry you William. Oh my god.” You say in shock as Wilbur put on the ring and cupped your face. He pecked your lips softly and rested his forehead on yours as he laughed.
“Thank fuck. I was scared you were gonna say no.” Wilbur sighed out as you smiled up at him.
“I would never. I love you too much. That is unless you did do something bad-“
“I swear I didn’t!”
“I know, I know! What made you decide to do… that… now?” You asked him as he sat on the couch and pulled you into his lap.
“Well, knowing you had those thoughts and knowing how impatient I am to just make you mine forever, fuck the plan. Sorry Phil but, I needed you to know that you are my forever. My one and only. My sugar plum. My little soft cute baby-“
“Ok now you’re pushing it.” You deadpanned at him as your crossed your arms and tried not to laugh at Wilbur’s pout.
“Fine. I just won’t call you anything. I won’t even call you my fiancé!” Wilbur whined out as he looked away from you.
Hearing him say that word. Fiancé. Brought a whole other world into you. A whole other part of your life you get to experience, with him.
“Nooooo! No please! I’m sorry! Call me what you like!! See what I did there- please I’m sorry!” You whined out as you kissed all over his face, not a spot left untouched by your lips.
Wilbur laughed at the song reference as you continued to kiss his face. He placed his hands on your waist and squeezed. “Ok! Ok, fine. I will call you whatever I like. And I won’t stop calling you my fiancé. Well- not until we’re married. Because then I get to call you my wife. Oh! I get to call you my wife then! Can we just get married now?! Please-“
Wil! Wil! Calm down dear. We’ll get married when we can afford it. And plus I want our family and friends there. But for now-“ You ran your hands through his hair and rubbed his head as his eyes fluttered shut. “You can call me your fiancé or any other nickname you want.” You smiled at him as he looked at you. Wilbur leaned in and softly connected your lips together. The kiss wasn’t quick or rough. It was like Wilbur was summoning all of his love for you into one kiss. The kiss was soft, slow, and love-filled.
It was perfect.
Once you both needed air, Wilbur pulled away and panted softly as he smiled widely at you. “I love you. And I’m sorry for what happened and not telling you anything. I promise to tell you everything for now on, like i should’ve been doing.” Wilbur sighed and rubbed your waist lightly. “I love you.”
“And I love you. So much.” You smiled at him as you leaned in and kissed him again, but quickly pulling back before the kiss could go anywhere. “And what do you mean ‘like you should’ve been doing’?? I swear to god if you did something el-“
“Hey. None of it is bad. Maybe somethings I did with Tommy or the band that we kept secret, but nothing bad. Now shut up and kiss me.” Wilbur quickly reassured you as he pulled you back into him and kissed you again.
But you being the person you are, needed more answers. “No no no! Did- Did you and Tommy break the TV that one ti-“
“Darling. Love. Baby. Stop talking more kissing, ok? I want to show my fiancé how much I love them.” Wilbur quickly mumbled out as he started to kiss you again.
“Yeah but you have some explaining to do.” You mumbled out in between kisses.
“That depends if you even remember it after we’re done.” Wilbur says as he flips you over, so your back meets the couch, as he hovers over your frame.
“Oh, I will. But you can try to make me forget pretty boy.”
“Oh I certainly will.” Wilbur smirked as he leant down and pressed an intoxicating kiss onto your lips.
You were gonna have to try really hard to remember.
Taglist: @deadphantomsociety @jadeissues @aimi-chann @z0vamp @art3m1s-adelia @bird-shack @mcr-pr-fob @hop-scotchh @romancingdaffodils @sixofshadowandbone (if you want to be added, all you have to do is ask or message me dears <3)
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asco-bisco · 2 months
School Bus Graveyard Stereotypical Personality(?) AU
so i posted this on ao3 and im gonna delete the chapter with all this info but i still wanted to get this out js incase anyone is interested
Ashlyn Banner: The Introverted High School Girl
- I'm just getting a lot of Tall Girl vibes but I never watched the movie
- Still has the same personality but I might write a bunch of cringy ahh y/n stuff
- She still likes dogs just because
- She absolutely despises EVERYONE on a more alarming level (she hates Tyler)
- She pesters Taylor about wearing makeup
- She listens to Prom Dress by mxmtoon (at least she's supposed to give off the vibe)
- Still does ballet
- I don’t know how to run her under a stereotype without making her a ‘quirky’ girl or a pick me girl
Aiden Clark: Your Pyscotic Mosquito
- He has no concept of personal space (as usual)
- He needs to give off the annoying stalker vibe or creepy vibe, not the one everyone simps for
- Kinda stalks people (he knows where everyone in his group lives)
- He pulls pranks on people he doesn't like (He does the whoopie cushion prank on Tyler)
- I guess 10x crazier and maybe not as caring--if the roof thing with Ashlyn happened again, he'd probably call others to help instead or would end up inside the house before it even happened
- I don't know anymore
Ben Clark: Quiet Unpopular Kid
- He doesn't care about your well-being (idk)
- He's still the medic of the team though, if that makes sense
- His trauma is still there but his anger issues just exist, they don't get triggered from bullying though they just exist ig
- Maybe that's why he's unpopular
- I don't know if he should still live with Aiden or not
- I wanna make him mean idk y but he prob won't be
- He doesn't get as flustered as he does in the webtoon, like y'know those moments where he's just cute asf (maybe that's just me) but those moments don't exist anymore
Logan Fields: Nerdy Astronomy-Loving Boy
- He still has W shooting skills
- He's way shyer though like he full-on goes "U-Uhm, I-I-I-I-I t-th-thi-think we-w-we-we s-should g-g-go n-n-n-n-n-n-n-now"
- the stuttering is not that much tho (i would DIE writing that)
- Tyler and Aiden pick on him a lot (not together though, in their own time)
- Aiden purposely gets Logan to do things he doesn't want to do like face a phantom or go patrolling just to see him squirm and cry
- Whether or not he becomes the sassy S2 Logan we know is a secret (and to be decided)
- He sticks around Taylor a lot because Tyler and Aiden are basically bullies and Ashlyn and Ben are too scary to be around (they're both quiet people who give you death stares)
Taylor Hernández: Nice Popular Girl
- She loves everyone and teases her brother a lot
- She still has trauma (joking about it is how she copes)
- She is kind to EVERYONE but if you share lip gloss/mascara with her, you're keeping it forever (she doesn't want your germs)
- She’s blunt and doesn’t think before she speaks
- so passive aggressive it’s not okay
- The only person she doesn’t love is Barron and his friends
Tyler Hernández: Rude Popular Jock
- He hates everyone that aren’t his friends
- His ego is so high it’s not okay
- He loves Tay and Tay only
- He kind of makes sure everyone is in check unconsciously because he likes to nag others
- He picks on Logan and Ashlyn for their height (he leans on them)
- Mention his dad and he just might shoot you
- Doesn’t like physical bullying but if you give him a chance to insult you, he will do it
- He might end up fighting Ben if he ticks him off, that’s to be decided tho
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gayassbish · 11 months
Genshin Guys as Your New Bestie. Highschool AU
Tumblr media
Genre: Platonic of course and very much so crack
Reader: Gender Neutral | References to “girly pop” in Childe and Kaeya’s Part
Characters: Diluc, Zhongli, Childe and Kaeya, Alhaitham, Bennet, Xinqiu and Chongyun, Xiao
The kid who raises his hand and asks a bunch of questions, but still manages to not come of nerdy, but intelligent. He doesn’t talk to anyone in class and some other kids in class thinks he’s arrogant cause of it. Like “he’s too smart for us vibes.” You, on the other hand, know better than to trust the rumors and actually get to know his ass. That is lie, I can’t imagine anyone walking up to his emo self unless you’re the most extroverted person on the planet. He also definitely plays chess online in his chromebook 24/7.
Butttt you do end up sitting next to him as your seating arrangements change every semester or so. You say hi like a normal person and he sorta just grunts?? Terrible first impression, but you realize he’s very kind. Always picking up your fallen pencils, sharing homework answers with out you asking, and you end up getting a long pretty well once you find your stuff in common.
P.S. He’d 100% drive you around everywhere
A popular dude cause he’s handsome ig and the fucking valedictorian. Plus he manages to know everything without coming off like a know it all, so he is generally well received by everyone and helps basically everyone out. Has a 10000 IQ and a calculator for a brain too. Probably wears granny glasses.
So… you’re at your part time job and notice him coming in. You immediately hide cause you don’t know him like that (yet) and don’t want to be remembered as “oh they’re the person who works there.” One of your coworkers helps him out instead while you secretly spy and realize he’s not as smart as he looks?? He is very much so only book smart and has no street cred what so ever. He looks so lost as to why he can’t take whatever y’all sell now and pay latter. He honestly gives your coworker a hard time. (rip coworker </3) You eventually help out and he recognizes you!! You learn he has an excellent memory and actually knows your name. And viola now your the person who he can go to for financial means. Have fun!
P.S You drive him everywhere…
Childe & Kaeya-
They’re those loud kids in the back who don’t shut up. I want to say they’re pant saggers but I know I would get canceled. (They so are though.) Anywho, you end up being forced to sit next to them and they like start flirting of sum shit idk?
But you’re girly pop and you don’t take that crap. After you put them in their place and educate them on how they shouldn’t talk to anyone that way like some cat calling NPC, they start to really respect you?? Well to be fair you don’t know if they’re scared of you or are just putting on an act.
Y’all get closer as you stop a lot of fights that happen between them and do your best to quiet them down in class.
And they kinda just drag you to places. Once you lost a bet and were forced to go shopping with them. (If you didn’t show up, they threatened to upload a photo of you sleeping in class onto their social media.) At the mall… Childe started to pick fights with the security guard (he claims it’s the other way around but we both know it was him) and Kaeya DOES NOTHING?? He just records the whole thing while giggling like an idiot. Y’all get banned from the mall. They do nothing but apologize on the way to your house (they picked and dropped you off.) It didn’t work cause you didn’t talk to them for a month after that.
P.S. Kaeya actually has really good fashion taste and was the one the blackmail you because he wanted to Project MakeOver you??
He’s an obnoxious, self-centered asshole to everyone and you do your best to avoid him until you’re stuck together for a group project.
Even though you know to the rumors about him, you still introduce yourself like a person with manners would… BUT he cuts you off. Immediately orders that he will do the project by himself entirely. And while you would usually take that deal (cause who wouldn’t, let’s be honest) you CANNOT stand the disrespect from this MAN. You guys start arguing until the teacher has to break it up between y’all and fucking Alhaitham is just like “I’ve never been so embarrassed infront of a teacher,” as if he didn’t start the fight. smh
Anyways, it’s really rough between you guys and it’s now presentation day. After you guys present, Alhaitham turns out rather pleased with your part, and though he would NEVER admit it to you (or even himself) you actually did better on your part than he would’ve if he went solo. At the end of class, he apologizes for being so cold at first. He explains how he hasn’t had the best group partners and almost always does all the work. He asks if you’d be okay working together again.
P.S. If you said yes, y’all would turn into an unstoppable duo. And if you said no THEN GOOD. He needs a lesson.
You definitely decided to just look after him once you saw him drop his phone, bag, papers, and himself down the stairs multiple times. You’re basically his bodyguard atp. You literately carry around extra bandaids cause of him omg. You guys have a bunch of classes together so it’s easy for y’all to get a long. You help protect him from bullies (Bennett just attracts the worst kinds of people) and he starts to think you’re his lucky charm.
Basically starts to worship you?? Invites you to hang out in his friend group of misfits featuring Razor, Barbra, and Fischl. They play DnD during lunch too and drag you into it. Honestly it turns into a cult with you as their leader. At the end of the school year, the five of you pull a bunch of pranks on the kids who were messing with Bennet.
P.S. The cult had a name: Lord Y/N’s Pimps. Barbra came up with it because she thought calling someone a pimp was a form on endearment… the name ended up just sticking.
Xingqiu & Chongyun-
They’re those fucking kids who won’t shut up about Harry Potter or Star Wars or sum shit. Luckily for them, you can be just as geeky. You fit in pretty well with them.
Y’all met after you went off on them for spoiling the new Star Wars movie and eventually bonded over your love for those space ninjas. You get invited to watch movies and join the arcade with them 24/7. You join in on Xinqiu’s bullying of Chongyun and in turn actually out smart Xinqiu. So it balances out. They love you cause they probably get tired of each other after a lot of their own fights, but you’re always there to ground them <3
P.S BY FARRR the best people to go trick or treating with on halloween.
The kid who never got out of ‘emo skater boy phase’. A lot of people think he’s cool, but he doesn’t have many (tbh any) friends for two reasons. One, he’s hard to approach, and two, he’s socially awkward as fawkk.
You guys have been going to the same school for years, but never actually talked to each other until you saw him playing The Legend of Zelda on the switch. You ask to watch and he kinda just scoots over without saying anything. Weird, but you bring up how nostalgic it is to see people from back in the day to when everyone still wet their pants to how they’ve changed now. Xiao just kinda mumbles in response. He actually doesn’t want the conversation to end and sorta just awkwardly asks how you’re weekend was on a tuesday…
Once you learn he’s not as scary as he looks and is secretly a big giant marshmallow on the inside, you guys get a long pretty well. Then when he gets more comfortable with your presence, he’s so much more less awkward (a sign that he trusts you) and his real personality will start to blossom. You guys go to the park a lot and feed the ducks (WITH real duck food, may I add, and not the nasty expired bread). You guys play on the swings and exchange playlists/sound recommendations.
P.S. You wonder if he actually knows how to ride a skateboard because he’s one of those skater boys who actually just brings a skateboard with them everywhere while they never use it?? Like we get it. You have legs for a reason but then why bring the skateboard if you’re just gonna walk.
And you get closer to them all once they trauma dump on you </3
A/N: My first post wowowow | 11/01/2023
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finnyboywolfhard · 4 years
Song That The Morning Brings (Chapter Twenty One)
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
catch up here
summary: They are wandering through the tunnels after escaping the elevator, Steve gets in a fight and Erica is a nerd. 
warnings: cursing, violence, angst, spoilers ig 
word count: 4.3k 
The entire group clamors up to atop the elevator and impatiently waits for whatever is to come next. Loud beeping and clunky footsteps break the silence as the doors smoothly open up. Two large men walk into the elevator and begin grabbing boxes. The one man begins aggressively sniffing, before speaking a sentence in Russian that none of them could understand. The two have a small conversation while pulling the boxes down and taking them to somewhere outside of the elevator. Steve is laying down against the grate, eyes sealed to watching the room. Steve looks around the group, signaling to be quiet, stopping his eyes on Erica who is still holding a tube of the goo.
The door starts closing, the group waits until the Russians are out of ear shot from the elevator to jump down and begin piling out. Steve falls down to the ground and shoves the tube in between the elevator door and the floor, giving them a passage space to crawl through to get out.
“Let’s go.” Erica tosses Steve her backpack which he shoves underneath the door. He begins shuffling them all through the door, chanting “go” repetitively as the crawl under. First Erica, then Dustin, then Robin and then Y/N. They all shuffle through and stand up briskly once they reach the other side. Steve starts to climb out just as the tube begins to crack, nearly shattering.
“Stevie! Come on!” Y/N yells out to him. He slides out and away from the door just as the tube shatters, the goo burning a hole into the ground surrounding its shatter sight.
“Jesus Christ!” Steve huffs out as he stands beside the group.
“You still want to drink that?” Robin says to Erica with a twinge of superiority.
“Holy mother of God.” Slips out of Dustin’s mouth as the rest of the group turns to look at what he was seeing. The expanse of the hallway went out so far they couldn’t even fathom of seeing the end. The cool blue lights reflected off of the floor, though seemingly getting darker and darker as it stretches farther down.
“Well, hope you guys are in good shape. Looking at you, roast beef.” Steve said pushing his way to the front of the group tapping Dustin on the chest after his last remark.
“Stevie, that was mean.” Y/N said shuffling a little to catch up with Steve. The rest of the group joining slightly after Steve says, “Let’s go, come on.”
Y/N’s feet began to ache after a while, no clue how far they had walked at that point, but it didn’t seem like they were ending anytime soon. She was looking down at her feet walking in as straight of a line as she could before she felt an elbow nudge her slightly, she looked up to see Steve’s brown eyes peering down to her.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah Stevie, I’m okay. I just want to get the hell out of here.”
“Don’t we all.” She heard Robin quip from the other side of Steve. The group kept talking in small segments before Dustin started a whole other conversation.
“I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is impressive.” His voice echoed around the tunnel.
“What are you talking about? It’s a total fire hazard.” Steve remarks back to Dustin. “There’s no stairs, there’s no exit, there’s just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell.”
“They’re commies.” Erica replies to Steve. “You don’t pay people, they cut corners.”
“To be fair to our Russian comrades, I don’t think tunnel was designed for walking.”
“They were clearly on something that took them to the elevator. We just don’t know what. And I mean think about it, they have developed the perfect system for transporting that cargo.” Y/N said in response to Robin, completing her thought.
“It all comes into the mall like any old delivery.” Dustin said, before Robin replied.
“And then they load it up onto those trucks and nobody’s the wiser.”
“You think they build this whole mall just so they could transport that green poison?” Steve asked the three discussing the genius feat of the Russians.
“I mean, I don’t think it’s that simple.” Y/N replied.
“I doubt it’s that boring, just poison. It’s gotta be much more valuable like promethium or something.”
“What the hell is Promethium?” Steve quickly asked.
“It’s what Victor Stone’s dad used to make Cyborg’s bionic and cybernetic components.” Robin responded.
“You’re all so nerdy, it makes me physically ill.” Erica said, nearly gagging at the end of her sentence.
“No, no, no! Don’t lump me in with them. I’m not a nerd, alright?” Steve exclaimed towards the little girls insult.
“Why so sensitive Harrington?” Robin asked.
“Yeah, Stevie, is your ego crushed by someone calling you a nerd? Are you afraid of losing cool points to a ten year old child?” Y/N said with a slight, breathy laugh.
“No, I’m just saying I don’t know jack shit about Prometheus.”
“Promethium. Prometheus is a Greek mythological figure, but whatever. All I’m saying is it’s probably being used to make something.” Steve was corrected by Dustin
“Or power something.”
“Like a nuclear weapon.”
“Walking towards a nuclear weapon. That’s great. That’d be great.” Steve said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
“But, if they’re building something, why here?” Robin said. “ I mean, Hawkins…seriously. Of all places.” Robin kept rambling on about the obscurity of it happening in Hawkins while Y/N felt her body grow cold, as she stopped dead in her tracks. The gate was here. All of the problems from the past two years, were here. They could be trying to use whatever the hell is in Hawkins for this. Steve and Dustin both stood back and the three kept locking eyes. Y/N could feel herself going paler and paler until it was even hard to breathe. But she couldn’t make it that obvious that she was worried, especially because she wasn’t exactly sure what she was worried about.
“You think the Russians know?” Dustin asked the two standing beside him.
“About the-“ Steve was cut off by Y/N.
“They could.”
“So, it’s connected?” Steve asks the Henderson siblings.
“Maybe.” Dustin replied only to be asked another question by his sister.
“But how?”
“I don’t know but it’s…”
“Possible.” They all finished Dustin’s sentence in unison.
They all stand looking at each other. Y/N began nervously fiddling with her own hands before slowly linking her arm with Steve’s to steady herself for a second.
“I’m sorry, is there something you’d like to share with the class.” Robin yelled, cutting through the tense moment the three were experiencing. The three just keep looking from each other to Erica and Robin. The looks are put to rest when Dustin’s Supercom hisses alive as the Russian message pours through it’s speaker. They all surround it and listen intently, before Robin begins speaking along with it.
“It’s the code.”
“Wherever that broadcast is coming from-“
“It’s close.” Y/N interrupts her brother. “And if there’s one thing we know about that signal…”
“It can reach the surface.”
“Let’s go.” Robin says, pulling herself up from the floor. The entire group keeps walking along the halls, getting ready to reach the surface thanks to the walkie.
Eventually, the group reached a point of entrance in whatever this place really was. The entire group had to keep ducking and hiding behind walls and objects. Steve took the lead of the group. They had begun hiding behind a wall as multiple of the weird car like carts were passing through. They all waited a moment behind the wall before Steve kept moving.  He leaned passed the wall and whispered to the group.
“Okay, clear. Clear, come on, let’s go.” The entire group rounded the corner before Robin abruptly said.
“That was close.”
“Too close!” Dustin said with an angry tone.
“Dusty, calm down.” Y/N said with Steve following closely after.
“Relax, All right? Relax. Nobody saw…” He was cut off as he entered a large room full of Russian men. They were in every nook and cranny. There was loud announcements over a speaker, that none of them could understand. The men were hustling and bustling all around, and talking to each other in strong tones. No one wasn’t moving.
The group stood staring in fear at what they had become witness to.
“Oh fuck.” Y/N said under her breath from besides Steve.  They kept looking around at all of the differently uniformed people. There were ones dressed in military garb and others dressed in lab coats. Some were in business attire and others looked like average citizens. Their staring was interrupted when they almost got caught.
“Shit.” Steve whispered as he threw himself to the ground in attempts to hide, the rest of them falling in line with Steve. “Oh Jesus!”
“Red dawn.” Dustin said in a breathy voice, clearly showing he was in shock a bit.”
“What are we even looking for?” Y/N said finally asking the sacred question.
“I saw it!” Erika replied. “First floor, northwest.”
“Saw what?” Steve asked her, Y/N inevitably agreeing with his question.
“The comms room!” She whisper shouted at him
“You saw the comms room?” Steve and Y/N said in unison.
“Are you sure?” Steve asked again.
“Positive. The door was open for a second, and I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there.” She replied, as if it was a stupid question.
“That could be a hundred different things.” Dustin snapped reality to everyone.
“I’ll take those odds.” Robin said turning towards Steve and Y/N. Y/N looked into Steve’s eyes. Without any words, she could tell he was asking her what she thought. Somehow, she showed to him that she would do it but she was scared. He shook his head and let out an exasperated sigh. He leaned out from behind the large box they were behind, the group following suit. He leans back and they had all turned to him.
“Alright, we’re gonna move fast, we’re gonna stay low. Okay?”
“Okay.” The group all responded to him. They beginning crouching and running with quick steps from behind the box. They move to behind another large object, they were almost like grates. Y/N wrapped her hands around one of the cold metal bars in order to ground herself. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts rang through her head. Steve tapped her hand that was resting on the bar and shooed her forward, along with everyone else. They moved once again, now they were extremely close to the door to the comms room. A man walked out, and the door started to close slowly.
“Let’s go!” Steve said rushing them all to the door. They all get through the door, Steve whispering “come on” to the group as they shuffle inside. All of them facing towards the door, watching one another. They all get inside, and Steve turns around only to notice that there is still a man sitting at the control desk. He removes his headphones and turns to look at the rag tag group that just walked in. The man gives them a scared yet angry look, and all the group can do is stare back at him. He reaches for a weapon from his hip, and Robin blurts out a part of the code, reaching her hand toward him to show that she isn’t a threat. However, all this does is confuse the man who is still reaching for his weapon. He begins speaking in Russian which none of them could understand. Robin continues saying parts of the code, regardless of if they make sense or not. This cycle repeats itself a few more times before he actually starts working to get his weapon out. The scared silence is broken by Steve screaming and running straight towards him. He slams his body into the mans, shoving him back against the desk. The man immediately throws Steve over to the other desk, causing Steve to stammer a bit. He goes to throw a punch at Steve but he misses after Steve falls backwards. The man grabs Steve by the collar and throws him over to the side once more full force. Steve’s stomach hits the desk, the man grabs his neckline to turn Steve around and just as he does so, Steve’s elbow flies straight into his stomach. The man stumbles back a little bit, giving Steve just enough time to grab a hold of a wired phone in order to turn around and hit the man in the head with it. The man falls to the floor with a grown, passing out immediately. Steve stands straight up and runs his hand through his hair in efforts to actually catch his breath. Y/N couldn’t believe her eyes on what just happened.
“Dude!” Dustin yelled, causing Steve and everyone else to turn towards him. “You did it! You won a fight!” Steve glances down at the man on the floor and Y/N started giggling immediately.
“Jeez.” Steve said with a soft and breathy chuckle. Dustin runs up to the man on the floor and snags his key card from his belt.
“What are you doing?” Y/N asks her little brother, who was doing something that could potentially be very dangerous.
“Getting us our ticket out of here.”
“You want to walk all the way back?” Erica harshly replied.
“Well, we can hang out for a little bit, relax, have a picnic maybe.” Dustin said sarcastically. The two bicker a bit as Y/N goes up to Steve.
“That was stupid, but I’m proud of you. Thank you for essentially saving us.”
“Anything for you, my damsel in distress.” He makes a mocking joke, which hit Y/N in a weird way. It made her feel special, and like Steve did it exclusively for her.
“Yeah, yeah. Are you gonna brag about that now? How you won a fight against a Russian soldier?”
“Hell yeah I am! I lost to Billy and Jonathan! That’s embarrassing.”
“Oh, so you’re finally admitting to losing to J, huh?”
“Oh, shut up, no need to point it out.” She smiled at him before looking back at the group.
“Shit, where’s Robin?” As if on cue, Robin entered once again.
“Guys, there’s something up there.” She said in a worried tone, pointing to the top of the steps. As Y/N glanced up, she happened to notice the glowing and flickering light. The group ran up the steps and through the door to see what Robin was talking about. Dustin, Y/N and Steve all look forward into the space in front of them. It was the gate. Glowing and open once again, even though El had closed it less than a year ago. Y/N instinctively moved closer to Steve, pressing their bodies together gently. It made her feel slightly safer that she was with Steve, but she was still terrified.
“Holy shit.” Dustin let out with a breath. The three of them looked at one another before muttering “the gate” and continued to stare ahead at it. Y/N almost felt bad for the two other girls with them. They had no idea what this was, hell they had no idea that this even existed. She also felt concerned that it didn’t necessarily shock her that this is why they were in Hawkins. Y/N ripped herself away from the group and out of the door. Steve signaled to the other girls that it was time to go and they all ran after Y/N.
“I don’t understand, you’ve seen this before?” Robin asked, confused as to why they were rushing aware from this brand new discovery.
“Not exactly.” Steve replied.
“Then what, exactly?” Robin asked in response.
“All you need to know is it’s bad.” Dustin said, trying to catch up with his sister.
“It’s really bad.” Steve agreed.
“Like end of the human race as we know it kind of bad.” Y/N finally spoke up again after storming out.
“And you know about this how?” Robin asked the three of them, only to be distracted by Erica.
“um Steve? Where’s your Russian friend?” They all get snapped from the trance they were in and look to the floor where they had just left the soldier. Just as they do, an alarm starts blaring.
“Oh shit!” Steve starts running around , peering out the door to see that every one of the Russians are teaming up with one another to find whoever these intruders were. Except, they saw him looking. Steve slammed the door and shuffled everyone out of the room they were in. They rush from one room to another trying to find somewhere to hide. They run into the control room for the gate, and instantly run back out, trying desperately to escape the armed men. They run out onto the platform next to the laser, only to realize that it’s a dead end. Dustin begins shrieking “holy shit” over and over again, which doesn’t really help their situation. Steve looks to find an exit, and when he does he yells out to the group which way to go. They run down a set of metal steps, almost being caught by guards meeting them at the bottom. Steve pushes a few metal barrels towards them, throwing them off their track. They hurry into another room trying desperately to shut themselves inside. Steve pushes his body weight against the door.
“Help me! Help me!” Steve yells, causing Robin to rush to the door and propel herself onto it as well. Erica discovers a vent that she can climb into, yelling for Dustin and everyone else to join her. Y/N looks back to Steve to see what he wants her to do. Dustin yells out to Steve .
“Come on!”
“Go! Just get out of here! Y/N go with them! Keep them safe!” Steve yells to them as they begin piling into the vent. Right before she ducks into the vent and the Russians break through the door Y/N yells out to Steve.
“Don’t break your promise. I can’t lose you.” As soon as the vent is shut, she lets out a breath and shoos the kids along. They get a bit farther away, just enough so they can no longer hear yelling men.
“Fucking hell.” Y/N lets out, stopping the group for a moment.
“Are you okay?” Dustin asks his sister.
“Dustin, what do you think? No. Fuck me. Oh my god.” She continues to let out a string of curses while trying to figure out what they hell they should do. Her mom wandered every thought possible, but the only thing they could do was keep moving, find Steve and Robin and get the hell out. “Okay, well, we can’t stop moving or else we will die and so will Steve and Robin. So just keep crawling until we find something, someone or somewhere.”
“I don’t think that’s gonna work as well as you think it will.” Erica said from behind the girl.
“Oh really Erica? You have better ideas? Because the last time I checked, all you have been doing is giving everyone else grief. Now pipe down and let’s get moving.”
The three started to crawl through the vents until they hit fans that were cooling down the vents.
“We have to get them to stop spinning, that way we can get through. Do you have tools in your backpack?” Dustin said once they arrived at the first one.
“I have a few.” The two younger kids rummaged through the bag before taking the initiative to stop them.
“Be careful Dusty, don’t electrocute yourself.” Y/N said keeping a watchful eye over her brother. He stops the first vent after about a minute of fumbling and continues to crawl through.
“Could y’all tell me how you know this shit is bad? You got all freaked out and left.” Erica posed the question in a harsh, almost accusatory tone.
The two siblings recounted the woes of the past two years to the young girl. From the very beginning all the way up till now. They told their own sides of the stories in connection to one another. Y/N sharing about fighting off a Demogorgon and going face to face with one. She shared about fighting the Demodogs first hand and she told her perspective of the tunnels. Dusty told of the day they met Eleven and when they discovered Will wasn’t dead. He shared about his connection to Dart and then he told his stories of the night it all went down. They didn’t spare a single detail of who was there, what happened, when it happened and why it seemed to happen. Erica responded asking for it to be broken down quickly once again, leaving Y/N to run through it all.
“When we set fire to the hub, we drew the Demodogs away so El could close the gate. But now, for some insane reason, the Russians appear to be trying to reopen it, which just destroys everything we all risked our lives for.”
“By ‘we’, you’re including Lucas?”
“Yes, of course.” Dustin said from in front of the fan.
“So, all that shit you told me, Lucas was there?” Dustin and Y/N both affirmed that question before Erica continued, “My brother, Lucas Charles Sinclair?”
“Yes!” Dustin lowkey shouted.
“I don’t believe you.”
“So you’re telling me that you believe everything about El, the gate, the Demodogs, the mind flayer, me coming face to face with a liter monster but-“ Y/N said, getting cut off by Dustin.
“But you don’t believe your brothers involvement?”  
“That’s correct.”
“Yeah, that makes total sense.” Y/N sarcastically said. She watched as Dustin continued to fiddle with the screwdriver, trying desperately to crack open the casing for this set of wires.
“You need help with that?” Erica asked, getting a negative response from Dustin. “Well, I mean, it’s taking a while so-“
“Yeah, no shit Sherlock.”
“All right, so if we don’t find a more efficient method to stop these fans, we’re not gonna find help and your boyfriend and little ice cream buddy are screwed.”
“He’s not my-“
“With that attitude they are, Jesus.”
“I’m just being realistic. I mean, we’ve made it about point three miles in nine hours. Then we had to walk three hours down that tunnel, so I’d estimate ten miles back to the elevator, which should take us approximately twelve and a half days.” Erica rambled off in response to the siblings.
“Did you just do all of that in your head?” Dustin asked, noticing the same thing as his sister.
“I’m good with numbers.”
“Holy shit! Erica, you’re a nerd!” Y/N said with glee looking unto the smaller girl.
“Come again?”Erica asked, denying the accusation.
“You. Are. A. Nerd.” Dustin said, word by word, demanding her attention to them.
“Okay, you better take that back nerd!”
“Can’t put the truth back in the box!” Y/N said for her brother.
“But it’s not the truth.”
“Hmm, Dusty, you wanna take this one?” Y/N asked, egging her brother on.
“Let’s examine the facts, shall we? Fact one: you’re a math whiz apparently.”
“That was a pretty straightforward equation.”
“Fact number two: you’re a political junkie.”
“Just because I don’t agree with Communism as an ideology-“ Erica was cut off once again by Dustin. Y/N had to admit, it was extremely funny watching Erica try to convince them she wasn’t a nerd. She was pulling excuses out of excuses.
“Fact number three: you love My Little Pony.” Dustin hit Erica where it hurt.
“And what does My Little Pony have to do with this?”
“Ah, let’s recall the ponies’ latest adventure shall we? The evil centaur team and Tirek turns Applejack into a dragon at Midnight Castle, and then Megan and the other ponies have to use Moochick’s magic to defeat his rainbow of darkness, saving them from a lifetime of enslavement. All the pink in the world can’t disguise the irrefutable fact that centaurs and castles and dragons and magic are all standard nerd tropes. Ergo, My Little Pony is nerdy. Ergo, you, Erica, are a nerd.” Dustin finished off his argument strongly. Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle a bit to herself. Erica’s eyes were widening, her jaw a little bit slack.  This is why Y/N feared Dustin’s intelligence a bit. He just shut Erica down in three sentences. Erica regained her confidence to ask another question.
“And how do you know so much about My Little Pony?”
“Because, I’m a nerd.” Dustin pronounced as he pulled the wiring from this casing, turning the fan off. The three kept wandering through the vents. The conversation that just happened replayed through Y/N’s head over and over and over again.
“Steve isn’t my boyfriend by the way Erica.”
“That’s a lie.”
“No it’s not. We’re not dating.”
“Could have fooled me. The way you’re both always looking at each other is gross, plus you never stop flirting.”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N said trying to understand where this is coming from.
“She means that whenever you two talk to one another, you’re always sickly sweet to each other or you’re protective in ways only couples are. Besides, you’re both in love with each other; you just haven’t done anything about it.”
“You guys haven’t done anything? Nothing at all?” Erica asked, dumbfounded by the revelation at hand.
“We kissed once, but never talked about it after.”
“You’ve kissed?!” Dustin asked, grabbing his sister’s arm. “And you didn’t tell me about it?”
“Dusty, it’s not a big deal.”
“When? When did you guys kiss?”
“After graduation.” She felt like she was being drilled by a drill sergeant. They kept bombarding her with questions about Steve over and over again. It was tiring but they were curious. She walked them through their entire friendship and everything in between. The two kids exhausted their questions and remarks about the two, just as Y/N noticed a glowing vent about them. She pressed against the vent and it popped right open.
taglist: @mochminnie @queen1054 @prettysbliss @voidnarnia
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georgies-boat · 7 years
Heartbreaker {Part 2B} // Bill Denbrough}
Word Count: 1155
Summary- Best friends keep secrets too. They could be breaking inside, and you wouldn't even know.
Warnings; N/A
A/n; This is the angsty ending! Enjoy! The happy one will be linked in this post, as well as part 1!
Requested; Yeah, kinda!
Part 1 | Part 2A (Happy)
They said time healed wounds.
They said it wouldn't hurt anymore.
They lied.
Because it hurt even more than it did before. You hurt in a way you never imagined you could.
Every day that passed since that day at the Quarry, when you said goodbye to Bev, one by one, the Loser’s Club fell apart. Richie and Eddie broke off from the group, but they were still best friends. You saw them walking around from time to time down the streets of Derry. Stan had joined the academic decathlon and debate teams, and had made friends with the smarter and nerdy crowd. Ben and Mike had also drifted apart, you assumed they bonded over being the later comers in the group, and now talked daily. Or so you assumed. You didn't actually know.
Unfortunately, that's not the worst part.
After Beverly left, Bill slowly began to shut you out. Once school started things got exceptionally worse. He stopped talking to you altogether. If you thought seeing him and Beverly together was painful, you weren't ready for the feeling that overwhelmed you when you lost not only Beverly, which was already hard on you, you lost every other friend you had as well. It was the worst you'd ever felt, and you were certain it was the worst you'd ever feel.
The days went by, days quickly turning to weeks, and weeks turning to months. Not a single word from Bill. Not even a sound. Not even a stutter.
You were alone, to put it shortly. Everyone you'd known and loved, everyone who meant something to you, left. You had no one, and you wanted nothing more than to leave Derry. Leave behind the pain and haunting memories of your past. So you took it to your parents. The idea wasn't exactly out of the blue; the three of you had been debating it for awhile. “Mom, Dad..” You started nervously, gaining their attention. “I think it's time we leave Derry.”
Timeskip- 2 weeks later
Bill walked sadly down the street, towards the place he'd been unintentionally avoiding. Your house. He'd only recently realized, after 5 months, how much he missed you, and how much he'd neglected you in the past few months. He couldn't believe himself; how had he managed to not only let go of Beverly, but you too? He should've gone to you, confided in you, but he was stupid, selfish. He wanted to shut everyone out. Bill now, crystal clearly, saw how stupid he was.
He knocked on your door twice. “I'll get it!” You called to your parents, who'd been packing the living room furniture up. You'd decided to move as soon as possible. You opened the door, but your expression turned to one of confusion as you saw Bill standing there, scratching his neck awkwardly. “H-H-Hey, Y-Y/N..” He said, smiling slightly. You didn't smile back.
“Can I help you?” You asked, rather rudely. You missed Bill dearly, but you were hurt. How could he just shut you out for all that time? Did you really mean that much to him? Bill was obviously taken aback by your tone. “I j-j-just w-want t-to say s-so-sor-sorry, y-you k-know, for ig-ignoring you.” “You're sorry?” You asked, ludicrously. Surely he was joking.
He looked completely confused. “Y-yeah?” “Wow. You think you can just come right back in here, smiling and apologizing, and everything would be fine?” You asked, and Bill audibly gulped, nervously. He opened his mouth to reply, probably stutter out a “yeah”, but chose to keep quiet and opted for closing his mouth instead. “Unbelievable.” You huffed, crossing your arms and shaking your head in disbelief at his behaviour.
“For 5 months, you completely ignored me, no late night conversations, no last minute homework dates, not a single word. You didn't even spare me a glance. 5 MONTHS, Bill.” You said, your eyes bleeding with tears. You held them back. “Do you know how much that hurt, Bill? I get you lost Beverly, but you're not the only one. I lost my best friend, Bill, and you should've been there for me, just like I was always there for you, but no. I didn't just lose one of my best friends. I lost both of my best friends.” You said, angrily.
Bill was speechless. He thought you'd be upset, he braced himself to be yelled at, but he couldn't have prepared himself for that. “Y-Y/N..” He stuttered, unsure of what to say. You both knew there wasn't anything he could say. “The others left me too, you know. After you disappeared, the rest of the group fell apart. One by one. I've been all alone for months.” You finished, your voice cracking. You waited quietly to see if Bill would speak. He didn't, only averted his gaze to the ground.
“It doesn't matter anyway, though. I'm leaving Derry. Tomorrow.” Bill’s head snapped up, eyes blown wide. “W-what?” He stuttered, and you sighed. “I'm moving. Tomorrow. And I'm not planning on coming back.” You said, determinedly, and trying not to cry in front of him, because honestly, every word you spoke was shattering your heart, bit by bit. “B-B-But w-what a-a-ab-about our p-prom-promise?” Bill asked, his face showing all the pain you'd felt over the past few months.
“I'll come back for that; but sure as hell, not for you.” You said. You were done with Bill. Yes, you were madly in love with him, but he obviously didn't feel the same, and he'd broken your heart, without knowing he did. “Y-Y-You d-don't mean th-that..” He said quietly, hurt evident in his voice. “Yes, I do Bill. For years, I've loved you, and watched you love someone else. I settled for being your friend; but you wouldn't even give me that. I'm leaving, and I'm not looking back. Hell, I don't even know where we're going. I just know it's far away from here.” At this point, Bill was crying, but you refused to cry in front of him.
“I-I'll m-miss y-y-you.” He managed, and you shook your head. “Will you?” He opened his mouth to answer, but you cut him off. “If you really cared, you would've been here. I wouldn't be leaving. It's your fault.” He looked down, ashamed. “Goodbye, Bill.” You said, shutting the door slowly. “Goodbye, Y/N.” Was all you heard, before the door clicked shut, and his tear stained face was gone from your view.
Both of you broke down, backs pressed against the door separating the two of you; the once inseparable best friends, saying goodbye one last time. You leaned back against the door, tears freely running down your face. Bill sat on the opposite side of the door, tears sliding freely down his face too. “I love you.” You both whispered, in sync. Of course, you'd never know that was said by each other.
Because that was the last time you ever saw Bill Denbrough.
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