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moriganstrongheart · 2 years ago
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This session was chaotic, to say the least! It was a lot of fun though, and I can't wait to see where my players take this next. You can find these artworks and the ones from our previous sessions on my Redbubble store as prints!
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moriganstrongheart · 2 years ago
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Long time, no post! I finally felt ready to draw again, spurred on by a new campaign I'm running with a new group of people. Here is the first character from that campaign: Elli.
Elli is an Erelan Priestess of Ay'driel who was exiled from a fundamentalist sect of priestesses of Ay'driel, and subsequently cursed by the sect's leadership. Elli's player was very specific about the outfit and general look, but I'm the one who decided to make her look haggard. It just fits so well with her Curses specialisation.
Elli's player decided to go with the Curse of Misfortune for their curse; I'm excited to see how it plays out. Elli's player also wanted to have a modified version of the Curse of Death, so after talking it over with the group I also gave Elli a custom ability: Minor Curse of Death.
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Stay tuned for the other players' characters in the next couple of weeks!
Expressions courtesy of https://coffeeteacup.art and https://capochiino.tumblr.com
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moriganstrongheart · 2 years ago
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moriganstrongheart · 2 years ago
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Vindicator Chad
It was the birthday of Chad's player last week, so I gifted this piece to them, much like the Kare'rok portrait I did earlier this month. In this case, I decided to go full speculative and draw Chad as an older man, in a future in which he participated in the Megor Invasions and became a Vindicator, leaving his life as a Divine Cleric behind.
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moriganstrongheart · 2 years ago
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Immortal Freedom: The Roleplaying Game Re-Draw/Re-roll – Pharah
Pharah is the next entry in my Overwatch re-draw/re-roll series! Her kit was relatively easy to bring over into Immortal Freedom: The Roleplaying Game, thanks to the Power Armour specialisation. The Power Armour legendary item replicates Pharah's Raptora combat armour almost perfectly, with the Fighter class filling in any gaps. The most difficult aspect of her build to decide on was her quirk; I ended going with Tenacious just based on her profile on the Overwatch website, and what I remember of her characterization in the comics.
I didn't do much with her design, though those familiar with Pharah's cosmetics will recognize that I used the Mechaqueen skin for her power armour. I always liked its colourful, angular design inspired by mecha anime. I also made the armour bulkier than it appears in Overwatch—less Iron Man, more Starcraft Marine. The stockier design is more appropriate for the world of Immortal Freedom, and and I want to avoid form-fitting comics-style designs where I can.
If you're a patron on my Patreon, you can get access to a lineart version if you'd like to colour it yourself!
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moriganstrongheart · 2 years ago
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Immortal Freedom: The Roleplaying Game Re-Draw/Re-roll – Reaper
Here is the second in my Overwatch re-draw/re-roll series—everyone's favourite edge lord–Reaper! I initially had a difficult time with his re-roll, seeing as I wanted to give him the Specialist class, but couldn't find a specialisation that really fit his powers in-game. I decided to just bite the bullet and give him the Recondite class so he could have the Umbrakinesis specialisation—a specialisation I created in part with Reaper in mind.
I think my hesitation to give Reaper the Recondite class was due to recondites being equivalent to mages or wizards in the world of Immortal Freedom, and Reaper isn't really a squishy character. However, even I have to constantly remind myself that no single class is squishier than the other. Every class has the potential—through the character's quirk or specialisation, or the player's actions—to have more survivability. With that in mind, I think Reaper would be just as dangerous and intimidating as a recondite as he would be in Overwatch.
In terms of his design, Reaper already ticks off a bunch of cyberpunk/scifi boxes, so there's very little I wanted to change. That being said, I did try to add some recondite-like elements, as well as change the colouring to be more representative of his Sycophant status.
If you're a patron on my Patreon, you can see me working on this piece in a timelapse and get access to a lineart version if you'd like to colour it yourself!
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moriganstrongheart · 10 months ago
Hello everyone! I've been posting some content for my work-in-progress tabletop roleplaying game now for some time, and I think I'm finally ready to start a new virtual campaign with people online.
If you're interested, please take the time to fill out the form linked above and I'll get back to you if I think we would vibe.
Read after the cut for a summary of the setting and the system. More details and a brief overview of character creation are available in the form itself.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Immortal Freedom is a science fantasy epic set primarily within a small star cluster on the edge of Artilum Tem—an irregularly shaped galaxy beyond the Milky Way. The residents of the star cluster have access to advanced, far-future technology and powerful magic. Futuristic vehicles, cyberpunk cities, sapient alien life, faster-than-light travel, holographic technology and resonating magical crystal power sources are just some of the wonders considered mundane by most people in this world. The world is also ever-expanding, as major events such as first contact with new alien species usher in new eras of progress.
Immortal Freedom: The Roleplaying Game is a science fantasy roleplaying game meant to be played with a dedicated Game Master (also known as a GM) and one or more players—though a group of three to five players to a single GM is ideal. The game is primarily experienced through a series of scenes strung together to build a narrative.
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moriganstrongheart · 1 year ago
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Mel'jak the False is the fifth player character for our ongoing campaign. Mel'jak is a K'ohman Specialist who—like Arden Bloodpike—acquired his skills when he was a part of a shadow ops division of the Terran Republic some time ago. Mel'jak was actually squad mates with Arden before both of them departed the organization.
I tried to incorporate as much Norse fashion into Mel'jak's design to cement the connection between K'ohman culture and Norse mythology in my mind. However, I also wanted to convey his status as an offworld K'ohma and Specialist, which generally use technology to interact with the world and their targets. Mel'jak's player chose the Crystal Enhancement Specialization, imagining the enhancements as tattoos, which allowed me to have some fun with that aspect of Mel'jak's design. Eventually I'd like to incorporate more technology into his design, to reflect his assimilation of xenoculture.
While the Crystal Enhancement Specialization offers a lot of potential for roleplay, I'm equally if not more excited to exploit the roleplay and gameplay opportunities offered by the Corrupted Quirk. It's one of those Quirks which balances heavy downsides for incredible benefits. In this case, the Insatiable Status makes it so the player character can't roll for Magic (and thus can't use magic at all) until it is removed. However, the trade off being that the player character always adds a die to their Magic dice pool when rolling for Magic (when they can roll for magic) through the Master of Magic Passive. Considering there isn't a lot of abilities which add dice to the Magic dice pool, it is an incredibly powerful ability to have—assuming the player character can avoid being inflicted with the Insatiable Status.
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Expressions courtesy of coffeeteacup.art.
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moriganstrongheart · 1 year ago
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moriganstrongheart · 1 year ago
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Lulu Labye is the fourth player character for our ongoing campaign. Lulu is a Terran Civilian who spends most of her time in search of a comfortable place to sleep, her main goal in life to fulfill her Hedonistic tendencies.
When designing Lulu, I tried to really sell the idea that she is focused on comfort above all else, so her vagrant clothing is cozy and abundant to help her feel warm as she travels the stars.
It' the first time I have a player who chose the Civilian class, and I'm excited to see it in action. As the class' description indicates: "There’s really nothing special about you. Maybe you're a villager, a farmer, a trader, a doctor, an office clerk, a hunter or an accountant. You are defined more by your potential than by what you are." In this way, much of the Civilian kit is based around social interaction, generic bonuses and supporting others in the party. Lulu's player has done a good job so far of embodying the Civilian in playing her, such as making hefty use of the Convince ability.
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moriganstrongheart · 1 year ago
And they're off!
I'm happy to announce that the newest campaign I'm running has had it's first session. We had some issues getting started thanks to the bane of all TTRPGs: scheduling. But we finally managed to get it together for a session. Not everyone was present, but I've built this campaign to be more forgiving to people dropping in and out than some of my previous ones, so that shouldn't be an issue.
I do not have any snapshots for this campaign yet, seeing as I'm still working on the character designs for the player characters. Snapshots may only come once in awhile when I have the time, due to the limited amount of time I can spend on these projects.
However, I do have session notes to share for the first session for my patrons! Expect more from this campaign in the near future.
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moriganstrongheart · 1 year ago
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Aria'wyn Cot'tam
Aria'wyn Cot'tam is the third player character for my current campaign. Aria'wyn is a Aeyan/Erelan Hybrid Recondite who left her home  in the Aeyan capital city of A'aena Edhil on Erelon due to toxic pressure from her immediate family. She currently lives with her aunt Asia on Deth Karan, after being unsucessful at becoming a student on the PERL Satellite in orbit around Truoth.
The inspiration for Aria'wyn is Liara T'soni from Mass Effect, so much of her design is inspired by her as well. However, much like Arden, I had fun with combining elements from both Aeyen and the Erelen physiology while designing her. I also used Liara's outfits when designing Aria'wyn's. Overall, Liara was an easy inspiration for a character in Immortal Freedom, seeing as Mass Effect is one of my inspirations when it comes to worldbuilding.
Aria'wyn's player wanted an interesting, unconventional Quirk for her character from the beginning, which is what led her to pick Affectionate with my guidance. I'm excited to see Affectionate in use, as it's one of those Quirks which is focused on a very specific idea—in this case, physical touch being a requirement for good mental health. As much as possible, I want Quirks to be a launching off point for players to really get into their characters, and so Quirks like Affectionate are built to use gameplay to drive rolepaying moments. Not all Quirks work this way—some are just a collection of Abilities and most of the onus for roleplay rests with the player. But a good number of the Quirks include more direction, humour and roleplay potential, which can be helpful for people trying to get into roleplay for the first time.
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Expressions courtesy of coffeeteacup.art
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moriganstrongheart · 1 year ago
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Arden Bloodpike
And here is the second character from my upcoming campaign: Arden Bloodpike! Arden is a Erelan/K'ohma Hybrid Ranger who acquired his skills when he was a part of a shadow ops division of the Terran Republic some time ago. He has since his departure from the organization—an event currently shrouded in mystery.
Arden's player didn't give me a lot to go on, and so I had the freedom to design him how I saw fit. Hybrids are interesting in that I can combine elements from two different species in whichever way I think is most interesting—in this case Erelan and K'ohma. I decided to lean more towards Erelan, though on the surface there isn't much difference between K'ohma and Erelen to begin with. However, any discerning and adequately xenophobic member of either species would be able to spot alien features immediately. I'm the most proud of his single snaggle-tooth—a kind of pseudo-tusk from his K'ohma heritage.
As for gameplay, I'm excited at the opportunity to include more mechanical enemies, seeing as Arden's Specialisation is Mechalysis. It's one of my favourite, straight-forward combat Specialisations, so I'm looking forward to seeing it in action.
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Expressions courtesy of coffeeteacup.art.
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moriganstrongheart · 2 years ago
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Kare'rok Portrait
I'm a little late in posting this, but it was the birthday of Kare'rok's player earlier this month, so I drew a portrait as a birthday gift. I also drew what I imagined Kare'rok looked like as a young man, before he left K'ohman society and his martial ways for a life of pacifism among the Coalition of Planets.
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moriganstrongheart · 2 years ago
Immortal Freedom: The Roleplaying Game Re-Draw/Re-roll – Widowmaker – Timelapse
Join my Patreon to watch the full-length timelapse: https://bit.ly/widowmaker-timelapse
So My Love - Instrumental © 2021 by Anthem of Rain is licensed under CC BY 4.0
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moriganstrongheart · 2 years ago
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Immortal Freedom: The Roleplaying Game Re-Draw/Re-roll – Widowmaker
Widowmaker is now the third in my Overwatch re-draw/re-roll series. I actually had a lot of fun with her—more than I expected. Her build was probably the most difficult aspect of the re-draw/re-roll. Much of her kit is technology based, and I made an effort while making Immortal Freedom: The Roleplaying Game's character creation to avoid having classes, quirks and specialisations grant specific technology when possible. There are a handful that do, but not on the level required to build Widowmaker as she exists in Overwatch.
Instead, I decided to build her in a way that reflects the spirit of the character. Her sniper rifle is easy enough to interpret as a standard weapon, her venom mine can be a standard explosive/grenade, and her ultimate ability can be interpreted as Intel or Intuition—which she has specialised in thanks to the Weaknesses specialisation. However, her grappling hook would need to be a Legendary Weapon or Legendary Cyberware to allow the kind of movement options she has in game. Like Reaper before her, her background matches up pretty well with sycophants in the world, so she does have access to a Legendary Cyberware right off the bat for the grappling hook thanks to her status as a Sycophant.
I also decided to make her an Aeyan due to her background and general personality, and gave her the Brutal quirk seeing as she's described as ruthless and efficient in her kills.
As for her design, I took the opportunity to discard the more over-sexualised aspects of her original design, while still keeping the overall costume design and colours where I could. I also used this re-draw as an opportunity to go hard on cybernetics, replacing her limbs and parts of her core with cybernetic enhancements to really sell her status as a Sycophant.
If you're a patron, you can see me working on this piece in a timelapse and get access to a lineart version if you'd like to colour it yourself!
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