#ifeoma u anyaeji
altrbody · 18 days
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Ifeoma U. Anyaeji, Akpalakpa II (Weave), 2012, repurposed, used, non-biodegradable discarded plastic bags, metal wire, and wood. 
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It seemed as though there wasn’t any leaflets promoting the artists work or telling you about the exhibition but hopefully will have better luck at the Tramway! Outside a board displays their opening hours as well as posters showing the exhibitions and performances that are running from May through July this year. The posters also have a QR code which you can scan to lead you to Tramway’s current and upcoming exhibitions. I will be visiting the Ifeoma U. Anyaeji exhibition as well as Jasleen Kaur’s exhibition.
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sylvianowak · 5 years
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Ifeoma U. Anyaeji makes distinctive sculptures and installations from discarded bottles and non-biodegradable plastic bags.
Interested in traditional craft processes and the use of non-conventional materials, her work explores transitions of West African culture, specifically drawing on the folklore, fashion, music and poetry of Nigeria, where she is from.
Using a method which she describes as Plasto-art, Anyaeji creates intricately-woven structures and reliefs with a West African hair-plaiting technique known as Ikpa Owu in Igbo language (Threading), an increasingly obsolete hair-craft in Nigeria. By combining this with traditional basketry and fabric weaving techniques, Anyaeji reflects on the loss of such traditions. For her first solo presentation in the UK, Anyaeji will present a selection of recent work in BALTIC’s Level 2 gallery.
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Ifeoma U. Anyaeji
Repurposed discarded non-biodegradable plastic bags (Plasto- yarns), plastic tarp, twine, repurposed wood, metal wire and found non-biodegradable objects
Africa First
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alexprundeanu · 5 years
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  “The artist garden” workshop was about creating an environment in Unity inspired by a randomly given artist. For me and my groupmate the artist was Ifeoma U. Anyaeji. She is using non-conventional materials such as plastic plastic, wood, wire, mesh and twine with objects such as shoes, plastic containers and cans. After looking into her artworks that the textures and message were the things that we wanted to transfer in our scene. She uses a traditional Nigerian hair-styling technique known as Ikpa Owu and traditional basketry and fabric weaving techniques in order to show the importance of traditions and also the loss of such traditions. For me when I first saw the art and after finding out it was made mostly from plastic, I got the message of pollution so that is why the first part, “The Beach” it’s clean but as you go inside the mountain area there is more an more plastic, even the grass being made out of that.
  All in all it was an interesting project, the fact that it was the first time using Unity was a bit of challenge, but at least we learned some new stuff and got a bit of insight into Unity Engine.
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dylantetlowfdm · 5 years
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Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art (29/7/19)
Recently i visited the Baltic to gain some artistic inspiration and explore what Newcastle had to offer. I was instantly drawn to the graphic and digitally inclined art which is my usual aesthetic and driving force with fashion and when creating my concepts.
Ifeoma U. Anyaeji: An artist that uses a traditional West African hair braiding technique (called Ikpa Owu) to create intricate but bold sculptures. She uses unconventional materials such as non-biodegradable plastic, highlighting the importance of recycling and resourcefulness in the modern age, whilst, recalling tradition in the modern age. I was instantly drawn to the colour used which could easily be deconstructed and inspire a bold colour palette, however, more so the texture in her work could inspire fabrication for a collection and could also translate into 2-D and a print or graphic.
Akomfrah: Presented moving image pieces that give a reflection of black culture, both in the UK and around the world. I was inspired a lot by the graphic like visuals presented on the screens that could be translated into a print or a graphic very easily.
The other art pieces came from a range of artists, however, a clear theme in all images i currated of their work was their bold graphic style. One piece was a neon sign reading ‘softboy’ which i interpreted as a possible use of slang as comment on modern perceptions of masculinity. Exploration of people and deconstruction of society is a subtle theme in my work, more so the use of tongue and cheek humour to translate the message to an unapologetic generation of ‘snowflakes’.   
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ohhvibez · 4 years
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Our artist was called  Ifeoma U. Anyaeji. She’s an abstract artist that uses materials that usually aren’t conventionally used by other artists. These are things such as Plastic bottles or wood or even parts of clothing such as shoes. She work is very interesting to look at and is also very abstract.
Personally I didn’t really end up enjoying this as much as I thought I would have because I didn’t take the right steps needed in order for things to be laid out properly. What I should have done was make a layout plan for the map that would make it easier for me to produce what me and my partner wanted to achieve. Instead, I just ended up going in without a plan and that’s where I struggled. Due to this I think I kind of let my my work partner for this workshop down. I think I definitely need to improve on this for the next time that I decide to make an environment.
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1 SEMAINE/1 ŒUVRE – "Made in ‘Shina’" de Ifeoma U. Anyaeji
Les œuvres de Ifeoma U. Anyaeji traduisent sa passion pour l’up-cycling (la réutilisation des objets jetés), un intérêt suscité par les problèmes environnementaux permanents auxquels est confrontée sa communauté, en particulier à cause de la présence en grand nombre de sacs et de bouteilles en plastique non biodégradables. En travaillant à partir de ces résidus polluants, en cherchant comment en faire autre chose, comment les réutiliser, par des techniques artistiques non conventionnelles et des procédés artisanaux traditionnels, Anyaeji a développé un style d'up-cycling qu'elle appelle « Plasto-Art » - un processus éco-esthétique par lequel elle transforme ce medium, les sacs en plastique non biodégradables, par le biais d’une technique traditionnelle nigériane de tressage des cheveux de moins en moins utilisée, appelée « threading ».
Ifeoma U. Anyaeji is est née à Benin City au Nigeria. Elle vit entre Benin City et Montréal.
(Source : traduit d’après http://1-54.com/london/artists/anyaeji-ifeoma-u/)
                > Ifeoma U. Anyaeji – Made in ‘Shina’, 2015, Sacs en plastique réutilisables non biodégradables, ficelle et objets trouvés. Courtesy of Primo Marella Gallery (source : http://1-54.com/london/artists/anyaeji-ifeoma-u/)
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ohhvibez · 4 years
Our artist was called  Ifeoma U. Anyaeji. She’s an abstract artist that uses materials that usually aren’t conventionally used by other artists. These are things such as Plastic bottles or wood or even parts of clothing such as shoes. She work is very interesting to look at and is also very abstract. 
Personally I didn’t really end up enjoying this as much as I thought I would have because I didn’t take the right steps needed in order for things to be laid out properly. What I should have done was make a layout plan for the map that would make it easier for me to produce what me and my partner wanted to achieve. Instead, I just ended up going in without a plan and that’s where I struggled. Due to this I think I kind of let my my work partner for this workshop down. I think I definitely need to improve on this for the next time that I decide to make an environment.
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dylantetlowfdm · 5 years
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Baltic inspiration
Ifeoma U. Anyaeji - I was inspired by her use of shape and texture so tried to recreate this in some mark making which could inspire silhouette in creating a collection. I enjoyed the use of bold and bright that when used next to each created a collage like feel and highlighted each piece and strand that goes into her work to i tried to channel this in my mark making.
Akomfrah - I find digital work very inspiring so along with the technological screen aspect to the work, i decided to focus on the still images i captured from the installation which reminded me of a glitching screen. I highlighted the contrasting use of colour in the images i took from the piece also.
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