#ifemp info
gildedusurper · 5 years
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{ HEWWO AGAIN FOLKS. I finally beat King of Cards meaning I got all the juicy deets about my boy to play around with for the Empatheorem fun time zone! 
Spoilers will be underneath the readmore so don’t worry about being accidentally spoiled unless you actively seek it out!
Welcome to the brat zone! King Knight is king of it. He’s very “me, me, me” and “I’m #1″. That selfish attitude has seeped down to the core, so expect a more selfish outlook if your character stays in his body for too long. Got that big ol’ “I can do no wrong” attitude. Apparently doesn’t know what constitutes as “lying” either - it’s more like stretching the truth. Expect to adore your reflection or even kiss it because he’s that full of himself.
Alongside brat boy genius, he’s extremely overemotional and dramatic. He angers easily and loses his cool over minor things unless he’s got some “ultimate plan” in mind to keep him focused. Expect an increase in all kinds emotions; happy, sad, angry, lonely... Not to forget but he’s extremely gullible too.
Despite the little “dumb of ass” show he plays up, he’s actually quite clever and deadly too. Knows how to play with people like a fiddle to get his way. Learns things very quickly and then molds it around until it benefits him in some way.
Social cues are very hard for him to pick up on. He tends to judge people heavily based on their clothing as well. Little things like making eye contact can be rough and is usually avoided. He’s also extremely touch starved and strives to gain some kind of attention. Doesn’t matter if the outcome will be good or bad - he wants to be cherished and held and not be so alone. Cue an extreme adoration for men of a similar build to himself. Especially older men. 
King Knight likes to keep his body in tip-top shape. He’s a power house capable of breaking down doors and stone walls but hates getting dirty. Wears heavy make up, a lot of strong perfumes, carries around things like lotion and tissues to keep himself from sweating up a storm or his skin from chafing under all that heavy armor. Dirt/grime/all things messy + him is a big bag of nope. Gotta keep himself constantly buttery smooth and clean!
King Knight’s a power house and all that, but his weight and magic are connected to his vitality/vigor. Basically, if he feels happy, he’s a lightweight. Angry or sad? Heavy. If he feels physically weak, then his powers are going to reflect that.
His outfit is extremely special to him. Any dent or scratch on his armor or cape is a death sentence for whatever caused it, sentient or not.
His current unlocked powers are listed on his stats page. Endless propeller rat y’all.
His inventory system works exactly like it does canonically in Shovel Knight. Just open it ez? Maybe you can access his bank account who knows! 
I won’t be sharing icons unless they’re of my own artwork. My friend Bax made most of the ones I use, but others were also from artists I asked permission for so I’m not comfy just givin’ them away without their permission.
I’m not comfortable with King Knight swapping bodies with any underage muses.
If you have any other questions, my IM is always open!
SPOILERS TIME! If you want to delve into his memories but don’t want to be spoiled, you’re free to use the stuff that happened in Treasure Trove (main game) for memories!
He hasn’t spoken to his mother in years since he betrayed everyone. It’s something he regrets heavily as much as he likes to pretend it doesn’t bother him. In fact, he’s gone to visit several times to apologize but either felt too scared or too proud and turned back around a little over half way.
His mother has essentially “disowned him”. Not exactly a fun thing to swallow down, and little things like the smell of meat-y soups or even stimming with his cape (she made it for him, after all) will make him think about her.
His obsession with becoming a King happened because of a lifetime of being talked down to. A lot of people acted like he was a naive child during his journey for the Joustus crown, and he hates being belittled. He tolerates it with his mother since she means well, but everyone else? He truly believes betraying them all was well deserved for all the treatment he received. Nicknames such as “son” or “boy” or “prince” will anger him.
A lot of happy childhood memories. Most were of helping his mom in the kitchen. For a while, he wanted to learn how to cook just like her, but somewhere along the way growing up he lost his way. Got too spoiled - maybe too angry with the world. It’s hard to say, but since then, he hasn’t given a damn about learning how to properly cook. It’s like rocket science for him. He’ll even set cereal on fire. Who gives a damn, just order some takeout or have someone cook for you.
He tries his best to suppress that feeling of isolation. There were several times where he tried to invite people and his mother to several galas. None were really successful. If anything, he sat at a big empty table in a big empty room trying to pretend things were fine and eating twice as much turkey just to keep himself from thinking about things.
Speaking of thinking, he claims he doesn’t think much, but shows otherwise. Head empty until it ain’t.
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