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Nessun cenone,nessun pranzo,nessun scambio di regali come da tradizione. La mia vigilia e il mio Natale li ho passati portando il mio " saper fare" per il bene di una bambina,avanti e indietro su strade semideserte mentre tutto attorno c'era il caos .
Uno dei Natali più belli della mia vita..
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The In-flight Entertainment and Connectivity (IFEC) Market was estimated to be USD 4.7 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 6.1 billion by 2026.
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Church Visit
This week there was another public holiday... Two in one week?! Yep, it’s a bit crazy... It feels like we just start building momentum with joining the team and then there’s another day off or it’s the weekend... It’s frustrating but there’s not much we can do about it. Over the weekend, I tried to join in with as much as I could, so on Saturday I went to a university Bible study that one of the Destiny Rescue team volunteers for, and on Sunday we did a tour of the children’s ministry and community campus at ICF.
I felt honoured to join the Bible study, which is run by International Fellowship of Evangelical Christians (IFEC), which in New Zealand is called Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship (TSCF). This particular study was for a group of student leaders who lead their own small groups around campus. It was nice to be together, particularly with other young women, to worship and learn new ways of sharing the gospel. They asked me lots of questions and I was able to be an encouragement to them, which was awesome. I felt very welcomed and like I was part of the team. It’s really surprised me how open, friendly and welcoming the locals are here in Cambodia. I’ve found it so much easier to connect than in The Gambia, that’s for sure.
On Sunday morning we got up bright and early, and headed to ICF (International Christian Fellowship). They are the church we visited last Sunday, who started the Wake Park next door. We were joining their tour, which meant we got to see all parts of what they do on a Sunday morning, walk through all the facilities, join in some activities, and learn more about their work throughout the week. It was incredible! (A word you’ll see me use many times in this blog post...) The campus is absolutely stunning and it’s hard to believe they have accomplished so much in only ten years. It was a morning full of awe and inspiration.
The focus of the tour was on children’s ministry, which happens on Sunday mornings. We started our tour by jumping on their church trucks, which drive around nearby villages, picking kids up and bringing them to the church. I couldn’t believe it... They sent out around ten trucks, all in different directions, and most came back full of children. I was partnered with one of the church’s many social workers, and we stopped at about ten stops, picking up kids as young as toddlers through to intermediate age. As we approached the stop, kids would be waiting for us, some of them literally jumping up and down in anticipation! It brought tears to my eyes seeing the kids so excited for church. Others would sprint towards the truck as it tooted on arrival. Children chatted away and laughed on the trucks as we drove back to the church, where they were unloaded and signed in.
Around 350 children come to ICF on Sunday mornings, either making their own way to church or being picked up by the village trucks. That’s a lot of kids! Bigger than a lot of schools! The whole morning was so well organised and ran so smoothly, it was amazing, I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Once the kids arrived, they were given a light snack of bread, fruit and a drink, then they got to have an hour of free time. All around the campus they set up numerous activities from rock climbing to football, hair washing and first aid, to musical chairs and art. So many activities for the kids to choose from and wander between. There was such a good mix of practical things like hair washing and cutting, as well as fun games and crafts.
After their hour free time, the bell rings and the kids go into the main room where they have big moveable stadium seating. The kids do worship and listen to a sermon, maybe watch a live drama or video, and have a game up front. Once the talk is over, they go out into their small groups where they chat about what they learnt in the talk and pray together. Then they all get feed lunch, which is quite the operation! It was so well organised and all went surprisingly quickly and smoothly. Incredible! After lunch the kids go inside for a bit of a wrap up, before heading home on the trucks.
While kids church is on, across the road at the Wake Park is the adults service, which is in Khmer, the local language. There is a Khmer and English service that runs at night, which we went to last week, as well as a youth service on Saturday nights. The whole operation is mainly run by volunteers, over a hundred of them! These volunteers are mainly youth aged and local. They also have all the ICF staff there, including social workers, outreach team, campus staff, educators and maintenance staff, and there’s around a hundred of them too. There is a lot of staff and volunteers, but their community reach is staggering.
While there, we got to walk around the entire campus and learn more about what they do during the week, which was again, incredible! We talked to the head of their social team, who explained the life changing work they do. If families in nearby villages meet certain conditions, such as lack of income, education, basic needs, illness, vulnerability...etc, they can become part of ICF’s program. The team of around 50 social workers, all locals, have about 25 families each that they work with in this program, which makes up 1,250 families, or between 7,000-10,000 people in total. That’s crazy! These social workers spend every day visiting families in their homes, providing support for physical, mental and spiritual needs, hosting small groups, running after school programs... All at no cost for the families. It’s mind blowing.
During the week, the church puts on a free after school program that any child can attend, but they do have to find their own way to the campus. Around 120 kids come every day. The after school program has educators that specialise in Khmer, English, Maths, Music, Art and Bible Studies, and children get to choose two classes to attend each day, which run for around an hour. I believe the children also get fed, but I’m not 100% sure on that. The facilities were epic, so well thought through, planned and executed.
It fascinated and astounded me just how many kids came every Sunday and throughout the week, it absolutely astounded me! In a country that’s over 90% Buddhist, it’s interesting that families here are so open. They are well aware that their children are going to a Christian program and that the social workers helping them are Christians. There is no pressure for the families to themselves become Christians, although of course many do over time. In all the work I’ve seen with Destiny Rescue and ICF, the local people seem overwhelming fine with Christians sharing the Gospel with their Buddhist children. I’m not sure the same could be said for the Muslim dominated Gambia... I think the success is in the way ICF provides such holistic support and is in the community so frequently. They have become a trustworthy and safe place in the community for so many years.
With staff numbers of around 120 and a community reach of close to 10,000 people, I can’t express enough how incredible and inspiring the work of ICF is. And ICF Cambodia has only been around for ten years, with the social team starting seven years ago. Yes, they are bank rolled, with mainly European donors and partner churches funding the 1.5 million NZD per year it takes to keep it running... But our churches in New Zealand spend around half a million a year, hiring only roughly ten staff and reaching maybe 1,000 people? Sure, wages and living costs are much cheaper over here, but man, their local community sure is the focus! And although I’m seeing them now in all their glory, they didn’t start out that way. They were just a normal church plant with missionaries who saw a need and filled it.For things to function so smoothly on a large scale, their systems and processes must be top notch and scalable. You can’t reach that many people effectively without good organisation and communication! They have details on every child that comes to them, files on how many social visits they’ve had, food parcels received, medical checks done...etc. They build such strong and genuine relationships that if a kid is missing for even a few days, someone notices and can quickly check in on them. I’m super organised and admin strong, and it made me say “wow” many times over!
The church has around 20 non-local staff, so foreigners who mainly raise their own funds to be there voluntarily, like most missionaries. We had a lovely American girl Amber showing us around, who’d been there for about three years. We talked about the work of Destiny Rescue and how inspired we were by ICF. Amber is also passionate about human trafficking and hopes to move into that work more specifically over time, but since being with ICF she has realised that their work in the community IS preventing human trafficking. They are so well connected with families, that they catch children who are vulnerable and at risk before they are in danger. They also run seminars that help to educate and prevent exploitation, as well as their sponsorship and after school program which supports education... It really is wrap around support.
ICF Cambodia do so much, is actually a bit overwhelming and unfathomable. I’ve travelled around the world, seen many ministries across New Zealand, and I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Honestly! They cover almost everything you could think of, and if they don’t, they’re working on it! They are extreme visionaries and problem solvers, who get stuff done! I hope and pray they plant more churches with the same community focus in countries that really need it. The Gambia perhaps?
It’s hard not to think of ideas for The Gambia constantly... But also my brain isn’t sure how realistic many things are, particularly when there’s minimal Christians to help run things, zero funding, and a strong Muslim culture who at best kicks children out of families for converting to Christianity... Some ideas are transferable and others aren’t. I wonder what my place is in all of this... As I approach my final week in Cambodia, I can’t help but think about my future. Am I the link between Destiny Rescue and The Gambia? Or even ICF and The Gambia? Am I to support an already existing ministry, or to start my own? Am I even supposed to go back to The Gambia, or stay in New Zealand, bringing new energy and fresh ideas? I don’t know... But I know all my experiences, learnings, challenges and passions can’t be for nothing. Nothing is wasted in God’s Kingdom.
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CBCEX traz impacto de políticas no comércio exterior
Tax free e propostas de mudanças na legislação vigente foram destaques do encontro
Sob a coordenação de Rubens Torres Medrano, os membros da Câmara Brasileira do Comércio Exterior (CBCEX) da Confederação Nacional do Comércio de Bens, Serviços e Turismo (CNC) promoveram a primeira reunião ordinária do ano, excepcionalmente, em formato virtual, no dia 27 de agosto. Na abertura, o coordenador-geral das Câmaras Brasileiras do Comércio e Serviços, Luiz Carlos Bohn, ressaltou a importância do encontro para a manutenção das relações e trabalho de acompanhamento das pautas pertinentes ao setor do comércio exterior. A reunião contou ainda com a participação da Gerente da Assessoria das Câmaras Brasileiras do Comércio e Serviços (ACBCS), Andrea Marins, que enfatizou o acompanhamento das proposições em andamento e o alinhamento entre as Câmaras, garantindo que os processos fluam de forma eficiente e integrada.
Medrano pontuou que, ao longo do ano, houve destaque para a defesa de interesses do setor do comércio exterior no âmbito das novas regras de importação pelo Porto Seco de Dionísio Cerqueira, que entraram em vigor em Santa Catarina, além da inclusão das despesas de capatazias na base de cálculo do ICMS.
Tax free
Otavio Leite, consultor da presidência da Fecomércio-RJ, trouxe um panorama do modelo tax free, incluído no novo substitutivo da reforma tributária, que consiste no reembolso de impostos pagos nas compras feitas por turistas estrangeiros.
“É um enorme passo para incrementarmos as vendas no comércio e impulsionarmos ainda mais o turismo internacional. O tax free será mais um atrativo para os viajantes estrangeiros”, afirmou Otavio, ressaltando que o programa do tax free já vem sendo praticado, e gerando divisas em inúmeros países pelo mundo afora.
Otavio Leite apresentou dados de estudo realizado pelo Instituto Fecomércio de Pesquisas e Análises (IFec RJ), que mostra o impacto positivo no consumo no comércio fluminense, caso o sistema seja implantado no País. A avaliação, mediante projeções feitas após entrevistas com 866 turistas estrangeiros no Rio de Janeiro, é que, estima-se, praticamente dobraria o volume total estimado de compras feitas no Estado por visitantes de outros países, passando de US$ 212 milhões por ano para US$ 411 milhões por ano.
“Estamos trabalhando ao lado da CNC e da Diretoria de Relações Institucionais para consolidar a aprovação da proposta no Senado. O Brasil não pode perder essa chance”, acrescentou Otavio.
Saiba mais: Fecomércio-RJ apresenta estudo sobre tax free na Câmara dos Deputados
Propostas legislativas
Felipe de Miranda Oliveira, assessor de Relações Institucionais da CNC, apresentou a assessora Jenifer Freitas Rodrigues da Silva, dupla que atuará no acompanhamento legislativo das pautas temáticas da CBCEX.
Os assessores apresentaram o andamento de pautas como o PL nº 2.210/2022, que altera a lei de patentes, tendo Felipe comentado que “estamos acompanhando no sentido de fazer com que as nossas empresas possam ter o seu trâmite de importação, exportação mais facilitado a partir de agora”. Medrano reforçou a importância de sua aprovação para garantir rapidez nas “decisões e no julgamento de pedidos de patentes”.
Debateram também o Projeto de Lei nº 1.748/2011, que estabelece diretrizes para as condições laborais dos funcionários brasileiros contratados ou transferidos para o exterior. O projeto estipula que a legislação trabalhista vigente nos contratos será a do país onde os serviços são executados, enquanto a legislação previdenciária aplicável permanecerá sendo a brasileira.
“Ainda existem muitos detalhes hoje aqui no País que engessam e tornam o profissional brasileiro menos competitivo, principalmente nas custas trabalhistas, mais pesadas que a legislação do exterior”, analisou Felipe.
Sobre o PL nº 554/2022, que dispõe sobre a concessão de financiamento e de equalização de taxas de juros vinculados à exportação de bens nacionais de alto valor agregado, Felipe frisou que a DRI tem se empenhado na pauta. “Entendemos que pode ser um mecanismo que traga benefícios às nossas empresas representadas”, disse.
Outros projetos de lei foram debatidos, incluindo assuntos sobre cobrança de Imposto sobre Exportação em casos comprovados de produtos e insumos no mercado interno decorrente de exportações excessivas; programas de conformidade tributária e aduaneira no âmbito da Secretaria Especial da Receita Federal do Brasil do Ministério da Fazenda, incluindo a pauta de devedor contumaz e as condições para fruição de benefícios fiscais, entre outros.
CNC.CBCEX traz impacto de políticas no comércio exterior. [S.I.], 13 set. 2024.Disponível em: https://portaldocomercio.org.br/camaras-do-comercio/cbcex-traz-impacto-de-politicas-no-comercio-exterior/. Acesso em: 13 set. 2024.
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In-flight Entertainment & Connectivity Market Is Anticipated To Expand At A Robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) From 2024 To 2033
In-flight entertainment and connectivity (IFEC) refers to the electronic systems used to entertain passengers during a flight and to connect them to the ground. It includes the in-flight entertainment system (IFE), which offers audio, video, and games; the passenger information system (PIS), which provides flight information, weather, and other data; and the aircraft communication system (ACS), which allows passengers to make and receive phone calls, send and receive text messages, and access the Internet.
Today, IFEC systems offer a wide variety of entertainment options, from movies and TV shows to games and music. And with the advent of satellite-based connectivity, passengers can now stay connected to the ground throughout their flight, whether they’re checking their email, posting to social media, or streaming their favorite TV show.
To Know More: https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/in-flight-entertainment-connectivity-market/?utm_id=Snehalkast
Market Outlook
There are four key trends in In-flight Entertainment & Connectivity (IFEC) technology:
Increased connectivity options: There is a trend towards offering more connectivity options to passengers, including Wi-Fi, cellular, and satellite. This allows passengers to stay connected during their flight and have access to a variety of entertainment options.
Improved content options: Airlines are offering improved content options, including more on-demand movies and TV shows, as well as games and music. This helps to keep passengers entertained during their flight.
Enhanced user experience: Airlines are focused on enhancing the user experience by making the IFEC system easier to use and providing more personalization options. This makes it more enjoyable for passengers to use the system and helps to encourage them to use it more often.
The key drivers of In-flight Entertainment & Connectivity market are the ever-increasing demand for better connectivity and entertainment options while travelling, the technological advancements in the field of telecommunications and the need for airlines to differentiate themselves in a highly competitive market.
Request Sample: https://www.globalinsightservices.com/request-sample/GIS20209/?utm_id=Snehalkast
Major Players
The In-flight Entertainment & Connectivity Market report includes players such as Anuvu (US), EchoStar Corporation (US), Honeywell International Inc. (US), Intelsat (Luxembourg), Kymeta Corporation (US), Panasonic Corporation (Japan), SITA (Onair) (Switzerland), Thales Group (France), Thinkom Solutions, Inc. (US) and Viasat Inc. (US), among others.
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O turismo no Rio de Janeiro gerou uma movimentação de R$ 2,35 bilhões
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/noticias/economia/o-turismo-no-rio-de-janeiro-gerou-uma-movimentacao-de-r-235-bilhoes
O turismo no Rio de Janeiro gerou uma movimentação de R$ 2,35 bilhões
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Uma sondagem realizada pelo Instituto Fecomércio de Pesquisas e Análises (IFec RJ) revelou que 91,8% dos turistas estrangeiros e brasileiros que visitam o Rio de Janeiro o fazem a lazer, férias e, principalmente, durante o carnaval, que atrai 30,2% desse total.
O impacto direto na economia do estado com gastos em hospedagens, restaurantes, entretenimento e compras chega a R$ 2,35 bilhões, de acordo com a pesquisa do IFec RJ. Além disso, 58,1% dos entrevistados já haviam visitado o Rio anteriormente, enquanto 49,1% estavam na cidade pela primeira vez.
Perfil dos turistas: argentinos e paulistas dominam
Os argentinos representam a maioria (16,3%) entre os estrangeiros que visitam o Rio, seguidos pelos norte-americanos (13,1%) e chilenos (12,5%). No entanto, os paulistas lideram entre os brasileiros, com 25,3% de visitantes, seguidos pelos mineiros (20%) e gaúchos (13,3%).
A pesquisa também revelou que os turistas estrangeiros preferem destinos do continente americano (55,5%), com a Europa em segundo lugar (38,8%). Durante o carnaval, franceses, ingleses e portugueses são os que mais procuram o Rio.
Atrações turísticas mais visitadas
Quando questionados sobre as atrações turísticas mais visitadas, o Cristo Redentor lidera a lista com 62,6% de citações, seguido pelo Pão de Açúcar (48%) e praias (18,6%). O Sambódromo da Marquês de Sapucaí e o Maracanã também atraem turistas durante o carnaval.
Satisfação com serviços turísticos
Os turistas avaliaram positivamente os serviços oferecidos no Rio de Janeiro. A gastronomia (84,4%), hospitalidade (87,4%) e acessibilidade e transporte (81%) foram bem avaliados. Além disso, a maioria dos entrevistados demonstrou satisfação com a diversidade e qualidade do comércio, hospedagens, serviços de informação turística e ofertas culturais.
Hospedagens e turismo sustentável
A pesquisa apontou que 46,6% dos turistas se hospedaram em hotéis, enquanto 31,9% escolheram imóveis ou quartos alugados via plataformas digitais. A maioria considera importante ter opções de hotéis sustentáveis e estaria disposta a pagar mais por esse tipo de acomodação. Além disso, quase 89% dos turistas consomem produtos locais durante a viagem.
Explorando outras cidades e segurança
Durante a estadia, 35,5% dos turistas receberam indicações para visitar outras cidades além do Rio. Búzios e Arraial do Cabo são os destinos mais procurados, afirmaram os entrevistados. Em relação à segurança pública, a maioria dos turistas afirmou estar satisfeita com a experiência no Rio, apesar das expectativas negativas antes da viagem.
*Com informações da Agência Brasil
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Turismo no Rio de Janeiro movimentou R$ 2,35 bilhões
Sondagem feita pelo Instituto Fecomércio de Pesquisas e Análises (IFec RJ) com 1.400 turistas estrangeiros e brasileiros, entre os dias 5 e 19 de fevereiro, mostra que 91,8% visitam o Rio a lazer, férias e carnaval. A maior festa popular do país é responsável por 30,2% desse total. A pesquisa do IFec RJ mostra que o impacto direto na economia do estado do Rio com gastos como hospedagens,…
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Sondagem feita pelo Instituto Fecomércio de Pesquisas e Análises (IFec RJ) com 1.400 turistas estrangeiros e brasileiros, entre os dias 5 e 19 de fevereiro, mostra que 91,8% visitam o Rio a lazer, férias e carnaval. A maior festa popular do país é responsável por 30,2% desse total. A pesquisa do IFec RJ mostra que o impacto direto na economia do estado do Rio com gastos como hospedagens, restaurantes, entretenimento e compras de produtos é de R$ 2,35 bilhões. De acordo com a pesquisa, 58,1% dos entrevistados visitaram o Rio de Janeiro anteriormente e 49,1% estiveram na cidade pela primeira vez. Dos turistas que já visitaram o Rio antes, 27,7% disseram que estiveram na cidade mais de dez vezes. No levantamento, 12,4% dos turistas disseram que o Rio é um destino barato ou muito barato. Já 40,3% consideraram caro ou muito caro, 47,4% não acham nem caro nem barato. Argentinos e paulistas A pesquisa ouviu 791 turistas estrangeiros e 609 brasileiros na orla de Copacabana a Barra da Tijuca e nos quatro dias de desfile na Marquês de Sapucaí. Segundo a sondagem, os argentinos são maioria (16,3%) entre os estrangeiros, seguidos dos norte-americanos (13,1%) e dos chilenos (12,5%). “No período de novembro a março, há um incremento de oferta de voos dos Estados Unidos para o Rio de Janeiro. Em abril, algumas companhias tiram voos. Significa dizer que ali tem um ponto a ser explorado. Ou seja, ações dos governos para que retenham esses voos e tornem-se regulares. Essa é uma boa proposta que surge dessa pesquisa para trazer mais turistas internacionais. A saída é ter mais voos”, disse o consultor da Presidência da Fecomércio, Otavio Leite Dos 56,5% de turistas estrangeiros ouvidos, 55,5% são das Américas. A Europa, com 38,8%, é a segunda. Os franceses (7,5%), os ingleses (7,2%) e os portugueses (4,3%) são os que mais procuram o Rio no período de carnaval. Dos 43,5% dos turistas brasileiros entrevistados, o Rio de Janeiro é mais visitado por paulistas (25,3%), seguidos dos mineiros (20%) e gaúchos (13,3%). Atrações turísticas Perguntados sobre três pontos turísticos que visitaram ou pretendiam visitar, o Cristo Redentor foi o mais citado (62,6%), seguido do Pão de Açúcar (48%) e praias (18,6%). O Sambódromo da Marquês de Sapucaí foi citado por 14,9% dos entrevistados, enquanto o Maracanã por 9,4%. Serviços Os turistas também avaliaram a experiência em relação aos serviços prestados no Rio. Segundo o estudo, 81,7% disseram que ficaram satisfeitos ou muito satisfeitos com a diversidade, disponibilidade e qualidade do comércio. Sobre a qualidade dos serviços nos alojamentos e acomodações, 85,5% ficaram satisfeitos ou muito satisfeitos. A gastronomia agradou a 84,4% dos entrevistados, enquanto a hospitalidade foi satisfatória para 87,4%. A sinalização, disponibilidade e qualidade das informações turísticas satisfez 76,9%. Segundo o estudo, 88,5% dos entrevistados ficaram satisfeitos ou muito satisfeitos com as ofertas culturais, como pontos históricos, museus, espetáculos e tradições. Já 81% afirmaram ter ficado satisfeitos ou muito satisfeitos com a acessibilidade e o transporte. A limpeza, o clima e a beleza do ambiente natural agradou a 78,3% dos entrevistados. Hospedagens Segundo a pesquisa, 46,6% dos turistas informaram que se hospedaram em hotéis, enquanto 31,9% pernoitaram em imóvel/quarto alugado via plataformas digitais (Airbnb e outros). A média de permanência dos turistas no estado é de oito dias. De acordo com o levantamento, 74,4% dos entrevistados pelo IFec RJ acham importante ter opções de hotéis sustentáveis, que levam em consideração impactos sociais, ambientais e econômicos, 64,5% estariam dispostos a pagar mais caro por esse tipo de acomodação. Vinte por cento dos entrevistados demonstraram estar engajados na questão do meio ambiente quando perguntados se buscaram alguma opção de hotel sustentável durante o planejamento da viagem, independentemente de terem encontrado ou não. Quase 89% dos turistas estrangeiros
e nacionais disseram que têm o hábito de consumir produtos típicos vindos de fornecedores locais. Outras cidades Durante a estadia, 35,5% dos turistas afirmaram que receberam indicações para visitar outras cidades, além do Rio. Já 64,5% disseram não ter recebido qualquer indicação. Segundo a pesquisa, 33,1% dos entrevistados disseram que visitaram ou pretendiam visitar outras cidades, além do Rio. Desses, Búzios é a preferida de 46,1%, seguida de Arraial do Cabo (35,3%), Angra dos Reis (30%), Cabo Frio (19,8%) e Paraty (16,8%). De acordo com o estudo, 43,5% responderam que visitaram ou pretendiam visitar mais de uma cidade. Segurança A pesquisa também quis saber dos turistas sobre a expectativa em relação à segurança pública no estado antes de viajar. Em uma escala de 1 a 5, em que 1 é nada seguro e 5 muito seguro, 42,6% tinham expectativa muito negativa. Ao avaliar a experiência no Rio, 59,3% dos entrevistados disseram que estavam satisfeitos ou muito satisfeitos com a segurança pública. Já 16,9% ficaram insatisfeitos ou muito insatisfeitos. Com informações da Agência Brasil
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The Global Aircraft Switches Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 3.3% during the forecast period, i.e., 2022-27. The growth of the market is likely to be driven primarily by the rapidly increasing production of aircraft, especially in the commercial sector, and constant developments in the switches, i.e., projecting a growing inclination toward the procurement of more interactive systems in the In-Flight Entertainment & Connectivity (IFEC).
#Global Aircraft Switches Market#Global Aircraft Switches Market News#Global Aircraft Switches Market Growth#Global Aircraft Switches Market Report#Global Aircraft Switches Market Size#Global Aircraft Switches Market Share
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Inflight Entertainment Center (IFEC) Market, Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis, Forecast and Outlook
The Inflight Entertainment Center (IFEC) Market has been extensively analysed in this research report, with a focus on recent developments, market dynamics, and potential growth areas. Including important regions including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and emerging countries, the study examines the global market for Inflight Entertainment Center (IFEC). Furthermore, it looks at the major…
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In-Flight Entertainment & Connectivity Market Share 2030
The global in-flight entertainment & connectivity market size was valued at USD 6.37 billion in 2022. The market is projected to grow from USD 7.48 billion in 2023 to USD 21.03 billion by 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 15.9%.
The in-flight entertainment & connectivity system heightens a traveler’s experience along and makes the passenger feel comfortable and safe. This technology allows the passenger to use mobile devices using in-flight Wi-Fi-facility. In recent times, airlines have initiated to provide this technology to passengers to lure in more customers. Fortune Business Insights presents this information in their report titled "Global In-Flight Entertainment & Connectivity Market, 2023–2030."
COVID-19 Impact:
Travel Regulations during the Pandemic Stifled Market
Travel restrictions globally affected air passenger traffic negatively. A 7.01% decrease was observed in 2020. According to the first quarter report of Panasonic Aviation Corporation in July 2020, the company witnessed a decline in in-flight entertainment & connectivity hardware sales. Moreover, key players are concentrated on strategies to recover the market from the COVID-19 downfall.
Browse For More Details:
Satellite Communication and Internet Usage leads the IFE Connectivity Market
By type, the market is bifurcated into IFE connectivity and IFE hardware. Owing to the use of satellite communication and internet the IFE connectivity is projected to grow during the forecast period.
Non-Portable Segment Dominates the Market due to Enhanced Travel Experience
Based on IFE hardware the market is divided into non-portable IFE and portable IFE. The non-portable IFE segment dominates the market due to the demand for heightened travel experience by using advanced electronics systems.
Wired Connectivity Drives the Market due to Safety Features
By end-user the market is classified into wired connectivity and wireless connectivity. Wired connectivity dominates the market as it requires physical access from the flight-deck is more secure than wireless connectivity.
High Demand for Narrow Body Aircrafts Propels Market
By aircraft type the market is segmented into narrow body, wide body, business jets, and regional jets. The narrow body segment dominates the market due to the demand for narrow body aircraft and the rise in aircraft fleet size.
Rise in IFE Retrofits Bolsters the Segmental Growth.
By end-user, the market is divided into aftermarket and OEM. Rise in retrofit activities in commercial flights globally and increased maintenance contribute to the segment’s growth.
Geographically the market is segmented across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Report Coverage:
The report offers:
Major growth drivers, restraining factors, opportunities, and potential challenges for the market.
Comprehensive insights into regional developments.
List of major industry players.
Key strategies adopted by the market players.
Latest industry developments include product launches, partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions.
Drivers & Restraints:
High Maintenance of IFEC Equipment to Surge Growth
Bad handling of IFEC equipment in aircraft can cause damage to the hardware. This results in high maintenance and equipment replacement leading to high demand and increased revenue in the in-flight entertainment & connectivity system market share. Replacement of these electronic equipment costs high resulting in high revenue.
However, the trend of providing media entertainment services on passenger’s personal devices will likely hamper the in-flight entertainment & connectivity market growth.
Regional Insights
Constant Initiatives by the Government to Maintain Europe’s Dominance
North America dominates the market due to the presence of strong players such as Gogo LLC, Panasonic Avionics Corporation, and Collins Aerospace, among others. The region was valued at USD 2.07 billion in 2022. To increase the demand for IFEC the U.S. registered 13,000 jet aircraft during 2019.
Europe holds the second-largest in-flight entertainment & connectivity market share. The growth is due to the increasing adoption of 5G technology in the aviation sector.
Competitive Landscape
Key Companies Focus on R&D to Develop New Products for Global Expansion
The market is fragmented with major players such as Collins Aerospace, Viasat Inc., Gogo LLC, and Panasonic Avionics Corporation, among others. Growing investment in R&D, enhanced travel experience, and strategic acquisitions are a few factors accountable for the growth of the companies.
Key Industry Development:
August 2021– West Entertainment (West) has extended its contract with All Nippon Airways (ANA) as an in-flight entertainment (IFE) Content Service Provider (CSP). As part of the partnership, now in its fourth year, West will work closely with ANA's programming team to present the IFE content portal that offers Hollywood, Western, International, and South Asian entertainment to passengers.
List of Key Players Profiled in the Market Report:
Astronics Corporation (U.S.)
Burrana Pty Ltd (Australia)
Collins Aerospace (U.S.)
FDS Avionics Corp. (U.S.)
Global Eagle Entertainment, Inc. (U.S.)
Gogo LLC (U.S.)
Honeywell International Inc (U.S.)
Lufthansa Systems GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Panasonic Avionics Corporation (U.S.)
Safran (France)
Sitaonair (Switzerland)
SmartSky Networks, LLC (U.S.)
Thales Group (France)
Viasat, Inc. (U.S.)
0 notes
Just 47% of retail crypto investors in Hong Kong are aware of the Virtual Asset Trading Platform Regulatory Regime, a legislation which went into effect this June to protect the interest of retail investors in digital assets in the region.That's according to an October 11 report by the The Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) of Hong Kong. In its survey, the IFEC noted that nearly 25% of Hong Kong adults ages 18 to 29 have invested in crypto within the past year, three times the demographic average and a significant increase over 2019, where just 3% of respondents in the said demographic reported investing in crypto. Despite the improvement in adoption, most Hong Kong-ers said that their top investment preferences were stocks (96%), mutual funds and trusts (24%), followed by bonds (18%). Around three-quarters of overall respondents said the primary goal of investing in crypto was for "short-term profits," alongside "fear of missing out." The survey featured 1,000 respondents between the ages of 18 and 69."Investors should understand the product characteristics and related risks before investing, in order to align their choices with their financial goals and risk tolerance level," said IFEC general manager Dora Li in response to the results. Meanwhile, Eric Chui, head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences at PolyU, commented: "Virtual asset investors should think more deliberately and rationally. They should also build up their financial literacy and collect high-quality market information to avoid the irrational investment behaviour and biases.Beginning in June, Hong Kong legalized retail crypto trading for licensed exchanges, to mixed results. During this time, the largest Ponzi scheme in Hong Kong history, the $166 million JPEX crypto exchange scandal, unraveled in the Special Administrative Region of China. Magazine: 3AC fugitives in disarray as OPNX faces new peril
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