#if I had watched every movie that had a pretty poster I'd have seen sO much crap
amandabe11man · 2 years
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scandinavians having their folklore appropriated for this ridiculousness:
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We hit the Sunday matinee this past weekend. They had the cup the bucket and poster all in stock a week and a 3 days later (just saying don't give up on your dreams 😂). I also decided to ask what the actual rules are for a concert movie since my TikTok received some hate and was told if i danced I'd get hit by some moron with a big mouth and a cell phone. But it raised an interesting point ....and I asked the rules of the theater while there and this is what I was told (goes for all amc theaters)
in case anyone's interested :
It is ok to dance.
It is ok to sing.(sing don't scream terribly off key)
You can participate in the chants, yes but only at a reasonable volume level- she isn't gonna hear you from the screen (1 2 3 let's go bitch while also still being mindful that there's a theater next to you playing a movie with a possible plot, so don't belt it top notch - as long as they can't hear you, you should be Aite.)
Friendship bracelets and outfits are encouraged.
Basically the ONLY thing you can't do is :
Stand on your seat and dance
Stand on someone else's seat and dance
Stand up and obstruct somebody's views directly behind you (pro tip: get there early or go during a less busy time to ensure you can sit with nobody directly behind you or buy an extra ticket for the seat behind you if it's that's crowded but the crowds have died down a bit since opening night )
Don't turn your phone light on at the screen during Marjorie it's very distracting people can't see the show and Taylor can't see it so just keep the phones away except maybe to record a intro reaction or take a quick selfie or two with your token cup...
I just want you to remember that if you happen to be in a lame theater and some jerk tells atyou to "sit down" when you're in no way obstructing their view- that you can actually do pretty much whatever you want and there's not much anyone can do to stop that...
So have fun! It's kind of mandatory! Taylor did not go to all this effort to bring this amazing tour out on film so y'all can all sit quietly in silence and just watch with blank stares.... I'm sorry but she just didn't!!! For a lot of people this is the closest they'll get to this show and if they want to make it feel like they're there ,like it's real then for gods sake just let em ! It sickens me that having fun is seen as "not cool" by some people and it makes me even more sad that so many people forget
to never lose your sparkle ...
Regardless of coolness levels. Maybe I'm just old but every year that passes I give even less of a shit what people think of me then i did before and it's empowering! Fear and embarrassment don't run me. I run them ! It was magical watching my daughters eyes fill with joy and excitement counting down from 13 it was so emotional and I cried and relived every amazing moment ....
@taylorswift @taylornation
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Put On Your Raincoats | Teenage Sex Kitten (Perry, 1975)
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This movie is pretty much impossible to discuss without spoilers, so you have been warned.
This is my third Ann Perry, and feels like a collision between the two others I've seen. There are the good vibes and hangout quality of Ballgame, manifesting in the rapport between Rene Bond and Eve Orlon and the sexual escapades they embark on. (Fucking a gardener, fucking in the pool, fucking their way to a free room are among the highlights. I cannot confirm whether Bond actually majored in poontang like the poster suggests, although if she's an autodidact, the results onscreen suggest she picked up the material pretty well.) And there is the cruelty of Sweet Savage, manifesting in the hard turn the movie takes without warning into roughie territory in its last third. It isn't just a shift in the subject matter, but in the textures as well, going from a warm and sunny atmosphere and a cheerful looking cast to a dingy looking hideout with boarded up windows, dirty walls, a hanging lightbulb, flies buzzing about, and disheveled looking assailants in tattered clothes, one of whom resembles Sid Haig circa The Devil's Rejects.
There is a precedence for this kind of structure with The Last House on the Left, which I'd wager was an inspiration on this movie. Last House foreshadows its violence with its structure, cutting between the innocent victims, goofy side characters and menacing villains until the different groups collide with horrifying results. What eventually transpires isn't exactly a surprise, although the sheer cruelty and finality of the violence still manages to shock (and when I rewatched the movie a few years ago, I found I had not been numbed to its impact). This one offers no such buildup. An attempted coupling outside a bar two thirds of the movie is cut short when the man is given a blow to the head and the woman is kidnapped, raped both while unconscious and awake, and then accidentally killed. The victims' male friends avenge their deaths violently, beating one of the assailants to death and emasculating the other by tying his genitals to their car and driving off. Cruelty is met with cruelty. The movie ends on a note that feels anything but triumphant, as the avengers promise to lie to the dead woman's female friend about her fate, so as to leave her as a happy memory.
I've watched far too many roughies than is probably healthy for one's sanity, but I do think this is a bit more ambitious than most. At the risk of boiling these things down to the demographic details of their creators, this is another one directed by someone other than a straight male that offers an interesting angle on the material. Maria Lease's Expensive Tastes lingers on the feelings of trauma after the assaults. Zebedy Colt's Terri's Revenge! adds an element of camp with Terri Hall's performance. Both those movies also afford their victims agency and allow them some catharsis in avenging wrongs. This does not offer such catharsis, placing the vengeance in the hands of characters not directly impacted, but an early exchange reveals an interest in the leniency afforded screen violence and punitive treatment of onscreen sex.
"Isn't it strange in movies you can show killing and people getting tortured and maimed. You can even show a baby getting murdered and that's not a crime. But if you show something beautiful like people making love, it's against the law. If we were in a movie and you showed what we did just now, some people would think it was disgusting." "Debbie, nothing so beautiful and so natural could be disgusting." "Did you know a few years ago you couldn't even show a belly button in an advertisement? It's like people are ashamed of being born or something." "That's reality, Debbie. I mean, people screw every day. Or should, I mean, you know. That's reality. This violence and murder and blood and all that other shit, that's, uh…" "It just doesn't seem right to me."
So perhaps this is movie's way of dealing with this hypocrisy on a structural level. So it's more ambitious in its grimy way than the other two movies I've seen by Perry, although if I had to rewatch one of these, I'd most likely go for Ballgame and hang out with my good friends Candida Royalle and Lisa De Leeuw rather than sit through the cruelty of the other two movies again. File this one under the "watch at your own risk" category, although its ambition does keep this from being too dispiriting an experience.
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symptoms-syndrome · 1 year
what was your first Sonic Thing? like a movie or a comic or a game or... - and which one(s), and when? just all the details about the development of sonic-love basically haha
I'm not sure exactly what my first experience with Sonic was, but my first game was Sonic Rush for the Nintendo DS! I was pretty young, def in elementary school but exact ages escape me. It came out in 2005 though so probably...first grade ish at least? My parents were really really strict about what video games I could play and Sonic passed the test.
I also used to watch what I thought was a "Sonic movie" on YouTube, which was actually an extremely long compilation of all the cutscenes from Sonic 06. I was so obsessed with it I'd watch it over and over and memorized the entire thing, which was like. Multiple hours of dialogue.
I also know at some point I got Sonic Heroes for PC, which was the kind of game where it came on multiple discs and took forever to install. I think that was my first not-DS game (I also got Sonic Rush Adventure and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood on DS! And later on Sonic Colors for DS as well) and one time I went over to a friend's house and got to play Sonic Adventure on their brother's Dreamcast, which was AMAZING because 3D GRAPHICS!!! I remember being really wowed by that because I'd never seen it before. I also played a LOT of those fan-made flash games!!!
I also when I was little wrote what would now be called fanfic, I wrote a script for a movie where Sonic and Mario are in The Real World and really wanted to send it to Sega to make it into a real movie.
I also watched a lot of Sonic X!!! Which is my favorite Sonic characterization I think. I don't remember how exactly I watched it, because we didn't have DVDs or cable but I'm pretty sure this was before streaming, so maybe I watched rips on YouTube.
The Sonic obsession came on really quick and really strong though! I tried to get every Sonic game I could, and Youtube-to-MP3-ed a lottt of the music to transfer to my little MP3 player or burn on CDs to play on my boombox (wow that's dated AF.) I had a few Sonic shirts also! Everyone knew me as the Sonic Kid. I also tried to learn to draw in middle school, and would draw Sonic characters and tape them up on my walls. I was really proud of my ability to draw Espio and a character exclusively in Sonic X named Cosmo. I don't know why I just stuck like a magnet to the franchise, but I've just been mega obsessed with it for as long as I can remember.
Now I'm an adult with expendable income to buy Sonic stuff, plus all my friends know I like Sonic, so I have a bunch of plushies gifted by friends and I have most of the Sonic games I somehow missed, like Sonic Generations, Lost World, and the Sonic Boom games. I also still have some Sonic shirts, a Sonic hat, and a lot of random Sonic stuff, like keychains and posters and little figurines! And my wallpapers on my phone and computer are Sonic related, and my ringtone is the Vs Metal Sonic remix of Stardust Speedway Bad Future. I'm lucky that one of my roommates is also a big Sonic fan, so some of the figurines live in the living room and some live in my room. Also since people at work know I really love Sonic, whenever they see Sonic stuff it usually ends up on my desk, so my workspace also has a lot of Sonic. There's a little Tails that sits on my monitor!!!
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ryansjane · 2 years
I would say "khai is an ass in it" should absolutely not be a reason to not watch theory of love. a show can portray characters with flaws without "promoting bad behaviour", or portray characters who go on a personal journey and change, which is what khai doesin this. however I would tell people who are on the fence about watching it that it has a lot of clichés. without spoiling anything I'd say if scenes like heath ledger singing in the stadium in 10 things I hate about you makes you cringe, theory of love will also make you cringe. but if you love romcoms and you think cheesy love confessions are supercute you will love it.
it's well made, they did well with the story they had, the acting is good, but like every piece of media out there, the story might not be for everyone.
no but literally what you said, of course this story is not for everyone. if you don't like angsty love stories, this one is not for you. for the "cringe factor" that you're referring to, I think it would be pretty unfair to consider theory of love more cringey than all of the other bl romcoms out there that have MUCH more fanservice & cringey scenes in my opinion. though of course if you come from non romcom bl shows like not me, you might be thrown off by the cheesiness of it all, but I frankly find it very mild compared to other very popular bl shows, ESPECIALLY considering this show is an homage to romcoms, so... it kinda comes with the story. and finally, khai's character development is for me the absolute BEST part of the show, bc I'm personally a character development hoe & it's what I want the most out of tv shows tbh. it's so satisfying to see khai grow & change, and realize things in his tiny little brain, and for that to happen, he has to be a dick at the beginning of the show. but I truly consider theory of love the best bl romcom bc it had the cheese, it had the angst, it had the recreaction of cheesy romcom scenes to pay homage to them (including thai romcoms which makes you discover classic thai movies, hello!!!), it had an amazing character development, incredible friendship, every character is so lovely, the side ship is my absolute fucking fave, the soundtrack is banging, the acting is great, the chemistry so good & they literally recreated iconic romcom posters for every episode of this show!!! idk why it feels like I'm defending theory of love to my death, which, to be clear, is absolutely something I'd do, but like... it fucking TRIED something. it took what could've been a boring & basic university bl that we've seen fifty times and actually made it compelling & made people FEEL things. so yeah, I fucking love this show & it's the best thai bl romcom simply bc you CANNOT get more romcom-y than a literal homage to romcoms. good night <3
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msookyspooky · 2 years
I just watched psycho in the cinema! I loved it, I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it so much but it was really really good. Norman Bates gave me so much gender envy, he was just a lanky bi guy. Anyway I hope you are doing well, take care of yourself and do something you enjoy. <3
Thank you sweetheart, I try! 🖤🖤🖤 In fact, I'm planning on watching either X or Studio 666 tonight. Haven't seen either one and they're both on my list.
Oh shit, yall got cinemas that show old shows??? In my area, the last one that had a screening room for older movies closed down 8 yrs ago bc they didn't have the equipment for newer movies... Okay but from even showing older movies though???
(By older I mean anything before 2014...Like, it was doable. Everyone would love a Scooby doo live action night or Rocky Horror where everyone dresses up to see it or a Saturday night Slasherthon are you serious?????? Like, I would have adored them showing all the Screams in February when the new one came out. If I wanted to see the new one, I'd go to a different theater but to see all the old ones and have a whole audience laughing and qouting Randy or Stu? Make it look like Scream 2 or 4's movie nights w/o the murder?... IF ONLY. I SWEAR TO GOD THESE PLACES DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THE PPL WANT AT ALL. We know of the owner and he claimed young ppl wouldn't know the movies...BECAUSE THEY HAVEN'T SEEN THEM. Make a huge night of it with posters and flyers, invite the local bakery to make themed goods, get pizza shops to cater, invite ppl to wear costumes if they want, hire a bouncer just incase assholes get out of hand...Could have made bank and let everyone of every age have fun. Tell me you don't understand the youths w/o telling me OR we've just became so corporate that small businesses are just not there anymore. Idk but it feels like a wasted opportunity to me.)
so anyways we have to travel 45 minutes to only see new movies. They never show any classics around here! I'm super duper jealous of you rn tbh.
Psycho is a classic, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Norman was so sweet, polite and pretty I honestly felt bad for him a few times. And of course the ending!!! Probably one of the first huge plot twist in horror that had everyone reeling
(Yep, look...Was he nervous because of murder? Or because a good looking guy is there? Both.)
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peachpitmp3 · 3 years
!!!! ghost obsession by proximity lmao.
yeah that's okay !!! i hope you get to use it at some point, because. why not, it's amazing. thank you!! i've heard king of scars is really good too so aaaahhhh i will actually start reading. and WOO !! RADIO SILENCE <333
zxbijcknfsdmz bestie. yeah i don't know what to tell you, so thank you <33
hey!!! listen to your own advice dude, you are not allowed to hate on a younger version of yourself !! you're wonderful, and even if young you wasn't the best version of you, they were still you. and all versions of you are essential to your being. although i will say that i absolutely cackled at "i would rather get a sunburn on my ass" so. thank you for that line shdfljk
that's so valid, and that's quite rude of your brain >:( sleep is important, let ju sleep !!
ay same!! yeah,, i wish my jatp hyperfixation wasn't fading. it's a great fandom and a great show but the passion that i had just. isn't as strong, which sucks.
!!!!!! i feel that so much god. discord voice calls, especially with online friends, are ridiculously stressful. i know these people!! but actually talk to them? hA. and yesss the wall thing is just. ://
if i made a playlist based on my current mood,, i think it would be called "i wish i could fly" because (shocker) i wish i could fly rn. i'd like to not be bound by gravity, and i also have to do chores and stuff so. if i could get out of that and fly that would be pretty nice!! i'd put a mix of rock music and like,, stomp and holler because if i can't fly, i'd love to lie on grass and listen to that lmao.
i'd say slowly? and then it starts picking up speed until it consumes every waking moment /j. but yeah, at least with my jatp hyperfixation, it was a slow-ish build and now it's been a few months, and i don't think it's fully gone yet, but still. my ideal bedroom,, oooh. right now i'd like a room with dark blue-gray walls, and i'd have glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, and led/fairy lights strung on the walls. probably have posters for bands and fandoms, and a lot of bookshelves. i've seen people with chalkboard paint on their walls, so i think that would be really cool, or have a part of one wall dedicated to art. a desk, but open space on the floor so i can lie on the floor or dance at 2am with headphones on. also, plants !!
i wish i had the nerves to publish more of my writing stuff. it would just be on ao3/tumblr, and of course that would require me to actually finish my stuff, which is the main problem, but still. i admire those people who have 35 works and write for 6 different fandoms, yknow? either that, or to talk more with my friends. i'm very bad at one-on-one socializing jsdlkjf.
what would your ideal/dream bedroom look like, and how would you decorate it? what's a motivational saying that you never understood? favorite stage/part of having a new hyperfixation? what are some movies/tv shows that you've been meaning to watch, but keep forgetting about? - 🌵
omg ghost obsession by proximity SO true.
sdjfkhgsdjfwoerihdsfjkl <33333 and yes sdfdkjfldj i took like 2 solid minutes trying to come up with a suitably bad situation so im glad sunburn on my ass worked
it is SO rude of my brain but thats ok. im USED TO IT *glares passive aggressively at sleep schedule*
yeah exactly!! like i still think it's a high quality show it's just... my brain does not have the FSDHGSLKFJSJF JATP energy that it did before... which makes writing fic very difficult >:(
hhh yeah exactly!! especially on group calls it feels like im like. interrupting the vibes ™ if i say anything and it's easier to just lurk and listen to what people are saying. if there's a vc-text channel i'll usually just type in there and hope someone's checking it lol.
ooooh oh my god that's such a vibe!! flying !! hell yeah !! "i'd put a mix of rock music and like,, stomp and holler because if i can't fly, i'd love to lie on grass and listen to that lmao." HELL YEAH. that's literally such a fucking vibe i love it so much.
oooh yeah okay that makes sense!! yeah it's defintely not fully gone for me either but like... it's slipping away lol. *waves goodbye like im some woman with a hat in the 1920's watching my lover leave on a boat* farewell jatp hyperfixation! may you return to me soon with many gifts including but not limited to a GODDAMN SEASON 2. anyway <3
DUDE THAT WOULD BE SUCH A COOL ROOM HOLY SHIT. the room colors >>> and oh my gosh glow in the dark stars YES. FAIRY LIGHTS SO TRUE BESTIE AAAAAH. omg posters and bookshelves yes that would be iconic !! oh my god a chalkboard or art wall dude YES. that would be literally so amazing. OPEN SPACE ON THE FLOOR!!! this room is literally so perfect oh my goshhhh.
"and of course that would require me to actually finish my stuff, which is the main problem" god if that's not a fucking mood. yeah so many fic writers write sO MUCH and i just. do not understand how. it's so cool. what fandoms do you write for? what are the fics you wanna write/finish? lmao yeah wanting to talk more to friends... eternal mood.
hmmm. okay. i think my ideal bedroom would have dark blue walls. on one section of the wall there would be a sheet of ivy vine things that hang down and look real pretty, and maybe they would be the kind that are also string lights!! and my bed would maybe have light grey or white bedsheets as a nice contrast? and i'd have either a beanbag or just a really comfortable chair that i could sit in without sitting properly. and then obviously a desk. maybe a rug where there's open floor so it's soft and stuff. hmm i'd definitely have a few bookshelves and i'd organize the books so they're not all vertical so they look *aesthetic* and then i'd put some lil fake plants everywhere and i'd put fairy lights EVERYWHERE. also ideally i would have like. a reading nook or something. maybe a window seat? for reading !!
oh god there are sO MANY. maybe "there is no elevator to success. you have to take the stairs." like okay, sure, maybe i don't have an elevator. but don't fucking pretend SOME PEOPLE DON'T HAVE EM. like you're really gonna tell me mr donald "small loan of a million dollars" trump didn't have a fuckng elevator to success? okay. sure. fuck off. but anyway look i don't mind that i have to 'take the stairs' or whatever. but don't pretend EVERYONE does.
omg my favorite part of having a hyperfixation is when i can just pump out so much fucking content like i cannot stop writing i have lots of ideas and i can actually PUT THEM INTO WORDS ON PAPER. it's such a good feeling and it's a shame it goes away so quickly lol
dude i have SO MANY. hang on let me just consult my notes app. ok i've been meaning to watch raya and the last dragon for AGES, and uhh in terms of tv shows... i still haven't finished shadow and bone or the queen's gambit or tfatws, and i've been meaning to watch elementary, atypical, derry girls, anne with an e, and a bunch of other shows for a WHILE now.
what are some movies/tv shows YOU'VE been meaning to watch? do you prefer movies or tv shows? is there a minimum or maximum length of tv shows that you're willing to watch? do you like 20 minute or 40 minute episodes more? this is a lot of questions about tv shows uhhh... would you rather be stranded on an island, in a forest, or in the mountains?
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darringauthier · 4 years
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Genre: Action
Who's In It: Vin Diesel, Eiza Gonzalez, Lamorne Morris, Guy Pearce, Sam Heughan, Alex Henandez, Toby Kebbell
Who Directed It: David S.F. Wilson
Plot: Ray Garrison, a slain soldier, is re-animated with superpowers.
Run Time: 111 Minutes
IMDB Score: 5.7
Metascore: 44
Rotten Tomatoes Score: Critics 30% Audience 78%
Why I Watched It: It's an action movie, I need more in this section. I might have to start lying.
How I Watched It: Amazon Prime Canada
Random Thoughts: Why are movie posters so boring nowadays? That poster tells you nothing and is bland as hell.
Look at those numbers, I love a movie that's all over the place, when you can't get a real consensus. It's easy to say Critics didn't like it but audiences did. I think it's because it's a kind of dumb loud action movie and I think audiences knew that going in and for me it's also because this is a perfect good-bad movie or the perfect bad-good movie.
If you thought the poster was boring check out that plot summary, I usually get the plot summary from IMDB but come on even for an action movie that's slim.
Here's a kind of funny story, I was watching this on Prime through my PS4 and about the 3/4 mark the movie stopped and I couldn't get it back and I had to reboot and turn the app and PS4 off, so it took like ten minutes and as I was doing it I thought to myself this is a lot of work just to finish this dumb old movie. I did, cause I care.
What I liked: This is one of those "it does what it says on the box" I got what I thought I'd get no surprises so in that regard the movie was fine and I will say it's one of those movies that I just wasn't pissed at, it wasn't great but it kind of hooked me in.
I liked the premise, now they give way too much away in the trailer but the plot is pretty decent and the set up is good, the first twist is good(as long as you didn't see the trailer) and I will say they did more with it than I thought.
At this point we know what we're getting from Vin Diesel, he doesn't sleep walk as much as he coasts through films. He's a presence and he's fine here, I also liked Eiza Gonzalez, yes it does help that she's very attractive but she did a good job of trying to flesh out and even shade her character a bit. The action was functional, there's a couple of decent set pieces and even though the film is long they do keep the pace going pretty well.
What I Didn't Like: This was a dumb action movie that should have been smarter and they could have put more effort into the script and try not to rely on cliches as much as they do, the basic idea was solid enough but the execution was barely workmanlike.
The acting was a mixed bag, I love Guy Pearce but he's beyond typecast at this point, he's playing the same guy/type in all these action movies. I don't know who to blame the actor Sam Heughan or the script but he's character sucked, he ended up being almost the main bad guy and he was boring and honestly so bland I couldn't care a less about him. It also didn't help that some of the big fights with him and Diesel had terrible CGI and really took me out of the movie. The big final fight was not great and look I get CGI is super expensive but come on if you have a huge fight either spend the money or tone it down and do it practical.
The movie is too long at almost two hours, it didn't need to be, the big twist is nice but it then turns into every action/Super Hero story we've ever seen. This need to be trimmed down and it needed more heart. Vin Diesel honestly just played a very cliched action hero with hardly any layers or depth and yes I didn't expect much more but it would have been nice to have gotten it.
Final Thoughts: Not as bad as I thought but also not real good either.
Rating: 5.5/10
I don't like giving the .5 but here it deserves it, it's a bit better than a standard 5 but not good enough for a 6.
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mostlymovieswithmax · 5 years
2. Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
Back in 2017 my dad asked if I wanted to go to the cinema to see Blade Runner 2049 and at the time I thought "yeah sure, sounds okay". So we drove to the nearest cinema and I think my dad was pretty excited for it because he loved the original from 1982. Unfortunately I hadn't seen Blade Runner before going in to see 2049 and while I liked it enough to give the original a go afterwards, I wish I'd gone in with the knowledge and exposition that the original provides, because there's not exactly a recap.
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Blade Runner 2049 is nearly three hours long and despite needing to be in a specific mood to watch it, once that feeling hits, I am never even slightly bored for the entire run time. This is because Denis Villenueve is a genius. As the director of this film, he crafts something so gorgeous in basically every department. From the delicacy of the sound design to the execution of the hauntingly intriguing story itself, it’s quite honestly a challenge to look away.
Visually this movie is stunning as well; dripping with colour thanks to cinematographer, Roger Deakins who also delivers on scene after scene of memorable imagery.
The score is one of my favourites, composed by Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch it conveys the atmosphere of each scene brilliantly and I often find myself going back to it.
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If I were to say anything to anyone who has never even seen so much as a poster or plot description of Blade Runner 2049, it would be to first watch the original and then to watch this completely blind to any of the marketing or even the cover art for the dvd, blu-ray, or digital copy and you may just get exactly the kind of experience that was intended from the movie, because the real shame of this is how it was marketed and sadly I don’t know how possible it is to go into this completely spoiler-free. Nonetheless, this is still a spectacular sci-fi adventure, the likes of which I’ve never seen in cinema before or since. Ryan Gosling is fantastic as K, a Blade Runner responsible for retiring replicants and suddenly caught up in a mystery that forces him to confront his entire being. It’s hard to compare his performance in this to something like The Nice Guys because of how different those characters are, but this may be my favourite from him.
This is entirely its own thing and while it’s not as good when separate from the original Blade Runner, it’s not trying to be a stand-alone movie by any means as it explores a lot of the same kind of themes, such as how we control our own paths, what it means to be human and how we look at those who're different to us, just in another way to the original.
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Last time I watched Blade Runner 2049, I cracked open the blu-ray for the first time and it blew my mind. I cried. Though I also had partaken in a few drinks so maybe that’s why. Even so, this movie deserves my tears. It deserves the applause it’s been given because it could so easily have been another soulless addition to the growing pile of movies suffering from sequelitis. Luckily it was picked up by a team who cared about the property and wanted to do the original justice and I think they’ve done that and then some, carrying over the core themes and messages such as what it means to be human and how we sometimes treat those different to ourselves as less than.
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Rio & Nancy
Rio: If you wanna head home 'fore nan and granddad are ready, you can always have a lift back with us Nancy: Thanks Nancy: I'm in no rush though Rio: Having a good time then? Nancy: Sure Nancy: It's not a classroom, I'll take it Rio: Yeah, I bet you're buzzing Nancy: You mean you can't tell? Well, that's devastating Nancy: I reckoned on it being so obvious, like Rio: I mean, your poker face ain't all that, babe, if you wanna be real about it Nancy: More of a resting bitch, I know Nancy: The good news must not have sunk in yet Rio: Give it a few Nancy: Yeah Rio: Anyway, can't do anything about it now Rio: May as well enjoy your summer Nancy: Like I said, I already am Nancy: Aside from the prospect of going home Rio: 👍 Rio: How bad can it be Rio: he's taken one for the team Nancy: No, he's made sure exams mean more than they did before Nancy: and made me the focus since he's a less than safe convo topic Rio: Well, your family's inability to communicate is longstanding and not my fault so I'm not gonna take the blame for it, nor is my baby Rio: Sorry, like Nancy: I didn't ask Nancy: It's not my fault that his fall from grace makes me their poster child for success now either, I definitely never asked for that Rio: If you're going to feel so sorry for yourself, don't be surprised when people feel it for you in return Rio: Oddly enough our decision to have a child wasn't exactly about you Nancy: I'm only surprised the pity party isn't full already Nancy: My brother tends to take up a lot of space Rio: Please Rio: We've got no reason to be sorry, either definition Rio: we're happy, if you lot wanna be miserable then the party is all yours Nancy: Does he know that? Does he feel it? 'Cause he sounded like he wanted me to be sorry for him many times over when we last spoke Rio: Like I said, you're all crap at communicating Rio: but thanks Nancy: Yeah, and he's one of the worst Nancy: If I feel sorry for anything, it's for you, for that much, like Rio: Fuck off Rio: I don't need your pity Nancy: Don't tell me to fuck off Rio: Why not? You've seen fit to talk to me how you please Nancy: 'Cause you're judging my communication skills like its your job, for one thing Nancy: And for another, I haven't said anything like that to you, ever Rio: You said in as few words as possible that you don't think Buster really wants our baby, implying that I don't know him and we don't talk, whilst you were at it Rio: but no Rio: the f bomb in response, so much worse, Jesus Nancy: No I haven't Nancy: All I've said to him is that his timing is ridiculous and when was the last time we even spoke, me and you? Before exams probably so Rio: What does it matter to you, or your parents for that matter Rio: He's still going to Uni, he's still doing everything they want Nancy: I don't care what they want Nancy: I care about him and how hard it's gonna be Nancy: I won't be here to help either of you, not even in the same country, so excuse me for being worried Rio: When ain't life? Rio: You can't let that stop you from doing what you want Nancy: You don't need to make it harder on yourself, Jesus Rio: Well that ain't how it's going to be, or how we see it Nancy: It's easy for him to see it that way when he never admits that he needs help or that anything could possibly be a struggle in the slightest Nancy: He's just perfect and everything will be, end of story Rio: I help him Rio: and I know that, I knew that before this even started Nancy: I know you do and you know I love you, yeah? I'm not saying this to be a bitch to you Rio: I know Rio: but I don't get why you can't translate your worry into supporting him, that is literally all he needs from you Rio: instead of the constant barage of questions Nancy: because I'm scared for him and he scares me Nancy: how little he thinks about anything Nancy: He just wants and he gets and I'm the only one who cares if it'll work out or not Nancy: you know that's what he's always been like Rio: It's going to work out Rio: even if you wanna talk worst case scenarios, we have to get divorced, yeah Rio: he'll still have the kid, I'm not that bitch Nancy: I hope it does Nancy: Genuinely Nancy: You know that Rio: I think I do Rio: but you don't always show it Rio: I know it's a lot Rio: but it's hard for him when none of you seem happy for him or even say it's alright, like Rio: why do you think he can't admit he needs help, when has he got it? Nancy: Do you? 'Cause when you got together I had to re-evaluate everything I thought I knew about him and you Nancy: He says he's loved you since he was a kid, I was there, I have almost the same memories Nancy: But I don't Nancy: at all Rio: Why does it matter? We were all kids Nancy: 'Cause all this time he was so unhappy and I didn't know, okay Nancy: I didn't do anything Rio: None of us did Rio: He didn't want you to know, anyone Rio: you can't take blame for it like you wilfully ignored cries for help but he's trying now Rio: he needs you now, okay Nancy: I'm trying too Nancy: I just Nancy: I don't know him, if I ever did Nancy: How am I meant to know what to do? Rio: You did Rio: You were close then, just because you didn't know this one thing doesn't mean you weren't Rio: You wouldn't tell him about every crush you had, especially if you felt shame about being gay or there was another reason you knew he could judge you for it, you know? Rio: Just, try and be nice to each other, simple and as stupid as it sounds Rio: that's all you gotta do in this world though Nancy: You can say wanting to fuck my teacher, that's pretty shameful, babe Nancy: Lord, did you really have to do the one thing that scares me most to test me Nancy: Babies are terrifying Rio: Well you know, I assume you weren't child thirsting after your reception teacher like 👌👌👌 nice cardigan miss Rio: Nah Rio: they're just people Rio: I guess that's kinda the problem though Nancy: Hey, she was cute! And very attentive Nancy: Well, not to be dramatic and turn this into a therapy session but the last time I was properly excited for a baby to be born, he died Nancy: And now we don't talk about him Rio: That isn't going to happen again Rio: and you could talk to Buster about him Rio: he's thinking about him too Nancy: Does he talk about him to you? Rio: Yeah, a little Rio: we're going to give the baby his name as a middle Nancy: Really? Rio: I should say we don't know it's a boy yet, we just think it is Rio: but I won't say 'if not, the next one' and freak you out further, like Nancy: Go ahead, I'm just out here openly crying at the beach Rio: I'm sorry Rio: you can use my ugly dress as a hankie if you wanna Nancy: It's not that bad Rio: It's years old 'cos everything I own now would leave no need to announce this Rio: tempting but probably not Nancy: You should have come to me, my wardrobe runneth over Nancy: Literally, I need to have such a huge clear out before uni starts Rio: You planning to reinvent yourself as a minimalist? 😏 Rio: local charity shops gonna be a goldmine, like Nancy: Reinvent myself, yeah, as that, no Nancy: I get it, not tempting to come over when I'm being a bitch Nancy: I'm sorry you have to suffer that dress as a result, babe Rio: Well you know, or we could say I was giving you space and time Rio: politer Rio: I'm not even sure it was ever mine Rio: maybe it was yours, the ultimately bitchery to get it out of my system Nancy: Not to be that bitch or lesbian stereotype, okay, but what's under it? Can you not just remove it now the secret's out? Nancy: Be you again Rio: 😂 Rio: Still got it, babe Rio: I guess I can now Rio: It's weird Nancy: Do it for my brother if not me Nancy: You think I need to sort my face, look at his right now Rio: Poor boy Rio: at least I didn't straighten my hair, then he'd really be devastated Nancy: 😂 Nancy: I wish you had, I'd have taken so many pics to post and tag him in Rio: 😏 Pure evil, like Nancy: Genetically, sorry Nancy: Not saying you should watch The Omen again or anything but Rio: 😲 How rude Rio: but if I remember correctly that fucker was adopted so it would've been more cutting to come at me with Rosemary's Baby, like Rio: slacking Nancy: Oops, horror movies not really my forte Rio: You should reconsider Rio: yeah the bitch always dies, but she's usually half-naked beforehand, like Nancy: Are you gonna put your arm around me when it gets scary though? I think not Rio: You know I would you just ain't vibing 💔 Nancy: Lies! I just told you to strip Rio: True enough Rio: There's hope yet then Nancy: I'm sorry for being a bitch this whole time Nancy: I've missed you, it feels like exams lasted years Rio: I know, it was stressful and I weren't even taking them so God knows how you lot survived Rio: How do you feel about them, genuinely? Nancy: I know you love him, but how much of a prick was he during his, like 1-10? To make me feel better Nancy: I feel bad but like, I always do about that stuff so Nancy: It doesn't mean anything Rio: Oh, 11, for sure 😏 Rio: no, it was hard though, he was stressed as fuck Rio: you'll have done what you needed to do, I know Nancy: At least you could play the pregnancy card, like DO NOT STRESS ME, BOY Nancy: I basically had to shut myself away to get the same effect Rio: I feel it, Junior looks like this is his first time seeing sunlight in years, he hasn't taken his sunglasses off Rio: know they're prescription but come on Rio: as for the pregnancy card, great for getting out of arguments you've probably caused being a crazy bitch, like Nancy: I don't think he remembers who any of us are 😂 Nancy: It's not too late to have some actual fun today, is it? Nancy: You need it too, Buster said you've been pretty sick Nancy: He's dramatic, but still Rio: Of course not Rio: Someone suggested going to the pub to celebrate but as I'm the one with the baby I can make sure they choose somewhere nice with a decent cocktail list and beer garden, not a grotty old man pub, like Rio: Just morning sickness but it was pretty shitty and lonely when he was at School and so was Indie Rio: but fingers crossed I'm over that now so Nancy: We have to do something about that dress first Nancy: Come with me before we go anywhere else Nancy: I will save you Rio: 🙌 Rio: If you take me near a maternity section, we will brawl Nancy: God no Nancy: I'd burst into flames Rio: 😂 Rio: You remembered suncream today though, yeah? Nancy: Yes, mum Nancy: Maternity clothes are actually disgusting and I'm not letting it happen to you Nancy: Or my niece or nephew, how embarrassing to look back on Rio: It's just not necessary either Rio: do you know how big most clothes go these days like Nancy: Thank you! Like be more creative than that Nancy: If you wear a smock I'm disowning you Nancy: I don't care if you're having twins in a heatwave Rio: You'll be glad to know it ain't, unless one of them was hiding real stealth, but I'd be much bigger, pretty sure Nancy: Yeah, you'd need more than that dress to hide behind, right? Mum was such a ridiculous size with us, the pics are actually like something out of a scary movie Nancy: Say what you like about her, and do, but she always looked good Rio: Honestly, poor bitch Rio: Feel her small girl pain in a way you can never Rio: feeling like a human ball some days and it is just the one Nancy: Why do you think I'm not taking you to a maternity section, they'd think I was the one with a baby on board Nancy: No offense but kill me Rio: Oh bitch no Rio: like, is daddy excited or terrified, Nance? Rio: straight girl bants Nancy: I nearly threw up in my mouth Nancy: Not morning sickness, sorry lads Rio: You keep down your breakfast if you getting in my car, thank you very much Nancy: Such a mum 😏
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