#if youre the dumbest person in a room of geniuses you have the most opportunity to learn and grow
boredwithmythoughts · 11 months
It's weird how skewed ones perceptions of oneself can be based off of whom you surround yourself with, which includes your abilities and talents.
It actually wasn't until a few years ago that I came to this realization.
You see, I have always surrounded myself and have been surrounded by people quite extraordinary in pretty much any field I've been in, ranging from sports to academics.
I'm not saying I've felt stupid or inadequate, but it has formed what my base is for what I consider mediocre as well as skilled or incredible.
I've always felt myself as...average in everything I do basically, sometimes going above average. I basically have taken for granted that the people I had gravitated towards were just in their own league until I started noticing what the actual average person is like *outside* of that type of person.
The stuff that I thought I was just average at, the stuff that I just assumed people knew to do... It has been eye opening when I found out that people just...don't have those skills or knowledge, or can't even do the things that I've grown up learning to do.
Granted, I've also been incredibly humbled by people from different societal groups having knowledge or skills that I didn't even *know* existed, as well as having my shortcomings for what is apparently common knowledge for a lot of people brought to my attention.
Anyway, the point of all of this is, if you are feeling that you are just..average, or there's nothing special about you, or anything you try you can't excel in as everyone around you can do as well or better, maybe you should take a good *look* at those you are around and maybe try to expand to or hang around a different societal group for a while, and you might just find yourself being incredible to those people through your supposed mediocrity in your fields of interest. After all, if you consistently surround yourself with the best in your field, it's hard to keep in mind that you're one of them as well.
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