#if your standards for evil are this narrow read more books and watch more cartoons
lightdancer1 · 2 years
I keep noting that people who say 'Azula is the greatest evil in all of fiction' are too squeamish to get to the real nastiness:
If they think 'Today is the day I celebrate becoming an only child' is too mean, they'd really find Johnny Bates as disturbing as people in the 80s did when Marvelman was brand new.
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The results of this guy going on a rampage to massacre London for fun and profit have yet to be matched in all of modern comic-dom's meaningless brutality and gore. The reason for this is by the time you get to this point and everything else he does in London, well....
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You start with this. And it goes from the suave businessman of the first volumes to this guy:
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So sure, kids. An eighth grader with a big mouth is your nadir of evil and horrific things you've seen and read in fiction because you are the cartoon equivalent of the person who's only read one book.
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