#if your muse is a magic user go for the scrolls or smthn
hehosts-moved · 7 months
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❝ this is my library, ❞ he says, gesturing to the expanse of the floor they currently occupy.
they are at the center, surrounded by shelves containing neatly stacked books, tomes, scrolls, and other such materials. it is an endless expanse, going upwards, to the left, right, forward, back —— ah, wasn't there an entrance there just before? he ignores the shifting bookcases, arms coming to fold behind himself as he offers this fresh mind a look into something rather extraordinary. it makes his office seem humble, simple even.
❝ one of them. please, by all means ... look around. you've earned it. ah, and if you come across a locked door, simply check your pocket. you'll notice you have the keys —— it's on you to find the right one. [ ... ] well? i anticipate you'll want to have a look around. go on. ❞ he gives an amicable wave, pausing before he asks, ❝ or are you expecting me to accompany you? if we're being honest, this sort of is a dual-purpose trip for me. i have a few ... things ... i need to collect. find me in the area labeled restricted, but wait outside. i'll know if you come in. trust me ... it's prudent you stay out. everywhere else? by all means. ❞ // * open starter from the great man feat. his library !!
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