#if you're wondering if juni means pants in the american way or british way
bosspigeon · 3 years
✨WIP Wednesday✨
HELLO HELLO it's been a while! <3 i was tagged by @veeples and it took me a bit to find something to share, but then i remembered i started writing some directionless Juni/Mason stuff on the bus a little while ago, because it's kind of my feel-good comfort pairing now hfdkjlsahghkj it's late and im not sure who's already been tagged, but if you've got something you wanna share, feel free to tag me in it! <3
Juni flops into bed beside him, and he immediately sticks his hands underneath the shirt and starts to ruck it up over the detective's belly. "Hey!" he squawks, trying to yank it back down. His laugh is bright, even as late as it is, sweet and happy.
"I need that back," Mason grumbles, lips twitching with the effort not to smile. "Got a mission brief to get to. Need to hurry if I want to be able to shower."
Juni deflates, but he still wrestles the shirt back down to cover his modesty, like Mason hasn't seen (and touched, and tasted) it all. "Oh," he sighs. "Well, you can use my shower, if you want?"
Mason scrunches his nose. While it would save him a lot of time (and give him a little longer to lounge around in bed with the detective) his shower back at the warehouse has his stuff. There’s no truly unscented products, when you’re a creature with super-senses, especially as sensitive as Mason’s are, but the Agency’s managed to get a hold of some that are close enough to unscented for Mason to actually use without being drowned in artificial fruit smells.
Juni purses his lips. “If it helps, my soaps and stuff are all pretty mild?” He wiggles closer, tips his head so his curls brush over Mason’s cheeks. He conditioned his hair, and even still damp, it’s soft, and smells like something Mason can’t name, sweet and lightly floral. “I have crazy sensitive skin, so most commercial stuff makes me break out, and sometimes strong artificial smells give me migraines...” Mason is hardly listening, too busy burying his fingers in Juni’s hair and scritching at his scalp, indulging in the wealth of sensory information that is the detective.
Under the clean scent of him, he smells like Mason, bundled up in the vampire’s shirt, and that’s doing things to him he has no hope of picking apart.
And when Mason tugs a little at his hair on a puckish impulse, there’s the faintest hint of arousal, a weak little noise catching in Juni’s throat.
“Mason,” he mumbles, pressing a hand to his chest. Mason tilts his head, “Want me to stop?” he asks, smirking a little.
“You gotta go soon,” Juni sighs. His eyelids are starting to droop, though it’s hard to tell if it’s because of the late hour or something else. “Gonna shower here or not?”
He chews it over for a moment, fingers still tangled in dense, soft curls. Juni waits patiently for his answer, though it’s obvious he’s starting to list, even if his big, hazel-green eyes are watching Mason with sleepy focus. “Yeah, why not,” he grunts. It won’t kill him to do it just once, even if it does leave him a bit out of sorts. “Gonna let me borrow one of your shirts, then? Since you won’t give me back mine?”
Juni smiles, blood rushing to his skin. Fuck, Mason’s never wanted to move less. “I like oversized clothes, so at least you know they’ll fit.”
Mason huffs out a laugh, and checks the time on Juni’s bedside alarm clock. He groans and starts to disentangle himself, feeling cold where the detective’s soft limbs were tangled around his. It doesn’t help that Juni makes a tiny sound of displeasure, his lips curling in a faint pout. He rolls over in the warm spot Mason’s left behind, and watches him stretch through slitted eyes. “Keep looking at me like that, sweetheart, and I’ll blow Adam off and stay right here.”
“And then he’ll come storming in to look for you,” Juni fires back, laughing quietly. "And I'm not wearing pants."
"Lucky Adam, then," Mason snorts, but the second the words leave his mouth, he's left feeling sour and strange. It's not like Adam would care, and if he did he'd leave immediately—
Mason shakes his head. What a pointless train of thought. Still, he skims a hand up Juni's bare thigh, squeezing a little harder than is perhaps necessary, but Juni doesn't seem to mind.
"Go shower!" he blurts, pulling a pillow over his face and squeezing his legs together as Mason's hand starts to wander.
Mason snickers, smacks the back of his hand against Juni's thigh to enjoy the way it wobbles, and saunters off to the bathroom.
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