#if you're reading the tags tell me which drawing of the “reality” series is your favorite lol
indigos-stardust · 1 month
Violet and Blue Bruises: Catfight
part 1 / part 2/ part 3/ part 4
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(used a base found online made by AlexBaxtheDarkness on DeviantArt)
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The Tea:
The second that the two made contact, any hope of a somewhat peaceful resolution was lost. Blue immediately tackled Vio.
It was no duel. There's only nasty scraps, pushing, hard hits, and a pathetic scramble for leverage over the other, each barely managing to shift the tides before the other makes another move.
The bruises blossom, painting their skin with every forceful hit against furniture, floor, and bone. Fingers dig into soft skin, deep and piercing. Not as piercing as their f*cking screeching though. Shadow's been a bit bored recently just, sitting there being a shadow, so this? This is glorious.
He isn't quite rooting for Blue even though he still sees Vio as the traitor he is (okay, he understands why Vio betrayed him but still!! it hurt a lot okay?!), but honestly? He was gonna reevaluate all his feelings, because this? This was beautiful.
Sure, the losers spent several minutes practically rolling around like pigs trying to get any easy marks they could, but the second Blue got the upper ground (literally, Blue took a lot better care of himself than Vio and his strength definitely showed it, with how he was able to pin Vio down despite Vio's erratic squirming and clawing) - Oh man, Vio seemed trapped. How nice.
Blah blah blah, " What pissed you?!" blah blah blah garbage from Vio about, "Just giving what's due you dull headed-" and more blah blah blah something about, "YOU"RE SUCH A GREEDY COWARD, you aren't and never were there when we needed you!"
Honestly, where was the real drama? No ironic wordplays?
Blue clearly wanted to get this situation under control. So, he decided to very calmly and reasonably inquire, "WHAT 'S YOUR DAMN PROBLEM YOU STUPID *SS PIECE OF NERD?"
Honestly, Shadow hadn't ever known Blue could be so eloquent! It would be upsetting though if the fight ended this early, so for the first time he offered a small prayer to Hylia. Perhaps she could influence and spur on her pathetic little light worlders to keep the scrap going? And oh did she answer his prayers-
Like poetry in motion, Vio practically pierced Blue's shoulder with a fierce and rapid bite. A perfect twist of the head, just the perfect amount of force- and at the most perfect spot to induce the most pain without any real injury! Shadow had taught him that... He remembered.
F*ck Blue, Vio might suck but this was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen!
Of course, now they were both standing again! And in a new bigger territory! THE LIVING ROOM!!! Shadow hadn't been this thrilled since he died!!
A whirling heavy book smashing against Vio's skull followed a war cry of, "MAYBE THIS"LL TEACH YOU A LESSON ON HOW TO NOT BE A TOTAL D*CK!??" Pure poetry, if Shadow had a mortal form, he'd be wiping tears! Though he doesn't know if it be from laughter or pure joy!
OOH PERFECT THEY SMASHED RED'S NEW MUG? Ohohoho more dangers on the battlefield~~~(not to mention it could spur on another fight for whose fault it was later! this was like what? Red's third "new favorite best mug!" because all his favorite mugs always break?)
Shadow was just enjoying the show, excited for the grand finale- Someone was going to throw a chair!! He had to see how this would end-
The front door slams open. Green busts in, eyes panicked, face flushed. Red anxiously trying to look inside behind the frozen Green.
They freeze.
Oh no.
lmso I might make part 4 later today or tomorrow lol
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
Tag game for fanfiction authors!
Thank you so much for the tag @angelosearch! I'm going to tag @goforth-ladymidnight @praetorqueenreyna @achaotichuman @yaralulu @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @thedickgraysons @chunkypossum and whoever wants to join pls! I'm really bad at remembering who are all the writers!
The story you're proudest of
I have two fics that I'm especially proud of!
Wildflowers, which is my ACOTAR prequel. It's my first fanfiction written and posted online, and the first story I wrote start to finish. I tried my best to give depth to the world and the side characters. I do think some people are turned off by the main characters/ship, but it's so much more than that. It's also spawned so many side stories which is so exciting!
Regrets, which is my first SUPERBAT that I ever posted. I think it's a really good reflection of my style which balances emotion, humour and intimacy. I'm so happy my first attempt at writing my OTP turned out SO WELL.
Your story that's gotten the most love online:
The answers are the same as above, but for different reasons.
Wildflowers has gotten a lot of praise for multiple elements in the story, and I feel like those who read it all found different parts to enjoy. It's one of those stories that are really fun to talk about, and there's so many little nods here and there. It makes me happy to see that readers are noticing them. Wildflowers also has original additions (like family members of the main characters) that everyone loves as much as I do!
Regrets has the most kudos, but like mentioned above, it's a classic ship and a good balance of fluff and angst elements! I had so much fun writing it, and I think that came through in the piece.
Tease a current WIP or idea you're working on:
I've been wanting to tease NEEDLE & KING (wip title, subject to change), which is the prequel/side story for Rhysand's parents.
It was supposed to be a shorter, contained story about their romance, but now it's become a lore exercise, an exploration of cultural displacement in fantasy, starts off as a female-focused cast, etc.
Chapter 1 Flying
At the end of the world, Lilith thinks of nothing. No home to yearn for, no family to miss her—at least, not for long—and no future to look forward to.  She stands on the edge of a mountain’s peak, one of two Wolf’s Fangs, and feels. The world comes into her through the howls of the wind and the bite of the cold against her barely covered arms. Clouds stand between her and the bottom, if she could even see that far on a clear day. Her life, until now, has been a series of instances that have happened to her rather than experience. The absence of her father, the death of her mother, the fear that looms above her—she is at the mercy of everything around her. Here, the ice demands her wakefulness. Here, the skies challenge her. Here, every breath is earned. The height of the mountain is the only time she feels alive, so what is that feeling when she steps off its edge and careens downwards. Down, down, down, she goes with a whistle—a force against gravity. At the bottom, reality will come crashing down, but she can solve that problem quite easily. Just… fall. Her black wings strain against the fall, and she grits her teeth. It’s not in her nature to fall; she will never accept her fate. Lilith wages war against nature itself, demanding her muscles to yield to her will. A loud flapping noise signals her success, the membranes of her wings cradling the air itself to take her in an arc, a low swoop and then up again. She glides through the clouds, occasionally drawing her dark wings to herself and allowing herself to plummet before catching herself again. Lilith had taught herself to fly. It was the only thing she can control in her small, small life. Her flights have no destination, and they are timeless. She flies for as long as she can. She pushes as far as she can go because she never knows when it will be her last time.
Like any draft, this may be subject to change. The first scene I usually write for any draft is the one that 'sets' the tone of the story.
Fun fact - Lilith is a name/character that pops up in all my stories either as some weird writing signature/nod, or as a main character. She's a hyperfixation that started with Diablo and never left, but she's become her own phenomenon for me and my writing.
Your top 3 fandoms: that I write in... ACOTAR & DC Comics. I currently don't have time to write in a third one, woops.
Your top 3 ships: If it's what I've written for, then the answers are Tamlin x Rhysand, Bruce x Clark and Orm x Clark. If it's what I enjoy personally, then it's all of the above + many, many crackships.
Rec someone else's fic: Without a doubt, the people I've tagged above have amazing fics. I haven't had a chance to read their works in their entirety, but I've participated in challenges with them, creeped on their works, and they are SO GOOD! Please go check them out! Their fics are on my to-read, but part of my writing process is to just write without reading, so once I'm done my current fic, I will be going through each work to add comments and properly devote the love and attention they deserve.
Pick one!
Fluff or Angst - I cannot NOT write angst, but I believe that both (one into the other) create incomparable emotional depth.
Oneshots or longfics - I prefer reading oneshots, but I cannot stick to one chapter for the life of me.
Canon compliance or canon divergence - I have the worst memory, I couldn't be canon compliant if I wanted to...
AO3 or FF.net
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