#if you’ve seen it tell me if you shipped staticquake i need to know
ficklefigments · 3 years
okay ( possibly controversial ) opinions and random thoughts about civil war bc i can !! beware tony stark stans and actually just mcu stans in general possibly, bc ive been seeing stuff on my dash and i have ~thoughts~
- k, starting off with why no one READ the accords ?? maybe they did and we didn’t get to see a shot bc boring but pls marvel you could’ve flipped a five second shot to each character reading with a facial reaction. but also like individual stances pls, not just pick a side, lowkey not that realistic
- also we will be getting into agents of shield knowledge here, some people don’t consider it canon, i do, go pull your head out of feige’s asshole <3 ( lovingly, jokingky she said )
- in agents of shield, it required every person/being that had a genetic mutation that led to them being powered ( basically anyone who couldn’t take away their powers then get them back like peter parker getting bit by the spider, he can’t get un-bit ) to be registered with the government, tracked by the government, monitored, surveillance, the whole sha bang. some heroes, that’s not a problem for ex, the ones that wear a suit and can take it on and off. but the ones that have it in their blood and body ? they are forced into this. this is why i was kinda iffy with tony on this, not everyone is the same kind of superhero and what may apply to someone does naturally apply to another. like bro, you can stop, some ppl can’t.
- but also they were required to submit both their secret superhero identities and real identities for reg. it is incredibly dangerous for the world to know exactly who a powered individual is, there was an organization called the watchdogs in agents of shield that was hellbent on eliminating a breed of powered people called in humans and this information was leaked from the government, leading to the loss of many lives. like there were nationwide blackouts and purges to kill in humans with the information that was leaked, it obvi wasn’t safe.
- tony stark blackmails peter parker into fighting for him, a 15 year old kid, by threatening to reveal his new and somewhat unstable secret identity to aunt may. what the fuck. we all saw that right ?
- i’m uncomfortable with how wanda was the scapegoat for lagos, other people fueled this accident, it wasn’t just her. the news just kept going on and on ?? like i feel like ppl took advantage of the fact she’s powered and used that for anti propaganda
- stop. bashing. sharon. carter. yeah it’s a little weird she kissed the same guy as her aunt, but who fucking cares? steve knew peggy for a few yrs, she was supposed to move on, at this point, she doesn’t own him.
- tony only gets involved with “taking responsibility for our actions” when this american kid dies. he heard a sad story and he’s ready to just go 180 ?? sir. so many ppl died in nyc, why now, what did you do the.
- THE RAFT. the prison for super villains ? yeah let’s just stick half the avengers in there.
- tony exposed clint’s family to the government. y’know the secret family ? emphasis on secret !
-im not your #1 steve rogers stan or anything but yes my initial reaction was to be on team cap bc i consider myself to have somewhat of a moral code and like if u can help someone !! then !! help !! i was totally with him on this even tho i believe they need some kind of nick fury / phil coulson ( who’s honestly technically still alive and able to do the job ) to babysit them. i didn’t like how everyone was fine being told when they can and can’t help, they’re heroes because of their natural instinct to help ppl :((
-i want it addressed at some point how bucky felt about being the one who made howard kick the bucket. idk if they were close or anything but like ?? they both worked with steve on the same team and war kinda brings ppl together, so like how did he feel watching himself kill one of his friends from his life when everything was easier ? unwillingly severing another tie to bucky barnes and releasing the winter soldier
pls remember these r just my opinions !! you do not have to agree/disagree or even read these, i just needed to get a few thoughts out and this is what we have rn
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daisylincs · 4 years
Ok sorry if you get multiple of the same ask just ignore the copies Anyway can you do a staticquake 53, 58, 62
53 = Mutual Pining, 58 = Accidental Eavesdropping and 62 = Love Confessor (Character A confessing their love for Character B to Character C). 
Hey thanks, anon! Now, for some reason, my brain at midnight decided it would be a really good idea to combine this prompt with, of all things, a Circus AU. I cannot for the life of me explain why I thought this, except maybe that I was scrolling through the prompt list and realised that I've never actually seen a Circus AU before. (If you've ever seen one, please send it to me!! I'd love to give it a read.) 
Anyway, however it happened, here's the bullet-point fic for you! I hope you like it 😁🎪
Shield Circus is known far and wide for its incredible acts, and for how its performers have formed their own tight-knit little family. From the ringmaster, Coulson, who's basically a dad to them all, to the fearless trapeze queen May and her protégés Daisy and Elena, to Fitz and Jemma with their ever-hilarious mad science show, everyone has a place where they fit in, and everyone knows, trusts and likes everyone. 
Naturally, there's a lot of teasing around, too - with a group as close as that, what else can you expect, really? 
And since Fitzsimmons have finally gotten their act together (ha, ha) the group's collective shipping interest has moved on to Daisy. 
Specifically, Daisy and Lincoln, who everybody can see like each other - except, obviously, Daisy and Lincoln. 
Lincoln's role in the circus is a musician, and while he's still a part of the Shield family, he's not as super-close as all the performers are. Him and Daisy are friends, sure, but they're not that close, and he's sure his massive crush is unrequited. 
After all, why would someone like her, who can literally fly through the air, fall in love with him, whose only sort-of skill is playing the circus theme?
 He's made it a habit to sit and watch her train with May and Elena in the evenings - she's absolutely radiant in the air, flushed and happy with success, and always laughing and delighted with herself when she comes down to the ground again. 
Oh, he's so far gone. 
"You two drive me up the wall," Hunter, the lion-tamer, informs Lincoln as he's setting up his act. (Lincoln doesn't think Hunter can really talk, since he literally describes his job with the lions as "they can't do anything worse to me than my hellbeast wife." But he doesn't say that - Hunter and Bobbi are in one of their on phases.) 
Instead he just grumbles, "yeah, whatever, man," as he trails the trapeze artists out of the ring so he can hopefully catch Daisy for a chat before dinner. 
He's hanging around outside the changing room - not creepily, thank you very much, he and Daisy actually have a standing arrangement to meet up after she's done with training to laugh together about the day's nonsense - when he hears May's voice. 
He's a little surprised, because May usually changes very quickly so she can go over the plans for the next show with Coulson before dinner. 
And he knows he shouldn't, but if his time with Shield has taught him anything, it's that privacy is a rather vague construct around here. Eavesdropping is a thing in the circus, especially if it can get you good bribing material. 
Nobody's ever got any good bribing material on May, so can you even blame him for listening in? 
What he hears, though, is decidedly not that. 
"... sure he doesn't feel the same way?" May is asking. 
It's Daisy who replies. "I don't know! He's never shown anything that couldn't just be interpreted as just, you know, being a good friend."
 May makes a kind of unconvinced "hmm" noise. 
"Oh, don't give me that," Daisy says, exasperated. "Fitz and Jemma used to meet up after training all the time - hell, they even slept in each other's trailers." 
"And Fitz and Jemma are now dating," May says drily. 
Lincoln can just see the scowl on Daisy's face. "Okay, fine, maybe not my best example. But -" her voice catches slightly "- I don't want to go into this unless I'm absolutely sure he feels the same way. I can't… the pain of thinking someone really cares about me, then having my heart torn out when I find out the truth - I can't go through that again." 
He has never heard her sound so vulnerable, and it makes his heart clench. He knows exactly who did this to her, and if Ward ever shows his face here again, Lincoln will punch him straight into the next county. (He suspects he'll have to stand in line, though.) 
There's a kind of soft rustle in the room, and he thinks it might mean May has pulled Daisy into a hug. His heart clenches again, for entirely different reasons this time - May might seem unapproachable and impassive, but God, she cares so much. 
"Daisy," May says softly, and Lincoln almost gasps at how gentle her voice is. "I know you've been hurt, but if my life has taught me one thing, it's that we're not meant to spend our lives alone. Love is something we should all have, and I know better than anyone how hard it can be to open your heart to it, because the first step is trust."
"Trust, Daisy," she continues. "I know how hard it is, but you have to trust that Lincoln is nothing like Ward. You have to trust that he's a good guy, and that he'd never hurt you that way." 
Lincoln almost misses the rest of her sentence, because his brain has frozen at the mention of his name. Wait, wait, wait. They were talking about him?
Surely this doesn't mean… if she said she's not sure he feels the same way… if May is talking about love… 
His brain blanks out completely for a few seconds as it hits him that Daisy might actually return his feelings. 
Somewhat poetically, it's Daisy's voice that brings him back to reality. "He's a really, really good friend," she says, and her voice is so warm. "You really think he feels the same way?" 
Lincoln can practically hear May rolling her eyes. "Of course he does," she says. "Daisy, that boy is gaga for you." 
Daisy laughs softly, incredulously, as though she's only just letting herself believe it. (He totally gets the feeling.) 
"Thanks, May," she says, still in that slightly breathless tone of voice. 
And Lincoln has never heard May sound so warm as she replies, "Anytime." 
He's so caught up in wondering at it all that he almost doesn't realise when the door opens. He has to scramble like a mad thing to get behind one of the lockers so the women don't see him. 
"Lincoln should be somewhere nearby," Daisy says, and he winches at the absolute accuracy of that. "We always meet up for a chat around this time." 
"And you think you two don't have anything special," May snorts. 
Daisy shakes her head. "Yeah, yeah." But she's smiling as she walks off. 
Lincoln is smiling, too, and he's so relieved and happy that he totally forgets about the locker he ducked behind. As he stands up, he bangs his head against it, really, really loudly. 
And also, oh, shit. 
May whips around, her eyes narrowing. "Out," she orders. 
Lincoln sheepishly comes out from behind the locker, rubbing his head. That really hurt, and now he's busted. Just perfect. 
May's eyes narrow even further, if that's even possible. "How long were you there?" she asks in her soft, dangerous tone. 
Lincoln swallows. He wouldn't dare lie to May. So, shame-facedly, he admits, "since pretty much the beginning." 
"And why," May asks in a voice that bites like a whip, "did you think it was a good idea to listen in on a private conversation?" 
"I… was hoping… to get bribing material," he says weakly. "On, uh, you." 
He's sure he's just signed his own death warrant, but to his total surprise, May snorts and rolls her eyes. "This really is Coulson's circus, isn't it? He's really rubbed his no-personal-space-we're-a-family ethic off on you all, hasn't he?" 
"Uh, yeah," Lincoln says awkwardly. 
May shakes her head, but there's only fondness in her gaze. "He'd be so frustratingly happy to hear that." 
Her gaze sobers quickly, though. "I was right, wasn't I?" she asks, getting straight to the point. He's always respected that about her. "You do love Daisy?" 
"Of course I do," he says, and he can feel a grin tugging at his lips just to admit it. Wow, it feels good - but it's nothing compared to actually KNOWING she feels the same way. 
May's gaze is amused, but, he thinks, just a bit affectionate, too. "Good," she says. "Then I think you two will be very happy." 
"Thanks," he says, feeling his grin widen and his chest expand with warmth. "That means a lot, from you." 
Because it really does - May is basically Daisy's mom. The little exchange he just overheard pretty much proves that. 
May smiles at him - an actual smile. Whoa. "Off you go," she tells him. "Go find the girl you love." 
He can't stop grinning as he turns to walk away, feeling a literal bounce in his step. Fitz really wasn't exaggerating with the whole love-makes-you-so-happy-you-could-float-away thing, was he? 
"Just one more thing," May calls as he's about to round the corner. "I don't think I really need to tell you this, but if you hurt Daisy, I promise you I will put you in that cannon and fire you through the roof." 
Lincoln has to bite back a grin at the picture, but he's never been more serious as he replies, "I hope you'll never have to do that." 
May gives him a nod, and he really feels like he's passed a test. A nod and a smile from Melinda May? He never thought he'd see the day. 
He's so preoccupied in his proud thoughts that he completely forgets to look where he's going, and crashes right into someone on the other side of the corner. 
"What the… Daisy?!?!" he exclaims as he sees who it is. Then he processes her suspicious pose leaning against the corner. "What are you… were you eavesdropping on me?" 
Daisy’s cheeks are burning, but she folds her arms and stares him down. "Well, as it turns out, I was eavesdropping on you admitting that you had eavesdropped on me," she points out, confusingly but correctly. 
He has to concede that one - and he's pretty sure his cheeks are burning, too, as he realises what exactly she would have heard. 
"So, um, you… like me, too?" he asks. 
At the exact same time, she says, "I can't believe you like me, too!" 
"Well," he says, cheeks practically on fire from burning so much, "I thought I was actually pretty obvious, what with the whole watching you train and spending every free minute chatting with you -" 
"I thought you were just being a good friend!" she protests, and somehow she's drifting a step closer to him with every word. "I didn't know that I'd end up falling for you, even though your puns are the stupidest thing in this world!" 
"My puns are awesome," he argues, letting the last bit of distance between them draw closed. "And, really, didn't you see all the similarities between us and Fitzsimmons?"
"Well, you probably thought I didn't even notice you," she reasons, raising her hands to poke at his chest but ending up just resting them there. "As if I could not notice you!"
 "Should we just agree that we're a pair of oblivious idiots, then?" he asks, reaching out to brush a curl of hair behind her ear and letting his hand linger behind her ear. 
And, really, that line should not be as romantic as it is, but Daisy's gaze turns all soft and warm. 
"Yes," she says, and her voice is breathless in the best way possible. "We should."
And then they're kissing, her hands flattening and smoothing on his chest and his hands cradling the sides of her face. 
To think he ever thought she wouldn't notice him. To think she ever thought he was just being a good friend! 
If they weren't so busy kissing, he might even see what Hunter means. 
But as it is, he's fully occupied with the wonderful feeling of Daisy's lips on his. 
Well, at least until he gears someone start clapping slowly behind them. 
"Really, Hunter?" Daisy asks without even opening her eyes. 
Hunter doesn't even have the dignity to look ashamed of himself. "Come on, Dais, you know the drill." He holds out his hand to Fitz. "Come on, mate, pay up." 
Grumbling, Fitz forks over what looks like a hundred dollars. Lincoln just shakes his head. 
Then May walks calmly around the corner and takes the money from Hunter's hand. "Actually, I think you'll find that my bet predicted this to the day," she says, and holds out her hand for everyone to pay up. 
At Daisy and Lincoln's absolutely incredulous stares, she shrugs and pockets her money. "What do you expect? I married Phil Coulson." 
Then she's walking away like the badass she is, leaving everyone else to trail after her. 
Daisy buries her head in Lincoln's shoulder. "This is a crazy family we're part of, isn't it?" 
His eyes light up with mischief. "Yeah, it's a real circus." 
Daisy's eyes widen, and she groans and slaps at his shoulder. "Oh my Goooood." 
She can feel his laughter even more than she can hear it with her cheek pressed against his chest. 
And cliché as it might be, she's never been happier. 
She's found where she truly belongs. 
"They're crazy," she agrees, looking up at him with a soft smile, "but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world." 
The End. 
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