#if you worship a butterfly enough it might not need to eat accident any more
eimearkuopio · 14 days
Elie Wiesel said prophets both reflect their time and are outside of time. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. That loss and suffering are a necessary part of the ego death that results in enlightenment. That every enlightened person has a role, a task, which suits them and their personal suffering so well that there must be a bigger picture, a bigger lid of the box; that there needs to be some way to justify how many more caterpillars there are than butterflies, even though the caterpillars fight each other and eat whatever butterflies they can find. Cocoons are protective during transformation but we're not meant to live in them. We need to learn how to tell the difference between true, free butterflies, and half-formed chrysalises holding their occupants back from true flight. Butterflies can fly away; but if they truly love the caterpillars, they will lure them out of their cages, and show them the world they were always meant to live in. Birds may eat them along the way, and that is a tragedy; but it is a smaller tragedy than losing the butterfly who was leading you to your goal before their time. It's all an ecosystem. It needs a health balance, including of predators; and sometimes predators evolve, and become humanity's best friend, and help the shepherds guide the sheep. (Yes I am mixing my metaphors; remember when I said language constrains ideas, and ideas constrain concepts, and that's why communicating the true nature of reality is hard? If you don't understand me, ask questions so you can learn better and I can teach better. If you choose to retain your ignorance because you think you already understand, that is a true sin, because it will perpetuate your misunderstandings. Yes, I will sin against you by perpetuating my own; but the first part of the message I ever wrote was "I might be wrong". If you must choose between the lesser of two evils, at least choose based on your understanding of outcomes, not your flawed axioms. Axioms are a necessary part of every conceptual model, but if we don't acknowledge the limitations of our assumptions, eventually we must inevitably do more harm than good. That's why prophets reflect their time and are outside it; they must see what is wrong in the world they live in, and then, they must have sufficient understanding to be able to convey the next version of the truth.)
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salt-warrior · 4 years
Chapter Seven: Loner Loser
"And how did you get locked into that classroom, Miss Linh?" Principal Strom stared down at Selene, his eyes empathetic and kind. Selene wished to tell him, but it hurt too much to admit the betrayal of her best friend.
"I, uh- I accidentally locked it." Selene glanced down at her shoes, her stomach churning with guilt. "I don't really know how. Someone might have locked it earlier and I just got shut it."
Shrugging her shoulders, Selene continued the lie. "I passed out because it just had this horrible stench of smoke. I think some kids were smoking in there before me because it was awful." Selene wrinkled her nose at the memory of the real smoke and how it had made her feel. "I have these really bad allergies and don't do well with smoke. Or cotton, for that matter." Selene coughed for special effect. She was a master liar.
Principal Strom remained skeptical, his too big shoulders hunching as he analyzed her. "And you're sure that there was no... sabotage? Are there any students who may be out to get you? Have you been bullied at all in the past or at the present?" He was on to her, but there was no way that Selene was going to let him get her.
"Nope, I'm fine." Selene smiled her most brilliant smile. She was good at pretending. She was excellent at deception. She was clever and sharp as a knife; but that had never made anyone want to be her friend. She had a brain, but no one to share her witty jokes with.
"Well," Principal Strom sighed. He looked worn and tired, and Selene felt bad for the man. He tried so hard to do his job and help kids; but at the end of the day, he was still getting lied to. "I hope that you will report any behavior that is against school policies, especially bullying. We have no tolerance for it here at OHS. Have an excellent day, Miss Linh."
Selene stood from her stiff seat, paying a brief goodbye. She knew that what Pearl and her cohorts were doing was wrong. They were terrible people— monsters even. She hated them all, but some small part of her couldn't tell the Principal; because she couldn't bring herself to believe it had actually happened.
Cress Darnel was supposed to have been her friend. She had been the only person to stand by Selene after Peony's death, but times change. She must have been the one to tell Pearl and her friends her fear of fire.
No, Selene wasn't scared of what Pearl and her cronies would do to her. She was used to pain and heartbreak— but betrayal was something entirely new to her. Selene had never opened up enough to a person to allow such a tragedy, and admitting it would hurt her more than any physical wound.
Selene had lost too much in life, but losing her friend to betrayal was the ultimate tragedy.
The buzz of a telephone over one thousand miles away tickled at Kai's ear. It had taken him only a few hours to locate the Linh's phone number and only a few more to figure out what he was going to say. By now, it was nine in the morning.
He had checked everything, making sure that it would all be perfect. The time zones had only an hour difference and it was a Friday morning. No one should yet have left for work. It would all be perfect.
"Hello?" Said a voice from the other end. It sounded young and feminine.
"Hello," Kai said in his chipper voice. He had only slept for an hour and a half, but he felt more awake than ever. "My name is Kaito Crown, and I was hoping to speak with Garan Linh."
Silence followed, and Kai wondered if the girl had hung up on him. "Hello?"
"You can't speak with my father." The girl's voice was angry— defensive. "What kind of sick prank is this?" The girl sounded upset now, and Kai felt bad even though he didn't know what he had done wrong.
"I'm sorry," Kai cut in quickly, before she could call him out for anything else he hadn't done. "Who is this?"
"Pearl Linh." The girl—Pearl— huffed.
"Well, Pearl, like I said, I would like to talk to your father on behalf of his ward, Selene." Kai stated patiently. He couldn't quite understand why Pearl sounded so annoyed at him, or why she wouldn't let him talk to her father. It wasn't as if he were trying to scam them or anything.
An agitated snarl sounded from the other end. The animal-like sound scared Kai into nearly dropping the phone. "What is your problem? Do you like causing people emotional pain, or are you just insensitive?" Kai flinched at her words. He had not expected such a retaliation to such a simple and easy question.
"I-I'm sorry." Kai stuttered the apology, a chink in his armor.  "I don't mean to bring up anything upsetting. It's just that Selene has been in a terrible car accident and has suffered major injuries. I know that she's been estranged from the family, but I thought that you may still want to–"
"We don't want anything to do with that monster." Pearl's voice dripped with malice. She was furious. "Not after everything she did to our family. She took away not one, but two members of this family. She's a menace to society."
Kai felt his breath hitch. He knew that many children in Foster Homes struggled and often rebelled, but this sounded serious. Maybe the girl he had saved was mentally insane, or had done something terrible to this family.
"If you don't mind me asking," Kai said, "What did Selene do to you?" Kai hurriedly explained himself, "I'm the person who pulled her out of the car. I never met her before the accident, and she's been in a medically induced coma for about a week."
Pearl sighed from the other end. She seemed to be more relaxed knowing that Kai was just a random citizen. "I'll tell you what happened only if you promise to leave my mother and I alone. She hates talking about these kinds of things. Her mental state is already terrible and I don't need it getting worse."
"I promise." Kai said, his stomach jittering with butterflies. He almost didn't want to know whatever Pearl was about to tell him, but he couldn't help himself. He was a curious person.
"My dad took Selene in when she was sixteen. He knew what it was like to have bad parents, though he had never been in a Foster Home. He really liked her and decided to adopt her into the family. My mother was against the entire thing, and I agreed with her. The only person besides my father who wanted Selene was my younger sister, Peony. Funnily enough, they're the two who got the worst of it from Selene.
"Peony worshipped Selene. She thought that the sun shone from everything that she did. I despised her. Call it psychic abilities, but I knew that she was a rotten one. I did not expect her to murder my sister, however. I knew she was bad, but I didn't think she was so horrible as to murder a child. My sister was only fourteen.
"There was no proof that Selene did it, but everyone knew. It only took her a less than two months before she realized that no one wanted her anymore, and so she left.
"My parents had mixed emotions about her leaving. My mother was thrilled, and while my dad wasn't too fond of the thing anymore, he still wanted to help. My mom told him not to tell anyone that she'd run away. After all, Selene was almost eighteen. When Social Services found out that she'd run away and my dad hadn't told anyone, they were furious.
"My father was charged with child neglect for not reporting Selene's disappearance and being her legal guardian. He was sentenced to ten years in prison for not wanting to keep a monster in our house anymore.
"I hope that accident hurt Selene, because she ruined my life. My mother is destroyed because of what that fiend did, and left me all alone to pick up the broken pieces of my family. Don't call again." A dull buzz filled Kai's ears, and he knew that he would never speak to Pearl Linh ever again.
Kai smeared ketchup onto his french fry, lathering it up until it was fifty-fifty ketchup to fry ratio. He hated eating naked french fries. Thorne, on the other hand barely tapped his three fries into his BBQ sauce. Kai didn't quite understand the sauce choice, but Thorne had something against tomatoes.
"So how did Selene murder the little sister again?" Thorne asked around a mouth of french fries. Kai squirmed at spotting the specks of food in his friend's mouth. He hated when people talked while chewing food.
Kai swallowed his single fry, taking time to answer by swigging his water. "Pearl didn't say. She just said that Selene killed her and then ran away."
Right after Kai's conversation with Pearl, he had called Thorne. The phone call had drained him and set his mind into panic mode. Kai had dished out the entire story to Thorne, who seemed to think of the entire thing as one fat joke.
"Great," Thorne deadpanned, picking up his burger. "You rescued a murderer from death. Maybe she'll kill you next." Thorne tilted his head downward in a teasing way, pointing a fry dramatically at Kai.
Rolling his eyes, Kai began to dip another fry. "The thing is, I have a hard time believing it. I don't just want to condemn her for something another person thought about her. For all we know, maybe Pearl murdered the little sister and used Selene as a cover story."
"Too cliché." Thorne said. "But I do agree with hearing Selene out before judging her. This Pearl character sounds a tad bit biased."
Kai nodded his head absently, biting his lower lip. The phone call with Pearl Linh had upset him more than he thought a phone call could. He didn't want to believe that Selene was a bad person, but something inside him yearned to learn more about the angel.
"I think I want to go to Olympia." Kai said, looking at Thorne to gage his reaction.
Thorne munched on another fry. "You must be getting overconfident with your looks then." Thorne said, his words mushed by food. "Because I'm pretty sure that girl would be more than happy to punch you in your perfect nose."
"I don't mean to visit the Linh's." Kai corrected himself. "I want to talk to the school, or maybe even some friends of Selene." Kai had been thinking about doing this even before his phone call with Pearl. He wanted to understand the person he was now connected to.
"How do you know if she even has friends? The girl sounds like a loner loser to me." Thorne wiped his mouth with a scratchy brown napkin. Kai threw him a glare. "I mean," Thorne continued. "If she doesn't have any friends here after two years of living here, why would she have any up there?"
Kai had never thought about that before. He always assumed that there must have been somebody that cared about Selene, but maybe there wasn't. Perhaps she was more alone than Kai could ever imagine.
"Everybody makes acquaintances in high school whether they like it or not." Kai rubbed his eyes. He may have been energized during his call with Pearl, but getting no sleep the night before was finally wearing on him. He needed a nap.
"Alright then, Mr. Superhero. Fight valiantly, die bravely. Go figure out your girlfriend's backstory. I'll stay here... doing nothing." Thorne sipped on his Coke, pinky up.
"Like you're getting away that easily." Kai smirked. "I need you to look out for Selene while I'm gone."
Thorne choked, spitting brown bubbles onto the tabletop. "No way. Aces and spades, I am not going to watch over your murderer girlfriend. I've sworn off all women, especially those who may want to hurt or kill me." Thorne shook his head adamantly. "You can go to Olympia and do whatever you want, Crown, but I have my own stuff."
"Come on," Kai pleaded, knowing exactly how to win this kind of battle. "I'll only be gone for a day or two, and all you have to do is talk to her for ten minutes. I just don't want her to be alone again."
"I'm pretty sure she's used to it by now." Thorne muttered under his breath, earning a blazing glare from Kai. "But alright, I'll visit her."
Kai grinned at his friend. "Thanks, mate."
"Anything for my lovestruck idiot best friend." Thorne reached across the table, beginning on Kai's fries.
Kai swatted at Thorne's hand, but he had already stolen five of his fries. "I am doing you a favor though," Kai said.
"How so? I thought that I was the one visiting your murdering angel." Thorne guffawed, shoving all five fries in his mouth at once.
"Because, my dear friend," Kai simpered. "I think your lady-charming skills needs some touching up. If anything, you're the loner loser, not Selene." Kai laughed, and Thorne glared.
Thorne stared at Kai's fries, a mischievous grin crossing his features. Kai yawned, stretching out his back and closing his eyes for a split second. By the time he looked back at the table, all of his fries were gone, and Thorne was laughing.
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bouldershima · 4 years
alright listen,, i gotta say sumn and ya’ll are gonna have to accept it i don’t make the rules
thigh men aren’t to be confused with ass men okay, these men specifically will absolutely lose their minds if you got a lil jiggle to your walk
so to the thick and chubby queens, we eating well tonight 😌💅🏽
warning: suggestive content, mentions of impact play (bakugo), uhhhh borderline nsfw but not quite
Top 3: Thigh Lovers
Honorable Mention (HM): Aizawa
Honorable Mention (HM) : Daichi
aha so here we go sunshines
even when he was a 3rd year at U.A., mans was strong n buff
and like periodt because he worked hard to achieve his goals and make with what he had
so even as an adult, he is a whole man and a half
which is only a benefit since mirio is 100% a flirt, no critisim will be accepted
and boy does he love making you flustered 😃
at any given wake of day, he can and he will elict a reaction out of you
wait this is about thighs, hold on
okay so his lap is honestly your throne, it is what it is
he really loves how plush they are and he will squeeze them without warning
he just loves a handful of thigh whenever possible
we all know he’s very direct as well, so if he wants something from you, he will ask for it no hesitation
his face is definitely your throne as well
when you cuddle, thighs resting on his waist is a non-negotiable requirement
and if you just have one of those days where you’re feeling a little less than yourself?
this king will reassure you and caress your thighs as he does so
and if your thighs are what’s causing your distress???????? girl
you’ll definitely feel somethings that night, you’ll feel better about yourself, the butterflies, and sumn else
total thigh guy, there is no room for discussion. some may say he’s an ass man, but we all know what the real truth is
like the ass jiggle is great and all
but do you realize just how powerful the thigh jiggle is?? a confident thigh jiggle at that???
listen, anything you do with this man, if you’re doing it confidently you’d literally have him at your command
and i know you know this
regardless, one of the main reasons why he loves him a pair of thiccqque thighs is because he’s totally into impact play oop
yeah, so he loves smacking them and watching them jiggle
quirk enhanced spanks, definetly a thing with him
or better yet, marking them up and leaving reminders of who you belong to
lemme stop myself right there
now he’s not into pda much, but will occasionally have his hand on your thigh when driving or like sitting close
would 100% keep a hand on your hips if he feels threatened (bakugo language translation: jealous)
or. if he’s extra pissed then he would definitely grab a big ol handful of thigh as he brings your leg to his waist as he kisses you, with the other hand on the small of your back
don’t confront him about it though or else
oh where do i begin with this man
will literally be at your mercy if your thighs spill out whenever you sit down
you wearing pants? he’s staring. shorts? he’s definitely staring. skirts??? staring.
now if you hit him with the skirt + thigh high combo, you might just kill him
did i mention that his absolute favorite thing about your thighs are when they spill over, could honestly be with anything
especially with the thigh highs where it spills over the top?? yeah, you know what I’m talking about
h o w e v e r
if you have the audacity to pull up wearing just one of his shirts?? thighs exposed???? yeah, good luck
it doesn’t matter how tall or big you are, you and me both know this man is huge. he will ruin you
in a very loving and manly way of course ❤️
i did it again, let me stop right here
please let him touch your thighs casually too, he needs it to survive
like whenever ya’ll are chilling on the couch or cuddling, even in public if you’re comfortable with it
like he needs to have a hand somwhere on them, he’s very affectionate and this is apart of his love language
i really love this man
n e wayz, so here’s the rundown:
soft n’ plump jiggly thighs = happy kiri
soft n’ plump jiggly thighs with the thigh highs = feral kiri
i said what i said
alright so listen here kitty cats
he’s an honorable mention because i hc that he’s not 100% a thigh man, if that makes any sense
can’t really pick out what he is though, probably likes chest ass and thigh equally idk yet
like he loves them, but he’s not about to lose his mind like kiri type love, ya feel?
but. the reason why i chose him as an HM is because i 100% believe that this man will tie you up in his scarf AND will purposefully bind your legs in a way that there’s spillage in between
i don’t even know if this is making any sense but i have such a clear picture of this in my head
like rope is great and all, but his scarf has more surface area to it, so like it covers more which makes spillage easier?? i can’t believe i brought math into this
if you take anything away from this at all, let it be that aizawa will love how plush they are
he would totally also sleep with his head on your lap at any given moment, you cannot argue this
would also probably accidently graze his stubble against your bare skin one day
and then would probably continue to do it purposefully depending on your reaction
— - —
let’s get something straight here. you would be out of your damn mind if you thought he wasn’t gonna be on this list. it’s treason, your honor.
honestly, it’d really be you two crushing on each other’s thighs, and i think that’s beautiful
would totally stare and comment on just how much he loves them at every passing moment
would also try to touch them all the time. oh, and he’s totally into the hug where you jump at him and he holds you underneath your thighs
it actually boosts his ego and keeps his spirits high, so go ahead and do that whenever. 100% guaranteed to suppress emo bokuto
akaashi considers you a vital part of the team for it hfjdkdkd
but i know what ya’ll are here for
so sis,,,, sit on his lap, i dare you
just go ahead and sit on him and see what happens
if you think for even a second that he’d let you get back up, you really need to re-evaluate
you move those pretty lil hips against his thigh?? oh man
better yet, you guide his hands to your thighs as you ride move on his?? phew chile, yeah go ahead and cancel your plans for the week
all in all, very blunt and obvious on his love for your thighs and will make it known
girlies,,, we all hc that this is our latin king, and i agree
and as a latina myself, i think i have every right to say that my latinx radar says he’s 100% a simp for thighs
this man is obsessed. you know what, that’s an understatement
he truly believes he was born into this world just to worship your luscious thighs
also would totally call you thunder thighs, but he means it in the most loving way
he may be on the thinner side (and shorter) than most of the hq bois but trust me on this, he can and will pick you up with ease
would also love to squeeze your thighs for no reason at all. i’m telling you, he really just loves them
would also beg you to suffocate him with your thighs
would say some shit like “breathing is worthless if it means I can’t have my face in between your thighs”
you might as well let him, he makes a good point
he’s definitely a biter. but you didn’t hear it from me
biting what, you may ask? i think we both know
anywho, 11/10 would let simp for my thighs
i swear nobody be writing for this baby, so i guess it’s my job now
the sweetiest out of all of these horn dogs
he just loves how soft they are, ya know?
this gentle giant adores the spillage too, but in a much sweeter way
like he finds it absolutely adorable, especially because it’s just so different compared to his own tall and sturdy figure
would have the prettiest blush if you told him he could lay on your lap
would also gently caress them if he’s cuddling you instead because he can’t get enough of how soft they are
he also likes the way they jiggle but he doesn’t know it yet
the second ya’ll start getting, ahem, intimate then he’ll find out real quick hfjsksmd
it’s like he’ll lowkey start out as a chest man, but then when he sees the glory that is your thighs, he’ll truly be a changed man
overall, 12/10 would bring home to meet the parents
daichi queens,, come get your man because i gotta make a statement
so here’s the deal with the captain
he’s 110% an ass man, no questions asked.
you see, the thing is. yes he loves him some cake, but the plump thighs that come also as a result of said cake does not go unnoticed
he’s definitely an HM because he just loves how full your hips are
will automatically place his hands on your hips whenever you get close or go in for a hug. in public that is
in private, man’s hand doesn’t leave your ass. will literally refuse to rest his hands anywhere else like
you know what else he loves? that lil dance you do in order to get your pants on
i know you do it, it’s inevitable for us thick queens ✊😔
but that’s okay because that means he’ll totally help you. and by help, i mean he’ll help take them off
ya’ll will definitely be late a couple of times if you had to be somewhere
either way, you stay winning if this man steals your heart
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