#if you wanted to kill Cas you should’ve done it outright Dean
thenameisgul · 4 months
‘something went wrong, dean. Something always goes wrong, you know that!’
‘yeah, and why does that something always seem to be you’
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idk about y’all but this one piece of dialogue just makes me physically hurt everytime i see it in gifs, edits or the show itself
it’s such a cruel thing to say to anyone but especially to someone you care about so much, your bestfriend, someone who never really had much to begin with and just lost the most important person in his life apart from you
this just makes me hate dean (for a few brief moments) everytime. It’s so sad.
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deansmom · 4 years
dean: [does something that seems inconspicuous but is actually offering his whole ass heart to Cas on a platter, fully expecting Cas to understand what he’s trying to say because he can low key read deans mind]
cas: oh, wow Dean, this is such a wonderful thing friends do.
dean: yea - wait, no, Cas -
cas: 🥰 wow I really value our friendship too Dean.
dean: [giving Cas way too much credit here, assuming that Cas is trying to let him down easily] yeah... haha, friendship, right 😅 definitely don’t want to kiss you or anything haha, bros.
And then this continues for a while every time Dean builds up the bravery to try again, because people keep telling him that Cas does like him. And every time he tries to say it, tries a grand gesture, and Cas is just like. Not fucking getting it.
So then in purgatory deans like fuck it, whatever, we might die - I’ll just do it, I’ll just kiss him. Worse case scenario, we both fucking die anyways! And Cas kisses him back and deans like “!!!! Finally!!!! He DOES care about me!!!” But then Cas doesn’t get out of purgatory with him and as soon as he finds Cas top side again, he realizes that the big dingdong still doesn’t know how much Dean loves him so he’s like fine, fuck it, whatever, he’s just. Not interested or not wired that way or fucking something man, COME ON.
(That’s not the end of it though, and eventually Dean just stops caring that Cas doesn’t seem to give a flying fuck about Dean drowning in his feelings for this idiot Angel, so sometimes when he thinks Cas is dead or he actually was dead or he thought he was about to be dead, Dean let’s himself be selfish and just. Kisses him. Because Cas really doesn’t seem to care and it makes him feel better when he’s pathetic and moping in his room)
Sam, Charlie, Jack, etc all watch this in mixed horror and amusement. Sam frequently compares it to a slow motion car crash, watching Dean work up the nerve to do something that he thinks is so obvious (it isn’t, but dean‘s trying so hard) and then watching the point just fly over Castiel’s head. Charlie tries to guide Cas in the direction of the big neon sign above deans head that says ‘IN LOVE WITH CASTIEL’ but he insists that Dean is just his best friend. Jack just flat out asks him if Dean is in love with Cas, why aren’t they together, and Cas tells him that he’s wrong. And jack’s like “??? I can literally see it but lol ok whatever Cas.” And Jack tells Dean about the conversation later and Dean wants to die knowing that he’s that fucking obvious and wondering what’s wrong with him that Cas finds him so deeply and profoundly unappealing.
And then the world is ending and chuck’s about to kill them and fucking Billie is pissed and Cas just hits him with the
cas: knowing the one thing I want, I can’t have
And Dean is like 60% sure he knows what’s going on in that moment but then Cas says the
cas: happiness isn’t in the having
And deans like “is this - is this guy for real? Is he fucking serious? Is he????? DOES HE LOVE ME????” But his brain won’t make words come out of his mouth because he accepted years ago that Cas just wasn’t capable of loving somebody like that. And he’s just???? LOVING DEAN???? Like it’s nothing?!
And Cas throws down an
cas: I love you
And it’s all Dean can do not to scream WHAT THE FUCK CASTIEL??????
And then Cas is alive and Dean is so frustrated and desperate and ANGRY with him that he just yanks Cas into a bruising kiss because he’s here and he’s alive and he’s SO FUCKING DUMB AND DEAN LOVES HIM SO MUCH
dean: don’t you ever!!!! Do that!!!! Again!!!!
cas: [trying to talk through Dean shoving his tongue down his throat] do what?
cas: Dean I love you too, you and Sam are like family to me-
cas: ........what?
cas: 👁👄👁
cas: so you... love me? Like... more than platonically?
dean: [starts unbuckling Cas’s belt even though there’s like a dozen people around them] [promptly drops to his knees] YES.
cas: ......oh. I love you too.
dean: I know!!!! Why didn’t you say anything!!!!
cas: WHY DIDNT YOU?????
dean: I tried!!!!! All over the fucking place Cas!!!! I did everything short of saying it outright!!!!
cas: you should’ve done that!!!!
And this would continue for like ten minutes until somebody tells Dean to get off the floor because he’s hurting his knees. And then they lived happily ever after (but Dean never lets cas live it down that he could’ve had years, YEARS, of sex with Dean and he turned down so many advances) (Castiel has briefly considered divorcing dean during a new of the many reminders of this)
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Every few days I think about how if Supernatural’s writers were just planning on killing of Cas and then never mentioning him again with the original ending involving the possibility of just a brief cameo of him in Heaven weirdly partying with (dead?) Kansas, I probably would’ve preferred it if Cas didn’t have a confession scene.
Ok here me out. Yes I ship DeanCas/Destiel. Yes I loved that there was at least acknowledgment of Cas’ romantic feelings towards Dean. Misha has outright said the confession was romantic and there have already been two official dubs in two different languages where the “I love you” specifically uses phrases that show romantic love. It’s not up for debate anymore if those feelings were romantic.
But if they were just going to throw that in there and get rid of Cas and never mention him again except for two scenes where he doesn’t appear and one that is just Lucifer pretending to be him to gain access to the bunker, I would’ve preferred it if Cas’ true happiness was something that I think would’ve been the ultimate acknowledgement of Cas’ transformation, which I feel would’ve been Jack calling Cas his dad and telling his dad how much he loves him. Of all three members of Team Free Will 1.0, Cas has been the most like a dad to Jack. Cas was the one who eventually helped Kelly hide, prepared a home for Jack and Kelly to live in, for Jack to be raised in safe and loved and cared for. Cas was the one prepared to go down fighting to protect Jack before Jack was even born. Cas is the one who always runs to Jack, to protect Jack, to save Jack, even if it means creating a rift between him, Sam, and Dean.
I love my Sam Winchester is Jack Kline’s Father fics, and my Dean Winchester is Jack Kline’s Father fics, and my Team Free Will 1.0 are Jack Kline’s Fathers fic on ao3 . I do. But if we’re talking about in the show, Cas is the one who is the most like a father to Jack.
Love Dean and wish that man had been given therapy and anger management and AA meetings and working to become a better, less violent person who takes accountability for what he’s done as his finale ending rather than just dying by a fucking nail through the chest, something Cordelia on Buffy The Vampire Slayer survives after like a twenty foot drop from a staircase. But Dean outright hates Jack during his widower arc and makes it known how much of a monster he thinks Jack is to the point where Jack repeatedly tries to commit suicide and then it’s just never really brought up again after Cas comes back and Dean then just goes back and forth on whether he thinks Jack is part of his family or not for the last three seasons. As much as I like the few scenes where Dean is actually bonding with Jack and calls him “their kid” and Jack referring to himself as a Winchester, Dean isn’t really Jack’s dad in the show. Do I think this probably would’ve been a different story if we got baby Jack? Yes, but that’s not what I’m talking about right now
Sam? Sam definitely tries at first. Sam gets what it’s like to feel like a monster and be viewed as one even when your not, and calls out Dean for how he acts and behaves towards Jack. But Dean just as easily calls out Sam for using Jack to try and get their mother back and trying to appear invested in Jack to get what he wants. Sam’s affection for Jack is conditional at first. He gradually grows to be more paternal to Jack but by season 14, it kind of just dwindles away. We got all this buildup of Sam and Jack’s relationship, which yes there should’ve been because here you have someone who was supposed to be the True Vessel of Lucifer, the Boy King of Hell and the Antichrist, the Son of Lucifer, and there’s not really any care given to it afterwards. That season was probably the last time the writers actually did anything interesting with Sam and tried to give him an arc in my opinion.
Cas though? Cas, who was a warrior of God that led garrisons and killed the offspring nephilim of lesser angels? Cas who grows a respect and admiration for humanity, seeing them as complex miraculous beings rather than hairless apes like the majority of the angels? Cas who defends humanity’s existence against other angels even at the cost of his life? Cas who originally thought of the Antichrist as a monster that needed to be killed to protect humanity but heard Kelly talk about how good she believed her child could be despite being the son of the devil and saw a paradise on earth when he actually communicated with Jack in the womb? Cas who separated from the only other two people he has consistently turned to for help and has provided help for in order to try and ensure Jack would be a child safe and loved even if it meant being away from the people he considered family and could die protecting Jack and Kelly? Cas who unconditionally loves and treats Jack as his child throughout the last three season? He is definitely Jack’s father.
I just think there’s something very fitting about the angel who unconditionally loved humanity despite never being able to entirely follow god’s orders raising the supposed antichrist who becomes a god that respects humanity’s free will. And I think that scene would’ve been fantastic in that Cas loves Jack as his child so much that he makes that deal with the Empty in the first place to protect Jack , but Cas loves Jack so much that Jack is the reason the deal is broken. Jack doesn’t realize Cas thinks of him as his child the same way Cas doesn’t think Jack sees him as his dad, and that recognition that they feel the same way is the most bittersweet moment in the world because their first moment where they mutually knowingly recognize each other as parent and child seems like it might be the last one they have together as they hug. Jack sobs while furiously apologizing as he sees black goo come to reach Cas who only has a few more second left to kiss the top of his child’s head and hug him close and say something like “I love you so much my son” before pushing him away while Jack watches, crying as he calls out “Dad don’t leave me” as his father get covered in black goo while smiling with tears streaming down his face before disappearing.
I’m not sure how that situation could’ve occurred. Maybe Jack and Cas are together when people start disappearing, and Jack worries about how if Chuck doesn’t consider him important enough to torment he could also be proofed away, and he wants to tell his dad how much he loves him in that way kids do when they think they might see their parents for the last time and despite being in basically an adult body Jack is still three and not really thinking about what could happen or doesn’t even think this could be Cas’ happiest moment because he always thought Cas knew Jack thought of him as his dad. I don’t know.
But that scene happens and the Empty collects Cas and then when Jack becomes god and brings everyone back, he somehow also brings Cas back from the empty. Look the writers gave absolutely no good reason for why Lucifer somehow came back from the empty in 15x19 when the Empty specifically states that Chuck has no power in her domain so why should I? But I guess if I was going to it would’ve involved Jack finding out how it got loud in the empty and bargaining with the Empty in trading demons, angels, and other nephilim in exchange for making the empty quiet again and managing to deal with what to do with all of these now revived supernatural creatures. Still frustrated that the show made God the enemy and turned Billie into a last minute villain when the Empty was right the, the Enpty was hyped up, and then it just took Cas and Billie and disappeared, and was never heard from again.
Anyways, Jack and Amara separate but they’re still functioning as a unit and are working together to fix the other universes as well as heaven and the systems of who gets sent to heaven, hell, and purgatory in a sort of season 4 of the Good Place style, and Cas takes on a major role as the celestial being with the most interaction with and understanding of humanity, especially with that time he was a homeless human under his belt to provide his own reflection on why certain people may do things that are wrong like stealing in order to provide just a basic need for themselves like stealing food to eat. It’s implied that Rowena’s involved in this too. Cas and Jack say their goodbyes to Sam and Dean. If I had it my way, the finale would end up being like the one I made up in an earlier post where Sam and Dean get their beach day but realize that their relationship isn’t healthy for either of them and separate and the viewer no longer has access to what they do with their lives afterwards because Sam and Dean now have control of their own stories and decide who gets to see it. But I guess what I made up fixes some general overarching complaints about the last three episodes. I still hate that last episode and what I feel is the assassination of 15 years of character development of Sam and Dean in order to go back to S1 with Sam as the main character and Dean as the side character interrupting his life but I just barely acknowledge it as the show’s finale.
I do love the confession scene. I really do. But if it was just going to end with Cas dying a minute after confessing his love and never being seen or acknowledged again, I would’ve much rather preferred it being that his happiest moment was being with his child in the endless feedback loop of familial love.
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
If Saileen is nothing real, why is the music in the Dean / Cas prayer scene is the same as the Sam / Eileen kiss scene?
I mean, it’s a different arrangement. And used to different purpose... a variation on a theme, let’s call it.
Do you actually want me to go into why they’d use a tiny fragment of the same (but slightly different arrangement, again) musical theme for Eileen leaving Sam, even after a kiss, that they used for Dean’s confession prayer to Cas about how badly he regretted not having stopped Cas from leaving, just a few scenes before Dean and Cas reunite and Cas tells Dean he doesn’t need to say anything else because he heard Dean’s prayer?
Do you want me to explain how they used like two minutes of buildup of the musical theme behind Dean’s prayer, beginning the moment he says “I should’ve stopped you.” It’s... an entirely different part of the arrangement of the larger musical theme. Do you want me to explain how Dean’s prayer scene ended with a transition of piano chords into another of Sam’s visions of the horrible future (that will now never come to pass) as Dean continued to look for Cas, while Eileen’s exit instead concluded on a swell of strings as she made her exit, despite Sam actively asking her to stay?
The same musical themes can be used to different effect. Context matters. Yes I saw that post that had like four seconds of video where they hit the same few bars, but Dean’s prayer is like 2 minutes long, and Eileen leaving is like 30 seconds of a different section of the score, that ends on an fade out.
Context matters.
I didn’t say that Saileen is “nothing real.” I said that their relationship since 15.06 has been engineered by Chuck. Chuck put her there, Chuck arranged all the events of 15.06, and like Ruby telling Sam he’d made all the right choices to bring them to killing Lilith and releasing Lucifer, Chuck telling Sam he’d effectively done the same-- from sending Eileen to the bunker for help, to leaving that half-finished spell he knew Sam could finish, and knew that Sam would use to resurrect Eileen fully, and in effect that Sam made all the “right choices” again-- is just... creepy to me. I think Eileen would agree with me here, which is why she left.
Could she come back, of her own free will? Sure! She absolutely could! But what happened between her and Sam so far in s15... is at the very least highly suspect, if not outright skeevy, because as long as Eileen doesn’t know what of all of that was real, and what Chuck had manipulated them into, then ew no pls.
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babygirl-diaz · 5 years
Where We Stand
Sam’s bed rumbles with the buzz of his phone. A pained groan escapes him as he blindly reaches under his pillow. He pulls out his phone and his eyes barely open as he tries to figure out who could be calling him at this hour. Sam gives up on trying to strain his eyes and see the name on the screen and hits what he assumes is the green button as grumbles a rough greeting, “Yeah?”
Sam suddenly feels very awake when he hears the voice on the other end, “Cas?” His ribs protest in pain as he jolts up to sit on his bed.
There is a soft sigh that Sam is too familiar with. “Yeah. It’s me.”
“Cas where the hell have you been?” Sam demands, letting his feet hit the cement floor. He ignores the pain that arises in his ribs once again. But the groan he lets out must have given him away.
“Are you hurt?”
“Like you care...” Sam accuses. It’s a bit childish but Sam has every right to be angry at the angel right now.
“Sam I-“
“You what, Cas?” Sam doesn’t hide the hurt from his voice. “I’ve been trying to call you for weeks. I left you messages asking you to come back because I needed you. But I got nothing from you,” Sam swallows his emotions and lets the next words spill out of his mouth no matter how much it hurts to say them, “if you wanted to end things then you should’ve just done it outright instead of fucking ghosting me!”
There’s brief silence on the other end before Cas says, “I had to leave, Sam. I couldn’t stay... not after everything that happened with Dean. I am tired of apologizing to him.”
It’s Sam’s turn to go quiet. Anger rising, he stumbles out of the bed, holding onto his side. “So where does that leave us huh?” He asks, pacing the room like a caged lion. “Your problem is with Dean. Why does our relationship have to bear the brunt of it?” Sam stops pacing to pinch the bridge of his nose. He counts backward from 10 in his head to calm himself down. “Do we even have a relationship anymore, Cas?” Sam dreads to know the answer but he needs to know. He needs to know he isn’t wasting his time waiting around for someone who may never come back.
“I don’t know, Sam,”
Sam sometimes hates Cas’ honesty. Why couldn’t he fall for a regular human man who would lie through his teeth and tell Sam that they were okay despite everything? “That’s not an answer, Cas,” Sam feels as defeated as he sounds.
Cas lets out another soft sigh. “I love you, Sam,” those words feel hollow right now. ”And that’s why I never want you to have to choose between Dean and me. Especially not when I know who you will choose. That’s why I thought it was best to leave.”
“I would have at least like to have the option,” yes Sam knows who he would have chosen, who he always chooses, but he doesn’t like the fact that Cas took the option away from him. “Would you have chosen to leave with me instead of staying behind with Dean?”
Sam closes his eyes and exhales sharply through his nose as he lets his head hit the wall behind him. They both know the answer to that. So he changes the topic. “I needed you, Cas. After Rowena, I was broken and I needed you and you weren’t there.”
“I needed you too,” Cas admits. “I killed the demon who looked exactly like my son... and I needed you and you weren’t there.” The accusation clear in his voice.
Sam at least had Dean after things got rough. Cas had no one. Some boyfriend he was. Sam loves the angel and he knows that the angel loves him back but sometimes that just isn’t enough. They were both bad at this whole relationship thing.
“So where does that leave us?” Sam decides to ask again.
Cas goes quiet. Sam braces himself for the hurt. Waits for Cas end everything right here right now.
What he doesn’t expect is for the angel to say, “I am not ready to let you go. I want to see you.”
Sam’s eyes snap open, “Then come see me.”
“No,” Cas somehow manages to make his voice even lower and deeper. “I have a lead on Chuck. I will send you my address. I am heading out tomorrow at noon on the dot, if you’re here by then we can go together. Road trip. Just you and me.” It’s not a question. It’s an assertion.
“Cas-“ Sam begins to say but gets cut off.
“If you are not here then I will have my answer, Sam.”
This feels familiar. Years ago he was in a similar situation with Amelia. Back then he chose not to. But he didn’t love Amelia the way he loved Cas.
There’s silence on the other end once again. “Cas?” Sam calls out. Nothing. “Dammit,” he curses under his breath and drops onto his bed, letting his phone hit the mattress.
Sam knows there is no way in hell Dean is letting him go look for Chuck without him. Not to mention he doesn’t trust Cas right now which makes things even more complicated.
Sam’s brought out of his thoughts when his phone buzzes beside him. He picks it and brushes his finger over the address Cas sent him. He’s in Kansas. He could come to Sam anytime he wants. But he’s testing Sam. He wants Sam to put in the work this time. Truth is, Sam’s not ready to let go of Cas either. He wants to make this work.
But Dean.
Sam worries his bottom lip between his teeth for a couple of moments before making a decision. Opening the notebook on his desk, he writes a letter to Dean, explaining where he’s going. He makes sure to especially assure his brother that he will be back soon. Sam opens the desk drawer and takes out the small framed picture of himself and Cas he hides away in there.
It’s a photo from a year ago when Dean was possessed by Michael. Mary and Jack convinced Sam to act on his feelings. He assumes they got to Cas too because that night Cas set up a “dinner” for them in the kitchen and the main course was PB&J. Jack snapped this photo when Cas moved in closer to wipe the crumbs from Sam’s lips and kissed him instead. They both look so relaxed and in love.
Sam leaves the photo on top of the letter on his bed. Dean will understand.
He picks up the duffel bag he always has packed before heading out the door, making sure to slowly shut the door behind.
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beatlejuice64 · 5 years
Destiel: Season 6 - A catalog of Supernatural episodes
A catalog of each episode in Supernatural that features scenes related to Destiel. This includes scenes between Dean and Castiel, scenes with other characters that address their relationship with each other, and scenes that allude to Dean’s bisexuality.
Season 6 Summary Analysis
Castiel keeps his distance from Dean in an effort to protect him. He sees that Dean has a real shot at a happy, normal life and does not want to interfere with that. Being separated from Dean’s influence causes Cas to lose his way, and he becomes hardened and less sympathetic toward humans. Dean considers Cas to be a close friend, and he tries to stay loyal even when Sam and Bobby suspect Cas is up to something. Dean feels betrayed at Castiel’s manipulation and severely disappointed that he would stoop to working with Crowley instead of going to him for help.
My interpretation: Cas lets go of the possibility of a romantic relationship with Dean because he sees that Dean is happy with Lisa. Cas throws all off his energy into the war with Raphael to cope with this loss. Dean loves Lisa, but their relationship doesn’t work out because she and Ben cannot share the hunting life with Dean. After distancing himself from Lisa, Dean’s feelings for Cas grow, but he still does not fully admit them to himself. He repeatedly exhibits behavior typical of someone who is repressing an aspect of their sexuality.
6.01 Exile on Main St.
When Dean asks about Cas, Sam says he hasn’t heard from Cas at all and doesn’t know where he is.
6.03 The Third Man
Dean suggests calling Cas for help on a case. When he shows up, Sam is pissed that Cas answered Dean’s prayer when his own have gone unanswered for the past year. Cas tells Sam he and Dean have a profound bond, which makes Dean slightly uncomfortable: “Dean and I do share a more profound bond. I wasn’t gonna mention it.”
Cas, who is in soldier mode due to the angel civil war, explains that he answered Dean’s prayer to retrieve the Staff of Moses: “Sam, Dean, my ‘people skills’ are ‘rusty.’ Pardon me, but I have spent the last ‘year’ as a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent. But believe me, you do not want that weapon down here. Help me find it, or more people will die.”
Dean unsuccessfully tries to talk Cas out of doing a soul cavity search on a young boy: “You’re gonna torture a kid.” “I can’t care about that, Dean. I don’t have the luxury.”
Cas explains the Raphael situation and apologizes for not being upfront about it: “Cas, why didn’t you tell us this?” “I was ashamed. I expected more from my brothers. I’m sorry.” 
Cas chooses Dean over Balthazar: “I believe the hairless ape has the floor.”
6.06 You Can’t Handle the Truth
Cas answers Dean’s call for help diagnosing Sam. He feels bad for not coming to Dean sooner, and Dean convinces him to help figure out what’s wrong with Sam:  “What happened to you, Cas? You used to be human, or at least like one.” “I’m at war. Certain regrettable things are now required of me.” Cas pours Dean a drink while they’re talking.
Lisa breaks things off with Dean because of Dean’s obsession with hunting, his unhealthy relationship with Sam, and because of what happened when Dean was a vampire: “You’ve got so much buried in there, and you push it down, and you push it down. Do you honestly think that you can go through life like that and not freak out?”
6.07 Family Matters
Cas determines that Sam has no soul. Cas uses sarcasm with Dean, which throws Dean off a little: “Of course. Your problems always come first.”
6.10 Caged Heat
Dean feels uncomfortable when Cas reveals he’s watching a porno while Sam and Dean are doing research in the next room: “If the pizza man truly loves this baby sitter, why does he keep slapping her rear? Perhaps she‘s done something wrong.” “You’re watching porn? Why?” “It was there.” “You don’t watch porn in a room full of dudes, and you don’t talk about it. Just turn it off!” Cas gets a boner, and he doesn’t turn it off. Samuel walks in and comments: “This is what you boys do—sit around watching pornos with angels?” “We’re not supposed to talk about it.”
Dean notices that Cas is not helping to find Crowley: “You know, Cas, you could help.” “I’m ambivalent about what we’re attempting.” “Well, breakin’ into monster gitmo is not exactly a two-for-one in the champagne room.”
Cas shows genuine concern for Sam and thinks Dean may be making a rash decision: “Sam’s soul has been locked in the cage with Michael and Lucifer for more than a year, and they have nothing to do but take their frustrations out on him. Do you understand? If we try to force that mutilated thing down Sam’s gullet, we have no idea what will happen. It could be catastrophic.”
When the hell hounds come, Meg agrees to stay behind to fight them. She kisses Cas, and he kisses her back, which thoroughly confuses Dean and Sam: “I learned that from the pizza man.”
When Meg leaves, Dean teases Cas, but he’s too naive to understand: “Well, she’s smart, I’ll give her that. I was gonna kill her, too. ‘Course I’d have given you an hour with her first.” “Why would I want that?”
Dean thanks Cas for his help and offers help in return: “Crowley was right. It’s not going well for me upstairs.” “If there’s anything we can do...” “There isn’t. I wish circumstances were different. Much of the time, I’d rather be here.” “Cas, we know you’ve got a steaming pile on your plate. There’s no need for apologies. We’re your friends.”
6.12 Like a Virgin
Cas and Dean argue about returning Sam’s soul to his body: “I’m sorry, Dean, but I warned you not to put that thing back inside him.” “What was I supposed to do? Let T-1000 walk around, hope he doesn’t open fire?” “Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it. Like it had been skinned alive, Dean. If you wanted to kill your brother, you should’ve done it outright.”
6.15 The French Mistake
Dean is frustrated that Cas agreed to use him and Sam as bait: “When will I be able to make you understand? If I lose against Raphael, we all lose everything.” “Yeah, Cas, we know the stakes. That’s about all you’ve told us!”
Cas feels bad for being so secretive: “I’m sorry about all this. I’ll explain when I can.”
6.17 My Heart Will Go On
Balthazar expresses resentment of Castiel’s fondness toward Dean: “Sorry, you have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who’s in love with you?”
Cas is willing to kill Fate to save the Winchesters: “If I know her, and I do, she won’t stop until you’re dead.” “Awesome. So what do we do?” “Kill her.”
Cas refers to the Winchesters as friends: “You need new friends, Cas.” “I’m trying to save the ones I have, Dean.”
Cas chooses the Winchesters’ safety over the power of 50,000 souls after Fate threatens to kill them.
Cas demonstrates his belief in free will, and his appreciation for what Dean and Sam have taught him: “You’re the ones who taught me that you can make your own destiny. You don’t have to be ruled by fate. You can choose freedom. I still believe that that’s something worth fighting for. I just wanted you to understand that.”
6.18 Frontierland
Dean calls Cas to help with time travel. Rachel answers for him, and she talks down to Winchesters for trying to take Cas away from battle. Cas interrupts her as she’s insulting them. She is surprised that he would drop everything to help them.
6.19 Mommy Dearest
Bobby recognizes Dean as the one Cas consistently responds to: “Why does it always gotta be me that makes the call, huh? It’s not like Cas lives in my ass. Dude’s busy... Cas, get out of my ass!” Cas and Dean share an awkward look: “I was never in your...”
Dean appreciates Cas being there to help fight Eve: “Well, if she is here, I’m glad we’ve got Smitey McSmiterton on our squad.”
Castiel’s feelings are hurt when Dean insults him for being powerless: “Something in this town is affecting me. I assume it’s Eve.” “So, wait, Mom’s making you limp?” “Figuratively, yes.” “How?” “I don’t know, but she is.” “Oh, well that’s great, ‘cause without your power you’re basically just a baby in a trench coat.” Cas glares at Dean and looks out the window, prompting Sam to say, “I think you hurt his feelings.”
Dean teases Cas some more: “I’m fairly unpracticed with firearms.” “You know who whines? Babies.”
Cas and Dean disagree over taking time to save two young boys: “Millions of lives are at stake here, not just two. Stay focused.” “Are you kidding?” “There’s a greater purpose here.” “You know what? I’m getting a little sick and tired of the greater purposes, okay? I think what I’d like to do right now is save a couple of kids, if you don’t mind.”
Cas doesn’t understand why the Winchesters don’t share his sense of urgency: “Pardon me for highlighting their crippling and dangerous empathetic response with ‘sarcasm.’ It was a bad idea letting them go.”
Even without his powers, Cas tortures a monster without blinking an eye.
Despite Castiel’s apparent lack of empathy toward humans, he yells out in anguish when Eve bites Dean.
When Sam and Bobby express suspicion that Cas is working with Crowley, Dean can’t get on board with the idea: “Bobby this is Cas we’re talking about.”
6.20 The Man Who Would be King
We learn that Cas, overconfident after being brought back by God, pulled Sam out of the pit. We also learn that Cas initially went to Dean for help with Raphael, but chose not to ask him because he wants Dean to have a real shot at happiness: “Everything he sacrificed, and I was about to ask him for more.”
Cas initially went back to heaven to try to explain the concept of free will to the other angels, but he has grown pessimistic over time: “If I knew then what I know now, I might’ve said, ‘It’s simple. Freedom is a length of rope. God wants you to hang yourself with it.’”
Dean continues to believe that Cas was tricked by Crowley instead of believing that Cas has been lying to him. He even offers to help Cas: “Cas, you’ll call, right? If you get into real trouble?”
Dean feels uncomfortable lying to Cas: “You know, he’s our friend. And we are lying to him through our teeth.” “He is the Balki Bartokomous of heaven. He can make a mistake.” “This is Cas, guys. I mean, when there was no one, and we were stuck, and I mean really stuck, he broke ranks. He has gone to the mat, cut and bleeding for us, so many freakin’ times. This is Cas! Don’t we owe him the benefit of the doubt, at least?”
It’s hard for Cas to watch Dean defending him: “And the worst part was Dean trying so hard to be loyal, with every instinct telling him otherwise.”
Cas second guesses his choice to deceive the Winchesters: “I had no choice. I did it to protect the boys. Or to protect myself. I don’t know anymore.” “Hiding, lying, sweeping away evidence... and my motives used to be so pure.”
Cas is unsure if he’s doing the right thing by working with Crowley: “My interest was conflicted. I still considered myself the Winchesters’ guardian. They taught me how to stand up, what to stand for, and what generally happens to you when you do.”
After Bobby refers to Cas as “a Superman who’s gone dark side,” Dean deflects his status as Castiel’s closest friend onto Sam, “This makes you Lois Lane.”
Cas saves the Winchesters from demons even though he knows it’ll anger Crowley: “For a brief moment, I was me again.”
Cas is furious with Crowley for sending demons to kill the Winchesters: “I’m only gonna say his once. If you touch a hair on their heads, I will tear it all down. Our arrangement, everything. I’m still an angel, and I will bury you.”
Dean is elated to see Cas when he returns: “Well, Bobby, what do you think about Cas saving our asses, again?” “We never should’ve doubted you. We just hope you can forgive us.”
When Dean realizes that Cas HAS been lying to them, he feels betrayed—much moreso than Sam and Bobby: “You gotta look at me, man. You gotta level with me and tell me what’s going on. Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not working with Crowley.” “Why else would you keep this whole thing a secret, unless you knew that it was wrong? When crap like this comes around, we deal with it, like we always have. What we don’t do is we don’t go out and make another deal with the devil.” “Yeah, it sounds so simple when you say it like that. Where were you when I needed to hear it?” “I was there. Where were you? You should’ve come to us for help, Cas.”
Cas desperately tries to make Dean understand: “I’m doing this for you, Dean. I’m doing this because of you. You’re the one who taught me that freedom and free will...”
Dean pleads with Cas to stop what he’s doing for his sake: “You’re a freakin’ child, you know that? Just because you can do what you want, doesn’t mean that you get to do whatever you want.” “I’m not gonna logic you, okay? I’m saying don’t just ‘cause. I’m asking you not to. That’s it. Look, next to Sam, you and Bobby are the closest things I have to family, that you are like a brother to me. So if I’m asking you not to do something, you gotta trust me, man.”
Castiel’s ego gets in the way of trusting Dean: “I’ll do what I have to do to stop you.” “You can’t, Dean. You’re just a man. I’m an angel.” “I don’t know, I’ve taken on some pretty big fish.” “I’m sorry, Dean.” “Well, I’m sorry, too, then.”
Cas struggles with a crisis of faith because of his differences with Dean.
6.21 Let It Bleed
Cas is furious with Crowley for kidnapping Ben and Lisa. 
Cas tries again to make amends with Dean and help him understand his position: “I thought you said that we were like family. Well, I think that, too. Shouldn’t trust run both ways?” “Cas, I just can’t.” “Dean, I do everything that you ask. I always come when you call. And I am your friend. Still, despite your lack of faith in me, and now your threats. I just saved you, yet again. Has anyone but your closest kin ever done more for you? All I ask is this one thing. I’ve earned that, Dean. I came to tell you that I will find Lisa and Ben, and I will bring them back. Stand behind me the one time I ask.”
Cas is hurt when Dean compares him to Crowley and won’t trust him. He is also mad at himself for letting things get to this point. Dean can’t let it go because he feels so betrayed: “Why don’t you go back to Crowley and tell him that I said you can both kiss my ass.”
Cas comes to heal Lisa in the hospital and apologizes to Dean. Dean asks him to wipe Lisa and Ben’s memories of him.
6.22 The Man Who Knew Too Much
Dean and Castiel continue to fight. When Dean refuses to let Cas follow through on his plan to open Purgatory, Cas breaks down the wall in Sam’s mind.
Cas feels like everyone has abandoned him: “I’m doing my best in impossible circumstances. My friends, they abandon me, plot against me. It’s difficult to understand.”
Dean pleas with Cas to return the souls to Purgatory: “I know there’s a lot of bad water under the bridge, but we were family once. I’d have died for you—I almost did a few times. So if that means anything to you, please... I’ve lost Lisa, I’ve lost Ben, and now I’ve lost Sam. Don’t make me lose you, too.”
The combination of Castiel’s feelings of abandonment combined with the souls scrambling his brain lead him to reject Dean: “You’re not my family, Dean. I have no family.”
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