#if you want you can circumvent canon all together and make blake that orphan activist who knew poverty and bigotry and hardship
constantvariations · 2 years
Jaune and Blake's roles are useless. Bumblebee is useless as a ship. Bumblebee is an abusive ship. Blake has privileges. She is WHITE. Fandom can make her a dark-skinned girl out of her all it wants. She will always remain a white girl with rich parents. Blake has a big house. She has never gone hungry. She had access to a comfortable island life without the grimm. Whereas Yang and Ruby grew up in a place full of grimm and even suffered from them. Blake is almost like Weiss, but she's worse. Blake has prejudices against people in 1v and is unapologetic about them. But Blake poor meow meow everyone owes her an apology for racism and her suffering. Her suffering that didn't happen. Blake has protective and kind parents. Her parents were not depressed or alcoholics. Her parents did not die or go missing. Blake has the perfect family. Blake has a perfect partner (I don't think Adam sent her on dangerous missions) Blake is a good white princess who decided to play activist and ran away when she realized it wasn't a game. I suspect that Jaune also has the perfect family. There is not a hint that he was bullied in his family. He has no hints that he was forbidden to practice. It doesn't make sense for Jaune to run away from home to play the hero. Weiss had to work her way through sweat and literally blood. Jaune just forged documents. If he wanted to be a hero so badly, he should have started training at home. Or he should have gone to Signal (like Ruby) . If he's a descendant of heroes, he should have been trained since he was a kid. But he doesn't do anything. Jaune is like Blake. He just decided to play hero. He doesn't want to make people's lives better (like Ruby). He doesn't want to overthrow his father (Weiss). He doesn't even want to run away from his past and start a new life (Blake). He doesn't want to make a profit (Yang). He just wants to play the hero. He wants to be famous. He's useless.
It is incredibly unfortunate that Crwby decided Blake's backstory was going to be island princess instead of orphan activist, but I don't think it's fair to say her life is perfect because she didn't suffer discrimination directly - which is a take that is entirely up to interpretation depending on how you converge her V1 speech ("You could say I was born into the White Fang [shown with ratty clothes as a youth at a protest]) with her V4 lifestyle (daughter to the head honchos, big fancy mansion on an island with ((supposedly)) very little space, etc). Even if you're at the top of second class... you're still second class. The best a Faunus can ever hope for is silver while the humans get gold from the get-go
Blake Belladonna is a tool of a narrative, written by people who shouldn't go near racial issues with a 100 ft pole. It's not her fault that she is a white girl that somehow has Indian parents, nor is it her fault that her storyline is absolute ass at best. It is Crwby's fault that her pacifism methods/activist history/de-radicalization arc amount to... nothing
A person doesn't need to be personally affected by discrimination to take action against it. The suffering of one is the suffering of all. If everyone only did things according to how it affected them personally, the world would be an incredibly dark place indeed. (Just look at the discourse surrounding the Dragon Age 2 companions. Ugh)
As to Blake's personal suffering... it's really hard to say anything concrete. The narrative of RWBY doesn't give us anything solid, and what little it does give us gets contradicted (see aforementioned V1 speech vs V4 presentation). The only thing we can say for certain is that she suffered at the hands of Adam as a romantic partner, which is Crwby's way of side-stepping the racism thing they created. So, technically, she has suffered as a woman in narrative, not as a Faunus nor a Faunus woman (a la misogynoir)
While there might might be some precedence of emasculation while growing up with an abundance of sisters while being the only boy, but other than that, there is little to suggest what Jaune's family life was like. We don't know the reason he had to forge his transcripts - was it because he failed his classes at a prior school? Did his family forbid him from continuing the legacy for some reason? Did Jaune do it for the funsies? - and therefore it is impossible to determine why he took the path he did, and if there were any alternatives he failed to pursue
Jaune, like Blake, is a poorly wielded tool of the narrative. The writers wanted him to be both Super Special (long standing legacy, cool heirloom weapon, harem protagonist) and the Audience Stand-in (doesn't know shit about Aura or Grimm or... life in general), which makes him an absolute Frankenstein of tropes. Once again, it is not the fault of a character that they're written to be absolute ass
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