#if you want to make a tier list then you can't be a coward like this. the average should be at C or B tier
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dravidious · 1 month ago
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Imagine having a tier list with 3 separate S tiers and nothing below B tier. Absolutely TERRIFIED of labeling anything as bad. S tier is fucking average on this list. A-tier is below average. The grade letters cease to mean anything when you use them like this
#original#“every option is viable! they're all good! even tho some are more good than others!”#“the lance isn't bad it's top-tier! and so is the hammer! and the bow! and the great sword! everything is top-tier!”#sure i guess if you consider “S tier” to mean “possible to win with”#if you want to make a tier list then you can't be a coward like this. the average should be at C or B tier#if everything is B tier or higher then your grading standards need adjustment#and for fuck's sake you can't put half the list ABOVE S TIER!!#S tier means its the best! if there's multiple things above S tier then you have misplaced the S tier#you can have like 1 thing above S tier. maybe possibly 2. but 7? fucking SEVEN!?! you have no idea what you're doing!#honestly A tier is supposed to be the best. S tier is for the best of the best. anything above S tier should be stupidly overpowered#and no. half the fucking options are not stupidly overpowered#if overpowered is the average then it's not overpowered. it's just powered#i get that it's very Yusei Fudo of you to take this “anything is viable” stance#but if a weapon is worse than every other weapon. that means its bad#you can still win with it because the devs aren't stupid but its bad compared to the other weapons. that's what bad means.#i can imagine some tier lists where a skewed distribution would make sense. but one comparing weapon power levels? no.#something like a preference tier list where C tier is “neutral feelings” could very well have nothing below B tier if you like everything#but a WEAPON COMPARISON tier list? no. no that doesn't make any sense#weapon strength can only be judged relative to other weapons. if a weapon is bad compared to other weapons then it's not top-tier. it's bad#grow a spine and tell the S&S mains that their weapon is D tier
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xhellkittyx · 3 years ago
About EA's T.O.U regarding mods/cc
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Thanks to Creator Updates on Tumblr, who linked to EA's Terms of Use, I can now with a happy face say that EA allows for using early access on custom content. Which means, I will continue doing my early access, like I have done so far. And to "celebrate" and say thanks to my sweet patreons who didn't leave when I was unsure of the situation and choose to stop my uploads temporarily (even though it did not last that long) I will very soon put out 3 or 4 early access at once which I hope will be appreciated😊 Also, for September, I will pause the payment as a celebration of my birthday, so anyone who are already a patreon, or who pledges before september, will get September free (I will make a reminder post with more details about it when we are getting a bit closer to september)
And here it is, EA saying Early Access is okay
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If you are interested in reading the whole Terms of Use from EA considering mods/cc, you can read it HERE 
I also want to say thanks to all the amazing creators out there and CC/mods users who did NOT go out there, trashing creators for their choice to create cc and trying to live off their joy & hobbies by doing early access. You guys are awesome, and good karma will come your way ❤
Seeing how the sims community have been the last few days on twitter and tumblr (in particular), have made me ashamed of being part of such and awful, hateful, ignorant and horrible community. I can't understand how people can be so mean, and so horrible towards each other in an community who are supposed to be known for being loving, supporting and friendly. I do feel so sorry for all creators this hate have affected the last few days. It is not okay to treat people like shit just because some vague news, faked screenshots and people screaming loud without having the whole picture. My heart goes out to everyone who have gotten hate, disrespect and horrible comments these days❤
And to those who have been going crazy and treating people like shit, SHAME ON YOU !!! You should know better than acting like this. It's disgusting seeing how you all been acting! Creators are just people too, trying their best to do something nice and something they enjoy. You all should be ashamed for even being capable of acting like this towards people you don't even know. I am a believer in karma, and karma will come and give you all what u deserve. And most of you, should probably take a look in the mirror, or your own closet before you start judging others and being this level of rude !
But anyways In short terms this means: - I will keep doing Early Access as I been doing so far (And i will still NEVER use patreon exclusive or any other form for paywall exclusive) - My early access will last 7 days or 14 days. Never any more - Patreon tiers will stay the same, and benefits will stay the same - And life will go back to normal again
(CC used in the sim picture at top is listed in my original patreon post with cc links included)
Are you against me (or any other creators) doing early access? Feel free to unfollow. I don't care. If you have any opinions or something you want to say? My ask box and direct messages are always open (here and on all of my social media sites). And by the love of goth, if you are going to trashtalk or be nasty, please have the courage to do it off anon, don't be a coward hiding being anon if you are gonna pretend you are a bigshot speaking your mind 😸
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borderlandsmademe-gay · 6 years ago
Me: I //NEED// a Borderlands themed tarot deck.
Internet: Here's some people who made a handful of lovely cards but never finished a deck cause they're cowards. You'll have to make your own if you want one.
But also If anyone has a good list of characters for specific major and minor arcana cards ,with some description as to why they're a good character for the card, please link me!!!! I found a list but when I hit read more it opens a browser window and asks for a password. My pw doesn't work in the window so I don't know what's up with that. I may actually start a deck if people in the fandom can help make a list and give some ideas. I want to make cards that people will enjoy. Not just a set for myself.
I plan to include characters from borderlands,borderlands 2,and tales. But not from presequel. (other than Timothy!) Including characters like scooter, moxxi, Angel, and more. I might include some borderlands 3 characters once it's released and I've played. Cause I truly love their design but we need to know their personalities and character arc first.
My art page is @resistsuffering .
*I might make this a Patreon project and create tiers specifically for the tarot project for those who want to help it get made??? The money would go towards the deck and those who helped support it can get a discounted deck or free deck depending on what tier they supported from?*
If this gets a decent amount of support and interest then I will release more info about it on my art page and probably Twitter.
~Posted May 22 2019~
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