#if you told me a few weeks ago that THEE Lee Dongwook and Wi Ha joon were starring together in one drama I would've laughed my ass off
eremin0109 · 3 years
Okay so first of all--
Now that THAT'S out of the way, word's that TvN is dropping a new drama this December 17th and it stars fucking Lee Dong wook AND Wi Ha joon in the lead roles.
(I mean jeez, TvN really be working their asses off to make 2021 as GAY~ as possible. First TDJ and now this huh?? I see y'all.)
Like I'm not even kidding. Just take a look at these promo pics.
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(first of all that's Moonjo, no one can convince me otherwise FUCK YOU. And his character's supposed to go batshit crazy in this drama as well so--)
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Playground dates?? HAJOON IN FUCKING LEATHER?? um I'll take it all please.
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Oh okay YIKES Ha joon (he's apparently named 'K' in this one Lmao hope that's not a death flag or something TvN you're on thin fucking ice 😬💀) you don't HAVE to look at him like that but okay. Understandable, have a good day cruising around the town with your boyfriend partner.
On a more serious note though, the drama's called 'Bad and Crazy' and apparently it's about a cop and his alternate persona, played by Ha joon. There's also a Moonjo-esque violence going on with Dong wook and overall the Fight Club vibes are strong AF with this one.
Yes, INCLUDING the homoerotic subtext. I mean, just take a look at this shit:
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I'll leave y'all with this then.
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