#if you think i'm using this as an excuse to edit and post more leyla screenshots
vyrantium · 8 months
hi!! 25, 30 and 68 for leyla from the tav asks🥰
Tav Asks
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25. Does your Tav have any biases against other classes or races?
Leyla inherently trusts druids. Straight up. She always assumes good intentions from them, she grew up in nature and surrounded by druidic magic, so she feels connected to them.
Leyla also loves meeting other wizards. She doesn't trust them like she does other druids, but she loves having conversations with them. They can learn things from each other, which she appreciates! It's also easy to learn what not to do by meeting other wizards.
Also. It was a joke during her campaign that Leyla was only attracted to clerics. I will not comment on if it's accurate or not.
Other than that, she doesn't really have any biases for classes or ancestries!
30. How does your Tav react when someone insults their friend/partner?
Leyla, despite being a squishy wizard, is ready to throw down if someone insults someone she cares about. She won't stand for it, unless it was really deserved because her friend/partner was being an ass. She has enough wisdom to not start throwing punches immediately all the time... But she daydreams about it. She uses her words as weapons more often instead. She's said some vicious stuff in her time. She's probably burned a few bridges because of it, but she doesn't care. No one insults her friends and gets away with it.
68. How does your Tav get along with each party member?
OH BOY HERE WE GO. Gonna go in order that she met them! Under a cut since this is going to be pretty long... Gonna only do the origin party members for now but I might add the others later if there's interest!
Lae'zel initially scared her quite a bit. Leyla was still reeling quite a bit from getting a tadpole inserted into her brain and Lae'zel can be quite forceful. In time Leyla came to appreciate her dedication and her will, and feels terrible what she had to go through growing up. She was ready to fight a god on her behalf.
When she first met Shadowheart, she wasn't quite sure what to do with her, since she obviously wasn't trying to be too open about her past... But also, Leyla had studied the gods from a young age, and it wasn't too hard to place the holy symbol of Shar she had plastered all over her things. Still, Leyla played along and pretended she didn't know until Shadowheart was ready. And she was glad she did, as Shadowheart ended up becoming a very good friend after everything.
Her intuition told her to trust Astarion. Even though she really probably shouldn't have, given everything he'd done in the first few days of knowing each other. But something about his demeanor told her that this was a defense mechanism. Leyla didn't appreciate him constantly questioning his decisions at the start, even though in time she started to understand why. Overall they weren't the best of friends, but she hopes he's able to live a happier life now that he's free to do with it what he wishes.
Leyla was immediately charmed by Gale. She knows a wizard when she sees one, and his ramblings when he first fell out of the portal onto her were delightful. She loves talking magic with him and is happy to listen to him speak about the things he's passionate about. He reminds her of Traven in a way, which was both comforting and painful in the beginning. It's no wonder she fell for him.
Speaking of falling for. Leyla had a crush on Wyll for the longest time. She loves dancing, so they quickly became dance partners! It ended up not working out between them, but she still cares for him platonically. Honestly, he's probably her closest male friend of the group.
Leyla adores Karlach's intensity. She's got a love for life that Leyla strives to meet. Also... Don't leave these two alone if you know what's good for you. Absolute chaos if left unsupervised. Leyla's common sense plummets when she's alone with Karlach and they would absolutely get up to wild shit that could get them both injured.
Bonus: Alfira is Leyla's best friend. From the moment they met, they clicked. She wasn't able to travel with them because Leyla didn't want her to be in harms way, but after the Absolute was dealt with? They spent so much time with each other.
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