#if you see me using same screencaps as previously. no you don't
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nedconte · 4 months ago
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dundy + onion headlines
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rabid-invertibrate · 3 months ago
Um actually Vander isn't fully gone (the complete proof) (HEAVY SPOILERS)
spoilers for the entirety of arcane s2 obviously watch it if you haven't or don't if you care about your mental health
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Although we see his memories/emotions get acetoned away in s2e7s final scene, and the following battle with his kids has him attacking them pretty rabidly.
But wait...
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Tumblr compressed this image to hell, so you'll just have to trust me.
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If you look closely as he lunges at Vi and Jinx, a tear appears in his right eye (not previously seen)
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We can see it better after Jinx hits him with her rocket.
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After Vik gets Jayced we see these tears on full display. The size of the tears is significantly larger, so we can assume they were spilled as Warwick corrupted the girls with void magic, indicating some amount of awareness.
Of course immediately after the screencap above Warwick attacks Vi, Jinx does a side slam and the father daughter duo barely get caught by Vi's gauntlet
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Jinx and Vander plummet to their presumed deaths (they are both alive, but for drama’s sake, let's pretend). Vander/Warwick doesn't attack Jinx despite her being entirely in his grasp.
He could shred her right then and there. A mindless beast would, he doesn't.
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Vander holds Jinx gently, he doesn't dig into her flesh, he just holds her and lets Jinx cup his face.
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We see a flashback of Vander watching the girls sleep. Since he is the only conscious one in this situation this implies is that it is not Vi's or Jinxes memory, only Vanders.
Reader, you might think, well how the hell does he remember anything didn't he get mind wiped an episode ago. To that I respond I don't fucking know, but arcane is VERY intentional with its details and nothing else makes sense.
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Jinx escapes, this isn't even subtle. She does so BEFORE the bomb blows. In no universe would Jinx break Warwicks grip, hell, she's toast if any stronger character grabs her (fe. Ambessas bodyguard). Do you know what that implies??
Since Warwick wasn't incapacitated at that point, HE WILLINGLY LET HER GO. He used the last shreds of humanity to give his daughter a second chance at life.....
Below there's the more speculative part I'm not sure of.
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Warwick, unlike Jinx, didn't escape into the air ducts. But we've seen him survive significant explosions in the very same episode, moreover he survived Isha blowing him up with the force of 3 magic orbs, and yet he lived.
This can only imply that Warwick/Vander survived. Of course the previously mentioned flashback shows Vander blowing a candle out which can symbolize his life ending, but I'd say it's more likely a subtle way of showing the destruction of their family unit as it was.
Edit: some people are calling this theory copium I'd agree at first but now that I thought about it more Vanders fate is objectivelly worse than death so i dont know if me being potentially right is a good thing.
I am aware this is complete copium yet maybe Jinx took him wherever the fuck she went on that airship to heal him up while sparing Vi from fighting their unkillable werewolf dad over and over again. Vander is still in there are proved by this long ass post, and I think Jinx knows that. I don't think she could give up on Vander like she wanted Ekko and Vi to give up on her.
Cool additional fact pointed out by commenter:
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hislittleraincloud · 10 months ago
Grandpa Tor in Hollyweird (Short Memory)
This came to mind bc I was laughing about how Miller's Girl probably had a $50 wardrobe budget. k maybe not 50, but they did not spend any money on wardrobe. I'm better the hoses and the water from the shitty "rain" scenes cost more than the entire wardrobe budget.
*taps cane, adjust glasses* Long ago, before any of you whippersnappers were born, I flew down to Hollyweird to make a short movie (actually I think Ortega was a newborn when this was released 💀). No, I won't give you its name, bc I have top billing (I had no clue that the director had intended for my part to be his self-insert, and he wanted the 'star' to be cute 💀).
The first day down there we were given our choice of what we would like our characters to wear, off of a Hollyweird rack of clothing that had been stored/passed around/used in other shows and movies.
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So weird seeing my ringless fingers. 👀
I cannot tell you how fast my hand flew to the shirt, because me n' my detail-oriented mind knew exactly where it had been worn before.
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Gods I had such a crush on Christian too, Cher. 🫦💦
Looks brighter in my screencap, but it's the same shirt (our director/photographers seemed to have no clue how to light a scene properly, so we had bright lights BLASTING on us and making us sweat, which is why I don't even wanna give a full screen/face reveal...we were all sweaty 😭). I really, really wanted to steal it, but they were keeping track of it for...whatever (it had kind of a weird geneology slip thing w it that stated where it had been used previously). I bet it's in a dump now...I would have treasured it always.
But speaking of costume/wardrobe woes: The director wanted me in a jockstrap for the stripper sequence (apparently, my character's fantasy was to become a male stripper) and I said hard NO because my body was not built for jockstraps, and I didn't feel comfortable exposing that much skin (I did not have a Hollywood Body). He was kind of insistent on it until he could see in my face that I didn't wanna do the jockstrap thing, and he said they'd figure something out.
That night the L.A. friend that I was staying with took me to a sex shop for funsies/cheer me up and I found the solution: A latex "sailor suit" with sexy shorts. It was cute AF and I snatched it up with my own $ and brought to set the next day to the director's delight. The giant cock I was supposed to wear fit in it perfectly, too.
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Filming all of it went pretty smoothly. Got to dance/"strip" to the Lords of Acid (but they replaced the song in the final cut). Didn't get reimbursed for the outfit but it didn't matter since I was gonna keep it/take it home.
So anyway...that was my literal 15 minutes of Hollyweird fame and swimming in a better, hotter actor's shirt.
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outlanderfandomfollies · 2 years ago
Reblogging to respond to these comments by @luvpeaceandjoy in the reply section of this post:
luvpeaceandjoy: Great points! I will admit that I have seen some things posted that make me believe that a lot of Sam's "supposed" GFs are just someone's projection of their own bias about who they believe he is, or who he should be with. I have also seen clear signs of who he maybe seeing, but NEVER post that information because so many would harass and bully the woman. I don't get it. If you don't like him or his work, stop following. If you do, be happy if he is happy. Case in point...look how much Graham could reveal about his wedding. Photos in Vogue. But Sam can't even be seen walking beside a woman and suddenly they are dating, sleeping together, she's thirsty for attention, he's just using her, blah, blah, blah. If people really like him, his work, and how he lives his life, then be happy for him if he's happy. Whether that's that he is happy being single or whether he's in a serious relationship.
I agree luvpeaceandjoy with your analogy to Graham, who is allowed to just be open about his life without fans harassing his romantic partner or his being accused of being in a "fake relationship."
Back in Oct. 2014, S was innocently open about his personal life, especially with Cody. For instance, she posted this photo on her Facebook page and her mother even wrote on the post: "You make a great couple doll!"
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Back in Oct. 2014, S also didn't hold back on commenting “88.8mph girl...” on a post that Cody made of a photo from a Back to the Future exhibit that she initially said was taken by S (before deleting the attribution). And S also posted a photo from the same exhibit (probably taken by Cody).
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Sam was also reportedly seen kissing Cody at Matthew Morrison’s 10.25.14 Halloween party. There were also photos of Sam and Cody at that same party. I could go on, but as you can see, S was not exactly hiding Cody.
At the same time, he was also hanging out with his friend Amy (they have always been just friends, but some of us think they were also FWB).
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Needless to say, the SC shippers exploded. But also some fans who didn't ship S & C exploded. They thought he was ruining Jamie's image because he looked like he was into casual dating.😱
This was before my time in the fandom (I joined the fandom in Feb. 2015), but I was told that there was a petition circulating to try to get S dropped as Jamie because his personal life wasn't consistent with the character. When I first heard this, I did a twitter search and found a tweet that supported what I was told (too bad I didn't make a screencap of it) but I do believe that a petition to that effect was circulated.
Needless to say, S became more reserved about letting himself be seen with the women he was dating. We saw only a limited number of public images of S and Abbie (although some private images of them together later came out). But when his relationship with MM became more serious, he started to appear with her regularly in public. However, after the awful harassment MM experienced from some fans, he has been very low key with posting anything about his girlfriends.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that S and the women he dated were burned a lot by this fandom, so that's why he posts almost nothing about his personal life anymore. I don't blame him.
[BTW, the above is an example of how I use information found by some of the Outlander "detectives" and write about it. So as I said previously, I'm involved in all of this as well, but at least I acknowledge it and don't blame S or any of the women in his life for posting any information online about their personal lives.]
On clutching pearls, a "symbiotic" fandom information process, and S's private life
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There are a number of people in the fandom who often clutch their pearls whenever S, his friends, and/or his rumored romantic partners have left some small (sometimes miniscule) clue about S's private life in their social media photo/video postings. 
These critics typically claim that:
At times S wants fans to know what he is doing for various reasons, including (for some of the critics) wanting to “deceive”😱 fans about his "real" romantic involvements.🙄
S's rumored romantic partners/friends are “thirsty” for attention and don’t respect S’s privacy.*😬
Aside from the projections these fans appear to make about the motivations of S, his rumored romantic partners, and/or friends in posting the things they do, what is curious to me is the failure of these critics to acknowledge the almost "symbiotic relationship" they have with S and those in his social circle regarding the whole process of learning information about S's personal life.
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The fandom detectives🕵🏻🔎& their followers
Ironically, the critics noted above are often fandom "detectives"--or those who follow the "detectives." (Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing the “detectives,” as long as they are using public information easily found on the Internet to do their sleuthing.**)
Nearly all factions of the fandom who are interested in S’s personal life have their “detectives," including the SC shippers, the closet crew, and the various factions of nonshippers, who nonetheless want to know what S is doing.
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The Outlander fandom "detectives" appear to have infinite patience in following each tiny clue found in photos/videos posted by S and others in his life, for the purpose of reporting to their followers exactly where S was on any given occasion, what he was doing, and with whom.
If the above critics are not some of the actual “detectives,” they are often the detectives’ followers, who rush to read the latest “scoop” on what S has been doing.***
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Can We Be Honest With Ourselves?
Without the fandom detectives we wouldn’t know what S was doing on any given occasion because the "clues" that appear (wittingly or unwittingly) in photos/videos that S or others post are so small that the average person wouldn’t realize they were there--and most would not have the patience to play detective using those clues as springboards to discover other information. 
So might I suggest that if fans want to clutch their pearls about S's dropping "clues" about his personal life on social media or about how S's rumored romantic partners/friends are invading his privacy to get "attention," that they also acknowledge that without the fandom detectives (who are supported by those of us who follow their blogs) these little clues in photos/videos wouldn't reveal anything of substance about S's private life.
They just wouldn't.
Whether or not we want to admit it, to a greater or lesser extent we are all a part of this "symbiotic" phenomenon regarding the information (however accurate or inaccurate) that is revealed in the fandom regarding S's personal life. JMHO
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__________ *The belief that S's rumored romantic partners/ friends are "thirsty" for the attention of S's fans has always struck me as a bit of a stretch given that S has only a piddling 15-20k hardcore fans who are interested in his personal life, a number that means little in the world of celebrity. Furthermore, a few of those hardcore fans mercilessly harass any of S's rumored romantic partners who dare to post hints that they are involved with S. So why would anyone want that kind of attention?🤦🏻‍♀️
**Although even when fandom "detectives" rely on public information, some can go too far, like all the nonsense that came from "kitchen-gate" and "apartment-gate." 😱
***Full disclosure: I am also a part of this "symbiotic process" because I read, reblog, and/or extensively comment on the "scoops" discovered by the fandom detectives. I do so mostly to debunk what I consider to be absurd S/C and/or closet crew conspiracies, but regardless of the reasons, I still do so.
Note: The first screenshot (clutch my pearls) and both gifs were modified from their sources.
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pityroadart · 2 years ago
Hey, what is your process when making collages? How do you collect things for them, how do you decide on quotes and what to draw/paint on and such? I really enjoy them :)
Hello! That's a very good question, I do it so automatically that I'm not entirely sure myself — but since I caught myself in the middle of a cut-and-stick sketchbook session, let's dive into it.
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First up, I collect scraps like a trash magpie. Always have done, always will. Any paper items that I enjoy the colour/shape/texture of. Nowadays I tend to enjoy things with bold primary colours or black and white, pages from old maths textbooks or encyclopedias, flyers from local exhibitions, fragile tape and shipping labels from parcels, scraps found on the floor, old shopping lists, slips of paper from inside medicine packets or covid tests etc, anything that jumps out at me.
I collect these things in the pocket at the back of my sketchbook, or in a drawer (I have a whole drawer dedicated to scraps — some picked up from six or seven years ago, and some from last week). I hoard them like some sort of paper-loving dragon.
Other things I like adding are washi tapes, stickers, cinema tickets, drawings (whether straight in the sketchbook or stuck in), and anything else flat enough to fit in there.
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Here are a few older sketchbook pages (from about 2014) showing some other types of scraps I've collated and used, and I think you can see where my current style has grown from.
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The second part of your question is: but how do I put them all together? Again it's pretty much instinctive by now, but here are a few things I look for:
- Do I have a theme for the page? Is there a central object I want to build around? For the recent star trek pages I shared here, I'd been to see TMP and TWOK at the cinema and glued my tickets into my sketchbook, so I knew I wanted to theme the page around them
- Is there a colour palette? Either I pick colours from my central object, or I decide on a colour palette myself. Nowadays I keep my colour palettes very limited - one or two bolder colours and a range of cream/white/black/grey - but previously I've set the palette as pastel rainbow colours for example, when those were the colours I was more drawn to
- What words, symbols or drawings do I want to add? This can be lyrics that have been stuck in my head or that fit the theme, phrases I've come up with, fragments of found poetry clipped from textbooks, drawings that fit the theme (e.g star trek screencap thumbnails in the first example), etc. They don't have to fit the theme perfectly, or make sense to an external viewer - the important thing is that *you* want them on your page
This image below is a fragment of an as-yet-incomplete page - in which I swatched some leftover watercolour paint onto the page, found it complimented the colour of a sticker from a parcel perfectly (the small circular sticker), then I added an interesting-looking image from an old encyclopedia, which reminded me of a line from a Mountain Goats song: "the low pressure system brings the breezes in", and I wrote out another line from that same song on kraft paper and stuck it in. So it makes sense to me, or maybe someone familiar with the song, but to the average viewer it just looks kinda cool and/or they enjoy the line I've written out.
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Then the next thing is to stick everything together! I'll confess, I rarely do this in one sitting - I currently have multiple pages I'm working on, one started the other month and almost complete, one started two weeks ago, and one just started today. I add to it whenever I get an idea or find a scrap that fits. But I used to do the pages in one sitting, and that absolutely works too.
As to how I decide what goes where on the page, that's just intuitive! I've made collage-y type art for at least fifteen years now (and longer if you count playing 'cut and stick' with old magazines as a kid), and I've very much learnt what sort of compositions please me, and how to tell if something feels too cluttered or lopsided or too spacious. But the beauty of this part is it's all personal preference! Shuffle your scraps around before gluing them down, and see what works for you.
Sometimes I add text or drawings first and use scraps in between, sometimes I stick the scraps down first and fill the gaps with text or drawings - there's no one way to do it! And hey, if there's something you don't like, you can always tear it out or stick something over it, that's the joy of mixed media.
Anyway this was a bit long-winded but I hope it makes at least a little bit of sense. Go forth and play with scraps!
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