#if you saw this no you didn't
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h0tdog-water · 2 years ago
i don’t give a shit that he’s 6’2 i want him MOANING and WHIMPERING
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shyaringan · 4 months ago
very top secret WIP shhh you didnt see anything, move along
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RIP gptim i still havent sketched him yet 🫡 why is he so hard to dra w
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tieflingfaggot · 11 months ago
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tree falling no one would hear
shadow of nobody there
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vulturv0lans · 1 year ago
continuation of this post | wriothesley x f. reader | nsfw
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the fortress of meropide is a cacophony of different sounds at night.
old pipes groaning, the clanking of metal against metal as gardes complete their rounds, the whispers between prisoners and stern warnings from the wardens.
and, every once in a while, there would be muffled moans and the clapping of wet skin against wet skin coming from behind the closed doors of the duke’s office.
you lay face down and bent over his desk, hands messily bound with his tie and eyes rolled into the back of your head as wriothesley pounds into you like you’re the only thing on his mind. his fingertips pressing dark bruises onto the skin on your hips, heavy pants exchanged in the air between you as he bottoms out, the round of your tits jiggling delightfully in rhythm with his thrusts.
a few documents lie wrinkled and forgotten on the floor, and all wriothesley can think about is how good you feel around him, so tight and gripping him like a vice, and how good you are taking him despite the stretch of his thick cock in your velvety walls. he pulls out a little and watches in satisfaction as your pussy grips onto him for dear life, his shaft glistening with the mix of your arousals and pulsating with desire.
your voice, once so sweet and smooth like honey, a songbird that carolled the most beautiful tunes, is reduced to little moans and gasps as you fight for air. the swell of your rosy lips an evidence of wriothesley’s earlier harsh tugs and nibbles, now shiny with saliva that has pooled at the corner of your mouth. he leans down to kiss you, tongue swiping a bold stripe against your bottom lip to savour your taste, your name a breathy whisper right into your parted lips.
wriothesley maintains his unrelenting pace as he pounds into you even harder, until your tongue lolls out and your face contort in pleasure. he leans back and lifts your hips higher, his cock hitting that one spot with controlled precision that threatens to send you over the edge.
your mind is clouded with fog and all you can think about is chasing your high, every word in your vocabulary replaced by his name and his name only. your surroundings blur and you lose track of where you are, who you are, and only him remains. the smell of him in your nostrils, the taste of him on your tongue, the warmth of his hands on your skin, and the jolts of ecstasy with every thrust of his hips-
“your grace-”
you moan out in a moment of fucked out bliss, your voice sultry and just a little bit shaky, your mind completely oblivious of the effect you have on him until you feel the air being squeezed out of your windpipes.
something primal inside wriothesley threatens to break free from its reigns. his eyes glazed over with blinding desire, your sweet little voice moaning his title and worshipping him in your cockdrunk state is the last thing he knows before his hand is circling your throat and he’s fucking into you with renewed fervour.
amid the groaning pipes, robotic footsteps and hushed whispers is a new harmony of his heavy grunts and your high pitched moans. lowering his other hand to rub harsh circles on your clit, the lack of oxygen amplifying your pleasures tenfold, wriothesley leans dangerously close to you and whispers darkly in your ear,
“call me that again.”
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© vulturv0lans 2023, do not copy, repost, or translate without permission wriothesley m.list | main masterlist | requests
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angelicalgabe · 5 months ago
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1. Lovers
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hanakou-often · 28 days ago
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baileythebean · 6 months ago
sighhhh time to break out the old cringe 2020 masks for the sake of internet safety…
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I don’t really need to cosplay him bc… y know…. I AM him. IGNORE MY WASHED OUT ORANGE LOOKING HAIR, ITS RED I JUST HAVE BAD LIGHTING
realizing I can’t do the mask and just my hand as covering is fine
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Me realizing I’m weird and cringe
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The look of absolute horror… anyway, that was my half-face reveal
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jessss-ica · 6 months ago
I am down badddddddddd
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stillaclownlol · 1 year ago
Not really a good writer but whatever. bit out of character maybe.
(Some aidlyn food for the soul)
"Aiden, I'm gonna fall again!"
"You're not gonna fall, be confident!"
"Alright- I'm confident I'm gonna fall off this stupid thing!"
Ashlyn flapped her arms, desperately trying to regain her balance. She couldn't believe she'd let Aiden rope her into learning how to skateboard- she'd fallen on her ass more times than she could count in less than an hour, and she was pretty sure her tailbone was starting to bruise. At the very least, the skatepark was totally abandoned, so there were no witnesses to her repeat failures. Besides Aiden, of course.
She felt herself tilting forward, squeezing her eyes shut and raising her arms to block the fall, but it never came.
"Ah, gotcha!"
She blinked slowly, still disoriented from the sudden movement. Aiden's hands were tight around her elbows, the tip of his shoe jammed between the wheels. He smiled at her, the sunlight bouncing off his hair and his white teeth making him look even more boyish than usual. "Almost face-planted there, haha."
His head was inclined towards her, making his face a little too close for her own comfort. She looked away, her knees shaking. "You couldn't have caught me all those other times?"
"I didn't think you'd fall that much! You're so good at everything, I thought...", he trailed off, eyes flicking to the ground. "Sorry, we can stop the sesh."
Something bubbled up in her chest, indignation, maybe, or her own wounded pride. "No, actually, I think I'm getting it, let's keep going."
He stared at her, in a very particular way that almost made her feel transparent, like he was calling her bluff, like he could see right through her bullshit. "Are you sure? Your arms are kinda..."
She was pale, and she bruised easily, but the mottled skin was partially hidden by her freckles. "I'm fine. I've got a helmet."
It wasn't her helmet, but Aiden never wore his anyway. If she was going to keep this up, though, she should probably invest in a new one. There was a dent in the back, and she didn't really want to wear a helmet that had "Brain Bucket" scrawled on the side.
"Well, alright...do I need to explain it again?"
She thought about the time Aiden had told her he'd cracked his skull when trying to do an acid drop and wondered if the problem lied not with her, but her teacher. "Mm...yeah, if you don't mind."
He took her hand -a little spark running up her fingertips at the contact- and helped her off his board. "Right, so first, pick your stance. You seemed to prefer regular, but you can try goofy too, that's how I ride."
She couldn't help but snicker. It was so like Aiden to ride his board in the most uncomfortable looking way ever. "Hm! Regular is fine."
He nodded, helping her up, his leg out in case the board shot out from under her feet and shot off to crash against a rail. Which had already happened. Twice.
Easy...just relax and balance yourself.
She let out a shaky sigh, and to her delight, she was only slightly unsteady. "Hey, I'm-!"
She clamped her mouth shut when she felt Aiden's hands settle around her waist. "Try to align your feet over the trucks."
The only trucks she knew were the kind you drove, but she shifted her weight around, watching Aiden's face, until his eyes brightened and she assumed she'd gotten it right. She was finding it hard to concentrate, Aiden was a touchy guy, sure, but he'd never just grabbed her waist before. His fingers felt cold, even through her tank-top, even in the summer heat. Her cheeks slowly colored, a pretty shade of rose, which was mercifully hidden by her sunburn.
He laughed, a mischievous-looking smirk spreading across his face. "There you go! Did you just need me to hold on to you?"
He made it sound stupid and flirty at the same time, and she fought the urge to push him away because otherwise she was going to eat shit again. Her pride did not overrule her own tolerance to pain. "Whatever, shut up."
He let go of her waist, before quickly latching one hand on her arm. "Okay, so- don't tiptoe, I've seen you do that, you keep losing your balance like that. Put your weight on the front part of your feet."
Force of habit. Maybe it was too much ballet.
Slowly, very slowly, she pointed her left foot frontwards, the right firm against the deck. Aiden tentatively untangled their fingers, only the pad of his thumb brushing against her knuckles. "That wasn't too hard, was it?"
She scowled at him. "You can't talk too much, Mr. I-broke-my-arm-doing-an-airwalk."
He just laughed even more.
She scoffed, pulling her hand away from his. She put her foot against the asphalt to push herself forward. "See? Easy as-!"
The board shot forward, knocking her off her feet. "GAH-!"
Aiden rushed forward to catch her, seizing her wrist and tugging her towards him. He tumbled backward as she crashed into his chest, hitting the ground with a dull thud. "Agh- shit...!"
She moved her hand to rub her head, only to be met with the hard plastic of the helmet. Well, now she knew why it was called a brain bucket- it felt like the organ was being rattled around in her skull, like a pile of shells or stones in a child's pail.
"Ash-! Are you alright?"
She let out a groan before opening her eyes, immediately started by the blood red of Aiden's contacts being so close to her. They were very close. She could see all the little details that she usually never paid any attention to- the almost purplish color to his skin around his sunken-in eyes, a lock of black hair curling over his ear, the only survivor of his constant bleaching, even the scar on his chin from playing with a pocket knife.
And his mouth. His mouth was extremely distracting.
"Um, Ash? Did you get a concussion or something?"
You want to kiss him.
The realization hits her with a dull terror.
Oh, crap, I want to kiss him.
Not even her sunburn can hide the mortifying shade of red that spreads across her face, and her hands are a poor substitute. She mumbles incoherently into her palms, her skin tingling from the heat radiating off her skin.
"Ashlyn...? I...What's happening right now?"
"...I...Can you say that again?"
I'm gonna kill him.
Making sentences is hard.
"Did you hurt your mouth? Should I check it?"
Imagining Aiden touching her lips, his eyes roving carefully for any cut or bruise, makes it almost a thousand times worse.
She peeks at him between her fingers, big forest-green eyes gleaming, almost magnetically drawn towards his own mouth. He follows her gaze, before stopping abruptly.
Oh, indeed.
"...Ash, would you let me...?"
He sounds so earnest. It makes her stomach feel weird, like there's a gaping maw inside her, or a hive full of crawling insects. Nothing pleasant like in the movies, unless butterflies in your belly were supposed to make you throw up.
She nods.
"Um...it's a little hard with your hands on your face," he says, not unkindly.
She closes her eyes, because she feels like she'll lose any semblance of bravery if she looks at him, and lets her arms hang loosely by her sides.
First, she feels the exhale of his breath on her lips, and then, a very soft, slight pressure on her mouth. Somehow, it feels exactly like a kiss, and yet, nothing like one. She doesn't respond, because she doesn't know how. The experience is quite neutral, made positive-leaning by the fact that it's Aiden that is kissing her.
Then he pulls away. "Um...sorry, I'm not really good at this stuff..."
Her eyes flutter open. He looks flustered, a pink hue bleeding into his cheeks.
"I mean, I've done it a few times, and every time it was super awkward-"
She purses her lips into a flat line, arching a single brow.
"-! Not that this was awkward or anything! I liked it- I mean, if you liked, I liked it-"
She watches him dig himself deeper into this hole of his own making.
"...I gotta teach you how to bail."
"...what's that?"
"A way to step off your board safely when you mess up a trick."
"But I don't know any tricks."
He sighs, runs his fingers through his bangs. "I know, but if you keep falling off and into me, I might spend more time kissing you than teaching you."
A small smile curves her lips. Well, one of those things interests her far more than the other, but he doesn't need to know which is which.
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musicoftheheart · 9 months ago
absolutely pissing myself rn because ive accidentally written some crack into my fic?? james potter the man that you are i love you but please stop making my life so insane
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shadowqueenjude · 4 months ago
“Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, director” ok how about you choke me daddy Vader
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scootscoot69 · 2 months ago
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The Winner Takes It All
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bumpintheroad · 1 year ago
happy fucking myself friday to me
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dat-is-i · 6 months ago
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it's 2am and my brain wants to find out the answer to an ancient question
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hanakou-often · 6 months ago
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All of that for a fuck ass earring...
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twogravesinsomecemetery · 1 year ago
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Did I ever tell you guys about 2nd March 2018, the day I wrote an entire txf tribute album when it was snowing in London and my commitments were cancelled? The hyperfixation was strong with this one.
(I won't post any of the audio files because you'd be subjected to my awful singing/guitar/piano chaos but - it exists. and I'm sooo proud of it. So here's some crappy concept art that I did.)
Happy 6th anniversary Washington Rain <3
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