#if you saw the preview for this you might notice i added to the hair and removed most of the shading
zuble · 3 months
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my slay the princess oc, The Devotee. she's a chapter 3 version of the Damsel, in an au where you convince her to stab herself (to make you happy ofc.) (she had to try three times before hitting her heart.) i went for an almost bridal appearance.
you wake up on the path in the woods with a long chain around your wrist, only to follow it to the cabin basement, to find the other end of the chain around her wrist. her eyes are made of glass, and when her "true form" is revealed, she breaks, and a chain bursts from one of her scars, attempting to trap your heart as well. since she's a chapter 3 princess i didn't want her to stay too "human." blood drips from her mouth when she speaks. idk it's edgy and fun.
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oh-ranpo · 2 years
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☾ -- pairing: katsuki bakugo x reader ☾ -- word count: 1.2k+ ☾ -- preview: you show up dressed to the nines for your first hero banquet and someone takes notice.
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“What the hell is all of this?” The gruff sounding voice immediately brought a smile to your face, and you knew who it belonged to before you managed to turn around. Katsuki Bakugo had a reputation for being blunt, and leave it to him to find fault in this type of occasion. When you fully turned to face him, your heart jumped as your eyes immediately found his, and you realized that he was referring to you, not the fully decorated room just through the doors behind you. “We’re at a heroes banquet, of course. Only seemed right that I dress the part.”
Mostly, you were telling the truth. This was your first big heroes event and you wanted to make a good impression. However, the biggest motivation for your choice in attire was the reaction you knew it would draw from the blonde hero standing in front of you now. You watched as his crimson eyes trailed down the silk material of your dress that was purposefully matched to the color of his irises. He managed to hold back any changes in his facial expression, but you were perceptive enough to notice how his eyes lingered on the shape of your hips and exposed neckline just a little bit longer than normal. The dress was far more revealing than anything you had worn before, but still held the proper amounts of class and sophistication to remain appropriate for this type of occasion. “Do you like it?” You asked cheekily after several moments of extended silence. His eyes were still on you, but they flicked up to meet yours now, the corner’s of his lips twitching slightly. “It’s a dress. So what?” You thought about giving him a snarky comment in response, but before you could, another voice spoke in your place. “Well, I think you look amazing.” The sudden interruption of the deep, calm voice from over Bakugo’s shoulder managed to break you both out of your own little bubble before turning towards the direction the voice had come from. When you saw who it was, an even brighter smile lit up your face at how conveniently timed the arrival of one of your other closest friends just happened to be. “Thank you, Shoto. It’s nice to see someone around here has some manners.” As he came to a stop next to Katsuki, you took a moment to assess his appearance. “I have to say, you look quite delectable as well.” It was no secret that Shoto Todoroki was handsome. He had always been exceptionally good looking and his small smile and laid-back demeanor only added to the level of his attractiveness. However, it was also no secret that the only interest you had ever had in him was strictly platonic. The two of you had easily bonded during your time at UA, and while it might have been easier if you had been interested in him, there was only one person from your hero group that had truly caught your eye and your heart. You didn’t miss the way Bakugo’s head whipped back around to you at the compliment, and for a moment, you wondered if the jealousy tactic really was working. The glare he fixed you with was white-hot, but you made it a point to ignore him as Shoto took another step closer to you. “Are you ready to go inside?” The red-and-white haired man asked as he held out his arm for you to take. “I’ll walk you.” Todoroki seemed to be ignoring his explosive friend on purpose, and you couldn’t help but smile even more and you could see Bakugo’s jaw clench as you looped your arm through Shoto’s. “Thank you. I’d love to,” you beamed and your friend smiled softly back at you. You only managed to take one step toward the open ballroom door when an angry “hey!” sounded from being you, and you both came to a stop. “Out of my way Icy-Hot. I’ll walk her in.” Bakugo’s voice was hard, but you could see something else in his eyes as you and Todoroki looked over at him. He was standing on your other side now, his arm held out for you, expecting you to take it without hesitation. You had to fight back another triumphant smile as your eyes locked on Bakugo’s unamused expression. “I don’t know, I think Shoto and I compliment each other quite nicely, don’t you? My dress practically matches his hair.” A small growl slipped past the blonde’s lips and you saw smoke rise from his hands. If you haven’t been completely positive before, now you knew for sure that your plan had been successful. “Just shut up and take my arm, nerd. I’m sure Half-and-Half won’t have any problems finding someone else to bother tonight.” When you looked back over at Shoto, he simply shrugged as he dropped his arm back to his side. He didn’t look bothered by Bakugo’s suggestion, and the hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips told you that he had an idea of what was actually going on between the two of you. “I guess I’ll catch up with you two later then,” he said softly before slowly walking away in search of his table. “Not likely,” you heard Bakugo mumbled from beside you. Now that Shoto was gone, you were able to focus your full attention on him. “That was a little rude, wasn’t it? What’s the big deal if Todoroki was the one to escort me?” As you asked the question, you still locked your arm with his, his eyes following the movement intently before slowly starting to guide you through the door of the ballroom. “You can do better than that extra,” he huffed, and when you smiled at him, he went back to avoiding your gaze. “I didn’t take you for the chivalrous type, Katsu,” you teased, and he responded with a quick shake of his head. “Don’t flatter yourself. I’d save anyone from having to spend the entire evening with Icy-Hot and his boring monologue. That just happened to be you this time.” You knew Bakugo well enough to know that he wasn’t going to outright say how he truly felt. The deflection was one that you were used to, but the way his arm gently tightened around yours, and the fact that he kept pace with you, despite the fact that you were moving slowly due to your dress shoes was only more confirmation that his words didn’t match his intentions. “Well, I guess I’m glad I was in the right place at the right time tonight then,” you murmured, just loud enough for him to hear. You were almost to your table, but he glanced over at you now. Your eyes met briefly before he dropped his gaze, a tinge of pink painting the skin of his neck and cheeks. “Yeah, yeah, don’t get used to it,” he muttered under his breath, but you knew he didn’t mean it. Especially considering when you sat down at your table and found Shoto waiting for the two of you, Bakugo’s hand immediately found it’s home on your knee under the table while scooting his chair closer to yours. It wasn’t obvious to everyone, but it was obvious to you. You had won.
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bostoniangirl85 · 2 years
Preview of Ch. 15 of “A Man’s Worth”
Another preview from the next chapter of AMW as I try to get back into writing.^^
“I…sometimes I did wonder…I knew you cared, but sometimes I felt like you didn’t know me. Didn’t notice things…” Gadget’s face fell and Penny winced. “I’m sorry, Uncle.”
“No, don’t apologize. Don’t ever apologize for my behavior, Penny.” Gadget sighed. “Even before I got my memories back I did notice things, Penny…that you were growing up so fast…becoming such an incredible young woman,” he added proudly. “If I kept you at arm’s length at times it was only because I didn’t want to burden you anymore than I already did.”
“Burden me..?” “I wasn’t completely oblivious, Penny.” Gadget smiled wanly. “I saw the looks you were getting that night at the gala.” Penny blushed and he reached out to gently brush her hair away from her face. “You really did look beautiful that night,” he murmured.
Penny laughed. “I told Mrs. Quimby that you probably wouldn’t notice.” Gadget winced. He had noticed, and while he knew Penny was a strong and capable young woman part of him was desperate to keep his niece safe from anyone who might hurt her. “That reminds me…several of those young men wanted my permission to see you again.” Penny didn’t think it was possible for her face to grow any hotter. “They did? What did you tell them, Uncle?” “I told them that any young man who wanted to see my niece would need to ask your permission first, not mine, and that you weren’t some pretty toy or trophy.”
Seeing his niece’s stunned expression Gadget continued, “I also told them that they had better be prepared to respect everything about you, and that you were far too intelligent, too beautiful, too good,” he emphasized, speaking quicker with emotion, “to be treated poorly.”
“Uncle…” Suddenly realizing he may have overstepped Gadget quickly interjected. “I’m sorry, Penny. I didn’t mean to speak for you. I know we talked a bit about…well, you know…things, but I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone hurting you, not when I’ve already done that so many times in the past. I just want you to be happy, and I-” “Uncle Gadget?” Penny’s soft voice halted his rambling. “Yes, Penny?” He gave her a sheepish smile. “I love you.”
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rosaliepostsstuff · 3 years
Sol et luna — The Sun and the Moon | G.W.
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pairing: George Weasley x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of food and eating, alcohol, vague mention of sex, insecurity
summary: You head out to the countryside with your friends, renting a cabin by the lake for two weeks, during which you notice a correlation between yours and George’s soulmate tattoos, unsure what to do about it.
word count: 9130
tags: @izzyyy-1​ ; @amourtentiaa​ ; @hufflepuffalice​ ; @slytherclawbitch​ ; @famdomhideout​ ; @mollenniumfalcon​ ; @accioweaslcy ; @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts​ ; @justasmolballofstress ; @hufflepuff5972​ ; @calmspencer​ ; @pandaxnienke​ ; @harrysweasleys​ ; @ickle-ronniekins​ ; @4amhotchner​ ; @weasleysprofessionalhoe​ ; @lunarlovegoodx ; @henqtic​ ; 
a/n: This took me so much time and effort, I’d appreciate any kind of feedback, thank you!
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You gazed out of the car window, sitting in one of the back passenger’s seats. The journey was pleasant, a nice prologue to the vacation you were about to begin – Ginny, Hermione, Angelina and Alicia, your travel companions sharing snacks and blasting muggle pop songs while singing along.
Natural curiosity made you wonder what the atmosphere was like, in the other car – which Fred, George, Lee, Harry and Ron travelled by. They had been driving behind you for some distance, before passing you by and disappearing in the distance – you supposed Fred had a bit too much fun behind the wheel.
It seemed like you’d be lucky with the weather for most of the two weeks of your stay at the cabin – that day was pleasantly warm with just a bit of refreshing wind, and the Sun was shining beautifully in the bright, blue sky.
The whole area around the place you were supposed to be staying at was just stunning. The cabin was by the lake, surrounded by nature, with just a small village nearby – no noise, no pollution – it was really going to be a great vacation.
When you arrived at your destination, the boys’ car was already vacated, parked in the front, some distance from the cabin.
“Took you long enough!” Lee commented, emerging from the front door after hearing the commotion of your group unloading the car. “Why such a hurry?” asked Ginny, pulling her last bag out of the trunk and stepping aside to make room for you. “Yeah, we had a great time..” added Angelina, already carrying her bags inside, and shrugged at him defiantly.
You made it inside with your heavy luggage and did not hesitate to dump it on the floor right after you entered, to have a look around the place. The layout was quite modern – the front door opened into a great open space, which still had a cosy feeling to it. Complete with a lounge area, a dining table to fit all of you, and an open, yet a bit secluded kitchen. Directly opposite the front door, on the far end of the room was a large, glass sliding door, giving you a preview of the back of the house, where you could see a deck, complete with a furniture set. Looking at all the spaces, you couldn’t help but imagine small moments you could have throughout the following fortnight, what sharing a house with your friends would be like.
Most of your friends were downstairs, you heard their bickering in the background as you debated just taking half of your baggage to then come back for the rest, when George approached you, without you noticing. “Want any help?” he asked, with no tease to his tone, nor any exaggerated kindness – merely, as if giving a helping hand was the simplest thing in the world. “Uhm…” you stammered, knowing well you did - but also thinking, you could do this on your own just fine.
George, evidently bored of waiting for your reply for more than two seconds, grabbed the bags with a scoff and a small smile. “Thank you,” you said, genuinely, signalling you had not lost your ability to speak too.
Walking out the back, onto the deck, you could see Fred by the lake. You took a moment, standing by the bannister – listening to the sounds – the very faint sound of water moved by the gentle wind, soft rustle of tree leaves and the birdsongs, undisturbed by anything. You could smell the grass, the trees, the flowers around, as well as the lake water.
You walked down the wooden steps and through the grass field, to the lake, to have a closer look.
Fred was skipping stones, he turned around for a moment when you walked up and smiled, acknowledging your presence – then continued. You watched him closely – there was something satisfying and soothing about skipping rocks, yet you were never able to do that yourself. No matter how many times it was explained to you, you had barely succeeded a couple of times in your life. You’d prefer to avoid sharing that fact about yourself - so for now, you just enjoyed watching Fred do it.
As he threw another rock, it splashed a bit, startling you. You winced a bit at the sudden contact of the cold water against your exposed legs – Fred snickered at you, and you heard George laugh, as he was approaching from behind.
Seeing him once you turned around, you felt the sudden need to explain yourself. “It’s cold,” you said sheepishly, a bit embarrassed, and followed with a chuckle. George scoffed, grinning. “Don’t give us any ideas,” Fred feign-threatened with a mischievous smile, yet you didn’t understand him. “…or you might end up finding yourself in the water,” George followed, looking you straight in the eye with the same expression. You felt a shiver down your spine.
“You wouldn’t…” you pointed out, wanting to believe that and crossed your arms over your chest. Fred and George knew a boundary. Right? George shrugged, continuing his act as he walked up to you. “We’ve got two whole weeks, love,” he said melodically and squeezed you against his side, way tighter than necessary.
When Angelina, Ginny and Harry came back from a grocery run, they gathered the whole house to take a walk around the area together.
Each step you took was as easy as if it was weightless; soaking up the views around you, you breathed in an immense sense of freedom, unobstructed by anything. You had left all worries, responsibilities and expectations at home. The sounds of the surrounding nature paired with the footsteps of the nine people around you were like music to your ears.
“Look, a tree!” Fred gasped in the most obnoxious way, pointing at one, with many other trees around you. Fred Weasley would never admit to be enjoying himself on a simple walk and he evidently found the tranquillity too boring. You could almost feel Angelina’s eye roll to your side before he spoke again.
“Merlin’s beard, a rock!” he exclaimed with another gasp as he looked to the side of the path, keeping his acting level high. “We get it, Weasley, no need to keep going,” Alicia told him. “No, I don’t think you do,” he replied, and the conversation continued.
You smiled to yourself, realising that the two weeks with all of your favourite fools has officially started and you couldn’t wait to see what it would bring.
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The next day you woke up quite early, while your roommate, Alicia was still out in her bed. Walking downstairs, you saw that you weren’t the first one up in the house.
Hermione was strutting around the kitchen in her pyjama and dressing gown, with her hair up a bit messily, most likely making breakfast for herself. Sitting by the kitchen island over a bowl of cereal, was George Weasley.
“Morning,” you said quite cheerfully and Hermione said it back with a smile, while George just lifted the fingers of one of his hands in a lazy greeting. The kitchen was neat, all cleaned up after you all had dinner together last night, in a family-like atmosphere. So you fixed a quick breakfast with a mug of warming tea for yourself, and sat down by the island counter too.
Day two was pretty slow, you could tell everyone was just enjoying being able to do nothing, away from home. After lunch, you sat out on the deck with a coffee, following a game of cards played by the boys. It wasn’t a game you knew before, so you did not join them, but enjoyed watching from the sidelines instead, secretly rooting for whoever was doing the best each round and slowly memorising the rules.
Hermione enjoyed reading outside most of the afternoon, unbothered by anything or anyone – one could feel a bit calmer just by looking at her, in her element. Angelina on the other hand, felt inspired to move her usual workout routine out onto the grass, then hung out inside after a shower. Alicia turned back to her old hobby of drawing – Ginny, energetic by nature, seemed to be everywhere at once.
You had volunteered to prepare dinner for everyone that evening, and so did George Weasley. Happy to not have to do everything by yourself, you wondered how much experience he had in the kitchen, it was something you’ve never talked about – maybe he’d inherited Molly’s skills?
Frankly, you’ve never really had much opportunity to hang out with or even talk to George without anyone else around. It only made you more happy and excited – getting to know your friends more personally being added to the list of this vacation’s benefits.
You found George already in the kitchen, examining the contents of the fridge. During a short conversation to decide what you were going to make, you were able to deduce, he did know his way around the kitchen pretty well - just not Molly’s level quite yet.
It seemed that awkward silence did not exist around George Weasley, though it felt odd having such a simple chat with him – just about what’s been going on recently in your lives, or what you were hoping to do throughout the rest of the stay.
As you finished one step of the recipe, you moved over to stand next to George to help him out. You began to peel some veggies for him to chop, when you noticed the tattoo on the front of his left forearm. It caught your eye because it was similar to yours - well visible on your right forearm, resting next to his above the countertop. You found it quite funny at first.
But then you had a closer look.
Your soulmate tattoo. It had appeared on your 18th birthday, and you were pretty lucky it did. According to folktales, one’s soulmate tattoo would appear on midnight of their birthday – but it was never mentioned which one. Some people found out much later in life, some already married and with kids, having married said soulmate or not, some people would die before theirs would etch into their skin.
Yet yours had appeared. Half a full Moon, cut off with a clean line, facing your palm.
His – half a Sun, cut with a clean line, facing up, towards his elbow.
He noticed that you had stopped working. Out of the corner of his eye, he had noticed the two tattoos as well - and once he followed your gaze, he knew, you’d been staring at them.
Would George Weasley be your soulmate? How could he? - it didn’t make any sense. Sure, you got along fine, but you were both so different. What could he possibly see in a girl like you? Not just appearance-wise, but personality. He was wild, funny, charismatic – a breath of fresh air on a hot, sultry day; a rainbow on the plain sky. In comparison to him, you were boring. You’d never even considered George as anything more than a friend, he was just out of your league.
“…Are they… matching?” he asked very slowly.
It was over now. Once he became aware of the similarity, or rather the correlation, the matter became serious, disallowing you to just put it away, until you’d figured out how you feel about it. Did they?
“I- uh… I dunno…” you muttered, struck dumb. “They have to, they wouldn’t-…” George stammered, thinking way quicker than he was able to speak. “They wouldn’t be that similar if they weren’t supposed to match, would they..?” he noted with some confidence in his voice, only making you all the more nervous.
He took notice of your silence and frown, and waited a few seconds more, hoping to see just a glint of enthusiasm break out on your face - but it didn’t.
“You’re disappointed…” he said quietly, almost as if he was talking to himself. “No,” you denied almost immediately, shocked by his statement. You, disappointed with him? How much you’d give for a guy like George to see you, to really see you. “No, I-… just thought you probably are,” you mumbled quietly, trailing off the sentence, wishing for that conversation to just stop.
George caught on, however, he opened his mouth to speak, to express himself, but he really didn’t know how – your words just puzzled him. Why would you immediately assume he’d be disappointed to have you as his match?
“We should really get on with it, it’s gonna overcook…” you concluded firmly, glancing at the pot on the stove, closing the previous topic. George didn’t feel in place to drag it further since you clearly didn’t wish to talk. But he was really not pleased with how that conversation had gone, and it left him with this uneasy feeling somewhere in his chest, eating away at him.
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It seemed as if your mind was permanently clouded now. You kept shifting between obsessively thinking, about what George being your soulmate would mean, and not believing it was true at all. The Sun and the Moon?
But he was right, the tattoos wouldn’t have that much of a correlation if they weren’t a pair. And as you kept going in circles, each time you came to this conclusion, you felt the nervousness start to take over. How were you supposed to act around him now? Because of that, subconsciously and without thinking, you avoided him – just to not have to wonder about what your interactions should look like.
George gave you space, you were glad he didn’t try to corner you, but during dinners you’d feel his glances on you from time to time - as if he was trying to see through you, to find out what was going through your mind.
It’s been two days, spent awkwardly avoiding George with your eyes every time everyone ate together. Two days of trying to appear busy at all times, so that no one would notice that something’s troubling you, and ask about it.
That night you had trouble falling asleep, your distressed mind wasn’t helping you. The air inside felt stuffy, even with the window open. You gave up, for the time being, kicked off your blanket, put on your slippers. The main room was semi-dark illuminated by strong moonlight coming through the large windows. The Moon was full that night.
Upon opening the glass door you welcomed the slight chill on your skin, taking a deep breath of fresh air. You turned around to close the door behind you when a voice spoke to you.
“Hi,” said George softly, sitting to the side on one of the outside sofas. Your heart almost stopped when you noticed him - the one person you tried to avoid, and you knew it was too late to run away. “Hey,” you replied with a defeated smile, wondering if he was aware. He gestured to the seat next to him, smiling at you, almost shyly.
You were glad the only light came from the Moon in the sky because you could feel yourself shaking slightly, as you walked up to him and took the spot. You sat down and looked ahead, fiddling with your fingers in your lap. You could smell his scent, feel his presence right next to you and it felt like too much to bear, too personal.
“Haven’t seen you around much lately…” he began, vaguely, and you could sense what he was thinking. “I wasn’t avoiding you..!” you blurted without thinking, only realising afterwards, that it made it sound exactly as if you were. He hummed shortly, biting his lip with a small frown.
You sighed deeply and said, “I wasn’t avoiding you,” truthfully, making sure to accentuate the last word. Because you weren’t, you were only avoiding your cluelessness which took over you while you were around him. “Oh,” he replied after a second upon working out what you meant, “…okay,” but did not ask further.
“You know, nothing has to change,” he began, and you turned to him to listen intently. “I mean, don’t force anything. We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” he continued, bringing you some comfort, yet simultaneously a bit of confusion – what was the custom when finding out you were soulmates with someone? Did people usually throw themselves at each other immediately, that’s why he was saying that?
“We can take this slow, alright?.. Figuring out this whole- ‘soulmate’ thing.” You nodded, not sure what to say, crossing your arms over your chest as the slight chill of the night started getting to you. George looked at you for a bit, thinking, then lifted his arm gently, inviting you in. You ignored the small voice in the back of your head and scootched closer, allowing yourself to be embraced. For the first time, somewhere in the back of your mind, you welcomed the thought of having him as a soulmate.
You stared up at the Moon and it seemed to be staring back. You just couldn’t decide if it was taunting you – pointing out your silly overthinking, or rather comforting you in a motherly way, feeling partially responsible for binding your fate with the one of the man next to you. Why was it the Moon? The Sun – it fit George. Blinding you, only allowing to be admired from afar, yet never to be looked at directly.
“I’d like you to feel comfortable with me… so, whatever’s troubling you, I’m here,” George said with such sincerity, it sent shivers down your back. “… but no pressure,” he hasted to add with a chuckle.
“Thanks, uhm-…” You wondered, would he want to confide in you? “...Same to you.”
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The following day, you woke up lighter in spirit. Knowing you could give yourself the time you needed, gradually lifted off the pressure of figuring out where you were standing.
After breakfast, when your friends were occupied inside or still sleeping, you decided to go out into the backyard. As always, welcomed by the birdsongs, you allowed your eyes to feast upon the views for a moment.
Without much thought, you walked up to the lake and as if it were mandatory, crouched to dip the very tips of your fingers in the water.
You saw the rocks by the edge of the water and stared at them for a moment, debating. Fully prepared to fail, you picked a flat-looking one and got up. You took a deep breath, then swinging your wrist – threw it, and with a loud ‘plonk’ it went down.
You heard a muffled snicker behind your back and you turned around instantly, to see George there. “How does this keep happening?!” you exclaimed, as he walked up to you without being able to hold back his grin. “What do you mean?” “You keep walking up behind me without me noticing..!” you explained, beginning to laugh and he chuckled quietly, shaking his head. “I walked out soon after you because I was bored inside, but I couldn’t help myself when I realised you didn’t see me,” George explained, and you accepted it.
“You need to swing it like this,” he instructed with a demonstration. “I know, that’s what I did,” you replied defensively, certain that all the rocks in the world just had a pact against you, not allowing you to skip them.
“Look,” George said, showing you once again how to do it. His rock skipped so many times, you lost count.
“Now you try and let me see,” he told you, watching you closely. You felt a bit of pressure, but even though you knew you’d fail again, you tried. And the rock sunk.
“Is that okay if I show you?” he asked and you didn’t understand at first, before he made a move to stand behind you with one hand on your shoulder and the other over your hand, but waited until you replied.
“O-okay,” you stammered, so he picked out a rock to hand it to you, then moulded your body into the right posture, to then help you throw the rock. You noticed how tiny your hand was in comparison to his. To your amazement, it skipped a solid 4 times.
Both his hands were on your shoulders when you turned around and smiled, beaming at him, and he thought he could get used to it.
“Do you want to try on your own?” he asked, but you couldn’t get a word out, because you didn’t. He nodded, holding back a smirk, then repeated the whole process, and the throw was successful again.
You did try throwing by yourself after that and it was as if the curse has been lifted. Thanks to George you got the swing of it, with each time it seemed easier and easier, and you did better and better.
In a moment of confidence you joked about having a contest – and George, being George, wouldn’t let you back down. But he’d also let his rocks sink right away from time to time on purpose, to then pretend he didn’t know what happened.
“Thank you,” you said sweetly, on your way back towards the entrance. It was amazing how nice it felt to be taught something, by someone, who didn’t make you feel inferior. “Anytime,” he replied. “But tell anyone about this…” you changed your tone, to feign seriousness for that threat.
“What’re you gonna do to me, huh?”
 A certain sense of companionship was formed between you and George from that moment on, some type of feeling, quite hard to describe.
Your relationship was an odd one now. In any other circumstances, the two of you wouldn’t be close enough to really know you could depend on each other, trust each other with anything. But such a simple thing as a possibility, that you could be destined for each other  - by fate, or magic, or whatever it was – changed everything.
You also found yourself paying more attention to him – catching yourself pointing out all the small things you liked about him, in your head. Like his soothing voice, or the facial expressions he’d make.
George sat in a chair next to you during dinner that afternoon. Again – previously, you would’ve seen it as a coincidence, but now you knew it wasn’t. Maybe the fact that you had been the first one to sit down and all the other chairs were empty, contributed.
There were moments where it felt like the two of you were sitting in a separate little room, surrounded by invisible walls. Nobody else noticed when George accidentally made a piece of salad fly right onto his shirt, while you stifled a chuckle – earning a light shove to your legs underneath the table. Throughout the whole meal, from time to time you’d hear him mutter jokes or anecdotes about his brothers when they spoke, while more of your stifled chuckles served as a reward for him.
The next day, Friday, it was very warm right from the morning, and it was only getting warmer as the Sun kept rising. By the time everyone was up and breakfasted, the weather was just perfect to enjoy the lake.
Once you walked out the back door in your swimsuit, you felt a bit more self-conscious about being so exposed – more so than usual, not really understanding the reason behind it.
After setting up your towel next to Angelina, you were content to spend some time just lounging there, maybe reading a bit, while the girl went off into the water.
As you followed her with your eyes, your gaze ended up on George, far away from the shore. His hair soaking wet, water dripping down his face with pure happiness written all over it, with his contagious, soul-lifting smile.
You couldn’t help your eyes wandering down a bit – you’ve had a few opportunities to see George shirtless before, you were perfectly aware of how fit he was. Why was he making such an impression on you now, then?
He turned his head all of a sudden, making you freeze as he caught your eye. He sent a cheeky wink in your direction, with a grin, and you quickly dropped your head. Ugh, why have you done that? It was simply the most awkward thing you could do. But what should you have done? Smile? Wink back? Why did this man have to be so forward, making you flustered?
When you looked back up, he was occupied by something else, once again.
 The next day, a few of your other friends and some people invited by the boys were to come by for a party that evening. There were a few more of them than you had expected, most you haven’t even seen before.
The party wasn’t concentrated in one part of the house, there were people all over – you spent the majority of the evening out on the deck with your closest friends and a light drink in hand.
Music was blasting from the inside, but you enjoyed your time away from the main crowd. Your housemates were scattered all over, you saw most of them at least for brief moments – the deck was where everyone headed to cool down.
Once it was dark and the chill started setting in, you came back inside. Seeing George with a group of people – who you assumed were his friends – felt odd. For a second, a thought crossed your mind, that you should be spending this time with him. Everything indicated that you were his soulmates, so you should be bonding, should you not? Why was he in the presence of some other girls, then?
But you shook that off – it was irrational. George was his own person who could have his own friends. Hell, you couldn’t even be sure if he was single..! You stopped your brain from going down that path too, grabbing something to drink, and approached some of your other mates.
For the rest of the night, however, you couldn’t help but sneak glances at him. It was natural, he looked so good. How could you not have noticed he was that handsome, throughout all those years? And the outfit he had on didn’t help in keeping your eyes away, either.
What you didn’t notice, though, was that his gaze landed on you, from time to time, too. Not once at the same time as you, not once catching your eye, no matter how badly he wanted to. But you just seemed totally uninterested in him.
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The next morning, you left your room in your PJs. You passed by Ginny, sitting in the lounge room with a newspaper, lazily skimming the articles.  Going into the kitchen, you noticed George having breakfast there, with some girl sitting next to him, leaning into his personal space a bit.
You tensed a bit, feeling hot all of a sudden. Did she spend the night with him, then? Why else would she be there right now? Most people have left right after the party.
“Morning,” George greeted you with a small smile. You almost smiled back genuinely, but then the girl greeted you as well. She was very pretty. “Hi,” you replied, forcing a polite smile, before you turned your back to them, to prepare your breakfast.
The girl continued her sweet talk, trying to keep up the conversation by asking about his shop. She flirted without any shyness, not caring that they weren’t alone in the room. You envied her in a way, you could never bring that kind of confidence out of yourself.
George didn’t seem interested, though. You supposed she wasn’t his friend, after all, but someone else’s and just taken a fancy in him. But the way she talked did not strike with much intelligence.
You dragged out making your food, not wanting to sit down with them, making the situation feel even more awkward. Luckily, once George finished eating, they both went away somewhere. And you didn’t want to think about her all throughout your breakfast, but it was very hard not to.
“Too bad I didn’t wait with having my breakfast,” George said sliding into the seat next to you, startling you a bit. “Why?” you asked, with a slight tone of confusion. “So that I could have it with you,” he replied cheerfully.
“Bimbo not entertaining enough?” you said, regretting it instantly. “Ooof,” you practically heard his shit-eating grin, not daring to look at him as you bit your tongue.
“Aww, are you jealous?” he asked merrily, leaning on the counter, trying to get you to look at him. “No, I have no reason to be.” “If you say so,” he almost sang, teasingly.
“How did you sleep?” you tried desperately to change the topic. It was only afterwards that you realised you could’ve made it even more awkward if he had slept with that girl. “Alright. Can’t sleep for too long after having a bit to drink, though. How about you?” “Yeah, alright too,” you replied, and had no more ideas as to what to say.
Once again surprising you by doing things not at all out of the ordinary, George invited you to have some tea with him outside.
You set your mug of tea down on the table out on the deck, but you stood there for a bit, with your arms crossed on your chest.
“What is it?” George asked, having already sat down on the sofa. “It’s a bit colder than I thought, with the wind. I think I’m gonna run up quickly and get something more to wear.” “There’s my jumper laying somewhere in the lounge, you can take it if you want,” he offered, surprising you a bit. But you did want to.
“Okay, thanks,” you said, turning to the door. “You can put it on in front of the bimbo,” he said after you with a sly smile, making you shake your head, holding back a grin.
But you did, feeling a bit guilty about this childish behaviour. Just a bit, though – it was satisfying.
It gave you a bit of a boost in confidence – and since you were wearing his jumper already, why shouldn’t you sit down right next to him? That’s when you realised – you felt comfortable around George, inside and out. None of it was awkward – the silence, all the things you did or didn’t say; your morning hair or your oily face you haven’t washed yet after waking up.
“It’s been a week now,” George conversed.
Since you noticed your tattoos? That’s a bit of an exaggeration…
“Since we’ve come here,” he added, noticing your puzzled expression. “Have you enjoyed your stay so far?” “It’s gone by quickly,” you replied, frankly, frowning a bit. You didn’t know where all the days have gone. “Oh, we’ve still got a week,” he tried comforting you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Yeah, we do…” you replied, deep in thought, leaning more into his side.
The fact that a full week has gone by was worrying you, that the second one would pass just as quickly. What could you do, to use it to its fullest?
 You did not have to wait long for an opportunity to present itself.
Overall, since that conversation on the deck on Sunday morning, George and you would hang out more. Just like the previous day, late in the evening, already in your PJs, you sat with him at the dining table playing various Wizarding games.
You were starting to feel tiredness get to you, everyone else in the house had already gone to their rooms for the night, and your laughs were often followed by yawns you tried hard to suppress.
“Let’s go for a walk,” George suggested out of the blue once you finished a game. “What?” you questioned, wondering if he was just joking. “I don’t wanna go to sleep yet, the night’s warm… let’s go for a walk.”
You studied his face for a moment, but he appeared absolutely serious, looking at you back with a small smile. You glanced outside through the great sliding doors, as if to check if it was really dark, despite knowing the time, then at your attire.
“Go get changed, I’ll wait here,” he convinced you.
Once you were out of his sight you ran up to your room as quick and quiet as possible, then changed, careful not to wake your roommate.
You took the path leading out from the cabin to the forest. You had to admit it was exhilarating. George’s spontaneity awoke something in you, the way he just made up his mind in a second and stuck to it. You’d have never think of taking a nightly stroll through the middle of nowhere, you’d be terrified of doing this alone. But the fact that he was walking next to you, and walking so casually, with his hands in his pockets, made all of that feel just as normal as anything else.
The walk woke you up, the comfortable silence broken from time to time by either one of you.
“Are we going somewhere in particular?” you asked, swaying your hands inside the pockets of your unzipped hoodie. “Nah, not really,” George replied indifferently, shrugging. “But- you’ll remember the way back, right?.. I haven’t been paying attention to where we’re going at all,” you said frankly, as you stepped off the path, walking straight through the forest now
George laughed at this, he found it cute, how you followed him into the forest without any care. “What were you paying attention to, then..?” he asked teasingly, giving you a meaningful smile.
“Nope, not getting dragged into- AAH!!” you screamed, scared by a bird suddenly moving around in leaves on the ground. Instinctively you jumped back and half-hid behind George, grabbing onto his arm. He tried his best to hold in a laugh, as you were coming down from the shock.
“You okay?” he asked, reaching out his other arm to you. You hugged him tightly, hiding your face in his chest. “Now I’m just annoyed I got so startled over some stupid leaves,” you complained after a small groan. You allowed yourself to stay in his arms for a bit longer, feeling those negative emotions leave you as if nothing bad could happen to you there. “That’s alright, happens to the best of us,” he comforted you.
As you pulled away, you made a move to hold onto his arm but he took your hand instead, holding onto it firmly.
“Look,” he said softly after you walked a bit further, pointing with his finger, where between the trees you could see water.
In the opening there was a small lake – it had a mysterious feel about it, seemed long unvisited, the boardwalk a bit old, yet sturdy as ever.
You sat down at the end of it together, above the trees was a perfect view of the sky above the valley, sky littered with stars.
“I should make it a point to stargaze more often,” you admitted, in awe of their beauty. George watched you, face illuminated by the moonlight. “I could remind you from time to time,” he offered.
You dropped your gaze, deep in thought once more. All of that wouldn’t stop once you left the cabin – George would still be in your life, out there, in the real world.
“Mhm… you could,” you agreed, dropping your head to the side, leaning it on his shoulder.
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“Soulmates?” asked Alicia in a tone of surprise. “… the two of you?” added Ron doubtfully. “What’s that supposed to mean?” George snapped at his younger brother.
You and George talked the same morning about how it was probably the best time to just tell your friends everything. You were getting more suspicious looks from them, whenever you’d hang out late with George, whenever the two of you would have tea out on the deck together, or when George would make some kind of teasing remark to make you laugh. The looks kept getting bolder too, though none of your mates dared to suggest there was something going on between you. That’s how you went to share the revelation with them during dinner one evening, showing them your tattoos too.
“Maybe just that you have nothing in common..?” Ginny suggested boldly, clearly unpleased with the idea for a reason unknown to you. You glanced at the rest of the table quickly – no one else spoke up, but their faces appeared to say that they agreed with Ginny.
“That’s not true…” you said, getting a bit more emotional than you would’ve wanted, more emotional, than you would’ve expected.
It made you angry, though you couldn’t understand why. You got along with George just fine, so how dare they think you have nothing in common?! What right did they have to have an opinion on whether or not the two of you were meant to be?
“If you say so…” Hermione said softly with a small smile, then frowned at Ginny, silently reprimanding her.
Meanwhile, George was looking at you, judging your reaction – as if checking whether you meant what you said, if you weren’t about to agree with Ginny with a hearty laugh, having all that’s happened yet between you go to waste. Unknowingly, you glanced at him too – you locked eyes for a moment and you exchanged nervous smiles through the ripple between you.
And the rest of the dinner went on in silence.
Surprisingly, no animosity was left afterwards – you still felt a bit watched while around George, but now for a different reason. He, however, did not seem to care one bit.
George floated in the water peacefully, making all appearances that he’s simply relaxing, as most of the cabin’s inhabitants were doing at that moment.
But he was wracking his brain, glancing at you every once in a while – he told himself it was boredom, and getting your attention would be the best way to relieve it. It was like some force, drilling inside him constantly, the inability to leave you be when he saw you lying on your towel in a bathing suit. So he was thinking, thinking of a way to poke the ants' nest that was you.
You did not expect a thing – all of a sudden George ran up to you and scooped you in his arms. The feeling could be pleasant, were you not worried about what he had in his mind.
You yelped in surprise. “What’re you doing..?!” you asked, more as a formality, not expecting to receive an actual answer. “I promised you something when we arrived here,” he replied with mischief written all over him.
“No, George..!” you pleaded, hanging onto the back of his neck as he ran in the direction of the lake and onto the boardwalk. “Yes, George..!” he exclaimed, before jumping off, into the water.
Once you surfaced, he was already above the water, along with his shit-eating grin. “Idiot..! What if I drowned?!” you shouted, trying to keep serious, but it was hard to keep yourself from laughing. “Come on, I wouldn’t have let you,” he reassured you, making your heart thump for some reason.
He flashed you another dazzling smile, before swimming off on his back.
“I’m not swimming after you!” you called, before heading out of the lake.
Slight goosebumps appeared on your skin once you were out of the water, but you were not cold. Getting a drink of water, you heard splashing behind your back – signalling someone was coming out of the water.
A pair of footsteps was definitely approaching you, until you felt George’s big hand on your waist, making your skin tingle, as he stood next to you.
“You’re not really upset, are you?” he asked with a small smile, just to make sure, as you took another sip. “No,” you replied, keeping your eyes on the bottle you were closing now.
Then, suddenly, he leaned down and kissed you on the cheek. “Good,” he concluded, before walking off again.
You looked at his back, dumbfounded. He just left you there, puzzled, and weirdly lightheaded.
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 You looked around the room – the room in which you’ve made a bit of your own space, even though you’ve not spent all that much time in there, throughout all of your stay. The inside was brightly lit up by the sunlight pouring in through the open windows, the light wind swaying the curtains, but you didn’t feel like staying there.
Outside the room, there was nobody, you knew your housemates were somewhere else, in one of the rooms.
The downstairs was peaceful, all the windows along with the back sliding doors open, inviting nature in and calling you to go outside. Going down the steps, you judged it must’ve been late afternoon on a sunny day – the kind of sunlight that does not suffocate with heat but allows you to enjoy the outside and somehow makes everything look more beautiful.
Then you noticed George there, standing by the door – he turned around to face you, smiling right away, making your heart swell. You wanted to run up to him, drown in his arms.
He told you there was no time to lose, you should go outside and enjoy the time you have left, so you gave him your hand and allowed yourself to be pulled outside, through the deck and onto the plain grass by the lake.
You regretted not having spent more of your time admiring those views around – the mountains, the trees and various other plants. Everything was blossoming, despite it being the middle of summer – flowers all around you, on the trees and shrubs, flowers in the grass George was now pulling you onto.
You sat side by side on the grass, holding hands still, and his hand in yours felt like nothing else. The warmth of it – entirely non-physical – was so great, so extraordinary, and it seemed to radiate all throughout your body to your very heart.
And your heart, it felt as if it was about to stop and as if this was the only way it could function now, looking at him. His smile, his happiness felt like the sole fuel that could power your being and in a moment, you knew there was nothing you wouldn’t do, to make that man happy.
He looked at you adoringly, how you wished you’d have at least a fraction of the size in his eyes as he has in yours.
Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me. – you repeated, though the words wouldn’t come out of your mouth.
But he’d heard them – shifted closer to you and placing his hands on your waist, rendered you hopeless. With great difficulty, it seemed, you placed yours on his shoulders – and it felt unlike any other similar action, that simple touch made you feel so connected. How you wished to have more, as his lips were coming closer and closer, excruciatingly slow.
Almost there.
“Y/N..” you heard a female voice from behind the same moment as you closed your eyes, but you didn’t pay attention, you were too close now, you had to kiss him.
“Y/N, wake up,” the voice repeated, and everything was gone – the sunshine, the grass, George too.
You groaned in frustration, rolling onto your stomach and hiding your face in your pillow. “What,” you grumbled against the material.
Alicia chuckled, “It’s kinda late, sleepyhead,” she replied, before stepping out of the room.
To say you were confused was an understatement. Frankly, you were annoyed, you just couldn’t be sure at what exactly.
Was it at yourself? At your brain, for making you dream that dream? – Why would you dream about George this way, why would you feel about him that way in a dream, it didn’t make any sense – and it frustrated you, even making you embarrassed a bit. How were you supposed to look him in the eye now? Or was your annoyance the result of the dream ending? Because it felt so wonderful? Because that short, single dream you didn’t even get to experience a kiss in, felt better than any romance you’ve ever had in real life?
Only downstairs, Fred and George were, to avoid boredom, teasing their little brother in a childish game, tossing his wand lazily between themselves. Ron, at first even tried to get it back, but he was losing motivation, thinking they would have to give it back eventually.
“Hey,” you greeted everyone quietly, walking down the steps, headed to the kitchen.
“Aaay, look who’s up!” exclaimed Fred. “Sleeping beauty,” added George, making your cheeks heat up suddenly.
Ron seized his chance, snatching his wand back, to both twins’ dissatisfaction.
It was pretty late, you’ve noticed, glancing at the wall clock – everyone else was already up.
The girls were having coffee at the table. Joining them with your breakfast, you’ve noticed they were chatting about how none of them was ready to leave the vacation to go back to their daily life at home.
“It’s brilliant here,” Ginny admitted with a bit of a pout. “If we could just stay here, life would be great, I mean, look,” she pointed at you with a chuckle, and you showed her your tongue teasingly. “Had such a good sleep?” she asked. “Just great,” you replied with a snort.
Once another slow day was starting for you, you took a bit of time for yourself. After everything that’s been happening those last few days, you needed to let yourself think.
Going over and over your thoughts, as the sun travelled along the sky, you finally allowed yourself to come to conclusions. It was all intense, feeling as if long months have been condensed into a few short days. As if the most important moment got concluded in a single sentence. So what would happen if you’d missed a bit?
At first, George felt a shift. As if something changed in your pace, and now you were always a step ahead of him. Always slipping away.
Until it seemed like a whole earthquake, when he started feeling as if he was a stranger to you. Fully deprived of you.
It was on Friday afternoon, when Fred came up to him outside, wanting to discuss some business matters. Even interaction with Fred seemed unsatisfying to George at that moment, when it felt like a piece of him was missing.
He was humming and nodding in response, tracing fingers over his tattoo absentmindedly.
“Getting the silent treatment, are you?” Fred quipped with a raised brow, giving up his attempts at a serious conversation. “Huh?” George was pulled out of his thoughts. He scoffed, “I guess.” “And what did you do, dear brother of mine?” Fred leaned back in his seat, expecting an amusing confession. Instead, George frowned a bit sadly, “I… I don’t know,” he admitted. “What do you mean ‘you don’t know’,” Fred repeated, “have you tried asking?” he asked dully. “No.” “Why?” he questioned, confused by his brother’s behaviour.
“I don’t… We’re not…” George shook his head. “Do I have any right to? She’s allowed to do what she wants,” he sighed, fiddling with his hands a bit frustratedly. “Soo, what do you have to lose, huh?” Fred asked simply.
George thought for a moment. Reluctantly, he agreed with Fred, admitting to himself that not having asked you sooner was probably stupid of him.
The very same day, before dinner, he tapped you on the shoulder gently. “Can we talk? After dinner, outside?” he asked quietly, not wanting to attract anyone else’s attention. He didn’t fail to notice how you avoided his gaze, hesitating to answer. “Okay,” you finally replied, getting into your seat, disappearing inside your bubble hastily.
It was hard for you to focus on your meal and your appetite was barely there. You pretended to follow everyone’s conversation, sipping from your glass from time to time with a friendly smile.
Your heart was thumping wildly, as you kept glancing at your friends’ plates – judging the time left before the dinner would be considered over.
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The Sun was setting, lighting up the sky with pinks and oranges. You could almost look at it – half of it hidden below the line of the horizon, only half visible. It was soothing.
George walked up to the edge and leaned his elbows on the bannister, looking out at the nature all around.
“Did something happen?” he asked, getting the question out rather quickly. “No,” you answered, feeling deep down that it was a lie, as you walked up to him. “Are you okay?” he continued, looking at you this time, almost frustrated. “Yes,” you lied again, trying to sound persuasive.
He sighed quietly, turning away from you again. “You… you’ve been avoiding me again, haven’t you..?” he said, with hurt in his voice.
You felt so selfish at that point. You were thinking about yourself all this time, seeing George as the one who always initiated things, who always strikes up conversations. You didn’t take any time to consider how your distancing yourself would make him feel.
“You’re right, I’m sorry…” “Why? Have I done something?” he questioned again, with his heart-wrenching sincerity. “No..!” you hasted to let him know. He didn’t interrupt again but just stood there, leaning on the wooden bannister, hoping to get an explanation that would soothe his heart.
“You’ve done nothing wrong. In fact, you’ve been great, this whole time,” you began opening your heart to him. “I’ve noticed myself starting to fall for you. That’s when my doubts started coming back to me.”
George’s facial expression was unreadable, showing his pleasure upon hearing about your feelings for him, along with worry about those doubts you’ve been having.
“It’s just that… I still don’t know if we should be so sure, about us being soulmates? I’d love for it to be you, I really do, but what if it’s not?” you paused, allowing that sickly cold feeling to sink in again. “What if we started going out, maybe we could even be happy - but what if 2 years, 5 or 10 years from now, you find your other half of the Sun? What then?!”
“Who cares about stupid Sun?! What if it’s the Moon I want? It’s the Moon that always draws me in. It’s the Moon’s beauty I’m always admiring. It keeps on changing, and each yet each of its phases is just as mesmerising as the other,” he recited, full of emotion, having your eyes well up with tears.
“I care about the Sun. It’s always there, bringing me warmth, comfort, happiness… It’s got better and worse days, sometimes being dimmed by the clouds, but I’m the happiest-“ you paused, having to take a deep breath to keep your tears from falling. “-when it’s shining bright. And my world would be forever dark without it.”
George turned his head away and looked up into the sky, trying to keep himself together. As the Sun set fully, it magnified the silence around you, despite birds, crickets and cicadas in the distance.  A single tear fell down your cheek and you wiped it with your hand quickly.
“Well, you know there’s a way to find out,” George stated. It confused you, however, there wasn’t a way you knew of – there was barely any information regarding soulmates, circling around, wizard to wizard. Perhaps if you went to the library and browsed some books on that type of magic, you’d find out more. And if he knew of a way, why has he only mentioning it now?
“You don’t…” he noted. “I thought you did, that’s why I-…” “Well, what is it?” you asked impatiently, as everything indicated he was telling the truth.
George got visibly flustered, something unusual for him. He had trouble getting himself to look you in the eye, even. “The tattoos are supposed to… tingle, or something like that, when… the soulmates kiss for the first time.” “Oh,” you managed to get out, hearing a faint ringing in your ears.
Why did he have to say that? – you thought to yourself. Some first kisses happened suddenly, in the moment, some with a bit of nervousness, after chasing around each other for a while – but this felt pressuring – you wished he would’ve just kissed you first.
But then the real fear struck you – with the real possibility of finding out whether or not you were soulmates, you were scared of it. You were scared of it not being George, as he stood, now in front of you, waiting for anything else from you.
“Say something,” he pleaded in a whisper. “I’m scared. I want it to be you,” you replied, barely audibly, not daring to look him in the eye.
That’s when he bent down a bit, cupping your face in his hands to look into your eyes. You surrendered under his gentle gaze, so dear to your heart. He saw that, reading you like an open book, and leaned in quickly to connect your lips. You jerked away, however, after they barely touched, having felt an incomparable to anything else kind of sensation, right where the other half of your Moon’s circle should be.
“What was that?!” George asked between laughs, party out of relief, partly just seeing you jump around as a giggling mess.
You jumped at him, throwing yourself at his neck, pressing your face into his shoulder. He squeezed you back just as tight, picking you up to twirl you around, eliciting more heartfelt laughs of pure joy out of you, reaching right into the depths of his heart. You both knew now.
“So am I gonna get a real one now?” he asked with hope in his voice. “Mhm,” you hummed happily in reply.
Looking into his eyes once you’d finally allowed yourself to open your heart to him, you felt almost dizzy. You couldn’t help the grin on your face, seeing how he looked at you, placing both his hands on your waist, getting used to having you within his reach, to feeling you underneath his fingertips. His lips were slightly chapped but ever so sweet and loving. He wished this kiss could last forever, but your soaring heart said otherwise. You felt a smile creeping onto your face until you could not fight it anymore, beginning to giggle.
George shook his head gently with a charming smile. Glancing at your forearm, however, he could not believe his eyes.
There, instead of a lonely half a Moon, was his part of the Sun attached to it, creating a whole. He lifted his own arm, to reveal the exact same image.
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bobohu4eva · 4 years
Pink Lace - Chapter 7 (M)
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader (feat. EXO members)
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life.
Word count: 4.4k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, smut (nothing too wild this time)
Tag list: @smolbeanmika @leave-me-in-the-summertime @totallynerdstuff @bbhmystar @nana-banana @kimyhappy @thegreatandi @geniusloey @deligxt @baekswifey @bbhyun506 @lovebuginlove @bellamendoza @baekyeonoreo @bobohumyonlyboo @wooya1224 @strawbaeri-s
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Friday went by in a blur. You finally wrote your essay, which was sent to Baekhyun after you got home from class. Class. It had been hard. Really hard. The material was challenging too, but you were more focused on how sexy Baekhyun looked in his nice professor clothes. How had you gotten this lucky? You laughed like an idiot when he saw you and innocently pulled down the hem of his shirt with one eyebrow raised at you, making fun of the marks he had so graciously placed on your neck. Lucas had seemed to notice the marks as well, since he seemed weirdly focused on his work and didn’t speak to you at all, a nice change from his usual nagging about why you wouldn’t text him back.
You couldn’t stop thinking about work the next day. Baekhyun would be there again of course, and this would be the first time for you to see him there after admitting your feelings. It gave you whiplash how quickly your opinion of him had changed in such a short time, but you had no regrets. If the last two weeks had taught you anything, it was to not second guess yourself. You were ready to get in there and give the man the lap dance of his damn life, and hopefully more. Oh how you looked forward to it.
Saturday morning, you got down to business. Of course you always tried to look a little extra nice when he’d been there in the past, but today was the real deal. You needed to be fully exfoliated, face-masked, and beautiful. There was no such thing as over preparing. Not today. You even used one of those bath bombs with glitter in it so your whole body would shimmer under the club lights. 
You made a point of it to wear the same outfit you’d worn the first night he’d met you; a baby pink lace bodysuit with generous cutouts, a thong, and sparkly white heels. 
You left ample time to make sure your hair and makeup would be perfect as well. For the hair you’d opted to keep it down and add a little bit of curl, as for makeup, you wanted to positively sparkle. For the first time since you’d started working as a dancer, you tasked Mia with doing your makeup since she was more skilled at it than you. 
“So you want a lot of glitter and glowy-ness, right?” She asked as she dabbed foundation on your cheeks.
“Just make me look like the goddess I am.” You said, closing your eyes and smiling at her expectantly, waiting for her to continue beating your face. 
“Got it boss.” 
After what felt like forever, she finally turned you around to look in the mirror. Your jaw dropped. She’d done your makeup before for stuff like prom when you guys were younger, but she had really outdone herself this time. 
Your skin looked like it was glowing from within, with flecks of holographic glitter sparkling every color of the rainbow across your cheeks. Your eyeliner was perfect, and she’d even overlined your lips a bit and added some highlight onto them to make them look extra kissable. It wasn’t too much, just the perfect amount to spice up your features and make you feel like a million bucks.
“Holy shit Mia I love you. I look hot.” 
“You’re really gonna give him a hard time tonight.” She winked at you, and you decided you wanted to give him a bit of a preview, tease the man a little. 
You and Baekhyun had been texting each other pretty consistently for the last couple days already. You slipped into your designated outfit for the night and took a few pictures to send him, only showing little parts of you at a time. You selected your two favorites, and hit send. 
You: (5:46pm) I can’t wait to see you later ;)
Baekhyun: (5:52pm) Holy fuck. You know what that outfit does to me. 
You grinned down at your phone at his reaction, heart fluttering and butterflies flying about in your belly. This feeling was so disgustingly sweet, but you loved every second of it. 
After changing back into your regular clothes, you packed your outfit and got ready to leave after having dinner with Mia. 
The club opened at 7pm sharp, and you were there right on time. You went back into the dressing room to change into your carefully selected lingerie and shoes, adding a spray of your favorite perfume as a final touch before getting back out onto the floor to start your night. 
“Holy shit Candy.” You heard your manager say as you signed in for the night. “special occasion?” 
Tonight, not even his comments could dampen your mood. “You could say that.” You replied cheerfully before sitting down at the bar where you usually waited until Baekhyun arrived. 
After sitting for a little while you were called up on stage, so you walked across the room, making sure to sway your hips on the way, and walked up the stairs to the platform with the pole. 
You walked slowly around the pole a couple times, getting into the feel of the music. Luckily the dj was on your side tonight, and was playing something slow and sensual enough for you to really get down to. You started to do your usual thing, a couple little spins on the pole, a bend over and shake of the ass here and there, before slowly laying down for some floor work. There were already a decent amount of people in the club, and a few had come up to the stage now to tip you. For maximum tips, you spent a little while in front of each of them either playing with your boobs in front of their face or turning around and shaking your ass as they threw money at you. 
The way your club worked was you did one song with your outfit on, and the second song topless. When you heard your fist song coming to an end you stood back up, turning around to face your back to the room as you took it off, to make for a more dramatic reveal. You slowly peeled the thin fabric of the bodysuit off, stepping out of it leaving you in only your thong and shoes. 
When you turned back around, Baekhyun’s eyes met yours from across the room. He must’ve walked in as you were facing the wall. 
Immediately you grinned, and he looked just as thrilled to see you as well, sitting down at the empty table closest to the stage. He never tipped on stage, you assumed because he was shy about standing up there in front of everyone. Not that you minded, since he always paid you generously anyway. But tonight you didn’t even care about his money. 
It seemed he’d put some extra effort into his look for tonight as well. 90% of the time when he would come in he was in sweats, but not today. His black jeans hugged his thighs in a way that made your mouth water, and the fitted white shirt he wore showed off the broadness of his shoulders wonderfully. His black hair was styled out of his face and his glasses were hanging off the neckline of his shirt, further defining the swells of his chest. 
Oh how you had missed this. Seeing him here, absolutely enamored with you. 
You snapped yourself out of your thoughts and got back to dancing, this time paying special attention to his side of the room. You made sure to send little smirks his way as you did your thing. Once you’d made your way back onto the floor of the stage, you laid on your back on the edge closest to him, arching your back and running your hands up and down your bare body suggestively as you locked eyes. 
He looked like he was about to faint. 
Eventually the song came to an end. You gathered all the cash that had been thrown at you and got your outfit back on before walking off stage and directly onto Baekhyun’s waiting lap. 
“If you’re trying to kill me, it’s working.” You giggled at his words, blushing. 
“Thank you, I know this is your favorite outfit on me, right?” You asked, gesturing down to your lacy pink bodysuit. 
“Of course.” He was smiling so widely, you thought this might be the happiest you’d ever seen him before. “You look so good tonight, you always look good of course, but holy shit. You’re really so beautiful.” 
Your face turned an even deeper shade of red, the way he was looking at you would’ve made any girl swoon. Oh how beautiful he was as well. 
“You’re literally sparkling.” He observed, looking down at the skin of your thigh and all the little silver flecks that were reflecting the spotlights as they moved around the room. “I’m gonna be covered in glitter when I get home aren’t I?”
You laughed, “Yeah, sorry.”
“Oh the things I do for you.” 
“I missed this, the two of us hanging out together here, like this.” You whispered in his ear. 
You could feel just how warm Baekhyun was. His cheeks were the cutest shade of pink. 
He cleared his throat before speaking. “Are you gonna be mad if I take you upstairs before ordering us drinks? I don’t think I can wait tonight.” He swallowed. 
“No, I think that’s a great idea.” 
“Then I need you to get off my lap babe.” You happily obliged. 
As you made your way across the room towards the stairs together, your heart rate began to increase. Never in your life had you been this nervous to give someone a dance. Or maybe nervous wasn’t the right word. Anxious. You were anxious, not nervous. You weren’t scared, you just wanted to do your best to make him enjoy himself.
 The both of you knew it wouldn’t be a normal lap dance today. You wouldn’t just dance for a few songs and then sit and talk like usual. There was no way either of you would have the self control to keep it at that. 
When you finally got into the room Baekhyun handed you the usual stack of cash, and you started pulling down the straps of your bodysuit when he stopped you.
“I, um, can you keep it on actually? Nothing against your boobs, they’re great, but I just really like this on you.” He said as he sat down and put his glasses on. 
You laughed, but put the straps back in place. “Whatever you want.” 
Usually, you’d set a timer for an hour. Tonight you didn’t bother. 
You got right to it, sitting yourself in between his spread legs and leaning back against his chest. You rolled your body over his to the music, before turning your head to once again whisper in his ear. “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”
“I’ve been looking forward to this all week.” 
You turned your body to face him, both hands running up and down his chest. You could feel how fast his heart was beating beneath your palm. 
“Can I touch you?” He asked. 
After considering it for a moment, you leaned in towards his ear again. 
“You can do whatever you want.” Your bottom lip grazed his earlobe as you said it, and you saw him shiver. 
Not a second later you felt his hands start to explore your lace covered torso.
“God, this is a criminal piece of clothing. Why is it so soft.” His hand eventually found it’s way to your neck, where he moved your hair out of the way to admire the marks he’d placed upon it. “So beautiful.” He murmured as he traced his fingers across the trail of bruises he’d left you with. 
You stood back up straight in front of him, turned around, and bent over, running your hands across your whole backside and down your thighs. For the first time, his hands made contact with the bare skin of your ass. 
“Let me know if I’m making you uncomfortable at all.” 
You turned to face him again, planting a knee on either side of his left thigh. “I told you. Whatever. You. Want.” You paused between each word, just to make it a little more dramatic. He swallowed. 
It was true. If he decided he wanted to fuck you right then and there, you weren’t going to stop him. 
“Really? Anything?”
“Anything.” You repeated. 
He was still staring into your eyes, looking slightly concerned, but he found no reason in them to not believe you. You truly wanted him to do whatever he felt like doing with you.
“Come here then.” He grabbed you by the waist firmly and lifted you off his thigh, instead placing you atop his lap completely, one knee now on either side of his body. 
You’d never sat with a customer like this. Of course you’d sit on their laps facing away from them all the time, but this felt so much more intimate. You felt the hardness beneath his pants against you, close, too close, to where you wanted him the most. You put your hands back onto his chest and just stared back at him with wide eyes.
“And I can touch you anywhere?” 
“Anywhere you want.” You confirmed. 
He looked down from your eyes to your chest. One of his hands crept up from your waist, over your ribcage, until he let it rest over the fabric supporting your chest. He ran a thumb over your nipple where it was hiding beneath the lace, causing you to inhale sharply. 
Immediately his eyes shot back up to yours, still worried that he was somehow making you uncomfortable, but the look on your face quickly washed his worries away. He felt your heart beating beneath his palm the same way you’d felt his earlier as well. 
“Are you s-sure you want me to keep it on?” You asked shakily. 
Instead of answering he slipped a finger beneath each of the straps and dragged them down your shoulders until your chest was once again bare. He hadn’t been lying when he said he wanted you to keep it on, but taking it off himself seemed like an even better option now. He bit his lip as he watched the fabric give way, exposing you to him. He stayed silent for a second before finally speaking. 
“So, so, perfect.” 
You were sure he noticed your whole body flush red at his statement. 
His hands were soon back on your ribcage, pulling the bodysuit further down your torso until your entire upper body was naked. Your cheeks were starting to go numb from the excitement and your heart was beating so hard you were sure he could hear it too. 
The entire time he undressed you, your eyes were fixed on his pink lips. Oh how they were tempting you. You didn’t remember ever being this turned on in your life. Once he’d had a minute to stare at your chest you quickly took the item off the rest of the way before returning to your previous position straddling his lap. 
His hands were warm on your waist as he pulled you closer towards him, until your chests touched. His face was close enough to yours that you could feel his breath on your cheeks. You both just stared for a moment, until something in you snapped and you closed the distance, bringing your lips to his. 
You swore there was something about the taste of his lips that was like a drug to you. The second you touched your mouth to his, your whole body felt electrified. Was this that fireworks bullshit people always talked about?
He returned the kiss the passion, but you could tell unlike in his office, he was now taking his time. Your lips moved against each other slowly as you let your fingers run through his hair. It wasn’t rushed, he let his lips move at a relaxed pace as he started to explore your mouth with his own. You felt his tongue ask for entrance and parted your lips, allowing you to taste each other. 
You felt one of his hands start to move upwards from your waist, to your ribcage, until it found the soft flesh of your chest, squeezing slightly, causing you to let out a soft moan. 
“I’ve fantasized about this so many times.” He broke away from the kiss just enough to get the words out. “You have no idea.” 
You shivered at his words, feeling how they made the knot in your stomach tighten in excitement. When he moved his hand to your other breast and flicked a sensitive nipple with his thumb, you moaned out his name shamelessly.  
“Fuck, you sound so hot”
His kisses moved from your lips, down your jaw, and to the side of your neck. He placed a gentle kiss beneath your ear giving you chills, before pressing his lips softly to each of the purple marks, making his way all the way down to your collarbone. The whole time his hands continued kneading your chest, making you nearly lose your mind. 
You had been touched before, but not like this. You realized that the handful of boys you had allowed to touch you in the past hadn’t known what they were doing at all, Baekhyun did. His expert hands worshipped your bare skin expertly as he continued placing soft kisses down your neck, this time without any sucking or biting that would leave marks. He was enjoying you slowly, softly, but you were impatient and wanted more. 
“Baekhyun, please” you whined. 
“Please what?” 
“Touch me.”
“I am touching you.” 
You let out another annoyed whine, wanting, needing, something more to relieve the unbearable tension that was building between your legs. After another few seconds of waiting to see if he’d finally do anything more without any luck, you took matters into your own hands. You started to roll your hips against him, feeling the hardness in his pants through the thin fabric of your thong. 
His hands flew down to your hips, gripping them firmly in an attempt to stop your movements, but you continued anyway. After several more rolls of your hips over his hard length, he gave in.
“God, y/n.” He breathed out, voice shaking slightly. “Shit.” 
He began to grow needier as well, eventually using his hands on your hips to guide you, rather than stop you, as you continued grinding against him. 
Your lips crashed into each other once more, this time with more desperation. He sucked, bit, and licked at your lips, as you did with his. He kept one hand on your hip, sliding down to grope your ass as the other made its way back up towards your chest. The hand on your ass squeezed and pushed you forwards to the beat of the music, pushing you firmly against the tent in his pants. 
You still wanted more. You wanted him to touch you everywhere, and you wanted to feel him. In a feeble attempt to try to convince him to give you what you wanted you snaked a hand between your bodies, running it down his chest and then his stomach until you got to the top of his jeans. You let your hand inch down just a little bit further, until you could palm him through his jeans. 
This time you let your kisses travel to his neck, before whispering in his ear “Please, I need more.” You could hear the neediness in your voice, but you were way too turned on to feel any shame. “Baekhyun, please.” 
He already felt like he was about to burst just with the way you rolled your hips against him. It took every ounce of self restraint in his body not to just yank his pants down, rip off your underwear and shove himself inside you. Feeling your hand over his cock, hearing you literally begging him for more, was too much. 
“If you don’t stop I’m gonna come.” He said, sinking his fingers into your thigh hard enough to bruise, bringing your ministrations to a halt.
You leaned back slightly to look at him and saw his eyes closed, brows furrowed with a pained expression on his face. He was really having to hold himself back. You let out a disappointed sound that was somewhere between a whine and a moan. 
“That’s okay though.” You honestly wouldn’t have minded, it happened fairly often anyway when you gave lap dances, nothing you weren’t used to. “Please?” You continued to beg, resuming the movement of your hips as well. 
A muffled “Oh my god” was all he could get out before his hands were back on you.
He still wouldn’t touch you the way you wanted him to, leaving you more and more wound up and desperate as you whined in his ear with every roll of your hips. His eyes were still closed and his head was tipped back against the couch, giving you access to the smooth skin of his neck. You left kisses all over the soft skin as you kept up the motion of your hips, and you knew he was about to crumble. 
You weren’t doing much better yourself. His hands found their way back to your chest, kneading and pinching the sensitive skin perfectly, reducing you to a quivering mess above him. The tension in the pit of your stomach kept building, and you knew you were close as well. 
Not a minute later you felt your release crash over your body as you shook against him, letting out a sound of pure euphoria. He seemed to notice, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in for another searing kiss. You kept moving against him and soon felt him go rigid as well. When he came he held you against his body so tightly, kissed you so hard you forgot your own name for a second. All that mattered in that moment was how good the both of you felt, panting and shaking as you slowly recovered from your highs. As your breathing gradually slowed down, you rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes in bliss. 
To your disappointment he pushed you back by your shoulder, pulling you out of your dream-like state. 
He was shaking his head, “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-”
Instead of listening to him try to apologize for nothing, you shut him up by cupping his face and pulling him into a kiss. “Thank you.” 
You smiled at him brightly and he returned it ten fold. You swore that smile was like sunshine even on the darkest day. You let your head rest on his shoulder once again, and he rubbed soothing circles onto the bare skin of your back. 
“I was gonna apologize because I really wanted to save this for after I took you on a real date.” 
You leaned back up to look at him once again, giggling at his words. “If anything you should be apologizing for not fucking me for real. But does that mean you’re asking me on a date?” 
“No! I mean... not yet. I want to do it right. Ask you out properly. But you make it so fucking difficult, you know how hard I have to hold myself back? You’re one hell of a temptation to resist.” 
You only rolled your eyes at him, “You’re the one choosing to hold back, if it were up to me you would’ve bent me over your desk Wednesday night already.” 
He chuckled, “I know the way we met is... different, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be swept off your feet. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I treated this like nothing more than some heat of the moment fling. I want more than that, I hope you do too.” He said, looking up at you with hopeful eyes.  
“Yeah, I do.” You blushed, looking down to avoid his gaze. Here he was, once again making you flustered with how honest and open he was about his feelings towards you. 
The way he smiled back at you, and the admiration you saw in his eyes told you everything you needed to know. You brought your lips to his, and this time, you weren’t fueled by lust. The two of you just enjoyed the feeling of the others lips, basking in the softness and intimacy of it. 
Eventually he pulled away, and cleared his throat “I hate to ruin the moment, but I kind of wanna get home and shower. I told you to stop if you didn’t want me to but you kept going so...” 
You pouted, but he was right. You’d brought this on yourself. “Okay” you sighed. 
After getting off Baekhyun’s lap you got your bodysuit back on, but before you could exit the room together, he grabbed your wrist. 
“Come here.” He pulled you towards him, placing his hands around your waist, and you let your arms rest on his shoulders. He looked at you again with those same eyes from earlier, but this time he held your gaze much longer, and with much more intensity. Something felt different this time when he looked at you, like he was trying to tell you something just with his eyes. He brought a hand up to your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “You’re so pretty.” 
You felt yourself go pink, and smiled as he pulled you in for one last kiss, this one even sweeter than the last. 
Eventually both of you went back downstairs, you disappeared into the dressing room to get ready to leave, and Baekhyun went straight to his car. 
On your way home you kept thinking about the way he’d looked at you before you both left. It had somehow felt different, more intimate. His gaze had held so much emotion, you wished you could look inside his head at what he’d been thinking. You had been kind of surprised when all he said was that you were pretty, something he’d told you a million times before, so why was it so different this time? Why did it feel like it meant so much more? 
The last kiss as well felt too sweet, far too romantic for the time and the place. He was always completely open with his feelings, and of course you knew he liked you, but you couldn’t help but feel like there were some unspoken words in the way he’d looked at you just then. 
Maybe, just maybe, it could be love. 
Next Chapter
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Title: Work For It {One-Shot}***
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Nick Sagar x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Strip Tease, NSFW, Mature 18+ Content, SMUT, Slight/Mild Anal Play
Words: 3.8k
Summary: It’s all fun and games until Nick gets angry and takes it out on you, but not before you give him a show.
Note: My New Year’s gift to you all.  😘 
Recommended listening once indicated is “WAP.” The second recommended listening is “Wicked Games” by Ramin Djawadi.
Thank you all for reading. I appreciate it and you!!
If you enjoyed this, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG  ❤️❤️
 ***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
 You laughed as you walked inside the home you shared with Nick with him hot on your heels. You were feeling really good. It could have been because of all you’d had to drink that night, or maybe it was the insane amount of flirting you’d done.
 “You think this is funny. It’s not!”
The anger in Nick’s voice only made you laugh louder. Your laughter echoed through the halls of your home on your way to the kitchen.
 “It actually is quite funny,” you replied, opening the wine fridge.
 “What!? So you think it’s funny to do what you did?”
 You were too busy trying to decide between a rosé , a white, or a red wine to cap off the night that you didn’t answer. You turned and placed the three bottles on the island and looked at Nick.
 “What do you think? Pink, Red or White?”
 Nick had the cutest exasperated look on his face that was laced with anger. He was so pissed, and it turned you on immensely.
 “Really? Do you think I give a fuck about wine right now?! Y/N, you got me fucked up!”
 “Rose it is,” you said, grabbing the bottle, but before you walked away, you reached back for the white wine. “Maybe another just in case,” you added, walking around the island and out of the kitchen. You knew he was so damn close to raging.
 “Calm down. It’s not even a big deal,” you slid in, walking up the stairs to your bedroom.
 “Not a—you’re fucking kidding me. You flirted with that wanker right in front of me! Then you had the nerve to let him touch you.”
 “Nick, he touched my back. Why is it such a big deal? You know I’m yours. you knew I was leaving with one man and one man alone.”
 You’d managed to put the bottles down on the bedside table in the bedroom before Nick was up against your back, pressing you into the floor to ceiling window. In seconds he’d spun you around so you could see the fury in his eyes.
 “You,” you finished in your seductive voice.
 Nick held you firmly at the waist with one hand while the other cupped your jaw holding your head in place. Using one of your hands, you brought it up his back, slowly going over each dip and rise that he’d worked so hard for in the gym and his Ji-Jitsu training. When your hand reached the nape of his neck, you sunk it into his loose curls, the curls you loved to entangle your fingers in every chance you got.
 “I’ve told you time and time again,” Nick began bringing the hand that was at your waist up your back to your neck. He then roughly pulled, making your head angle back enough to give him your undivided attention.
 “You belong to me. I own every glance, every whisper, every smile, every kiss.” As he spoke every word, his voice dropped several octaves on each of them while he invaded the space between you.
 “I am the only man who can touch you.”
 You felt him cup your sex, and you had no idea when he’d moved his hand from your jaw. A small, breathy gasp escaped your throat. It was like he was proving to you why.
 “I.” Nick circled your silk-covered clit with one of his fingers. “Own.” He traced a zig-zag along your swollen bud. “This.” A firm pinch followed, making you shriek out, throwing your head back even more.
 “Fuck,” you whispered.
“Oh, princess. If that’s what you want. You’re going to have to work for it,” Nick teased before he bit your bottom lip, pulling back with it clutched between his teeth. The sting of pain was dull, but it was present.
 Nick walked from you around to his side of the bed. You noticed then he held one of the bottles of wine in his hand. You watched him open the bottom drawer to pull out a video camera, specifically one you’d gotten him for Christmas because of his interest in photography and filming. With the camera in hand with the bottle, he walked to the baroque style chair in the corner of the room behind the door and dragged it to the center of the room. Before Nick sat, he kicked off his loafers, sending them half under the bench that resided at the foot of your king-sized bed.
 Once he was seated with his long legs spread wide enough for you to fit, he easily opened the bottle and pulled the cork free with his teeth. The soft ‘thunk’ sound echoed in the quiet room. He then brought the bottle to his lips and guzzled from it, allowing some to dribble down his bearded chin to his partly exposed neck. Fuck, you thought, getting lost in the glisten of the wine on his toffee skin. His eyes landed on you, and the familiar butterflies fluttered in your gut. The man was downright sinfully gorgeous. A smirk flashed across his lips, and you knew he knew it. That was the deadliest combination.
 “Gonna stand there all night?”
 Scoffing, you grabbed the other bottle and did as he’d done with the one he was raising to his lips again. Spitting out the cork, it landed on the bed before you walked closer to him. after taking a swig of the rosé, you sucked your bottom lip.
 “What else should I be doing?”
 “I think you owe me an apology, princess,” Nick said.
 You couldn’t help but smile.
 “Did I hurt baby’s feelings?”
 The smile he wore instantly slipped, and he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. The look on his face was a serious one, and his eyes said he was a sliver from his asshole side.
 “I wouldn’t tease me right now, Y/N.”
 You took another gulp from the bottle and approached him as if he were a predator. He might as well have been, especially seeing the mood he was in. you knew flirting in front of him was a dangerous thing to do. You’d long known about his jealous tendencies and knew how he felt about you and other men. Nevertheless, you persisted. It was purposely done.
 Usually, Nick was a sweetheart. Whenever anyone ever saw him, they thought he was the sweetest, most gentle man. Their assumptions were absolutely correct, but his sweetness and gentleness had limits, and you knew how he would get if he saw you flirting with someone else. Nick leaned back in the chair, giving you space to swing a leg over to sit on him.
 “I’m sorry, baby,” you softly said, dragging out the last word.
 Nick scoffed, and you brought your lips to his, but he dipped his head back, evading your kiss.
 “I’m sorry,” he said.
 Quirking your brows, you looked at him quizzically.
 “I’m sorry you thought it would be that easy, and apologize meant words.”
 The butterflies took flight again, but this time they descended, making your clit throb. Nick took a sip from the bottle the whole while never taking his eyes off of you. Music played in the room, and just like that, you formulated your plan. Raising from his lap, you walked away to the darkened window. As you stood in front of it, you guzzled the wine, not measuring how much you swallowed.
 When you lowered the bottle, you turned to find not only Nick’s eyes on you but the lens of the camera. Staring into the lens, you finished the bottle then tossed it to the side. The ‘clunk’ it made upon impact with the carpeted wooden floor didn’t faze him one bit.
  🎶 The music that played sounded like the perfect choice for a striptease. You wondered if he planned this. That was when you decided to change the way this was going. You walked over to the sound system and changed the song. From the very beginning, you knew that he knew what the song was. This was working out so well, you thought.
 “I said, certified freak, seven days a week, wet-ass pussy, make that pull-out game weak.”
 You slid your hands along your body until you gently cupped your sex. Nick’s eyes went right where you wanted them. As you mouthed the next few lines, you made sure to lock eyes with him. Slowly, Nick skimmed his tongue along his lips, wetting them in the most erotic way. Closing your eyes, you pretended you were dancing for yourself, not holding anything back.
 When you got closer to him, you stepped between his legs then twirled for him until your ass poked in his face. That was when you dipped down low enough for your ass to rub against his crotch. You heard him groan against your ear, but before he could bring his hand to touch you, you stood, then walked behind him. You grabbed his hair and yanked his head back, so he looked in your eyes. You kissed his temple, then brought your lips to his ear.
 “I want you to park that big Mack truck, right in this little garage.”
 Nick scoffed, then groaned as he watched you come in front of him to drop your ass to his lap. You began grinding on him, giving him a preview of all that was for him and your expert level lapdance skills. When you began twerking on his lap, you felt his hand on your waist. He moved it to your stomach, pulling you back against him.
 “You think you’re cute, don’t you?”
 Glancing back at him with your lip clenched between your teeth, you leaned back a little more to lick his cheek before winking at him. You slid off his lap to kneel in front of him. Dropping your chest to the floor, you kept your ass perched in the air giving him one of the best views. You didn’t care that the hem of your dress was above your ass, showing off your thonged ass that you were sure was soaked. Peeking back at him, you knew he’d peeped it. His groan was a lot louder than before. You turned, remaining on your knees right on time to the lyrics.
 “I don’t wanna spit; I wanna gulp, I wanna gag, I wanna choke, I want you to touch that lil’ dangly thing, that swing in the back of my throat.”
 For emphasis, you caressed your face against his hardened delight that was barely hiding behind his pants. Nick then grabbed your hair, pulling your head back, so you looked at him. You couldn’t help but smile.
 “Pleased with yourself, huh.”
 He brought his bottle to your mouth, and on cue, you opened for him to pour some of the wine inside. Knowing your mouth was full, he didn’t stop. He poured so it spilled down your body life a cascading waterfall. When he released you, you wiped your mouth then sucked your finger into your mouth before slowly crawling away. You stopped for a few moments, then peeled off the dress you wore before throwing it back at him.
 Nick made it such an easy thing to catch the fabric mid-air before tossing it over his shoulder. He then leaned forward again, leaning his elbows on his thighs. Left in only your thong and bra, you used the floor to bounce on it a few times before you turned to him and roamed your hands over your body. The pleased look on his face only increased.
 You stood and then began doing the famous dance for the song showcasing your flexibility while playing up every exposed body part for his viewing pleasure. As you humped and pounded the floor, you glanced at him again. His expression was darkened and masked. You crawled back to him, knowing the end of the song was coming. Once between his legs, you roamed your hands up along his legs and thighs before coming to the buckle of his pants.
 Without words, you undid his pants then helped him pull them off. Nick gulped wine as he watched you and where your hands went. When you pulled off his boxer-briefs, his lengths flicked out then bobbed in the air. Locking eyes with him, you licked your lips.
 “Am I forgiven, baby?”
 Instead of answering, he just watched you. You scoffed and decided to kick things up a notch. You grabbed the bottle and took a mouthful of wine before you lowered your mouth onto his dick. Nick grunted, no doubt from the shock of the cold wine against his searing skin. Hearing him gulp, you knew he wouldn’t be holding out much longer. You slurped the liquid that was in your mouth, knowing the vibration from it would feel divine. Nick dropped his head back and released a long groan.
 You slowly pleased him, making sure to tease the shit out of him. He may have wanted you to apologize, and you’d give it to him because it was slightly fucked up what you did, but there was no way this would be easy for him.
 It was strangled, and in seconds, his hand was on top of your head, holding you from going any further. Your throat was his weakness. You opened it up and lodged the last of his arousal right where he was trying to prevent you from getting.
 The sudden tightness of your throat around him cut the ending of the word off. You shook your head, giving him the full feel of where he was and letting him know just how you planned on fucking with him. When his eyes met yours, you knew he’d picked up on your plan. Nick pulled you up and pulled you down on his lap. As you straddled him, his cock rested persistently against your ass, teasing you. You brought your lips to his, and again, he evaded your kiss. You were getting annoyed with the bullshit now. Before you could voice your annoyance, Nick pushed you back but caught you before you fell to the floor. He then grabbed your thigh and pulled them to his face. Before you knew it, your thighs were spread with his face buried between your legs.
 “Oh, fuck!”
 He was in no mood for slow or teasing. It was evident with the way he feasted. Nick sucked your clit into his mouth, and that was when your hands dropped to the floor to brace yourself. Nick’s arm around your waist held you firm while his other hand kept one of your thighs right where he wanted it.
 Whimper after whimper escaped your lips, and with every one he used it as fuel to show you who was in control right now. You may have thought it was you, but Nick was good at taking all he allowed away. His tongue flicked against your flesh, and your body shook, making him hold you tighter. You trusted him implicitly and knew he’d never hurt you in any way you weren’t okay with.
 When Nick slurped against you, you were done for.
 “Fuck, I’m gonna come, baby.”
 Just like that, Nick stood and brought you to the bed. He then tossed you onto it just before your orgasm gripped you. Groaning from frustration, you looked at him. You were in time to see him peel his shirt from his body. Once free of it, he dropped his pants, leaving him entirely bare before you. Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, you spread your legs, making sure he saw just how badly you wanted him—how much you were sorry.
 Nick reached for you, gripped the waist of your thong, and pulled. It took a few moments to realize he wasn’t trying to free you from the silk that bound the part of you he wanted to ravish. Instead, he was bringing you to him. Once you were before him, he used that beautiful cock of his to slap your clit.
 You arched your back and felt the familiar feeling that signaled an oncoming orgasm. He did it again and again, but when you were right at the precipice of your release, Nick stopped. Glaring at him, you saw his mischievous smirk.
 “This won’t be easy, princess.”
 You groaned loudly while rolling your eyes.
 “So, this will be hard?” Nick quirked his brow while stroking his length.
 “Oh, it’s already hard, princess. Can’t you tell?”
 “How can I? You won’t give it to me.”
 “Beg for it.”
 He knew you hated begging.
 “Nick,” you warned.
 Narrowing your eyes, you showcased that stubbornness he hated but loved to fuck out of you.
 “Be careful, princess. I’m sure you want to walk tomorrow.”
 He made a good point, and you knew he was good for it. Biting back the sarcastic remark you thought of, you took a breath.
 “Fuck me, baby.”
 He smiled.
 “Not good enough.”
 Dropping your hand between your legs, you decided to do what he could not resist. Nick watched you play with yourself for a few moments before he slapped your hand away while shaking his head.
 “I hope that was worth it, princess.”
  🎶 Once the words were out, you began to say something, but he slammed into you using the slickness of your desire to aid the glide of his thick, throbbing member. Once fully sheathed, he didn’t wait or allow you to adjust. Instead, he pulled back and did the action again and again. Once nestled in your tightness, Nick rotated his hips, sending your back off the mattress. He then pulled you closer to the edge of the bed and quickly thrust in and out of you. Each move he made, the sounds your combined bodies made echoed in the room. The instrumental version of Wicked Games made for the perfect background sound as Nick worked your body like a professional maestro.
 Everything he did only aided you on your quest for a release. His thrusts were deep and powerful. His intention was clear, and you knew tomorrow would have you feeling the delicious ache of him. You gasped when he held you against his body and jackhammered into you, sending him so deep you almost couldn’t bear it.
 “Fuck, Nick!”
 He simply groaned, then lifted you bringing you to the windows of your bedroom. Pressing you against the window, he fucked you there, taking the time and care to nudge that bundle if nerved deep within you that promised an intergalactic release.
 “Yes, baby, fuck me! Right there!”
 Your panting melded with his that began to rival how loud you were.
 “Oh, fu--!”
 Nick released your leg, allowing you to put it on the floor. The change of angle was what pushed you over the edge. You screamed as the electric feeling coursed through you making your limbs tense up and spasm as if you’d stuck your finger into an electrical socket. Even through the orgasm, you knew this was not the intergalactic one Nick’s thrusts promised.
 Without knowing how you felt the cold glass press to your cheek. Your reflection caught your eye, and it was then you realized he’d turned you and was now fucking you into oblivion using all the power his muscular body held.
 “Mmmm. Who do you belong to, princess?”
 Your throat was dry. Words would be difficult. Instead, you panted, hoping he understood. When he forcefully flicked his hips forward, making your body jerk and you scream out, you knew he didn’t understand.
 “You.” It was raspy and barely coherent. You gasped, feeling him deliver another bruising blow.
 “Who’s pussy is this?”
 “Yours.” A whisper.
 “Who fucks you so right!?”
 He must have thought you needed coaxing to answer because his hand snaked between your legs to roll your clit between his fingers. Your body jerked, then softly shook. Your panting prohibited any speech.
 You weren’t trying to be disobedient. You simply couldn’t muster speech. You knew he didn’t care and would tell you to “dig deep.” When you’d remained silent for too long, you felt his large thumb slip into what was considered a taboo spot, but between you, it was far from taboo.
 You flung your head back and instantly began shaking more violently.
 “Tell me before I put this thick dick right where you want it,” Nick warned.
 “Y—yo—you do. You fu—fuck me so fu—cking good!”
 He bent over your back and looked at you. “Damn right, I do.”
 Nick then plowed into you with reckless abandon as his thumb worked your forbidden hole and his other hand rolled your clit. This was what was promised, and you chased after it with everything you had left.
 “Fuck, Y/N, you feel too fucking good! Mmm, this pussy was meant for me. You were meant for me.”
 Nick thrust once, then twice, and a third before his hips began to stagger, delivering sloppy but precise thrusts. In seconds he hit your spot so right that the floodgates opened, and it was over. You shot off like a rocket into the sky, then past earth into space, and finally an entirely different galaxy.
 Your scream was so loud your ears began to ring, and Nick’s pants and moans became inaudible. The only indication you knew that he’d come was how far he was trying to bury himself inside of you and the fulfilling feeling of being so full you could burst. You remained where you were, shaking, convulsing, and unable to move. When you felt soft sheets underneath you, you realized once again; Nick had carried you to the bed.
 You had no energy, your body felt like jello, but you found a way to turn to face him. He was already watching you with sweat rolling down his face and his wet hair in a bevy of curls. You loved this view. The moments after your coital escapades were always the time where you felt like you could see all the way to his soul.
 “I’m sorry,” you whispered, ignoring the soreness you felt there.
 Nick brought his lips to yours and gently kissed you, slowly licking and sucking on them.
 “I love you, Y/N.”
 Your heart melted.
 “But don’t ever forget, I’ll fuck you into next week until you don’t know your ABCs from your 123s,” he finished.
 Your pussy flooded. He was playing with fire cause that didn’t sound like a warning at all. As a matter of fact, it sounded like a challenge. Walking was overrated.
@chaneajoyyy​ @caramara3​ @night-of-the-living-shred​ @mauvecherie​ @areubeingserved​ @queenoftheworldisdead​ @ramp-it-up​ @i-just-like-fanfics​ @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls​ @wondersofdreaming​ @koko-michelle
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
The Cowboy - Part 13
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Summary: Leaving the city for a rural area called Blayne seemed simple enough. Your task was to convince the people to agree with selling their land for a resort redevelopment. But once there, you soon realise that your city ways are entirely different to theirs. Winning their trust was going to take some effort, and when you start to fall for a local cowboy, you wonder if you really needed Blayne more than the city life after all.
Pairing: Jung Jaehyun x female reader
Genre: cowboy au / drama / romance / if you squint there’s some enemies to lovers up in here.
Warnings: Jung Jaehyun is a cowboy, need I say more? (a bit of angst and drama, and it sometimes might feel like you’re reading a Nicolas Sparks book, so I’m told lol)
Word count: 2450
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
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“This is crazy!”
Glancing at Natalia next to you in the car as you neared the border for Blayne, you grinned. “I thought you grew up on farms?”
“The kind near the city. Nothing like this. There’s just a whole lot of land out here.”
“I would ask if you want me to turn around and take you back, but after travelling for this long, I want to just be done from being in this car.”
Laughing, Natalia craned her neck to use the side mirror. “I think the truck behind us might find that a little burdensome too.”
“I’m amazed that truck of his made it to the city and back.”
“Aren’t you glad Jaehyun came for you?” she wondered, and you couldn’t hide the genuine smile that spread out your lips immediately. “You’re smitten!”
“You’ve seen him. How could I not be?”
“Blayne’s livestock sure are made of fine specimens,” Natalia teased, and you laughed heartily.
“They do claim to have the best pigs in the nation, but I’m not so sure if that relates to all the men they have, Nat.”
“Well, the two I’ve seen…” She trailed off to kiss her fingers. “Total chef kiss.”
“Avery is single, too.”
“I never asked.”
“You didn’t need to. I could see the wheels turning from here.”
“Do you reckon he’d want a country Belle or-”
You grinned. “For Avery, I think he likes women in whatever way they come.”
“That doesn’t speak much for my chances.”
“Why not, Miss Natalia?” you chimed, and your best friend swatted your arm. “He didn’t even refer to me like that when I met him. Should I be sad?”
“Stop trying to snatch my cowboy away from me. You already have your own.”
Suddenly the truck signalled its horn behind you and you glanced up into the rear-mirror, noticing the indicator of the truck now on. Turning your attention to the side of the road, you couldn’t help but laugh at that gas station you had gone to all those months ago appearing again.
You didn’t need any gas, but it seemed Jaehyun’s truck needed the pit stop. Getting out of your vehicle, you noticed the smoke coming out from under the hood. Walking over to Jaehyun’s side, you gasped noisily. “Looks like it’s finally died on you.”
“She’s not dead,” he grumbled, running a hand through his hair agitatedly after popping the hood. “She needs water.”
“And a retirement,” Avery added on, leaning on the side of Jaehyun’s truck whilst shaking his head. “You and your stubborn ways.”
“I’m not giving up on her,” Jaehyun announced, and you frowned with the level of emotion you heard in his tone. He groaned. “Though, I think I might need to leave her here tonight so she doesn’t overheat further.”
Avery nodded. “I’ll go sort it out with Mick inside the station.”
Kicking the tire gently, Jaehyun turned to look over your shoulder, not quite meeting your eye. Stepping in and placing your hands on his hips, you shot him an encouraging smile. “We’ll come and pick your truck up tomorrow.”
“Well, I’d offer to tow it, but my car won’t handle that. I’m sure Avery’s truck will, though.”
“I’m starting to feel nervous,” Jaehyun confessed, and you blinked curiously. “At your return. People are going to talk.”
“I hope they’ve been talking up a storm. And that they are still willing to talk even when I’m there. Nat and I will rely on that talk to get things moving.”
“You’re so certain about this,” he observed, and you nodded once. “Why?”
“Because this is my project. I invested a lot of my time and energy into Blayne and found the deficit too glaring to just forget about it all when your Dad ordered me to leave. Further, I can’t just stop loving you either. You and I still have a lot to discuss.”
Jaehyun nodded thoughtfully, his signature lopsided, dimpled grin appearing. “You’re a formidable woman, Miss Adaptable.”
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You didn’t make a big fuss about sitting down for that chat right away once you were back in Blayne. There was a lot to be done, especially around your new residence. You weren’t staying on the Jung’s property this time, even though you wished nothing more than to wake up in your bedroom at the homestead.
Instead, you were the first guests since 1983 to inhabit the inn.
“You sure there’s no ghost stories associated with this place?” Natalia queried as you both ate breakfast in the kitchen a few days after your arrival.
Grinning at your best friend, you shrugged. “Who knows? But if there are any more co-inhabitants here with us, they ought to pick up a broom and give things a good sweep or dusting.”
“We’ve been clearing cobwebs for days. How is this town going to be a hub of change, Y/N?”
“Nothing worthwhile comes without any effort, Natty. This place is kind of charming if you put aside its outdated décor.”
“Charming, you say,” she mentioned, pointing to the dripping tap in the kitchen. Even if the room now sparkled as best as it could from your combined cleaning, you still had repairs that were pressing.
“It could be very charming,” another voice mentioned, and you grinned at Avery’s cheeky appearance. “Sorry for intruding. The back door’s always been easy enough to get in through.”
“So it’s not just your cousin who’s good with getting in and out of places they shouldn’t be.”
“Where do you think I learned it from?” Avery admitted with an easy laugh, and after sending Natalia a wink, he placed a toolbox up on the countertop. “Leaky tap, huh? I guess I ought to fix this for you before it drives you nuts.”
“Will you?!” Natalia asked, graciously smiling in his direction. “It’s not the only one needing repairs, admittedly.”
“It’s a good thing I ran down to the hardware store a town over for some new faucets then, isn’t it?”
“Where’s Jaehyun?”
As he looked for the right tool, Avery answered. “On the ranch.”
“He okay on his own?”
“Sure, if you call being in the company of my grouchy uncle after us leaving Blayne last week caused him to get behind in work, being okay.”
“I actually have to go see Mr Jung today,” you announced and smiled at the pair who stopped staring flirtatiously at each other to look in your direction. “It’s time to get things rolling, don’t you think?”
“Will you be okay?”
“If Jaehyun’s handling his father, then I think I’ll go assist him. I’m half at fault here.”
“I don’t agree entirely with that, Y/N.”
Natalia agreed with Avery. “You aren’t at fault at all.”
“There’s a lot of things I want answers to and a whole lot of information I will need to pass on to him now that I’m here to work on the redevelopment of Blayne for housing.”
“He has a temper.”
“That much I’m aware of already, Avery,” you replied with a grin, picking up your coffee and raising it in a gesture of farewell. “Nat, you stay here and help point out the areas for Avery to work on.”
“Sure, I can do that,” she answered and turned to mouth a thank you at you.
Chuckling as you stepped outside and over to your car, you stopped when you saw Dorothy crossing the road towards you.
“Well, I’ll be damned. Everyone said you were back, but I didn’t believe it until these eyes of mine saw it in person!”
Taking her hand fondly, you cocked your head to the side. “Did you truly think you could get rid of me that easily?! I have work to do here!”
“Are you staying in the inn, Y/N? I’ll make sure to send my Jacob over to help with anything you might need repairing. Lord only knows how that place is holding up.”
Pointing to the building you had just departed, you smiled. “Avery is inside fixing some taps already.”
“Really? Well, he didn’t wait long. I thought everyone was instructed to stay put until Old Jung stopped punishing his boy for bringing you back.”
“Is that how everyone is seeing it?”
“Did I speak out of turn?!” Dorothy asked with a gasp, and you shook your head firmly.
“Not at all, Dorothy. I’m grateful for what you just said. Do let everyone know it was June Jung who I called in regards to returning to Blayne about, however. She’s the one who let me and my best friend into the inn, after all.”
“June?! She’s never the type not to follow along with her husband’s word!”
Shaking your head again, you patted her lower arm. “There’s a lot to Mrs Jung that Blayne folk seem to not know about.”
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Greeting June when you arrived at her home shortly after, you grinned brightly at her. She laughed. “I was worried after a few nights in that inn you might decide to leave.”
“It’s nothing like the homestead, but I can see with some effort put in how it can help with our plans.”
“He’s not exactly thrilled.”
You nodded. “I doubt your husband is.”
“But he is listening. I told him to wait for you in his office. He gruffly headed in there five minutes ago.”
“I won’t keep him waiting then,” you assured June, smiling again before taking the same pathway you had a couple of weeks ago.
Inhaling a deep breath, you pushed forward into the office, Mr Jung looking up at you. You smiled politely. “It’s nice to see you again. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m Y/N, Blayne’s new town building specialist.”
Mr Jung ignored the hand you held out to him and cleared his throat but didn’t answer. Deciding to take his silence as not a complete refusal, you sat down across from him and pulled out the proposal you had drafted up for this meeting. And without any hesitation, you launched into it.
He didn’t interrupt your speech, even picking up the copy of the plans you had placed on the table midway through and flicked to the page you were talking about. By the time you reached the end of your planned speech, you were a mixture of relief and curiosity.
You had no idea what Mr Jung was thinking.
Heaving out a breath when you were finally done, Mr Jung nodded softly. “Very well.”
“Is that all?” you asked, and Mr Jung stared over at you. His gaze didn’t make you uncomfortable, rather, vulnerable. It was as if he was trying to pick a way into your brain and figure everything out about you.
Sighing when he didn’t seem to find whatever it was, Mr Jung looked out the window. “My family has been here for generations.”
“I looked into it when initially setting up here,” you confirmed, and he smiled swiftly.
“I suppose you know about my wife then.”
“I do. I believe it’s why she’s been supportive of my stay here.”
“She tells me that you remind her of herself. I don’t entirely see it, though I’m aged and weathered now. My son, however, he’s young.”
“We don’t have to discuss Jaehyun if you are going to berate and accuse me of-”
“My son is the next generation of the Jung family line. He’ll inherit this ranch when I leave this earth, and I hope his children in the future continue to help Blayne remain a fair and happy community. When June and I found we couldn’t have any further children, where I come from a line of ten, I foolishly believed if I shaped Jaehyun from an early age to take on this place, we would continue a successful line. My parents entrusted this ranch to me, the only son. Perhaps if I had daughters too, I would have softened. But I only had one child, and I was too harsh.”
“Why did the fire happen, Mr Jung?” you asked softly, and the man rubbed at his face before leaning back in his chair.
“I told Jaehyun he couldn’t ever leave Blayne. That kid is something else. He always has been. He’s good with the cattle, he’s even better upon a horse. His school got him into rodeo early on, and I thought it would only shape him to have a competitive streak to help our ranch. The first time I saw him do a run, I knew there was more to his riding, though. But he was only twelve then. Teenage years would come, and I assumed he would choose new interests, or feel the weight of the work around the yard. Jaehyun didn’t let go of the barrels and would train even at night if he had to. He never failed to do his chores first, and I grew exasperated that I couldn’t find a way to stop him.”
“As a parent, shouldn’t you encourage his pursuits?” you pointed out, and Mr Jung nodded loosely.
“I was real proud of my boy. He had more trophies and rosettes in that bedroom of his than he had anything else. When he got scouted, he was beaming from ear to ear. I was selfish. We didn’t have anyone to take his spot here if he was going to be away. My father preached to me about how this ranch has been handled by Jung hands for decades. What you assume I did next is correct.”
“You took him out of barrel racing.”
“I thought it was for the best. And then he ran away from home. He caused trouble for a few families here with their kids following him. Avery was almost sent to boarding school because May was worried Jaehyun corrupted him. I had a township to maintain the peace with too. So I took the wrong approach with Jaehyun and cornered him further.”
“Why a fire, though?”
“I told him his only place on earth was Blayne. He said he wished Blayne would stop existing. I didn’t think he’d actually do anything about it. But he broke into the theatre that night, and the fire quickly took hold of our town.”
You merely sat there, trying to battle through Jaehyun’s past anguish and understanding the father who carried deep remorse for his actions.
Mr Jung noticed and smiled sadly. “I tried to take the blame. After all, I had driven my son to choose that path. But the people knew better. So my only approach to Jaehyun, who was racked with guilt, was to use that to hold him here. He’s never thought of leaving or doing anything else.”
Mr Jung stared at you with an indescribable expression. “Until you arrived, Y/N.”
Part 14
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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skygirl5 · 3 years
New fic - Preview
My Castle Ficathon 2021 entry As Long As We’re Together will begin posting Saturday, June 26, but I wanted to give everyone a sneak preview for now
Chapter 1
Richard Castle jolted from sleep, the hoarse remnants of a scream on his lips. He breathed rapidly, strangling the sheet across his body with both hands. His eyes focused on the ceiling above him as he fully came to realize that it had all just been a nightmare. No, he hadn’t just watched Kate’s skin pierced by a hypodermic needle wielded by Jerry Tyson, but that didn’t mean the nightmare was over—not even close.
As his gulps of breath calmed down to regular breathing intervals, Castle pushed himself upright in bed and raked his hands back through his hair. The nightmare her had been experiencing started much like the others: he was restrained against a cold metal table with cloth straps across his chest, stomach and thighs, an auburn-haired woman hovering just out of his line of sight. This time, however, he was able to get himself out of the room and walk down a long narrow hallway towards a large black doorway. Once he reached the door, he saw Kate was inside, also strapped to a metal table. Her captor was Jerry Tyson, and he was surrounded by medical equipment too medical-looking and horrifying for him to bother recalling with any level of detail. Even thinking about it then made a shiver travel down his spine.
Tugging at his hair, Castle turned his head to his left to catch sight of the alarm clock on his nightstand. It was only 4:45 in the morning, but he knew he wouldn’t sleep again that night. He never did after those kinds of nightmares. The fact that he was forced awake in the wee hours always frustrated him, but it was simply a factor of his life for the prior forty-some days.
After taking a few more moments to stare bleary-eyed across his dark bedroom, Castle pushed himself from bed and shuffled his way towards the kitchen. There, he filled a large glass with water from the sink tap and drank it all down. After starting his coffee pot, he walked back across the apartment and into his office to take up his near permanent position as of late in front of his laptop.
Once the computer was on, he turned on the lamp beside him so the backlight from the screen would not be the only thing illuminating the room. He then navigated his mouse towards the file folder he now kept on the center of his desktop—the one labeled “K.B. Leads.” He reviewed the contents of that folder every morning even if he hadn’t added anything new the day before, hoping against hope that he would notice something—anything—that would give him a clue; something that would bring her back to him.
Forty-three days earlier, Castle would have said his life was as idyllic as it could get. He was happy, healthy, and in the best relationship of his life. After some heartbreaks and miscommunications, he and Kate had finally embarked on a relationship together and it was just as extraordinary as he’d hoped it would be. True, while trying to transition their platonic relationship into a romantic relationship they had encountered some rough patches—particularly in those early days while they were still trying to keep their relationship a secret from their friends and family, but they’d come through those tough spots stronger than ever. They were happy and in love and had recently experienced what he felt to be an amazing milestone: celebrating the Christmas and New Years’ holidays together. Castle could not begin to express the joy he felt holding Kate in his arms as one year rolled into the next, knowing that he could spent nearly every day of that new year with her. Sadly, just seventeen days later it would all come crashing down around him.
While at the time Castle found January 17th to be an entirely uneventful day, in hindsight he felt there were several points at which he might have been being watched. Then again, maybe it was just his traumatized brain playing tricks on him. Either way, as the evening progressed things took a dramatic turn.
On that day, Castle remembered sitting on the sofa with Kate as she absentmindedly scrolled through television channels to find something to watch. After that, things became hazy. The next thing he clearly remembered was waking up when it was daylight out and being naked, but alone in his bed. When he’d tried to get up and move around, he felt woozy and shockingly exhausted. Concerned and alarmed, he called out for his girlfriend, but there was no answer. He stumbled into the bathroom and then back out into the living area where he found her phone and shoes right where she left them. Then, downright terrified, he’d called Ryan. And then Esposito. And then Gates.
Despite the early morning call, his loyal detective friends showed up at his apartment promptly and began searching for clues. Very quickly they discovered that not only had the security system in Castle’s apartment been disarmed, but the building’s cameras in the hallways, elevator, and lobby had also been disabled for twelve hours beginning seven p.m. the night before. With this sickening revelation, Castle could only come to one conclusion. “It’s Tyson; it has to be Tyson,” he had said.
and that’s all you get until Saturday!
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staylavendertea · 3 years
music, ya know
this is a complete impulse of lying in bed middle of the night thoughts that i don’t even know if anyone’s gonna see that have been stemmed off the experiences of the past couple days, topic of 1:41 am mind boggle:
music and it’s aesthetic and importance in literal every sense cause it’s just that important to me
first experience of realizing this, i’ve always loved film scores and listening to music and the orchestral pieces from movies and shows, but it really seemed to hit me recently, like the fact that this week’s new LOKI episode, no spoilers, has the most badass score and a badass scene with such a perfect mix and musical atmosphere. i literally had one of my best friends over, who has a very small interest in comics, cinema, marvel in general, especially a show about a norse comic god that they know nothing about, and whilst they sat there for my own regard, watching the show like a normal human being would, i sat there clinching their hand, watching in awe as our music is louder than actors talking tv speakers spurted out the most spine tightening world building story and just wandered “jesus that was good” and whilst i will always think about the superior acting, cgi, the amount of different people that just went into those few scenes and like what was physical set and what was computer image and what the hell did i just watch that has my brain running olympic marathon circles right now?
the thought that said brain kept going back to was that fucking score. it was literally tearing apart of every corner of my head and why was it doing that?
second experience, another marvel one, but i digress. black widow (no spoilers i promise), thursday night, movie theater for the first time in i can’t even remember how long now and we set through so many previews just for fucking boss baby to start playing and the reaction of the theater to make me burst out laughing.
however whatever works in that little projection box, gets fixed and the movie is pushed to just a little before it starts, a nice small pepsi ad, the regal rollercoaster intro (if you go to regal movie theaters ya know what i’m talking about), and then i hear it - the marvel studios logo - something so musically engraved into my head that my ass that can’t sing for anything, can harmonize with the sound and makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up around movie theater surround sound. but i can’t think of that now, i’m here to watch black widow, a movie on hiatus with the rest of the world for so long now, a character i didn’t know much about it or truly, didn’t have the most connection with in the first place. yet through that one movie, i seemed to build one of those.
ofc though scarlett johansson’s beautiful acting and world building, but it isn’t until the end of the movie that i even realize why. it was the fucking score again. when i think about it, the beginning of the movie felt like all of black widows scenes in the avengers movies for me, kinda just, there. not really emotionally tugging, not bad ofc either, but just, there. in the present, watching something cool in motion. but then it hits, what i can only describe as a theme that somehow tells the entire black widow movie in one singular composition. something so badass, story telling, but also just singularly black widow-esk. i can tell you that i walked out the movie theater rambling about the composition and looking up composers.
third experience, the most recent as it was literally like 20 minutes ago and sprung one train rail of a thought process that immediately tugged me into typing this brain vomit into a tumblr post. i have playlists. for everything. and when i say everything, i fucking mean everything. i’m a writer and a reader, i have playlists mostly for the young avengers, my most utter comfort characters, and their stories i’m writing. i also have playlists/genre/specific song for about every book i read.
when i read red white and royal blue when that came out, i noticed i listened to one of the drunks by panic at the disco the entirety of the ending of the book and the words and music fit together like puzzle pieces, not only did it make the reading experience better, but i was so fucking emerged in my over hyper-imagitive brain that when i finally actually finished the book, i still never left. rewind present day to the beginning of this past june, one last stop comes out, ofc i get it the day it comes out with my anticipation building like wildfire. i start reading that night and i put on my recents on my liked songs playlist (true to true spotify user) and i slowly over the next day as i read and finish the book, windle down to the genre, then the band, to the album, to the exact song that feels like the carbon copy of the words i’m reading. that song was only ones who know by the arctic monkeys. now go back to this past week, anyone who reads the carry on series knows, anyway the wind blows came out this past tuesday. i waited till wednesday to buy the ✨pretty special addition barnes and nobles copy✨ so that the dear friend that indulged me by watching loki that same day could buy it at the same time and make a cute book date or whateva. i started reading that night and something just felt ,,, off. i didn’t know what it was, but i was living off the pure joy that simon and co give me so i ignored the feeling. until i realized why it felt off this morning. i wasn’t listening to any fucking music, literally nothing, not even queen. motherfucking. queen.
i looked for the snowbaz playlist i made when i read carry on for the first time back in 2016/2017 when i was still a freshman in high school just to remember i deleted that literally forever ago. so i made a new one. like an hour and a half ago. very inspired on how i made the playlists for the young avengers and all their stories. letting the music talk.
the fact that all these rambling thoughts have led to this conclusion makes my head hurt, but for me at least in my own experiences. music talks. a two way conversation. a radio broadcast, turning the peg until you match the same frequency thats being put out and you can hear it and understand it. it’s like when you see comedians on stages or actors on panels, they talk, you have reactions, you talk back, and so forth the loop continues until the last voice, last note, rings out. music and songs and orchestral pieces and bands and composers and lyric writers are telling you the stories in reverse. they don’t know their doing it, obviously they meant something entirely different in their creations, but it’s like literature and any work of words and storytelling. interpretation. to me, the notes, pianos, violins, guitars, drums, singers, cellos, and anything that can make sound you can think of, is telling you something. whispering in your ear as you watch or read. facial features, emotions the characters dont say out loud, outfits, they way their standing or talking or moving or interacting with anything and everything.
when i just made that carry on playlist, i played it, decided to try read some good almost 2 am fan fic as you do, my hanging on by a thread sleep brain telling me words aren’t recognizable right now, and tighten myself into a blanket to see if i can sleep at all. the playlist still plays and my never shuts up head thinks it’s own daydreams, stresses out about anything it can, that is until the song plays. the one that just speaks the carry on trilogy language. the one that i found whilst i was reading wayward son and then would play whenever i re read carry on. the one that started this whole way too long ass post in the first place. cant be alone tonight by atlas. i heard just the first sound and i saw them, as if i were in the same room, like i never even put the book down in the first damn place because i’m actually terrified of finishing it. i could see simon in his oversized hoodies, baz in an outfit that was way too good just to be sitting inside, agatha looking as pleasantly pretty as ever, penelope poking fun at shepherd, and shepherd poking fun right back; bickering, laughing, saying the dialogues i try to remember so i can write them later, existing.
in a way music doesn’t just talk, but it lives. it lives and breaths. a three way conversation you could say. characters, stories, plot, and settings talk to the music, then the music delivers us listeners the message, so that we can send one back. this literally took me over an hour to write and i should point the important note that i do have synesthesia where colors and sounds and colors and words do the association so this entire thing might be me being entirely biased, but alas, i love sound so much and if there is anyone else that feels the same ways as i do as just a simple good film score and song makes anything ten times better, feel free to talk, i will totally be awkward, but i need some music freaks like myself around so feel free to hit me up, also if you love movies and cinema also feel free to hit me up as i need movie buddies and now it’s 3 am and i will be going to bed - peace out 🛸
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kitaychan · 3 years
We need to talk
Summary: After a breakup, Ivan realizes his life was not as fullfilling as he had thought. Reaching out to old friends might prove to be a slow task with interesting outcomes.
Chapter preview: Yao sighed, peering over to the kitchen, he gasped and hurried inside. “How did you set my teapot on fire?”
Ivan could hear Arthur’s alarmed voice and the water tap running. “I don’t know.”
He approached the kitchen, the smell of smoke was stronger and he found Arthur frowning alongside Yao inspecting the blackened teapot.
The brown haired man huffed, leaving the teapot on the sink. “Stop burning things, Alfred is not around, so you can quit gaining his attention.”
“It was an accident and I asked for help, neither of you seemed to notice, are you deaf?”
“You are banned from my kitchen, now. Go and commit arson on your boyfriend’s house, he can manage the fires quickly.”
Ivan let out a laugh. “I am totally going to tell Alfred about this.”
Scrolling down memes on his phone, Ivan glanced at the hour, he had spent at least half an hour just looking at his phone, on the back of his head, deep inside, he knew that he was delaying the inevitable.
He typed out a simple ‘hello’ before erasing it, why was it so hard to start a conversation? Alfred would just send him a random picture and they would talk about it or start a string of random pictures, but now, Ivan found it difficult to send a simple greeting to Yao. What should he say? What if he was busy?
He managed to gather enough words to form a coherent greeting alongside the question of ‘What are you up to?’
Dread invaded him instantly after he sent it. Perhaps that was too vague, or too informal. He sighed, setting the phone aside, it was done and he couldn’t take the message back, that was better, he’d be overthinking the whole day anyways.
This day, he was less worried about the nonexistent alarm that set off in his mind in the mornings, and more focused on the little pang of guilt that told him that he was wasting his time.
He took a breath, reminding himself that he was on vacation, he had nothing to worry about besides his cat and trying not to be a burden to Katya, whom unlike him, had left earlier to give off her classes.
He played for a while with his cat, the entertainment was short as Boris decided it was better to lie on his side instead of hunting the toy, Ivan poked a bit at the fluffy cat to make him move again but it didn’t budge, wiggling its tail.
The day passed rather slowly, Ivan had tried not to go out, not wanting to spend the time by himself in the park again, though the prospect of finding Yao again crossed his mind, he figured the man would be working just as Katya was.
Of course he was, that was probably why he couldn’t answer. Ivan sighed, why did he have to keep worrying about it? this was what he hated about being alone, his thoughts would be nagging at him, he had to find something to do or he would be anxious about a message the whole day.
He sighed, focusing on the lonely plant by the window, he searched around the house, finding some paints. It was time to stop delaying his task and deliver that child’s project.
The base was fairly easy if he remembered well, the background was mostly blue with some clouds around. What worried him was the boat, as he wasn’t used to painting at all, and well, he’d never made a decent boat.
He left the pot aside so the blue paint could dry, perhaps he could ask for help with it later.
Ivan glanced at the clock again, time had passed and Katya would probably arrive soon but he couldn’t help but feel a bit annoyed at the passiveness of his day.
His phone buzzed, taking him out of his thoughts. The short message displayed made him pause.
“Hi, sorry, I forgot my phone, I’ve just headed back from work. Do you want to come to my house?”
Ivan had to double check his phone.Firstly, to make sure that it was in fact a message coming from Yao, and secondly, to process the question.
Another message appeared.
“Are you busy?”
Ivan smiled, it’s not like he had anything better to do and at this point he’d be delighted to busy himself with anything.
Feeling less awkward he replied. “Not really, I was trying to paint the boat on the flower pot but I am failing at it. Anyway, yeah it’d be nice to talk”
“In that case, bring it with you, I’ll help. Let’s meet at the park, I have to see Arthur there.”
Ivan pondered for a moment giving out an affirmative reply, he wrote a note to Katya so she wouldn’t worry, grabbed a coat, the flower pot and left.
Once in the park, he went to buy some pastries, it would be mean to present himself empty handed, right? He even got another bottle of wine, to replace the one from yesterday. The cashier handed him everything on a paper bag that he carried quite difficulty.
He sat outside on the same bench, it was indeed a nice place. He could see Arthur and Yao approaching, both of them were wrapped with scarves and heavy coats, the latter was holding two cups of hot coffee.
Yao handed him one of the cups. “I’m so sorry, How long have you been waiting?”
Ivan shrugged, taking the beverage. “Not much.”
“For real, you can be as petty as you want, it was Arthur’s fault that we were held back.”
Arthur, groaned, taking a sip of his own drink. “I only said that they didn’t know how to make iced tea, I thought it was obvious.”
“The barista didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“If they want to make iced tea, they have to make tea, let it cool and add the ice. Not use that horrible mix with water.” The Englishman frowned, observing his drink. “At least they make good coffee.”
“Not really.” Yao let off a huff, ushering them to follow. “Anyway, let’s go upstairs, it is freezing down here. Aren’t you cold, Ivan?”
“I’m a bit used to it, it’s more chilly where I live.” Ivan paused, the englishman seemed to notice his hesitation, taking the paper bag and allowing him to finish his coffee and carry the plant.
Ivan walked with them, taking short steps. They questioned him about the city, about his work, his coworkers, Ivan had to suppress his frown at the last topic.
Yao’s apartment was warm, Arthur stepped in casually, making a beeline to the table while Yao took the flower pot from him so he could take off his coat.
Ivan fumbled a bit with his scarf, leaving it on and approaching the table. There were a few stocks of papers and books scattered on it.
Yao laughed nervously. “Sorry for the mess, I was revising some exams last night.”
Arthur rolled his eyes, setting the bag on the table, the Englishman raised an eyebrow and stared at him. “Yao, did you cook Francis’ recipe yesterday?”
The brown haired man nodded, placing the plant on the table. "Yeah, it took me some time and I had to buy wine because he would not leave me alone until I did."
"You let the frog get away with his quirks, he drinks wine with everything. I hope the dish was worth the expensive wine."
"It totally was." Ivan said, regretting his words as Arthur's expression changed into amusement.
Yao retrieved the books from the table, shaking his head. "Stop staring like that, we met at the store and I invited him."
"Sure… that's why you still have exams to grade, right?" The Englishman taunted, holding out one of the papers.
Yao hummed, fumbling with the papers. “You have delayed exams too.”
"True but why did he bring wine?” Arthur smiled, turning his stare at Ivan. “Are you following Francis’ advice or something?"
Ivan tensed a bit, at this point everything he'd say would be used by Arthur to tease them. “It is polite to bring a present when you visit someone’s house.”
“How dare you speak to me about proper manners,” Arthur chuckled, collecting papers from the table. "Yao has a good collection of books and I need to complain about it, you will help me out, right?"
"Not my fault that you burnt yours to get a date." Yao retorted, laying some brushes and paints on the table and taking a seat beside Ivan.
Arthur gasped. "If you keep that cocky grin on your face, I will kick you out."
Ivan watched in awe as Yao took a pencil, tracing swiftly the sketch of a small boat on the flower pot. "This is my house, you can't kick me out. What books do you need?"
The Englishman stood up, observing the books displayed on the shelf. He turned around with a serious expression on his face “Ivan, have you read ´War and peace’?”
“Uh not really, I have a copy laying around but I don’t think I ever finished it.” Ivan shrugged, toying with a brush.
“What keeps you from reading it? Is it the french parts of it?”
“I am actually fluent in french so...” Ivan saw how Arthur’s smile changed into a grimace, had he said something wrong? He quickly added. “I just hadn’t taken the time to actually read it.”
Arthur grabbed a couple of books, taking a seat. “I remember you once delivered a paper about The great Gatsby, it was very interesting though quite weak at the end.”
Ivan glanced at Yao in an attempt to ask for help but the grin the brown haired man held on his face told him that he wouldn’t get any. He laughed nervously. “I barely remember what I ate for breakfast, I don’t think I will recall something I wrote on highschool.”
Yao’s laughter filled the room, Ivan couldn’t help but stare at him, it was not rare to see the chinese smile, but it was certainly pleasant to hear his laugh, he found himself laughing too, Arthur joining as well.
They shared a glass of wine and devoured the pastries, Ivan painted slowly the small boat and answered more of Arthur’s questions, Yao praised his patience every now and then until Arthur left him alone in order to make some tea.
Ivan watched closely as Yao traced details on the little boat skillfully, silence enveloped them as he finished.
Turning back, he could hear Arthur pacing around in the kitchen but he could not see him.
He took a long breath before leaning over the table, just a bit, in order to gain Yao’s attention, the brown haired man set aside the brush, arching an eyebrow.
“When you invited me over, I didn’t think it would end up like this.” Ivan admitted, smiling sheepishly.
Yao tilted his head, a small smirk gracing his face. “Why?”
Ivan fidgeted with his scarf, he didn’t know how he was able to hold his gaze, he felt his face almost burning with embarrassment but he had already dug his grave so he might as well just die on it already, he reached out to take Yao’s hand, and lowered his voice. “Well… for starters, I didn’t think that Arthur would be acompaining us.”
Ivan considered the idea of not coming back to the town when Yao retreated his hand and chuckled, this was like highschool all over again but perhaps ten times worse because he had hoped to be on the right track just once, and now, he dreaded his sole existence.
No matter how much he tried to shrink on himself, to hide under his scarf, he would not disappear from the situation.
His train of thought was stopped or more accurately, smacked back to reality by a soft hand caressing his cheek. He could barely register Yao’s words. “You are fun to tease.”
Ivan nodded slowly, he was doomed, wasn’t he? He wanted nothing but melt on this man’s hands, he knew he was blushing, but this time, he didn’t mind it.
He gathered enough courage to lean forward, barely brushing his lips with the other, Yao’s hand moved to the back of his head, pushing him lightly so their lips met.
“Bloody hell!”
They both flinched back, Ivan had forgotten about Arthur’s existence, a sense of self awareness flared up in him but it didn’t manage to overcome the annoyance he felt. The Englishman was nowhere to be seen.
Yao sighed, peering over to the kitchen, he gasped and hurried inside. “How did you set my teapot on fire?”
Ivan could hear Arthur’s alarmed voice and the water tap running. “I don’t know.”
He approached the kitchen, the smell of smoke was stronger and he found Arthur frowning alongside Yao inspecting the blackened teapot.
The brown haired man huffed, leaving the teapot on the sink. “Stop burning things, Alfred is not around so you can quit gaining his attention.”
“It was an accident and I asked for help, neither of you seemed to notice, are you deaf?”
“You are banned from my kitchen, now. Go and commit arson on your boyfriend’s house, he can manage the fires quickly.”
Ivan let out a laugh. “I am totally going to tell Alfred about this.”
Arthur groaned. “From everyone you could have chosen to embarrass me in front of, it has to be with the one person Alfred has a direct line with, you are the best of friends, Yao.”
Sending pictures of a burnt teapot to Alfred wasn’t the way Ivan thought his night would end but he was delighted by today’s happenings.
Not only could he get another kiss from Yao before leaving, he had asked him out on an actual date, much to the Englishman's amusement, the remarks the latter made after they left Yao’s house weren’t embarrassing anymore.
Ivan had entered a state of sheepish acceptance, if he had to take on Arthur’s teasing in order to date Yao, then so be it.
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: “Romantic Rail Getaway” Zuo Ran Route, Day 5
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Translation Masterlist | Themis Event Masterlist
Zuo Ran Route: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
Videos, where applicable, are hyperlinked on the headings in the post.
See under cut!
Part 1 – Forenlo Commerce Street – “Trailing Forenlo Palace”
A warm late-spring wind blew over from the lake surfaces of Forenlo Palace’s banks, brushing over the tips of my hair and bringing a fresh and clear breeze.
The deep green trees shaded the groups of classic buildings, like a romantic picture scroll, making it impossible to look away.
MC: Forenlo Palace is so beautiful… it’s over, I kind of don’t know what I should take a picture of.
Zuo Ran: We can look for a staff member to ask what places nearby are suitable for picture-taking.
MC: Mhmm, I was thinking this too!
Tourist Inquiry Booth
Staff: Hello, how may I be of service?
MC: Could you please introduce us to sceneries nearby that are suitable for picture-taking?
Staff: There are lots of gorgeous scenery locations near Forenlo Palace.
Staff: Are you interested in cultural attractions, or natural sceneries?
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Cultural Attractions
MC: Hm… could you recommend some cultural attractions?
Staff: For cultural building attractions, I recommend you go visit the Noblewoman’s Embankment and Cari Temple.
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Noblewoman’s Embankment
MC: Where is the Noblewoman’s Embankment?
Staff: The Noblewoman’s Embankment is on the left side of Forenlo Palace. You can head straight there after walking out the inquiry booth and boarding a tour bus.
Staff: This embankment was built at the time of Rumbaliya’s old nobility and is an example of the combination of classic and artistic design amid the group of Forenlo buildings.
Staff: You could say that it’s an embankment that’s witnessed the historical development of Rumbaliya.
MC: (Hm, taking a picture of buildings with history in their structures… would be an excellent choice.)
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Cari Temple
MC: Hm… is Cari Temple the place on the right side of Forenlo Palace that looks a little like an art gallery?
Staff: Yes, that was a Gothic-style palace built by old aristocracy. Now, it’s been converted into an art gallery.
Staff: Cari Temple’s external wall is very particular – it’s one of the popular trip photo targets.
Staff: Right, they often host some art exhibition and cultural exchange events there, and it’s very popular with tourists.
Staff: You might as well go see – I’m sure you’ll get something out of it.
MC: I feel like I’ll be able to take great pictures in Cari Temple.
Zuo Ran: Then let’s go see Cari Temple first in a moment.
MC: Sure, so it’s decided.
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Natural Sceneries
MC: I’m somewhat interested in natural scenery.
Staff: Then I think… Angel Garden and St. Nove Flower Garden are the best choices for you.
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St. Nove Flower Garden
Zuo Ran: I remember that St. Nove Flower Garden… was originally a private garden that wasn’t open to the general public. Is it now open to the public?
Staff: Yes, it was once the private garden of a duke.
Staff: Before the duke passed, he donated the garden, and after renovation, St. Nove Flower Garden was officially opened to the public.
Staff: There are lots of rare flowers planted in the garden. I’m sure it’ll be a feast for your eyes.
MC: (A romantic flower garden theme… hm, I’ll definitely be able to take lots of beautiful pictures!)
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Angel Garden
MC: Angel Garden?
Staff: Though Angel Garden is called a garden, it’s actually the largest arboretum in Forenlo City.
Staff: The most well-known within the park is the tulip sea and the flower tree waterfall attractions within the arboretum area.
Staff: Right now, it just happens to be tulip blooming season. I’m sure that if you go see it, you’ll definitely be shocked by the gorgeousness of the fresh flowers.
MC: (A tulip sea… it sounds really dreamy…)
MC: Lawyer Zuo, I want to take photos at the Angel Garden!
Zuo Ran: Okay, I’ll look up the route.
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Staff: Esteemed guests, are there any other things you’d like to ask?
MC: No need, I’ve pretty much got my targets set. Thank you.
Staff: No problem, I am very pleased to be of service for you. Then, I hope you have fun.
 Part 2 – Noblewoman’s Embankment
Part 3 – Bridge of Angels
 Part 4 – Cari Temple
 Part 5 – St. Nove Plaza
 Part 6 – The Most Beautiful Scenery
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Forenlo Palace Cultural Street
On the last day of the trip, Zuo Ran and I checked out all the popular attractions near Forenlo Palace.
The gorgeous Forenlo Palace, the old-style art corridor, the elegant sculpture park… I recorded each view with my camera lens.
MC: Lawyer Zuo, help me see – which set of photos should I pick?
It may be easy taking pictures, but it’s very hard to pick them. After struggling back and forth on the camera preview screen…
I decided to directly seek external assistance from Zuo Ran to help pick photos that I would be sending to Yao Yu soon.
Zuo Ran: Hm…
Zuo Ran tapped at the camera touchscreen and pointed towards a set of scenic photos of Forenlo Palace taken with a wide-angle lens.
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Zuo Ran: The view of these photos gives an open feeling.
MC: Our aesthetics really are similar. I actually really like this set too!
MC: Only…
I personally also liked this set of pictures, but I simultaneously had some concerns.
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MC: Lawyer Zuo, do you feel like this photoset isn’t all that different from the ones from before?
Zuo Ran: Why do you say so?
MC: Because when we were touring Rumba City, I’ve taken photos from similar angles… but Yao Yu…
Zuo Ran: You’re worried that after sending this set of scenic photos, your friend will still be dissatisfied?
MC: Mhmm…
Zuo Ran: I feel like you don’t have to worry too much. What your friend wants is “the most beautiful scenery that you experience during your trip”.
Zuo Ran: If you see this group to be the most beautiful sceneries, then it is the most beautiful.
MC: (My experience?)
I unconsciously flapped my hand beside my cheeks, trying to calm down and think.
Zuo Ran: MC, let’s find a place to sit and relax.
Zuo Ran: If you can’t decide right now, you might as well let yourself relax. Perhaps you’ll have new ideas later.
MC: Mhmm, sure.
Zuo Ran was right. Struggling the whole time was not a good method. I might as well do something else first and enjoy the vacation.
We found a long bench on the roadside and sat down to rest.
The cool, gentle wind increased the feeling of contentment slightly as it delivered a sweet scent into my nose.
Following the sweet scent, I saw an ice cream truck on the other side of the road, with “Only Hand-made Ice Cream for a Hundred Years” written on its billboard.
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MC: Ice cream that’s been handmade for a hundred years? What would that taste like?
Zuo Ran: Want to taste it?
MC: Yes!
That billboard really did catch my interest, making me want to see exactly what ice cream with a hundred years of handmaking history would taste like.
Zuo Ran: You can stay seated, I’ll go buy it.
After speaking, Zuo Ran got up and stepped over the road, walking towards that ice cream truck.
I watched Zuo Ran from far away…
Watching him interact politely with the truck booth owner, watching him take the cone, watching him heading back with an ice cream cone in each hand.
The retro-style camel-coloured windbreaker on Zuo Ran’s body cut straight lines, clean and neat, adding a few more touches of outstanding handsomeness to him.
MC: (This piece of clothing really makes Lawyer Zuo look handsome. Weird… how come I didn’t notice a few days ago?)
While I faced him in a trance, Zuo Ran had already walked up to me…
The retro buildings on the two sides of the road served as a background for him, reflecting a peaceful moment.
That was a landscape painting, frozen before me.
MC: (What your friend wants is “the most beautiful scenery that you experience during your trip”.)
Thinking back on what Zuo Ran had said, something murky in my mind became clear, with a distinct silhouette.
I held up my camera and waved at him.
MC: Zuo Ran, look here!
Zuo Ran: Hm?
Through the camera lens, his line of sight collided with mine, the faint smile on his thin lips frozen in this moment.
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Zuo Ran: Why did you… suddenly…
MC: Because this shot is excellent. I’ve decided – I’m sending this photo to Yao Yu!
I held up the camera with both hands for him to see. He glanced at the photo, then looked at me.
Zuo Ran: You…
MC: What each person sees and thinks is different. I feel like a happy me should be courageously shown for others to see.
The “most beautiful” was a matter of individual opinion. The sceneries seen by each person are different, so what they see as beautiful will be different.
So, the answer is very obvious.
What Yao Yu wanted was my appreciation in the trip, and what I got during this trip was the bit of happiness with Zuo Ran.
MC: I think the most beautiful scenery…
MC: Is you.
Zuo Ran smiled, looking at me, serious and sincere.
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Zuo Ran: In my eyes, you’ve always been that.
His calm voice created ripples in my heart, complicated and surging.
Warmth emerged on my cheeks, and the air right then seemed to become somewhat sweet, intoxicating me…
Zuo Ran: Alright, how about putting away the camera for now – the ice cream is going to melt.
MC: Ah! My ice cream!
I’d only been focusing on taking pictures, and the ice cream Zuo Ran had bought was already starting to melt. A few droplets were dripping down from the softened edges…
I rushed to put away the camera and take the ice cream cone.
MC: Delicious – as expected, a hundred-years’ worth of craftsmanship is superior.
Zuo Ran: It’s very sweet.
Though it was slightly embarrassing to eat the melting ice cream, the rich taste of milkiness brought a wonderful feeling between the lips.
Just like this moment, with the gentleness and warmth flowing between his and my eyes.
That was an indescribable yet true feeling that saturated the depths of the heart.
I was very convinced that that was the most beautiful scenery I had found in this journey…
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makeitcanoncowards · 4 years
Your Lipstick Stain is a Work of Art [Nicky Valentino x MC]
Nicky Valentino x Fem!Reader
Literally no one requested this, but I just had to do it. I am in love with this man. Also If you like this you should go follow my friend @hurtbycanonthoughts​! She takes requests and posts writing for Obey Me, Mystic Messenger, Cinderella Phenomenon, Two Against the World, Love Island the Game, and more! I love her lots, so go show her some love too :D Here’s her masterlist
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Summary: You get a little more familiar with makeup in the 20s, and Nicky finds himself really liking the look of you in red lipstick. Bonus: Lipstick marks on his cheek are his no.1 soft spot.  Word Count: 2.2k  Warnings: a tiny bit suggestive but not really like at all. 
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You’ve been in 1920’s New York for almost two months now and were still trying to acclimate to the fashion of the era. Certain styles you’ve had a harder time working yourself up to wear (like tights every day, why every day?), and others you just haven’t gotten around to trying out. But all in all, you were pretty pleased with your new 20th century wardrobe. The skirts and dresses you wore were extremely durable and actually surprisingly flattering. The iconic boxy cut that you heard so much about in your high school history classes proved to be beautiful on all body types, something you appreciated greatly.
One afternoon, while Nicky was dealing with some business that he didn’t want you there for, you were free to meander around the city – Even do a little shopping, thanks to the way your coin purse was spoiled by your boyfriend. 
As you passed by a fancy boutique during your afternoon adventure, you were immediately drawn in. Stopping to stare, you gazed at the fresh paint that adorned the windows, advertising the makeup they sold inside. While also taking notice of the boutique’s patrons flowing in and out. All the women that entered looked as though they ate gold for breakfast and had hundred-dollar bills for lunch. They oozed an aura of wealth and you began doubting your place in their store. You could afford anything you wanted in there and more, sure, but the sheer confidence that radiated from them was a little intimidating. You feared they’d smell your inferiority from a mile away. 
It took a quick mental pep talk – and a lap or two around the block – to convince yourself to enter the store. Gipping onto your purse just a little tighter, you braved the crowd of posh women gliding through the entrance and slipped in as well.
“Hello!” A young girl at a counter with makeup fixtures littering it greeted, “How may I help you today?”
“I’m just looking around, actually.” You stated, glancing back around the interior, “I’ve never been in this store before.”
“Well, might I just suggest you take a look at our makeup collection. It’s what we’re most well-known for anyways.” The shop girl’s smile was dazzling, though probably painful considering how wide it was and how long she was holding it.
You took a step next to the counter and watched as the girl pointed out some products. Everything seemed pretty standard, except for the block of charcoal that doubled as mascara, and nothing was really catching your eye until-
“What do you think of this for me?” You picked up a golden tube of red lipstick with roses engraved into the casing.
“The Ruby Red?” She glanced at the color and back to you, scanning her eyes over your face. “I’d go for something a little deeper, personally. The bright colors are nice and all, but all the women in movies are wearing darker colors. I think you’d pull that off, you look like you’re straight outta’ve a film.”
You chuckled at her statement. She wasn’t wrong, technically. “I’ll take the color you suggest, then.”
She grinned at you before pulling out a tube nearly identical to the first from behind the counter, “This shade is called ‘Forever Red’ by Besame cosmetics, D’you wanna try it on before you go?”
“I’ll take a preview,” You agreed and puckered your lips for the girl to apply it. She slid the lipstick carefully over your lips, the creamy texture felt similar to a chapstick you used to wear, and it made you oddly nostalgic.
“Wow, it looks even better than I thought it would!” She clapped her hands together once she finished, “You look better than Bebe Daniels did in this shade!”
“You think so?” You asked, astonished. Turning to look in the little mirror sitting to the left of you, okay yea. You looked good. “Y’know what, I think I’ll take it.”
Giddily, you grabbed your tiny giftbag with your lipstick and went back to your hotel room for the night. Nicky had promised he would be there to take you out for dinner, and you wanted to surprise him with a bit of red added to your look.
You had just finished slipping on your silk – or was it satin, you couldn’t be sure – dress over your tights and undergarments; hair and makeup already done. You took a moment to fumble with the zipper on your gown but weren’t able to zip it up completely. After struggling for a good few minutes after your initial attempt, you blew out a frustrated puff of air and looked at your reflection in the vanity you were sat in front of.
All-in-all, you looked good. You took extra care of your hair tonight. It was gelled to perfection, not a single frizz out of place. And your makeup – it took you nearly double the time it used to, but the time commitment was worth it. The dark red lip that you just bought contrasted with the silver and black on your eyelids and stood out against your gown. Said gown was a silky (or satin-y) pearl color that had a wrapped bodice. Fairly simple. Extremely elegant. It was something Nicky bought you and you adored it.
Taking your time fixing invisible imperfections, you hadn’t noticed Nicky enter your room or the way he had to bite back a chuckle as you bared your teeth at your reflection to insure you didn’t have lipstick marks littering your pearly whites.
You only acknowledged his presence when he cleared his throat and you nearly jumped out of your skin at the intrusion. You whipped around, preparing for the worst since you were not exactly in the right state to fend off an attacker.
“Motherfuc- Nicky!” You slapped a hand over your heart when you realized who it was, “You tryna give me a heart attack?”
“’Course not, doll,” He grinned back at you, “Just tryna keep you on your toes s’all.”
“Since you’re here early, and decided to scare the crap out of me, I’m gonna put you to work.” You smirked at the way Nicky’s eyes widened with your words.
“Anything for you, baby.” He winked, trying to display a confident and cocky attitude. But you noticed the shaky breath he let out before he spoke up.
You stood up, the skirt of your gown brushing against your ankles as you sauntered towards your boyfriend and took pride in the way his jaw went slack at the sight of you. Each step you took was agonizingly slow, but you were basking in the way he raked his eyes over your form. With each second, you could practically see the blood rushing to Nicky’s cheeks. He was bright red by the time you were directly in front of him. When the toe of your heel brushed against his dress shoe, you draped your arms around his neck. The breath caught in his throat at your closeness, and he choked on his next words:
“Is-Is that a new… um… is that a new lipstick, Y/n?” His adam’s apple bobbed as you pressed your body into his. You were looking up at him through your lashes – your lips just a hair’s length apart.
“Mhmm,” You hummed, running a hand down his chest, “It’s called ‘Forever Red’, kinda foxy ain’t it?”
Nicky couldn’t form any words; he was looking at you like a deer caught in headlights. His breathing was heavy, and you could tell he was having a hard time controlling himself. He only took his eyes off your lips to close them and breath a heavy sigh when you moved to whisper in his ear.
“Be a doll and zip me up,” You whispered and placed a kiss right below his cheek bone. You pulled away from Nicky and saw him deflate slightly from the corner of your eye.
“Wh-what?” His eyes were glazed over, “What did you say?”
“Zip me up, will ‘ya?” You let a small stream of laughter erupt from your red lips, “C’mon Nicky we don’t have all night.”
Still caught in a daze, he fumbled with your zipper a few times before he was able to pull it up fully.
“Atta boy,” You grinned, topping your look off with a feather boa and pair of pearly, elbow-length gloves. “So where are we going?”
Nicky finally snapped back to reality from wherever his mind had wandered from before and a cheeky grin had returned to his face, “You are such a minx, you know that?”  
“I learned from the best,” You smiled, wrapping your arm around his outstretched elbow. “Ready to go?”
“Actually, Y/n. We do have to make a quick stop on our way to our date.” Nicky admitted bashfully as you glided through the extravagant hotel hallway, his free hand rubbing the back of his neck. “’Nother head of the Family, Schitz, wanted to meet up to discuss his quarrel with some of Floyd’s guys. Asked to do it today. Is it okay if we…?”
“You know I’m all in, Nicky.” You squeezed his arm in reassurance. “I won’t get mad about you having to work. So long as you let me in, you know that.”
Nicky pressed a quick kiss to your temple as you rounded the corner to the exit, “What did I do to deserve a gal like you?”
“Something pretty damn good.”
“Keep the car runnin’ Ralph, we shouldn’t be too long.” Nicky gave a firm nod to his right-hand man and grasped your hand in his. He had tried to ask you to stay in the car during his meeting, considering it shouldn’t be more than ten minutes long, but you were having none of it.
“Nicky come on! This can be part of the date!” You pleaded, wanting nothing more than to be at his side whenever you could be. And he, being the simp he was, couldn’t say no to you. He didn’t even want to say no, and that’s how he knew he was absolutely whipped.
Begrudgingly he agreed, though, he refused to let go of your hand. Knowing you were by him at all times alleviated some of his fear with you being part of his family. If you were in, then he was going to make sure everyone knew you weren’t someone to be messed with.
 “Ah, Nicky Valentino!” An older gentleman called from the inside of an empty bar. “Please take a seat.”
Nicky’s expression when he was with you was soft and warm, but when he was dealing with business those same eyes were walled away. Replaced with a stony expression that revealed nothing about what was going on in his brain. It was a look you were getting accustomed to wearing, yourself.
“If we could make this quick, Schitz,” Nicky’s voice was smooth and confident, “I have a previous engagement that I’m anxious to get to.”
“Of course, of course but – ah – what’s that?” Schitz gestured to his cheek, “Got some red shit on your cheek, paint or something?” Your eyes widened briefly when you realized what Schitz was talking about. He was gesturing to the place you had teased/kissed Nicky before you left.
Nicky asked you for the compact mirror from your purse – how he knew it was there was beyond you since you didn’t even know it was there –  and checked his reflection. Once he saw the prominent silhouette of your lips on his cheek in your lipstick, Nicky let out a barking laugh. Your cheeks burned, though; ashamed at having possibly ruined his tough guy image.
“I’m sorry Nicky,” You whispered, taking off your glove and raising your hand to wipe away the mark on his cheek. Before your thumb could make contact with the stain, his hand clasped around your wrist and gently pulled your hand down to his chest.
“Don’t be,” He brushed his lips against your knuckles, “It’s a token of affection, I wouldn’t dare wipe away one of your kisses.”
Your heart thrummed loudly against your ribcage at his words. You could feel every amber of your being slowly fall more in love with him, and there was nothing you could do (not that you wanted to do anything) to stop it.
Eventually, a deep red kiss was the staple of your relationship. The lipstick was the finishing touch to every one of your outfits, and the shade that stained Nicky’s cheek whenever he left the house without you. He was taking a part of you with him on the days you couldn’t come, and everyone knew who you were when you accompanied him wearing the very same shade of red lipstick the next time you left. 
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ibelongtowrath · 4 years
Skipping The Previews - MLQC (Ling Xiao/Shaw) NSFW
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Summary: You decide to go see a movie to take your mind off of everything that's going on in the world, but a sexy stranger thinks it's a good idea to take the seat right next to yours. Rating: Explicit! 18+ NSFW Relationship: Ling Xiao x Female Reader, Shaw x Female Reader, Tags: oral sex, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, fingerfucking, shameless smut, semi-public sex Word Count: 5,707
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Notes: I've been wanting to write something about Shaw ever since I've seen pictures of him & finally encountered him in MLQC and whew...I know he's going to wreck my Kiro and Gavin biases! I wanted to portray him as kind of cocky, since I got that kind of vibe from him, and I hope I managed to capture that essence here. Please keep in mind that I started writing this before movie theaters were shut & things began getting very serious. I was thinking of a scenario where the reader would be upset that Shaw sits directly next to her, and a reason that the theater might still be empty for them to fuck freely in lol. Please enjoy!
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It’s midday Saturday, and the movie theater is practically deserted. Carefully, you push the handicap button with your elbow, allowing the doors to open so you don’t have to physically grab them. Everyone is supposed to be doing mandated social distancing, staying six feet away from other humans at all times, until they can get the spread of the virus under control. Going to see a movie in the midst of a pandemic is not the smartest idea, but you want to take advantage of being able to go out as much as you possibly can before we’re all in lockdown. A good science-fiction action movie will take your mind off of things, even if only temporarily.
Grabbing your favorite drink from the Freestyle machine, a Cherry Coke, you walk towards the theater the movie will be playing in. On your way there, you pass the mirror by the exit of the women’s bathroom, and take a quick peek at your reflection. You’re not exactly sure why you bothered with putting so much effort into your appearance when hardly anyone will see it. Shrugging and fluffing your hair quickly in the mirror, you turn back and continue walking into the theater.
You had picked the seat all the way in the furthest corner of the theater, away from everyone else. Even if there was no social distancing rule, you would have picked it anyway. You settle down into the recliner, the leather cold as it touches your bare legs. It’s an unseasonably warm March day today, and you’re wearing shorts for the first time since September. 
Pushing the button, you recline the chair virtually as far as it will go. The theater is completely vacant, and you pray it stays that way. There’s still about 15 minutes before the previews start, and you decide to pass the time browsing your Instagram explore page, watching makeup application videos and laughing at a couple cute and funny cat videos. You’re so fixated on one particular video of a rather chonky cat, you don’t notice the handsome stranger settling into the seat directly next to yours.
You had pushed the middle armrests up to give yourself more space, and when you hear the strange crinkling sound next to you, you’re confused, because you haven’t moved. Your eyes dart to to left, and widen in shock when they meet the gaze of a gorgeous stranger’s; an amber, honey-colored hue you can’t help but stare into. 
You try to keep your expression neutral, but he’s so attractive, it’s hard to keep your composure. His lavender-grey locks of hair fall messily, but carefully at the same time, over his face, framing it perfectly, some of his fringe falling into his golden eyes. You resist the urge to touch the locks of his hair, to sweep them out of the way, so you can better admire the beautiful flecks of gold and honey in that gaze. His purple and black hoodie, darker in hue than his hair, perfectly compliments the color of his eyes. He wears a black choker around his neck, and jeans that are messily, but intentionally, ripped at the knees. Several hoop earrings adorn his ears, a cuff hugging the upper cartilage of his left ear.
Breaking off his gaze, you feel yourself blushing furiously, the heat spreading to your cheeks like a wildfire. Thank goodness you put on a bit of foundation today, so he can’t see the furious rush of red that must be stretched across your face. You notice his hands, the right one wearing a fingerless glove, clutching his phone. The other is bare, a maroon beaded necklace decorating the wrist.
“Is this seat taken, love?” he asks, his lips turning up on one side, flashing you the cockiest grin you’ve ever seen. He knows the answer, obviously trying to provoke you. 
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction, despite feeling your heart  thump, thump -ing loudly against your chest, you turn your gaze towards the screen. An ad for an interactive mobile game is playing on the projector. 
“Aw, come on, don’t be like that,” the stranger says, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“In the case that you’ve been blissfully ignorant, which is probable,” you respond, gaze hardening on the screen before you, “we’re supposed to be staying at least six feet from other people.”
“Damn, you’ve got some bite.” He grins at you.
Running his fingers through his hair, he continues. “Yeah, I’ve seen the news. Been wanting to see this movie, though. I saw only one person had bought a ticket, so I bought the seat next to ‘em. I was hoping it would be next to a pretty girl. I was right.”
You turn to look at him, an incredulous look on your face. The compliment is flattering, but he doesn’t have to know that. You try to keep your best poker face on.
“And you thought that was a good idea?” you retort. 
It comes out with less bite than you intended, now that you’re looking at him directly. His devastatingly good looks are working their charm on you, and he picks up on it. The cocky smirk returns, a glint of something mischievous flashing in his eye. He knows you’re faltering, and he fully plans on persuading you.
“I thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know each other.” 
You can’t help but continue to stare at him, in complete awe of his audacity.
“Figured if you turned out to be some random dude, I’d just go sit in another seat. No big deal.” 
He shrugs, but that wild glint is still in his eye. In the pause that follows, he takes the time to look you over. His gaze lingers on your full lips, then drops to the swell of your breasts beneath your t-shirt. It continues downward, to the curves of your waist and hips outfitted in your favorite pair of short black shorts.
Feeling slightly self-conscious under the weight of his scrutinizing gaze, you unconsciously drop your hands into your lap and look down. You know you should get up and find another seat, or at the very least try harder to make him move. Some feeling you can’t quite place is anchoring you to your current spot. Is it...excitement? Is it arousal?  No. No way .
The previews should be starting in a few minutes, and you’re thankful for the coming distraction.
“Name’s Shaw, by the way.” His voice suddenly cuts through the silence between the advertisements on screen.
Crossing your arms, you look to your left. You decide it can’t hurt, telling him your name. 
“ Y/N ,” you tell him. “It’s nice to meet you, Shaw.”
“Likewise,  Y/N ,” Shaw replies. 
The smirk reappears, but more playful. It doesn’t quite match the look in those topaz eyes. The determination is still there, and you brace yourself for whatever he’s going to try saying next. You know, deep down, that his unrelenting perseverance, charm and good looks might just be your undoing.
Shaw reaches for something behind him. He pulls out an orange bag of Reese’s Pieces, slightly shaking it so the peanut butter and chocolate pieces clink together. He opens the bag, grabs a handful, and drops them in his mouth, his tongue sticking out to catch the pieces in case they fall. You can’t help but stare at the pink wetness and length of his tongue, wondering what it would be like to kiss him and feel it on your own…
Whoa, where did that thought come from ? you ask yourself, confused. Your face feels like an inferno yet again. As if sensing your thoughts, he audibly crunches the candy in his mouth. He swallows, and grins at you.
“Want some, pretty girl? Looking like you do,” Shaw asks, tilting the bag towards you. 
He knows you were staring, and not at the bag of candy.
“U-um...sure,” you stammer, poorly attempting to keep your composure. 
You hold out your hands, cupping them, fully expecting Shaw to pour the mini candies into your palm. Instead, that devilish glint returning to his amber eyes, he pours the yellow and orange candy pieces into his own hand. Confused, you feel your brow furrow slightly, wondering what he’s planning on doing.
Before you can react, Shaw closes the already short distance between you on the recliners. He pushes himself over and encroaches into your personal space. You feel the heat of his body next to yours, his jeans-clad leg brushing up against your bare skin. Your nerve endings feel electrified, your heart beating so hard, it feels like it could explode through your chest at any second.
Shaw leans in, as though he weren’t already close enough. His face is now mere inches from yours. You feel your eyes widen in shock. This close up, his eyes are even more mesmerizing. His skin is perfect, blemish-free, and his lips look so soft, so inviting…He lifts his gloved hand towards your face, fingers lightly brushing your jaw. Then, moving his hand up to your face, he strokes your lips gently with his thumb.
Nonplussed by his move, you feel frozen. You’re unsure of how to react. At the same time, his close proximity and the softness of his skin as he caresses your lips causes goosebumps to flare on your legs and up and down your arms. You start to feel the excitement building within. Giving in to the feeling, you can feel the arousal beginning to pool in your underwear...all caused by this handsome stranger. With a wicked grin, Shaw places his thumb between your lips, pushing against them lightly.
“Open wide, pretty girl,” he coos. 
You part your mouth at his command, your excitement unable to be contained. 
“That’s a good girl,” he murmurs. 
He takes his hand, fingers tilting your chin up. With the other hand holding the candy, he drops them in your mouth slowly, the pieces clinking together when they land on your tongue. He takes his hand away as you close your mouth and chew the candy, bursts of chocolate and peanut butter dancing on your tongue. You swallow, looking at Shaw again, just as the theater lights begin to dim. The previews are starting, and the theater is still deserted.
With that sexy stunt, you feel your chest beginning to rise and fall a little faster. You try to control your breathing. The tension between the two of you escalates with every breath. With that mischievous expression still on his face, Shaw reaches his hand out and cradles your face in his hand.
“Do you want some more, love?” asks Shaw, talking over the volume of the first preview that has begun playing on the screen. 
He runs his tongue over his teeth, almost taunting you. Fully aware of the dangerous double entendre in his words, you feel your arousal escalate, almost unbearable at this point. 
Instead of answering him, you gently grab Shaw’s hand, moving it upwards, towards your lips. 
Deciding to give him a double meaning of your own, you find yourself opening your mouth a bit wider, wrapping your tongue around his index finger. You close your lips around it. He tastes like the sweet candies. You run your tongue underneath his finger softly, then slowly pull it out of your mouth. 
You’re feeling powerful and sexy in the way Shaw is now gaping at you, completely turned on. His expression quickly changes back to his usual cocky, lopsided grin.
“What’s that you said earlier about being six feet apart?” he teases, leaning in towards your ear, so close you can feel his breath tickling the side of your neck. 
He lightly nibbles at the lobe, then moves lower. He kisses your neck, adding another gentle bite. You feel yourself shudder in delight. It’s easy to forget you’re sitting in a movie theater and someone could walk in at any second.
Shaw continues leaving red marks, from your jaw to where your t-shirt begins. He pulls the fabric down, revealing your shoulder, kissing and nibbling. You whimper, your excitement and desperation getting harder and harder to hide with every bite. You feel your nipples starting to harden against the lacey cups of your bra. Sensing your agony, Shaw lifts his head up and grasps your face softly yet firmly.
“Look at you. Getting all hot and bothered,” he coos, his silky voice causing your legs to tremble. 
His hand still holding your face, Shaw lightly turns your head towards his, then crushes his mouth against yours. It muffles your cry of shock, quickly turning it into a gasp of pleasure. You lean further into him, deepening the kiss. You bite his lower lip and cause a slight groan to escape from his mouth. You use this opportunity to meet your tongue with his, hungrily massaging them together. 
Unable to hold back any longer, the titillating stimulation having completely drenched your panties, you break off the kiss. You can feel the excess saliva shining on your chin. You turn to face Shaw, stand up. Then, you swing your leg seamlessly and straddle him, feeling the hardness of his erection between your legs. The leather chair crinkles loudly as you move. He places his hands on your hips, hooking his thumbs through the belt hoops of your tiny black shorts.
“You bad girl,” Shaw taunts, hot breath tickling your ear. “What if someone sees?”
“Then they’re going to get a show,” you quip, silencing him with your tongue.
After a minute, or who knows how long - you’ve long since stopped trying to keep track of time - he pulls away from your hungry kisses, burying his head in your neck, kissing the sensitive skin. You feel Shaw start to lift up your shirt, revealing your lacy black bra. 
His hands run slowly, deliciously up your abdomen. It starts from your hips, tracing the curves of your waist, and finally reaches the band of your bra, slipping his fingers underneath the silky fabric in one fluid motion. Goosebumps dart across your skin at his touch.
His fingers dance across the skin under the band so deliciously, you’re aching for more. When they reach the cups, he pushes them up, your breasts bouncing and spilling out with the sudden freedom. The exposure causes your heart to leap from your chest, but thankfully, no one else is around. You’ve never done something so lewd in public before.
Continuing to kiss your neck, his hands cup your breasts, caressing them gently. Shaw pinches and rolls your nipples between his thumb and index fingers, shooting pleasure straight down between your legs.
He begins his journey of bites and kisses again down your body again, moving from your neck, and down to your breasts. You feel him tonguing your nipple, lightly sucking as his tongue dances across the sensitive skin. He continues with his talented fingers on your other breast. 
You moan, hardly caring about how loud you’re being. All the self-control you tried so desperately to cling onto has been washed away by the hands of a sexy stranger.
The possibility of being caught heightens the adrenaline pumping through your veins. Your desire now akin to a fire, every touch of Shaw’s on your skin only serves to stoke it further. Each nibble, each caress, sends jolts of electricity through your body. Your nerve endings feel as though they’re out of control, each stimulation causing more sensitivity. You bite your lip with the pleasure of it.
Deciding it’s time that Shaw shows some skin of his own, your hands reach up under his loose sweatshirt. Fingers moving delicately, you trace the taut ridges of his abdominal muscles. Taking your cue, he lifts the fabric, pulling it further up. It’s giving you - and anyone who might walk into the theater, for that matter - a full view of his perfectly-sculpted body.
You run your hands up and down the length of his abdomen, drawing heavy breaths from Shaw. His chest rises and falls more rapidly. You lean forward then, lips on his neck, sucking the skin into your mouth. Then, you move over his defined clavicles and pecs, returning the love bites he had so graciously gifted you not much earlier. 
He gasps in pleasure, placing both hands on your ass, barely covered by the fabric of your tiny shorts. He squeezes it as you grind your hips against his thighs. 
Shaw’s hands move to the button of your shorts, undoing it quickly and pulling the zipper down. Your matching black panties peek out from the opening. He pulls them forward slightly, then slips two fingers in. 
He ventures down slowly into your folds, the other hand gripping your inner thigh. A lewd noise escapes from your lips, and you hear Shaw’s breath hitch at the sound of your desperation.
You’re so wet, Shaw’s fingers slide up and down with ease. They linger around your swollen clit, begging to be touched. He teases it with his fingers, sending delicious waves of pleasure up your spine. 
Suddenly, he pulls his fingers out, the sudden absence of them making you hungrier. Your desire is even more fierce. Your pussy is begging to be filled, and you can feel yourself clenching in frustration at having to wait.
Holding up his hand, you see the evidence of your arousal that coats his middle and ring fingers, slick and shiny in the light of the screen behind you.
“Naughty, naughty girl. Getting so turned on in a place like this.” 
He sounds so proud, so full of himself. You lean back slightly, placing some distance between your bodies. Looking down at the sizable bulge in his jeans, seeing that he’s quite obviously just as turned on as you are, you feel your eyebrows raise at him.
“I could say the same for you,” you purr, your voice as smooth as velvet.
Shaw looks at you then, drinking in the sight of you. Lips pink and swollen, your eyes, half-closed and shiny, glazed over with lust, your hair messily falling around your shoulders. T-shirt and bra pushed up, bare breasts bouncing with every movement. His eyes fall on the delicious pinkish-red trail of love bites leading from your neck to your breasts...all in this very public setting. 
He draws a sharp breath in, his cock straining harder against the constricting fabric of his jeans. Excitement is etched all over his skin. He knows he should stop, but he doesn’t want to, and he’s hoping you don’t want to either.
“What are you going to do about it?” Shaw tilts his head up at you, and you recognize the challenge in his words.
“You’ll see.”
Half of your brain screams at you to stop, to end this now before it goes too far. The other half eggs you on, telling you that you only live once. The metaphorical angel and devil sit on your shoulders, each giving you a reason to listen to them. Grinning, you decide to turn towards the devil, abandoning all common sense. The thrill and the pleasure are overloading your senses. All rationale and reasoning are being completely thrown out the window.
You find your hands on the button of Shaw’s jeans, unbuttoning them, and pulling the zipper down slowly. You hook your fingers into the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down. After a few seconds, his fully-erect cock springs out. You widen your eyes in surprise at his length and girth. You’re a bit nervous about your ability to fit him, but you never back down from a challenge.
You grasp a hand around his erection, jerking him up and down a few times. You tease your thumb around the head, drawing out ragged breaths from Shaw. You remove your hand from his cock and, without a second thought, you stand up. Shaw watches you in anticipation. 
The rush is so satisfying, you never want it to end. You’re in complete shock at yourself for feeling like this. What happened to the careful, cautious girl whose motto was “better safe than sorry?”
She’s dead and gone now .
Feeling the adrenaline blazing a trail through your veins, you sink slowly to your knees in front of Shaw’s seat, your eyes never leaving him. His eyes widen, realizing what you’re about to do, and he scoots forward to the edge of the seat.
“You’re crazy!” laughs Shaw, teasing but obviously delighted. “Crazy, crazy girl.” 
You grin, accepting it as a compliment. The adrenaline rush gains more and more momentum. You can feel your pussy throbbing. Your black lacy underwear is completely soaked with the anticipation.
You lean in, grasping his length in your hand, jerking it up and down in slow, tantalizing motions. His pre-cum leaks out, and you dip your tongue into his slit, tasting and lapping up the salty fluid. Removing your hand from his shaft, you use your thumb to caress his head. You run your tongue over the length of his dick, back and forth, as though you’re tasting the most delicious ice cream you’ve ever tasted. 
Shaw looks down at you then: reddened lips, swollen and moist with spit. He inhales sharply, leaning back against the chair as he does so.
Sufficiently lubricated with your saliva, you breathe deep. You open your mouth, accepting his generously-sized dick into it. You’re swallowing around it, your cheeks hollowing with the effort. You’ve never deepthroated any guy as big as him before, and you feel your throat rebelling in protest at the new challenge. You manage to quell the gag and relax your throat muscles. 
His dick fully engulfed in the wet heat of your mouth and throat, you hear Shaw let out a ragged, breathy moan: 
“Fuck, oh, fuck…”
He leans forward again, threading his fingers through your hair. The sudden action forces his cock a little further down your throat than you’d intended. This time, you can’t control the small gag that escapes you. Tears form in your eyes; one manages to escape, and falls down your face. Thankfully, Shaw doesn’t notice, and you continue your movement: back, and forth, swirling your tongue up and down his shaft as you move to the rhythm of a song nobody else can hear. 
Having lost track of time, you continue. The loud music and explosions of a preview of some new action movie is playing behind you. You feel his dick twitch, knowing he’s close.
“F-Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum, pretty girl…” Shaw groans, stroking your hair.
A few seconds later, Shaw finally releases, shooting hot white ropes down your throat. You move your head back, slowly pulling him out of your mouth. You grasp his length once again and slowly move your hand up and down. More of his cum leaks out onto your lips, dribbling onto your chin. He looks down at you then, riding out the final throes of his orgasm as you lick your lips with a grin. You catch the slightly bitter white fluid on your tongue and make a big show of swallowing.
Shaw sits back against the cool leather of the recliner, panting, trying to control his breathing. He grins, the corner of his lip turned up, feeling amused. He can’t believe you had the balls - no pun intended - to suck him off in the movie theater. He thought he would be lucky if he got your phone number, especially considering how cold you were to him at the beginning. Pulling his underwear and jeans back up, he stands up suddenly. He looks at you, still on your knees. 
“Stand up,” he tells you, and you follow his command, getting up slowly. You feel your legs shake slightly.
You sit, in the same space Shaw had been sitting just seconds ago, the chair still warm from his body heat. Without warning, Shaw is now on his knees. Just as quickly, he starts pulling down your shorts and lacy black panties over your legs and feet, discarding them on the floor. You gasp in shock. That cocky upturned smirk returning for the umpteenth time, Shaw revels in your surprise.
“Just returning the favor, yeah?”
Before you can react, he forces your knees apart, spreading your legs. You whimper, slightly ashamed that you’re in this very compromised position. The hunger grows in Shaw’s steady amber gaze. Your pussy is now on full display, the fleshy pink skin coated in the clear fluid evidence of your arousal. 
Shaw begins by hooking his arms around the bottoms of your thighs. He slowly kisses the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, moving closer and closer to where you want him to be most. Your desire feels like agony. It’s like a thirst dying to be quenched, a growling hunger aching to be quelled. After what feels like forever, you feel his tongue flicking at your clit. The sensation sends jolts of pleasure and electricity up through your abdomen and into your chest. 
“Shaw!” you hear yourself crying out his name, overtaken by the combination of pleasure and adrenaline. The fire spreads through your body like a wildfire.
Unhooking an arm from around your thigh, Shaw inserts two fingers into your pussy. They fuck you while his talented tongue works its magic on your clit, alternating between sucking and massaging. His fingers curl up as he plunges them in and out of you, massaging your g-spot. 
Shaw suddenly pulls away from you then, his voice husky. 
“Oh, baby girl, you’re going to be making a mess of that seat.”
He continues his song and dance of getting you off. The combination of his fingers and tongue is almost too much to bear, and you begin to feel the heat between your legs start to rise uncontrollably. You know you’re close, and can feel the pressure building. 
Within seconds, you feel the orgasm reach its crescendo, trails of fire burning from your hips up into your abdomen. Your heart pounds as you dissolve into the pleasure. At the same time, as though in sync, a loud gun “BANG!” sounds off, playing from the preview on the large screen. 
You arch your back, riding it out, savoring the delicious electricity pulsing through your most sensitive nerve endings. There’s a sudden gushing feeling between your legs. Realizing you just squirted for the first time, you clap your hand over your mouth in embarrassment and excitement. The fluid leaks down your leg, pooling on the underside of your thighs.
“You didn’t tell me you were a squirter,” Shaw quips, licking his lips. They’re shiny, coated in your juices. He flashes that gorgeous smile at you.
Figuring that you also weren’t aware based on your lack of response, Shaw stands up, silhouetted by the flashing lights of the screen at the front of the room.
“Think I sufficiently returned the favor, right, love?” he asks, leaning over you. 
Your tongues meet yet again, tasting each other on your lips. As he presses into you further, you notice he’s still hard. You glide your hand over the noticeable bulge, teasing him. He inhales sharply and groans into your mouth, then pulls away.
“Guess you’ve still got another round in you,” you hear yourself say. You immediately feel your face flush, shocking even yourself with your sudden boldness.
“Guess so,” Shaw replies, moving to sit down in the set of recliners to your left. He unbuttons his jeans and pulls them down, his fully-erect cock springing out once again.
“You made a mess of that one, so why don’t we try another seat, yeah?” 
He winks at you, then lifts his hoodie once again to reveal his perfectly sculpted abs. He leans back, his dick resting up against them, enticing you over. You glance around the theater, still somehow empty. You then look back at Shaw, who sits patiently, waiting for your reaction.
The devil that’s still sitting on your shoulder whispers into your ear:  Do it. You’ve already gone this far, what’s a little further ?
You feel a grin forming on your lips as you walk over to Shaw. Pressing against him, you straddle his thighs. You tease his cock with your pussy, your wetness coating him. His breath hitches in anticipation as you hover over him. You slowly lower yourself onto his cock, the delicious feeling of his girth filling you up overcoming all your senses. He stretches your walls and you gasp, never having felt this full before.
At the sound of his moans, the feeling of a dark, sinful, rush flows through your veins. Adrenaline, raw lust and desire are controlling all of your actions. You roll your hips, and he groans louder, placing his hands on them as the dialogue behind you drowns out the sounds of your sins. You bounce up and down, moving to the tempo of a lullaby no one else can hear. He grabs your breasts as you ride him, drawing out a whimper of pleasure.
Shaw thrusts into you, matching your cadence. You lean into him, the two of you pressed together as you fuck without inhibition. The feeling of his cock between your walls is heavenly, and you throw your head back in ecstasy, hair hanging loosely down your back. 
“Hey,” you hear Shaw whisper suddenly, “why don’t we switch it up?” 
The words are breathy, as though it’s hard for him to speak and fuck at the same time.
“What...do you mean?” you answer, confused, though you’re finding it equally as hard to speak coherently.
“Stand up.”
Lifting yourself off of him, you do as he says. You’re in the back of the theater, and if anyone came in just then, they would see your naked behind, save for your t-shirt and bra pushed up as far as possible. 
Shaw remains seated for a few seconds longer. He reaches out behind you and squeezes your supple ass. Your naked, curvy silhouette is framed by the bright lights of the newest science-fiction action movie trailer, and he has never seen anything so sexy before.
Finally, he stands. You watch his movements carefully, your curiosity heightening. Suddenly, he moves behind you, gently pushing his knee between your legs.
“Bend over,” he instructs. 
You obey.
It doesn’t take long to realize what position he wants you in, and his hands reach out to grab your hips as you’re bent over the seat, facing the back of the recliner. You oblige him further by arching your back, deepening the angle for his maximum pleasure.
An initial wave of the fear and paranoia of being caught rolls over you, but you feel it ebb as Shaw begins slamming into you yet again, returning right back to the same rhythm where you had left off in your sinful lullaby. All of your attention is focused on him. His hands rest on your hips, guiding your movement as you push back into him. 
He’s so big, you can feel him filling you all the way. The heightened angle is allowing his cock to go so far, up to where he can reach no further, but thankfully it doesn’t hurt. Instead, you revel in the feeling. You’ve never been fucked by a guy who could slam all the way into you like Shaw does.
His hands grab your ass as you bounce up and down methodically. He moves them back to your hips, guiding them up and down as he thrusts harder and harder into you.
His dick slams into your g-spot repeatedly, and you feel yourself on the verge of shattering once more. Not even seconds later, you hit your climax. The fire pools low in your abdomen. The buildup starts slow as the fire blazes to life, then transforms into a pleasurable inferno, shooting all the way up into your chest.
A cry of ecstasy tears from your throat. Riding out the final throes of your orgasm, your pussy walls clench tighter around his dick, causing him to gasp. The sudden tightening, a torturous yet delicious feeling, becomes nearly too much for him to handle, threatening to make him come undone sooner rather than later.
“Shit, I’m gonna…” Shaw rasps, barely finishing his sentence as he, too, cums, spilling into you.
Breathless and panting, you pull yourself off of him and stand up, your legs shaking so much you have to hold on to the seat in front of you to prevent yourself from tumbling onto the floor. Quickly, you reach down and pull on your underwear and shorts, a little bit relieved to be covered up again. Shaw is also breathing hard. He’s grinning at you as he buttons his jeans, then glancing to the seats to your left. There’s a few wet spots on the seat - the glaring evidence of your sin.
“You certainly made a mess, huh, Y/N?” he teases, leaning towards you, amber gaze burning into yours. “And not just the seats.”
Blushing furiously at the double meaning, you look towards the aisle.
“I-I’ll go get some paper towels,” you stammer, suddenly feeling the need for fresh air.
Running to the bathroom to clean yourself up, you return a few minutes later, several paper towels in hand. You wipe down the seat, hands shaking all the while. When you’re done, you ball up the towels in your hand, moving to throw them out. As you turn to leave, Shaw pulls on your arm.
“Hey, wait. The movie’s starting,” he whispers, holding you in his gaze. You turn towards the screen, and, just as Shaw said, the title screen of the movie flashes across. Something else catches your attention, and you look down to find another couple walking into the theater, whispering loudly about how they made it just in time.
You look back over at Shaw, and he flashes you that gorgeous smile, winking at you as you sink down into the seat next to him. He wraps an arm around you and you start suddenly, but sink into him. His touch is surprisingly comfortable.
“That’s definitely the best way to skip the previews,” he laughs, and you feel yourself smile, the devil on your shoulder winking at you and finally disappearing.
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch.40
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: Rose finds out some wonderful news.
A/N: Nearing the end. There will be about ten more chapters or so. I just want to say thanks to my readers, and I’m glad you’ve been enjoying this story. I have plans to do a Fairytale AU, and I will be posting a preview of it very soon.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​ @sleepiesapphicxoxo​ @frozenhuntress67​
Months later...
It was a quiet day. Rose had decided to spend the day with her family. Minus her father as he was at work, and Charlie as he was busy with Willy for the day. That just left Rose with her mother and grandparents.
Mrs Bucket and Rose were doing the dishes. Grandpa Joe was sweeping up the floor. Grandma Josephine and Grandma Georgina were knitting sweaters and scarves. Grandpa George was fixing a broken clock.
Yep. It all seemed quiet. That is, until Rose found herself feeling nauseated. She didn't want to throw up in the sink, dirtying the dishes even more. So she grabbed the closest thing she could which was an empty mop bucket.
Rose crouched on the floor as puked into the bucket. All the other Buckets shared concerned glances with each other. Mrs Bucket crouched beside her daughter and rubbed her back. "You feeling alright, dear?"
Rose lifted her head up. "Yes, I think I'm—" She vomited again.
"Come on, darling" Mrs Bucket helped Rose to her feet. She guided her over to the couch and sat her down. She then put her hand over her daughter's forehead. "You don't feel feverish. Still, we should take you to the doctor. Just in case"
"Mum, I'm fine" Rose instantly regretting saying that as she puked in the bucket again. "Take me to the doctor, please"
Mrs Bucket grabbed Rose by the arm and helped her to her feet. She made sure to keep an arm around her, in case she was feeling faint and about to fall. "We shouldn't be too long, hopefully" Mrs Bucket addressed the grandparents. "If Nathan, Charlie or Willy show up, tell them we'll be back soon"
The Buckets bid their farewell to the two women. Though, something Grandma Georgina said was very interesting. "You'll be coming back with wonderful news! I know it!"
It was like she knew something.
It wasn't just a simple check up like Rose and Mrs Bucket thought it would be. The doctor suspected something, though he wouldn't say what, and wanted to do a few more tests.
"Mum, what if somethings wrong?" Rose began to panic. "What if I'm sick with something? What if I'm dying!? What would I tell Willy? I can't leave him, mum!"
"Calm down, dear" Mrs Bucket said in a calm tone. She put her hand over Rose's. "I'm sure it's nothing too serious. Probably just a stomach bug or something"
At that moment, the doctor, named Dr Potts, entered the room. He had his clipboard in hand. "We got all the test results back, Mrs Wonka"
Rose's eyes widened in worry. "I'm sick aren't I? I'm sick with something incurable!"
Dr Potts shook his head. " I assure you, you're not sick"
"Oh" Rose sighed with relief.
"But, that doesn't mean the tests didn't find anything"
Mrs Bucket blinked. "And what did my daughter's tests find?"
Dr Potts gave a great big smile. "Congratulations, Mrs Wonka. You're pregnant"
Rose and Mrs Bucket were left speechless. It took a few moments for the news to register with Rose, and when it finally did, her eyes began tearing up. "So... I'm going to be a mom...and Willy... he's going to be a dad"
"Darling," Mrs Bucket looked to her daughter. She smiled and touched her arm. "That's absolutely wonderful! Everyone is going to be so ecstatic"
Rose tried to say something, but she broke out into tears. Mrs Bucket looked to Dr Potts. "Do you mind?"
"Take your time" Dr Potts said before leaving the mother and daughter alone.
Mrs Bucket pulled her crying daughter into a hug. She rubbed her back as she cooed into her ear. "Rose, what's wrong? Aren't you happy?"
"That's why I'm crying!" Rose said. "I haven't cried happy tears like this since the wedding" She smiled the biggest smile she could. "I'm a mom! And Willy is a dad!"
Mrs Bucket smiled. "He's going to be so happy to hear that. I just know it"
When Rose and Mrs Bucket returned home, they shared the news with Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina. All of them were quite excited at the news.
"I knew it!" Grandma Georgina beamed.
"We're great grandparents!" Grandpa Joe exclaimed. "I honestly thought we'd never live to see the day"
"I can't wait until dad finds out! And Charlie! And Willy, of course! Oh, I must tell him right away!" Rose spoke excitedly. She was about to head out the door. "I don't even know what room he's in! Maybe the Oompa-Loompas know!"
"Rose, dear, calm down for a moment" Mrs Bucket said. She grabbed Rose's hand and lead her over to the table. "I understand you're excited, but if you're going to tell Willy, why not make the occasion special?"
"Alright" Rose nodded. She thought of an idea. "Oh! How about a picnic in the park?"
"Couldn't have thought of anything better myself" Grandpa George said.
"That's a wonderful idea, Rose" Grandma Josephine added. "Perhaps a sunset picnic? You could stay out late and watch the stars"
"Even better!"
"I'll get started on preparing a basket. I'll make some sandwiches. And I'm sure there's a spare blanket around here somewhere" Mrs Bucket said. She began looking around for the picnic basket and a spare blanket.
Mr Bucket, at that moment, walked through the door. "Hello Buckets!"
Everyone greeted him back. The grandparents waved. Mrs Bucket made sure to give him a kiss. And Rose made sure to hug him.
That's when she told him the news. "You're going to be a grandfather"
"Oh Rose! That's wonderful news!" Mr Bucket celebrated. He kissed her on the forehead. "Does Willy know yet?"
"I'm going to tell him during a special picnic tonight" Rose explained. "Oh, and please, don't tell Charlie. I want to be the one who tells him"
"Don't worry. We won't say a word" Mr Bucket promised.
Mrs Bucket had the basket all prepared. She made some sandwiches, cut up some fruit and added other snacks to it. She even put in a bottle of apple cider. The blanket was nicely folded on top of everything.
"Mum," Rose spoke up, approaching Mrs Bucket. "Can you add just one more thing to the basket?"
"Of course, dear. Whatever you'd like" Rose handed a note to Mrs Bucket. "What's this?" She opened up the note and read it. It was a beautifully written note that revealed Rose's pregnancy to Willy. Rose thought it was a special way to share the news, and so did Mrs Bucket as she smiled. "I'm telling you dear, he's going to cry when he reads this" She tucked the letter into the basket.
It was just a little before dinner time when Charlie and Willy came to the Bucket house. Willy smiled when he saw his wife. He couldn't help but notice this glow about her. He's actually noticed it for a few days now. Whatever it was, he liked it.
"Hello, my beautiful and most wonderful starshine" He said to her. Of course, he greeted her with a sweet kiss.
"And hello to you, my handsome and most amazing cocoa bean" Rose said. There was no hiding the smile on her face. She was itching to tell him, but it wasn't the right time yet. Not until their picnic. Next, Rose turned to greet Charlie. She crouched so she was level with him and gave him a great big and tight hug. "And of course, a hello to you Charlie. How was your day?"
"It was great" Charlie said. "How about yours?"
Rose just shrugged, acting as if it were like any other day. "Oh, nothing out of the ordinary" She caught eyes with Mrs Bucket, and they both smiled at each other.
Mrs Bucket walked up to Rose and gave her the basket. "Here you are, darling. I've put everything in there"
"Thank you, mum" Rose turned to Willy. "I was thinking we could go on a little picnic tonight. Just you and me. It's been awhile since we've had a proper date"
"I would like that very much, my starshine" Willy said. "We'll take the elevator and find a nice quiet spot. And we can stay out as long as you like"
Rose smiled, wrapping her arms around him, hugging him closely to her as she hummed in content. She couldn't wait to tell him.
The two of them had found the perfect spot on top of a high hill. It overlooked all the bright stars in the sky, and there wasn't another person in sight, meaning that no one would disturb them. On top of that hill, stood a lone cherry blossom tree. Rose and Willy decided to set up their picnic under the pink, beautiful tree.
"Look at all those stars" Rose said, admiring all the twinkling natural lights. "They're so beautiful, don't you think?"
There was only one star that Willy was staring at. And it wasn't any of the ones in the sky. "No star can ever shine as bright or as beautifully as you do" He reached over and pushed her hair behind her ear. "That's what makes you my starshine"
Rose smiled and bit her lip. "Such a romantic you are, Willy"
Willy cupped her face. "Only for you" He leaned in, pressing a soft and sweet kiss to Rose's lips. When the kiss ended, he admired her beautiful face. The glow from the moonlight accentuated the natural glow that she had developed. "I've noticed this recent glow about you. I really like it"
"Well, there might be a reason why I've been glowing recently"
Willy tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"Why don't you look in the basket?"
He opened up the basket and took a peek inside. "Hmm. I see some food, and there's a bottle of apple cider in here. Wait, what's this?" Willy noticed the letter and took it out of the basket. "Starshine, what's this?"
"Read it" Rose excitedly urged him.
Willy opened up the letter and he began reading it.
My love,
Words cannot express how much I love you. And words cannot express the happiness that I'm feeling on this very day. And I hope you will feel that same happiness when I tell you why.
Besides the Bucket family, we've been a family of two for quite some time now. Just you and me. But that's going to change. Because today, I found out that we're welcoming a new member into our family.
Willy, you're going to be a father.
When Willy reached the end of the letter, his heart swelled. He looked up at his wife. And the smile on her face made his heart swell up more. "I'm going to be a dad?"
"Yes" Rose whispered.
She hadn't ever seen Willy cry before. He hadn't even cried during their wedding. Rose did plenty of that for the both of them.
This was Rose's first time seeing Willy Wonka cry. But she knew they weren't sad tears. They were happy tears.
"Oh, cocoa bean" Rose cooed, cupping his face and wiping away his tears.
"I'm going to be a papa!" Willy exclaimed. His arms wrapped around Rose and he hugged her tightly. "We're having a little jellybean! Oh, Rose! I'm so happy!" He giggled out in pure joy.
"I knew you would be"The two of them kissed.
Then they ate the wonderful food that Mrs Bucket had prepared for them. They stayed very late into the night, finding themselves making love to each other.
It was very quiet and late when the Wonkas made their return to the factory. There was one more person Rose had to tell the news to, and she knew he'd be fast asleep right now. But Charlie wouldn't mind.
The two of them stopped in front of the Bucket house, and proceeded to speak in whispers as to not wake any of them up. "Will you be alright without me for tonight?" Rose asked Willy.
"I'll be fine, starshine. Don't worry" Willy assured her. He gave her a kiss. "I know that you're still in the factory at least"
Rose smiled and caressed his cheek. "Have sweet dreams of me"
Willy returned her smile. He placed his hand overtop of hers. "I'm already living the sweetest dream with you" He brought her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "Goodnight, starshine" He got down on his knees and grabbed Rose by the waist. "And goodnight to you, my precious jellybean" Willy cooed to his unborn child, and pressed another kiss to Rose's stomach.
Rose couldn't help but smile. Willy was already such a wonderful father. He stood back onto his feet. Rose grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into one more kiss. "Goodnight, cocoa bean" She whispered to him.
They finally parted ways. Willy made his way back to their home in the Garden Room, while Rose entered the Bucket house. She was careful not to make any noise. She didn't want to risk waking her family up, even though they wouldn't be furious if she did. There was just enough dim light coming from the Chocolate Room, peeking in through the cracks and windows that Rose could see where she was stepping.
She made it up to Charlie. She removed her boots and carefully crawled into bed with him. Charlie could feel his bed dipping, so he slowly opened his eyes to see what it was. He smiled when he saw his sister. "Rosie?" He said quietly. "What are you doing here?"
"I need to tell you something, Charlie" She said. "And I'm too excited to wait until morning"
"What is it?"
"You're going to be an uncle"
"Really?" Charlie's eyes sparkled with joy and wonder. "That's wonderful news, Rosie. What did Willy say when you told him?"
"He was so happy that he started to cry" Rose said. Her eyelids were becoming heavy. "I think it's time we both get to sleep, Charlie"
Charlie snuggled into Rose, and she wrapped her arms around him. "Goodnight, Rosie"
"Goodnight, Charlie"
The two siblings drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
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shuahoonie · 5 years
you. [tom holland] - three.
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!celebrity!reader
SUMMARY: ah, to be young and in love. it sounds great if only you and tom were actually dating out of pure love and not for the sheer reputation of your careers. it also should be great if you two actually got along, but life isn’t that easy.
WARNINGS: mostly swearing! mentions of alcohol! a bit of fluff, a bit of angst. it’s haters to lovers / fake dating au so take that information as you wish!
SONG INSPO: our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn’t get sued - fall out boy  
A/N: aaah, hello babes! i have been writing a lot since the new year ngl, it is so refreshing to just write and not stress about stuff. although that’ll change as i head back to university tomorrow [technically today lmao] and face a shit ton of papers and readings!!! anyways, happy reading and enjoy part three!
gif credits @peteparkrrs​
vanessa’s masterlist | preview | one | two | four | five | six | seven | eight | eight.5 [interview excerpt] 
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“Why, I found a solution to your problems, my dears.” Zoë smiled, almost too sickly.
You were starting to get anxious. Is it your manager or is it because of the coffee? Probably both.
You waited for her to continue and what she said afterwards almost made you spat your drink.
“You and Tom will fake-date for damage control,” Zoë said as if it was the most obvious solution.
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked, practically choking on your drink. Has she gone mad?!
“You,” Your manager pointed at you “and Tom” She then gestured to the devil sitting beside you “will be acting as a fake couple.” 
“God, please tell me this is just a horrible dream.” You practically begged as you closed your eyes, trying to convince yourself that you’re just asleep and this, whatever this is, will be over as soon as you open your eyes. 
“How did you two end up to this conclusion, may I ask?” Tom asked, equally appalled at the resolution that was dropped in front of you two. 
“It’s the only thing that made sense after the theatrics that you two pulled,” Matthew spoke up. “Setting the illusion that you two are secretly dating and got into a small fight last night, which ended up with Y/N pouring her drink on Tom.” 
“That was a small fight? What if we had a big one?” Tom scoffed “Will she kill me then?” 
You smirked at him. “Why, that’s the first thing that I liked from all of the nonsense you just said.” 
Tom rolled his eyes at you. “I still don’t see how dating for publicity solves what happened last night,” Tom spoke up, in which you had to agree. None of it made sense after all. 
“Then how exactly are you two going to explain the scene from last night?” Zoë asked with her arms crossed. 
“I’ll be glad to confirm to the world that Tom Holland is an asshole since he called me a leech,” You said almost nonchalantly. People were starting to paint Tom as the bad guy in the narrative, and all four you were aware of it. 
“No one will be telling anything,” Tom jeered. “No one will be telling anything because it’s none of their business. They shouldn’t care about these things in the first place.” 
“Hate to break it to ‘ya, bud, but see this?” You showed him your phone, the screen showing Twitter’s trending tab and there it showed over a hundred thousand tweets about you two. “People made it already their business.” 
Tom massaged his temples. “What, are you on board with this idea now?” 
“Fuck no,” You hissed. “As much as I hate to say this but Holland’s right, we don’t have to anything about this.” 
“You two don’t have a choice,” Matthew commented. “If you two chose to disregard this, the people wouldn’t let this go. It will always be asked in interviews, they would only speculate more.” 
“God, why did you even go to that specific club.” You grumbled at Tom. “Of all clubs in Los Angeles.” 
“Why are you putting this on me? None of this would’ve happened if it wasn’t for you!” Tom argued. 
“I wouldn’t have done what I did if it wasn’t for your stupid mouth!” You were fuming. 
“Look, it’s a win-win for both of you. Tom will clear up his image by giving an impression of how your little couple’s argument escalated. As for Y/N, she’ll be receiving a lot of publicity for this. It’s good for a rising-star to have this much publicity.” Zoë proclaimed. 
“Jesus, you really are a leech,” Tom mumbled under his breath. However, you still caught it. 
“Call me that one more time and I swear you’ll be going home with not only ruined clothes but also with a bruise on your precious face.” You threatened, narrowing your eyes at him. 
“So it’s settled then?” Matthew asked, “You two are going to do it?” 
Tom just shrugged, probably defeated knowing he won’t stand a chance in this argument. He does have this reputation to uphold and he’s not going to let someone ruin it. 
You, however, felt too brave. You shook your head no and said, “You can’t make me.” 
Zoë raised her eyebrow at you, taking it as a challenge. “Try me.” 
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“Remember to hold hands, kids!” Zoë said giddily as she waved goodbye. 
“I am going to kill her,” You gritted in between your teeth as you left the building with the devil quickly fixing his hair. 
“I might actually take you up on that and add my manager into the mix,” Tom grumbled and adjusted his shirt. Tom decided to leave his jacket at the office and figured that a white shirt paired with denim pants was enough. He claims that he looks toned down and his outfit is so casual that people might not notice him. 
You begged to differ. Even if he is just wearing a plain shirt and the most basic denim pants, Tom will still attract people’s attention. The fabric of his shirt clung to his body like second skin. It shows how fit he is and you weren’t one to deny that. 
No matter how little effort Tom puts in regards to dressing himself, he still looked good. That annoyed you. 
“Okay, so the first thing to get this ship sailing-” Zoë stopped and turned to Matthew, “Hah, get it, Matt? I learned it from the internet. Apparently, a ‘ship’ is slang for relationship.” She raved. 
“Oh, that’s sick.” Matthew agreed. 
You let out a huge groan. “God, it’s like watching my parents learn internet lingo all over again.” Not to mention having flashbacks of your early internet days, stumbling over Tumblr with ‘Destiel’ mentioned everywhere. What a time.
Tom, on the other hand, had his face buried in his hand. He seemed like he was equally embarrassed and frustrated with this entire situation. 
“You two are going to have lunch together at this newly opened restaurant. It’s not far from here, don’t worry.” Zoë stated. She mentioned the name of the place, also adding the fact that you and Tom had to walk there. 
“You want us to walk?! This whole area is crawling with paparazzi.” Tom noted. 
“You two will be fine, they can’t hurt you.” Zoë dismissed you two. 
“The restaurant is a couple of blocks away,” You pointed out after searching the place on Google maps. 
“See it as a quick exercise,” Matthew implored. “You two are young, you’ll manage.” 
So here are you both now. You were walking with a complete asshole, who’s apparently now your boyfriend, on the way to this restaurant and waiting to be devoured by paparazzi. 
It was a quiet walk if you two were being honest. You expected more irritating remarks from Tom and you were ready to give out your snarkiest replies, however, you two were now walking in silence. 
It was actually a nice day in Los Angeles. It wasn’t too hot and humid, unlike most days. It wasn’t also that busy in the streets, which is odd, you thought. The day was perfect-too perfect.
Well, it was until you saw a man with a camera hiding behind one of the parked cars along the street. 
Tom seemed to take notice of the figure you just saw and put on a neutral face. “It’s showtime,” Tom said under his breath, loud enough for you two to hear. 
You two were walking alongside each other with close proximity, yes, but you weren’t going to hold hands. As much as to Zoë’s dismay, you thought and restraining yourself from rolling your eyes. 
You could hear the clicks of the camera and with every step, it seemed like the number of clicks multiplied. It only made you feel uneasy, you felt your chest tightening. 
You suddenly wished that you never agreed to this, no matter how much they pressured you. You didn’t mind your state of fame before. A handful of people recognize you from the Sci-Fi Thriller, Alchemist. You were also known for your Twitter and how you absolutely gave no fucks with whatever you tweet. Zoë had a problem with that before, but she just let it go since your account says a lot about your personality. 
However, none of that bothered you. You liked that people recognized you but still managed to get on with your life without getting disrupted. 
Tom glanced at you, noticing how you seemed like you were out of it. He could sense that you were taking deeper breaths than you did before. He frowned, Is she not used to this? Tom wondered. He carefully thought of what to do and just mumbled “Oh, fuck it,” and reached for your hand. 
It caught you off-guard. Oh boy, did you react so rashly. 
“What the hell are you doing, Holland?” You asked as you yanked your hand back. 
“I’m trying to help you,” He grumbled as he took your hand again, holding it firmly this time. “You looked like you were about to have a panic attack. I figured you’d rather have your attention somewhere else.”
“What if people see and-” 
“And what?” Tom cut you off, “They assume that we’re dating? Aren’t we supposed to be, princess?”
You weren’t expecting Tom to wrap his hand around yours nor did you expect him to help you ease your nerves down, so you ended up staring at him. You were trying to figure out what kind of stunt is he trying to pull now. 
He turned his attention to you, his brows knitted slightly. “Why are you staring, princess?” He chuckled softly, amused at the confusion painted on your face. 
What are you trying to do, Holland? You thought. 
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bostoniangirl85 · 4 years
Untitled Inspector Gadget fanfic preview (80s verse)
Hey all! So as an apology for taking so long with the next chapter of ‘Through Thick and Thin’, here is an extended excerpt from a multi-chapter IG fic I’m working on. 
Brief summary - Penny is 16, Gadget’s memories and mental processes have finally gotten back online after being deliberately suppressed for years due to evil powers-that-be. He finally finds out the truth about Penny and Brain solving his cases over the years and doesn’t handle it well. At all.
He doesn’t give a damn about his reputation - only the fact that Penny placed herself in danger so many times for him - and reacts how any parent would and Freaks. Out. He tries to push Penny away out of guilt and fear that he’s just going to hurt her and place her in danger now that M.A.D. knows he’s regained his memories.
Stuff happens, they have a really bad argument because they care so much about each other and a lot has happened to change their dynamic in too short a time.  
Penny gets kidnapped by the bad guys (like, really, really Bad Guys) and is missing for a few months. She then rescues herself and Brain (natch) and finally gets reunited with her uncle after almost three months apart.
Gadget, during Penny’s absence, nearly reaches his breaking point mentally and emotionally and is struggling to reconcile all the years he lost while being used as an idiotic puppet and his own guilt.
Penny and Brain remind him that all those things don’t matter so long as they’re together.
The ringing of the alarm clock startled Gadget awake. It was early evening and the sun was setting. For a moment he forgot where he was until he remembered that Quimby had secured hotel rooms for him and the other Metro PD officers that had come with Gadget.
“Go go Gadget hand,” he groaned. Said hand appeared and quickly reached over across the bed, shutting the alarm off.
He blinked open bleary eyes, relieved that Penny was still asleep. At some point he had laid down in his sleep and was resting close to Penny who was still asleep, he noted with relief.
Seeing his niece’s peaceful face suddenly made every emotion that he had been fighting back for weeks come roaring back with a vengeance.
“Oh, Penny,” he whispered, reaching out with a shaking hand to caress the rich gold strands that he thought he would never touch again. 
When Penny unconsciously leaned into his touch the trusting gesture was the final breaking point for Gadget after weeks, months of nightmares and unbearable guilt.
A sob broke free before he could muffle it and he dropped his face into his hand, struggling to retain his composure.
“Uncle?” Penny stirred and lifted her head, blinking in the faint light. “Uncle Gadget? What’s wrong?” Gadget shook his head. He would not put any more responsibility on his niece’s shoulders. He would not.
“I-I’m fine,” he managed. Not trusting himself to speak further, Gadget rolled away from Penny so that he was staring at the wall. He swallowed hard, fighting to regain some form of control.
Now it was Penny’s turn to offer comfort and she did so, scooting closer and wrapping her arms around Gadget’s tense torso.
“No, you’re not,” she said gently.
Gadget stiffened and briefly considered getting up - almost did, in fact - but his niece’s next words froze him in place.
“You promised...no more hiding from each other, remember?” Gadget felt tears burn at the back of his eyes and he clenched them shut. “I-I thought you were dead.”
“What?” “The location we went to...there was blood everywhere...it tested as your blood…” “Oh, Uncle…”
“I thought I had lost you...all I could think about was the last time I saw you we had argued…” “Uncle Gadget…” Penny sounded close to tears herself and that finally did it for Gadget. He rolled over and pulled Penny into his arms, clutching at her shoulders as all the grief he had bottled up suddenly came pouring out.
He pressed his face against Penny’s neck, shaking with sobs as he clutched her tightly. 
“It’s okay, Uncle,” Penny soothed. “I’m here, I’m safe, it’s okay…” she said, rocking him a bit. 
She pressed as close as she could to her uncle, knowing the physical contact would soothe him, twining their legs together and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry….” he gasped out between harsh sobs, sounding so devastated that Penny struggled not to cry herself. 
She wasn’t sure what else to do so she just held onto him, just as Gadget had done for her earlier. His large hands clutched at her shoulders like a lifeline, his arms wrapped around her back in an encompassing embrace. His entire frame was shaking so hard that Penny actually feared for a moment that he might hurt himself.
“I’m safe, Uncle Gadget,” Penny murmured. She brushed kisses against his damp cheeks and jaw. “I knew you’d find me, no matter what it took,” she whispered in his ear.
She felt him shake his head, his harsh breathing hot and ragged against her neck. “You had more faith in me than I did,” he said raggedly.
“I’ll always have faith in you, Uncle Gadget. Enough for both of us.”
That made fresh tears spring to his eyes and he clung to her as much as he could, holding onto her shoulders, her hair, anything to keep her as close as possible.
Penny suspected that there was more to her uncle’s grief than just her being missing and delayed shock but she didn’t speak. Words didn’t matter right now.
She kept murmuring soft shushing noises to Gadget, who suddenly seemed desperate to reassure himself that she was safe and whole. He pressed kisses to her brow, her cheeks, her nose - anywhere he could reach - between ragged gasps and sobs.
After he had calmed somewhat he realized how tightly he was clinging to Penny and finally managed to pull back a little. “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” “No, of course not,” she said. “Just...” Penny’s expression faltered, her brave expression finally giving way to reveal her own exhaustion and fear that she had stubbornly pushed aside for days. “Keep holding me?” she asked, her voice quavering and suddenly sounding heartbreakingly young and vulnerable.
Gadget nodded, pulling her close again but this time holding her as if she were made of spun glass. His breathing was still somewhat erratic but he seemed calmer as he held her.
Penny wiped away a tear track that lingered on his cheek with gentle fingers. Gadget caught her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. “I’ll never leave you alone again,” he vowed softly, kissing her fingers between the words.
Penny gave him a brilliant smile, her own eyes moist with tears. “That makes two of us, Uncle.”
Gadget managed a rather shaky smile of his own. Penny leaned towards him, snuggling against him as he brushed soft kisses against her hair and forehead. He pressed his face against her throat again, feeling the strong, steady pulse thrumming against his own skin.
Alive, he told himself. She was alive and safe...this was real. They were both safe.
Penny rested a slender hand against his chest, where she could feel his own heart beating along with the slight hum of intricate circuitry. She felt Gadget cover her hand with his own, his other carding through her hair.
She let out a soft puff of laughter when the bridge of her uncle’s nose tickled the sensitive skin of her neck. 
It felt so wonderful to hear that laugh again, Gadget thought, his heart so full that he wondered that his electrical system didn’t short-circuit from the strength of his feelings. He nuzzled against Penny’s throat again, earning another beautiful laugh, but suddenly froze when he noticed the bruises.
He hadn’t noticed them earlier - Penny had been wearing a borrowed female officer’s coat - but now that she was wearing a spare t-shirt and shorts Gadget had given her (that were far too big on her) he could see them in stark, brutal detail.
Shocked, Gadget sat up and quickly turned on the bedside lamp before reaching for Penny.
He tilted her chin up and aside so he could better examine the bruises that wrapped around her throat like a ghastly tattoo. 
“Penny, what…” he couldn’t get any other words out, shock and fury momentarily robbing him of speech. The marks were clearly in the shape of fingers. There were similar marks all along her upper arms, as well as abrasions on both of her wrists.
“Uncle Gadget, it’s fine, I’m okay...” Gadget wasn’t listening. A horrible, unspeakable suspicion rose in his mind and he stood quickly, pulling back the covers. Penny let out a squeak as the cold air hit her skin but Gadget’s focus was riveted on her legs.
Penny’s shins and knees were mottled with bruises and scrapes. Even worse there were dark, ugly lacerations across her ankles that still had flecks of dried blood on them. Gadget knew enough from his days as a police officer to recognize the pattern of bruising and they definitely matched with Penny being restrained.
Oh dear God, what if…
Penny saw the horror in her uncle’s eyes and realized what he was thinking. She quickly rose to her knees, wincing a bit but determined as ever. She reached out and held his face, making sure he could look at her and see the truth in her eyes.
“Uncle Gadget, it’s alright! I’m okay, really.”
“Penny, what...what happened?” Gadget finally managed to get the words out. “I did most of that to myself trying to escape,” she assured him, gesturing to the marks on her wrists and ankles. “It was pretty uncomfortable, but it worked in the end.”
As if sensing his dark thoughts Penny let go of his face and took his hands in her own.  “I promise, Uncle Gadget, all they did was shove me around. Nothing else. Mostly they left me alone - I think they had orders not to hurt me.”
Gadget stared at her for a long moment before nodding.
She smiled and added, “You should have seen their faces when they saw that I had escaped. It was priceless!” That finally got a small, weak laugh out of Gadget. “Good girl,” he said, his voice warm with pride.
“I’m okay, Uncle,” she repeated.
Gadget gave her a doubtful look and she conceded, “Well, maybe a little sore, but I promise nothing worse happened. I wouldn’t keep something like that from you,” she added softly.
The inspector saw the truth in Penny’s steady gaze and calm tone and finally felt his earlier horror fade, even if his fury didn’t.
He gently took hold of Penny’s shoulders and carefully helped her lie back down. Once she was settled he sat down on the bed next to her and gestured towards her nearest leg. “Can I?” She nodded and he carefully took hold of her slender ankle, not for the first time struck by how fragile her bird-like bones felt in his own large hands. He carefully manipulated each ankle, relieved that the joints seemed to be stiff and swollen but otherwise undamaged.
Throughout his ministrations Gadget kept every one of his enhanced senses centered on Penny, alert to the slightest hint of distress or discomfort. 
He then turned his attention to her shins, carefully pressing against the bones to better determine if there were any signs of sprains or breaks. Her right knee was a bit swollen and when he carefully prodded it Penny winced.
“I think you should get this looked at tomorrow,” he said. “And get those,” he added, shooting a look at her battered and scraped legs, “cleaned.” Penny nodded, too tired to argue. 
Once Gadget had assured himself that Penny didn’t seem injured beyond scrapes and bruises (and a few sore limbs) he pulled the sheets back up to her waist. He hesitated, suddenly unsure if his niece would want some space after everything.
He very much wanted to hold her again but didn’t want to cause her any unnecessary pain or discomfort. Fortunately Penny seemed to decide for him, because she tugged at his arm and he carefully climbed into the bed next to her.
Penny shifted a bit, finally deciding that staying on her back was the most comfortable position for her knee. Gadget rested on his side close to her, exhausted but too many thoughts running in his head for him to even consider sleep.
”Are you okay, Uncle Gadget?” Penny asked softly, even now perceptive as always to his moods.  Gadget wasn’t sure if he’d ever be ‘okay’ again but he nodded anyway, his tense frame easing somewhat as Penny scooted as close as she could to him. 
“Do you need anything?” he asked once he trusted himself to speak. “No, thank you,” his niece murmured. “Just stay until I fall asleep again?”
Gadget nodded, running the back of his hand down her cheek before pressing the lightest of kisses, more a mere brush of lips than anything, against the bruised skin of her neck.
It was an incredibly tender gesture and Penny didn’t think she had ever felt more safe or loved as she did then. She knew her uncle was a deeply caring man but the raw tenderness he was showing her proved without a shadow of a doubt how shattered he had been while she had been missing.
Gadget gently stroked her slender arm that was splotched with bruises. “Oh sweetheart,” he murmured, fighting back another surge of anger. Penny didn’t need his anger now, he told himself firmly. That could wait for later.
Instead he focused on kissing each bruise, comforted by the feel of soft, warm skin, hoping that he was at least temporarily erasing any lingering pain she might be feeling.
He kissed her bruised throat one more time before nuzzling down to her shoulder. “Tell me if I hurt you,” he whispered against her skin, his voice thick with emotion. Penny nodded, looking confused and then smiling softly as Gadget brushed his lips down her arm. 
“You’re so brave, Penny,” he said, finally looking up into those beautiful eyes that he loved so much. “I’m so proud of you,” he added again.
He repeated his earlier ministrations, brushing his nose and lips against those ugly bruises. Penny relaxed further in his arms as she slipped towards sleep only to shift a bit uneasily.
“Go to sleep,” Gadget murmured, correctly guessing that she was afraid to close her eyes, that the nightmares would come again. He knew all too well how that felt. 
“That’s it...close your eyes…” he coaxed gently, trailing the words in soft promises down her bruised throat. 
He cupped the back of her head with one hand, stroking her scalp while his other arm stayed draped protectively around her waist.
“It's alright, sweetheart,” he murmured against the hollow of her throat. “I’m here, I won’t leave you…”
“Promise?” Penny murmured, giving one last rally against sleep.
“I give you my word, Penny,” her uncle replied, voice still soft but with a note of steely determination in it. “Go to sleep,” he repeated gently.
And she did, finally feeling safe.
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