#if you saw an edit no no you didnt thank you for not reblogging
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juniemunie · 1 year ago
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more deltarune sansnomaly cuz its feeding the ideas a lot
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magnusbae · 2 years ago
i think anon was probably talking about web view, since my web view also recently switched to something absolutely horrific. LOOK at this. what what WHAT.
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WHAT IS THIS WHAT IS THIS WHAT IS THIS WHA - - -- - - NMO N O NO N O N O!!!!!!!! oh my god NO!!!!!
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sheepispink · 16 days ago
Yeah so you absolutely did not respect the "MDNI" on the original author's account, you just decided to steal the idea. You ABSOLUTELY crossed their boundaries. Not cool.
Hi, i really do not want to hurt anyone in the community and/or discourage anyone in any sort of way. First of all, i’ve seen loads of hybrid bots on c.ai before, which is sometimes where i garner some inspiration from because they always have cool ideas!
I always try to credit where possible and if someone asks im glad to take it down. However with this situation i was confused, all i saw was the summary of their story in which ghost was assigned a hybrid and not happy about it. It made me think about how i could go full angst on the situation especially because i also saw an emotional support ptsd pet reader by twixlocation (cai bot) that i used months ago, and assessana on tiktok and cai also did hybrid bots where there was a handler. Plus i figured mine would be totally different anyway, and probably go off the rails from the op’s eventual idea which i think had tags like eventual love and stuff.
I’m young and still learning how to interact in fandom spaces and i understand that the creator may not want to interact with me given that i’m a minor. In my mind, ‘minors do not interact’ meant that minors werent allowed to interact with their page, likes, follows, reblogs etc. Also loads of mdni accounts do actually follow me so i assumed it was ok if they message me as long as i dont interact with their posts?
I didnt think the idea was something so specific but now i have looked at my own fic (that i wrote on a whim late at night and so the editing wasnt the best) and had another person confirm for me, i see that i used the puppy hybrid, and the fact that they were a rescue and a few other similar details. I will make amendments to the premise so it’s not as similar anymore.
I know the creator cannot see this but if you could relay the message that i am incredibly sorry for any harm i may have done to them and i will do my best to not make the same mistake in the future. I wish the best for them and their account and i’d be happy if anyone could educate me or send me posts relating to fandom etiquette. Someone had also sent me an ask saying i followed it properly so again i really didnt know and thought i did the right thing.
At the end of the day, i’ve made a mistake and i just hope you can see through my thought process that it was a stupid mistake, and im not trying to excuse anything here. Thank you for addressing me about this, i hope we can all have a good time in this fandom and nothing happens again like this. ❤️
Edit: when i meant cai bot, i meant the intros, made by REAL people. I dont use ai to create my works in anyway. I’ve only ever used grammar checkers eg the google chrome extension.
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nevertheless-moving · 11 months ago
Sorry to anyone who saw my stormlight au 3 renarin/kaladin because no you didn't cause i didnt mean to post it yet I don't know how that happened. Thank you for tour nice words. Will repost once I actually finish editing and scenes dont end mid sentence. If you reblogged it would you mind...maybe making it private? I swear I'll post the finished version s oon.
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josephtrohman · 5 months ago
i saw you were pissed off by hate and i have to say even when i havent been going there that often these days, your joetrick is always a joy to engage with! you ask the (very reasonable) ''dont come at me with hostility'' and do no hostility in return and it makes it so easy and pleasant to fall back further in love with the ship. and your opinions on them are always very correct shdfghsdsh
so i hope you know youre a beloved member of foblr and i wanted to share youre the joetrick warrior of all time* to me <3 *except when theyre in the middle of playing sugar or saying things like ''of course patrick was the only one who read my book'', that brings you down to number 3 for a moment, i hope you understand
(i mean all of this genuinely and with love. idk if i was able to express it right but i hope so)
anon this is such a sweet message to receive 😭💘 i rambled so much cuz im sleep deprived so im editing to put under a cut but main point i love u
to give The Thing i was mad at some grace or whatever, it was like. more indirect in the sense of someone reblogging something negative and then right after coming into MY HOUSE and reblogging my post made with joetrick intent (puppy joe post…lolol). BE SERIOUS...and tbf when i saw the negative post i was already in a volatile state and then the negative post itself just pissed me off too cuz why make a post like that about a ship no one gaf about anyway...like what it'd ever do to u that u need to Take A Stand?? it's one thing to not like joetrick cuz idgaf about that cuz IT'S NORMAL and also im used to it lol but why feel compelled to post...like i dont really like ******* [<-small ish ship as well. for the record. before anyone attacks me and assumes it's something else] but i would NEVER make a public post about it. like talk about yucking someone's yum. anyways sorry im rambling, i acknowledge it's not that deep but also at my core i am a volatile person and kind of a hater etc like girl calm downnnnnn (me talking to myself). but at the same time i didnt choose to be born a fire sign so really like is it my fault.../j
also OUTSIDE of the annoying thing, thank you for this message, im happy that u agree with my opinions on them and also thee way i love joetrick helps u fall further in love with them in some small ways <3 once again i'll never be upset if it's not someone's thing bc that is normal it's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea lol, but i appreciate that i can help u love them :3 and genuinely means a lot about the "beloved foblr member" cuz im like MAN i make myself mad here like almost every day and sometimes that deactivate button be looking absolutely delicious (outside of this particular incident btw there are some insane ppl with insane takes)........but uh anyways thank you calling me the joetrick warrior too 😭❤️ it's a title i wear proudly so tysm!!!!! (i also am sleep deprived as hell and a lil slow so i assume you mean im third in those two situations cuz they themselves are #1 and #2??? maybe. but either way even if i was third to any other beloved moots it'd still mean so much to me 🫡)
and yes the love came thru don't worry!!! i find it so very sweet you would leave this message, it's a reminder that tumblr is always not a cesspool of things that make me maddddd 😭❤️ and i send you many smooches sweet angel i hope u have a lovely day💘
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usermari · 2 years ago
Hiii ! Seeing as you're not afraid *alexa plays 'she's not afraid' by one direction* to speak up and since we're reporting antis/haters to fellow larries, allow me to help some more. I was editing my tags from hslot and noticed that quite a few of the posts I reblogged from my mutuals then originated from antis (unbeknown to them most probably).
To all hiddies lovers, please note that: - @mummymilkersontour are antis and wishing us to leave their blog (see that post from them: https://www.tumblr.com/mummymilkersontour/722034440021426176?source=share ) and which I gladly did after blocking them. - @hiddiesontour are the safe larrie alternative ( as I assumed from this post: https://www.tumblr.com/hiddiesontour/724009656286101504/i-saw-that-hihi-i-didnt-know-you-were-also?source=share ) - @hiddiesareout from their bio seem to not discriminate and accept people from all side for those who'd like a neutral option. Hope you don't mind me borrowing your ask box for this. And thank you for your previous posts!! It was really helpful as I don't always spot the haters. Especially those who don't have a clear 'larries dni' in their bio and just curse us on some random post. Anyway, love ya purple bubble of love, bye xx
hi anon!!! i don’t mind at all!!! thank you for bringing this to attention. it’s very important to me that fellow larries feel safe and comfortable within the fandom
hiddiesareout is run by some of my close friends so i can assure you it’s 100% safe for everyone. so for hiddies lovers, check them out!!!
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years ago
Hi! I'm not sure what the Tumblr etiquette is here, so if I misstep forgive me, but I wanted to let you know that I used a screenshot with your name on it on a post about 1960's fanfic - which, to my surprise, has apparently "done the numbers" and has like 15k notes on it now:
It wasn't exactly a reblog because I was still figuring out how stuff worked, so you're not getting notifications about it - I think you had reblogs turned off. If that means you object to your writing being circulated, it wasn't my intention to disrespect that and I'm sorry.
I'm not even sure how to bring it up now, or if an ask is even the right format, but it seemed like the right thing to at least let you know that like fifteen thousand people have seen a blurb you wrote in support of older women in fan spaces. If you want me to edit the post I'm happy to of course, but it, uh, it seems to be really resonating with people.
P.S. I saw your posts about college - that sounds rough! I'm so sorry you're struggling with it! I'm not going to advise you whether or not to keep going, because everyone is different; I'm just going to remind you to reach out for help, and to listen to yourself, and to be kind to yourself. Good luck ~
hey! i saw that post floating around and yes i did turn rbs off but mostly because the post was blowing up and i simply didn't want to see the notifs anymore. i don't necessarily have a problem with you screenshotting the post and using it since you still included my url and everything plus the post itself isnt super novel anyways
you don't have to edit it!! im glad the message got to people some other way. at the time of posting i had like two separate text notes absolutely wreaking havoc on my notifs so i just turned off rbs for both. i appreciate you reaching out anyways, but seriously no need for apology!! i didnt see it as disrespectful. if i turn off rbs and people still want to rb some other way it is what it is yk. its out of my hands at some point
im glad it resonates and i mean what i said lmao. i think the disrespect of older women in fandom is insane because 99.9% of amazing fanwork comes from that demographic of people. i would know!! they are my friends and mutuals!!!!
re : ps : thank you!! its whooping my ass but ill be okay. thanks for the warm wishes and kindness in general, always appreciated!! hope you're having a great day!
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majjiktricks · 2 years ago
1 and 4 for mgs with the ask game?
media questions metal gear:
1. what originally drew me to it i had kinda always seen it in like. the periphery of my experience online tbh. one artist i followed for yakuza got into it (and went absolutely fucking insane over snavid. it was interesting to watch as an outsider bc they actually went like. entirely horny coocoo bananas it was funny) and then i saw more ppl i was following get into it and i kinda just. decided to join in. the remember the tipping point that got me to actually buy and play mgsv was literally a gifset nate reblogged of shirtless venom in a cutscene with that little collar microphone and i just went "hi 😳" i played mgr first because i already owned it on steam (and was terribly confused with the lore the whole time), then bought v for like $4 bc definitive edition was on sale LOL i would say money very well spent.
4. a character I couldn’t care less about hrm. i think most of the cast is really interesting and i love them, and there are a few that i absolutely hate (which i constitute as negative caring about them), but ones that im indifferent towards… a lot of the characters in mgs4 tbh. i just really didnt care for that game at all. i didnt like what they did with naomi. and the bosses especially were too much of over-the-top sobstories for me to actually give a shit. idk. mgs4 just didnt do anything for me i guess.
thank you for asking 🥺
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rubysvn · 1 year ago
so uh today was very interesting
i dont use tumblr a lot so i didnt realise like i had so much stuff going on with this post caus im more used to how twitter does it so i only saw "4" activities so i went "oh neat, a few people liked my thing probz"
then while im out of the middle of town, im scrollin thru someone who reblogged it ONLY TO FIND OUT WEAVER HIMSELF REBLOGGED MY POST AND LEFT A REPLY. i instantly just freaked and instantly went to properly look at my activity and. holy shit
thanks to everyone who reblogged, replied or even just liked caus this is like my most popular post yet and its. kinda crazy waagh
and especially big thanks to weaver himself for materializing out of thin air like. i did NOT expect him or anyone to pop up in the slightest but its made today absolutely amazing and that energy alone is probably going to carry me through the next few months or so
+ im super grateful for the genuinely nice comments and support ive gotten, seriously i cant say how it feels, thank you all so much <:]
expect more rubyquest & nanquest content in the future (with a bit of other weaver stuff here and there), actually currently working on a nanquest animatic based on an old edit i saw a while back
its still in a very rough state and ive just digitized the storyboards i did on paper but im hopin to get the current scenes improved with new ones added soon, first time im really doing an animatic so i hope it isnt a total mess haha
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ruby quest 15th anniversary
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2008 - 2023
posted this on my twitter earlier, but heres a somewhat mediocre drawing i did to celebrate the 15th anniversary of ruby quest :]
im a newer fan of rq & it's associated media but im really grateful for these quests, its kinda stupid to say this out loud but it kinda helped me out of a depressive rut a while back and alas is the reason why so much of my newer stuff is inspired or based on ruby quest
hell, i even ripped my name straight from ruby from rq
so big thanks to weaver and everyone who partook in the original run of rubyquest all of these years back, wishin y'all a good one :]
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a1exkra1ie · 2 years ago
15 questions, 15 tags
@xhekovsky THANK YOUUUU !! <3
Were you named after anybody? nope!
When was the last time you cried? uhhhhm. I Do Not Recall to be honest
Do you have kids? nope
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I think I use it a normal amount, but then I have a friend who thinks I'm sarcastic at all times, and I've also had people think I was making fun of them when I was complimenting them. So, you know
What sports do you play/have you played? I'm a runner so there's that, I'd like to play a team sport so who knows where that will go in the future... never did much sport outside of P.E. classes though lol
What's the first thing you notice about someone? IDK
Eye color? brown :P
Scary movies or happy endings? scary movies (if you've seen me go on a saw reblog spree on this site then you know,) but also I find that a lot of the times happy endings are kind of disappointing
Any special talents? eeehhhhh I mean. I dabble in the arts. that is to say drawing, writing, music, video editing and things like that. I'm pretty ok at most of them :')
Where were you born? montréal born and raised baby (means I'm legally allowed to hate on the leafs. I don't except if it's funny. which it often it)
What are your hobbies? see question 9!
Do you have pets? dog. cat. about to adopt a couple rats. you know how it is (I have never Not had a pet in the house. I've had em all)
How tall are you? 160 cm 😔 (in freedom units. 5'3")
Favorite subjects in school? history and ethics
Dream job? I have no fucken clue but I'm going to college for programming, graphic design and video editing, which seems pretty fun, so there's that
if you haven't done this, consider yourself tagged!! (ik I saw this one go round motorsportsblr a bit ago?? so idk who did and didnt do it)
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zerobaseonefics · 2 years ago
you're the cutest FR thank you for the bora reblog🫶🫶
but you're SOOO right about the gp999 take💀💀 the whole cell system was so messed up WDYM SO MANY TALENTED GIRLS GOT ELIMINATED ONLY BC THEIR CELLMATE WASNT POPULAR ENOUGH???? you dayeon is the best example like she slayed the house boots down houston i'm deceased 😡 eliminated in the first elimination round??? GIRL YOU COULD'VE DONE SO MUCH MORE IF YIU ONLY HAD TIMEEEE (and votes) 😭
and this cgroup hate was insane TOO like the constant evil editing?? fu yaning?? and the way they made shen xiaoting, a literal queen who constantly ranked high, rank 9th place in the finals?????? BRO
but something i noticed while watching bp was that they really managed to successfully evil edit ricky bc i was so mad at him during the first mission i'm CRYING💀
well oh well now i'm attached to eliminated gp and bp trainees and idk if i'm ever gonna see them again 💔 MYAH MY BABY WHERE ARE YOU?? (i'm 1 month older than her)
but actually i heard she's gonna participate in iland 2!! i SOOO hope it's true bc i love my girly sm she's so adorable n shii😭 she deserves to debut😾😾😾 fell for her the second i saw her try out for the killing part in pretty u. i'm soft for her DUDE i can't 😪😪 it's the same way matthew, it was over the second i saw him smile but at least he debuted 😭😭😭
but ngl amel sounds so cute🫶 does it have any meaning or did you just choose it bc it's pretty?
ALSO a really important question: do you watch kdramas? or have you watched doom at your service? bc i had this thought and OH MY GOD i can't get rid of it and i must share it with someone 💔💔💔
-anonymous anon 🥬
i immediatly thought of you when i saw it!!
YESSS I SAW THAT FOR MYAH I CANT WAIT NOW. it's true they have the same energy omg im so glad matthew debuted this time
a part of my real name is pronounced amel!! but we don't write it like that. so yeah when you say a short version of my name (which is a pretty long one) it's "amel" and it's how i ended up with that nickname!
YES I DO ‼️ i didnt watch doom at your service but my sister did and spoiled all of it so its pretty much like i did ngl.... tell me everything im sat
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yuri-shibuya · 2 years ago
asquickaslightning is a confirmed scam account. Look at the photograph closer and you’ll see there is no rash or mass that matches an ask their sending out. Secondly, if you please use tumblr search for their username, you’ll find a post that explains the scam. The cats real name is Biscuit, just look up ‘Biscuit’s Surgery’ on GoFundMe. Please edit the reblog to say scam and report the scammer.
Omg thanks for telling me!!! I didnt realize and I was in the middle of doing something when I saw it!! I deleted the post in question. Thanks anon!
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pinkiegiu · 1 year ago
so im someone who checks the profile of ppl who interract with me and like. today a whole group of ppl who have eachother in their bio liked this 😭😭 /pos
oops forgot to post it here, giyuu bday post!
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sunshinereddie · 2 years ago
i have tried looking for the video on youtube but i can’t find it 😭 so let me recreate it for you bc. this is so richie……
so the comedian is up on stage and he’s about to tell a new joke and he starts with “so i was having sex with a woman-” and this lady in the crowd heckles him and shouts out “thank god!!”
and the comedian just slowly turns and gives her the NASTIEST look you’ve ever seen, and then he proceeds to make fun of her homophobic ass for a minute, before returning to the joke.
he clears his throat and turns back to the crowd and goes, “so anyways, i was having sex with a MAN-”
and you cannot tell me that that isn’t something richie would do!!!!!!
EDIT: @lemonleafloser FOUND THE VIDEO SHAJSBSYAOAHS !!!!!!!! tumblr wont let me add the video to a reblog of this post so i just gotta edit it in BUT!!!
like. come on. THIS IS RICHIE.
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maes-flowers · 3 years ago
We’ll be okay [4] (Marc Spector/ slight!Steven Grant x Reader)
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Part 1  Part 2   Part 3
Summary: After Marc Spector leaves your life to focus on his own goals, what happens when he comes back into your life at full speed after years of being apart?
Word Count: 7K ( I got so carried away im so sorry lmfao)
Warnings: Canon violence, angst, fluff, sexual tension, and swearing.
Authors note: its 4am as i'm uploading this and I didnt even bother to edit this so sorry for any mistakes but if you like this part please reblog and comment what you though and if you want to be on the taglist let me know down below!
It took just over a day to reach Cairo from London.
Had you taken a direct flight, with no layovers it would've taken 5 hours, maybe a little less but as Marc explained it wouldn't have been possible to smuggle his guns and gear through security without getting caught. Which led to you now, sitting in a small cramped seat, right next to the aisle as Marc managed to snag the seat by the window as you used the middle seat to hold your bag. 
You ignored the fatigue that your body held over you, your back had felt better after some rest, more than the recommended amount of Tylenol, and three extra shots of expresso into your latte. because you knew if Marc saw just the slightest amount of pain or exhaustion he would try to make you go back to London and wait for him to come home.  So you sat, keeping yourself busy with books and a crossword puzzle in a newspaper you found tucked in the pocket in the seat in front of you. Marc wasn't in the mood to talk, most likely kicking himself into a bloody lump of guilt for losing the scarab. You were hoping to have a more productive and less emotionally fueled talk rather than the yelling, sobbing, and pushing conversation you had the night before. So you just watched him and the steady rise and fall in his chest, his hand gently thumbing his necklace around his neck, and the slight bounce of his foot making his leg shake.
“You're pretty.” A tiny voice said, making you snap from your trance, cheeks turning crimson under the embarrassment of getting caught making eyes at your closest friend. You turned to where the voice came from and saw a little girl, no older than nine staring at you from the seat across from you, the man you assumed was her father tried to tell her to leave you alone but you waved your hand in dismissal. You ignored the way Marc's head turned to look at you from the corner of your eye as you smiled at the girl.
“Thank you, you're very pretty too.” you laughed lightly.
“Where are you going?” she asked and you raised a brow.
“What's your name, kid?” you asked.
“Well Akilah, I'm going to help a friend that's why I'm on this train.” You said the little girl's happy personality gives you a nice break from everything going on.
“That's cool,” Akilah shrugged. “I'm going with my Papa to see my uncle.”
“Oh man,” you laughed warmly. “I used to love seeing my uncle! I wish I could see mine. It was one of my favorite things to do. I'm sure you’ll have so much fun.” 
“Why can't you see him?” Akilah asked, her eyes full of curiosity and you paused for a moment swallowing thickly before you responded.
“He… moved very far away, so I can't visit him as much anymore.” you gave her a sad smile. You were used to death and loss in your life but the loss of your uncle was always a hard topic for you as he was the one who gave you advice and a place to stay after the death of your father and your mom turned to alcohol for comfort the majority of your childhood. Some nights it feels like only yesterday you were standing on the sidewalk in front of the steps that led to Marc's place.
The cold November air made your whole body tremble as you stood in front of the familiar steps of Marc's house. You debated just going home and going to see Marc in the morning but the light to his room was on and the only thing you wanted was just a hug,
Or a slap to the face to wake yourself up from this nightmare. You spent all day in the hospital as you waited for your uncle to get out of surgery to see if his dying large intestine was still viable enough to perform another life-saving surgery. Needless to say, after 40 years of severe chronic illness and 3 organ transplants your uncle's body was at its final straw and couldn't keep up anymore. So you said your goodbyes to him as a machine kept him breathing as held his cold limp hand in yours whispering your thanks to him and pouring all your love into a final kiss on the forehead and then you left, you didn't think you could stand watching the doctors pull the plug.
“Y/n?” Marc's voice called out and you looked up, Marc was standing in the doorway seven steps away from you. Just seven steps and you'd be in his arms and everything would be okay.
So why can't you move?
Your legs gave up from under you as if they couldn't handle the simple chore of keeping you up. You caught yourself on the hand railing before lowering yourself down on the steps, as you hang your head. Silent sobs wracked your body as Marc ran down to your crippled form.
“Y/n? What happened” Marc asked, panic lacing his features.
“My uncle, he had to go to the hospital last night and he died this afternoon.” You looked up at him, eyes rimmed bright red as salty tears fell and landed on the pavement. “He's dead Marc, I lost my second dad so why does this hurt so bad when I've done this before?” you asked, no begged. You wanted to know why you couldn't breathe and think straight as you felt this sense of gravity crushing your body until you were flat on the ground. 
“Marc, I'd rather die than do this again.” you cried.
“Hey, don't say that.” He whispered, he leaned forward and grabbed you by the arms and dragged you into his lap. Your hands went for his sweatshirt, clenching so hard your knuckles went white as you sobbed into his neck. “You survived this first time, you can do it again. Even though you should've never had to deal with this in the first place.”
“Please don't leave me.” You begged, you wanted to feel embarrassed. Sounding like a small child crying for its mother but you couldn't bother.
“I won't sweetheart, I promise.” he said, the sincerity in the statement calmed you enough for Marc to carry you into his house and let you pass out in this bed.
Marc ended up leaving to join the Marine corps four months later.
You blinked and saw Akilah staring at you, her dad was now awake and watching the interaction with sympathy, while Akilah's small face scrunched up in worry.
“Are you okay?” she asked, the train came to a stop and the conductor's voice came through and announced you made it to Cairo. You gave her a big smile and nodded.
“Yeah, I just miss my uncle.” you admitted and moved to grab your bag as Marc grabbed him, you and marc made your way down the aisle before a voice called you out.
“WAIT!” a tiny voice screamed in the crowd, You and Marc's heads both snapped behind you as you saw Akilah and her father running up to you.
“I'm so sorry,” her father said as he jogged up to you, holding his daughter in her arms. “My daughter said you needed this.” He said and reached into his pocket pulling out a small object. “She loves this necklace but she took it off and kept saying you need it more than her and said she wouldn't talk to me until you received this.” 
You held back a chuckle as you held out your hand as the man dropped it into your hand, you held up the necklace and saw a small pendant on it.
“The Ankh symbol?” You gaped. The man leaned forward and whispered to you.
“It has a lot of meanings, protection, and balance but the symbol of eternal life is one that is called out to me. I know you said your uncle… moved away.” he paused using the same words you did to avoid explaining to Akilah the cycle of death talk in the middle of a train station.  “But just know just because he's not here with you in this life anymore he's watching and waiting for you in another one.” the father explained, you stared at him wide-eyed as you nodded.
“Thank you so much I love it,” you reached around the clasp of the necklace around your neck. You bend down to Akilah's level and pat her head.
“You too, Akilah. you were right I really needed this.” the little girl grinned, happy to know her instincts were right.
“We have to go, but I hope you have safe travels.” the father said, you nodded and reached to shake his hand.
“You too, I hope you have a wonderful time seeing your brother.” 
You watched them walk away until you couldn't see them anymore before you turned to Marc. He looked at you so softly, almost guilty. The creases around his eyes relaxed with a small turn of his lips. But once he noticed you looking at him his face dropped back into his normal frown.
“Come on, we should head to the hotel,” he said.
 The room had one bed, for some reason Marc could care less. Probably due to the fact, there are way bigger problems to worry about. but for you, sharing a bed with Marc for the first time in years was pretty high up there. 
“Please don't tell me you still kick in your sleep,” Marc said, shrugging off his jacket and leaving him in a tight black t-shirt. You cleared your throat and avoided your gaze so you wouldn't be staring at his arms, opting for kneeling down and opening your suitcase.
“Is this a bad time to tell you I've upgraded to night terrors? I don't think I'll kick but I might scream and punch you.” you laughed nervously, grabbing a pair of sleeping shorts and an old tee shirt.
“When did that start?” Marc asked.
“A while ago, around the time you le-” Your voice faltered as you realized what you said. You turned and saw Marc watching you, his jaw set tight as he looked down.
“Marc I didn't mean-” 
“I'm gonna go shower.” he interrupted. before abruptly standing up and walking to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. You closed your eyes and sighed, ignoring the want to go after him in the shower and instead opting to just change and crawl into bed and hope you'd be asleep before he came out.
Your plan failed.
You were still awake when he came out in nothing but his boxers as he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and walked to your side of the bed before he sat down on the floor and started drinking. You could smell the scent of cedarwood and cinnamon invading your senses. But you welcomed the scent with open arms, along with memories of Marc holding you while you both fell asleep and wearing his favorite jacket when you got the chance. Here was something there a long time ago, a feeling that was more than just friendship. It had been years since then, and you weren't sure Marc had those feelings anymore but you knew you did. In fact, you were almost positive they never left.
“I know you're awake,” Marc grumbled, you cracked open an eye and saw Marc still looking out the window. You sighed in defeat as you threw the cover off your body and climbed out of bed and moved to sit on the cool tile next to Marc. You leaned over and snagged the bottle of whiskey out of his hands, taking a swig for yourself. your face puckered up at the burn as you put it on the table beside you.
“Why are you here Y/n?” Marc asked.
“I told you already, Ammits control would kill-”
“No, why are you here,” Marc repeated. 
There it was, the pieces clicked as you looked at Marc in thought. Why wouldn't he bother to talk to you, let alone look at you? It's because he thought he didn't think he deserved a friend to help him during this or with anything in general. You played with your new necklace in thought before you spoke.
“When I saw you at the shiva a few months ago it stirred a lot of really complicated feelings I've been ignoring for years. I had mostly gotten used to you only being in my life on your own terms, on your schedule never mine. And I thought I was okay with what I really did.” you laughed sadly. “I grieved the time of my life where I had you, I mean actually had you. I mean, hell- I even got a tattoo for it and everything, and then I shoved those emotions away so I didn't think about it and moved on with my life.” You pulled at the collar of your shirt and exposed your collarbone so Marc could see the tattoo.
“We’ll be okay.” he read, he raised his hand so his fingers could ghost over the last words he said to you that night embedded into your skin. You fixed your shirt but put your hand there as if you were protecting the skin.
“And then you cut me off, with no way for me to know you were safe or even alive and it just killed me on the inside and I just kept thinking about if I had a chance to change things, to be able to fix whatever happened with us I would do it in a heartbeat,” you said. “And then Steven called, and I decided I couldn't just sit on the sidelines anymore so I went after you. Because I wanted to, and I think deep down you wanted me there but maybe I was wrong, and maybe I was selfish to do all this without even thinking about how you would've felt but I just wanted you back,” you said hoarsely. “Because a life without you, Marc Spector. is a life I don't want, no matter how stubborn, grouchy, and sometimes just mean you can get.” you finished avoiding looking at Marc in fear to see how he would react. Although, you weren't expecting his large hand to wrap around your wrist and yank you on top of him. You held your breath as your thighs settled on each side of him as he stared at you. His hands are trailing to your waist and settling there.
“I'm sorry if that means anything at this point.” He whispered. you could see the pores on his cheeks, his long eyelashes touching his eyebrows, and his dark brown eyes that kept flicking down to your lips. “You were right, I wanted you with me but I couldn't  allow myself to bring you into a life like this. That's full of death and blood that's on my hands and when I'm not in the best place mentally. You deserve so much more.”
“Marc.” You whispered, your hands cupping his face. “I don't care about what you think I deserve, I just need you, that's all I ever needed.” you said, fervidly gushing from your voice. You leaned forward and placed your forehead against his, Marc sighed in content.
“Just no more secrets, yeah?” you asked, so close to his face you can smell this whiskey and feel the heat from his mouth. The only response you got from him is a nod and tight grips on your hips. You smiled and pulled away,  placing your hands on his shoulder and rubbing at the muscle.
“Let's get some rest.” you mumbled, sleep already gripping at your selfconcius as you dragged yourself up from your spot on Marc's lap and threw yourself into bed. You heard the man above you chuckle. You grabbed his wrist and yanked on him, just as he did to you not long ago and pulled him into bed with you. He grunted on the impact but quickly settled onto the mattress.
“Tomorrow we’ll go find another way to Ammits tomb, I think I know a guy who can help.” You said, but the only response you got was soft snores.
 “God damn it Marc!” you cursed as your lungs gasped for air, Cairos heat and you stumbling and climbing over roofs and ledges had made you a sweaty mess as your medorcore parkour skills were stomped and buried into the ground as you watched Marc fly over rooftops and vault over walls like it was the easiest thing in the world. You went really sure if Marc knew you were behind him, the only reason you knew he left without you this morning was due to the fact he accidentally slammed the door closed this morning which resulted in you scrambling to get into decent clothes made for climbing and running and your bag of gear before you ran out the door after Marc. only finding him once you saw him jump to another rooftop while you were on the busy streets. Only catching up to him when he stopped to talk to a group of men as you jumped right after him but stayed on the other side of the ledge to listen for a moment.
“You killed him? I needed to talk to that guy.” he dropped down off a box. “About dig site actually, but I guess I'm gonna have to talk to you instead.”
“You're too late,” Another man said. “You're not going to find Harrow.” His accent is strong and thick. You heard the sound of metal scratching against the ground and you decided to peek over the ledge. 
“Oh what, are we dancing? Are we fighting? What are we gonna do?” Marc taunted, his arms in front of his face, ready to attack as a man jumped forward and grabbed Marc. he dogged and smacked him into a wall, quickly twisting to kick the second man in the stomach. As a kid, couldn't be older than 15 drag his blade across his back and you winced at the sound of Marcs cry. You scrambled on the ledge, your feet balancing on the six inch margin as you waited for a chance to strike. When one of the men swiped his knife near Marc's face you jumped down on top of him, your leg wrapping around his neck as you brought him down to the ground with you. You grunted as he twisted in your grip his knife ready to stab you in the side before you bent his wrist back, you grabbed the blade before you chucked it off the roof and kicked him away from you. 
You stood up eyeing the man, he wasn't much taller than you so when he came at you, you scratched your nails across his eyes before reeling back your hand and shoving the heel of your hand and slammed it against his nose, making him shout in pain as his eyes watered up. You grinned and slammed your steel toe boot into his ankle to bring him as you turned and sidekicked the tip of your boot into his spine. You grinned triumphantly but the moment died quickly as you felt a hand grip your hair and drag you back. You saw Marc infront of you panting, his eyes wide when he saw your position. 
“If this is a lesson about not pulling my hair back before a fight,” you hissed at the sting of your hair pulling at your scalp. “Message received!”  you bent down and turned in his grip and shoved your elbow into the underside of his chin allowing the grip on your hair to lessen as you stepped back stumbling right into Marc. He placed a hand on your shoulder to balance you before walking up to the man and pressed the knife into his neck. You watched as Marc gazed into his reflection in the knife and shook his head.
“Not now Steven!” Marc shouted, but his eyes rolled back into his head and he lowered the knife. The man pushed Marc away and made a run for it but you sprinted and jumped on his back. Putting his head into lock with your arms until he passed out in your arms. Dropping the man to ground you turned and saw the teenager standing in front of you, holding his knife. Marc was off to the side as he woke up from Steven fronting.
“Don't you dare, kid.” Marc said with irritation. You chose to raise your hands in sign of surrender.
“I won't hurt you, I promise.” you said gently but the kid's glare grew more angry before he threw the knife, gliding through the wind before it sliced through the sleeve of your shirt and cutting open a slicing a small gash on your upper arm. You grimaced in pain as the teen fled down the stairs. Unwrapping the scarf that pushed back your hair from your face you tied it around your arm tightly. 
“Are you alright?” Marc said, his hand holding your arm as he inspected your homemade bandage. You shrugged him off as you went to the stairs the boy went down.
“You go after him up high where you can see, I'm going after him on the street.” You commanded, “I'll follow you!” you yelled as running down the steps and busting open the door. You watched what direction Marc went in before you ran. You ran through the busy traffic and the small market in the town. Rushing out apologies as you shoulder checked people on accident as you kept an eye on the teen. 
You were close to the boy when you felt a hand grab your shoulder, dragging you back. You looked behind you and saw the man whose nose you broke giving you a sick grin, his face smeared with blood as he dragged you back. You were panicking as he dug his fingers into your fresh wound. You shouted in pain before you snatched a vase from a seller's table and smashed it on his head. Once he dropped your arm, you made a bolt for an alley that had a small wall leading up to a dirt road. You looked behind you and saw the man stumbling after you. Bouncing back and forth for a moment before you sprinted down the alley and launched yourself up off a crate your hands gripped the rock and climbed up. When you turned around you saw the man after you with his fingers holding onto your ankle. You twisted in his grip and ended smacking your boot right into his temple, knocking him out and dropping back into the alley. You pulled the rest of your body over the ledge.
“Khonshu, he's just a kid.” you heard Marc debate, you looked up and saw him and the boy a few feet from you. You watched as Marc listened to who you could only assume was Khonshu and picked the kid up from the collar of his shirt and took him to the ledge using his scarf to hold him over. 
“Where's Harrow?” Marc demanded but the kid stayed quiet. “Where is Harrow!” he yelled. The teens face was hard as stone when he pulled his knife out his pocket.
“Praise Ammit.” he proclaimed, raising his knife.
“Dont!” you and Marc yelled at the same time before he sliced the knife through the thin fabric and fell off the cliff.
You covered your mouth as you gasped in shock watching as Marc just held the scaf in his hand before he dropped it. You watched as Marc yelled at Steven for some reason while you bent down and grabbed a brick. You waited until Marc turned to speak to the empty space in an abandoned car. You knew Khonshu was appearing before you threw the brick. The window shattered on impact you stalked over to the car.
“You stupid fucking bird.” you spat. “That was a child! What did you expect to get from that?” your chest heaved, Marc looked at you in shock before he turned his head.
“What did he say?” you asked, but Marc just shook his head.
“What did he say, Marc?” you bit out.
“He said he was an insignificant human.” he mumbled. You laughed in disbelief.
“Remember you old pigeon, without us insignificant humans you wouldn't be able to be in this realm.” you said, glaring at the car before you turned around and sat on a rock.
“Well, if we can't find Harrow's digging crew, we'll have to stop him another way.” Marc said walking over to you, giving you a once over before he turned to Khonshu. 
“What about the other gods,” you asked. “Are they going to sit on the side and allow Ammit to be released?” you watched Marc as he listened to what the god had to say.
“That doesn't sound so bad to me.” Marc said, looking at you. “He said getting an audience with gods means might anger them enough to incase him stone.”
“Sounds like a Christmas miracle to me.” you sighed. “As much as I don't like the bird, you need the armor to stand a chance against Harrow.” 
“What do we do then huh? Any ideas?” Marc asked. 
“Khonshu?” Marc called out.
“What happened?” you asked, getting up.
“He just disappeared.” 
As if on cue, strong wind blew through the air as the sky above you started to darken.
“Holy shit.” you watched in amazement as an eclipse covered the sky making the world around you darken. Marc grabbed your hand and started walking down the steps back into the town's streets.
“That was a bit over the top, don't you think?” Marc asked Khonshu, you tried behind him. “Aren't all the Avatars scattered across the world?”
“It doesn't matter,” you say. “If it's a meeting for the Ennead they can summon you from anywhere with a portal.”
“So, where is mine?” Marc questioned, the sound of rumbling made you and Marc turn around.
“I think we just found it.” you swallowed nervously as you nudged Marc to walk though, your hand on his shoulder as you followed behind him. The long tunnel was pitch black until the very end when it opened into a large room. You gasped in awe.
“My god, we're inside the great Pyramid of Giza.” you whispered.
“Can you and Steven stop geeking out for a second?” Marc huffed as you and Marc walked down the Stairs. One by one you watched gods in their avatars walk through portals. You ignored your shaking hands as you let go of Marc's shoulder to let him walk into the center of the room. You stood off to the side trying to be unnoticed in a room full of powerful beings.
“Khonshu theatrics are unparalleled.” A woman said walking up to Marc, her long black hair complimenting her dark complexion. She was beautiful in every way possible.
“I'm Yatzil, avatar of the goddess of music and love, Hathor.” the woman said, Marc just eyed her suspiciously.
You wanted to smack Marc for not being respectful but you froze when Hathors avatar announced who was present.
“In Attendance, Hourus, Isis, Tefnut, Osiris, and Hathor. To hear the account of Khonshu.” she presented, you watched Marc's eyes glow for a brief second.
“You've been banished once for nearly exposing us, Khonshu. And you know we desire your garishness, your showy mask and weapons.” Osiris spoke, Marc stared at him in confusion. “But manipulate the sky again and we will imprison you in stone.”
“Spare me your self-righteous threats!” Khonshu yelled, Marc's body stiffened. “I was Banished for not abandoning humanity, unlike the rest of you!” Marc flinched once Khonsu stopped speaking through him.
“We have not abandoned humanity, they abandoned us.” Osiris said. “We simply trust our avatars to carry out our purposes without calling undue attention to ourselves.
“Avatars are not enough! We need the might of gods or else we'll lose this realm.”
“The avatars that remain here are simply here to observe. We decided long ago we did not wish to meddle in the affairs of man.” Osiris spoke.
“We will decide the best course of judgment and speak your purpose.” Tefnuts' avatar spoke.
“I call for judgment against Arthur Harrow!” Khonshu exclaimed.
“The charges?” Isis asked.
“Conspiracy to release Ammit!” Khonshu shouted, you saw a tear run down his face and it made your stomach twist in knots.
“That is a heavy accusation, Khonshu.” Osiris warned. “Let us summon the accused.”
Rumbling from the earth below made you body shake, you stumbled back once Arthur Harrow came out of a portal right next to you. Marc's gaze went to you but you waved your hand signaling you were fine.
“So, I see by the presence of Khonshis current makeshift avatar and its sidekick, the purposes of our meeting must be nefarious.” Harrow said, you rolled your eyes at the remark.
“You know exactly why we are here!” Khonshu yelled.
“I do not miss the sound of that voice, but speak old master to the point.” Harrow said.
You listen to Khonshu accuse Harrow of attempting to release Ammit but you watched Harrow act oddly calm and collected.
“I was in the desert. But if visiting the sands were a crime, the line of sinners would be longer than the nile.” Harrow pointed at Marc. “Khonshu vision is obscured by jealousy, paranoia, and-”
“A deceiver!” Khonshu shouted, Marc doubled over in exhaustion. 
“Do not trust the word of a shamed unhinged god and his unwell servant.” Harrow persuaded.
“What do you mean?”
“This is a man who literally does not know his own name, he has passports under the name Marc Specotr and employment records under the name Steven Grant. He speaks to himself, and threaten himself and I have no idea how many personalities he must possess.” Arthur explained, you slowly moved forward once you saw Marc's eye twitch.
“This man is clearly insane!” Harrow exclaimed, and Marc swung his fist back.
“Marc dont!” you yelled as you jumped forward and grabbed his fist, at the same time Osiris used his powers to yank Marc's arm back and make him kneel, your grip on his arm making you go down with him. You wiped the beads of sweat that gathered on his forehead.
“We will not tolerate violence in this chamber!” Osris yelled.
“If you won't listen to a man who is so called “Insane” and  is the avatar of Khonshu, then listen to me!” you shouted. Moving your hands from Marc's arm , you stood up and looked at the gods.
“And who are you?” Osiris asked, you rolled your shoulder back and held his gaze intensely.
“My name is Dr. Y/N L/N and I'm one of the very few who hasn't abandoned the gods,” you said.
“Are you an avatar?” Hathor asked and you shook your head.
“No, I'm not but I have spent the last 15 years of my life reading about your lifes and  running exhibitions to return artifacts from your land that were stolen and sold by black markets back to their proper temples.” you explained, you glared at Harrow for a moment.“Which is how I recognized the scarab that leads to Ammits tomb and when Arthur Harrow took it back after Marc had taken it back to stop Harrow's plan.” you pointed an accusatory finger at the old man. “Do not let Arthur Harrow's faux concern about Marc Spectors well-being fool you, it's his sad attempt to shift the focus off himself.”
You took a few steps forward so you were on the first four steps of the stairs leading to Osiris' seat.
“I understand your mistrust towards Kohnshu, but just because his words are coming from a man who just needs some help does not make Marc Spector an unreliable source. If you let Arthur Harrow go and he gets to Ammits ushabti, millions  of souls will be judged in the Duat before their time.” you concluded.
“I have no pleasure to tell you that this is a deeply troubled man, Khonshu is taking advantage of him the same way he abused me and is using Marc Spectors closest friend to make a story that will feed his own goals.” Harrow glanced at you for a moment.
“Take action now before it's too late.”
“Let us speak to Marc Spector.” Horus demanded, crossing his arms and breaking the bind Osiris used on him. Marc tipped forward, breathing heavily as he looked up.
“Are you unwell?’ he asked.
Marc looked around sporadically, his eyes welling with tears and nodded.
“I am, I am unwell. I need help.” He said, his voice cracking at the end. “But that doesn't change the fact this man is…” Marc pointed, but he dropped his head and you heard a small cry come from him.
“This is a safe space for you to tell us if you feel exploited by khonshu.” Hathor comfated.
“This is not about my feelings! I'm not the one on trial here! This is about how dangerous he is, if you would just listen to us for a second.” Marc begged. 
‘He has committed no offense.” Osiris said. “This matter is concluded.” you watched in shock as the gods left their avatars and went through their portals, going their separate ways. Watching Harrow leave as you jogged down the steps to Marc kneeling form, joining him on the floor you lifted his head.
“Are you okay?” You said, Marc shook his head as his eyes opened clearly.
“I'm so sorry, I tried so hard to convince them I really did.” you apologized, how the gods didn't see how dangerous that man was you will never know.
“Marc? Dr. L/n?” Yatzil called, and both of you turned to look at her.
“There is another way.” she said.
You and Marc looked at each other before you helped him up, Yatzil walked the two of you in a secluded place hidden from sight before you talked.
“Ammit was buried in secret, the location hidden even from the gods.” Yatzil explained. “Ammit had many followers so i didn't know who to trust”
“But someone had to know something?” Marc said, Yatzil nodded in agreement.
“One man. A medjay named Senfu. He was tasked with recording the location of the tomb in case the god changed their minds and decided to show mercy. If you find Senfus sarcophagus, you'll find Ammits tomb.”
“Okay, how do we do that?” You asked. 
“His sarcophagus was stolen and sold on the balck market, I would start there.” Yatzil seguested. You reached out and shook her hand in thanks.
“Thank you Yatzil, I promise you won't regret telling us this.” you said, smiling at her.
“Hathor was touched about your passion for the gods and your friend, don't let anyone take that from you, Y/n.” Yatzil said before walking away into her portal. You turned to look at Marc and grabbed his hand.
“I need to go looking for Senfus sarcophagus.” Marc said but you shook your head.
“Marc you need rest and so do I, but first thing in the morning we will go look I promise.” you said. Marc looked down at you for a moment as if he was going to argue but he just sighed.
“Yeah okay, first thing tomorrow.” he echoed. 
 The walk back to your hotel wasn't long, neither of you spoke as well, too tired and uncomfortable from your wounds and the sweat, blood and dirt plastered to your skin. When you walked in the door to your hotel room you and Marc sat on the bed for a moment. 
“Let me see your arm.” Marc mumbled, too tired  to do anything. You held your arm up to him and let him drag the bloody scarf off, sticky blood making fibers stick to the sensitive skin you winced at the feeling, Marc hummed quietly to himself.
“You definitely need some stitches.” he said before getting up and grabbing his suitcase and pulling out his first aid kit. He came back over to the bed and got his gaze and antiseptic wound spray ready.
“This is gonna sting a little.” he warned.
“I'll consider it a really shitty pregame for the stiches.” you said as Marc gingerly held your arm. You prided yourself at the small laugh you got from him, but it didn't last long as the sting from the spray made you hiss as you curled your hands into fists as he cleaned away the debris in your cut.
He dabbed the wet area dry before he turned and grabbed the needle holder, the needle and some nylon thread.
“You ready?” Marc asked, and you shut eyes tight.
“Yeah I think so.” you whispered.
Marc pushied the point of the needle through the teared skin as fast as possible without messing up the suture. You cringed in your seat as clamped your mouth shut, the sound of your teeth smacking together audible in the otherwise silent room.
“I know sweetheart, you're doing so good just keep breathing yeah?” Marc praised.
“Just talk to me, please? Just distract me.” you begged with tension in your voice.
“Okay, how did you fight like that today? Are you a secret spy or something?” Marc mumbled as he got closer to your arm.
“No,” you scoffed. “I was on a work trip in Greece and stayed late at the place we were cleaning the artifacts we found that day, I ended up getting jumped.” you flinched at the needle pricking your skin again. “When I got home I started going to self defense classes, then it grew to boxing during my free time.”
He pushed the needle through your skin again and you let out a small goran and titled your head back.
“Jeez, When I was getting stabbed by like 30 needles in one go when I got my tattoo it hurt less compared to this single needle.” You joked, Marc smirked a little before he sewed the last suture  and tied it off.
“There you go, good as new.”  he said leaning back, you raised your arm and looked at his work. You looked over at him and froze when you realized how close your faces were. 
“What about you? Any wounds?” you whispered and he shook his head.
“It's mostly bruising, I'll be fine.” he reassured you. 
You stared at him in silence for a moment, his face was covered in dried blood and sweat but he somehow managed to look just as beautiful. His curls were puffed out from the dry heat and all you wanted to do was touch it. When you met his eyes again he was looking at you softly.
“Don't look at me like that.” you said, laughing a little.
“Like what?” Marc said, his tone steady and calm. His half lidded eyes watch you with such intensity you stood up from the burn of it. You debated your next words for a moment.
“Like you actually feel the same as me.” you whispered. “Like you love me.” you stared at him as he stood up from his spot and walked over to you.
“What if I do?” he asked, “What if I told you my feelings for you haven't changed?” his hand came up to cup your cheek before he trailed it down until it reached your chest, his thumb rubbing over your tattoo. You let out a shaky sigh and he stills for a moment before he brought both hands back to your face and pressed his forehead to yours.
“Please don't do this to me.” you said, a broken crack at the last syllable giving away your emotional state. “Don't give me hope that things will be different than last time.”
“I love you.” Marc said, and you sucked in a breath at the confession you have waited over decades for. One that has almost been said by you over the phone, in your dreams, and on that god forsaken night Marc left. Did he want this just as much as you?
“I love you too” you breathed out, almost breathless at the whole situation. Marc pulls you in by the back of your neck and smashes your lips together. Your hands went for his hair, fingers carding through the soft curls. It was messy for a moment, teeth clacking together and kisses that trialed of your each other mouths for a second before you got over the intentional shock allowing you bite marcs bottom lip, then smooth the mark over with your tongue. Marc pulled away to kiss down your jaw and neck before finding his way to your collarbone. Kissing the inked covered skin repeatedly.
“I'm sorry, for leaving.” Marc panted as he kissed across your chest. “I should've been with you this whole time, i'm so sorry.” you pulled him away so you can look at him. His hair was wild thanks to your fingers, his pupils blown, and red swollen lips from kissing you.
“It's okay,” you cooed but Marc shook his head. “I'm serious I forgive you Marc.”
You reached down and grabbed the hem of Marcs shirt before you reached for you own shirt, pulling it off.
“Let's shower?” you asked, “then we need to sleep so were ready for tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” he said, before leaning down and kissing you once more.
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low-budget-korra · 4 years ago
Realistic Portraits of The Legend of Korra characters
So i was bored and decided to visit the Artbreeder - you know, the site where some fans are doing those cool realistic portraits of Avatar characters-  and  i decided to do my own Realistis Portraits of some characters from Book 1 of The legend of Korra.
Ps: When i said  that i mix or search for “asian” or “native” when looking for templates im not generalizing those groups of people, it just that when i put those words to look at , appeared more templates than when i put “japanese” or “inuit” per exemple. 
Ps2: Have in mind that it aint that simple as say that FireNation is Japan and Earth Kingdom is China. The world of Avatar is a mix of Asian and Native cultures. And im saying this based on comments ive read about this, comments made by people from that background. And we can see that in the show, for example, we have parts of the Fire Nation - the sun warriors -  that according to Avatar Wiki was inspired by civilizations from ancient pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, including the Aztec, Incan and Mayan.
With all that said, here we go:
Korra: Just as i did with my Resident Evil fancast, when i was making this Korra, i was looking for the “right eyes”. And i also did this when making the others. 
Sadly theres just a few templates when i search for “inuit” to make the mix so i also search for “native“(that have lots of tamplates) and did the mix trying to  respect the people that - as far as i know - was the main inspiration for the Watertribe and also try to make a portrait that has resemblace the character we saw in the show. So basically: inuit + native + my crap  photoshop for the eyes colour and we have Korra.
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Asami: For Asami i search for “japanese” since is know in the fandom that the Fire Nation in The Last Airbender is inspired by WWII Japan and i also search for “Asian”, not only for get more templates but also because Republic City is possibly the most miscegenated city in the avatar world, and i think at least half of the population there is a mix between the 3 nations. According to Avatar Wiki,  The lineage of the Sato family can be traced back to the first Fire Nation colonist, so she can have someone from earth kingdom in her background as a granpa or granma and this would explain her green eyes - a characteristic from earth kingdom people. So basically japanese + asian + my crap photoshop for the eyes colour and makeup and we have Asami
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Mako: Basically the same i did with Asami but with male templates instead. I also choose to make him more Fire Nation since his brother Bolin is more Earth Kingdom, and both of them are a example of the miscegenation that was happening in Republic City. So basically japanese + asian + my crap photoshop for the eyes
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Bolin: The same thing with Asami and Mako but i search for some “chinese” templates since his father is from Ba Sing Se and we know that Ba Sing Se took  tons of inspiration in China. So basically chinese + asian + my crap photoshop for the eyes colour
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Lin : No much to say, I was trying to make Asami when i accidentaly made Lin. And i add the scar on photoshop
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Tenzin: I tried search for “monks’ and ‘tibetan” but i didnt have much results so i simple just search for “old man” and “asian”. I know, this isnt the best. And i have to try to hide the hair and put Tenzin goatee and the blue arrow on photoshop. The result? Sadly aint that good
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Tarrlok and Amon: Basicaly the same work i did with Korra.
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with Amon i struggle because in the show we see that his skin tone is lighter- basicaly he could pass as white man - and while during the mixes i try mix with a white man because of that, but the result was bad so i did keep only inuit and native templates
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And we are done. 
I know those portraits arent perfect but it was fun to make them
Edit1: one person pointed in a reblog that some anti miscegenation use the word "miscegenation" like if it was bad thing. I don't know if in US or in others countries it is like this but here we Brazil we just used a lot because our country is this mix of people from all over the world, so here is just like another word we use when talk about your people. Anyway, just to clarify because internet is wild and i don't wanna receive some hate calling me something I'm not. Thank you @nymeria-rhoynar for the observation
Edit2: Im really happy that so many people liked ❤️
Edit3: I've saw @ahhhsami and @jellolegos reblogs with their edits(seriously go check it out). I wish I had those photoshop skills. Damn those edits are amazing.
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