#if you said yes the first time he would've acted like a very normal and verryyyy doting bf!!
lynnscove · 12 days
cruel dabi and reader soft moments?
Fluffy things cruel!Dabi does for reader!!
(despite his actions, he does love them!)
You two don't go out together a lot, since he's scared you'll run away, but sometimes he'll put a bag over your head and smuggle you out of the apartment. (It's sweet BC he's doing his best to hide the hallway from you🫶)
He'll usually steer you places with a hand on your lower back, or by bending over and pointing to where he wants you to go.
Sometimes he'll hold your hand instead, but he's acutely aware of how much he nauseates you, so he avoids that.
He'll get you just about anything you touch, or even glance at. He's not loaded but he's got enough money to buy you all the lil trinkets you like.
He takes you to a lot of antique stores and thrift stores to let you pick out decorations for the apartment.
He's a door opener, a sidewalk ruler, a gentleman at heart. He's the only one who's allowed to put you in danger. With the exception of some of his friends..
He always orders for you and talks to customer service people for you. You haven't been social in a long time, so he doesn't want you to get too nervous.
He dresses you for days out, does up your hair and makeup, giving you tiny kisses on the cheek and forehead throughout the entire process.
Whenever a carnival or exhibition comes to town, he'll take you. He's happy to, really. His fav rides are the ones that force you to press up against him, he loves the way you panic and try to hold yourself off of him with the safety bar. "I'm sorry if I'm hurting you! I'm totally crushing you! Does that hurt? I'm so sorry! This is so embarrassing.."
Ofc he doesn't mind one bit, and actually enjoys having you up against him. He'll usually wrap an arm around your waist or your shoulders and pull you in close until the ride ends. "You're not hurting me. Would you stop worrying? I'm not made of glass, sweetheart, stop apologizing."
He runs pretty hot, so he wraps you up in all the covers like a little cocoon, and hugs you tight. It's a bit of a pain to remake the bed every morning, but he doesn't mind.
Best believe this man eats pussy in the most romantic, loving way possible. Especially when you're on your period. Everything else with him is violent, but oral is one of those things he wants to take slow. especially when you have cramps.. he knows it helps.
Speaking of cramps, human heating pad!
Prev cruel!dabi stuff:
Cruel!dabi × pupplay
Cruel!dabi brainrot
More cruel!dabi
The first two aren't technically "canon" to his story (that i totally made up in my head) they're more just.. stuff he would do. The last one is mostly stuff he has done.
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yizukikhons · 8 months
Gothica Graysons (Title to be determined)
So this story is based off of this post where Danny learns acrobatics from the Graysons. This story is quickly developing into a multi-chap fic, just for the Circus Gothica arc. I don't know where this will go afterwards-i don't know enough about batman-but anyone is willing to take this story and use it for their own story!
The Graysons had been a part of this Circus for a while now. They can't quite remember when they left Haly's circus or why. Something happened. Something....
"Performing death defying stunts without the aid of a net...!"
They had joined circus Gothica. It was an odd choice, their aesthetic dark and edgy in a way that they didn't really appreciate. It was boring too, the days blending into one another in a way that left them uncertain of how long they had been with the troupe. The other members looked just as bored as them too, their eyes glazed over in the same red haze that plagued their own vision. Not to mention the ringmaster was a total ass. Why they stayed....
you will listen to me minions
Well, it wasn't like they knew where their old troupe was, much less had the time to find them. So even though she and her husband didn't like it, they didn't exactly have anywhere to go.
They did though. There was someone they needed to find....
you'll always be our special little robin...
Mary shook herself as she and her husband got ready for their act. It really was terribly boring here, they didn't even remember changing into their costumes....
That didn't matter. They had an audience to entertain.
"Presenting! Here from beyond the veil to give you a ghoulish performance, the late Flying Graysons!"
That was their cue. Mary plastered a smile onto her face as she and John swung into the arena, flipping over each other in a practiced routine that they knew by heart. The audience beneath roared in excitement as they passed between trapezes, flying over and under each other, dancing through the air effortlessly. It was routine at this point, even if it felt like there was a strange gap in their routine, like there should be someone else...
Mary's eyes caught on a boy.
There wasn't anything special about him. He looked like any other normal teenager. The only thing that made him stand out was that he wasn't dressed like all the others in the audience, his white and red shirt popping out starkly against the sea of black shirts and silver spikes. There wasn't anything noteworthy about him.
But his appearance still made her pause mid-leap, hovering for just a moment in the air in the way only a ghost a true acrobat could, drinking in his raven black hair and ice blue eyes. Eyes that were swiftly clouding over with the same red haze that still tinged her vision. For the first time in a while Mary felt dread pool in her gut in a way that she hadn't felt since she was alive performing their routine with her son for the very first time.
Her son...her son?
"Robin..." she whispered, staring into the red eyes of her boy. Yes, how could she have forgotten? Robin, their son.
Sam regretted going to Circus Gothica.
That was never something she would've thought she'd say, but never say never and all that.
It was just supposed to be a fun outing. A way for her to stick it to her parents, enjoy something she liked for a change, and hang with her friends.
"Danny?!" And it had been at first. Danny and Tucker didn't really get the goth scene, but they were supportive of her interests (when it didn't involve her activism, or her ultra-recyclo-vegetarianism, or anything that would affect them personally, but she was working on it) which was more than could be said about her parents. They were so caught up in maintaining their reputation that they didn't truly care about anything else.
"Danny, where are you?!"
The performance was incredible. The acts had been dark, gloomy, and spoke to her in a way nothing else had. Every person had put on a show that defied human capability-especially the trapeze artists who Sam swore flew through the air like true ghosts could-and even Tucker had been 'oohing' and 'ahing' throughout. It was one of the best experiences she'd ever had, and one she wouldn't soon forget. After the performance she'd finally torn her eyes from the arena and turned to look at her two friends, only to just see Tucker beside her and Danny nowhere in sight.
"C'mon, this isn't funny anymore!"
She'd been angry at first, thinking he'd gotten bored and ditched them (he got so easily distracted), but when they exited the tent and still couldn't find him...that's when they'd started to worry.
When they got home and found their parents angrily waiting for them with no Danny in sight...that's when they started realize that something had gone horribly wrong.
Freakshow had been surprised when the boy had shown up in the tents after the performance. At first, he thought he had been found out by a child too curious for his own good. He'd been about to call for one of his dullard of a minions when he'd noticed the red eyes and assumed that one of them had already overshadowed the fool. When he'd ordered him out of the tent, the boy had turned around to leave. When he'd screamed that he was talking to the ghost, the most amazing, awful thing happened.
The boy became one.
A white ring of ectoplasmic light formed around him and split, transforming the boy into a specter that hovered in front of him, still staring at him with red eyes and the same blank expression that all his minions did.
The boy was a ghost.
This boy had managed to do the one thing he'd always craved, turned himself into one of the beings of the other side. The one thing he'd cried and sobbed about every night as his parents ignored another birthday, holiday, school performance in favor of their research, wishing more than anything that he could be the one thing that they cared more than anything about...
He'd struck him. He'd kicked and punched and screamed, demanding to know how he'd done it. When the answer had come it only made him angrier. Science. The boy's idiotic parents had made a portal to the Infinite Realms through science, the one thing his parents never studied. The one subject he'd struggled in more than anything else, too steeped in the occult and mysticism to ever truly grasp it. The boy was beginning to turn black and blue when a snarl erupted from behind him and the Grayson specters leaped between him and the ghost child, eyes completely red and expressions filled with a rage that broke through the thrall of the Pret Niyantran. Silently, Lydia materialized between him and the two infuriated spirits, her aura thick in the air, intimidating them into submission (or at least not attacking him) until he composed himself. His hands were white around the staff as he exerted his will. The red crystal glowed as it amplified his will, strengthening his mind until the ghosts had no choice but to fall back under his thrall. Immediately the enraged expressions disappeared, their eyes returning to their original shape and their bodies becoming lax, awaiting his commands. He ordered them out of the tent, telling them to take the abomination with them. If his dim-witted minions cared for the child so much, then they could be responsible for him. He couldn't stand to look at the demon who'd achieved his greatest wish for a moment longer. Without a word, all three left, phasing through the cloth walls as if they weren't even there. The stab of envy as he watched the display of power was no stranger to him, but it's sharpness at now knowing there was a way to become one of them that didn't involve his own death...that he was unprepared for. He threw the table when he felt the freezing touch of Lydia against his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. He screamed at her to get out, uncaring about the concerned look she gave him before turning to leave as well. He didn't want to be pitied by the lesser beings under his command. He wouldn't. His hands shook with rage, only steadying whenever they landed on something solid before it was halfway across the tent. The sounds of shattering glass and breaking wood fell on deaf ears as he raged. And if his minions stayed quiet in their tents? Then all the better.
He didn't want to see any filthy ghosts right now.
John watched as his wife cooed over their son, brushing his hair in an attempt to get it to lie flat. He chuckled as each time, the untidy mop would poof up higher and higher, loaded with static charge from being run through with the natural bristle brush so many times. It had been so long since their boy had been with them and she was smothering him in affection in an effort to make up for the lost time. Mary hadn't tried this hard to style their boys hair since his sixth birthday when they had had enough money to take their boy somewhere nice. That had been a very productive season-he was getting off track, lost in nostalgia the same way his wife was. His sons red eyes watched him back, blank in a way that concerned him. The ringmaster didn't like their son. He could see it in the way his eyes narrowed at the boy every time he crossed his sight. The way his teeth grit and his hands tightened on the staff he always carried with him, strangling the wood like he wanted to strangle something else.
John never let him have that opportunity. He still remembered the feeling of something being wrong, wrong, wrong, of rushing towards that feeling only to see the ringmaster standing over their little Robin, hand raised to strike him. The all encompassing fury that had overtaken him in that moment, a snarl he hadn't known he was capable of ripping itself out of his throat as he put himself between their son and the ringmaster. What happened after that was a blur. The next thing he remembered was floating out of the circus and back towards town. His wife and child trailed behind him as they made their way to the jewelry store and began loading the sacks they had been provided with as many valuables as possible. John didn't know why they were stealing these things. A small midwestern town wouldn't have anything of higher quality, so it wasn't like the ringmaster would be getting a significant amount of whatever was stolen here. Most of the precious metals were of low quality, and all the gems were lab grown. Plus, it just felt...wrong. He and Mary were carnies, Romani born and raised. There were more honest ways of swindling peoples money than stealing it from their banks. It was so...petty.
Not that the ringmaster would listen to any of them. Instead, John made sure his son stayed near as they phased through the walls and grabbed everything they could before flying back towards the circus. The police gave a valiant chase, but it was hard to track something that could walk through walls, disappear, and fly. It wasn't long before the wailing of the sirens faded away and the three of them landed in Freakshow's tent. The heavy sacks of ill-gotten goods fell from their lax fingers and smashed into the bare ground, metal clinking against metal and the hissing rattle of gems smaller than a pin shifting in the bags as they settled on the ground. The ringmaster seemed pleased as he scooped up their spoils and ran them through his fingers, though he quickly snarled at the three of them to leave afterwards. John was only too happy to oblige.
He and Mary quickly made their way to the circus arena to begin practicing their routine. It had been so long since all three of them had worked together, and they needed to rehearse as much as possible before their next performance. It's a good thing they decide to do this too, as their son can't seem to remember any of the routine at all. Or any acrobatic skills. What had the boy been doing all this time? He and Mary have to start him on the basics all over again. They share a look as their boy swings clumsily across the arena. So much for doing their normal act. They'd have to bring out their first routine they did when D-when their little Robin was 4, They'd have to account for his bigger size and weight, but the routine was deliberately simple so that even a beginner could do it. John slowly floats up to their sons height and begins giving him pointers, showing him how to hold the trapeze bars so he wouldn't slip, how to angle his body so that his weight swings him across the arena instead of using his muscles and tiring himself out too quickly. His little Robin soaks up the lessons like a sponge, his body quickly remembering the old lessons. Once sure that their boy wouldn't hurt himself, John begins showing him the routine for tonight's performance.
"Danny!" The voice startles the three of them out of practice and they all turn to look down at the ground. A girl with black hair is staring up at them with wide, purple eyes, her face open with shock and horror. She stands, rooted to the ground with open dismay.
"Dude! What are you doing?!" The boy next to her cries, not frozen with emotions like his friend. "Everyone's looking for you! Your parents are worried sick!" John tilted his head in confusion at the boy. How could their sons parents be worried? They were right here; and their boy's name wasn't Danny. It was...it was...It didn't matter. Their son was here now. There was no need to be looking for him now that he was finally back where he belonged.
"My...parents?" Robin croaked-the first words he'd said since that first night- and glanced towards him and his mother with his own confusion and incredulity, obviously not understanding any more than they did.
"Yeah dude! Jazz is worried sick! She's convinced you've been kidnapped!" The dark-skinned boy continues, glaring up at their son as if he was responsible for this family worrying themselves to death.
"Jazz..." Their boy whispers, his eyes gaining awareness, the red color flickering, being replaced by toxic green and icy blue. His face spasming with pain and screwing up as though he's trying to remember something. "Fight it Danny!" The girl screams, finally coming out of her stupor and marching towards the center pole that hold the tent up as if she's going to climb the ladder and drag their son down herself. "Don't let these ghosts brainwash you! We're your friends!" "Ghosts don't have friends," the ringmaster called out. Everyone in the room tensed, turning to look in his direction and he strutted into the arena, Lydia trailing behind him as a silent bodyguard, a quiet threat. "But how interesting it is to see two little vermin sneak in unannounced," he sneered, peering down his nose at them. Both the teens crouched into fighting stances, ready to run at a moments notice. "Well minion? Don't just stand there. Introduce us." The girl locked up in fury, looking ready to tear the ringmaster to shreds. The boy in the red hat wasn't far behind her. Robin stayed silent, his eyes still flickering rapidly between blistering green and blank red.
"Minion? Danny isn't your slave! He's his own person!" The girl shouted, marching forward and getting in the ringmasters face in an effort to intimidate him. Unfortunately her head barely came up to the ringmasters' chest, so it wasn't very effective.
"I don't remember talking to you little girl," the man hissed, his pale, human red eyes glaring down at her hatefully. "I asked you a question you dolt." The ringmasters hand tightened on his staff and the orb on top brightened, the dizzying red color washing every other thought out of John's head. "Answer me," he demanded.
"Don't call Danny that!" The black teenager shouted, leaping forward as if to punch the ringmaster. Unconsciously, John found himself and Mary flying between him and their master, acting as a wall and stopping the boy in his tracks. Both teens watched them warily and didn't try to get closer.
"Their names are Tucker Foley and Sam Manson," Their son responded, staring into the red crystal.
"Manson," the ringmaster repeated, his eyes widened in shock, but quickly narrowed in cunning and delight. His fingers tapped absently on the wood of his staff in contemplation. "As in, daughter of Pamela and Richard Manson? The richest family in Amity Park Manson?" He inquired, his eyes bright as he stared at the young woman with greed. John felt his gut fill with dread again. Behind him, his son went stiff. Sam seemed to catch onto the danger and started backing away. "Now, why leave after you've come all this way? After all, didn't you come to enjoy our hospitality?" The master stepped forward, the rest of the troupe materializing behind him, John stepping in line with them mindlessly.
A white gloved hand gripped both teens shoulders and John looked up to see his son, eyes blazing with green fire glaring straight at them, before all three disappeared from their sight. The ringmaster growled, fingers twisting around his cane in fury.
"Find them!" He screeched. They obeyed.
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farfromsugafanfic · 2 years
Hiii, May i request Stray Kids reactions to you asking them to move in with you please 🥺🫶🏼
SKZ Reaction To You Asking Them To Move In With You
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Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks for the request! I know getting the requests (and content in general) has been slow lately and I appreciate y'all for bearing with me. Also, Happy New Year!
This man is going to be ECSTATIC when you ask him to move in with him. He has honestly been waiting for this day. With that said, if he is still living in the dorm full time when you ask him, he will still continue to live there part time, especially during long weeks since it is nearer to work and allows him to collaborate with the members better.
But, he will come home to you as much as possible. While he is normally a very organized person, he will get a bit excited and start sending you apartment listings without important features you would've talked about (such as if they don't allow pets, outside your budget, etc.). Don't worry, he'll calm down after a few days lol.
Honestly, Minho will be pretty chill as long as you agree to having cats and are okay with his crazy schedule. He will low key wonder what took so long. Minho will also be so helpful when you're actually moving by carrying all of the heavy things and making sure you remember to take a break and eat.
He will be secretly touched that you want to take this step with him and will probably express it in some way you will only realize later. I also wouldn't be surprised if he ends up convincing you to let him pay the majority of the rent, or even all of it.
Will immediately do two things: 1). Act cute 2). Be surprised. No matter how long you have been with Changbin or how stable your relationship is, these sorts of gestures that indicate an evolution in the relationship will always shock him.
While Changbin's Leo sun makes him outwardly confident, he secretly hides a lot of insecurity and uncertainty. So, when you ask him to move in, and once he realizes you're serious, he'll pull you off the ground and into a hug. On move in day, he definitely wears a tank top just to tease you.
I imagine it will happen fairly casually and Hyunjin will be shy and cute as he says yes. I mean, he sorta already lives with you anyway based on how much time he already spends at your place. Will shyly ask for a space so he can paint and is SO happy when you say yes. He isn't used to living with anyone other than the members or his parents, so when you easily let him have an extra bedroom for his art, he thinks this is the best thing he's ever done.
Despite being an introvert, he seems like the type to throw a house warming party once the apartment is immaculately decorated with his and other's art. Also, he will have to introduce Kkami to space, of course.
Like Changbin, he's a little shocked, but eager to accept. Ngl, he does get a little anxious when he considers how he will work with the members and definitely wants a place close to the current dorm so that he can maintain a good work/life balance.
However, once you actually get a place and moved in, he is going to be so happy. Will stay up all night with you just so he can enjoy spending time with you in a space that is just for you two.
Felix may ask before you get the chance. He can't imagine anything better than getting to live with you. Like Hyunjin, he will also take decorating the apartment extremely seriously. You probably won't even need to lift a finger in that regard.
He does feel a bit weird without the members at first and will go back to the dorm on nights you're out of town. Felix will also always come home to you at night, even if it's late.
You decide to broach the subject with Seungmin gradually. It's not that you're afraid he will say no, he just tends to take these sorts of things seriously and would probably want to be the one to ask. Still, you begin hinting that your lease is ending a few months before it actually does. When you finally ask, there is little hesitation. In fact, he took your hints so well, he already has a list of apartments saved.
That said, Seungmin will insist on making the deposit and buying any new furniture. It's not that he doesn't respect that you make your own money and enough to make occasional big purchases, but it just makes the most sense from his point of view.
Jeongin may be among the most hesitant to move in with you. It's not exactly that he doesn't want to, it's just that he will definitely miss the members. Still, when he agrees and you start making plans, he will become excited.
He's another budding interior designer and will spend literally hours picking out everything from the right color of curtains to the perfect bedspread. Once you get moved in, he realizes his worries were baseless as he actually enjoys the quiet and getting to see you as soon as he wakes up.
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shychick-52 · 6 months
Like many of you, the s1 StF episode 'The Floating Palace' left a bad taste in my mouth because of how horribly OOC Cedric acted in that after turning himself into a (HIDEOUS) sea monster:
- Abducting and holding prisoner a freaking child (the mermaid named Una)
- Trying to harm Sofia. *angry snort* Trying to fucking get rid of Sofia with his magic
HE WOULD NOT FUCKING DO THAT. FR, the way Craig Gerber (yes, it was the show's creator himself who wrote that episode, which is even more disappointing) wrote Cedric there felt like horrible fanfiction from somebody who never saw the show.
But I have a theory. My hc is that Cedric's sea monster form not only made him a literal monster on the outside, but figuratively monstrous on the inside too. It was a side-effect of the transformation spell, and he wasn't even aware of how it was morally affecting him because his humanity- and what goodness he normally had deep down, which always prevented him from going too far- was greatly suppressed, leaving only the bad and also making the bad in him much stronger.
I also hc that the longer Cedric stayed in that form, the worse he would have become until his humanity was totally gone and there was no good at all in him, no limits to what he would have done.
In fact (and I hate to say this), if Sea Monster Cedric had known abducting the young mermaid princess endangered Sofia's family (the mermaid queen believed them to be responsible for taking Una and was prepared to sink their ship to get her daughter back), there's a good chance he wouldn't have really cared; in fact, he likely would have seen it as the perfect bonus to him usurping the throne with the power of the mermaid comb, as the royals dead would've left him totally free to take over.
I hc that after Cedric turned back to his normal human self, he felt horribly disgusted and remorseful for trying to harm Sofia. It probably haunted him ever since (especially after he turned over a new leaf). Which was very likely why he canonically refused to go with the royal family back to Merway Cove (in one of the Merway Cove episodes, Sofia mentioned it was too bad he didn't want to come with them this time, and Miranda replied "He said he couldn't think of a more monstrous vacation, whatever that means"). Think about it. Cedric secretly referenced transforming himself into a sea monster, but surely it wasn't his failure to obtain the mystical mermaid comb and use its power to take over the kingdom that greatly traumatized him because he's used to failure. There was nothing about that particular failure itself that ate at him. It was what he nearly did to Sofia as a monster, which was why going back to Merway Cove was too painful.
And I think if he'd known his actions on Sofia's first trip to Merway Cove had endangered her family, he would have felt even more guilty, especially once he became a better person...
@fantadym @bettathanyou
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What would be the aftermath after the siblings death? Like the funeral or parents reactions 🤔 -angst anon
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Warning(s): very short, mentions of death, platonic yandere-ish
"I don't trust it one bit." Riddle said, sipping his tea. "Floyd hasn't bothered me once today. I think he may be planning something."
"Yeah, he was acting weird during basketball club..." Ace added. "Normally, even when he isn't feeling it, he'll at least pretend to participate, but today, he just sorta sat in the corner doing whatever it was he was doing."
"How odd..." Riddle said.
"Oh, you two talking about the Leeches?" Trey asked. He had been trying to teach Riddle and Ace how to get along (and how to bake) "Well, I was talking with Jade earlier, and... you know their little sibling, (Y/N)? Apparently (Y/N) hanged themselves right in their dorm room last night. I feel bad for those two... I can't even begin to imagine how I'd feel if that happened to me..."
"...yeah, we're getting permission from the Headmage to use the mirror. We're also trying to convince him to let us bring (Y/N) home, he says he reeeeeeeeally doesn't want this getting out to the public... yeah, I'll check on him... yeah, see you soon, mom."
Floyd hung up the phone. Ever since they received the news, his parents have been calling nonstop.
"Hey, Jaaaaaaaade, you're not answering your phone, so mom and dad are asking me to make sure you're doin' ok." Floyd said to his brother. "I know you're not, but y'know... thought I'd still ask."
"Just tell them I feel fine." Jade insisted.
"...you realize this's ignited a huge firestorm back home, yeah?"
"I didn't mean to kill them, Floyd." Jade said, head in his hands. "I didn't want any of this to happen."
"You didn't want any of this to happen? That's bullshit and you know it! If you really didn't want this to happen, you'd've never played that stupid 'joke' on 'em in the first place, Jade!" Floyd threw the phone to his brother. "Now call mom, she's really fuckin' worried about you, 'cause you played the role of (Y/N)'s protective older brother their whole life! She thinks you're devastated by this whole thing! But I know you're not... because I saw you hang them. If you really felt bad about killing them, you wouldn't've tried to fake your innocence."
Jade sighed and dialed the number into his phone. His mother picked up almost immediately.
They had a lengthy conversation about you.
It was the first time he heard his mother cry over the death of one of her children. His mother was such an emotionally strong woman... come to think about it, this may have been the first time he's heard her cry ever.
"Apparently, (Y/N) tried to call me that night... I haven't had the heart to listen to the voicemail they left me."
There's only ONE reason you would've called your parents that night; to let them know what was about to happen to you. That he was going to kill you.
"Jade...? You're very quiet. Is everything alright...?"
"Yes. Everything's fine, mother. I'm just... still processing all of this." Jade said.
Jade threw the phone on the ground the moment the call was over.
He NEEDS to find his mother's phone and delete that voicemail when he gets home.
"Jade, what was that sound?" Floyd asked, entering the room. "WHAT THE FUCK?! THAT WAS MY PHONE!!"
"We have bigger problems than that right now, Floyd!"
"I'm guessing it's just you that has bigger problems right now. Fun reminder: I'm not the one who killed our younger sibling."
"I need to get home and get rid of it."
"...get rid of what? You've killed (Y/N), you've made it seem like suicide, NOBODY thinks it was you! There's no more evidence to get rid of!"
"Apparently, (Y/N) called mother some time before I killed them! And I assume that they told her I was going to kill them!" Jade explained, looking stressed. "Luckily, she says she hasn't had the heart to listen to it, so I'm still in the clear for now. When we get home, I NEED you to distract mother and father so I can delete that voicemail."
"Wow. You really don't care, huh?" Floyd had some kind of hurt-looking smile on his face. "Not a hint of guilt."
"Fine! Jeez, you're so annoying sometimes!"
The next day, the twins went home.
Both for different reasons.
Floyd went home to discuss your funeral preparations with his parents...
And Jade went home to destroy the last piece of evidence that tied him to your death.
When Jade found his mother's phone, he listened to the message you left.
You sounded so... scared.
He's always found it kind of funny, hearing the fear in your voice, but now...
Now he couldn't help but feel ever so slightly...
After he listened to it, he had his finger over the 'delete' button. Why is he hesitating...? He shouldn't be... there's no reason to be...
He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and pressed the button. And then, the message was gone. The evidence was gone. You were gone.
And instead of feeling like a weight was taken off his shoulders... strangely enough...
It only felt like more weight was added.
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bee-named-alex · 3 months
So episode 6 of IWTV s2. My thoughts? Many. Enjoy them, I'll try to make it as coherent as possible in my current state. Spoilers and my mental breakdown below the cut
Fuck this. I cannot wait for a week after this episode, how am I supposed to be normal after this???
So I guess I'll start from the start? The tension is in every word and I get why Daniel's getting afraid for his life, I mean I am afraid for his life rn and he's not even real.
The Dubai scenes, they contrast really well with the first couple episodes of this season. The cracks in Loumand relationship are very apparent now, they can't even decide on what painting to have in their house. And I read a post that was like "season 1 was music, season 2 is art" and it's so true and this means like their relationship is empty i guess or something. Maybe just that it's falling apart.
And the way they began this season holding hands and sitting so close, acting like everything was perfect, ready to fight Daniel and now they sit as far away as possible, fight like all the time about everything and Louis and Daniel (and even Rashid I think) keep on further unionizing against Armand... I think that's just great.
And Armand knowing that they know and from the start trying to spin it. I'm not sure how the sentence "Why do you ask, love?" from Louis is like the coldest thing ever but it just is.
I'll talk more about Dubai later.
But now to Paris. Claudia's diary "Fuck these vampires" - girl's so right (in both meanings of that word btw). Claudia was never really my fave, but out of everyone I feel like she deserves a happy ending the most (not counting daniel here) and fuck, she's not getting it. i know but it still hurts like hell.
Her and Madeleine's relationship is great. Inbetween all the plotting and manipulation and murder this feels like one of the only peaceful things. In the scene where Claudia reveals herself I though that she's like Madeleine's guardian angel. But also an angel of death. But Madeleine doesn't mind and I think that's very important, that she doesn't really see Claudia as a monster - or maybe she does, but it doesn't change what she feels (after all, she thinks that she's a monster)
Then the turning. First Louis trying to convince Armand and him not obeying- as Daniel says "maitre only when it's hot or convinient" (it was hot in the art room btw and it's so not fair that we didn't get to see at least a little more i mean that whole scene was inexplicably so hot and i need moreeee).
But it also reminded me of another post, the "Armand is a willingly leashed tiger" because like yeah, Louis has the power up until the point when Armand no longer wants him to have it. (also Louis persuasion being "imagine me without the burden of her" sucks, like sorry but this hurts, even if you didn't mean it and yes it matters if you meant it. But his later method - aka kiss to shut him the hell up - seems much better.)
Then I got a little pissed or perhaps confused at his "Are you asking or making me?" because we know that Louis can't actually make Armand do anything, not when he is 100 % sure he doesnt want to. Because if he could, Armand would've turned Madeleine. (speaking of, Armand not having turned anyone is pretty interesting, but i guess that that's how it was in the books and it was important so sure why not)
Also Louis' "It's ok, it's ok" here reminded me of "Of course, of course!" and also "It's fine, he's fine, we're fine" and it's just so funny how they all think that if they say things over and over again they'll convince themselves that they're true.
The turning itself was beautiful, as Louis said it would be. Like it wasn't violent, there wasn't fear, no tears. Just love and devotion and I'm so sad that Claudia's and Madeleine's beautiful dream didn't last longer.
Louis not caring afterwards is just another exampke of his dissociative state and I worry about his mental well-being. (All of their mental and physical well-beings tbh)
In Dubai again, Armand finally talking about the erased memories and how they both hate on him for it and they're right. Like what do you mean Daniel doesn't have the right to be angry, of course he does. It's fun to see Daniel delighted about fighting Armand.
But also... Louis asked him to get rid of those momeries (if he believe him. And I, in this episode more than ever and despite my better knowledge, do believe Armand. Maybe it's just because of Assad's phenomenal acting but I believe his words and I believe his tears. Which actually makes this all worse btw.) and that makes the whole situation suddenly much more complicated.
Other Paris plot - Santiago (fuck Santiago) and his coup -, yeah that kept me on my toes for the entire episode. Like Armand says that he was in love and Louis says that he got lazy but I just think he must've been blind to not see it.
I feel like Dubai kinda reflects this (Louis and Daniel unionizing as we've said and so it's like Armand losing his power over his people again) but also. Paris and it's aftermath was the biggest crisis of their relationship, must've been (followed by San Francisco and Daniel I'm sure). But now as the recount it they are also reliving it and are also in a full-blown crisis and i hope this one doesn't end in a fire.
And the ending of it all. Fuck. I was near tears watching it.
The double-date in the cafe felt like a dream, they even said in the episode insider that they wanted it to feel surreal or something like that, like a romantic comedy. And for a few minutes it does. They let you believe that they could be happy. You know they won't, you know that shit's about to go down and everything will end in ruin but this single scene makes you beg, no please, no don't fuck it up, just stay happy, like this, it can be good. And despite knowing what's coming, you stick your claws into this idea of happiness like a lifeline.
And then it hurts that much more when this perfect bubble pops.
I admire all the actors because idk what Armand was feeling the moment he stepped outside but through Assad's acting I felt it too. And as Louis looks around, seeing the world stop, here I know exactly what he must've felt- the realization hits, the betrayl and then the immense worry for Claudia and Jacob portrays it so beautifully.
"He chose." This breaks my heart. Because what did he choose exactly, or better yet, what did he choose over? I mean this is terrible, the trial, but what was his other choice? He calls himself a coward so maybe it was Louis and Claudia and Madeleine or him that the coven would go after. But maybe this was actually the better choice idk.
But like you see the regret in Armand's face in Paris but especially in Dubai and I trust him. I believe him that he regrets it, I believe him the tears and as I've said that just makes it so much worse. Because he chose this and now they suffer for it and he suffers for it too and blames himself (rightfully so), but it still hurts.
And then Lestat. Fuck. I knew this was gonna come (I just couldn't help myself and because of my recklessness saw a spoiler, that he's gonna be there) but that in no way did that knowledge diminish what I felt when I saw him. Because, hell, idk I'm just so excited to finally have him back because I love him but also I hate him and am so scared as to what he's gonna do. He's gonna testify against Louis and Claudia sure but what if he won't? Does he want to kill or fuck Louis? Will his and Armand's past play part in this or is that a box to remain unopened until later?
"You cannot script a hurricane" they said and so this means Lestat will go off script. But to what extent? At least to which it results in burning the theatre down.
The preview didn't help my state, quite the contrary actually. Louis in Paris is scared that Lestat's gonna come. Santiago's laughing. What does Armand feel? Who knows not me, I'm just scared. And excited. I feel like I won't fall asleep for two days after this but it's fine. I'm fine, everything's fine.
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moonlightflowerss · 2 years
PARIS | Choi San
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summary: San convinces you to go to Paris with him hoping it's the right time to confess you his feelings
pairing: san x very oblivious reader
word count: 2k
genre: friends to lovers, fluff
contains: teeth rotting fluff, reader is very much unaware of san's feelings, mentions of food, mention to being only one bed but very brief
a/n: written for @arixew
not proofread!
«what?! absolutely not» you shake your head in absolute disbelief, resuming your intense staring at your notes without being actually able to understand what's written on it.
«why not?? it's nice and you owe me a favor anyway» he mutters, making your eyes widen.
«first of all: don't play the favor card with me, second of all: i bet that's nice, but I can't. I have stuff to do, you know? a life, if you will. You should try to get one instead of asking me things like that» you move frantically your hands trying to stress the concept even more than your ironic tone does «now be quiet and let me finish this thing» you conclude, turning on your office chair and leaving San on the bed behind your back.
He sighs before leaving his torso fall on the soft mattress, waiting in silence for the next thing he can say to convince you.
He was invited to a meeting in Paris, two nights completely paid for him and whoever he wants to accompany him.
No way in hell he would've gone alone nor with anyone who isn't you.
He has clear feelings for you, absolutely blatantly infatuated.
Everybody knew that. Everybody except you; ant it's not the only thing you didn't know.
You were also completely oblivious on how your feelings are just as blatant.
In your head you're an absolute professional in the art of hiding feelings and acting normal while the truth is that everybody knows exactly what's going on, even San. Especially San.
He's one of your closest friend before being everything else and you know he knows you like the palm of his hand. The thing is that he knows you better than you think but, as much as he was pretty sure of your thoughts and feelings toward him, he didn't want to force anything out of you while being a little too shy to confess.
He's sure he will find the courage in Paris, he just needs to convince you.
San takes another deep breath before snapping back up, sitting straight on the bed.
«you have to come, I already said I will be with someone»
«this really doesn't sound like my problem» you lightly laugh
«it is your problem until you don't agree»
«just ask someone else!» you snap, turning on your office chair to face him
«i already did, nobody can come» he didn't
«no you didn't»
«i did»
«you did not»
«and even if it was true what's the problem if I want to go with you?»
Your heart is pounding at this point.
There are no actual problems beside your feelings which you think are nowhere near mutual.
«i have stuff to do» that's the best you could come up with, trying to cut off as soon as you can the silence that was created by your hesitation in trying to find a fitting answer
«like?» he raises his brows
«none of your business, San»
«tell me whatever you have to do and I will postpone it for you. Whatever it is» he says, his faithful gaze burning your own eyes «please?» he adds, with a small voice.
You sigh.
If it wasn't so impossible for you to wrap your head around the fact that it's absolutely possible that San could have feelings for you even if in your eyes he's so out of your league, you would be laughing at how poorly he hides his being an absolute simp.
«i'll finish this and then I'll think about it. I'll tell you in a few days»
«you have two days top, okay?» he asks before taking a glance at the clock and getting up
«yes, chief, I'll let you know» you chuckle
«i will not take a no» he whispers with a hand on the side of his mouth like he's saying a secret, before kissing your forehead and rushing out "because he had to meet with Yunho and he forgot". In all actuality, he rushed out of your house to call Yunho to have a prep talk for your trip to Paris.
«didn't she say "I'll think about it"?» the taller asks, clearly perplexed
«it means yes»
And San is right.
Less than a week after you are in an airplane to Paris with San on your side throwing excited smiles at you every time he can.
Once you get at the hotel it's almost night already and the cold weather with the feeling of tiredness that you both feel make you agree on staying in the room and just order something to have a proper dinner.
Much to nobody's surprise, there is just one bed.
A huge, soft, elegantly decorated, only bed.
Nothing to worry about, you already slept in the same bed with him. You're friends.
If just San wasn't able to read your thoughts like they were written on your face it would've been better.
But he just remains silent, relaxed and acts like nothing is happening. Leaving you in your self made conviction that he has no idea what you're thinking.
The night goes by very fast, and soon the fatigue gets over both of your bodies letting you fall asleep soundly until the morning after.
"at the meeting. probably will end around 6. See you tonight. p.s. text me when you wake up :)"
That's what your eyes meet in the morning instead of San's face.
You took a while to collect your thoughts before texting San and preparing to go out and walk through the city.
Although you tried to distract yourself with music, your mind kept rushing to San making you end up with a lot of small things you wanted to give him.
Including some pastries and flowers.
«ta-da!» you greet him as soon as he opens the door to your shared room, standing in front of the small table with all of the small gifts for him on top
«what's this?» he smiles, his heart about to explode from how happy he feels
«i went for a walk and saw some nice things I wanted to share with you» you explain, trying to keep your cool in spite of your pounding heart and the man you are head over heels for.
He thanked you. Like a thousand times.
And after appreciating every single one of your gifts and sharing the pastries with you a comfortable but expentant silence descends.
He moves a step closer, delicately caressing your hair; your gazes linking with each other.
«should we get on the bed? I'm a bit tired» he asks, voice low and soft.
You nod like he has put you under a spell and get on the bed, cuddling against each other like you always do trying to ignore the tension from before.
After a couple of hours he moves to look at the hour before taking a deep breath.
«i have a surprise too, but you have to wear the very smart dress I told you to pack» he informs you before sitting straight on the bed
«what?» you look at him with both perplexion and surprise in your eyes «wasn't it for the lunch with your company tomorrow?»
«surprise!» he laughs before getting up and quickly take his smart suit out of the closet «see you at 8 in the hall! I'll get dressed in Hong's room!» he says excitedly before leaving without leaving any room for you to debate.
You almost feel disoriented for what just happened and you take a while before collecting your thoughts once again and starting to get prepared.
A little after the time he told you you're finally ready taking your coat and your purse.
Just as you were taking the last glance before leaving the room you hear a knock on the door and you open it to find a simley, excited, incredibly dressed San.
«you ready?» he asks before glancing over your body «you look amazing» he almost whispers, making your cheeks heat up and your throat dry
«you too» you shyly reply before closing the door behind your back «shall we go?» you ask.
He nods and offers you the arm, that you gladly take, before going in the elevator.
Strangely enought thought, San doesn't press the Zero button.
«didn't we have to go in the hall?»
«there's a little change of plans» he smiles proudly.
When the elevator doors finally open you both have to walk up another set of stairs before arriving on the roof of the hotel.
Opened the heavy metal push-door the most amazing view get displayed in front of you.
A nicely prepared table with fairy lights and candles over and on it, with the whole city shining behind it.
«San» you just whisper in awe, still taking in the view.
He doesn't answer, he just wraps an arm around your waist and kisses your temple
«i wanted to thank you for move your very urgent commitments and coming here with me» he chuckles sweetly, voice soft «let'go eat» he adds, stroking your arm and starting to move towards the table.
Your body moves before your mind can, getting on your tiptoes and throwing your arms over his shoulders in a tender hug. He catches you chuckling, squeezing your waist and bending a little just to have your feet well planted on the ground.
When you two divide from the hug you find your faces way closer than they usually are.
Your noses almost touch each other, and you feel like you could throw up so you slowly back up until your bodies aren't touching anymore.
«it's beautiful, thank you. Let's go eat?» you try to cut off the tension chuckling lightly; convincing yourself that this tension is just in your head.
The dinner goes amazingly just like both of you, deep down, wished.
The whole city of Paris witnessed your loving gazes and stolen touches, both of you shyly beating around the bush waiting for the other one to make a move.
Now you're both leaning on the railing sometimes looking forward and sometimes leaning sideways to look at each other.
You feel your head light from all of it, wanting to do something but being too afraid to ruin everything. In the meantime, San is internally panicking, trying not to drop the conversation while testing the waters by quickly caressing your back, then your head, then wrapping an arm around you. Making every little move that led you to this.
You're so close that your noses rub together, his arms tightly wrapped around your waist lightly stroking your covered skin with his thumbs.
He tilts his head just a little more, enough to tell you that he's waiting for you. Like everything else didn't already tell you that he's been waiting for you all this time.
The long awaited kiss is warm, sweet, affectionate, and it felt like the both of you were finally set free.
Soon enough your hands intertwine his hair with your fingers while he carefully steps forward until you are against the railing, giving your back at the shimmering city.
One of San's hands reaches your cheek, stroking it softly before hooking delicately the side of your face to tilt it however he needs.
The chilly air is the only thing that brings you both back on earth making you shiver and him squeeze you even more in his arms.
«let's go inside» he softly says, smiling, honey covering his every word.
All the journey between the terrace and the door to your room was silent, but comfortable. Excitement rushing through every cell of your bodies.
San refused to take his hands off you, waiting impatiently for the door to close again to kiss you again and again and again, every piece of your body, until the sunrise.
It's the hunger that makes your eyes open again, just a few hour later since you closed it.
San is holding you tight, blocking your whole body with his but somehow there's breakfast for both of you on the nightstand.
«i ordered it while you were asleep» he says, once again able to read your thoughts just by looking at your face «morning» he adds, all smiley while he pecks you all over your face and neck, making you giggle.
«let's eat, we have to catch the flight in a couple hours and once we get back home we have some things to finish» he smiles, squeezing you one last time before sitting upright with you and starting your days.
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huachengeye · 1 year
Only Friends Episode 8: And they were all messy
Hello there! Episode 8 has been out for some days now, but after watching a reaction os YT and scrolling through the comments, I wrote this piece to add my two cents to the whole Mew victimization and Ray the supreme asshole (I don't actually think he is tho).
For organization and better reading comprehension, I'm going to separate this into sections, starting off with Mew going wild, then Ray, the fandom's favorite broken boy, and ending up with little about the relationship of the friend group.
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Mew, one of the nasties.
First off, I'm a Mew apologist. He is, in fact, my favorite character as of now, but I'm down to criticize the hell out of him, because loving is caring <3
I want to start with the whole discourse around his and Ray's relationship. The fandom seems to be separated into 3 categories (and yes, I'm generalizing a lot for the purpose of making my point): Mew apologists, Ray apologists, and everyone else who thinks they are as messy as everyone else without needing to explain their behavior.
In contradiction with my very first sentence, I belong to the third category in the sense I think they all do bad things to one another. Starting with Mew, we already know that he puts himself on a pedestal compared to his fucked-up friends, but my boy was kicked out of his high horse and now is like us, failed humans. One of the discourses I've been seeing, and that some characters in the series agree with (Cheum and Top), is that Mew is being dragged down by Ray. I completely disagree. Mew is an adult, and although he is experiencing heartbreak for the first time, the way he is acting is very realistic. Mew's first honest conversation with Top was about how he is afraid of getting his heart broken. He confided that to Top, about how he lives through his books because of his fears of getting hurt. And it happened exactly as he feared. It would be weird if he just behaved normally after finding out his boyfriend cheated on him with his friend. So his way of hurting is not hurting at all, is numbing his pain and he does it in the same way as Ray because that's the way he thinks it works.
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As the theories go for this BL, I've seen a lot of people saying that it is Mew that it's enabling Ray's substance abuse. Honestly, in my opinion, they are using each other. Mew made it clear that he doesn't love Ray romantically, he said it himself in this episode, Ray is the one he should love. I genuinely don't think Mew is using Ray with the idea of making Ray drown more in his addiction, I think the reason Mew is clinging to Ray right now is the same reason Ray clings to him: they were there when the other was going through his worst time. They are like lifesavers to each other. In this sense, they are mutually using one another, the difference is that Ray is also clinging to the idea that he is in love with Mew, when it's already clear to us, the viewers, that this boat has sailed. If Ray was certain that he wanted a future with Mew, and Mew only, he would've let Sand go. Because Ray didn't go after Sand only when he was under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, he also went when he was sober, actively trying to keep Sand in his life, even if their relationship was never a friendship, and was always sexual/romantic (for Sand, at least).
Still analyzing Mew, I saw this brilliant post by @wen-kexing-apologist (this post right here, highly recommend for you to check it out) where they analyze Mew, and his personality (or lack of, for that matter). As soon as Mew told Top that he decorated his place with ideas from Pinterest I felt bothered, especially with his whole introduction in the first episode, about how he is the table keeper (I honestly don't remember how he worded it). I felt bothered but I couldn't quite say why, so when I read Wen Kexing Apologist's analysis, it all made sense.
Lao Wen's (I'm sorry for the use of the cannon nickname of wkx, saying the whole username is a task lmao) thesis is that Mew has no idea who he is, and I completely agree with them. The thing that was Mew's whole personality is that he was a virgin, which was the thing that most set him apart from his friends. Yes, he is also a bookworm and a smart person, but these were secondary things when it came to who he was. Mew was the "pure" one of the group, the one that was waiting for the right person, for the person that was worthy of his virginity (just typing this makes me want to wither away). After Top, he is no longer a virgin, he is no longer that different from his friends. So once he found out about Top cheating on him, he had lost more than his virginity, he had lost his own ideals, because he wanted his first time to be with someone worthy, as I said, and well, Top wasn't worthy, but Mew didn't know that at the time.
Now, Mew doesn't have the one aspect of him that defined him, so he is utterly lost and is now mimicking the one person that offers him some type of stability, one person that he knows truly cares for him, Ray. I really don't know how Mew will react if he knows that Ray kissed Sand at the party, I don't if he won't care because he isn't in love with Ray or if that will only make him go down to the worst path. I think he will get mad if he finds out, especially because it's Ray, his best friend, the one who was there for him when Top cheated on him. Oh, the drama it's gonna be.
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Now for Ray. I'm gonna be straight with y'all and say that Ray is the character I dislike the most in this BL, but also the one that I pity the most.
From the get-go, I knew Ray wasn't better than Boston or Top, but after this episode, I can't understand why people still treat him as the victim. He keeps on stringing Sand around as if he is his personal doll, even after Sand makes it clear that he doesn't want to be Ray's second option, that he wants Ray to let him go. Ray does not let him go, and more than that, he clings to Sand as a spoiled child clings to his favorite toy, not out of love, out of possessiveness. I don't really see Ray and Sand's relationship as one of love, Sand is basically Ray's parent, and for Ray, Sand is a thing he can own, just like he can own anything else with his money. For this topic, I recommend this post by @wen-kexing-apologist (yes, I might be a little obsessed with their analysis, sue me) and this post by @emotionallychargedtowel.
I saw some people saying that Ray doesn't know he is addicted, and that his substance abuse doesn't excuse his behavior but certainly explains it, I disagree. I think that Ray knows that his actions hurt others around him, and he knows because his friends and Sand already told him when he was sober. Sand said more than one time that he should drive whilst drunk because he could hurt someone. Sand in the hospital made it clear that he should take accountability for his actions. Mew keeps on chewing him about his drinking behavior (even if he doesn't in a very judgmental way). So he knows, he might not be able to control himself when he is drunk, but he never takes accountability afterward, not really. Even after his accident, what was his punishment? Community service, and even when it comes to that he tried to make Sand help him.
As for the idea that he doesn't know he is addicted, I think he does. I think he does, but he doesn't want to acknowledge it. If I remember correctly (and I might not, please correct me if I'm tripping), when Ray and Mew kissed back when they didn't know Sand or Top, Ray says to Mew that if he hadn't found Ray in the bathtub, he would've joined his mother. At the time, I hadn't watched the flashback of his mother on the floor, but I got the impression that he meant that not because he would die like his mother, but because he would've joined his mother in the same way that she went. Now, I think that scene was Ray's way of acknowledging for a brief moment that he is going down the same path as his mother. Again, I might be way off here.
So my point is, I'm a bit tired of people trying to blame Ray's trauma for all of his actions. Of course, his traumas and mental issues are a big part of it, but he still chooses to hurt others, even when sober. Trauma doesn't mean you can treat others like shit. And as someone who grew close to a person that dealt with alcohol abuse and turned a jerk because of it, it's fucking tiring and emotionally consuming to have someone berating you. It doesn't matter at the moment that they are out of their minds, because in the end, you are hurting.
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Now onto the Fantastic Four. After this episode, I saw some people talking about Cheum never actually caring for Ray or that neither of the friends did. I saw someone talking about how Cheum shouldn't have said that (her whole monologue) whilst Ray was being held down by a cop. I agree with all of it, except maybe for the part that his friends don't care. I think Mew does care, although he certainly doesn't look like he does now. But we need to remember that he was there for Ray when he tried to take his own life. And I believe that there are still things we didn't see from them because they are best friends. Before Top, before Nick, before Sand, the one that Ray could lean on was Mew and from the way Ray behaves around him, it seems as if Mew wasn't the worst friend around.
As for Boston and Cheum, it is VERY clear that the one person who keeps these 3 people (Boston-Cheum-Ray) as friends is Mew, he is the glue of the friendship. Things are starting to look bad for their friendship now that Mew is acting out, because even when Boston did what he did, Cheum-Ray-Mew were still together. We also have to take into consideration that maybe Cheum and Boston don't know the scope of Ray's problems, maybe they don't know that Ray tried to kill himself, because from what we saw that was something that only Mew knew. Cheum clearly knows that Ray still suffers from his mother's death, and that's why she walked away when he said that his mother is dead, but we don't know if they actually know why Ray behaves in such a way.
Let's look at the situation from Cheum's POV for a minute. She is watching her friend, Mew, acting the same way as Ray, when Mew used to be the one to try and make Ray stop. She sees that both of them are making decisions about the hostel that the FOUR of them worked on, without her (or Boston). She knows that Ray did the whole hostel thing because of Mew. She is feeling left out as if no one cares for her like Ray was feeling before he started going out with Sand. When it comes to their friendship and this scene of Cheum's explosion, we need to remember Ray did a similar thing to her on Mew's birthday. He told everyone about her private business, and for her, it doesn't matter that he was drunk, because it hurt her and could've possibly ruined her relationship (ofc if it did the blame wouldn't be on Ray, because he didn't lie about the things she said about her girlfriend). And as she was talking, she mentioned that she and Boston were always the third wheel, which makes me think about all the times Boston talked to Ray about how he needed to stop his bullshit and be real about how much he wanted Mew to stay away from Top - and he was so right about that, because what was the thing Ray did when Mew was heartbroken? He asked Mew for a chance.
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For my last point, I just want people to try and be in the friend's place for a second. In everyone's place actually (except for Ray's). Would you be a pantheon of peace and calm when your friend keeps on doing things that hurt you? The series did a great job at showing how Ray's traumas hurt him, but it also did a great job at showing how Ray's substance abuse hurts everyone around him.
As I said, when you are close to someone who has an addiction, you want to help them because you know that it's hard, but at some point, you get tired because, in the end, you are putting your own mental and emotional health in line for someone else. Most of the time, the person doesn't accept your help. It's not that they don't know they are addicted (sometimes that's the case tho, not trying to generalize, but I'm using my personal example and Ray for this), is that they don't want to assume it, they honestly want to believe they are in control.
Ray doesn't have the best support friendship, but in the end, not a single one of his friends is well enough to help him out, not even Sand. Not one of them has the capacity to help him, so I think it's unfair to place them as awful friends for not helping Ray out every time. Again, you can't help someone who does not accept help, but that also doesn't mean that they should just leave him to go crazy and drink like a madman, snort like his nose is made of steel. That's not it. But I think we should stop minimizing his acts just because of his mental issues and substance abuse. As someone who has mental issues in a way that I had similar thoughts to Ray, it does not mean that I'm allowed to treat others badly because of it. And I know people ain't trying to place Ray (only) as a victim, but I feel like the bar is raised high for everyone that isn't Ray, just because of his traumas and addiction -- let me also remind some of yall, that Top snorts too, he looks like he may have or may have had an addiction to his sleeping pills, his house caught fire and his parents weren't there to help him because his parents don't give a shit about him. From what we know the thing that sets him apart from Ray is that his mother didn't die in a very traumatic way, but still, I don't see anyone trying to justify his wrongings by using his traumas (as it should be).
This whole essay is just to say that no one is fully right here. We have people messing up and people trying to better themselves. Right now, Mew and Ray are messing up, but I'm sure at some point they will get better, and hopefully Ray will get the help that he needs because now he is looking for the help that he wants (aka Sand and Mew).
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romanticatheartt · 5 months
Rereading ACOTAR
Note: Before I start, this is not an anti post (well... maybe for Tam/in... definitely for him!) and if you think talking about the literal canon and call these unreal characters out on their flaws means that I hate these characters (which I do but that's my personal beef with Tamtam), then idk what to tell you lol
So 3 months ago after I read hofas I decided to reread acotar for the first time because I miss Feyre (and Rhysand... and the whole IC) like crazy. And I thought it be a good idea to read the original trilogy but since I'm a very mood reader I only read the first book lol. I had this post on my draft for 3 months now and I think I was scared to share them but now I don't really care.
I normally don't do rereads at all, my mind gets bored (I read my favorite scenes but never the whole book) so I decided to try something else and listen to the audiobook instead. And now I have thoughts!
This became longer than I intended but also I'm not going to add anything crazy that someone hadn't already pointed out so I'm just sharing some of my random notes (50 to be exact... it's long post) and thoughts of mine while reading this time around :)
This is definitely NOT a friendly-Tam/in post. If stating fact is considered as not friendly that is...
anyway ->
1. We have 2 chapter of the sisters in the beginning of the book and jeez both Nesta and Elain are the worst and as older sisters it pained me to read it for the first time. 2. I don't understand Elain, so I rather not talk about her and wait till her book comes out but she acts as a damsel in distress or be ignorant to the point Feyre questioning if she understand they're poor 💀 3. Although I have to admit, knowing Nesta now it was easier to go through it this time and not curse her in every page lol. But while reading the book I noticed that every time Feyre is thinking negatively of herself the voice in her head is the voice of Nesta. or whenever she wants to scolds herself, she call herself the names Nesta had called her. and it breaks my heart:
"and the part of me that spoke with Nesta’s voice had laughed at the idea of an ignorant human trying to admire faerie art."
"A half-wild beast, Nesta had called me." (2 times)
"Illiterate, ignorant, unremarkable, proud, cold—all spoken from Nesta’s mouth, all echoing in my head with her sneering voice."
4. Later on we see her actually coming after Feyre to saves her but this doesn't changes the fact that she verbally abused Feyre (and she acknowledge it!! trauma or not she abused Feyre to the point it left a mark on her so please don't turn her into a saint after one act of kindness lol) 5. There isn't much to say about papa Archeron except that he wasn't a great father. I understand depression have different effects on different people, but trauma is no excuse for how he was as a father (I genuinely believe a true parent would do anything for their children but some people are not cut out to be one and it's alright. but once you bring them into this world you have to guarantee that you can provide for them because they didn't choose to be in this life) 6. I know for a fact that if Feyre hadn't promised her mother to protect her family and didn't have a purpose to live her life, she would've been worse than Nesta. Because when she was in Spring Court, for at least 5 times she was guilt-ridden, thinking her family doesn't care about her at all (specially Nesta) or thinking about her shortcomings… (and like I said Nesta had a big role in these kind of thinking) 7. The first Feysand foreshadow was her painting night sky on her drawer<3 8. Lucien and Tam/in (specially Lucien) were so dramatic on their hate toward Feyre? she triggered a 48 years curse. It was always suppose to be this way. Andres knew what he was doing and accepted the fact that he might die. yes you can grieve but It's not really her fault now is it?
9. “You go somewhere new—and you make a name for yourself.”
^: well she definitely did that… 10. One of the things I noticed is that Tam/in was never NEVER Lucien's friend. he was Lucien's High Lord first then his friend and it's obvious from their very first scenes.
11. “We’re not going to bite.” Lucien’s white teeth gleamed in a way that suggested otherwise.
^: him and Cassian will get along well... 12. Feyre hates hunting... she says that to both Lucien and Tam/in. she does that out of necessity, if it's provoked. and not for the first time I realized Feyre is a mix of both Nesta and Elain. 13. Did we all got the vibe that Timtam was mad at Lucien spending time with Feyre because he knew he didn't have a chance once Lucien opens his mouth? 14. Feyre had real fear for Tam/in. in so many occasion we have her being genuinely scared of him. he even said it himself:
"But I could smell the fear on you, more than anything."
And in acomaf we have Rhysand saying he never felt fear of him from Feyre. and when they were UTM Feyre question herself that why she was always so quiet and submissive (not excatly the word she uses) toward Tam/in but with Rhysand she doesn't have that instinct. 15. This ship is the definition of Someone who doesn't know how to love x Someone who has never been loved and that's never a good pairing in any world. it takes one to be in a relationship with someone like Tam/in to understand that... 16. She always felt little, weak, stupid and so very human with Tam/in and Lucien and they never hide their feeling on the matter. 17. Feyre is such baddie istg... she killed a faerie, then went for a stroll and captured a suriel, THEN killed 2 nagas and a fkn wyrm while being a human... GURL- 18. Okay apparently every one says mature age in acotar world was retcon but Alis was talking about lesser fae not high fae? or specially their kind? idk I read that scene and all she was talking about was their kind and not high fae. 19. Timtam was never in control of his power... his power and anger had him on a leash not the other way around. 20. Feyre is always honry (LMAO)... but the sad part is Tam/in never matched her passion. he was always afraid that he's going to hurt her with his claws and bla bla bla BUT MY GIRL wanted him to claw at her💀 savage lol. all I'm saying is that he never gave all of himself to Feyre. 21. It always piss me off that Tam/in never taught her how to write and read. (and ig we all know why) 22. In chapter 19 we have Feyre asking if Fae can be mated to humans and in the next chapter we have Calamnai and something in her chest was pulling her to go and see and next thing we know she met Rhysand (aka her mate)
23. "There you are. I've been looking for you,"
^: PEOPLE DIED! 24. Imagine reading Feyre saying before her was the most beautiful man she has ever seen and not to think that it's fkn over for Tam/in lmao (point to this post of mine) It's also hilarious when she saw Tam/in after his mask was removed, she was like "handsome👍🏼" 25. Rhysand is such Theater kid istg (specially after hofas, the way he was just showing off)... he's like let me show her some tricks *walk around her and stars ripple from him* *blinking to show off the stars in his eye* *PURR* OK PEACOCK! 26. May I ask why on earth we never had a sex party like Calamnai in Night Court? I'm actually so mad because we lost the greatest opportunity WTF? Feyre was so hot and bothered about it and the reason they told her to stay at the manor was because Tam/in knew he will choose her and Feyre was like "oMg hE wOuLd chOoHe mE?" *tuck her hair behind her ear* girl- IT WOULD'VE FIT FEYSAND SO FKN WELL... maybe not on acomaf (even if it could be so healing) or acowar... BUT ACOFAS WAS RIGHT THERE!!! 27. One of the things I hate about the events after Calamnai is Lucien and Tam/in laughing at Feyre... ok... you weren't yourself, but the least you could do was to apologize for hurting and scaring her. it give off the vibe when people say "why was she out so late at night? what was she wearing?" it genuinely made me uncomfortable like the first time. 27. Something I noticed when I read the book for the first and I went 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩:
“No, I don’t want you to live somewhere else. I want you here, where I can look after you—where I can come home and know you’re here, painting and safe.”
"But his glamour had been ripped away. His auburn hair burned like hot metal, and his russet eye smoldered like a bottomless forge."
Damn I was right... 28. Tam/in always kept the truth from her, even the truth that wasn't a part of the curse :) 29. When Feyre drank that faerie wine she saw through Lucien's glamour... does he always have that glamour?:
interesting... 30. Tam/in is fkn coward! in more than 2 occasions Feyre was like why he's not attacking Rhys? why he's not kicking him out? and mf never once tried to stop Rhysand. NOT ONCE. yknow... sometimes in romance novels when you see your loved one in danger you don't care if he's the most powerful being in the world you just act and try to save the ones you love even if you don't win (and we know someone does exactly that at the end of the book)... it's effort that matters!!! and this doesn't stop here either it's even worse at UTM... 31. it's funny that Feyre is "in love" with Tam/in but doesn't stop to appreciate the beauty (Rhysand), even if he's in his villain era and making the love of her life beg on his knee and breaching her own mind... 32. Why Rhysand never called Feyre "love" anymore? the first time I read it I had put away my phone and take a deep breath lol. just like that "good girl" he called her at UTM... sjm knew I would've died if she used it more. 33. Never say never... Lucien:
“Those clothes are enough to convince me I never want to enter the human realm.”
The Mother humbled him real quick lmao. 34. ELAIN IS NOT AN INTROVERT FFS I'm so tried at everyone calling Elain an introvert while she's a social butterfly and we see that in this book!! and it pains me to see Elain stans are like "I'm a introvert myself so I understand Elain..." no you don't. she's traumatized, she's at her lowest in acosf. just because, like Nesta, she doesn't throw tantrums and drown herself in alcohol and sex means she's fine? you should be more worried for the person who looks fine!! 35. I adored the scene where Feyre teaches Nesta how to paint🥹 it just warms my heart<3 and now that Feyre has a art studio I want to see them paint together again or read Nesta's smutty books together at HoW!! (I read a fanfic that Nesta teaches Feyre how to read with a stick on the snow pre-canon and it just warmed my heart<3 don't get me wrong I love how Rhys taught her lol but there's something else in sisterhood...)
36. “There is a better world, Nesta. There is a better world out there, waiting for you to find it. And if I ever get the chance, if things are ever better, safer … I will find you again.”
^: Stop...😭
37. “Amarantha is High Queen of this land. The High Queen of Prythian,” Alis breathed, her eyes wide with some memory of horror.
^: That's why the whole high king and high queen will never work. people will never accept one even if they're a just person. they had the worst experience for 49 years. they can never trust a person to rule for all like that again. and honestly I hate the whole thing bye... 38. To me Amarantha and Tam/in are mates... for obvious reasons and it's fitting! idc what anyone else says 39. The whole chapter where she kills that wyrm is so hot!! and the fact that she's human and she's so calculated and plans in the span of few minutes to kill it and doesn't just attack and uses her brain instead is so hot!! I understand why Rhys fell in love!! *HOFAS spoiler* and it's funny to me how an Illyrian, a Starborn and a Valkyrie with a deadly mask struggled to kill the wyrm 😭💀 40. The only person, THE ONLY ONE who bet on her that she'll survive? who would that be? THE LOVE HER LIFE? no... and that's not something to just move on from! there's only two assumption we can make. one, he never believed in her to begin with, two, he's a fkn coward... which I think it's both. Rhysand was r*ped and tortured for 49 years and he never stopped helping Feyre and believing in her. and knowing Amarantha wouldn't be pleased with betting on Feyre, he still did it... 41. UTM Rhys supremacy... That's it. don't ask me anything... 42. How Feyre remembered the riddle for 2.5 months is beyond me... 43. Feyre appreciating Rhysand's beauty so randomly like... GIRL FOCUS!! 44. When Feyre questions her reason for why she's doing all these, for "just a few decades", should've been the sign... 45. How Tam/in finding a way to get Feyre alone right before the night of her last trial pissed me off the first time I read it… the fact that this was a goodbye to him. That in the past 3 months he didn't try to even react to her but the night before her last trial decided to fuck her instead of helping her to get out… he can find a way now, he can get out of Amarantha sight for more than 5 minutes to fuck her, but he couldn't have done that in the past 2.5 months… yeah sure this is true love. like I said it's the effort that matters not whether you succeeded in it... Tam/in disgusts me for a better word. 46. no note... *sound of my heart breaking*:
“When you healed my arm … You didn’t need to bargain with me. You could have demanded every single week of the year. Every single week, and I would have said yes.”
"And if you had any stomach for cruelty, you’d go to Amarantha and tell her the truth about her whore. Perhaps she’d give you Tamlin for it.”
“I know,”
47. This MF sat there until he got healed while every bone in Feyre's body was breaking and when he somewhat healed he began kneeling and begging?... KNEELING AND BEGGING!! JUST FKN KILL HER! (the way Feyre kept saying that) I don't want to hear one single word about how he was injured, bla bla bla he's a fkn high lord and a warrior I'm sure he experienced worse. the least he could do, was his fkn best to stop Amarantha. and this time around reading it piss me off so bad that I wanted to throw my phone out of the window... but you know who got up even when he didn't have his full powers? to save her, to kill Amarantha, to die with her because he didn't want her to be alone while she died? yeah... The fact that the first time I read it I thought this was the reason Feyre was going to leave him and what did she do?... my girl has no self-respect istg... Love blinds people I suppose... 48. Whenever Tam/in touched Feyre after this whole thing I wanted to throw up... when he cradled her dead body? oh I wanted Rhysand to mist him so fkn bad. he doesn't deserve to touch her, he didn't deserved Feyre's love, not once... 49. In my language we have an expression "whoever does the final task, they are the one who finished the job" obviously in my language it has more rhyme to it lol but it's a silly idiom and a stupid one at that; and When people start thanking Tam/in I was like: FOR WHAT EXACTLY? he just killed Amarantha at the last minute while he watch Feyre getting tortured? he just sat for 2.5 months while Feyre and Rhysand (and Lucien) do the works to free not just him but the whole Prythian... all the while he was in his home and you lot were imprisoned UTM, away from your home... who are you thanking to? (at least they thanked Feyre as well...) 50. Feysand's balcony scene has a special place in my heart:
“Because when the legends get written, I didn’t want to be remembered for standing on the sidelines. I want my future offspring to know that I was there, and that I fought against her at the end, even if I couldn’t do anything useful.”
“Because, I didn’t want you to fight alone. Or die alone.”
“Thank you,”
“You never told me you loved the wings—or the flying.”
“Everything I love has always had a tendency to be taken from me. I tell very few about the wings. Or the flying.”
“Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don’t feel anything at all.”
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whew... sorry this is so long! if you read this till the end I LOVE YOU. anyway I might do one for acomaf as well whenever I reread it. and I'm pretty sure Tam/in is going to make me see red even more than the first time!!
And I'm glad I was one of those few who saw the red flags in Tam/in even for the first time...
first time read: ⭐⭐⭐
second time read: ⭐⭐⭐.5
I noticed so many foreshadow in this book! and so many other 🚩that I didn't noticed for the first time! for some reason I can't give this book 4 stars because I tired to go easy on Tam/in but it got worse lmao💀
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I'm a jikooker and I'm done with the narrative change few bloggers here are doing remarks bday because somehow Jimin couldn't meet JK on his bday and they don't wanna accept that.
bc nowhere has jm or jk said that "jm didn't see jk" anon...
jk said he was going to be very busy, jm said he called jk on Aug 31st and jk was busy and he hopes jk maintains his health, jm said for fans to wish jk happy birthday
said JK was busy ON THE day of his bday and Mingyu may have met him at company..now that JK already confirmed he didn't went to work and was lying all day, they are changing their narrative to JK being busy on 31st, which he was and Mingyu went to meet him at home.
bc the boy (jk) did a nine minute long live just to go lie down all day??
also as it has been said many times, jk said he was going to busy, so that's not a crazy assumption to make, mingyu works at hybe (seventeen) so that was an option for them to see eo
also changing/correcting your opinion after coming across new information isn't inherently wrong, it's normal lol
we knew nothing about what jk did on his actual birthday, now we know he at least was lying down for most of it
In both cases according to what Jimin said its crystal clear he didn't saw JK on his bday and WHY ARE WE NOT ACCEPTING IT ???? ok, he used to meet JK for all his previous bdays and ? Does that make Jimin not meeting JK for his 2023 bdah impossible? NOPE.
no it's not??
it's a little confusing if before no matter how far away or busy jm was, he saw jk on his (jk's) birthday
getting mad a people bc (1) we don't have all the facts and people are making assumptions or spreading lies (2) we're adjusting to a possible first time for jm and jk, is actually insane anon...
"like he said he couldn't meet nj" exactly, jm didn't say sh*t about whether he saw jk or not on the day of jk's birthday
and he has no problem saying if he didn't so...
But that didn't happened, He spoke to JK on 31st night and that's it, accept it already.
that's not it... tf are you actually talking about??
Now if one day JK come live and say he didn't saw Jimin, then what ? Will they change their narratives again????
well yes... we'll have all the information and one of jkk would have actually said "jm did not see jk on jk's birthday" for the first time
Can I ask why tf this is so important?
(1) it's doesn't make sense (a first, both in skr, lying down all day)
(2) debunking lies (jm never said he didn't meet jk)
I haven't seen Jkkrs being this invested in what JK does for Jimin's bday.
why are you lying???
(1) before jk posted the iconic "it's not over yet" selca before tokyo, jkkrs were being downright vile to jk... and when jm posted his tokyo vlogs and jk hadn't posted gcft, jkkrs were acting like jk didn't have fun on the trip and only jm cares in their relationship
(2) bts were in amsterdam on tour (2018) and jk hadn't yet posted for jm's bday, jm's birthday ended in SOUTH KOREA but it was STILL JM'S BDAY WHERE BTS WERE and jkkrs were being weird as hell to jk, then jk did post on jm's birthday in the time zone they were in
(3) jk didn't post for jm and was crucified, not only by jkkrs but army
(4) before the thirst trap video dropped, jkkrs were once again being weird to jk, joking about dropping him and jikook bc hobi was spamming about jm
Some years he didn't even wished jimin on sm let alone seeing or giving him gifts..so why is it only Jimin held to a high standards?
jk was attacked so many times for that... tf are you talking about?
Please stop this clownery when we don't have any evidence in Jimin meeting JK on 1st. If anything, as of now it seems like all Jimin did was to call JK on 31st. And that's OK
no it doesn't??
y'all making snap judgements either way is weird, just wait if you are doubtful, bc this is verging on calling jm and/or jk a liar
Louder anon, for those haters in the back!
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thedemises · 7 months
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things about my ocs cuz why not?
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nhell rivers has lots of scarring on her body, especially the right side because of an explosion that was so powerful it blown off her arm and she made herself (with help) a metal arm in place of the missing arm (spoilers: the cause of said explosion was a firework from one of the enemy's grunts but the firework was more explosive than expected).
nhell rivers is also pretty much deaf in her right ear.
kaoru takamura is actually so psychopathic (needs to be in a mental hospital) that she mostly acts and appears “normal” to almost everyone, though that may or may not be a front she skillfully puts on. anyone who do know kaoru well enough mainly avoid her for good reasons, she doesn't care enough to be sad lol.
melaine harrison likes to go cloud gazing by herself since she hates loud noises and most of her friends are too much of a nuisance for her to focus and peaceful relax.
melaine harrison has a scar on the left side of her face that she got from a forest fire (yes, she lives in the woods with her parents that are still alive after the incident).
evgenia yefimova hates blue fire because it reminds her of the day her home burned down alongside her parents and younger sister, miriam—yet she uses blue fire against her opponents and enemies with her urumi sword.
freya danesworth is a short half-sparrow human, and they work as a delivery guy to earn money for a café called Artful Dreams which she works for as a side-job.
brooklyn is pretty much fearful of basically nothing except she fears breaking promises, and she's also a clean freak too- but not the obnoxious type of freak, like, “oh you stepped on a perfectly clean floor with your muddy shoes and thats okay itll be cleaned up in no time” type of freak.
brooklyn loves cleaning actually and is skilled in getting rid of messes she made during her murders and killings.
also part of kaoru and nhell's relationship (somewhat) summarized:
nhell: *gets down on one knee* kaoru: oh my god, it's finally happening! nhell: *falls over* kaoru: the poison is kicking in!!
sucrose qu-yang cannot say no, ever. people thinks she's cursed with that inability but no she just has anxiety x10.
oscar wilde and sucrose qu-yang are besties actually and both work in the same work place, probably gossip and talk about oscar's works (both of them are writers).
penni pennington has a bottle cap collection and refuses to show anyone except for his mother, merryy, cuz she's so nice and radiates warmth—probably named a red jet bird he found after her.
penni pennington has a scottish accent mixed with a swiss accent and speaks so joyously, he never is ever seen mad or the least bit annoyed.
celen nishiruka & kaname nishiruka are opposites like the moon and the sun; kaname is a lot more expressive than celen who is more reserved and stoic—and they're so young too!
krystian karmazin's first name literally means “follower of christ” since he came from a very religious family yet ironically the ukrainian man himself is an atheist and a silly jester who follows no rules (but will respect boundaries and pronouns).
if miriam yefimova happened to have survived the All Blue Fire, she would've been a spy working in the same group of evgenia yefimova who works as an assassin.
both miriam & evgenia yefimova don't like pirozhki that have mushrooms as the filling because both the sisters have allergies towards mushrooms (aka, they both dislike mushrooms).
coventina blackwood likes ghosts and spirits or anything transparent object/creature, and her skill revolves around spirits but they're mainly just arms (kind of like the hana hana no mi, eaten by nico robin).
benjamin baker is the shortest male character (152 cm, 5'0") while krystian karmazin is the tallest (228 cm, 7'6"). kaoru takamura is the tallest female character (211 cm, 6'11), compared to freya danesworth (159 cm, 5'2").
if competing in a competition where who is the most stoic, both evgenia yefimova and izu mikazuki are both tied as the most non-expressive people.
izu mikazuki has been mistaken so much as a woman that he just simply accepted that he'll always be woman in the eyes of people at first glance (he's a male assigned at birth).
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© thedemises 2024. all rights reserved. ━━  i have so many ocs... I haven't drawn any of them yet (except for kaoru).
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Bloody School Year pt 1
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Platonic yandere demon slayer modern AU/school au?
I woke up with a start as my alarm went off. groggily, I got up and turned it off. i regretted that I put across my room, though honestly, I would've just turned it off and gone back to bed.
Walking to the bathroom, flinching when I turned on the light, I rubbed my eyes, trying to relieve myself from the sting. Once I could, I looked into the mirror while I grabbed a hair brush and started to brush my (h/c) hair.
Walking back to my room, I grabbed my uniform and got dressed. Seeing that I looked presentable, I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. This was the only time I'm glad about my parent's drinking problem, I could get ready in peace.
Though I have to take care of everything at home. Sure, my parents work and pay bills, yes, but they only buy alcohol and stupid things for themselves.
I have to buy things myself like clothes, food, school supplies, etc. But I've gotten used to this and thare mean comments and the occasional attacks. I'm glad that the school year has started, so I have another excuse to be away from my parents' house.
Grabbing my lunch and putting my shoes on, I started to walk to school. after a little while of walking, I saw a boy with red hair and a girl with red hair walking together. They were wearing the same uniform I was, I was going to ignore them until I heard a boy screaming before I was shoved to the ground
Then I saw a dude with yellow hair start to harass the black haired girl. As I got up, I saw the yellow haired boy get slapped by the red-haired boy, who i assume is the girls brother.
I think the boy spotted me as he ran up to me."Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He said in a concerned tone. "I'm alright. Who's that guy?" I said, pointing toward the guy. I'm begging for who I assume is nezuko to merry him."he's Zenitsu he has his moments, but he's a good person overall." He said as he yanked him off.
"Alright, I guess, I'm (y/n), by the way. I think we go to the same school." I said coldly as I was still annoyed from being soved to the ground, The redhead seemed to pick up on this."I'm tanjiro kamado, and this is my sister nezuko. I apologize for Zenitsu's behavior." I was about to not accept the apology, but looking at Zenitsu hiding behind tanjiro, looking terrified, made it passable.
"It's alright, but if he does that again, I'll punch him." Tanjiro then smiled."That's understandable. Would you like to join us? We're going to the same school after all." He said cheerfully. I thought for a second before answering."Sure, I'll join you."
After that, we started to walk again, I noticed that tanjiro was me shielding from Zenitsu, who was too busy bothering nezuko to annoy me. So it made the walk bearable.
As we entered the school's gates, tanjiro started to talk again. "So, what's your first class (y/n)? Mine's history." Tanjiro asked, showing his schedule, I looked at mine, and I also had history with the teacher rengoku kyojuro.
If I remember correctly, he's very nice to his students, which makes my day easier."I also have history." I was about to ask Zenitsu or nezuko about their classes, but a loud whistling interrupted my thoughts.
We all looked towards the noise and saw a man in a blue tracksuit. He then walked up to us."One no earrings." He said, pointing to tanjiro."and you need to die your hair a natural color." Now he was pointing at Zenitsu, who now was acting normal."B-but this is my natural hai-." He was cut off by the man slapping him across the face."No talking back."
I let out a small chuckle as I left the group to get to class early since I had known the school  from last year. Once I got here, though, it was completely empty, so I sat at a desk awkwardly as I played on my phone.
After a little bit of waiting, I heard the door slam open and close, I immediately turned my head to see Zenitsu panting. As he spotted me, he ran behind me, panicking."(y/n) chan help me! Mr. tomioka won't stop bothering me for my hair!" I was surprised that he was trying to hide behind me.
"Well, I don't know what I can do for you. My class is going to start soon. You should go to yours before you get in trouble with tomioka again."
As I said this, other students walked in and filled the desks. Unsurprisingly, tanjiro sat next to me."I have to agree with (y/n). I'm sure he'll leave you alone.
Zenitsu eventually left begrudgingly, and then I noticed something missing."Hey, tanjiro? Where's nezuko? Did she not have the same class as us?" Tanjiro nodded."I think this is only class that we don't share." I couldn't think of anything else to say as I'm not used to people talking to me, especially for this long.
Thankfully, the awkward silence was short-lived as our teacher finally arrived, a man with yellow hair with red tips, So the dress code doesn't apply to teachers?
"Hello everyone! I'm rengoku kyojuro. I'll be your history teacher for the year!"
He said in a cheerful and powerful tone, waking me fully. He then went on to do the same thing teachers do on the first day, grading, type of work, expected, etc.
Then the thing I dreaded most. Introducing ourselves. After a few students, it was my turn."I'm (y/n) (l/n), my family owns a business in town it's lovely to meet you all." I hoped that it sounded nice enough. However, it seemed to catch the attention of the teacher."The last name (l/n) seems familiar to me. Please meet me after class."
My mind went blank with embarrassment, so I didn't pay attention to tanjiro's introduction. Except for the fact his family owns a bakery, which was interesting.
This is going to be a long day.....
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echobx · 15 days
oh I'm ranting again. but ig by now you guys know that I can't keep my mouth shut. so to add to the list of all the apparently unpopular opinions that I have...
I don't actually think role play (rp) (and real people fanfic (rpf)) is bad, not if it's characters, and also not if it's celebrities.
"How can you say that? What's wrong with you?" I mean, there's plenty wrong with me but not here. Especially not here. I'm aware of my "controversial" takes when it comes to fandom, but honestly, the only reason you find them controversial (if you do) is because you haven't been in fandom long enough. Which, I will grant, is difficult if you are 1. not old enough to know better 2. are in a fandom that is rather young, like OBX is. But telling people what to do and not to do, simply based on you not wanting to see it, is simply and clearly an act of censorship. Now I'm not saying that it equates to the censorship our governments are trying to put on us in online communities (especially in the US recently) but it lays a ground for the politicians to base their argument on. Because when you go and spread around that some things "shouldn't be done" and "shouldn't be written" and "shouldn't be drawn" that creates a base layer of what politicians will take and say "see, they want us to censor them" and that is never ever good. bc it might at first be role play and "dead dove, do not eat" types of content, but it will really quickly lead to the banning of queer content, and I won't fucking stand for that.
so, yes, you might cringe at RP and other things, but you also have the possibility to simply block those accounts, to block the tags to filter your own online experience, especially on tumblr since it's the only truly user friendly social media site that we have left.
and on the fact of people bringing up Chappell Roan in this discussion. Chappell very clearly said that she feels uncomfortable irl bc it happens IN HER REAL LIFE. if she cared about people just talking online about her without any irl reason for it, she would've said that. but she didn't. she was rightfully pissed that people approached her irl and didn't take no for and answer and only after that they went online and talked shit about her. this is entirely different to RP. (it also reminds me how straight people forced Kit Connor to come out and then blamed queer people for it, when no queer person ever made him feel the need to come out because we accepted him even when he was in the public closet)
RP is clearly tagged as such, the people who do it are very much aware that it's a game, and not real. if you can't make that distinction, that's on you. not the person who RPs or the people who interact with the RP.
side note: if RPing is bad, why are you watching historical dramas based on real people? why is it okay for the industry to make bank on the lives of dead AND living people, but a normal person can't do the same without getting paid? maybe you should also think about that, because it's literally the same. y'all watched Elvis and Bohemian Rhapsody and The Crown and so many more shows and movies that are based on real people but aren't what actually happened 100% and that is okay, but when fandom does it you want it to be wrong and a moral failure? get a grip.
there's a clear line between fiction and reality and it's not the creator's fault for you to go and blurr that line because you don't understand the rules. RP and RPF have been part of fandom culture since the beginning, and just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it will go away, because there's nothing wrong with it.
just do with RP/RPF what you do with more important things in our daily lives, more serious matters. Look Away. bc clearly you are good at it any times else.
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yukidragon · 2 years
Miss Yuki, What do you think Jack's reaction would be when Alice [M/C] tells him that she is pregnant with his baby? How will the events unfold during the pregnancy and the birth of the baby?
PS. I love Alice ❤️
Aww, thank you so much. I'm really happy that you love Alice. ����
Ah yes, the classic pregnancy headcanons. I actually somewhat answered this question in this post about happy pregnancy headcanons with Alice and Jack. Also this one, though it's not exactly happy for Ian, hahaha. I've also touched on darker tones for the headcanons, like yandere Ian snapping after hearing Alice is pregnant here. Don't worry, Alice and the baby are okay at the end of that scenario, though the same might not be said for this post here and here...
I think this ask calls for some more happy pregnancy headcanons, don't you? As I mentioned in previous posts, I think Jack can't get Alice/MC pregnant unless it's with explicit consent on both their parts. No surprise accidental pregnancies here with a supernatural ghost(?) who literally can't do anything unless his sunshine allows it after all.
This means that the pregnancy would be absolutely intentional. Jack and Alice would've been trying to make a baby, and having quite a bit of fun doing it I'd wager.
On that note, I'm going to give a heads up that this post will have some Adults Only NSFW headcanons, because pregnancy hormones can make a person very horny. Not to mention the act of making a baby and breeding kink will probably come up while I'm on the topic.
Also, I'm just going to go ahead and plug the SnaccPop Patreon since your first question about Jack's reaction to Alice being pregnant has reminded me of a beautiful classic piece of art posted by Sauce on their now gone twitter. Credit, as always goes to them for their gorgeous art. Remember, always credit the artists generous enough to allow such a thing with their publicly posted art, and don't redistribute anything that was posted privately on patreon.
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When Alice and Jack officially start trying for a baby, I can just imagine him looking at her like this in the afterglow of their lovemaking and in the calm after he gets the news that she's pregnant. He just has that that dreamy, happy expression where he can't help but bask in her glow as they lie in bed together, thinking how lucky he is that she not only found and saved him, but that she loves him enough to want to build a future with him and carry his child. More than a few nights would be spent with the two of them just cuddling in bed together and talking about their hopes and dreams for their future together.
Of course, once they do decide to try for a baby, ever helpful Jack will make sure to learn all he can about the best techniques and positions to ensure that he'll get Alice pregnant. It won't take long for it to happen once they make the conscious decision to have a baby, but you know this horny clown, he's going to indulge in breeding kink fantasies and his sunshine is going to need him to carry her around after how much of a pounding her pelvis is going to take from being filled with so much of his love.
In fact, why don't I write out a little example of the baby making process~?
Full. Alice had never felt so full before. She was overflowing, wetness spilling out and making such obscene noises as Jack kept pounding into her. He could get so deep inside her when he had her legs bent back until they rested on his shoulders, and whatever little space left was filled with his love.
How many times had Jack cum inside her? How many times had he made her cum? Alice lost track long ago. She barely had a sense that their bedroom still existed from the soaked sheets clinging to her back and the creaking of the mattress that accompanied each deep thrust.
“That’s it, sunshine,” Jack cooed, his normally smooth voice rough and breathless. Somehow he never ran out of sweet words to say, though sometimes it came out as incoherent mumbles or strained from pleasure. “You’re doing so good for me… Just a little more… I know you can take just a little bit more. We want to make sure you get pregnant right away, don’t we?” 
“Jack…,” Alice moaned in return. She could feel yet another orgasm creeping up on her, but she was too exhausted to chase after it, letting Jack draw her closer to it. She barely had the energy left to hold on as she let him take total control, moving their bodies together in a steady, relentless rhythm that he disrupted only to create an added jolt of pleasure that left her keening.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Jack said as he admired the way Alice writhed underneath him. Her soft pale skin was flushed and sweaty, peppered with countless kiss and bite marks where he used his mouth to show his love for her with more than just words. Her pretty blue eyes barely managed to meet his, fogged by the pleasure he overwhelmed her with. “Alice… sunshine… You’re going to be even more beautiful with our baby inside you. I can’t wait to see you so filled with my love.” He bent down to kiss her lips. “You’re going to be such a wonderful mother, Alice… I love you so much.”
Alice vaguely felt like she should say something, but she had no idea what. She could barely register all the sweet words Jack showered her with, but his voice and the way he spoke with such love and reverence resonated through her, adding to the pleasure. She could barely babble out his name, broken up by moans and whimpers before it turned into the most obscene shriek as he once more sent her over the edge.
Jack didn’t last much longer as he felt the rush of her ecstasy wash over him combined with the way Alice squeezed him, milking him for every drop of cum despite how much already overflowed. He reveled in the feelings, the way she couldn’t never seem to get enough of him and his love, and the endless love and need she had for him. He couldn’t ask for more than this bliss, but he knew that soon their love would only grow deeper and richer when their efforts finally bore fruit.
What? That was just a blatant excuse to indulge in some OTP smut, you say?
...Well, anyway!
Alice would be periodically taking pregnancy tests. Since Jack is a house husband, he'd be waiting alongside her for the results to come back on the home tester. He might even be even more anxious than her about the process, being a little too helpful perhaps.
No, Jack, Alice doesn't need your help to pee on a stick. She can handle that part on her own just fine.
Well, maybe not that helpful, but you get what I mean. I'm not interested in adding watersports to my personal headcanon kinks. ;P
When the tester shows a positive reading, Alice won't be able to speak, just let out a thin squeak, covering her mouth as tears come to her eyes. However, the way she would be radiating joy, excitement, and a little bit of fear would speak a thousand words even before Jack would see the reading for himself.
Naturally, Jack is ecstatic. This is proof, absolute proof that he's real. He always knew that he was real, but when the world keeps insisting something about you, a part of you feels doubt in spite of yourself.
Before Alice knows what's happening, she's swept up in Jack's arms, getting showered with kisses and loving words of praise. His happiness can't be contained, and he's babbling now, only interrupted when she muffles his mouth with hers.
Naturally, this leads to lovemaking. Sure, they already reached their goal, but who doesn't love a good victory lap, am I right?
As I mentioned in the previous happy pregnancy headcanon post, Jack's supernatural nature does play a part in influencing the baby making process. It's a little more demanding on Alice's body than a normal pregnancy, requiring her to sleep and eat more.
Jack is full house husband throughout the process. Cravings? He's on it. If they don't have what Alice is craving, he'll go get it. Don't ask how, he'll find a way. Maybe he'll get some the same way he got those blueberries?
Speaking of which, it feels fitting that a lot of her cravings wind up being for Jack's special blueberry pancakes. Maybe it's just because he's so good at making them, maybe it's the way he makes them with so much love, but Alice takes great pleasure in eating them often. Fortunately, he's only too happy to make them for her even in the middle of the night.
Morning sickness and other such taxing ill effects Alice has to face are going to be hard, but she's fortunately got a high pain threshold and is used to getting sick. Her chronic illness is being treated with medication, but she's had enough flare ups that she can handle the mental toll of needing to rest up more. Besides, she's got Jack to serve her every need with a smile.
There would be a lot of intimate moments between the two during the pregnancy where they just cuddle. Alice's love language is primarily physical touch, and with her feeling under the weather and her hormones going nuts, she's especially clingy to Jack during her pregnancy. It's a side-effect that Jack is certainly not going to complain about, especially when it makes her horny and needy for more of his love in all senses of the word.
Of course it's not just Jack and Alice who are going to be involved with the events of the pregnancy. I mentioned before how Shaun is going to be helping out and being a good friend to both of them, as well as how broken hearted Ian will be over it. Alice's family is also going to help out. Just like with Shaun, she told her family about Jack and his situation.
While I'm still building the rest of the King family, including names and number, Jack is going to have a few interesting interactions with his mother-in-law popping by at random to help Alice out. There might even be some playful rivalry between them for who can help Alice out first and faster until she tells them to knock it off.
Alice's mom may or may not have threatened Jack similarly to how Shaun did when they first met to make sure he knows that he won't get away unscathed if he hurts Alice. Can you blame her though? Ian really broke Alice's heart pretty badly and this mama bear has teeth.
Being the oldest child, Alice might be the first among her siblings to have kids, so that would make her family especially eager for the new grandbaby.
Then again, the second oldest sibling might wind up beating her to the punch there given the horndog wanting to make litters of puppies with her sister Barbie...
Either way, Alice is going to have a lot of support through her pregnancy. Jack is also going to get the pleasure of having more than just his sunshine to acknowledge him as the father, even if they can't see/hear/touch him. It's more things to make him feel real.
There'll be the typical pregnancy milestones of course. Going to the doctor to hear the baby's heartbeat, ultrasounds, finding out the baby's gender, etc. Jack goes to every single doctor's appointment with Alice, of course. The good thing about no one being able to see him is that no one can tell him to leave the room, so she gets the assurance of his company as much as she wants.
Naturally, Jack is going to get pretty emotional hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time, and seeing the ultrasound, feeling the baby kick for the first time... and the hundredth time really.
Jack is good with kids, even when they're technically not born yet. He has this knack of helping their little sunflower calm down so Alice can get some rest. He has little "dad' talks with the baby, and Alice just can't help but find it absolutely precious how much he dotes on her and the baby.
You know, that inspires me to write out another short and sweet scene between Jack and Alice, though this one is a bit less smutty and a lot more wholesome.
“Now, now, it’s time for bed, sunflower,” Jack chided the squirming baby bump playfully, adding to the bit by wagging his finger as he bent down close to Alice. “Your mommy needs her rest, and so do you.” With that, he pressed a soft kiss on her swollen belly... only to be kicked lightly in the mouth by tiny feet.
Alice couldn’t help but giggle, though she at least pretended to stifle it behind her hand. “I think the baby just told you off, daddy.”
Jack chuckled along with her as he rubbed where their baby kicked him. It didn’t hurt even a little bit, but it was hard for him not to marvel at the little miracle growing inside of Alice.
He didn’t mind his sunshine’s new nickname for him either. Maybe he could convince her to use it again later during an even more intimate moment.
Jack grinned widely, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “I guess I should’ve been prepared for our rambunctious little sunflower to resist a-rest.”
The sudden pun caught Alice off guard, but she stifled the urge to laugh with a snort, even when Jack pulled a silly face at her to go with it, waggling his eyebrows as he stuck out his tongue. “R-really, Jack?”
Jack feigned innocence. “What? I’ve got to practice my dad jokes before the baby is born, you know.” He winked playfully. “Don’t want to let my son down at the end of the day, do I?”
Alice schooled her expression and was about to give a wry retort when a thought suddenly struck her. “Wait a… Was that another pun?!”
Jack couldn’t hold back his laughter. “I knew I could count on you to shine a light on my jokes, sunshine.”
Though Alice tried to hold back with a mock disapproving frown, she couldn’t stop herself from eventually giving in, falling into a fit of giggles along with her beloved clown.
Of course, Alice will pretend to groan whenever Jack drops a dad joke. This clown now has even more of an excuse to make goofy jokes and puns, though Alice appreciates them even if some of them are pretty cheesy. She appreciates his laugh even more and just how much he lights up her life.
During the ninth month, Jack is practically carrying Alice everywhere. It's the harshest month on her body. She's ready to pop and she wants this baby out already.
When her water finally breaks, Jack is ready to move. He's got stuff packed and ready to go. This time he's not waiting for Shaun or someone else to give them a ride to the doctor. He's driving even if no one sees him. Woe be it to anyone that even thinks of trying to get in his way.
I wonder if Jack being a ghost(?) with connections to media and thus electronics might be able to use his power to interfere with radar guns tracking for speeding cars. Imagine a driverless car zipping by in front of a cop car and instead of a number flashing on the screen it just reads, "DON'T" or something spooky like that.
Hmm... Maybe I should expand this idea another time...
Since Jack is able to feel what Alice does to at least some degree, the delivery process is going to be hard on him too. He's going to be a trooper though, focusing on trying to help his sunshine through it and remind her he loves her and the baby so much. He'll there for them both and he'll help them through it just fine.
Pff. As I was thinking about Jack helping Alice keep her breathing steady, I just had this image of the two of them taking parenting classes. You know, where a partner helps the pregnant person with massage techniques and prepares them for the baby. It seems like Alice came alone, so she might get some odd/pitying looks. It might be a good setup for ghost(?) shenanigans. Another idea to expand upon later, perhaps.
When the baby is born, he takes very strongly after Jack - fluffy dark brown hair, mole beside his eye, the shape of his face and nose... The main difference is that their baby boy has Alice's light blue eyes. It fills Jack with a lot of emotions seeing their baby take after him so strongly, looking so much like a mini Joseph.
It's a possibility Jack thought that he was prepared for, but it hits him with all of the emotions when he sees their son for the first time. Tears are shed.
Alice is in no state to talk after what she's just been through, but she reaches out for him, and Jack is quick to promise her he's happy, he really is. Their baby is beautiful, just like her, he says. She still pulls him to her and he practically wraps himself around her and the baby, holding them close and protectively, his family.
Family. Jack never really had family before, but now he does. It's so painfully beautiful, and he is so endlessly grateful to Alice for giving this to him, for giving him her love and so much more.
It's not just the three of them. Alice's parents and siblings would come visit and congratulate the both of them, cooing over the baby. Friends would come too, particularly those Alice trusted enough to introduce them to Jack like Shaun.
In the past, Jack's world always felt so small, so empty and cold... and Alice brought him so much warmth. He's not forgotten. He has a place to belong, a future. He has a legacy that won't be forgotten in the family they now share.
Jack gets to be a husband (even if not legally), a father, an uncle, a son-in-law, a brother-in-law, and a friend. He can never thank Alice enough for bringing so much sunshine into his life.
Of course, Jack is all over taking care of Alice and their son after she gives birth. He helps her through post-partem and how hard it was on her body. When the baby cries at night, he's on it, making sure that diapers are changed and that the baby latches well for feeding.
Alice feels a little spoiled by Jack doting on her, though she's grateful for it. Jack thinks she deserves to be taken care of, and he's happy to do everything he can for her. She's the one who was doing the hard part after all - making and carrying the baby for 9 months, then constantly producing milk and nursing until their son is eventually weaned.
Though once the baby is weaned, Jack will claim exclusive rights to his sunshine's sweet milk, so Alice is probably going to keep lactating all the way until they have their second child. We are talking about a horny yandere clown who is heavily into body worship after all. He'll be sure to make it well worth her while to indulge him by making it feel as pleasurable as possible.
Alice doesn't mind though. Jack's love and praise can at times be a bit overwhelming, but at the same time she can't get enough of him.
Alice wants to have a large family, and that stays true even after going through the harshness of pregnancy and giving birth. Jack is totally on board with that plan and will help her every step of the way as they grow their loving family together.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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macabrecake · 2 years
Hey cake <3 can i request a lil blurb with RE6 Leon and Rookie! Reader where reader and helena dont exactly get along and he finds out it's because reader is jealous/has a crush on him swwiwnwiwnwi
Leon feels he's pretty intuitive at times when it comes to what one is feeling. Body language, voice tone, things of that nature. Well not anymore apparently because, for the life of him, he could not nail down a reason as to what has gotten into you.
This whole ordeal since you both temporarily partnered up with Helena, you've been acting very different. Really snappy comments, quick to irritation, giving the cold shoulder. All characteristics that are highly unlike you. Every time he asks though, you dismiss him. Maybe it's the stress of the mission itself, you're still rather new to this of course, bioweapons and the sheer trauma they bring is something he completely understands. Especially with the addon of how cryptic Helena is being. In fact, as he really thinks about it...
Your sudden streak of fiery temper has shown ever since she got involved.
Now he feels he's getting somewhere. And after finally making it to the cathedral in one piece, Leon sets off to confront you again. Helena beats him to it first however, having had enough of your antics it seems. That immediately gets his pace to quicken. But, before he could lend you hand, he comes to an abrupt halt when his name is mentioned.
"It's Leon. You have feelings for him, don't you?" Helena asks you, tone softer and holding a more sympathetic gaze now. And, even with your back facing him, he can see you practically wilt on the spot. Suddenly so small as you slightly turn your head away to stare down at the floor in shame. He hates the sight of that, hates the heavy feeling it places in his chest. That sadness just doesn't look right on you. But suppose it's better then never knowing at all. Sometimes the only one who can figure out a woman... Is another woman. Because that would've never been is first guess, truth be told.
"I can't say anything, it's not professional." You explain, "I'm still just 'the rookie' anyway." He doesn't miss Helena's eyes instantly nailing him down as she nods to you. A very clear 'talk to her.' Before leaving you with a casual, "Why don't you see what he thinks of that then?"
You're turning around to follow her while in the midst of speaking the reasons why you can't, only to freeze when you spot him. Literally a deer caught in headlights. He's careful to approach you, but unable to hold back the curiosity any longer. "So, what Helena said. That true?"
Instant fear, that's all that clouds your eyes when you stare up at him. You still manage to gather all of your courage however, "Am I gonna get fired if I say yes?" The question, as terrifying as it was to ask, remarkably rewards you with not a look of scrutiny or some other form of disapproval. Just the agent's eyes falling shut while he shakes his head as a warm chuckle falls from his lips. Leon's then quick to gather you up in his arms with a simple, "C'mere."
The action pulls a soft squeak from you but you do not hesitate for one second to hug him back, doing a marvelous impression of an octopus right now while quietly giggling into his chest. You then peer up at him, still a little shy as you apologize for your behavior earlier. "I'm not normally like that."
The man lightly shrugs it off with a smile, "Don't worry about it." He would leave it at that but he can't help himself as he leans down closer to kiss your cheek and whisper in your ear, tone a much deeper octave now. Easily sending that adorable shade of pink on your face into a pretty rosy red.
"It's sexy.~"
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okage-kirana · 1 year
Let's talk about the adults of the 1st floor shall we? This is a scene of their conversation concerning the dolls during the debut game
First pic is Joseph speaking:
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Second pic is Sophie speaking:
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Context: Dorothy and Ryan were talking about how Shaun and Emilico should've had used cruel means to eliminate their friends,they were talking about Ram, Shaun, Emilico, who were already friends at that time
Then both Sophie and Joseph shot down their cruel resolutions which the dolls should use on the basic those three are already friends so they wouldn't use such methods, which made Dorothy and Ryan feel that the other two shadows sitting opposite them were real killjoys
The last one is both Dorothy and Ryan's literal synchronized thought:
I think this scene show us the First floor adults' personalities:
Ryan and Dorothy are sadistic,cruel,they said cruel things and act very bold so they possibly resort to unethical measures so things would go their ways
Ryan is much more barbaric, it's said in his description that he's "a violent man who has perverse thoughts",he wanted to see losers rather than winners too,he gets angry if everyone wins,the guy said that himself
Dorothy is often more elegant so she wouldn't throw hands unlike Ryan,rather she uses her words,we see her playfully mocking the dolls condescendingly and even laugh when Shaun walked into a trap and fell into a pit hole during the Debut's game. She sounds very strong when she demanded Aileen too
Sophie and Joseph are calm, reserved,composed. Their ways of speaking are also logical and polite too,not outright insulting like Ryan and Dorothy
Joseph is a logical and calm gentleman pretty much contradict his big size, he provides reasons, information for arguments rather than claiming something which isn't proven right away like what he said above,the mentioned dolls are friends so they wouldn't backstab eachother like what Ryan and Dorothy said they should do. He also pointed out at Dorothy and Ryan's lack of knowledge which is not reading the profiles that were provided on the participants
Sophie is pretty much the same as Joseph,she wouldn't say things based on predictions alone. Dorothy even mentioned when she gets excited she acts unusual to her normal behaviour,her calm demeanor. Just like what Sophie said above,Ryan and Dorothy were talking about what they would've done if they were Shaun and Emilico,which is backstabbing their competitors/friends,to which Sophie counteracted that they aren't Shaun and Emilico so they shouldn't say that. Put it in more bold terms,it's an insult to their lack of knowledge too:"You both aren't Emilico and Shaun so don't go making up stupid what-would-I-do solutions like that. It's a waste of breath" .Which added more salt to injuries on what Joseph said before that
Joseph and Sophie were also on par with eachother too, barely a second after Joseph finished his statement, Sophie already continued on and further proven, supported what he said
Their seatings are also telling of their relationships. Usually you sit with someone you're close with or someone you're on a good term with right? Dorothy and Ryan are seated next to eachother, opposite to them are Sophie and Joseph who are also seated next to eachother
The two pairs are seated opposite to eachother which can implies that the pairs are literally polar opposite correct? It could also even hinted at the relationships of Dorothy and Ryan as well as Sophie and Joseph as having been close with eachother prior to the current time too,maybe since they were in the children's wing?
Yes we saw these four were on a somewhat decent term in the first episode. Sophie and Dorothy were modelling for a portrait together,Joseph and Ryan were playing cards and drinking wine together too. Still it wouldn't mean they have very close relationships,after all Dorothy and Ryan did say Sophie and Joseph were so unlikeable to them, which also means Dorothy and Ryan do not like it when someone disagrees with them
Even when doing the children selections, they go in pairs too, Sophie-Joseph and Dorothy-Ryan. After all why would you go do an important duty with someone you don't like unless forced? It's usually quite unlike that
In conclusion,Dorothy and Ryan usually act bold,mean,arrogant while Sophie and Joseph usually act calm,reserved,logical. Both pairs have a somewhat acquaintances or coworkers relationship
I also theorised that the pairs might be engaged or even married. You see how each pair act with eachother, I heard engagement and marriage mentioned in the story many times now, I don't think that was unimportant, I heard that the children can get engaged so when they become adults,they can get married. It's fun to think about honestly, I even thought that sweater-like upper clothing Joseph is wearing was made by Sophie, since she's butterfly themed,she probably reared silkworms herself and then made a sweater from the silk produced by the silkworms, the texture of Joseph's sweater-like upper clothing doesn't look like it was made from wool. These are just speculations, I'm not that adept in clothing
Hope you like this analysis!!!!
My, that was a lengthy post! I love your theory and analysis so much. Even I, who questions things a lot over everything, couldn't write out detailed possibility of things out from my brain!
Regarding their relationships, I'm aware and agree with your analysis on which one is closer to who based on their personalities and speech manner to each other. I can see both pairs either being engaged-married or just higher-ups coworkers, but I do love the headcanon of Sophie x Joseph being together just because, especially for the last part of your explanations ww
Thank you so much for your insight, it was fun to read! <3
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