#if you liked jonnys acting in those last five minutes youre in for s good time with the mexhanisms
erebugs · 5 years
I’ll Im going to say is,, if you were one of the people that liked the last 5 minutes of episode 160 you should listen to the mechanisms
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abschaumno1 · 4 years
AbschaumNo1′s Big Catchup Post of All the Fic You Missed
Okay so since I am back on my old bs apparently (for however long it lasts) and I just realised that I haven’t posted links to my fic since the beginning of 2017, I thought I’d do a bit of a roundup of all the fics I posted since then.
There are 59 of them since New Year’s 2016/17 (and no I don’t know who let me do that either), sorted here by fandom and then grouped together by series or pairing. Fic titles link to the fic on AO3.
Assassin’s Creed
Malik Al-Sayf/Altaïr Ibn La’Ahad
All That Still Needed To Be Said 
Altaïr and Malik had a system.
Football RPF
Jakub Błaszczykowski/Łukasz Piszczek
You’re Driving Home For Christmas
Lukasz and Kuba celebrate Christmas together
Hermitcraft RPF
Hermitcraft Fantasy AU
Meetings (Gen)
Doc found the man in a tavern
An Unexpected Journey (Tangpulse, Minor and Background Relationships) WIP (Chapter 10/? posted as of the making of this post)
Xisuma sends Tango to talk to a potential new Hermit. Neither of them expects the journey that follows.
Home Is Where You Are (Tangpulse)
Tango and Doc are late to return home from their trip to the city. Tango just hopes he won't miss his and Impulse's anniversary completely.
Natural Phenomena
Meadows of Heaven (Scarian)
Grian and Scar get stuck in the rain on a resource gathering trip.
The Oncoming Storm (Gridoc)
Doc and Grian watch a storm coming in.
Let The Rain Come Down (Xisuma & Evil Xisuma)
Evil X discovers rain.
Finding Home (Zedaph/Tango/Impulse)
In the beginning all was chaos. But then the worlds were built.
Five times Hermits see Doc and Grian together and have to realise that they may have gotten some false impressions.
Now The Armour’s Wearing Thin (3/3 Chapters)
Grian wasn't initially worried when Doc started to work on Area 77, but after he wakes him from a nightmare he starts to think that he should maybe figure out what's going on.
Campfire Nights
In which Bdubs and Keralis are close and Bdubs is clueless until he's not. Neither of those make talking to Keralis about it any easier.
The Bunny Slippers
The bunny slippers were supposed to be a joke gift. Little did Impulse and Zedaph know how much Tango would actually love them. 
Hockey RPF
Back to You (Brent Seabrook/Andrew Shaw)
Your Love Will Take Me Home (5/5 chapters)
Andrew doesn’t usually go for team mates. But Seabs… Seabs is hot and Andrew will be damned if he’s not everything he’s looking for in a guy. And it’s just flirting, it’s not like there’s anything more going on between them. Or is there?
You’ve Got To Give Him Some Faith - Hold Him Tight
Andrew comforts Brent after the Hawks lose against the Stars.
Brothers Under the Sun (Brandon Bollig & Andrew Shaw)
A story in five joke mugs (and one non-joke mug)
A Night to Remember
Andrew surprises Brent for his thousandth NHL game
Together - A Family
It's Brent's birthday.
Le Ciel À l’Infini Embrasse l’Univers
Andrew and Brent take Pricey up on his offer to visit.
You Know I’ll Be There
‘When did we adopt Lehky?’ Brent texts Andrew as soon as he sees the photo.
You Can Depend on Me
Andrew seeing his family when the Habs play in Chicago
I’ll Fly Like An Eagle (Jesperi Kotkaniemi/Victor Mete)
Jesperi has a problem, Andrew has advice, and Victor has no clue (until he has)
Someday I’ll Be Where You Are
Three years after being traded to Montreal, Andrew is traded once again. This time he gets to go back home to his family.
You Were There When I Needed You
They tell the kids on Boxing Day
Skate Date Verse (Brent Seabrook/Andrew Shaw)
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
‘I slept with Shawzy’ is all Seabs' text says, and… okay that’s not quite what Duncs expected. ‘Good for you’ he texts back, because well, what’s he supposed to say to that? ‘No. I SLEPT with Shawzy’
Your Best Shot
Andy and Brent spend their date night at Top Golf. It gets a little derailed.
The Hawks Cuddle Collection (Gen)
Tonight We Are Victorious
The Hawks cuddling after the win in Florida on November 24th 2018.
A Warm Welcome
Dylan has his first practice in Chicago. But the real cool stuff happens away from the ice.
A Welcome Surprise
Collin hadn't expected the cuddle piles.
Alex Debrincat/Dylan Strome
Not Your Fault
After the game Alex lets Dylan stew.
Brent Seabrook/Andrew Shaw
The Beginning of Forever
Andrew Shaw moves in with Brent Seabrook, falls in love, and accidentally marries him. Not in that order.
Brent Seabrook has a bunch of idiot friends, a husband he married accidentally, and three kids to worry about. Or maybe things are easier than he thinks.
Either way they're stuck together, so they better make it work.
Let’s Take On The World Together
The first Andrew sees of Brent Seabrook is a glimpse of broad shoulders and a sweaty face with a beard. Luckily it's not the last he sees of him.
Take A Chance On Me
It took Andrew all of five minutes while walking from his first lecture to where he was meeting Saader to dig up everything he could find on Brent.
In which Brent is a TA for one of Andrew's courses and they fall in love.
Brent Seabrook/Jeremy Colliton
We’re Breaking All The Rules
Brent and Jeremy have an arrangement. Then Duncs finds out
Carey Price/P.K. Subban
A Bigger Heart I Have Never Seen
No one does Christmas quite like P.K. does
Connor McDavid/Dylan Strome
Christmas Cuddles
Connor and Dylan don't get much time together over Christmas but there's always time for cuddles.
Corey Crawford/Trevor van Riemsdyk
Second Chances
As nice as it is to have so many Ex-Hawks around he already knows, Trevor can’t help but think that it would be easier if he didn’t have the constant reminder of what he doesn’t have anymore.
Duncan Keith/Brent Seabrook
Second Chances
What Dylan and Alex didn't expect when they introduced their dads to each other was that they already knew each other.
What neither Brent, not Duncan expected was to find out that things in their lives might have gone differently.
Duncan Keith/Jeremy Colliton
Let Me Take Care Of You
Jeremy figures out quickly that Duncs does a lot to take care of his teammates. It takes him a bit longer to figure out that Duncs needs to be taken care of, too.
Kyle Dubas/William Nylander
A Deadline Is Not The End At All
William Nylander was without a doubt the worst student Kyle had ever had.
In which Kyle supervises Willy's thesis, Willy doesn't actually show his work before the deadline, and feelings develop.
Leon Draisaitl/Connor McDavid
“Let’s Go”
After Game 5 against the Ducks
One Out Of 80 Million
Connor goes to Germany with his friends, gets lost and finds a handsome stranger
A Boy Worth Fighting For
There's three sensible survival instincts: to flee, to play dead, and to fight. Connor needs three tries to find the right one.
Let Me Worry
Connor denies that his ankle hurts
I Sang About You The Whole Time
There’s a playlist Leon has that he kind of hopes no one will ever find out about.
You Should Come Up For Coffee
Connor asks Leon to come along to dinner with Alex and Dylan. Realisations are had.
The End of Summer
Shocked But Fighting
Connor goes down with a knee injury.
Set during/after the game in Calgary on 7th April 2019
Leon Draisaitl/Milan Lucic/Connor McDavid
Let’s Start A New Tradition
There were lots of things Milan expected when he came to Edmonton. This was not one of them.
Acting Tough
Leon's a little fidgety, playing with the strings of Connor's hoodie, and his voice is soft when he says, "So I think I'll tell my family." "Yeah?" Milan asks. "Yeah."
Michael Latta/Tom Wilson
Christmas Morning
Christmas is not the same without Latts.
Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews
Gift wrapping and a nutcracker
Patrick’s first reaction to the video of the gift wrapping competition is to laugh.  
Saving You, Saving the World
It's the day before Christmas and Patrick gets to save Jonny's ass from a nefarious kidnapping plot. Again. He doesn't know what he did to deserve this.
Le Moose-bouche
Jonny quits hockey, becomes a chef and moves to Paris. Patrick is with him every step of the way.
(Spin off of Let's Take On The World Together but can be read as a standalone.)
Les Misérables
Feast of Love
Grantaire had thought Enjolras would be a grinch, but he's everything but.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Bruce Banner & Clint Barton
Stages of Grief
When they find Clint he is changed.
A White Christmas
Steve gets Bucky back. A story in three Christmases.
A Hundred Years in the Making
Five times Steve only draws others + 1 time he includes himself.
The Raven Cycle
Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish
What To Gift A Dreamer
Adam wonders what to get Ronan for Christmas
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tremblinglionheart · 6 years
4. Zodiac Sign: Virgo 5. Biggest Fear: Being abandond by my friends 6. Strength/Weakness: My positiv outlook on life maybe? My weakness is definitely yelling. I hate it when people yell. It gives me panic attacks. 16. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping  17. When was the last time you laughed hard: Yesterday I think 26. What is your ideal occupation: lecturer at university. It has all the benefits of being a teacher (teaching people, talking about interesting things, helping people grow as a person) without the disadvantages of a teacher (parents, children...) 27. Beer, wine, or liquor? Don’t really like either but if I had to choose I would take liquor  34. Wonder Woman or Cat Woman? I only know Cat Woman so I guess her.  42. Favorite song? Impossible to choose...  43. Favorite movie? The Ninth Gate (with Jonny Depp) 46. If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first? Go to work I think.  47. What was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still feel the same about it at this minute? That my family and friends all secretly hated me and wanted me gone and that I was just a burden to the whole damn world. Luckily, no. I don’t feel like this anymore.  48. If you could change one law of your country, what would it be? I don’t know which one it is exactly but the law that says that teenagers and young adults that apply for social benefits more or less need their parents consent for that. I know why they put it up but I know more then 3 people who applied for social benegits because their parents revused to feed and shelter them and just threw them out on the street. Those parents obviously didn’t consent to their children getting benefits so they had to fend for themselves and one of my friends was homeless two years because of that.  50. Where would you take a road trip? Scotland or Ireland 54. What’s your greatest achievement to date? Beating depression 55. What scares you about your future? The uncertainty 56. Why does pizza come in square box? Because it’s easier to produce and store 57. What would happeny if you knew you could not fail? Probably nothing because I would doubt that knowledge 58. How does it feel to be photographed? Like nothing I think? I’m the person that never stays still on photos so I don’t worry too much on how it would look. 61. Do you stand for what you believe in or are you pleasing others? Depends. I’m enough of a people pleaser but if something is important or someone else might get hurt I don’t hesitate to stand up.  62. If money were no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life? Study and work at university and probably spent my free time sewing fancy dresses for my friends (yes, I love to sew, especially dresses xD) 63. What are you thankfull for, this moment? My cup of tea, my new glasses and to be able to breath without pain 72. What color is your hair naturally? That weird color between blond, brown and grey that doesn’t look like a color at all 74. What is you favorit color to wear? Black and if it doesn’t count as color probably red 75. Do you have any piercings? Yes. 8 ears piercings 76. Do you have tattoos? Two 77. Do you care how other people see you? Depends on my mood. If I’m having a good day, not exactly, if I’m having a bad day or feel insecure about myself, yes. 79. How do you feel about age difference in relationships? It#s ok as long as the both people have passed a certain age. A difference of 5 or 10 years is fine if both are adults. If one is bellow 18 it is kind of creepy (one your or 2 are ok, but everything above that is weird) and children (everyone bellow 12) shouldn’t be in a relationship anyway 80. How do you feel about race difference in relationships? It doesn’t matter 81. Do you believe in karma or fate? Both in a way. But I believe fate doesn’t mean everything is scripted. I believe fate throws chances at us and what we make of them is out choice  82. Do you keep a journal? Yes 83. Describe the last dream you remember: That is hard. I only remember parts. It was something with Harry Potter and I was running around in a town with Lupin and Sirius and I think there were shapeshifting frogs that were eating humans? It was weird. Oh, and there was a dog that was like our guide and constantly talking about what we had to do. And I could do magic (but utterly failed at it xD) 84. Describe your favorite dream: I don’t have one. The only dreams I clearly remember are nightmares, but everything with magic that isn’t a nightmare is cool  85. Where are some places you would like to visit? Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Iceland 86. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend? In a year. Mera Luna. It’s a festival but the only thing with concerts planned right now. 87. What music do you listen to when you are happy? Many things. Often Rise Against or Fall out boy 88. What music do you listen to when you are mad? Bring me the Horizon 89. Do you like to burn candles or incense? Yes 105. Opinion on abortion? Though question. I think it’s up to the woman. It’s her body afterall, but I think the father should at least have some say if he wants to keep the child and promises to provide for it (given the woman and the child aren’t in danger for medical reasons) 106. Opinion in immigrants/immigration reform? Even thougher... I guess  a reform would not be bad but chances are high that the governemnt would screw that up and make things worse instead of better. And generally, I think most states are in a way or other immigration states. People have always traveled and moved to different countries. People had centuries to get used to it.   107. Should prostitution be legalized? No. It would be used by many bad people to surpress and abuse others.  110. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? That people start seeing skin color, religion, sexuality and gender as just another property of their fellow humans. Like hair color or height. You know, stop treating it as a trait and acting like those things actually have any influence on who the person is.    111. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work yould make you rich? Probably selling choclate 112. Would you break the law to save a loved one? Yes 116. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Because religion is often only used as a tool or excuse to achive something completely different and unrelated  117. What would you du differently if you knew nobody would judge you? Probably out myself and change my name in an instant. 118. Were you happy when you woke up today? Tired. But I guess I wasn’t feeling bad. Does that count as happy? 128. Do you care too much/not at all/just enough? All three of them, depending on the issue, people involved and my mood 134. Background on your cell phone? A picture of me and two friends of mine making silly faces 135.What are you thinking about right this second? That these are very many questions, that I’m warm and sweating and if I should get another cup of tea 136. Last book you read? How was it? From a Low and Quiet Sea. It was rather depressing and made me feel off. It was interesting enough but I wouldn’t read it again  172. How old will you be on your next birthday? 26
For: @you-better-rvn
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vileart · 8 years
Eat the Dramaturgy: Jonny and the Baptists on tour
50-date UK tour for the hit musical comedy about inequality, friendship & revolution
5 MARCH – 27 MAY 2017
Three quarters of MPs are millionaires. A third of the country lives below the poverty line. Whatever your politics, Jonny & the Baptists think it's worth talking about.
A riotous and heartfelt musical comedy for our times, JONNY & THE BAPTISTS' Edinburgh Fringe hit EAT THE POOR will tour the UK in March-April-May 2017. With over 50 dates, their biggest ever schedule reflects growing national audiences from acclaimed shows and appearances on Radio 4’s The Now Show and BBC Live at Television Centre.
Created through extensive research travelling across the country in early 2016, the show combines contemporary satire and inventive musical silliness with an epic personal story. Setting out to explore the gap between rich and poor, Jonny & the Baptists’ lives turn upside down when Jonny betrays Paddy for financial gain. As Jonny enjoys the high life with Andrew Lloyd Webber and Jerry Hall, Paddy falls into homelessness and despair.
An toe-tapping comedy about inequality, homelessness and revolution in modern Britain, EAT THE POOR sees the multi-award-nominees continue to grow in scope and ambition - and even dabble in a small amount of actual economics. Continuing the company’s commitment to reach broad, diverse audiences, their biggest ever tour schedule takes in leading theatres, arts centres, rural venues, comedy clubs and festivals across the country. (Full dates below.)
Nominated for five major awards (they’ve never won any), Jonny & the Baptists – real names Jonny Donahoe & Paddy Gervers – have rapidly become one of the UK's hottest live musical comedy acts. Winning rave national reviews for 2016 climate change comedy The End Is Nigh, they have also enjoyed regular broadcast work, major festival appearances, and once topped the iTunes Comedy Chart with single ‘Farage’. Alongside, Jonny has been nominated for a New York Drama Desk Award for his hit one-man show Every Brilliant Thing on international tour, now an HBO special (broadcast over Christmas 2016).
Answers by Jonny & the Baptists - Jonny Donahoe & Paddy Gervers (writer-performers) and Will Young (director) from rehearsals...
Thank you for taking the time to chat - it's much appreciated. I am a bit worried about asking questions on comedy, since I have no sense of humour and reduce everything to questions of structure...
Bearing that in mind - I've never been sure how you approach 'musical comedy'. There's two of you, so is this more like a gig, or one of those big productions they have in London?
Ha. Sometimes a bit of both. Our early shows were very much 'gigs': funny songs with a setlist, and often a theme but performed straight to the audience. We still love doing shows with a band from time to time (not least because it allows us to feel briefly like rock stars). Recently though we've made tentative steps towards something more like 'theatre'. Not like a west end musical - we can't afford the production values for one thing - but exploring ideas more through story and drama. We don't necessarily prefer one or the other, but they're different ways to get into the ideas we want to explore. The new show, Eat The Poor, is based around research into inequality but as we go, a personal story from our lives takes over and carries the ideas forward.
The inspiration for the show is pretty clear, but I am wonder how effective you find the stage as a medium for exploring ideas: do you find that the process of writing songs brings out your thoughts on a topic, for example, or do you have a clear idea of what you'll be saying from the start?
Generally we start with a very broad idea. It's usually whatever we're talking about in the pub, or something we want to know more about. The last show was about climate change, this one is about inequality and came from all the news stories in 2016 about homelessness and food banks, and the role of economic inequality in the EU referendum. It has to be something we want to know more about, because then we go on a period of research.
For Eat The Poor we spent several months travelling round the country working with homeless charities, local councillors and researchers, and talking to people from big cities to rural villages about how they experience poverty and inequality. From that you start to have an idea of what you want to say, so we go into a room with a massive pinboard and post every idea onto it with a different colour for themes, narrative elements, song ideas, jokes - everything we're thinking about. 
From that you start to pare back, and see which ideas go together, and hopefully start to see the show coming together.
What about audiences - do they tend to agree with the political stance, or is there much argument around the show?
In 2014 we toured a show called Stop Ukip during the European Elections (and it's pretty clear we sorted that right out - you're welcome guys). At one show someone sat down, put up a Ukip poster by his seat and sat quietly throughout. Afterwards we had a chat with him. It was very polite. He explained that he thought we had a right to say what we wanted, and he had a right to present his own views however he wanted. 
There's something valuable in those moments, when you can communicate openly with people who are far apart politically - but of course that's not the norm. Most people who come are probably broadly on the same political spectrum as us, but hopefully the shows also push ideas further and get people to think more, or in a different way, about their own role in the systems around them.
Is there a danger that political performance can end up as 'preaching to the choir', and becomes a nice place for people to nod their heads and agree with you, then do nothing about the problems? Is there any way around this?
We've been accused of 'preaching to the choir' on separate occasions by the Guardian and the Telegraph - which is quite sweet really, if you think about it. Our friend Grace Petrie, who's a wonderful protest-folk singer, has a brilliant response to the 'preaching to the choir' criticism: 'oh yeah, who are these other artists doing shows just for audiences who hate their work?'
Of course, people who come to the shows usually like us and what we stand for. Most audiences for The End Is Nigh came agreeing that climate change is a massive problem: but do our everyday actions reflect that? In Eat The Poor we try to turn the problem back on ourselves as well, and by implication our audience. 
We know a lot of well-meaning Corbynite socialists who are very good people, but bought flats in London supported by money from their parents, and send their own kids to private school. (We've had pretty privileged lives ourselves - you can tell that because we're answering a Q&A about dramaturgy!) 
If you agree with us that inequality is a major social problem, you also have to ask where your own life sits in that structure.
Basically - you can still challenge people who agree with you, just as you can challenge yourself and your own behaviour.
Flying off in another direction: what musical influences are at play in your work?
That's a hard one, there's so many. Bob Dylan, Billy Bragg, Bjork, Jacques Brel, Usher, Rihanna, Nick Cave, The Divine Comedy, Grace Petrie, Marin Harley, the list goes on. Often the influences come from the song we're trying to write: is this more a protest song, a classic rock song, a blues number? The comedy and the theatre should mostly lead the song, so the music needs the right tone to make it funny or dramatic. Then sometimes there's just a tune you've had on the brain for years and eventually the right idea comes along.
Is your approach to making performance political in itself - does the format express any political ideas, for example, or the use of music as a medium for satire?
There's a long tradition of both political and protest songs in folk traditions; and of satire as a medium for attacking the establishment - so in that sense, yes. At heart also, we're entertainers. Music and comedy help our shows be fun, funny, warm and accessible while still tackling important issues. We always want to write inclusively, to have a show anyone can enjoy no matter their background or political interest. 
That's what stops it being a lecture or feeling elitist. Getting an audience to sing along to a catchy chorus is a great way to break down barriers and build a sense of community in just three minutes. We want anyone to be able to come and have a brilliant time: partly because that's a good way to get the ideas out as broadly as possible, but mostly because it's more fun that way.
5 MAR - BRISTOL - Tobacco Factory Theatres | tobaccofactorytheatres.com
7-11 MAR - EXETER - Bike Shed Theatre | bikeshedtheatre.co.uk
12 MAR - RICHMOND - Orange Tree Theatre | orangetreetheatre.co.uk
16-18 MAR - SALISBURY - Salisbury Playhouse | salisburyplayhouse.com
21 MAR - NORWICH - Norwich Playhouse | norwichplayhouse.co.uk
22 MAR - GUILDFORD - Star Inn | guildfordfringe.com
23 MAR - COLCHESTER - Lakeside Theatre | lakesidetheatre.org.uk
24 MAR - HARLOW - Harlow Playhouse | harlowplayhouse.co.uk
25 MAR - CARDIFF - Chapter Arts Centre | chapter.org
28-29 MAR - NEWCASTLE - Northern Stage | northernstage.co.uk
30 MAR - OXFORD - Old Fire Station | oldfirestation.org.uk
31 MAR - FARNHAM  - Farnham Maltings | farnhammaltings.com
1 APR - BEDFORD - Quarry Theatre | quarrytheatre.org.uk
5 APR - SUNDERLAND - Pop Recs, Sunderland | sunderlandstages.co.uk
6 APR - READING - South Street Arts | readingarts.com
7 APR - HAVANT - The Spring Arts Centre | thespring.co.uk
8 APR - MIILTON KEYNES - The Stables | stables.org
11 APR - GLASGOW - Platform | platform-online.co.uk
12 APR - LANCASTER - The Dukes | dukes-lancaster.org
21 APR - CAMBRIDGE - Cambridge Junction | junction.co.uk
22 APR - CALSTOCK - Calstock Village Hall | calstockhall.com
28 APR - CARDIGAN - Small World Theatre | smallworld.org.uk
29-30 APR - MACHYNLLETH - Comedy Festival | machcomedyfest.co.uk
2-6 MAY - PLYMOUTH - The Drum, Theatre Royal | theatreroyal.co.uk
8-10 MAY - LONDON - Soho Theatre | sohotheatre.com
11 MAY - BIRMINGHAM - mac | macbirmingham.co.uk
12 MAY - CORSHAM - Pound Arts | poundarts.org.uk
13 MAY - FRITWELL - Fritwell Village Hall | fritwellvillagehall.co.uk
15 MAY - HOVE - The Old Market | theoldmarket.com
19 MAY - FAREHAM - Ashcroft Arts Centre | hampshireculturaltrust.org.uk
20 MAY - EASTLEIGH - The Point | thepointeastleigh.co.uk
21 MAY - IPSWICH - New Wolsey Theatre | wolseytheatre.co.uk
23 MAY - EDINBURGH - The Stand | thestand.co.uk
24 MAY - GLASGOW - The Stand | thestand.co.uk
25 MAY - MONIAIVE - Craigdarroch Arms | craigdarrocharmshotel.co.uk
26 MAY - BARNSLEY - The Civic | barnsleycivic.co.uk
27 MAY - SALFORD - The Lowry | thelowry.com
Eat The Poor was created with support from: Arts Council England, Pentabus Theatre, Bike Shed Theatre Exeter, Arts at the Old Fire Station Oxford, Old Red Lion Theatre London & Farnham Maltings.
from the vileblog http://ift.tt/2jkdeq9
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arce-elliot · 3 years
Magnus Archives - First Impressions (176-200)
Well, I’ve done it. We’ve reached the end of the (hill top) road. This has been a wild ride for sure! For those of you that have been following along: goodbye, I’m sorry, and good luck.
EP 176 (Blood Ties): - "the fear of your pack turning their claws on you" well Jon you've got some experience with that - oh fuck where's Martin oh thank goodness he's just sitting far away - T R E V O R you old bastard how are ya - aw julia :c - AYYYYYYY B A S I R A! EP 177 (Wonderland): - Oh lord here we fucking go time for Dr. Gaslight - poor Martin just wants everyone to get along for five seconds - Jon: for the love of fuck lemme hug my boyfriend - oh lord Basira you picked a great one to listen in on - oh fuck he's not like, acting this out on Basira because she's in the room is he? there usually aren't other noises - THAT FUCKING LAUGH, DISGUSTING - "everyone legitimately DOES hate you" haha jonny funny joke when does this stop actually - even Martin's losing his patience w/ Helen oh dear EP 178 (The Processing Line): - oh flesh nice - hmm this is...hm. don't like this one - Jon says ACAB EP 179 (Accomplice): - oh wait this is kind of sweet I love me some found family - oh Daisy :c - Aww Jon misses his friend :c - NO DON'T SPLIT UP AGAIN GDI EP 180 (Moving On): - Martin: why are you running - YESSSS THE I SPY SCENE - oh boys please dont be stupid - AYYY ANNABELLE - AYYYYYYYY MIKHAIL! - mikhail: y'all fuckin smell lmao EP 181 (Ignorance): - THEY SLEPT FOR 3 DAYS LMAO - Jon you both "work" for the eye stfu - "i have no secrets to hide" that smells like bullshit Mr. Salesa - sorry Jon you're a muggle now - Mikhail is LITERALLY just vibing - Martin's about to smite his first avatar: Annabelle Cane - Ooooh don't like how Jon was getting fuzzy at the end bit there, Annabelle what are you doin EP 182 (Wellbeing): - sinister hospital, my favorite soap opera - wow! hate this! - you KNOW it's bad when JON is saying "good lord" - this just sounds like corona prep tbh, 8 sets of gloves minimum - OH WAIT ARE THESE THE STUDENTS FROM ANATOMY CLASS - poor Breekon I feel bad :c EP 183 (Monument): - OH SHIT MARTIN DOMAIN? - this feels more like Michael's domain the way Jon's describing it - awwww these boys EP 184 (Like Ants): - oh cool ants - you know that one scene in the 4th Indiana Jones? yeah taht - LMAO IS JON MAKING A FUCKING AVATAR???? CAN HE DO THAT??? - Jon: Level...Up? - "i dont feel right" you were being eaten by ANTS EP 185 (Locked In): - this being the first pre-show warning is interesting, it's definitely warranted but i think that Dr. David needed one as well in retrospect - oh we're starting w/ the statement? fun - one of us, one of us, one of us - o o f Martin time to make choices - Martin: "well I don't know- oh you insulted Jon? okay rot in hell" EP 186 (Quiet): - Ah Shit Martin Domain Time - OH TWO MARTINS, SWEET - Martin's personal hell: tea that he doesn't like - "Are we gonna have to kill Jon?" OOPS- - g o d this is so sad EP 187 (Checking Out): - Helen! Helen! Helen! - are they flirting? this feels flirty - i ADORE this music - somebody help this poor lady good lord - rip Helen :c EP 188 (Centre of Attention): - I always feeeeeel like somebody's waaaatchin' meeeeeee - The 18th fear: Bad Roommate EP 189 (Peers): - okay we're in London now show me my GIRLS - "The Great Archivist, Master of All He Surveys" PFFFFFF - "Eldritch Popularity Contest" Martin is all bangers today - Martin has had ENOUGH - MY GIIIIIIIRLS!!!!! EP 190 (Scavengers): - Jon: okay yeah whatever but where's the Admiral - aww Melanie and Martin finally getting to chat - ARUN OH MY GOD EP 191 (What We Lose): - JON SLEEPS WITH HIS EYES OPEN, HORRID - awww someone get Georgie her cat :C EP 192 (An Appointment): - Jon: says some creepy shit Martin: uh yeah that - poor Rosie damn - Elias: Level Up! EP 193 (A Stern Look): - Martin: Jon stop fantasizing about being the Pupil or I'm gonna get fussy - OH SHIT OG!ELIAS TIME - I FORGOT OG!ELIAS WAS A STONER LMAOOOO - smart guy who's lazy and has daddy issues? well shit Mr. Sims I demand royalties this instant because OG!Elias is based on me - oh poor Elias this is horrid EP 194 (Parting): - no not again boys stop fighting - oh eye? on your shoulder? - OH IT'S A WHOLE PERSON EW - Martin is such avatar catnip, Jon leaves him for 5 fucking minutes and Annabelle is like GIMME - plot twist all the avatars want Martin to work with him he's just too damn smart EP 195 (Adrift): - *water noises* - ah yes, a vast statement - *more water noises* - OH HEY BASIRA - god I missed no-nonsense Basira that didn't hate Jon EP 196 (This Old House): - Hill Top Road! Hill Top Road! - ah yes, Martin sassing avatars everywhere he goes - fun history lesson - can't believe Martin can't become a Web Avatar because he loves Jon too much, the Web is homophobic EP 197 (Connected): - "you get Martin to safety" oh yeah because Martin will just go willingly lmao - more mind games with the Web, love to see it - what a foolproof plan, I'm SURE this will work EP 198 (Precipice): - "couldn't have made a statement BEFORE we got on the ladder?" big child on a roadtrip energy - scary don't fall statement oooooh - Oh no the other survivors :C - nice little reunion we love to see it EP 199 (Seeing It Through): - clever title lmao - Melanie: you do NOT get to be god I forbid it - g o d Jonathan don't be so pissy - love this one-on-one interactions, feels very Day Before The End EP 200 (Last Words): - HERE WE GO BITCHES - Oh gdi Jonathan why you gotta do everything your damn self - Jonathan this isn't the p l a n - KILL THIS FOOL - Oopsie Jon it's Pupil Time - OH ROSIE I FORGOT ABOUT HER OOPS - Ah yes, one final statement - god my boys :c - oh I swore up and down I wouldn't cry, damn it all
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