#if you like 1d just ugh
dearmrsawyer · 2 years
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Not my bank being a little bitch again.
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wonbadtz · 5 months
as riize has already confirmed to be directioners, could u write them as 1D songs? :D
no because i've been thinking about this ever since they covered one thing
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ riize as one direction songs
shotaro -> hey angel
"hey angel, do you know the reasons why we look up to the sky?"
literally the first song that comes to me when i see him. i would give it to either him or anton but he literally has this angel face and maybe i'm being delusional here but i can literally hear his voice in the bridge during louis' backing vocals part, it's giving the same vibes as his rap part in memories for some reason.
eunseok -> night changes
"does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes?"
ugh i feel sick at the thought. imagine him on a little date with you like the music video, everything is going well and then suddenly something awkward happens, but later he reassures you about it and you laugh about everything. he gives off that 'everything is gonna be okay not matter what' vibe, just like the song.
sungchan -> temporary fix
"let me touch you where your heart is"
silly (not so silly) song for him, it has the perfect mix of sexiness and goofiness just like him. literally no other explanation for this, just picture seeing him in the crowd of a party, locking eyes with him as this song plays in the speakers. peak movie vibes.
wonbin -> fireproof
"nobody loves you baby the way i do"
i can see him playing this song on his electric guitar, imagine him doing the intro and then the little solo part later, and his voice would be perfect for this song. i can't explain this connection again but he brings out such vibes, chill and romantic.
seunghan -> stockholm syndrome
"baby i'll never leave if you keep holding me in this way"
he's so alluring i feel like i'm being kept hostage by him. such cool yet chill vibes with him, again i feel like it would suit his voice and his overall vibe. he needs to come back to remind everyone how cool he is, this song always reminds me of him every time i listen to it.
sohee -> infinity
"how many nights does it take to count the stars?"
i can't explain why but maybe i have made this connection because i feel like his voice would be perfect for this song. i can literally imagine him singing it and i'm tearing up, he would sing it in such a smooth and emotional way + pretty people always get pretty songs.
anton -> i wanna write you a song
" i wanna write you a song, one as beautiful as you are sweet"
chill smooth acoustic vibes, perfect match with his voice and personality. the song is so cute and wholesome, i feel like he gives off this vibe of home, comfort and warmth. the song is quiet, pretty and simple, it immediately reminds me of anton, he is literally the personification of this song.
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statementlou · 4 months
i’ll never understand people who want louis to go back to his 1d manufactured image. i fell in love with the louis of now, the one who is as authentic as he can be. he’s not 18 anymore, he’s 32, he’s grown, he’s changed in some ways but still the core of who he is has remained, it’s just that some people refuse to see it
like literally even the appeal of 1D was that they weren't that!!! Let alone now or anything that has happened in the last nearly a decade, it is truly baffling to me that anyone would voluntarily say, I don't like this version of things where we get to connect to our fave as a PERSON and he even acknowledges and talks about how we (the fans) and he (the person) have this special fucking bond of us understanding him and loving the actual person he is and how it's better than any other fan/ artist relationship and allows for vulnerability and how he has heard us saying for years that we would give him anything all we want is for him to be happy and been like I hear you and I appreciate that so much you have given me everything and I love you so much in return, and see him again and again and yet again lurking and listening and finding fun little ways to give us the things we've said we wanted and showing his huge and sincere and beautiful love and affection for us, including the gift of acting casual and human in front of us and letting us see him that way, letting us in, how someone would look at the absolute PRIVILEDGE of getting to be a part of all this of this beautiful relationship... and be like ugh but I just want him to act more professional actually.
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pleasingsatellite · 2 years
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liked by harryfan1, y/nfan2 and 25,840 others
harryandy/n Harry and y/n arrived in Venice today for the Venice Film Festival, looks like y/n is going to be his plus one! We can't wait to see them on the red carpet.
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harryfan1 ugh he looks so rich are you kidding me???
y/nfan1 my favorite thing about them is they always look like they're going to two separate events
↳ harryfan2 you're so right, harry looks like he's on his way to some fashion event meanwhile y/n is holding ice cream looking like she's going to frolic
y/nfan2 ughhh need a y/n and Florence interaction so I can feed my delusion that one day they will be in a movie together
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liked by harrystyles, harrisreed and 890,303 others
yourinstagram I feel like I'm sending my over dressed toddler off to his first day at school. Happy Brit's day! I'll be cheering you on from my table in the audience with the endless supply of champagne 🫶🏻
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harryfan1 omg omg omg omg
harryfan2 he looks so good, the flower? the bare chest? the everything???? 😗
annetwist please remind him to drink water between his alcohol ❤️
↳ yourinstagram don't worry mama twist he's in safe hands
↳ harrystyles I told y/n and Gemma I'll have max 2 drinks.... or 5 if we win
jefezoff BEHAVE GARY
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liked by y/nfan1, y/nfan2 and 45,594 others
y/nupdates y/n today at the Brit's reacting to Harry drunkingly confessing his love for her during his speech
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y/nfan1 stop she's so cute she was so embarrassed 🥺
y/nfan2 I just know the minute he was running to the stage she knew he'd say something to embarrass her
harryfan1 he loves her so much are you kidding me
y/nfan3 "and to y/n, everyday I look at you and wonder how I managed to land such a hot girlfriend. Everything I do, I do with you in mind. Everyone give it up for the prettiest girl in the room!" 😭🥹😭🥹
↳harryfan2 if any man said this about me I'd propose and jump his bones on SIGHT!!!!
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liked by harryfan1, y/nfan1 and 29,234 others
harryupdates y/n is in the audience tonight at LOT Japan! Harry waved at her when he came out and sent her kisses and told security to check on her!
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harryfan1 he's so cute and smiley tonight and now we know why
harryfan2 I need someone to love me as much as harry loves y/n fr fr
y/nfan1 omg I saw her at the show tonight she's so cute and was telling the people with her how jet lagged she is but didn't wanna miss the show so she had to drink a bunch of coffee before hand 😙
y/nfan2 my angel I love her I hope she stays in Japan with harry now that she's not filming anymore
harryfan3 someone threw a shirt at harry with a picture of him and y/n on the front and he said he's gonna wear it as soon as he gets off stage
↳ harryfan4 we're about to get a 1d gym shirt repeat again with this shirt I just know it
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liked by harryfan1, y/nfan2 and 89,382 others
pagesix I just can't keep my hands to myself! Singer Harry Styles and actress y/n were caught in a very public PDA session last night during a street party in Japan. The couple who have been together for 5 years were spotted by onlookers but clearly only had eyes for each other. Ugh, young love!
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harryfan1 heart stopped I've been standing in the same spot for hours 😫
y/nfan1 MY MOM AND DAD!!!
yourinstagram ...oops 🤭
↳harryfan2 girl that's all you gotta say!!! we know you don't regret it
↳yourinstagram not at all 😙
harryfan2 you know harry's in deep when the man who catches every camera doesn't catch the one recording his make out
↳yourinstagram it's more like the 6 highballs he drank 🫢
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 34,590 others
harrydaily Harry out shopping with y/n and friends today in Japan! When fans mentioned the kiss harry and y/n just laughed and shook their heads
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harryfan1 that man regrets NOTHING
↳harryfan2 I mean would you lol
harryfan3 I'm so happy harry and y/n finally feel comfortable to be so open with their relationship
harryfan4 he looks so fine ugh that post pubic makeout glow
harryfan5 I know Jeffery was loosing his shit seeing those pics and harry and y/n were just like...it is what it is
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liked by yourinstagram, annetwist and 8,945,931 others
harrystyles I mean do you really blame me?
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....hello.... the longest long time no see wow. tbh I just have not felt like even opening the Tumblr app since like mid-january and eventually just deleted the app but finally felt a little bit rejuvenated tonight. I've been trying to reply limit just how much time I spend on social media and trying to read more and have been but also miss just being on here and posting (I'm not saying I'm back to regular posts but will try and post when I can)
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wlntrsldler · 7 months
ugh imagine all the hate five star would get from poisoned mercury fans when their relationship is revealed 😔 how do you think five star and luke would respond to it
oh it would definitely be bad. i think especially after their second album drops and they become even more mainstream, the hate train will come in full force :(((
some stans are wild (i shudder when i remember my days on stan twt, 5sos and 1d specifically) and would probably dig out ALL the dirt about five star. they’d find the diss tracks her ex wrote about her and use it against her.
i think five star would try not to let it get to her and she’ll try to justify it by saying things like “well i signed up for this dating someone like luke” but luke would not be okay with it!!!!!!
how dare the people who called themselves fans of the band be so okay with hurting the people in their life???? but five star doesn’t wanna make the fire bigger so she asks him to drop it (and he does to an extent)
luke is FUMING tho when five star starts asking him to not post her on his socials because he finds out that people nitpick how she looked (luke thought she looked perfect so he never saw an issue). at first, he thought five star was pulling away from him and was starting to think that a relationship with him wasn’t worth all the trouble (his biggest fear) but she’s quick to shut that down.
he just wants to show off his girl :(((( especially when unc wins the ncaa championship in filed hockey because his girl is a champ!!!!!!!!! so he kinda breaks his silence and tells everyone to cut it out because he can’t stand to see his girl feeling like she didnt the deserve all the love in the world.
five star would end up crying and telling him that she really appreciated him standing up for her (even if she was against it at first) and luke would reassure her that he would crawl to the ends of the world for her (he’s a simp like that!)
the hate will always be there, but luke spams her instagram comments with ridiculous compliments (“i just barked so loud my landlord tried to fine me for having an unregistered pet” “gnawing at the bars of my enclosure” “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE” “hand in marriage ?”) so his words are at the top of your posts and the hate comments are pushed to the bottom :)))
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twopoppies · 8 months
Haha! Louis absolutely feels like he’s a pretty straight shooting partner when it comes to communication. Willing to talk, probably pretty even-keeled, open about emotions. I mean, even 1D guys said they went to him to talk and he’s said he is pretty open. Now, he may sometimes have to retreat to think before communicating, but that’s pretty normal too. And how you deal with outsiders vs your partner can be different. But I have to think as a partner, he’s probably one willing to talk. My partner is very similar. It’s great but also sometimes feels pressure-y when you’re not ready. Harry though seems like he’s definitely the moody one when it comes to stuff. I can just see the bitchy silent treatment all over him. (So more me in my relationship, ugh, I hate it about myself). Now, absolutely NONE of this means they’re actually overall bad communicators. They’re probably great (my partner and I are A+), but it’s just their style and how they deal with it. Plus, there’s always and forever room for improvement.
Louis has always struck me as someone who is so supportive of others and so willing to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on, but I’d imagine he has a harder time asking for help, himself. I tend to think people like that close themselves off when they’re struggling and think they can solve their own problems and don’t want to burden anyone else. But under all of that, they really are yearning for someone to take the burden off them sometimes. That lyric “I’m too tired to be tough. I just wanna be loved by you” really felt like a peek into a side of Louis he doesn’t often show.
And I agree. H seems more moody and probably retreats into himself and doesn’t verbalize how he’s feeling in the moment.
Anyway, I do think the two of them really have had to learn how to communicate with each other over the years. I think Harry going to therapy really seems to have opened him up in a wonderful way. I’m sure being in a relationship with him after that was a very different experience.
It’s so interesting how the struggle and desire to communicate has been such an ongoing theme in their music.
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beansprean · 2 years
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Who put this drama in my funny ghost au
My Familiar’s Ghost Part 10
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Close up on a tall illuminated billboard-type sign that says “U-Store”. The night sky beyond is still dotted with a few stars, but clearly beginning to lighten. Offscreen, Nandor exclaims “Ugh, it is almost dawn! Guillermo should be very thankful to us for all the trouble we are going through for him.” Colin replies, “Oh, I intent to collect, energy-wise. Once we find his corporeal self, he’s gonna owe me, like, two screenings of “Queen of the Damned”. Just cycles of horniness, boredom, and rage for 200 minutes, and just enough Aaliyah on the screen to keep him from passing out.” 1b. Wide shot of Nandor and Colin walking through a corridor at an outdoor storage facility, each small garage-type door on either side fastened by a padlock on the bottom. Nandor looks around anxiously and asks “How do we know which one of these storage holes is correct?” Colin, walking ahead with his hands in his peacoat pockets and a smug smile on his face, brags “I bet I could puzzle it out. I’m a bit of a detective. What do we know about this Derek guy?” 1c. Close up of Nandor and Colin on a white background covered in ellipses, both looking to opposite sides and humming with a frown. Text in parentheses at the bottom answers the question: nothing. 1d. Close up of Nandor’s boots coming to a stop in front of an unremarkable storage unit. Colin continues from up ahead, offscreen, “Maybe we should have brought Stu along…” 1e. Close up of Colin turning around as Nandor announces from offscreen “It is this one.” Colin looks a little disappointed, saying “What? Aw, man. How can you tell?”
2a. Close up on a suddenly very serious and angry Nandor on a dark red splattered background, face thrown into sharp angles by deep shadow, eyes glowing gold beneath a heavily furrowed brow. He lifts his upper lip in a snarl, fangs long and gleaming, and responds, “I can smell Guillermo’s blood.” 2b. Close up on Nandor’s hand gripping the padlock on the storage unit and rattling it angrily. 2c. His grip tightens, denting the metal on all sides, and he pulls the lock straight off the hook, shattering the shackle completely with a loud SNAP.
3a. Shot from inside the storage unit as Nandor rolls the door up, he and Colin silhouetted by the light in the corridor and throwing long shadows into the room. In the foreground we see the storage unit is a plain concrete square containing a closed polished wood coffin on the left and a massive pool of bright red blood on the right. Some of it is splattered up the wall, and certainly looks to be more than a human could safely lose. 3b. Close up of Nandor and Colin in deep shadow, staring at what has been revealed. Nandor’s face is screwed up in an expression best described as rage struggling not to turn into sorrow, brow deeply furrowed and mouth pressed in a shaky line. His eyes, focused on the pool of blood, blaze gold. Colin stares at the same spot, brows lifted in horror and worry, and declares, “That’s…a lot of blood.” /end ID
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levi501ackerman · 1 month
Steel Heart Chapter 16:
These Inconvenient Fireworks
Hange x Reader Chapter Index Masterlist
Megan's Note: Title is after a Larry Stylinson fanfic I read when I was 14. The author sold hardcover copies of their fanfic on lulu.com (this was common with 1D fanfic authors) and at 14 years old I fr made my mom buy me printed gay fanfiction. She was just happy her daughter was getting into the love of reading like her! LMAO. I start fall semester tomorrow (UGH) and a new job next month. Posted: 8/25/24
Word Count: 3.8k
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Levi scoffed. “If there was a man, why would—”
“We’re being watched,” you whimpered into Hange’s neck. Levi crossed his arms and eyed you skeptically. “I did not have a nightmare, Levi! There was a knight in the forest! He had blonde hair, was tall, covered in blood, and had a crested sword like the Knights of the Royal King’s Guard! But I’ve never seen him before . . .”
“Squads one and two, come with me,” Levi beckoned the knights away from you. Levi’s unexpected commands made you unsure if he believed you. Tears fell down your face and Hange’s breath was on your neck. Levi was whispering with twenty knights huddled together in the darkness. Then, the knights broke apart and went into their tent. Your heart plummeted. The thought of the knights returning to bed while the strange blonde knight raided the camp made you sick. You pulled away from Hange and wiped your tears. “It should be around four a.m. since Franz, Daz, Samuel, and Thomas were on watch. But Daz is going to find a clear view of the sky and hopefully, the stars will be visible enough to tell time . . .” Levi kneeled beside Hange and put a hand on your shoulder. “The knights are getting some equipment and going to scavenge the forest for the man you saw and anything suspicious.”
“T-thank you,” your chest unraveled a little at the assurance that something would be done. 
“I want to speak with you,” Levi stood up and motioned to Hange, who was clutching your cloak around their naked body. 
“No! Please . . . don’t leave me,” you said. You grabbed Hange’s arm, and their half-lidded eyes glanced at Levi. Your wide eyes studied Hange’s face, seeking comfort. They blinked a few times. They looked lethargic and exhausted; even when they nodded, they were slow. A tinge of admiration spread through your chest when Hange gently grasped the hand you placed on their arm. They held your hand against their heart. 
“What do you want to talk about?” They asked Levi, and he crossed his arms. You noticed Hange cared for you as they did what you asked. They stayed. Levi hesitated, and his eyes shifted knowingly between you and Hange. Knights emerged from their tents with candles and their swords drawn. Connie approached the lifeless campfire and worked on igniting the logs.  
“It’s not that I do not believe you saw a man, but I think we will be alright. Depending on the time, we will get a head start on our day,” You recalled Levi having insomnia and not sleeping well through the night. Levi averaged two to four hours of sleep per night. In the past, Levi, being awake, had managed to help predict when you would have nightmares and he was ready to calm you down so you wouldn’t disturb the other knights. Levi sleeping during the incident of you in the forest could point to the time being near dawn. “How do you feel? Do you feel tired?”
“I don’t think . . . I don’t think I could go back to sleep,” you stammered.
“Okay,” Levi softly said. 
“What do you think, Hange?” Hange’s inner eyebrows were perked up like they were trying to keep their eye open. They squeezed your hand and rubbed their thumb against your skin. 
“I’m going to try to get more sleep, Princess,” Hange admitted.
“Okay, I guess I can try too.” Light and warmth burst from behind Hange and Levi. Connie stepped away from igniting the fire and turned to notice a knight running back from a part of the forest. His hasty nature did not appear worrisome or like he found the bloodied knight in the forest. His face was determined yet calm. He looked familiar and you recognized he was one of the knights who came up to you after you found Franz. He was one of the guards on rotation. 
“Commander! Captain! I found a clear view of the sky and did the math. It is around four forty-five and five fifteen,” Daz said. “The sun will rise soon and we’ll have more daylight.”
“Great work, Daz,” Hange said and groaned. There wasn’t enough time to go back to sleep and feel rested. Breakfast would be between six and six thirty. Daz's concerned eyes studied you, checking how you were. 
“How are you, your Highness?” He gingerly asked.
“I feel safer, thank you, sir.” 
“I should start taking down the tent instead. It’s best if we go bathe right after eating, and then we can head to Flegel’s Farm,” Hange rubbed their eye. You could tell your incident woke Hange from a deep sleep. Guilt coursed through you as your outburst woke everyone up. But he was real. The bloodied knight with the crested sword was in front of you. 
He’s still out there.
Watching you.
He’s real. 
You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around both Hange and Levi. 
“I’m sorry for my outburst,” you whimpered and Hange rubbed your back. “He’s out there, I swear.”
While the knights scoured the forest for the bloodied knight or anything related to the Marleyan Cult, you helped Hange take down the conference tent. They had to tell you what to do, and you appreciated their patience. Hange returned your cloak and told you to keep the hood on. You didn’t mind because the air was chilly. You rolled your bedroll up and Hange took it for you. 
The morning rays of sunlight broke through the canopy of trees, making the forest more comforting and less frightening. The green grass returned, and the trees weren’t shadows anymore. Their brown trunks were magnificent, and you could see past the light of the fire, which gave you a sense of safety. But deep inside, you felt unfriendly eyes on you. 
After a half hour of heading into the forest, the Knights returned to the camp at different intervals. The knights who usually prepared meals started with breakfast. Eventually, all twenty knights returned. No one was harmed, and no bloodied knight was found. But something felt wrong and you trusted your instincts. 
Levi wanted you to eat more protein and told the knight serving to give you three eggs and more chicken than rice. You cringed at the thought of forcing yourself to eat all the chicken and eggs Levi wanted you to eat. Especially since the rice felt more satiating. You argued with Levi that you wouldn’t eat another plate unless he took off half of the chicken and added more rice. Levi rolled his eyes but obliged.
Hange was sitting on a log in between two of their squad members. One of them you’ve seen Hange talk to before because he’s one of the only other knights who wears glasses, and the other knight was a man with short dark hair. The guy with the glasses passed Hange a delicate cloth, and then Hange wiped the lenses of their glasses. The two knights were next to Hange, and you hesitated to ask them to scoot over. You sat on the ground next to Hange’s feet, which amused Hange. Abel and Keiji offered to scoot over so you could sit next to Hange. Eventually, you did, which only ended up with you following the three when they got in line for food. 
Hange was retelling a story to Abel and Keiji about how they caught a frog in the river when they were younger, but you couldn’t pay attention. You tried ignoring it as you ate your chicken while standing beside Hange. Hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you couldn’t shake the feeling that you and the knights were in danger. Though more than forty knights were in the camp and would lay down their lives for you, you remained fearful of the bloodied knight. You weren’t dreaming.
He’s still out there.
Watching you. 
He’s real.
As the knights cleaned and put away the cooking equipment, Hange suggested going to the river. You didn’t want to go to the river anymore. You worried being with fewer people might make the bloodied knight approach you. What if while you and Hange were down at the river, he slits Hange’s throat and takes you? You’d rather have him kill you than Hange. The bloodied knight’s piercing eyes flashed in your mind and you gasped. 
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Hange asked and you realized you stopped walking. Hange looked over their shoulder at you and then walked to you. You were frozen in your tracks. They eyed you, analyzing your body and then approached your trembling form. Hange placed their hands on your shoulder and you looked up at Hange’s pretty eye. The heaving in your chest slowed and you blinked a couple of times. 
“Hange,” your whispered voice cracked. “I can’t shake the feeling that we are being watched.” Hange comfortably rubbed their thumb against your shoulders. You gave in to the feel of their soothing touch. They pulled you into their chest and you surrendered to their touch. Hange would keep you safe. Your breathing became even and Hange stroked your back again.
“Let’s bathe quickly so we can leave this place.” Hange soothed. They pulled away from the hug and wrapped a protective arm around your shoulder. They guided you toward the river. The sound of the water was reaching your ears and then Hange gasped. You both stopped in your tracks.
In the distance on the shoreline was a small brown fur ball with a small white fur ball for a tail. A large smile grew when you saw the furry animal's head raise, revealing its long ears. A small cottontail rabbit was drinking from the river. Hange turned to you and with their index finger over their lips. They drew their sword from the waist of their tan pants and handed it to you. Then Hange held a hand up to tell you to stay and you silently nodded at them.
The bunny was frozen. It sensed you and Hange. Hange silently crept closer, and you hoped this was the moment Hange would catch you a pet bunny. The brown bunny hopped away from Hange and you both held your breath, hoping you didn’t spook the bunny.  Hange took another step forward and then waited. The bunny was petrified but anchored itself in place. Then Hange took another step and was a few feet away from your future pet. Hange dived for the animal and reached out their arms for the bunny. Their fingers grazed the bunny’s fur. The cottontail pounced away from the grasps of Hange and went into the tree line. 
“Hange!” You ran to Hange’s form lying on the dried pebbles of the shoreline. They winced and then pushed themselves up onto their knees. You crouched down next to them, “Are you okay? You’re always so close! I know you are going to catch us a bunny!”
“Those cuties are quick. Bunnies can run up to eighteen miles per hour, you know.” Hange dusted off their shirt. They got their white shirt even more dirty and will definitely need to wash it while bathing. “They're quick as a flash.”
“Quick like lighting!”
“Like lighting, for sure!” Hange started unbuttoning their white shirt. “I should wash this first to let it dry, " they said more to themselves. 
You placed Hange’s sword on the pebbles and then turned around to start striping your clothes. You looked across the river and back toward the camp. You and Hange were alone.
“I bet the next time we see a bunny, you’ll catch it!” You encouraged Hange as you pulled down the tan slacks and shimmied off your pants. You folded your pants and then laid them against your boots. The light-hearted thought of a cute furry bunny roaming around the tent and feeding her carrots while holding it like a baby crossed your mind. The sloshing sounds of the river pulled you out of your daydream. Hange was naked and holding their dirty white top. They sat on their knees and their back was to you. They dipped the dirt-stained part of the fabric into the water and used their thumb to circle the area. “Let me help with that! I know a quicker way!”
“Oh yeah? The Princess is going to show me how to wash clothes? How unexpected.” Hange kept circling the stain with their thumb. You pulled off the cloak and unbuttoned the white shirt. Without a care to fold them, you piled them on top of the pants. You splashed Hange when you hastily stepped into the river. “Careful! I don’t want to get my entire shirt wet! It will take forever to dry!”
“May I?” You wanted to show Hange the technique Fairy Godmother Ymir showed you during childhood. Hange handed over their shirt and you placed most of the fabric between your bicep and ribs. Then, you fisted the fabric on the sides of the stains, letting the fabric slack. You dipped the dirt-stained part into the river’s water and used your fisted hands to rub your fingers against each other. The technique Fairy Godmother Ymir taught you was like using your fingers to act as a miniature corrugated washboard. You pulled the dripping fabric out of the water and squeezed. When you unfolded the damp bunched-up fabric, the dirt stain was gone. “Ta-da!”
“What?! It’s that easy?!” Hange gasped. They grabbed their shirt from you and tilted it against the sunlight, trying to see if the stain was gone. 
“Yes! Fairy Godmother Ymir taught me that when I started learning to clean blood stains from my underwear!” Hange’s jaw was dropped and there was a fond satisfaction with impressing Hange. Hange stood up from the water, taking their shirt to their pile of clothes.
“And all this time, I’ve been doing dumb circles, which takes forever sometimes!” Hange placed the wet part of the shirt facing up so the crisp air could dry it. You started splashing water onto your arms and rubbing your legs. Hange sat on your left and you began rubbing your arms in the water. They poked your cheek and stretched out their legs. “Thank you, Princess Y/N, you changed my life!”
“You changed my life . . .” Their doe-eye glanced at you, causing your cheeks to turn pink. They darted away from you and you wanted them to look at you again. Their lips looked soft, and Hange started rubbing their legs, which were submerged in the river. Then, Hange took out the hair tie that held their short hair back. You pulled your hair tie out, letting your hair fall behind you. You wanted Hange to say something—to say anything. 
Say something!
“Are you excited to try on dresses for your wedding?”
Not that, UGH!
“I-I haven’t thought of that, honestly . . . I guess I am.” You noticed your hands trembling as you pulled your knees to your chest. You wrapped your arms around your knees, protecting yourself. Your heart. Then you said, “I don’t want to marry Prince Marco.”
“I know, Y/N, I’m—”
“No, Hange . . . I don’t want to marry Prince Marco.” There was a pressure behind your nose and you inhaled deeply. You did not want to cry. Small fishes swam by in the river, but you weren’t in the right headspace to be excited about tiny fish. The small fish probably could choose who they wanted to mate with. They did not have to worry about a cult hunting them. Those fish didn’t suddenly get the rug ripped from under them and forced into a new life—one of danger, death, and responsibility. “I’m forced to be married to a stranger and I’m forced to feel on the edge constantly because of a cult hunting me. I was forced to leave my cottage, books, clothes, and possessions behind . . . I want to choose something in my life!”
You tilted your head toward Hange, and their confused expression had a hint of helplessness. Their lips looked soft, and Hange’s brown eye usually comforted you. But their glance made you feel cornered and guilty. 
“You’ll get your opportunity to make your own choices.”
“I know what I want.”
“You know?”
“I know . . .” You’ve seen Christa and Ymir do it before and tried your best to replicate them. With a flood of courage, you turned and held yourself in a steadied stance on your knees before Hange. You grabbed their face, leaned in, closed your eyes, and smashed your lips onto theirs. The flesh was indistinguishable and you felt the tip of their nose on your cheek. You felt a new, exhilarating rush through your body and ache between your legs. Hange’s hands fumbled around and they grabbed your wrist and used their other hand to push on your chest. 
Hange’s eye was wide and their pupil was dilated. Their face had a rosy hue and their lips were flushed. Your lips tingled, and you wiped them with the back of your hand. Hange brought their knees to their chest and hugged themselves. They were silent and downcasted their eye to the river’s water.
Guilt surged through your body, and you carefully sat in the river again. You crossed boundaries and possibly upset your friend. You just wanted to try it—once. You pulled your knees to your chest. Pressure built behind your nose and you blinked rapidly, avoiding tears. 
The water shimmered from the morning’s daylight and the sun’s rays warmed your skin. A light breeze rippled the water on the river’s surface and blew over the taller grass stems on the other side. A bird unapologetically tweeted from high in the trees.
“You should not have done that,” Hange whispered and your heart twinged. They were blushing and hiding themselves. Hange sniffed and they rubbed their eye. “They will have my head for that.”
“Who?” It felt hard to breathe and the Hange getting in trouble raised the guilt in your chest. You should not have crossed the line. You made your own bold choices but at what cost? You can choose to do whatever you want, but you can not choose your consequences. 
“The Queen and her King. Marco’s parents. They would flog me and then kill me for ‘corrupting the Princess.’ I wouldn't be alive by the end of the day when they found out.”
“I thought my parents were nice . . .” Hange covered their eye with their hand and you heard them hold back a whimper. “I’m sorry, Hange. I just wanted to try kissing.”
“We can not speak of this,” Hange whispered harshly.
“This was my first kiss . . .” you whispered. Hange sniffled again and a tear streamed down their face. They wiped it off quickly and your heart ached at the sight of the vulnerable form. 
“It’s my first since I lost my eye.” Hange bitterly said. There was a pinch in your chest, and you recalled what Hange had told you last night. Hange was dating someone when they lost their eye . . . and you tied together that the girl did not kiss or show Hange affection after their injury, which ultimately led to their relationship ending. “Damn it!” The water sloshed as they stood up.
“What’s wrong?” 
“I knew you liked me,” Hange looked at the pebbles by their feet as they walked toward the grass. You chased after them, sloshing water and dripping onto the pebbles. You grabbed their wrist and they pulled away from you. 
“I knew you liked me and I couldn’t stop myself!”
“I’m sorry, Hange! I am so sorry. Please, we can forget about this! Please don’t be mad!” Hange crossed their arms and looked at their feet, their hair masked their face. The knight in shining armor from the Karanese District was helpless, confused, and defenseless. You held onto their biceps, looking up at them. A tear dropped from their face and they wiped it instantly away, again.
“I’m not mad at you, Y/N. I’m mad at myself.” You didn’t know what to do, and you gently hugged Hange. You rubbed their back like they did when you needed comfort. “I like you, Y/N, and I know you like me. You are painfully obvious—your stares, your questions, your curious nature about romance. You don’t take your eyes off my body when I undress.” 
“I’m sorry,” your heart fluttered at Hange’s words. They liked you back, and some part of you hoped there was a chance. 
“Stop apologizing,” Hange clipped and you nodded obediently. “We should get back.”
“I haven’t washed my hair—we both haven’t yet.” Hang pulled away from your hug and they walked back over to their pile of clothes. 
“That’s because you were going around kissing some knight in the river.”
“Hange . . . I don’t want to marry Prince—”
“It doesn’t matter what you want!” You flinched at Hange raising their voice. “You’re a Princess going to become Queen and I’m a knight. I’m just a knight.”
“But you like me, right? So why can’t we date?” 
“Oh you’re so naive—”
“I’m sorry!” A storm of thoughts loomed over Hange and you, the rage between desire and the constraint of duty. You stood next to Hange, watching them dress themselves. You crossed your arms, covering your exposed chest. Hange was hopping on one leg, trying to get their tan slacks over their damp skin. You wanted to explore love and explore it with Hange. 
“Listen to me,” Hange put their hands on your shoulders after they zipped their slacks. You accidentally glanced at their boobs and then blushed guiltily. “I-I want to call you mine,” their voice cracked as they confessed. Your heart raced, noticing the window of opportunity—your desires in reach. “But if we are caught, I will die.”
“No!” You took Hange’s wrists from your shoulders and held their hands. “I want a chance with you . . . I want to be yours and I want you to be mine. You are my best friend—the light in the dark. You are my savior—my angel. You were sent to protect me.”
“I should not give in to temptation,” Hange whimpered, resting their forehead on yours.
“I want to be yours even in secret.”
“I should not give in to temptation.”
“I will protect you if the Queen and her King find out.”
“I should not give in to temptation,” Hange inhaled sharply. Their anguished face was evident. Their eye was squeezed shut, and their lips were trembling. You placed their hands on your waist and then yours on their shoulders. They fondly grasped your waist, feeling your damp, soft skin, getting a glimpse of what could be theirs—giving in. They whispered, “I am going to die if we get caught . . .”
“Give me your life and I’ll give you mine,” you whispered. Hange tilted their chin and gently pressed their lips against yours. You followed Hange’s tender rhythm. You affectionately cupped one of Hange’s cheeks and leaned into them. They pulled your waist into their hips and you whimpered. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt a tingle and warmth spread through your body. You will always remember this moment with Hange by the river. The secret that will stay between the two of you.
And the man watching.
next chapter Chapter 17: Garden of Rabbits
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jowrites · 3 months
(an unserious review)
I have always checked out ENHYPENS releases and casually listened, but this is my first comeback being a full stan, and who stans SHINee and BTS. Here is my review nobody asked for. Enjoy!
XO (Only If You Say Yes) MV: 8/10. 2 points deducated because I was confused especially at the end lol But the mv was creative and the boys were so so pretty!
Full Album: 9/10
I have always thought ENHYPENS albums were pretty mature and not your normal music from the boy groups today, which is why I appreciated and liked them. But this album is another level of maturity and oozes GROWTH.
The direction they are going with their sound is amazing. I normally do not care for these kinds of albums but they still somehow managed to keep that ominous and mysterious concept with an upbeat romance album. This wasn't childish or sloppy, this was done extremely well and the members voices fit each and every song on this album. Nothing was off and that needs to be celebrated. This wasn't rushed and they were very careful with what worked for the boys. I am extremely impressed, another reason why I became a fan. They impress me with their incredible talents. I just want to tell them they did a GREAT job, because they really did. This is my favorite boy group release of the year!
Each song:
Moonstruck: 12/10.
The most anticipated song off the album! Did not disappoint! I am so glad it's not an intro and a full song! This song was just my style and the second verse is absolutely magical along with the chorus! I just wish it was longer. This is going to be on repeat.
XO (Only If You Say Yes): 7/10.
The song is catchy and nice. I'm surprised because I normally don't enjoy songs like that, but the arrangement is really good and it's not some chaotic, sloppy mess. It works well and it's cute. I will add it to my playlist.
Your Eyes Only: 9/10.
This song surprised me. This is not what I was expecting but I really, really liked the chorus and I can see myself getting more into it than I thought. The boys' voices are absoluetly magical and is up there with one of my favorite songs off the album.
Hundred Broken Hearts: 7/10.
Song is not my style but I dig it. I appreciate that it's actually good! It's not a song that you just don't want to listen to and turn off. Even if you don't like it you can appreciate it and it actually reminds me of Hannah Montana in a way. Some of Hannah Montana songs I did not like but I still knew and appreciated because they were done well and this reminds me of that.
Brought the Heat back: 10/10
BOP! A BOP! BOP! Okay, this song I knew I was going to like from the teasers, it's right up my alley! But I enjoyed this way more than I thought I was going to. Also, Jake and Jay in the Bridge! BRUHHHH! A song you can dance to, even if you're sad.
Paranormal: 8/10
As I was listening to this all I could think about was 1D lol Why is Enhypen a better version of 1D? This song caught me off guard and it was not what I thought it was going to be at all. I really liked the chorus and I just couldn't stop thinking about their talents. Why are they so good at singing?
Royalty: 7/10
My least favorite song off the album but not a complete skip. I really dig the instrumental aspects. I like the upbeat sound and how nice it sounds.
Highway 1009: 10/10
Heeseung did an amazing job composing this. I really like how you can focus on their voices and the lyrics, they're so sweet and they sound so nice. You can really tell they're talking to their fans and that's so special. Jake's voice really stands out to me in this song and his rasp ugh one of my favorite fan songs I've heard. It's insanely sweet.
XO (Only If You Say Yes) (Eng. Ver.) ft. JVKE: 9/10
I already like the english version more, which, I know it's the same song and I normally hate english verions...but this is made to be played on the radio. It's such a bop! And JVKE's feature is so good, I'm glad he gave this song to them because THIS is a GREAT collab. When the feature sounds like an official member and it works. Fantastic!
11 notes · View notes
behoright · 2 years
beside you, somehow (love countdown series) l a. svechnikov
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but you've got stars in your eyes / and I've got something missing tonight
summary: part 7 ! our smitten besties travel to Chicago for the first stop of the roadie!
wordcount: 4.6k
song: what a feeling - one direction because I know so many of you are former 1D girlies
warnings: fluff, fluff, fluff. soft andrei being in loooooove and confused. mentions of sex and just him being a horny mess.
a/n: I don’t love this chapter. ugh. in better news, I'm super excited for the next one..... tell me what you guys think always!
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Andrei’s eyes opened at the feeling of the light seeping through the window. He ran his fingers slowly on the bed, feeling the now empty spot next to him.
Did he dream last night? Did you leave? Did he scare you off? 
All of his worries were interrupted by the smell of breakfast coming from the kitchen. He thought if he walked out and he saw you cooking, he didn’t think he could have repressed his feelings for you anymore. After last night, he felt like he was floating. Completely in love with you. 
Rubbing his eyes, he noticed your suitcase, opened in the room. A bra left neatly folded on top of your clothes. It looked like the same one he caught a glimpse of the day before. 
Great. It was like the universe was playing tricks on him.
As much as he wanted to spring out of bed and go find you, he was once again, faced with a tent in his pants. He laid back on the mattress again, all of the memories flooding his head again. The game, the dinner, the tickling. And his dream. The dream of you bouncing up and down on his cock, with your head thrown back. He couldn’t shake the feeling of it. 
Well, all this was definitely not helping his situation. 
Sighing, he sat up and looked at the closed door, before swiftly tucking his hard cock under the elastic waistband of his sweats. This was going to have to do until he had a chance of hopping in the shower to have some alone time.
When he walked out, Andrei studied you for a few seconds before you realized his presence. Seeing you in his kitchen, making breakfast and dancing along to your own tune, made his heart flutter. He imagined for a second what it would be like to see this every day. To have the capacity of simply wrapping his arms around you every morning, being able to bend you over his kitchen island if he wanted to. To not wake up alone, but especially, to wake up next to you.
“Good morning” he walked up to you, hands in his pockets, hoping his arousal wasn’t showing through.
“Oh! You scared me!” you said, clutching your chest.
Andrei laughed as he got closer.  You looked so beautiful at that moment, with your bedhead and wearing a big shirt that barely covered your ass. 
Fuck it, he thought. 
He let his hand slip around your waist, the other one finding its way in your hair, placing your head on his chest. 
“You okay?” he asked quietly. 
“Mm-hmm.” you wrapped your hands around him and rubbed his back, relishing in his warmth. The tips of your nails running up and down his back make him melt more into you.
“Yeah? Did you sleep well?” 
Andrei discreetly inhaled your scent, positioning his nose at the top of your head. He felt so good that he almost planted a kiss there. 
And he really, really hoped you couldn’t feel how hard he was under the band of his sweatpants.
“Thank you for moving me to the bed.” you looked up at him, your bodies still in embrace. There was no way he was letting go of your head. Your eyes are bright, deeply locked with his.
“You remember?” 
Andrei was trying his hardest not to caress your soft hair. 
“A little bit. I remember asking you to stay.” your face flushed.
“You did ask me that, didn’t you?” Andrei raised his eyebrows at you, face just as red as yours.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, or anything like that. I-”
“Hey. It’s okay. I don’t mind it.” he said. 
“You sure?”
“I love to spend time with you, Y/N.”
Andrei’s gaze locked on your lips. You were still fixated on him. He didn’t know if this was the right moment. He could have tried it but, perhaps ruining a friendship the day they were leaving for a trip wasn’t the right move. But then, the way you were staring at him, studying his face, with your bottom lip tucked tightly in your mouth. Your body felt so small in his hands, so soft and warm, and Andrei didn’t want to let go. He looked at you, intensely; maybe, just one kiss, to see ho-
“Oh god, it’s burning!” 
Just like that, your body was ripped away from him, right as the smell of burning food overwhelmed his senses. You laughed, moving the pan with some very well done french toast away from the flame. 
“Are you trying to set my house on fire?” Andrei joked around, doing his best at hiding how flustered he was after the moment you just had together.
“Sorry!” you covered your face. “You distracted me, you know?” 
“And how exactly did I do that?” he teased.
His arms wrapped around you once more, now brave enough to kiss your forehead. 
“Just a little longer before we have to get ready to go.” he said, turning his cheek onto the top of your head again, as your bodies were fully touching. “Just a bit longer.”
Best friends don’t do this. But after all, I don’t want her as a friend, he thought.
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“How long is our flight, Drei?”
More than half of the team was waiting in line at Chipotle. Ever since you got to the airport, Andrei made sure to keep a close eye on you to make sure you were comfortable. 
“About 2 hours. Chicago is not too far.” he answered with a smile. 
Andrei swore you were making the eyes at him a little bit extra since last night. That, or he was feeling much more confident with all of this. Either way, he’d take it. He had never felt so warm, and relaxed on a team roadie before.
You looked so soft and cozy in your white loungewear, opting for something more comfortable than the team, who always dressed to the nines for travel. Andrei dreamed about spending a Saturday off with you, lounging and cuddling on the couch. Maybe even fucking the whole day, the sun peering through his curtains to show off your naked curves under him.
Just the thought of it gave him an uncontrollable impulse to grab your face and make you his already. 
Yeah. Maybe a chain restaurant wasn’t the right place to do that for the first time either.
He just simply couldn’t stop staring at you, even when you were doing something so banal as ordering your food. 
He loved how kindly you treated everyone - he realized he had never appreciated how gentle you were with everyone you met, unlike his entitled “I’m dating an NHL player” exes. 
Before you could get your card too close to the chip reader, Andrei finished his order and swooped close to you. 
Another bold move, he thought, but maybe not really, considering you just slept together in the same bed not that long ago. 
He quickly got behind you, one hand delicately placed on the small of your back, while the other tapped his card on the reader. 
“Hey! What are you doing, crazy?”
Your faces were dangerously close as you looked at him, smirking.
“You’re on a team trip. I am not going to make you pay for anything, Y/N.”
“I know, I know, but it’s just some food, Drei! I have money, you know.” you raised your eyebrows at him, his face still peering over your shoulder, bodies close together.
“Do not worry, okay? See, it’s done already.” he said, eyes finally peeling off the reader and meeting yours.
As you whispered a thank you, the urge almost overtook Andrei, his gaze finding your lips easily. 
“C’mon, lovebirds, you’re holding up the line!”
“You either kiss quickly or we lose our flight.”
The young player kicked himself for forgetting the whole team was with them. 
God, his mind was so hazy around you sometimes. 
“Shut up!” he yelled, a bit too loudly. “I am.. so sorry. Here, I help you, let’s go.”. He rushed to grab the bag and lead you away from the guys before they could say anything else. 
The whole team erupted in quiet laughs and smirks, as they followed the couple walking away, and Andrei subtly flipped them off, face now a whole different shade.  
“I’m sorry, they are just-”
“Andrei. It’s okay. They’re just boys” you smiled at him, shrugging.
He knew she was right. They were just messing around, they didn’t know anything.
They only knew how he really felt about you. 
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“I am… capable of carrying things, you know that right?” you smirked at the flustered player, who was doing his best to balance his suitcase, and yours, his backpack, and the bags of food. 
“What? No, I know. It’s just… you are my guest. So I make you feel comfortable.” he replied, kindly. 
He hoped he wasn’t making a fool of himself. But you could see how hard he was trying for you. So when you got onto the tarmac, right before getting on the plane, you placed your hand on his strong shoulder.  
“Andrei, honey, let me grab the food, at least. Here.” you extended your arm out and looped your fingers under the handles of the bags, slightly pulling. 
Andrei couldn’t recall any time before you had called him a pet name. 
No, he knew. He would definitely remember that. 
He kept his gaze low, a feeble attempt at hiding his smile, as you guys stepped on the plane. 
He walked in first, making sure to widen his eyes at the guys that were already sitting around, chatting. 
He meant it - no funny business. He should have talked to them before. 
They all seemed to get the hint, nevertheless, trying their best to hide their smirks and winks, keeping their conversations going.
“Here okay?” 
“Wherever you usually sit.” you shrugged.
Andrei chucked and placed your bags in the overhead. 
You couldn’t help but stare at the way his biceps so easily moved the suitcase above his head, his back flexing, showing through the white button-up of his suit.
“Ready to eat?” he turned, flashing you a grin. 
The feeling of your eyes on him as he moved just added to the already growing confidence that kept rising within. Luckily, you didn’t notice he noticed.
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“So, you guys don’t feel silly traveling with full-on tuxes every week?” you asked, fork digging into your bowl. 
Martin, Seth, and Sebastian, who were sitting around you and Andrei, quickly looked up at their teammate.
“Woah, Andrei, you weren’t lying when you said she’s feisty.”
Andrei waited for that familiar look to appear on your face.
His smile immediately got bigger when you turned to him, mouth open, and shoved your shoulder against his. 
“Woah! What did you tell your friends?” you asked, eyes wide. 
Andrei couldn’t get any words out, opting to raise his hands instead, shoulders up to his ears. 
“I like it - you’re funny.” Neci chimed in, saving the day for the blushing Russian.
“They’re not tuxes!” Sebastian rolled his eyes.
“I mean, I’m serious! It’s not uncomfortable to travel in suits all the time?” you chuckled.
“Many times, these are the clothes that fit us the best.” Seth said. “We hockey players, we have weird bodies. Our thighs don’t fit into anything.”
“I like to get ready. We obviously know what your plans for this flight are, considering how comfortable you look.” Andrei added, mouth full of food.
“Oh, as soon as I’m done here I’m going to knock. out.” you laughed, only looking at him. 
The guys all side-eyed each other, doing their best to keep quiet. 
It was like they weren’t even there. 
“You want to know a secret? There’s always a pull-out bed on the plane. I can show you.”
Andrei said, looking up at you.
“Yeah, Andrei can show you where the bed is.”
All 5 heads snapped towards the aisle. Of course.
Andrei did his best not to punch his teammate’s arm, who was leaning on his seat. 
“I’m Jesperi. Nice to meet you.” the young guy extended his arm, past Andrei’s face, to introduce himself.
He didn’t know what this feeling was. Something Andrei hadn’t felt in a long time. 
A rumbling in his stomach, tightening in his chest. He noticed his knuckles turning white, the grip around his fork getting stronger. 
Something about KK holding his arm out in front of Andrei’s face, so close to him, crossing him, reaching out to you made his temples twitch.
Was he… jealous? 
He really needed to get it together. His friend was only introducing himself…right?
Andrei’s gaze snapped up to his teammate as you shook his hand, his jaw unwillingly clenched.
“I didn’t see you before we got on the plane, I don’t think.” you added.
Neci subtly kicked Andrei under the retrievable table they were all eating on, noticing the tension in his friend’s body.
“Oh, this psycho opted for a burger instead of Chipotle.” Martin chirped, raising his eyebrows at Andrei.
The scrunching of your face let Andrei’s body relax for a second.
“That should tell you everything you need to know about him, Y/N. He’s not okay in here.” Andrei grinned while tapping on your forehead. It got the most beautiful sound in the world out of you. There’s nothing he loved more than to hear you laugh.
“I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t eat Chipotle. It should always be a first-round pick.” you answered with a wink at Andrei, grabbing his finger and gently holding it while placing it under the table. 
All the guys looked at each other, while Jesperi struggled to get any chirps out.
Andrei smiled at his friends before turning back to his bowl, your hand still wrapped around his.
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Andrei looked at you, now facing the airplane window beside you. You were illuminated perfectly by the reflection of the vanishing sun. He thought about kissing you once again. Most of the guys were sitting with their friends, quietly chatting, or sleeping. It would have not taken much of him to turn you around, lock eyes with you, and touch your lips with his. 
He wanted to let himself go in your presence, in your body. The lust he felt was simply that. A desire to be swept away in you, inside you, within your aura, your body. 
The feeling of your head gently bumping his shoulder snapped him out of his daydreams. He took a peek at you, soundly asleep on his arm. He dared to linger his fingers on your other hand, which you moved to his thigh. Andrei looked forward, taking a deep breath for the millionth time in the past week. Seeing your delicate touch so close to him, close to the center of his want for you, drove him mad. At the same time, it felt so… comforting. It made him feel present, accounted for, and appreciated. Your hand was letting him know I see you, I feel you, and I remember and crave your touch even as I sleep. 
He adjusted your head, wrapping his arm around you and placing you in his embrace, before letting sleep and bliss take him into slumber.
͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀ .͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀ .͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀
The team got to the hotel as the stars were just starting to appear in the sky. Andrei didn’t let go of your suitcase once, not after you got off the plane, nor when you got to the hotel, no matter how much you insisted. He walked steadily beside you, guiding you through the usual steps of his routine. Plane, bus, hotel, room.
Room. Room. To his shock, as you walked into your room, there was only one bed. 
“Maybe the other one is the couch?” you asked, raising your hands. 
“No, no. There’s definitely a mistake. Let me call the front desk.” As he picked up the phone, he noticed his fingers were clammy. Life really felt like it was playing tricks on him. 
“It’s okay if they can’t change it, Drei. I mean, we’ll figure it out.” you said, as he waited for the hotel manager. Andrei smirked. Did you want to sleep together? he thought.
“Calm down, calm down. I’m just saying, you know, if, if, there’s no rooms or something.” you said, noticing his grin. You looked down at your lap, totally embarrassed by your suggestion. Andrei loved to see you flustered, in those rare moments he could rattle you.
“The manager said they’ll change our room before tonight. Want some food?” he asked, extending his arm out at you.
“Let’s go” you grinned.
Andrei’s chest puffed as he walked you downstairs, hand in hand with you. 
He totally had this in the bag.
͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀ .͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀ .͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀
“Have a drink with me.”
You raised your eyebrows at him. 
“Don’t we have stuff to do tomorrow?”
“Yeah, but I’m not playing. It’ll just be team stuff, you know.” Andrei smirked.
“Just one?”
“Just one.” he shrugged.
While waiting for the room to be changed, Andrei offered to invite you to dinner at the restaurant in the hotel. This was the best opportunity for him to have you all to himself, at least for a little while, before you guys started all of the team activities in the following days. 
“Andrei, I barely drink! I wouldn’t even know what to order.” you sighed, looking down at the menu.
“I can pick for you. Just trust me, okay?” he said, accent as thick as ever.
Andrei could have used some alcohol anyways. The thought of possibly spending another night in the same bed as you drove him crazy. He swore his hands were shaking as the waiter handed them their drinks.
“Thank you. Okay, now you try it and then tell me.” he said, taking a sip.
“This tastes too good, Andrei. This is, like, dangerous” you spluttered out, blushing.
“Oh, you’re such lightweight. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” he laughed.
“Promise?” you asked, looking up at him, straw still in your mouth. 
He stuck his pinky out at you, which you carefully wrapped around his. 
You’d never had this much physical contact as friends as you did in the past couple of days. Sure, you hugged and had countless playfights. He thought he could never get enough of this - every time he felt your touch on his skin, Andrei craved more and more. He didn’t want your hand on his shoulder, he wanted it underneath his shirt. He wanted to wrap his body all around yours, let your presence completely physically overtake his senses. 
“Promise. I got you, always.” he said, reaching his thumb around to squeeze your hand from across the table. The expression quickly softened on your face, making his heart skip a beat. 
“Ready to order?”
The waiter seemed to appear out of nowhere, interrupting Andrei’s plan to perhaps run his fingers down your arm, craving the bliss of your skin under his.
͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀ .͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀ .͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀
“…what?” you asked him, mouth full of food. He knew he was practically staring at you, as he had the whole trip so far, but he couldn’t help it. Your response elicited a chuckle along with the small blush that spread over his cheeks. 
“There’s food all over your face.” he said with a smile. 
And that’s when time seemed to still. 
Andrei’s arms easily found their way over the table; one of his hands wrapping around the base of your head, intertwining his fingers with your hair. He brought your face up and forward, almost forcing you to look at him. Your heart dropped, the feeling of his fingers already causing heat to pool between your legs. His other hand, armed with a napkin, proceeded to wipe your face, eyes focused on your lips as he cleaned you up.
 “There you go. That’s better.” he said. As if that wasn’t enough, his strong hand still firmly gripping the back of your head, Andrei held your chin and swiped his thumb on the corner of your mouth, tracing it over your bottom lip. “There was some, um, something left there.” he quietly said, looking down, as he fully removed his touch from you, scrambling to grab his fork and shove food in his mouth. However, he felt your gaze on him still. 
“You’re okay?” he asked, still facing his plate. 
“Yes, uh, I’m okay. Thank you, Drei.” 
“Yeah, uh, no problem.” he chuckled. His stomach churned at the feeling that he was acting like such an idiot. Maybe he was taking it too far, too fast.
“So, what made you invite me on this trip?” you asked.
“Of course I invite you! You’re my closest friend, Y/N.” 
“I am?” 
“Yes. I tell you everything.”
Well, not everything, he thought to himself. Not how much he wanted you to be his, only his. 
“It means a lot that you want me here, Svech. Thank you. So much.” 
Andrei’s eyes fixated on you again. He prayed that you couldn’t hear his heart beating out of his chest. 
“I’m not going to lie, I am feeling a little nervous.” he sighed. 
“Nervous? I thought you didn’t get nervous.” you smirked. 
“I…I want you to have fun. Sometimes I think my life is too different from yours. I think that’s why I haven’t shown you too much. I am going all the time, traveling, playing, and out with the team. I hope you like it, really.” Andrei admitted.
“Oh, Andrei…. we see each other all the time! And we can talk about anything, right? I am really curious to see how it is. I’m super excited, Drei.” you reassured him. 
He looked at you, his arms taking up most of the surface in front of him, making his shoulders somehow look even bulkier. 
“You tell me if you want to go home, okay?” 
“Home?” you asked, taken aback. “Oh, no. You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Svech. I’m freeloading off of you as much as possible this week.” you laughed, and he flicked some water from his straw at you. 
He was happy you could cut the tension between them so easily. He thought he had never felt so comforted before. 
“For someone who doesn’t drink you finished your drink pretty quick.” he raised his eyebrows at you. 
“It was a good drink.” you shrugged, flipping your long hair behind your shoulders. The action made Andrei’s breath change pace, rapidly. 
“You…want another one?” he asked. 
Your face dropped, shaking your head.
“C’mon, I have one with you. Just one more?” he offered. “You don’t have to, just asking.” 
“One more, troublemaker. And then we’re done.”
͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀ .͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀ .͏ 🫙 ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ꪆ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏𔘓 ⠀ ⠀
“Should I go check if our room is ready? It should be by now.” he smirked at you, handing the check back to the waiter. 
Two drinks definitely had changed your inhibitions. Andrei could see the flush on your face under your tinted sunscreen, your hair looking more disheveled and overall, a cute giggling he didn’t usually get to see.
“I didn’t know two drinks were going to get you tipsy. Dude, you need to come out with me more.” he said, poking your nose.
“I’m not tipsy! Just really, really sleepy.” you said, looking up at him.
“Let’s go to sleep then. C’mon.”
Andrei stood up, offering you his arm again.
You headed over to the front desk, limbs interlocked together.
“Okay, Mr. Svechnikov, here’s the key to the new room. Have a great night.”
Andrei tried his best to focus on the hotel manager in front of him, even if all he really thought about was your head leaning on his shoulder, arms wrapped around his bicep.
God, how cute.
In the elevator ride up, he realized how much he liked to see you so close to him. You looked like a couple. Like a real couple. The reflection in the mirror showing him what it would really look like if you became his.
He really, really could get used to this.
Head totally in the clouds, he didn’t notice Martinook and Staal walking towards him, at the opposite end of the hallway when they reached their floor.
Andrei nodded at them, hoping they’d get the hint to just keep walking.
They mostly did, except for Jordan, who gently stopped him, whispering in his ear.
“I heard about the room and talked to the lady for you. You’re so welcome.” he winked, and just like that, kept going, not daring to look back at his younger teammate.
Oh no, oh no, oh no.
Andrei scrambled to open the hotel door, your body still wrapped around his arm, clueless.
There it was.
One bed. 
A bigger bed, for sure, but just one, singular mattress.
“Shit.” he whispered, running a hand through his hair.
The hotel workers even managed to set their suitcases in the closet already.
“Oh, Svechy, who cares. Let’s just go to sleep.” you said, softly, walking backward before falling onto the comforter.
Andrei was dumbstruck. Frozen. Staring at you, splayed out on his bed.
One random night was very different than a whole week.
“Is that okay with you?” you sat up on your elbows, extending one arm towards him.
“Uh, yes. It’s okay. Yeah, it’s fine.” he walked slowly towards you, melting as he grabbed your hand.
Good, you whispered, looking up at him, rubbing your thumb against his hand. 
Your head fell back onto the bed, hard. 
“Andrei, it’s so soft! I didn’t know you guys traveled this comfortably” you giggled.
“You’re just drunk, Y/N” he shook his head.
“Am. Not!” you said, throwing a pillow at his head.
“Woah, woah. This might not be the best move for you right now.” Andrei laughed, poking at your ribs.
“You just say that because you know I’m already getting stronger than you.”
“Ha!” he realized he was at a loss for words, seeing you laying down all flushed in front of him. 
“Whatever you say, drunky.” 
As he walked towards the bathroom, Andrei took a deep breath. Just the night before, he had cum in his pants from just a dream. He really couldn’t mess this up, let you see him like that - it would have ruined everything. 
A plan, a plan. 
He didn’t have one. 
Cold showers, he guessed. A lot of blankets. And bathroom breaks.
He huffed, before opening the door. All the tension left him as he saw you curled up in the middle of the bed, sound asleep.
He wanted to wrap his arms around you, and kiss you all over until his eyes felt heavy.
Instead, he swooped your body in his arms and tucked you under the blankets. Again. And that cozy feeling spread all throughout his chest again.
“You’re such a good friend, Svech.”
A friend. Oof. Her sentence felt like a punch in the gut. Andrei leaned down and kissed your forehead. 
Before he could head back into the bathroom, your arms leaned out to grab him.
“Another one.” you mumbled.
Andrei proceeded to plant another kiss by your hairline, inhaling the scent of your shampoo.
His heart beating overtime. 
Were these mixed signals? Was he just confused? 
Maybe you were just tipsy, and that’s why you were so touchy. Even though… he thought you had been like that for the past two days, completely sober. 
Wait it out. See what happens.
That’s what his brother would tell him. So he caressed your hair, and moved to get ready for bed. He’d wait it out, he thought, your arms wrapping around him as he got into bed. 
What he didn’t know was that this was going to go a lot better than he could have ever imagined.
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m4yasnotthatcool · 2 months
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warnings: just fluff guys istg(thats it i think) (if u find anything else you think should be put as a warning pls tell me dawg); its written in all lower case as a stylistic choice; also reader is shorter than sam;
breif descripiton of contents: okay so *kicking my feet in the air and wearing sunglasses so people dont see what im looking at * (its sam edits that use the clip of him from s1 where we get a tummy peak) (yum) GIRL. imagine this (no its not a 2014 1d imagine, calm yourself down princess and get off of your knees suckers) youre sitting on his lap, one of his hands pressed flat against your lower abdomen, fingers lightly grazing the skin underneath your (actually his) shirt. his voice soft as hes reading to you from one of his mistery books, his back hunched over as hes resting his chin on your shoulder as his bangs lightly tickle the side of your face that they rest upon.
now that wasn't very breif, was it?- anywayyssssss
relationship not established but it's very obvious you guys are head over heels for eachother dont play w me rn;
(a/n) guys, this is more self indulgent more than anything if im being honest. i just wanted some feel good with my boy sammy wuth his painted puppy dog eyes and his cute boyish smile AGHHH i love him sm; anyway, enjoy :))) (or dont, idc) (if you tell me you dont like it im hoing to commit sewer slide)
with dean away to "run some errands", the cheap motel room was left solely to you and your best friend, sam. the both of you had ordered take out a couple of hours ago, the now empty boxes littering the tiny desk provided in the room.
after the two of you ate, you guys decided to watch some tv. the only problem? the shitty little tv didnt work. so what did you do? what brilliant sollution did the two of you come up with?
"ugh why is it not working!" you say frustrated as you punch the top of the tube tv. "well thats not surprising i guess, i mean look at the thing..." With one of his numerous books in one hand and his other arm resting its elbow on his knee to support his head, Sam murmurs to himself as he sits cross-legged on the bed the two of you have grown accustomed to sharing.
"wow, you, sammy my boy, are completely destroyed by these news, arent you?" he feels his cheeks warm up ever so slightly at the use of the nickname, before tryibg ti regain his composure by responding with a snarky comment of his own "yes, mortified" he said as he reached to turn the page of hie book, but stopping for a second when his fingers reached the page. instead of turning to a new page, he neatly folded the corner of the pice of paper before closing the book. "i can land you one of my books if you wanna read anything" he said, reaching for the small stavk of the few books he had brought with him on the hunting trip, but you stopped him before he got to it. "nah im good, but thanks" you said giving him a warm smile. "oh, okay, but what are you going to do? go to bed or something?" "mmmm... you know what, i think i will." you paused as you lowered yourself right next to him, covering your lower half with a comforter the two of you found in the closet when you first entered the room. you closed your eyes, trying to drift off to sleep, but nothibg seemed to work. you shuffled and shuffled, shifting your position every 2 minutes or so. after about 20 minutes that to you felt like 20 hours, sam spoke: "do you need a bedtime story now or what?" he said and you could hear his signature boyish smirk in his tone. it was obviously supposed to be taken as a joke, but much to his surprise you said "yes, that would be awsome actually" you reached your hand blindly as your eyes were still closed and you tapped sams knee "okay you can start now".
and he did. while his voice alone didnt help you fall asleep, it at keast calmed you quite a bit to say the least. you previous shifting in search for the perfect position to sleep in had been long forgotten as sam read to you. sometimes he would pause to explain certain paragraphs before moving on to reading from the book once again, but if you were being honest you were not sure when the reading woult resign and the comments regarding the events of the book would flod your senses, but you didnt mind.
after some time, he asked you in a shushed tone if you fell asleep, seeing as your breathing had stabilized and softened. on the contrary tough, you were very much awake, so you responded to his question mocking tone he used. "yea, im very much asleep right now, thank you for asking" .
he smiled as he lightly smacked your shoulderblade. you scoffed in fake annoyance as you rolled out of bed, heading for the fridge to get some cold water out.
opening the fridge door you asked him "you want some water too?"
"no, im good. but thanks tough!" he flashed you a quick smile.
getting the bottle out, you returned to your side of the bed before opening the water. what you didnt know was that it was sparkling water, and it exploded all ober you and your side of the bed when you tried to take a drink.
sam couldnt control himself, so the first thing your now wet self heard was him snorting, trying not to full on laugh.
you sighed loudly before closing the remaining contents of the bottle and sitting back up. "ugh, oh shit" you said as you glanced at the sheets on your side of the bed. "im sorry, fuck" "yea, yea, its fine, dont worru about it" he said tough his mind focused on something far more important: your now wet shirt clinging to your body, showning off the shape he had came to love so much but could only feel whenever the two of you hugged.
he quietly observed you desperetly look for something, until, he realized what he was doing, so he shamefully looked away, all of a sudden being very interested in the color of the walls surrounding the two of you.
"sam, have you seen my stuff?" "huh? oh... yea, i think its in the car. do you want me to go get it for you?" he asked you, forgeting for a moment his brothers usual antics of taking the car and speeding off intro the night. "but didn't dean take it?-" "oh shit you're right..." he mumbled, sitting (his goofy ahh) back down. "what did you need?" he asked you grabbing his duffle bag to look for something to substitute your missing item. "a dry shirt I guess, my shorts aren't that wet" you said signaling to the wetness of the long sleeve top you were wearing in comparison to the slight dampness of your pajama bottoms. he gave you a quick nod before briefly looking for something to give you. he landed on his purple t shirt that had an also freakishly purple dog printed on it which you accepted gratefully.
you left the room for a minute, going to the bathroom where you changed your top.
the way his clothes swallowed you was just another reminder of the already obvious size difference between the two of you, the shirt almost covering your shorts entirely with how long it was on you. you sighed in content as you walked out, wet shirt in hand as you reach one of the two chairs by the desk. you used it to hang the pice of clothing up to dry before sitting on the other chair.
sam raised a curious eyebrow at you before asking "what do you think you're doing?" you looked at him confused before he patted the bed, motioning for you to come sit with him. "sam, my side is like, soaking wet right now. I gotta wait for it to dry."
"who said anything about your side of the bed? come on we can share mine." His eyes met yours expectantly and he smiled kindly. you slowly got up and sat next to him, trying to take up as little space as you possibly could, to which sam grabbed your arm and pulled you to stay on top of him instead of on the almost non existent space left.
your breath hitched the second your head came in contact with his chest, one of his arms holding you in place as the other one still held the book he had been reading to you earlier. "you wanna read it with me or do you want me to read it to you?" "or, a 3rd option would be you shut up" you smiled into his chest. God, why does he have to smell so good? you asked yourself before realising what had just ran trough your head. "but, I guess the first option sounds good." unscebted soap and woods, thats the best way to describe the way he smelled at that moment. a warm woody musk leading you into him to explore his warmth. and with that his grip on your waist loosens, letting you turn around but not fully allowing you to escape his grasp.
His hand was flat on your lower abdomen, playing ever so slightly with the tie of your shorts, which you had tied into a loose bow, as you turned to face the book. his head rested on your left shoulder, his bangs touching your face, tickling you slightly making you giggle under your breath. his periodic breath fanned on your shoulder, and his body emitting such comfortable warmth, you could feel yourself finally getting tired. your body relaxed against his own, something he welcomed quickly, letting you rest your head on his chest and you finally drifted off to sleep.
(a/n) guys I'm deeply aware this is bad asf and idek why I still posted it tbh
anyway, I'm sorry it's so short
It's the 2nd oneshot I wrote after almost a year of giving up (and even then I had like 2 disc posted to my name) so please excuse how shitty it was
Anyway, lly byeeee
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wasted-women · 9 months
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Causes of Death & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Cause of Death: Thrown down a great height
Ugh okay, I know the writers bring her character back, but that is a past Gamora who does not even remember her recent team mates, the Guardians of the Galaxy. And this new Gamora does not show up till 7~ movies later. I absolutely hated watching Gamora die and then the movie showing her abusive dad crying over her, after he physically and mentally abused her for years and literally murdered her "for the greater good". And then of course her boyfriend Peter hear the news and has a mental breakdown. His sadness is so great that the good guys are unable to stop Gamora's dad and thus Endgame happens. I completely understand if you don't want to add her, I just wanted to give her a shot. My anger really stems from Gamora being an abuse survivor, then has to meet up with her abuser who murderers her in cold blood. Especially since she was one of the main characters in Guardians of the Galaxy. And I get the feeling that the writers for Infinity War/Endgame were not in communication or agreement with the Guardians of the Galaxy writer since GotG's writer had to bring her back out of nowhere for his story to work.
Gamora was raised to be a living weapon and she escaped her abusive life and found a new family who loved her and was even repairing her relationship with her (also abused) sister. Her murder was ALL ABOUT her abuser and how he felt sort of conflicted about throwing her off a cliff - and then all about her boyfriend and how upset he was about her death. Like I even liked her and Peter's relationship, but she also had her sister and friends and we never get into how her death affected them. We never get into how horrific her death was or how tragic it is that her life was cut short and what a waste to the universe it was because she was such a hero. It's just about the men's feelings. Ugh. (also yes technically she was brought back from a different timeline, but it's also very clear that Gamora is a different person, with her own story, and that og Gamora is dead and never coming back).
Killed off for Thanos and Quills man pain and for no other reason.
Natalia Romanoff
Cause of Death: Self-sacrifice to get the Soul Stone
[No Propaganda Submitted]
Jane Foster
Cause of Death: Cancer
her getting fridged in love and thunder made me so mad because 1. The movie was about her! I know it's a Thor movie but they literally advertised her as a female Thor. And her conflict about her own mortality is at the core of the film. 2. She dies for not just one man, but two men's character arcs! When she dies, it serves as a redemption for the main villain, and it shows Thor a lesson about how being with her wouldnt make him happy. Because she literally died and now he cant be with her! And because of her death, the villain decides not to kill all the gods. So it could have been a self sacrifice except, oh no! She dies from cancer! A completely arbitrary death!
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sweetimpurity · 2 months
when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers or moots (positivity is cool) 💖
Thank you so much Aph! And I've been asked this question by three other people so I'll tag those sweeties here too! Thank you @slushycoookie @oharaslove and @cupcakeinat0r !!🍬🩷
I wasn't an Ariana Grande fan until this past year and then I was playing her music on repeat. This song especially it's beautiful ugh! This whole album I think is really good!
2. WHO has watched Undead Unluck? If you have, then you know this song and it just makes me happy and it's such a good song. Makes me think of Andy in the end credits he's so handsome.
3. Okay. Me reading fan fiction on the school bus as a 13 year old, it was all about Harry. I'm a Niall girl since the 1D days but a Harry girl in my soul. And this is my favorite song off his most recent album. Whole album= 11/10 🏆
4. Come oonnnnn... I was also always a Calum girl reading imagines in middle school. And this song is always in my playlists. Love love love. And their album Youngblood is another 11/10.
5. My mommy and I sing this in the car together hehe ❤︎ Chappell is amazing and all of her songs as incredible! We really need more artists like her who just all around seem like good people.
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pleasingsatellite · 2 years
can you do laurajadestone as the face claim? i’m not sure if you’re taking requests or not but i figured i’d ask :)
This is long-term gf btw so from 1D days :)
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liked by 1dfan1, 1dfan2 and 36,385 others
1dupdates During a recent interview, Harry confirmed he had a girlfriend named y/n! She works with the boys as their tour manager!
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1dfan1 omg omg no one move 4/5 boys now have girlfriends
1dfan2 me crying like I ever had a chance
1dfan3 wait that's so cute
1dfan4 I was wondering who that was he was spotted walking around with the other day
1dfan5 she's apparently in the This is Us movie so we'll at least get to see her
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liked by harrystyles, niallhoran and 382,923 others
yourinstagram tour life
view all 1,395 comments
1dfan1 she's so pretty
1dfan2 yeah she and harry make a lot of sense let's be honest
1dfan3 can we blame harry for falling for her though?
1dfan4 I heard she and Niall are besties too which just warms my heart so much
harrystyles can I get your number?
↳yourinstagram sorry I'm taken by someone, maybe next time
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liked by 1dfan1, 1dfan2 and 34,124 others
thesun Harry Styles was recently spotted in LA with his long-term girlfriend y/n. It seems like the couple was in happy spirits despite One Direction recently announcing their hiatus.
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1dfan1 I don't need any hiatus reminders please and thank you
1dfan2 okay but do you guys think they'll actually get back together? I'm starting to have doubts
↳1dfan3 of course they will are you kidding me?
1dfan4 I have a friend in the music world that there is talks of harry signing a contract to release solo albums so I don't know about all of that
↳harryfan1 unpopular opinion but I don't really care if 1d gets back together I just want harry and y/n to stay together
↳harryfan2 if he tours alone she'll def still work for him
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 46,294 others
hsdaily "She's been my rock for years now. We met at the peak of the band and she's been with me through so many highs of my life and so many lows. If anyone knows me inside and out it's y/n and I'm so lucky she's stuck around during such a transitional period of my life. This whole album is for her and I can't wait to see what else is to come in both my career and with her. I'm also really excited cause she's going to continue to be my tour manager and getting to work with her makes my days just so much better." Harry talking about his girlfriend y/n during the BTA
view all 475 comments
harryfan1 they're so cute are you fucking kidding me
harryfan2 they've been together for so long and she's been through so much with him and I can't wait to see what comes of their relationship
harryfan3 the way he talks about her especially when he was talking about how hard it was being away from her while he was in jamaica recording ugh bestill my heart
harryfan4 "continues to be my tour manager" HE'S GOING ON TOUR I'M NOT READY
↳harryfan5 it's gonna be weird seeing him perform alone...
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 45,395 others
harrynews Harry and y/n were spotted in London today!
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harryfan1 texting and driving sir?
harryfan2 They were seen leaving a meeting omg what if we get tour dates soon
↳harryfan3 I'm not mentally, emotionally or financially ready yet he needs to give me like 3 months
harryfan4 my fav couple omg I need them to get engaged already they've been together for so long
harryfan5 so happy harry got y/n in the 1d divorce
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liked by annetwist, yourinstagram and 3,293,234 others
harrystyles / / SEE.YOU.SOON / /
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harryfan2 I feel like he'll do a bigger tour right after cause this isn't a lot of dates right?
harryfan3 so excited but also could throw up from the nerves of having to buy tickets
yourinstagram excited to get back into the game and turn my manager brain back on
↳harrystyles it never turned off, you boss me around daily
↳yourinstagram shhh what no I don't.....
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liked by harrystyles, niallhoran and 349,203 others
yourinstagram so excited to get back on the road in a few days! Live on Tour here we come
view all 2,394 comments
harryfan1 blue is 100000% your color omg
harryfan2 I'm so excited! I still can't believe he's touring as a solo artist though
↳yourinstagram I know it's crazy!!
niallhoran drinks before you guys leave?
↳yourinstagram you paying?
harryfan3 any hints on what the tour is going to be like?
↳yourinstagram there might be some covers involved...
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 5,283,293 others
yourinstagram Getting to see you grow so much as a musician and as a person has been the biggest blessing and I can't wait to continue watching you grow till we're old and gray, so it's a yes.
view all 8,380 comments
harryfan2 I've been waiting for this day for years omg omg omg
annetwist can't wait to celebrate the happy couple in a few days!
harrystyles thanks for saying yes, makes working together a whole lot less awkward.
harryfan3 I've gone back to this post for like an hour still in shock
harryfan4 It feels like they've been together for years yet I'm still shocked they're engaged
niallhoran happiest life to you guys! I could see this coming from miles away
↳yourinstagram our #1 supporter for years
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liked by yourinstagram, annetwist and 895,328 others
harrystyles C.H.A.S.M
by: yourinstagram
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harryfan1 chasm is such a cute band name
harryfan2 icons in one picture
harryfan3 I hope we get a band pic after each show that would be so cute
harryfan4 Can we talk about the first concert him being on stage alone was so different but so good
harryfan5 the album artwork curtain that drops is such a nice touch I love getting to see his silhouette
yourinstagram all my favorite humans in one picture
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 45,299 others
harryupdates y/n via instagram stories! We're loving the backstage sneak peaks on her insta stories
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harryfan1 the day we see mitch smile will be the day the world explode
harryfan2 It's literally sarah's band and harry is just apart of it not the other way around
harryfan3 I love y/n for all the backstage stuff it always looks like they have the best time
harryfan4 We need more harry pics though like what does that man do backstage play ping-pong and hide?
↳yourinstagram he sleeps until like an hour before the show...
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 35,849 others
hsdaily harry and y/n and the rest of the band were spotted at an art gallery today during their day off
view all 1,394 comments
harryfan1 the yellow corduroys are going to do it for me every time
harryfan2 one thing about harry, he's gonna spot a camera every dan time
↳harryfan3 I swear he has a sixth sense when it comes to it
harryfan4 I love that the band goes on little field trips together
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liked by harrystyles, pillowpersonpp and 538,393 others
yourinstagram lil art date
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harryfan1 I love getting little insights into their relationship
harryfan2 they go on so many art dates I can only imagine the artwork they have in their house
harryfan3 okay but I'm totally bringing this picture to my hairstylists like the cut and color are everything!!!
harryfan4 you guys are everything and I can't wait for the wedding like I just know it'll be the wedding of the century
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liked by harrystyles, emiozmen, and 583,394 others
yourinstagram A fan wanted a photo with Spike and Silver
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harryfan1 omg they're so cute spike's outfit are you kidding me?
harryfan2 I can't wait until harry and y/n have kids of their own
harryfan3 he looks like such a dad in this pic :(
harryfan4 I've been waiting for Silver and Spike to get on tour for this moment right here
↳yourinstagram they're a blast to have backstage, you'd think harry was their age with how he acts with them
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 294,595 others
pillowpersonpp Finally got my bestie away from work and onto a coffee date
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harryfan1 she's so pretty
harryfan2 y/n and Sarah being besties makes my world go round ngl
harrystyles damn, she told me this was a work meeting that's why she canceled our breakfast plans.
↳pillowpersonpp yeah sorry no work is being discussed just girl chat
↳yourinstagram we can reschedule harry, couldn't bail on Sarah oops
harryfan3 they're all so funny and I can only imagine what backstage is like
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liked by annetwist, niallhoran and 239,403 others
yourinstagram being on tour is my favorite thing in the world if you haven't noticed
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harryfan1 Mexico suit supremacy
harryfan2 the third picture are you kidding me?
harryfan3 yeah gonna need a backstory as to why harry is naked playing ping-pong ball stat
↳yourinstagram his suit ripped and so it was getting fixed and apparently the only way to pass the time was to play ping-pong?
↳harryfan4 yeah sounds a lot like harry
harryfan5 I just wanna know if harry wins every game
↳yourinstagram he would never admit it but I've bet him plenty of times
↳harrystyles you're being a liar right now to my own fans
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 56,395 others
hsdaily harry and y/n backstage via helenpambrun
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harryfan1 this outfit was so good are you kidding me?
harryfan2 literally my parents
harryfan3 I'm mitch in the background
harryfan4 green will always be harry's color
harryfan5 her being the first person he approaches after coming off stage... I need 35 minutes to contemplate
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liked by yourinstagram, spaceykacey and 3,389,283 others
harrystyles Kissy. Thank you for coming out to see us, it has been a pleasure playing for all of you. I'm off to write some music and I hope I'll be seeing you again very soon. Thank you to my band, the crew, and all of you for making this tour so wonderful. Treat people with kindness. Goodbye for now. I love you all. H
view all 273,365 comments
harryfan1 KISSY????
harryfan2 oh this man is too cute for words
yourinstagram so very proud of you and I'm so honored to have been able to watch you grow from 1D to a solo artist and I can tell you big things are in your future superstar
annetwist so proud of my baby
harryfan3 seeing all of harry's family at the show last night was so cute
harryfan4 "I'm off to write some new music" and I'm not prepared to hear it
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 1,483,394 others
yourinstagram we're back...
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harryfan1 no fucking way
harryfan2 any non-american dates?
↳yourinstagram announcing very very soon
harrystyles I won't be attending if you're not going
↳yourinstagram wouldn't miss it for the world
harryfan3 I can't believe harry is doing his second tour as a solo artist are you kidding me?
omg that took forever so I hope you like it! I'm thinking of doing like a part two that focuses on 2021 LOT and then 2022 LOT but have so much else planned we'll eventually get around to it :) happy lights up anniversary <3
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lovesung127 · 1 year
thoughts on nct dream's istj
my bitches had a comeback you know i gotta react!!!
ISTJ: this song is actually wild bc why tf is it so good. god damn. the mv omfg overwhelmed me in a good way. it's so alice in wonderland core ugh so good. they all looked sosososo good. chenle's parts had me floating. renjun's lines had me screaming. haechan ate down. mark devoured. jeno served. jaemin slayed. MY MAN JISUNG GAVE IT HIS ALL OMFG ASHFUHSF. the prechorus is tooo good. the bridge is life changing. it got that superhuman set up if u get what i mean. i knew istj was gonna serve cvnt from the snippet i heard but it REALLY DID
Broken Melodies: lowkey at first i was like eh BUT NOW IM LIKE BROKEN MELODIES. its sosos good. jeno's opening is so good. i love jisung's part. the chorus is so 1d core and as a directioner myself i gotta support. also the bridge slays.
Yogurt Shake: stop this is so cute like the opening. it's very like idk how to describe this is probs a bad description but like the instrumental sounds like a cartoon ost and this song is something i would expect to see in like those aesthetic tiktoks about like beauty or kpop or whatnot. love jeno's rap in this. their voices all sound so good
Skateboard: OKAY THE BEGINING NOTES GIVE MISFIT. I LOVE LOVE THE INTRO. it's so disney core like camp rock/hsm core lmao. OKAY JISUNG SLAY. the chorus is so upbeat and catchy. so 2000s kid core if that makes sense. okay haechan's high note and renjun's little adlib yuh
Poison: whoooa WHOOOAA OASJSDHFHDVKFLKV good lord. they grown DIJSVJJ when i saw the track video i was gagged but omg now ik the whole songn shkfhddjboojj oij why they all eating. this is so cvnt so slay im like lost of words. got me dancing in my seat. their voices are all so smooth and ugh the chorus is a little too goood, oh god the ending?? FLOATING
SOS: omfg. stop this is so cool. MARK'S ENTRANCE OH GOD NO ONE SPEAK TO ME. HOLY SHIT RENJUN? CHENLE? jisung?? WHAT THE AIHFFNVFDO. ngl this song got me shaking ass. oh god the little muffled bridge!!! HAECHAN???
Pretzel: okayyy!!!!! WHOEVER IS IN THE OPENING JAEMIN? LIKE SERVE. THIS IS TOOOO GOOODD! yassss vocals. like renjun? tooo good
Starry Night: stop the prechorus like the build up is wild the chorus is so groovy. JISUNG'S PART HEHEHE gotta hype up my man. this song is so chill and cute
in conclusion, nct dream came to slay and slay they did. not one bad song🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️!!!! but yea love love love this album. my faves so far are poison, pretzel, sos, skateboard, istj, pretzel, broken melodies.... i might as well just name all the songs lol. go stannnnn<3
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