#if you google 'swedish semla' or something
odderancyart · 7 years
On a Never Resting Sea
Chapter XVIII: Making Up?
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Summary: Razz, the heir of the Beobyrian Empire, is on his way home from a diplomatic mission as his ship gets attacked by pirates. Suddenly he finds himself taken as hostage, and it doesn’t seem like the pirates are planning to exchange him for a ransom anytime soon. How annoying.
Warnings:  violence, death, blood, hostage holding, kidnapping, prostitution
The next morning Razz woke up with the sun. Like always. Which was still not exceptionally early since the days still were short this time of year. Throwing his legs over the bed’s edge, he slipped down on the floor. It was warm. That was something he had noticed; the brothel never went under a comfortable temperature. Even with the freezing winter outside. Even as meter-high snow piled up along the streets. After slipping on his silk house robe over his nightgown he went out into the suit’s parlour. Blueberry was sleeping soundly on the couch, curled up beneath a duvet Razz had given him.
It almost seemed a shame to wake him up, but it had to be done. His assistance was needed. Shaking him gently was all Razz had to do; Blueberry immediately blinked drowsily before sitting up. The other rubbed his sockets with his arm and smiled sleepily.
“Morning, m’lord,” he yawned while stretching out his arms behind him. Razz only nodded in reply, although he couldn’t help but smile back. Only a little.
Two knocks came from the door, signalling their breakfast had been delivered. The same time as it had been every day since he ordered it. As Blueberry went to get dressed – he slept in an old night robe – Razz opened the door and carried it inside. It smelled marvellously. A cup of coffee for him and tea for Blueberry who didn’t like coffee, and a couple sandwiches as well as two muffins. It was a luxurious breakfast after Sarynthia, and generally a luxurious one for Blueberry. Especially the coffee. It had to be delivered from the Eastern continent and it was a long journey. Yet, everything seemed to be sold in this port – for the right price – so he hadn’t been too surprised over finding it here.
Probably through robberies of the official merchant ships. But that was none of Razz’s concern. Not right now. Not until he got home and on his throne.
While they ate breakfast, staff began to arrive to fill up the bathtub. He had ordered it yesterday. Directly after breakfast, he wanted a bath. A few staff members threw them gazes. Jealous, happy, suspicious, and curious gazes. Blueberry waved in reply to a few and shrank beneath others. Every time that happened Razz would glare at the onlooker until they stopped minding others’ business.
When the breakfast was finished and the tub was full, Razz gathered every beauty product he had left. It wasn’t terribly many, sadly enough. Many had been lost in the sea, or used at the ship. Nevertheless, he still had a bottle perfume left, a bar of bluebell-scented soap – his favourite – and even some makeup. Both soap and makeup were things which his maids usually would have carried, but for some reason it was here anyway. A wrong placement while packing to return home, probably.
Well in the warm water, he cleaned every part of his body, and Blueberry helped him reach places he could not. His bones would shine. As soon as he was done, he put on his robe again and they’d left for the bedroom. In there, Blueberry had the day before putting up a couple dresses on hangers. Smiling as he saw them, Razz let his hand travel over the soft fabrics. Silk, fur, linen…
So many dressed he hadn’t been able to wear before because he needed help to put them on. How lucky he had Blueberry now.
“WHICH ONE DO YOU THINK, BLUEBERRY?” he asked, turning toward the other. Blueberry looked slightly startled, but immediately walked up to him. Studied the dresses. He handled them carefully, just like Red had done. Razz swallowed at the thought.
“How about this one, m’lord?” Blueberry asked, holding out a yellow gown. Razz shook his head.
A nod was all he received in reply before the other kept looking. A couple more dresses were held out, and all got a no. By now, Razz had begun to look through them himself too. He needed the perfect dress to get this revenge. This small, yet sweet, revenge. Just as he was wondering whether he could wear the dark blue promenade dress, Blue held up another one.
“And this?” he said. Without bothering to stop himself, Razz felt a grin grow on his face. He nodded sharply, and Blueberry looked proud.
This would certainly do.
Hours later, they’d sent message to Sarynthia that they’d expect Red at two o’clock. They sat by the dinner table, playing a round of cards. Another party of canasta. Blueberry was very good at it; he told Razz he’d taught his friends at the brothel and they’d played together. A porcelain pot with mulled, spiced wine stood on the table, three cups ready.
The match was just getting serious, and they both seemed to be about to win, as their game was interrupted by a knock on the door. It wasn’t the knock of someone at the brothel. Therefore, it must be Red. Razz’s nerves felt jittery and his soul jumped as he stood up and gestured for the other to open the door. As Blueberry went to do so, he smoothed out his skirts and corrected the placement of his necklace. He took a deep breath. Perfect. Everything was perfect, and so was he, and if this went badly then it was Red who was missing out.
Blueberry threw him a glance, silently asking for permission to open. He nodded, and the door slid open. Clenching his hands behind his back, Razz looked at Red. Then he forced himself to relax and gave the other a polite smile. Nothing more than polite, though.
From the other side of the threshold, Red looked nervous. As he should. His hands were buried deep in his pockets and his grin was strained as he stepped in. His gaze caught on Razz, and he froze in the middle of his step. Stared at him. At the evening length, wine red, layered, deeply wine-red gown and the dark blue jewels around his neck and arms. At his face, where Blueberry had used a makeup coal pen to put focus on his sockets. Razz’s smile grew just a tad.
“GOOD AFTERNOON, RED,” he greeted pleasantly, and gestured at the table. “PLEASE SIT DOWN, OR THE MULLED WINE WILL GET COLD.”
His voice seemed to wake Red up. The other twitched, and nodded quickly.
“m’lord,” he replied, voice seeming to almost waver a little, before he went to take place at the table. Razz did the same, and Blueberry too. He had already been assured that Razz wanted him to be there. Red fiddled with the cotton napkin, not quite looking at eitheeither of them. Without bothering to taking notice on it, Razz nodded to Blueberry.
“WILL YOU SERVE THE WINE, BLUEBERRY?” he commanded. The other did so with a steady hand, and soon the goblets were steaming. Taking one of them and smutting on the warm wine, he studied the newcomer. As he did, his smile turned smaller but more triumphant. Red kept staring at him, not even noticing the goblet.
He held back a chuckle as the other twitched and looked down at the cup. Red fumbled slightly as he took it and drank. With how fast he did it, it must’ve burned; the wine was near scalding. Glancing to the side, he could see that Blueberry was also smiling, looking a tad smug. A bit awkward and uncomfortable, but there was indeed a certain smugness over his expression as well. Red didn’t put down the cup as he had finished drinking. Instead he held it with both his hands, as though he was warming them on it, and stared into the red beverage.
“’t is,” he agreed quietly. His tone was full of longing. “’t’s Red nothin’ like peosana. even yer summers ain’t ‘specially warm ‘ere. th' winters…. they're awful.”
The way he spoke was uncomfortably familiar to Razz. It was the same way he longed for his own homeland. The Mother knows how long Red and the crew had been away from their own. He frowned slightly at the thought, putting the goblet to his mouth again. Perhaps as a way not to have to speak quite yet.
It was their own fault for being here. They had a ship. They could return home at any time, in difference to Razz, who was held prisoner. To be fair, Aellwyn shared Beobyra’s border and much of their culture, but it wasn’t home. Especially not since he now lived in a pirate town’s brothel.
The room was uncomfortably quiet for a moment, none of them knowing what to say. Then, Red turned to Blueberry, “’n’ how are ya? i didn’ get th’ chance ta ask yesterday.”
“I’m fine, sir.” Blueberry’s voice was cheerful, but there was a new edge to it as he looked at Red. Red seemed to notice as well, with how his sockets widened slightly. One of Blueberry’s hands squeezed tightly around the goblet as he kept staring. “M’lord has been very kind to me.”
Shrinking back in his chair, just a little bit, Red nodded quickly. “good. tha’s… tha’s good.” There was another few beats of silence before he coughed awkwardly. Turning to Razz, he lingered on the first word as he hesitantly said, “ya… ya understand why we did ‘t, dontcha? ‘n’ ya… ya know tha’-“
“YES,” Razz broke him off. His voice was somewhat shaky and it was his turn to stare into the wine. The goblet was pleasantly warm in his hands. Taking in a deep breath, he looked up, straight at Red. “I DO. IT DOES NOT CONDONE WHAT YOU DID TO ME, WHAT YOU WERE PLANNING TO DO TO ME. BUT I DO UNDERSTAND WHY.” He sighed. “AND I BELIEVE YOU. THAT IT WASN’T ALL A TRICK. THAT YOU- THAT YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH ME.”
Once again, he had to force out the words. That he knew it didn’t mean he liked to admit it. Yet, as Red sank back into the wooden chair, his shoulders visibly sinking and face relaxing, Razz felt happy that he had told the truth. It was just a tiny, tiny pang of joy. It was enough. Then, as Red gazed at him with hope in his eyelights, his soul hurt. Red had betrayed him. Badly so. Nonetheless, he didn’t want to crush that hope.
Not when it made him feel a little lighter himself.
“’n’…” Red began, and his dark voice was insecure. He had finally put down the cup, and his hand was clenching on the table. “’n’ ya?”
Freezing at the question, Razz swallowed. And him? He wasn’t sure. A hand was placed on his femur under the table. Glancing to the side, he found that Blueberry was smiling encouragingly at him. His hand found the napkin, and he squeezed it between his fingers. Razz exhaled. “I DON’T KNOW.”
The hurt on Red’s face was obvious, but he took little notice of it as he continued, “I DON’T KNOW. I LOVED YOU. I DO MISS YOU, AGAINST MY BETTER JUDGEMENT. PERHAPS I DO STILL LOVE YOU. BUT I DON’T. KNOW. NOT FOR SURE.”
Red nodded quietly, not asking anything else. They all sat in silence as they finished their goblets. It wasn’t quite a comfortable one, but it wasn’t crushing either. Razz considered it an improvement. The wine truly was incredible, just like Muffet had promised when he asked about what hot beverages they could get. Much could be said about her, much, but she did know her food and drinks. At least the one he could get up here. Razz could still taste that disgusting wine from the bar on his tongue. Sour and rotten. Nothing at all like the sweetness of the mulled and spiced wine they drank now.
Eventually, their goblets were empty, and so was the pot. Red and Razz stared at each other, before Red averted his gaze. A scratching made Razz wince as the other stood up. Red nodded, and opened his mouth as to say something before he closed it again. He stepped backwards.
“i should go,” he said. “they’ll want me back a’ th’ ship. bye, blueberry. bye, r- m’lord.”
Nodding mutely, Razz stood up as well. His skirts rustled between his legs as he moved. A sound he normally loved, but now didn’t care for at all. Blueberry looked questioningly at him, but he shook his head slightly. The other didn’t move. Following Red to the door, as any good host would, Razz searched for words. He found none.
Red nodded again, stepping over the threshold. The door began to close for his hand. Staring after him, Razz exclaimed, “WAIT.”
The door froze in its tracks, and Red’s head immediately stuck out from behind it. Then he seemed to realize what he was doing and opened it entirely again instead.
“yeah?” he asked, sounding hopeful. Razz wasn’t entirely sure what he was doing as he clasped his hands behind his back tightly.
“PERHAPS YOU CAN TAKE ME ON A TOUR AROUND THIS TOWN?” he replied without thinking too much about it. “I HAVE BEEN LOCKED UP FOR SO LONG, IT WOULD BE NICE TO GET TO LOOK AROUND. I MISS THE SNOW,” he added for good measure.
The way Red’s face lit up was adorable, and the other smiled widely. As he was nodding eagerly, his eyelights burned brighter than before. “’m sure tha’ can be arranged. tho' ‘ow ya can miss th’ infernal snow, i can’t understan’. tomorrow a’ noon?”
Razz couldn’t help but smile back, hesitantly, as he nodded. They glanced at each other again, and then the door shut with a final thump. He stood unmoving for a couple seconds, just staring at the door, before turning around to face Blueberry. He was still smiling.
The next morning was hectic. Razz couldn’t help but being excited; both because he would be allowed outside again and because he’d see Red. There was still a big part of him that told him he shouldn’t be excited about it, but it was hard to help. A part of him, bigger than yesterday, held hopes that perhaps things could be cleared up. Go back to how they were. Perhaps not even that; he knew they couldn’t. He knew the truth now. Perhaps things could be good anyway.
Together with Blueberry he did his best to decide what to wear. The temperature was low outside, far below freezing, and the snow was even thicker than before. It had snowed during the night. He wanted to look beautiful, as always. Even more beautiful than usual since he was meeting with Red. Yet, he could not dress however he wanted. Pirate’s Port was a dangerous place and walking around in thick furs and bright colours would not be the smartest idea.
Eventually, they’d agreed on leather boots, black foddered trousers with a couple layers of warm shirts under and a hooded, light grey wool coat which only had fur lining at the sleeve ends, as well as a pair of foddered gloves. Warmth was essential, after all. Razz had no wish to catch frostbite or hypothermia while outside.
Admittedly, he wasn’t only excited. His soul was pounding hard in his chest and he couldn’t sit still. It felt like if he didn’t move he’d go insane. Blueberry watched him as he walked back and forth through the room. A smile was evident on the other’s face.
“It’s going to go fine, m’lord,” he assured Razz. Razz stopped, staring at him in suspicion. Was that laughter he had heard in the other’s voice? A patient smile was all he got in answer to his gaze. “Mr. Red will be so careful about messing this up, and you’ll get to see more of the town. Despite all the criminals, this is a nice town. Full of exotic and exciting things from all parts of Natéa.”
Only able to nod in reply, Razz continued his nervous promenade. His now only centimetre-high heels clicked against the floor – not even he found it ideal to walk in a meter’s worth of snow wearing high heels. Neither of them spoke again as they waited for Red to arrive.
Suddenly it knocked on the door, and both jumped in alarm. Swallowing, Razz went to sit down in an armchair. He crossed his legs and leaned backwards in a relaxed position before telling Blueberry to open the door. The other obeyed with an amused smile. When the door opened and Red stepped in, he made no hurry in standing up. Once he finally had, though, he walked up to Red with a nonchalant smile. Those eternal hours spent when he was a babybones trying to learn to control his expressions had truly payed off. He had hated it, but today he was quite grateful.
After greeting him, Red offered him his arm. Just like before Carai Zalû, Razz remembered. And just like back then, he thought that it ought to be him offering up his arm, as the one of higher status, but ignored the voice in his head and took it. Red beamed at him.
They turned toward the door, and Razz turned his head toward Blueberry who still was holding it open. “WE’LL BE BACK BEFORE DUSK. I’LL SEE YOU THEN.”
“Have fun, m’lord. Sir,” he nodded, smiling. He seemed a little kinder disposed to Red again. Still, Red’s title wasn’t said with the same fondness as Razz’s, and Razz couldn’t help but feel both happy and smug over that. He was quite sure Blueberry and Red had known each other for a couple years. Yet Blueberry seemed to prefer him, and not because of his title. Blueberry didn’t even know more about his title than that it was a noble one.
He nodded, and they left the suit. When they walked through the brothel, they got some curious gazes. Razz wasn’t sure why. A few even seemed sad, strangely enough. In the bar, Muffet was polishing a few glasses, and she gave them an oddly gleeful gaze when they passed by.
“Enjoy your sightseeing, dearies,” she called out after them. In the corner of his eye, Razz could see Red frowning in confusion. He only scowled. He didn’t like her at all. There was something very off about her, and it reminded him of certain nobles at the Court. The ones who’d do anything for power and money. When Red opened the front door, however, he forced those thought to the back of his mind.
The cold wind hit his face hard. Immediately biting his face and making him loose his breath for a short moment. Red ushered him outside before quickly closing the door again. Razz couldn’t help but smile as the chill pushed at him. The snow laid deep on the sides of the street, high as his waist. The few people outside were dressed in their warmest clothing, which admittedly wasn’t very warm for many. There were a few who looked blue from cold. Stepping to the side, he scooped up a handful of snow in his hand. Gods. Being outside again was wonderful. In the cold, the air was fresh. Therefore, although there still were disgusting smells floating in the air, they were not very prominent.
“where do ya wanna go?” Red asked him, and he shrugged. He was still staring at the newly fallen, white snow. The sun shone brightly at the clear-blue sky and cast light-dots into the air after reflecting in the snow.
“I DON’T KNOW,” Razz replied honestly. He had no idea what there was to do and see in a town like this. “YOU CAN CHOOSE.”
With a smile, Red offered him his arm again and nodded. As soon as he took it, he was led away from the brothel. The streets were relatively empty. Red said it was because market-day had been yesterday so most had done their business the other day. Yet there were quite a few out, and Razz could feel their eyes on his coat. It was the least fancy he had with him, and it was still nowhere near the low quality of most of the people on the streets. Luckily, no one seemed like they were going to rob them.
Red was smiling widely as they went through the streets, and they chatted quietly about neutral subjects. Red complained a bit about the cold and Razz rebuked that it was his own fault for not dressing warmly enough. If the poor folks of Beobyra and Aellwyn could survive from childhood then he was sure Red could do it as an adult, he said. Red only grumbled in reply and Razz held in a laugh.
He was shivering slightly, not dressed quite enough to entirely keep out the cold. It was many degrees below freezing, even if it wasn’t the coldest part of winter anymore. That was Midwinter. Which he had missed the celebration of. Due to not knowing which time of year it was he hadn’t even sent away a prayer to the Mother. Razz hoped She found it forgivable.
They reached a small, red-painted house with white corners and red tile roof. Outside, a sign depicting a cinnamon roll. Razz raised an eyebrow. A bakery? The house didn’t have a lot of windows, but the chimney was spitting smoke. A sign like the one outside Muffet’s, with the letters OPEN and a symbol of someone stepping in, hung on the door. Red opened it and gestured for him to step in. Warmth and the smell of fresh bread and melted sugar immediately filled his senses.
The inside was dark. Razz had to blink a couple times before his eyes got used enough for him to be able to see. When he did, however, his sockets grew wide. There was a desk, and behind it pastries and loafs of bread lied on display on shelves. Sugary and delicate. On the corner a few wooden tables stood, only one of them occupied. A human stood behind the desk, and she smiled at them when they came in.
“Welcome ter Sweets an’ Such,” she said. “Where’s yis brah’der, Red?”
“back a’ th’ ship, ‘m afraid. only me ‘n’ razz ‘ere this time,” Red replied, chuckling. He turned to Razz, grinning at him. “’ave ya ever been ta a bakery, razz?”
This time, he avoided twitching at the use of his name. It wasn’t like he could be called by a title out here anyway. He shook his head, “NO, I HAVEN’T.”
His pastries were delivered straight to him, after all, or to the dinner or tea room. There was no need for him to ever visit one. The human’s smile grew and she gestured toward the bread and pastries. “Well, you’re in luk den. Dis is the master bakery in town.”
“choose somethin’,” Red told him and looked at the human. “we eat ‘ere thi’ time.”
A short while later they were sitting by one of the small tables in the corner. They’d taken off their coats due to the warmth from the fire and two cups of warm ale stood at the table, as well as two semlas. It wasn’t something Red had eaten before. Yet Razz had insisted that it was delicious, so here they were. It did look tasty, he had to admit. White bread – which was expensive, whipped scream, marzipan, and icing sugar on top – which also was expensive. But most things could be found in Pirate’s Port. Usually for either a much higher or slightly lower price than normal.
Since Alva, the owner of the bakery, liked order and cleanliness, there were napkins on every table. With a smile, he watched Razz putting it in his lap. Then he looked slightly confused. “WHERE IS THE CUTLERY?”
“there’s none,” Red replied, forcing himself not to grin. He didn’t want to make Razz angry with him again. Not now when he’d gotten a second chance. The other frowned, but sighed.
“Barbaric,” Red thought he heard him mumble but he took the little bread top of his semla and dipped it into the cream before putting in his mouth. Curious, Red followed suit. His sockets widened. Woah. This was truly delicious and he regretted never having eaten it before.
Eating a semla was a bit messy, but worth it. Red wiped some cream off his cheek with his sleeve before looking at Razz again. His soul fluttered nervously as he smiled. “so how’s livin’ wi’ blueberry?”
Razz smiled, and licked some marzipan from his teeth. Red froze momentarily at the action. “IT’S GOOD. GOOD FOOD AND PLEASANT LIVING ARRANGEMENTS AND BLUEBERRY IS A VERY NICE PERSON TO LIVE WITH.”
“good. tha’s good.” He realized himself that his voice was strained. Awkward. Taking a deep breath, he tried to force himself to relax. It was just so nice to see Razz smiling at him again and he didn’t want to mess up. There was still a certain edge even in smiles that were sincere and he knew he did only have so many chances to win Razz’s trust again.
“SAY, RED,” Razz began, and Red breathed a sigh of relief. That the other started a conversation ought to be a good sign, wasn’t it? “YOUR TATTOOS. WHY DID YOU GET THEM?”
Chuckling, Red folded up a shirt sleeve to show off his tattooed radius and ulna. A sea snake stretched out over the ulna and the radius was covered with stars. When he looked up, he saw that Razz was studying them. He looked curious.
“well, ‘t’s said t’ mean luck on sea,” he explained. “t’ tattoo places where ya’ve been ‘n’ maps o’ th’ world. but since i don’t really ‘ave a lot o’ place to create full maps ‘n’ all, i have stars. ‘n’ then, o’ course, most o’ us likes ta brag a lil’ ‘bout all th’ places we’ve been ta by tattooin’ symbols fer them. like a tree fer waeldé ‘n’ a sword fer beobyra.”
“WHAT’S PEOSANA?” Razz seemed genuinely intrigued.
He smiled. “a diamond.”
While he realized it came from their mines, what formerly had been one of their biggest industries, Red had always thought it was the perfect symbol. Peosana was a diamond. Lovely and precious and impossible to break. Because they weren’t broken. Just weak, and only for now. They’d come back one day. Somehow.
They finished their pastries and stood up. His soul skipped a beat in excitement when Razz allowed him to help him on with his coat. As they left the bakery, Alva yelled after them, “Come back soon!”
Outside was freezing cold. Especially after the warmth nearby the baking oven. He closed his coat yet a little bit, but could still feel his teeth chattering. Why, oh why, did this part of the world have to be so fucking cold? He missed Peosana. Before he left his continent, he had never felt temperatures below freezing before. Next to him, Razz chatted politely about different subjects. Such as that Blueberry wanted to be a tailor – news to Red, since he was careful not to get too attached to non-crewmembers, especially not whores. It was a bad idea. And if you learnt about them, you would get attached. Razz spoke about his favourite cake – the Hundla. That he sometimes was jealous at people with ears because he couldn’t wear earrings.
Red smiled as he listened to Razz’s talking. It was nice. Good. His soul had finally stopped acting so weird and gone back to a calm beating. They walked the streets, and he felt happy. Even as he kept a constant lookout for troublemakers. One should never fully relax here.
The voice came from nowhere. Running steps were heard. The familiar sound of steel being dragged from their sheathes was loud. Too loud for one or two people. Red grabbed Razz’s arm, twisting around to see where it came from. The street was mostly empty, and the other few residents didn’t seem to have called out. They looked just as worried. Perhaps it was nothing. And perhaps it was something. Razz gave him a worried expression, asking what was going on, but he just shook his head. Shhhh.
Then the footsteps slowed down as a dozen soldiers stepped around a house corner and stopped there. They all had their swords in their hands, and a few carried guns. Red’s sockets widened, and he squeezed tighter around Razz’s wrist as he recognized their uniforms. Red and black and the insignia with the mountains and sword. Razz let out a quiet, surprised whimper at how hard he held.
“Halt!” One of them yelled. “For the kidnapping of His Majesty Queen Razz of Beobyra, you are arrested, pirate. Unhand His Majesty immediately.”
Imperial Guards. And as they a couple more came from the other corner, the one behind them, Red realized they were surrounded. Quick as lightening, he let go off Razz’s wrist. As the other rubbed his wrist, he stared at the gun nuzzles in pointing directly at him.
“Are you alright, Your Majesty?” The same guard called out, and Razz’s eyes were wide and shocked as he nodded. Yes. He was alright. Red swallowed.
They were dead.
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swanimagines · 6 years
A vent
Some personal stuff which I feel that I gotta get it off my chest, because this has given me some anxiety. This might be harsh stuff so I’d recommend not to read if you’re sensitive. Putting this vent under the cut just in case.
You remember me telling you that I live in a home meant for people with mental problems?
So yeah, there’s this one boy/man living here, I’ll call him Kent. Kent is a man in his mid-30′s who has used drugs since he was 15. He’s extremely childish, partly because the drugs have made him that way. And he presumes everyone dances if he tells them to, and if someone doesn’t obey him, they’re selfish and horrible persons who should be killed off. 
For example, he has told me that he would definitely pay to someone for filming as he rapes me because he wants to see my face as I’m being raped and then he would jerk off at the video afterwards. (And that’s his idea of “a joke”)
He continuously tries to get money, food and cigarettes from other residents for free (and if someone doesn’t give anything to him, he throws a tantrum) and if someone gives him something for free, he never says any kind of a “thank you”.
And Kent has been a horrible person towards me and my friends here. Especially he has been like the meanest ever to my friend who’s obese, and extremely insecure about it and she has tried to lose weight for years but her medication doesn’t allow her actively losing weight atm even though she tries her best. Kent doesn’t listen as I’ve asked him to stop saying my friend fat/fat jokes on her/saying ”hey kill yourself already fatty, you’re too fat for a girl and no one will want you”, but he just laughs at me and says “but it’s true, isn’t it, I’m just saying the truth” or something like that.
And yeah, I don’t know if anyone knows what’s a semla/shrove bun/laskiaispulla?
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(I took the pic from Google and Swedish and Finnish versions are slightly different, if you’re wondering) It’s a seasonal treat. A split bun with whipped cream and jam between it, or then it might be whipped cream + almond paste. (I like the jam version more)
I was feeling like I wanted to bring joy to everyone and bought some semlas for all the residents who were present here last weekend (Saturday). I left Kent without a semla (obviously) and told him the reasons behind it when he asked, and he whined at me all morning that he has the right to get one too and didn’t take it seriously when I said that “you might get something next time, if you play nicer to me and others, especially [my friend’s name]. I bought these semlas with my own money and yeah, I know you want one too but I think you don’t deserve it as you’ve been so rude towards everyone.”
He managed to steal one of the semlas from the other resident (it was still in the box btw if you’re wondering). I managed to snatch it back, but I accidentally scratched his arm in the process because he was threatening to throw it and I had to take a hold of his arm to stop him. And oh boy, this is where the storm began.
He screamed at me that he’s gonna sue me for humiliation (for not giving him a semla) + physical abuse, I apologized for causing him the scratches but he answered it by spitting on my face and hair and screaming that he’s gonna rape/beat/kill me if he doesn’t win the case.
And he said that over and over and over again through Saturday to yesterday, every time he saw me, including multiple times when a nurse was listening.
And the other one of my personal nurses told me that Kent will be punished soon for this, he left to his family today but it’s pretty sure he’s gonna be kicked out from here.
He’s coming back though because he can’t just be kicked out without a place to go, Kent probably will be sent to another place like this (but with stricter rules) and in order to do that, nurses must find him that place first.
I just hope he won’t be able to punch me or anything when he comes back from his family... I’m locking my door every time I go in or leave there (when he’s present) in order that he won’t be crashing in without me knowing/being able to prevent him. Let’s hope nurses + the manager finds a new place for Kent soon.
Everything is all right for now and my feelings are relaxed because Kent’s not here. I just felt like I wanted to tell this whole story to someone.
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girishmashah-blog · 5 years
10 Times Google Doodle Celebrated Food
Considering India Food Network readers like to be fed all things food, we put together 10 of the best Google Doodles that celebrate food.
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Food Stories: At the beginning of every work day, one of our favourite things apart from coffee is the Google Doodle. Not only is it fun to find out what day Google chose to celebrate on its homepage but also engaging with the multi-media Doodle creatives that get better with time. Besides, it’s a great way to learn something new each day without the activity demanding too much of your time. By the end of this list, you’re sure to discover foods you didn’t know existed.
1. Kimchi
The search engine giant celebrated Korea’s Kimchi Day on November 22, 2017. “Today’s Doodle celebrates each ingredient that goes into making some seriously scrumptious kimchi
2. Pad Thai
Google shows you how to make Pad Thai in this interactive Google Doodle that celebrates the popular Thai street food, on November 7, the day it was announced as the national cuisine of Thailand in 1945.
3. Pie
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Pi Day, the Google Doodle on March 14, 2018, presented the pi formula in well, pie! The pie for the delectable Doodle was baked and built by award-winning pastry chef Dominique Ansel, informed the Google Doodles description.
4. Semla
On March 6, 2018, the Google Doodle introduced us to these cute Swedish buns which are flavoured with cardamom and filled with almond paste and whipped cream…. read full list
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