#if you feel like going through my entire doddie redet tag to see if that's true feel free to do that
liebelesbe · 2 months
when i was in 11th or 12th grade everyone had to make a big painting for art class, like copy a. Ausschnitt. detail? sector? of a painting that's kind of well known. like we were assigned a painting and had to zoom in and copy the zoomed in part on a big ass canvas. And the theme of our art class was self portraits and I can still remember what mine looked like but I CAN'T FIND IT. Neither the one I did (usually you get to take it home when you're done with school but #lockdown so I asked for it two years later and it was already gone) nor the one mine was based on 😭
if any of you ever see a self portrait of like. a woman's face that's painted in very light colors and mostly yellows and oranges and beiges and it kind of has a whispy/foggy vibe pls let me know... bc I've been trying to google it and getting absolutely 0 fitting results. rip.
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