#if you ever wanna just pop over and tell me more about your spidersonas please do so
spidey-bie · 1 year
(hope I'm doing this right🥲)
This is both Fern (Spider-Phantom) and Prim's (Hexweaver) first bonfire. Fern wanted them to socialize with other Spiderpeople and Prim is there for emotional support.
For most of the night they'll probably be away from the fire, the bright colours of the flames can be a bit much for Fern. But they do go closer at some point to make smores, Prim loves them! After warming up and eating the 2 are chilling further away from the fire.
Prim would definitely light a stick on fire (like a sparkler lol) and then practice controlling the flames by making shapes and stuff like a flower or heart(do not try this at home, Prim is a professional). Fern thinks it's so cool.
They know Gwen and Margo and end up playing dominoes and uno together, it gets heated bc Fern can get loud and Prim is competitive lmao😭. They spend the rest of the night admiring the stars and listening to Mitski's latest album.
Prim's not used to seeing the sky so.. dark. Black doesn't exist in her universe so even at night the sky is a dark shade of blue/purple. The same way the fire is a new experience for Fern, the sky is a new experience for Prim.
HIIIIII. Nice to have y'all with us.
Just wanna let you know that we do also offer some complimentary sunglasses and some noise cancelling headphones. Idk how me and Margo did it but with the sunglasses you can adjust how much light you want to perceive and all that. But yeah literally like almost everyone here is autistic so I get it.
Yeah I noticed the noise over at the card tables. I almost came over with my camcord- I mean I went to check what was up, make sure a fight didn't break out. But unfortunately it was only a game of Uno tch.
Ah, a fellow flame professional. (Nods at Prim.) Game recognizes game. If there's anything that Fern wants know about fire I gotchu 👌🏾 (Please don't. He's trying to create more pyromaniacs amongst the youth.)
(OMG I LOVE MITSKI. Who's that? Oh yeah you're from the 80s. I'll tell you later.)
So glad you both got to experience some new things tonight. Thanks for stopping by.
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