#if you don't like it block me or sum idc
the-fo0l · 2 years
Ok so I’d like to condense my ask
I asked for 47 catching reader vape but what if she’s a total brat and I mean like somehow sneaked in vapes, slingshots her pearls from jewellery 47 got her at the cameras
Omg this is gonna be so good aaaaaa
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Yandere 47 with a rebellious/brat reader
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Notes: this took sooo long, didn't really know how to write this either. this slowly becoming a 47 fan account...
Warnings: fluff, kidnapped reader, gender neutral reader
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This. fucking. sucked
Getting kidnapped was just about the last thing you had expected when you took that vacation in Sapienza
By a seemingly emotionless, aloof contract killer nonetheless
Though you are far luckier than many others, since his aim wasn't to kill you, quite the opposite actually, he was crazy about you
That didn't mean you owed him any of your love in return
In fact, the last thing you were gonna do is make this easy on him
Whether it's by rolling your eyes at him, the silent treatment or just flat out bullying
He looks at you deadpan when you insult the 5 star michelin level food he made for you and then asks what he can do to make it better
Sneak into his weapons room and just rearrange some shit
Fuck it, unpack his breifcase right before a misson
You can only do this once though, 47 makes sure you can't get to that part of the house now, not cause you're messing with his equipment, but because you could possibly hurt yourself
Sometimes when you're bored in captivity and there's no hitman to berate, you make a game out of trying to hit the security camera lenses by throwing loose rings/pearls at them
Breaking the gifts he got for you, or just things around the house, doesn't really bother him either, since everything can be replaced
He let's do pretty much anything as long as it isn't a danger to your health
And, of course, he had expected this kind of behavior from you
He had literally kidnapped you after all
But 47 is incredibly patient, making him quite tolerant to the way your rebellious behavior
In fact, he finds it endearing in a way
Well...most of the time
It's pretty disheartening when you're actively making life as hard for him
And eventually it becomes clear that simply letting you act out like this isn't going to help you two become closer
But no impossible task is impossible for 47
We've all heard the witty little puns and honest murder innuendos he says his victims before they inevitably die
He can be quite quick-witted so any of your sly insults will be met with equally teasing remarks to catch you off guard
Never with any actual malice though, his chivalry is unwavering
Being a brat gets kinda boring when you never get a reaction out of him
It gets to the point where you simply forget you're supposed to be giving him attiture
'Well...maybe he isn't that bad.....'
It's kinda hard to be mad when he hasn't really done anything to you
All he does is make you food, buy you things, make sure you're comfortable and overall be a gentleman
Even if you manage to forgive him for the kidnapping, doesn't mean you'll stop teasing him
But this more playful way of teasing is very much welcome
He has to admire your tenacity
"...I had to impersonate the targets husband at a private masquerade", he'll tell you after you press him for what his recent mission was like
"You cheated on me????", you reply, holding back a smirk, knowing you just made his heart pause by implying that he would ever cheat on you (he wouldn't, he'd prob shoot someone if they didn't take the hint)
The fact you're sarcastic most of the time, makes the actually loving and tender moments so much more special
Overall, your combative personality and his stoic one clash in a way that, kind of works??
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sexisdisgusting · 29 days
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Hello I'm Lenka Stojanovic, welcome to my blog
i'm a balkan ex-muslim lesbian woman in my 20s and a big scary radfem. if that threatens you, block me. my blog is crypto safe (if you're crypto, follow only if you want—your safety is my priority).
this is mainly a radfem blog, but i also post funnies and things i find pretty/cool. if you're wondering why i followed you and you're not a radfem blog, that's why.
i LOVE being spammed with reblogs and likes, so please don't feel afraid to do so!!
i identified as "trans/nonbinary" for years before reclaiming my womanhood, and i'm so happy i did (it's never too late). there's no "right" or "wrong" way to be a woman. i was a huge trans activist for years before realizing it doesn't and will never benefit me despite their lies. i don't argue with tras—go kick rocks and debate with the mirror, loser.
i post free pdfs, resources, graphics, and everything else of the sort on this blog. feel free to explore and read—it's not illegal despite what you've been made to think (#useful).
any designs i create and post on this blog are entirely free for personal and commercial use. i don't want or require credit—do whatever your heart desires with them (create pins, t-shirts, print them out, sell them, anything!! idc!) (#my designs).
though i do have some hashtags i regularly use to keep things somewhat organized, in general, i don't use tags a lot, if ever.
my blog is open to any and all women, even the trans-identified ones. you are all welcome here and i love you (in other terms, my blog is open to all "afabs," even "transmen" and those who are "nonbinary"). if you're on the fence or reconsidering things, you're safe here, i promise.
also, i don't live in america, so my perspective might be different from what you're used to.
it sometimes takes me a while to reply (i.e. days, weeks...) to my messages because my life can get busy at times, but rest assured i will get back to you, and love chatting!! (i sometimes also just come on here to feverishly reblog but don't have the energy to converse, i hope you understand). i don't always reply to every reply on my posts because sometimes there's nothing else left to say! you've summed it up perfectly! but i LOVE reading all replies!!!
my messages are only on for mutuals, and asks are completely off. sometimes i'll turn on asks for an hour or two before turning them back off. on that note, any of my beloved regular anonitas i had, i implore thee to make side accounts so we can chat because i really miss you all, though my asks aren't coming back full time any time soon.
there are more trans activists/trans people turned radfems than there are radfems turned trans activists/trans people—think about why that is.
you're not the only one who thinks these thoughts, i promise you there are SO many women who think the same as you. you just haven't found them yet, or they're in hiding.
i love you! mua!! xx
i also have a sideblog in case things go awry (i get banned for being too wild) and that side blog is: sexisforeverdisgusting
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autosuns · 3 months
Of Ambulon and Pharma and doomed amica endura
I'll preface that I'm the last person to try and explain my ships by how canon they are and this is very much the same case of me just entertaining the idea and what their relationship represents and what role they play in a wider story, this is not an invitation for discourse or a debate. It's just me rambling on why I like the ship so much, think Pharma and Ambulon are narrative foils, while using some canon stuff and word of god.
Jokes about hamburger or hot dog or literally anything regarding Ambulon's death will end in block idc I think it's obnoxious 👍
CW for robot gore, discussions of torture, you know, the package that comes with DJD and Decepticons and MTMTE.
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When it comes to Ambulon and Pharma's relationship, I think it's fair to start with bare bones, yeah?
I'm going to start with each character individually, what my take on them is, so we're all on the same page.
So, the basics are:
Ambulon was part of the failed combiner project of decepticons, the first combiner at that. He has horrible alt mode, that brings him a lot of shame, so he prefers to keep it a secret. He switched to the Autobots, eventually.
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We don't know for certain if he was created for the project, or was one of the "volunteers". What we do know though, is that he's an MTO specifically, not just constructed cold, and MTOs were a concept of war.
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Meaning, he cant be older than the war. Meaning, in my personal opinion, he was either made for some operation, then snatched by Shockwave for the project, or was created already specifically for the project.
There, I think, comes a timeline conflict. It feels unfeasible, to me, that MTOs were made this early into the war, by Decepticons. What I think happened, is that Shockwave did try to experiment on other Decepticons to figure out and develop on Jhiaxus' research, but once MTOs as a concept came into the picture, it became infinitely easier to just have an alt mode pre-made for a mech.
Unless when Shockwave said he was going to give Megatron a gestalt he meant he'll postpone it for 4mil years and do it a little before he succeeded with Devastator so Ambulon deserting LITERALLY as he is picked out for the combiner project JUST to avoid it makes this line from him especially funny:
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Boy for all we know you're not even 15 years old.
Also the idea that character like Ambulon did that out of some sort of cowardice, that THIS was his breaking point to join Autobots, feels wrong.
In-text it becomes even less likely Ambulon had a life before the project, as his name "Ambulon" seems to be the only one he ever had (judging by his statue post on Necroworld).
I think why I'm getting a Little long-winded explaining Ambulon is to draw a better picture on his experience with Decepticons, Specifically Shockwave.
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That to say, he had a horrible one. He knows better than anyone what Decepticons are capable of and how far they will go/what Megatron would allow. Especially once DJD comes into the picture.
And it just emphasizes the way Ambulon in the end of it all chose kindness. The first issues he appeared in cement it very well, especially since most of his intro we get from First Aid's point of view.
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Ambulon is tetchy, can be a gearstick sometimes
Ambulon took pity on the Decepticons he thought were hunted down by the DJD
Ambulon convinced Pharma to let them stay
The Genericons showed their scars to Ambulon specifically
Ambulon gets passionate about hate crimes concerning one's shape/alt mode
Ambulon is "tetchy" and rejects First Aid's idea because he's concerned that it's too risky
For Ambulon to put your own life on the line to save a single life is an act of selfishness (also stemming out of his concern for First Aaid, imo)
Ambulon let the Genericons share a cell
To sum it up: Ambulon is very greatly concerned for the greater good and treating people without bias, Decepticon or Autobot, especially when there's any sort of discrimination involved.
(Using Genericons and Triple M as a tool with Ambulon was a very clever foreshadowing for Ambulon's situation, but it is a general theme that runs in these issues and Ratchet's/medics character arcs, it's the functionism, one's shape and purpose in life, but it is a completely different post to make. Just let's keep the theme of one's shape and purpose in mind.)
The thing is, Ambulon is who he is by choice. His Decepticon past is always showing, whether he wants it or not, but all he wants, essentially, is to help people and treat them with kindness. He's a "gearstick", but he's a gearstick with a big spark. He saw the greater cruelty in Decepticons and made a choice to never participate in it.
Ambulon is an MTO who made his life and became what he wants to be despite everything: Decepticons, his alt-mode, biases, all of that. He's true to himself and his intentions.
I'm gonna also get this out of the way that Ambulon's established character is continuously ignored, dumbed down and twisted: the point is that I do believe JRO didn't think about him that much or that deep, and what he did with him did not retain with him into further issues. That is to say, "You're gonna let Dr DJD cut us in half?" is a dumb fucking line to come out of Ambulon specifically, makes no sense, too snarky and cruel all things considered, and while I think it's also very funny it jsut shows Ambulon's accidental insignificance. Ok. That's all.
Oh boy this one's a doozy. Okay, listen, I'll try to get more brief with it, try to get straight to the point, but Pharma has so much nuance around him on a greater scheme of things that it might also just be it's own post. SO we'll just try to focus on his persona and relations to others.
Pharma is a doctor of talent on par with Ratchet, if not actually better. He used to be friends with him, he's implied to have used to do medical service in the new institute, and eventually was stationed on Delphi by Prowl, practically abandoned by Ratchet. There, he ends up being blackmailed by Tarn, ending up killing his patients to meet the increasing quota, being led to the brink of creating a virus that he exposes the facility to in hope to close it down and escape it scot-free. Obviously, because of Ratchet, it didn't work, the rest is history.
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Unlike Ambulon with his 3 panels and a half of screentime worth talking about character-wise, Pharma is a combination of multiple things at once, his place as an Autobot, his connection to the DJD, his act, and most of his actual character we get from very few shots of him from the past and what people say of him, and just a little of his behavior at Delphi before his crime is revealed.
So I think we'll focus specifically on the Decepticon part when it comes to Pharma cuz it's much easier to talk about.
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Pharma vehemently, without hiding it, hates Decepticons.
It will go into even bigger field of speculations than trying to piece Ambulon's character together for why he hates them so much. It could both just be a thrown in line for the story to flow (Genericons) and act as a foreshadowing (DJD blackmail), the fact of the matter is, he hates Decepticons, he does not have pity for Decepticons, and if DJD did not play into his hatred, years of war for sure did.
(Also worth mentioning that in the issue #4, the paralleling story is Tailgate learning about the war and backing off on his decision to be a Decepticon. The entire build up works very well, imo, and plays into just how much it should hit you when Pharma turns out providing for DJD, along with the choice of Ambulon to not be a Decepticon anymore.)
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You see, I think Pharma is incredibly caring person. He cares for his patients and he cares for his people. He takes his work extremely seriously. He's willing to be a donor for his patient and he's still conducting research to cure illnesses when there was no legitimate point for him to do that anymore. He's not just a surgeon, but he's a virologist/epidemiologist.
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But, probably when we ask ourselves, "So if he was such a wonderful doctor, equal to Ratchet, someone Ratchet recognizes, why wasn't he the Chief Medical Officer in the first place?"
I think it's mostly his personality. It's his hubris and ego. It's also the inherent societal bias of Cybertron when it comes to jets - though this part of worldbuilding isn't that consistent, he is a forged jet AND a doctor.
And that's also why I think he doesn't believe in that "forged" functionism bullshit. BUT thats another post of its own (take a shot every time i say that in this post).
Let's just bullet point this:
Pharma is a talented doctor who's good and dedicated to his job. Practically nothing is impossible for him and it becomes a focal point of his conflict with Ratchet, too.
That said, Pharma's shape is what, I think, is responsible for his hubris. He's a jet, he's forged, he's a doctor, but he's a doctor because HE, PHARMA, is good. Nothing to do with some God. (which is different from Ratchet's internalized functionism)
Pharma hates Decepticons, he tried to kill the DJD, and it may seem like he pushed it all on Ambulon because he was a Decepticon, but I don't think that's the case. Specifically because of this:
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He does not see Ambulon as a Decepticon, and it was just panicked shitty lie he had to quickly come up with on the spot.
Pharma feels guilt for his actions, and after killing Ambulon, he's actively taunting First Aid to kill him.
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Pharma is a jet doctor trapped in the loop of self-sabotage after being exploited, psychologically tortured and left for dead, after a poor attempt of saving face. Pharma is a jet doctor who embraced his new look, but couldn't live with it, far from accepting it. Furthermore, his body is used by Adaptus himself, where the only thing he could do is trying to get his body back, to help his comrades, only to end up dying, again.
That's where I'm going to use a single word of God that makes, all in all, a lot of sense.
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"Grurdging respect" is about best way to describe Pharma and Ambulon.
Now since I've reached the image limit on this post it's relentless rambling and speculations time!
You probably can already tell where I'm going with this. I think Pharma and Ambulon direct inversions of each other.
Decepticon gone Autobot as a choice - Autobot gone rogue out of blackmail and fear of failure
MTO doing what he wants to do and taking control of his body and life, disconnected from a gestalt or his "purpose" - A forged jet trying to continue his career of a doctor despite all the odds but who's agency is continuously taken, not only by others but by his own ego
Where they overlap, is their desire to do what they want. Where they differ, is one's sincerity and other's toxicity.
Ambulon is someone Pharma would never be, and someone he, on meta level, wishes he was more like. He doesn't want to be Ratchet, even if we think a little about his obsession and desire to prove to Ratchet that he's better, he wants to be someone Ratchet would respect. And in the end of the day, it all didn't matter anymore, because clearly Ratchet never respected him enough in the first place: "waging a war on his body", taking body parts for his own gain (hands), that Pharma didn't even really care about anymore. It was personal. He wanted Ratchet to hurt.
All of this, ultimately, is justified. Little who would respond to knowing someone who betrayed you (and whom you, also, betrayed) also breached boundaries of your autonomy. It's just basic decency. I don't believe TFs never heard of that or don't follow it, in some fashion. Maybe it's more loose, but for the purpose of drama and villification of Pharma, it was convenient, I guess.
See, Pharma is just inherently, like anyone, very flawed. The circumstance he's put in and the war led to the worst of his qualities spike. And in relation to Ambulon, it's the inverse of a person who, having seen the horrors of the war, having been through the horror and the existential dread of being in a gestalt, chose kindness anyway.
"Grudging respect". A jet doctor, a genius, and an ex-soldier MTO, who made the choice of helping people. An ex-Decepticon, too, no less.
See how it could've developed into something more?
Both eager to do their job, Ambulon is a perfect stabilizer for Pharma's general emotional response to things. He may be a good doctor, but he's prone to acting and saying things before really thinking about it. Ambulon is capable of convincing him and giving a good argument, without it being personal.
"Grudging respect" with Ambulon working with one of the best doctors out there, who's work is going to be invaluable even after his death.
And if things worked out differently? Do you think Ambulon wouldn't be there to sympathize with Pharma's trauma regarding DJD? Do you think Ambulon wouldn't pity Pharma for what Tarn put him through? Ambulon? The Decepticon who was there? The one who even should fear DJD the most? The one who might've even triggered DJD once he was so close on the radar?
He might've confided in Pharma in the first place, as someone literally second in charge after him.
Pharma and Ambulon are defying Adaptus as a societal concept, among with the existential idea of your shape dictating your purpose. And within the text they don't just defy, they end up suffering the most out of it - Pharma ends up in a position where his hands are praised more than he, as a person, is, Ambulon dies by these hands, and his death dooms Pharma as well.
I hope it was comprehensive enough, i WISH i could include more images to prove my point. The amica endura would've been insane. If only the circumstance was different.
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killroadz · 1 year
"𝘐 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘤 ,𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘰 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦. 𝘕𝘰 𝘴𝘺𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 ,𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳!"
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last time updated: 3/12/2023
On this blog my name is Roadkill
My pronouns are He/They/It. (Idc what pronouns you use for me just don't use She/Her pronouns)
I am 15years old so I am a minor. So that should already answer your question if I do NSFW requests.
I am naturally friendly, (don't let my shit attitude fool ya) so don't be afraid to send me a request or sum.
I am often forgetful and I procrastinate a lot so if you end up sending me a request, don't expect me to get to it asap, cuz I won't. I have a life (surprisingly)
I don't usually proofread, so if I misspell smth on my posts or whatever, PLEASE, for the sake of my existence don't be afraid to correct me.
My schedule of updates is really rough so expect a update once or twice a month.
I'm so sorry I don't update much, I have a lot of writers block.
My old Creepypasta blog was @r0tt3nlungs (L bozo fucking died)
Creepypastas I Usually Write For
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer
Homicidal Liu/Sully
Eyeless Jack
Toby Rogers
Nina the Killer
Sally Williams
Ben Drowned
Bloody Painter
Smile Dogs
Grinny Cat
Laughing Jack
(PS: Masky and Hoodie are in my Crp AU, but I won't write for them cuz I don't want to)
Characters I Will Not Under Any Circumstances Write For (unless you're paying me)
Offenderman: literal fucking r*pist
Splendorman or any of the Happypastas: general dislike.
Judge Angels: general dislike.
Julius the Dressmaker
Any Marble Hornets character
Any EverymanHYBRID character
thats abt it tbh.
Rules and DNI
DNI: Proshippers/Anti-Anti (or if you're neutral on the subject), MAPS(or supporters), TERFS, Harry Potter fans, South Park fans, NSFW accounts/Minor DNI accounts, Snuffbomb supporters, Offenderman stans, Racists
General Rules
For the love of fucking god, do not like my shit without a reblog. It geuninely pisses me off to 0 end, and you will be blocked. (I don't mind spam liking/reblogging, its just when you like and leave with 0 reblog that pisses me off)
Do not ask me for NSFW requests, the closest I'll ever get to NSFW is a minor sex joke.
If you're younger than 13 fucking go away. (Why tf are you even on Tumblr.)
I do not do Creepypasta x S/O shit, there is already an annoying amount of those.
if ur gonna send a request please make it somewhat specific, if you don't specify what kind of headcanons you want im going to give you general headcanons.
(that's about it ig)
I hope you enjoy the bullshit that comes on my blog and have a safe 2023
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retracexcviii · 3 years
Copyright anon. Frankly, as an artist who also cleans manga panels for my own personal use, and makes edits. Who also is friends with a lot of artists and even shared that post with them who have agreed you cannot ask for credit on an edit thats not your work.
You are a reposter. You cannot ask for credit on things you repost. Artists also don't ask you to edit their work????? You're not the artist and that page literally just says WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS ILLEGAL! Idc that you're reposting like do whatever but asking for credit isn't something you can do. You don't own ANYTHING! You might of worked hard thats great and fantastic but its still not your work.
You're right you also didn't need to respond but you did because you felt needed to defend yourself because you're wrong. You didn't need to give an artist a lecture on why a reposter/art thief needs their work credited.
Hi again, copyright anon. It is like"mucho texto" in my mind so I will try to resume.
As you said, every time I use a image from the manga for do whatever I am nothing more than a reposter.
As you said, that page literally just says WHAT I AM DOING IS ILLEGAL!
As you said, I felt the needed to defend myself.
As you said, I am wrong.
Now then, to sum up that I am a thief, a reposter, that I am wrong and that I deserve to be in the jail (I am not writing this with irony). You and your friends say I cannot ask and me and myself say that I will still ask for credit in my edits.
I am not being sarcastic when I say that what I do is wrong but hey, me as I am, selfish, stubborn and very silly I will keep asking for credit in my edits.
Again, I know what I do is wrong. I just act blind to the fact that is wrong to be a little happier. I will keep doing edits, sharing here and there and asking for credit.
I am not a big profile with something to gain or lose for answer your anon questions. I do it, as you said, for my irremediable feeling of defending myself because I like quiet things and you have brought me things that I feel like riot (tbh, the theme is a riot so I deserve riot) and so I take the opportunity so that the fandom know my intentions a little better. If you dont agree, dont like what I say or dont like me I invite you to stop following me and I advise to block me. Because if there is no greater cause, I will not change.
And to end, I do not like to see negative stuff in the my profile so I end this "thread" here. If you want to continue this I advise you to look for me here or there and open a conversation.
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