#if you couldn't tell for whatever reason this is satire
clownhoodieguy · 1 year
You roll your tube of toothpaste up to reduce waste and get your money's worth,
I roll it up because I'm too lazy to bend over and get another tube from the cabinet.
We are not the same.
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nabbit-unmasked · 3 months
Thinking about when time when I was in Reddit therian and otherkin communities.
Once time, I made a google slides presentation for myself with positivity about being C.A.R. kin, and every single being supported me except this one exclusionist guy. He called me controversial and had a whole argument with me in the comments.
He was very strict about who he saw as a valid otherkin and gatekeeped others to hell and back. It wasn't just with me and being an African nation, but he pretty much nitpicked everyone he saw. If there was anything about them that didn't match his perfect standard of being an 100% involuntary, monokin/very few kin, non-physical, completely serious, not seeking validation, mythical creature otherkin, he found a way to argue with you and tell you what he thought you should be. This man was in his 20s and talking to a bunch of experimental/new-to-kin teenagers about this stuff, mind you.
Later on, my and a fellow otherkin friend messaged a user that he was, once again, gatekeeping and invalidating. I believe it was because they were original species kin, but I'm not quite sure. Either way, they reported him and he was banned the next day (thank goodness).
When I was in Reddit spaces, this wasn't all that uncommon either. He was just a more extreme example. People did make fun of "tumblr kins", which I believe was a satirical/troll movement a couple years back that made fun of bizzare kintypes and experiences. But the same idea still stuck; sometimes, tumblr was known as the place with a bunch of fakers and confused teens with 50+ kintypes, which is extremely indicative of "faking" in reddit spaces.
I admit that I partook in it gatekeeping, too. Specifically in therian spaces: it was extremely common for young & new therians to come in and ask if they were a valid therian, and a few people would reply and tell them the usual spiel: "as long as you aren't controlling it and you dont think you're physically an animal and you identify as not with, then yes!!!!"
When I found the r/alterhuman subreddit instead of other big kin subreddits, I totally changed my views on who counted as a "real therian/otherkin/whatever-else-kin". If you identify as it, you are it, and only you can decide that for yourself. It's no one else's decision, because they aren't in your mind.
That's when I left Reddit and came over here.
I realized something that could have been useful years ago when I was experiencing impostor syndrome over my plurality.
If you think you're faking, what's the reason for that? Is it because you feel like you subconsciously chose to be the way you are? Is it because you got hyperfixated on the community you're in? Is it because you dont experience any of the common or "more serious" traits of your identity?
Chances are, whatever it is that's making you feel that way is actually valid. Gatekeepers will try to shape their communities into the perfect mold that their brain sees them as, or as the people around them have made it out to seem. In reality, the ideal community is completely subjective and imaginary. There is no one, no force, no ideology that can stop you from identifying the way you do. It's entirely mental, individual, and personal. Theoretically, I could put on any label that I wanted to right now, and no one but myself could stop me.
After I realized I could apply that to myself, I understood most of my imposter syndrome came from the fact that my autism clung to communities and made me subconsciously gravitate to them due to hyperfixation. I always tried to find reasons why that couldn't be true, but I realized I didn't have to do that anymore. I accepted that was essentially what was happening. If someone did develop their identity, subconsciously or not, due to a hyperfixation, that was valid. When I built my own moral compass and stopped gatekeeping others, I was then able to stop gatekeeping my own self.
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septembersghost · 1 year
received an ask that was asked not to be posted, but because of it, and because of the thread sent around this morning, i want to tell you why i never find casual or "satirical" antisemitism or racism funny or acceptable: when i was in highschool, i was horribly bullied. pick a reason - i was out of district with affluent kids, so they made fun of me for being poor, for my clothes, for my curly hair, for my body, for my shyness, for my interests, whatever. in 10th grade, we had to do semester long comprehensive projects/presentations on a topic in modern european history. i chose the holocaust. as difficult as i knew this would be to study with intent, i made this choice because members of my extended family were lost, because we had a dear family friend who was a survivor (wrote a book and ran a shoah museum), and because i was old enough that i needed to try and understand, because this shadow of horror and grief had always been a part of my jewish heritage. when the kids who bullied me realized this, the torment became explicitly antisemitic. i won't repeat some of things they said, but it's still burned into my brain. they mocked anything they could. told me all jewish girls are ugly. and far worse. eventually, a couple of the girls emailed me actual nazi propaganda. one stole a beloved star of david necklace of mine and threw it in a dumpster (i never got it back). because this was concrete proof, we went to administration, and they suspended the girls for a week. the boys who'd made the very worst "jokes" couldn't be reprimanded because i couldn't prove bullying via speech. they kept doing it, just changed tactics. i was told later we could've pressed what happened further as a hate crime, but tbh i don't think i would've had the strength for that. i just kept my head down and tried to survive it until they got bored. they engaged in "joking" racism and misogyny too. they did "ironic" h*il salutes and laughed about ovens. it wasn't humor, it was bigotry. it left permanent emotional scars, not just on me. and those types of jokes? they inflame and encourage and embolden very real and dangerous white supremacy. so yeah. i never find that funny and i never am able to brush it off. if that's oversensitive, fine. i'd rather be oversensitive than callous. and i feel the imperative to listen to people when they're hurt.
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There was one instance back in like 2018 or so where one lib-soc type made a variant of that one comic that involves the US flag crashing through a wall (you know the one) to satire Marxists or whatever and one of the talking points they inserted was "actually Stalin was black." I can only assume this was their response to it being brought to their attention that Stalin was born in Georgia (and to a lesser extent also the possibility that they were told that Lenin was Jewish and possibly also of distant Mongolian descent) and you know there's a fair difference between making a hyperbolic strawman of someone's argument for memetic effect and "even Plastic Man couldn't make that reach." I feel as if this incident is symptomatic of a larger issue wherein westerners just automatically assume for whatever reason that the entire populace of another country is a racially/ethnically/culturally homogenous entity. It calls to mind two years ago where we had to have a litany of posts telling people that there are Palestinians that are Jewish, Christian, black, gay, etc.
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the-missann · 1 year
I'm such a 🤡
Pride Month is almost over and I wish I would have came up with this idea sooner so I could pan it out instead of shoving it all into one post.
All is well however and I'll still do it before the month is over!
So, I wanted to let it be known that I sometimes write queer characters into my stories and I'm too much of a perfectionists to write them wrong. Days or research goes into each character who fits under the lgbtq+ umbrella.
So here I wanna detail some of these characters just to be sure I'm not getting anything wrong (of course I'm straight, so unfortunately there will still be some issues)
Brown and Pink
These two girls literally do not have a name because it's a unfinished story I have no ideas for lol. However, I have the plot "finished" in my head, it's just a matter of writing the story.
But, Brown is a IT major who has the biggest crush on a girl she sees around her campus. Not wanting to freak the girl out, she simply is her friend. However, Brown also has a crush on the creator of a queer webcomic artist. Not only does she love the comic, she loves the personality if the artist as well, so she lives an average college life until Pink calls her one day with a delimma.
Pink is super cute in my head, shes actually just a black uwu girl and I love it. (Btw, they're both black). Pink is also pretty shy and is often to herself, so when she calls Brown, she knows it has to be for something serious.
Pink explains she needs help because someone hacked into her "Webtoon" account and she can't log in anymore. Being bad with technology, she calls the only person she can think to help, which also happens to be the girl she's drawing the comic about. I think you know where this is going.
This whole story is a satire, but Mandy is my attempt at a Pansexual. Mandy is brought into the story because she flirts with everyone. The main characters in the story are actually introduced to her when she approaches them at a park wondering if they'd be willing to go on a double date, she doesn't even care who she goes with out of group 1 female and 2 males. However, she's not just pan for no reason.
Her family isn't supportive of her in the slightest--even before she realized she was pan--so she acted out. Did whatever she wanted with whoever she wanted and at some point realized it wasn't just acting out, but apart of who she is. She truly has love for everyone in any form they come in.
This story also has abilities and powers, Mandy has the ability to see what others can't. I have a ghost character in this story and she's able to see him despite him being turning himself invisible, just to give you an example.
He is a character I often have as the twin brother of my MC Cassie. He's been gay since I can remember (he's a mad old character). His boyfriend originally was a "trap" since as a kid that's usually what I saw in Yaoi and BL, but when I got older, I didn't wanna fall into that stereotype too much and instead made his boyfriend a soft boi.
Ren is also very aggressive to somewhat combat the stereotype that all gay men are feminine and weak. I also added a personality trait that Ren is easily influenced by men, but that's to normalize him as, come on, anyone who's straight reading this, you mean to tell me you're not more swayed by someone you find attractive/your type? Come on, don't lie.
Ren more so acts as a normal sibling to his sister, but he just so happens to be gay.
Just because I talked about Ren, I have to talk about his boyfriend. As I said, originally he was a trap character, but I felt that was kind of... Gross for lack of a better word that I couldn't write a male character who appeared as a man in a gay relationship. It felt like I had to still write a "straight" relationship masquerading as a gay one.
But Mari is still super adorable. He's meant to be really cute and soft to contrast Ren's aggressive demeanor. He's passive, but can still stand up for himself and he's usually a voice of reason when Ren is being irrational.
These next two are the couple in an erotica I'm writing. With the first book drafted and the second in the works I can tell you a but about him without spoiling the story.
Kit is a hard working voice actor who's the absolute worst to be around lol. He's made to be very high strung and unbearable, demanding people do more work than they're already doing.
However, he's good at what he does so people still love him. Even when he comes out as gay, his fans still love him and support anything he wants to do. I actually love writing Kit because I get to be unreasonably annoying when I write him haha.
Also, their story was made after I got an idea about making a story with a "cat dude and a dog dude" they're not actually animals, they just have personalities like some. In this case, Kit is a cat personality and actually owns a black cat.
Phelan is built to be the total opposite of Kit. He's kind, caring, charming, nice, and sweet. It's actually so healing to write him because he's so nice it almost bleeds into my life.
He's also written to never really take insults. Not because he's dense and can't understand them, but because he just doesn't really care when people insult him. Case and point is his boyfriend, Kit. From belittling to outright insulting, Kit has done and said every bad thing there is to say to Phelan, yet, the golden retriever can't seem to resent the black cat.
Phelan is actually very pursuant and tries his hardest to get into a relationship with Kit because... Well, if you ever read it, you'll find out why~
Side note, I wanna talk about his ethnicity. Because since Kit is meant to be a "cat" he's obviously a dog, specifically he owns like three golden retrievers. However, this made me imagine him as a white/fair skinned male; but when I was self-editing the story, he started coming off as some kind of poc. I'm not sure what group, but he gave me vibes of a poc. An example is that as a voice actor, he was asked by a friend to voice a character and almost everyone at that place is a poc (Black/African-American, Filipino, and Hispanic) so I thought "why would they invite some random white guy?" It just seemed to on the "checking the ethnic diversity box" and I'm sure some would assume I only included a white character because there just had to be one. Man I really wish I had a concept artist just to see what version of him matches more.
I made the story he's in around the time I started to learn about trans people. The story's whole plot revolves around three kids coming of age in a ever changing world. Specifically, Cassie's plot is her coming to terms with who she is. Not a shy, introverted young girl but a passionate and determined young woman.
So, I wanted to represent her change in a physical manner and when I was learning about trans issues, I decided to add it as a physical showcase of her development.
Gabe is a trans man who wants to mentor Cassie after seeing some potential in her. While I'm not finished with the story, I do know there's a conversation I was going to put in there where Gabe reveals to Cassie he's trans because he feels she's going through a similar struggle he did as a child. Not feeling like he could properly express himself or identify in the way he felt most comfortable in.
And those are all my most prominent queer characters! I would love to add more, that would require me to learn more so I don't portray harmful stereotypes and can characterize them properly.
But, thank you for reading and I hope you can write well tonight or tomorrow; and...
Happy Pride Month!
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
wait wait i have an idea :0
how about about a reader (GN or male, your choice) who's in the badminton club and like, they're really fond of tendou but because they're really awkward, they never approach and opt to staring from afar. it ticks tendou off and he builds up the courage to ask the reader about it (while planning to intimidate them cause he thinks they dont like him) but when the reader actually tells him how they feel, tendou just stands there for a few seconds before going "oh" and his face is just full on red.
hhskshsjshs can you tell ive been having tendou brainrot lately?
Hate Me
Warnings - cursing, tendou doesn't like you at first :(
Note: Totaly wasn't qorking on this on and off all day and hating the way it came out...haha...who would ever... Anywho, I trust Tendou simps
Male Reader
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It's not easy to tick off Tendou Satori.
He's always considered himself a people guy ever since he became a middle blocker. Every now and again he can get scary on the court, sure, but it's not like he's mean or disdainful.
Sardonic, sure. Cynical, sarcastic, monstrous, even satirical sometimes. Hot tempered though, that was one that could never really apply to him.
Even on the extra special occasion that he does harbour a dislike for someone, he wouldn't expect it to be some awkward passive guy on the badminton club.
"Tendou, you are glaring again," Ushijima casually points out.
Tendou, (startled), looks up at Ushijima from where he had his head in his hands. "Was not," he muttered, childishly putting his head back over top of his crossed arms. He definitely was, but for the sake of his own pride he decided not to disclose that information to his best friend.
Ushijima didn't say anything else.
In Tendou's mind, his innate dislike of you was justified. You were always just...staring at him. At the beginning it didn't make him to angry. He just thought you were zoning out in his direction. That's not a bad assumption, after all he's seen it in others before.
That didn't last long though. The longer it went on, the more Tendou realized that you weren't just gazing in his direction on accident. To make matters worse, the frown and conflicted look in your face made it seem like you had it out for him.
Maybe he thought that you were like those kids in grade school, (though he doesn't care too much anymore), or maybe you harboured a deeper dislike of him as a person. Whatever it was, Tendou was not having it.
While Tendou had his death glare on you, you were biting the inside of your lip with furrowed brows. This was one of the few times you didn't have your eyes on him, which of course Tendou took as an invitation to glare through your soul.
You weren't sure of just what you were doing wrong.
After all, Tendou seemed like an easy going guy! That's sort of why you took to admiring him in the first place. (The other reason is that you couldn't think of any way to actually interact with him). You didn't really know how to say it, but you were...fond of him. You liked his hair and his extroverted nature and how good he is at his sport. You really just want to cuddle with him and do all those sappy-gross couple things.
It was infuriating how hard it was! You have been so close to talking to him before, so close. You, on three separate occasions, have devised a plan to talk to him and be all charming, earning his affections in the process. Woo the pretty guy, score a boyfriend, get to cuddle with him so that you no longer feel weird thinking about it alone at night.
Of course, those three plans never really went through and you chickened out. At least you tried, right? It's the thought that counts. In any occasion, you were pretty sure that you'd never be able to tell him.
So Tendou decided to take matters into his own lanky hands!
...By intimidating the shit out of you and hoping you'd be too scared to continue looking at him.
You two are really two sides of the same coin at this point.
Ushijima didn't agree with the plan.
To which, of course, Tendou replied "You don't need to Wakatoshi-kun!"
Again Ushijima didn't push the matter further. He may not be the brightest, but he does understand when someone's a fan and when they don't like you. You were very clearly a fan, but in the true spirit of friendship, Ushijima allowed Tendou to figure it out by himself.
Truth be told, Tendou's 'plan' wasn't really a plan. His genius plan, (much different from yours), was to be as scary as possible to deter you from looking at him any further. Clean and simple, no problems, issue resolved and life back to normal.
What he hadn't counted on however, was how this plan had him stalking around the badminton club room in the dark like a weirdo. His club had just ended, and by all reasoning, yours should also be over by now. He didn't really know if you were going to go to the club room, but he can wait.
And wait he did for near ten minutes.
You didn't see him at first, which was surprising considering how freakishly tall he is. You were just trying to put your racket away, though that simple mindset was quickly tarnished when you heard someones footsteps a little too close you your back to be safe. You narrowed your eyes. It was getting old how much your friends tried to scare you.
Turning around though, you didn't see the grinning face of your friend. Instead, you were greeted by glinting red eyes.
You froze up.
Tendou somehow looked even more terrifying than when he was on the court. "Tendou...san?" Your voice came out softer, weaker than you would have liked. Tendou reached to turn on the light, (finally). He seemed less like a horror movie killer and more like a high school bully now.
"What are you doing?" You nervously shuffled your feet.
"The better question," Tendou's glare hardened. He leaned closer to your face. "Is what the hell you've been getting at?"
"What?" You looked obviously confused. More confused than he would like.
"Don't act like you don't know," Tendou rolled his eyes and stepped closer, herding you back into the wall.
You put your hands up. "Know what?"
He huffed. "What's your problem with me?"
"I don't- I don't have a problem with you."
"It's true!" You bit your bottom lip, attempting not to stammer. In your defense, it was rather hard to keep a cool head here. Tendou was way closer to you than he'd ever been in the past. His body heat, (surprisingly warm, you noticed), was melting any resolve you had like an ice cube in his pale hands.
"I just really- really like you! Y'know, what with your...everything, really." You nervously trailed off under his gaze. You couldn't really say that you wanted to tape his fingers before his games, or be able to wear his jersey in the stands. That'd be weird.
Tendou, on the other hand, looked like he'd just walked in on someone changing. You just said what you thought he said, right?
He, red in the face, stammered out an "oh."
You smiled at him softly, nerves jumping into your throat. You just told him. Then your face fell. You just told him. Truth be told, the look of utter despair on your face to him was...kind of cute. Which he understands might be a weird thing to say, but it was true.
You chuckled. "I'm, uh, (l/n). We should get properly introduced."
He shook his head and held out his hand. "Satori. Uh- Tendou. Tendou...Satori."
You chuckled. "I know."
"Tendou, stop moving around so much," you rolled your eyes back playfully.
"Sorry sorry," he huffed.
You continued to work on the tape around his fingers, a determined look playing across your face. Tendou sighed dreamily, his eyes shifting to look at his jacket over your shoulders. After all, you were his boyfriend. You expect him not to admire you every chance he got?
Thank god Ushijima didn't tell him.
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capuletoo · 3 years
Is this how we end?- Ethan Torchio
—note: ok first time writing outside of the ahs fandom. Also i hate this, its so different from what i normally write.
—summary: Ethan starts prioritizing music
—words: 779
—tw: angst?
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Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system [insert host number] is not available. At the tone, please record your message. When you’ve finished recording, you may hang up or press one for more options.
The “beep” sounded shortly after.
“I think you know the drill at this point. I say something inspirational, you eat it up, and we both move on with our lives. It’s nothing new, and quite frankly, its kind of a waste of time. Why? Because no matter what happens, you are going to write something, and you will stress about every single detail until it meets your standard for perfection. In fact, you’d rather compromise your drum skills. Only playing songs that already exist, but never making one yourself. Or just another satire instead of being a composer for your “imperfect” song.
Saying that out loud just made me realize that all of your songs are imperfect l, but that's a can of worms I’m not ready to open yet.
Writing songs is a world of disappointment sometimes. You'll sit around like a lazy idiot and wait for the last minute rush to hit your brain cells until some half-baked idea pours out of your brain. Then, you actually write it. All the silly little metaphors and phrases you've been waiting to use come pouring out, until thirty seconds of research makes you realize that none of them actually makes sense.
Whatever. You move on, undeterred, and let the song finish itself. Or just hand your drafts to the other band members, hoping they like it. Then it 's over.
What I'm basically trying to say is that the process is extremely predictable, and that's okay. Is it slow torture? Yes. Does it always guarantee success? Absolutely not. Will you keep doing it? Of course.
Because songwriting it's all you've ever known.
I'll leave you with an unfinished rough draft to reflect on as you contemplate your next song
The silence was loud after that.
The phone sits on your hands as you remember what you just said. Was it too rough? Did it go too far? You thought.
There was only one reason you recorded that voice mail: him.
Ethan and you. You exhaled a sarcastic laugh. It was better to call it: Ethan and music. You felt dirty thinking about it. Felt guilty, and felt selfish. Music is his life. You started wondering if you ever been something to him.
It wasn't always like this.
In the beginning, everything was just as beautiful as his lifestyle, and wasn't very much different from what you imagined dating a rockstar would be like. You just liked the adrenaline of it.
Ethan liked it too.
But now he felt like your boyfriend, just like how the airbnb in summer feels like home.
Just temporary.
But still everyday you thought about him, every single detail of him never slipped past you. You still have a lot of things to tell him. Let him know how he was awkward when you first met and how a part of you laughed at him. Just seeing him beside his friends that were so different and yet you couldn't imagine him with anyone else.
“He's Ethan,” Victoria said, hugging him with one arm. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. Victoria just laughed “Excuse him, he's not very good with words”
You sat beside him, love how you sat the same way as him. Your body felt like it was meant to be next to his forever.
Looking back at that moment you realized that you knew you were truly, profoundly, fucked but never did something about it.
There's been some days since you've known something about Ethan, you never knew where he was, or what he's doing. At first you just let it slide, as Victoria said he's not the best with words, but it just felt different this time.
Barely texting, not even answering the phone, leading to leaving useless voicemails that you wondered if he even listened to them.
“Don't worry, he's just busy with work” Thomas said once. A look that you couldn't decipher appeared on his face.
“He just seems to be busier than the rest of the band” You said.
“He's been stuck with this idea for a song, but he just can't make it up” Damiano added after. He grabbed your hand. You looked at him. His eyes just told you he felt sorry for you.You were embarrassed you probably looked like an idiot. “It's getting late…i'll drive you home”
You thought you'd have him forever…whatever that means. But he’ll always be with music first.
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emilococo · 2 years
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It's been a long time,
but I'm finally sharing this old art of mine.
This cartoon illustration depicts the band 'Keane' in a battle with the 3 main characters of the children's cartoon 'Bobinogs'. For those who are fortunate to have not heard of this show (and I don't blame you), Bobinogs was a Welsh cartoon that was aimed at small children; it was about this band that consisted of the same instruments as Keane. Each episode would have them tackle a certain social skill or topic, which would end with the band making a song about it.
The reason why I did such a satirical drawing was to illustrate my distaste for it. In the past, I've gone on record stating it to be one of the worst animated TV shows that I've ever seen. Now how could I be so brutal to what seems like an innocent cartoon, that you might even call subpar?
It certainly had a promising premise, but what got my goat about this series was that the execution squanders any potential it might've had. My problem with the plots is that they fall flat, they don't do anything to stand out from other kids' shows. It doesn't know how to harmonize the lessons with its storytelling. But rather, it hits these dumb cliches to pander to its target audience. Whatever concepts it uses don't have a sound basis. Not to mention that the stories are awfully formulaic.
There's also this recurring gag with the 'bobinoculars' that the characters use to observe whatever the episode is about. Which shows live-action footage of children with the Bobinog's commenting over it. Once again, my problem with this gag is that rather than have the characters go through the situation themselves; they use what is essentially a literal plot device. What should be a wrap-around segment shouldn't be part of the narrative. If you don't want to tell a linear story, fine; but this isn't how you allure any audience. The commentaries aren't even funny or likable.
As for the characters. Not only are the 3 main characters bland, but they come off as stupid. These 3 can make music, yet they have no idea about any basic social skills (then again, they're not good musicians anyway). Moronic characters are funny because of how they react to their settings and when there's someone sensible to work off from. The problem is that these 3 are daft in the same way; they don't have any contrasting personalities (not like Ed, Edd n Eddy). The supporting characters don't leave an impact either and are less-interesting archetypes. As a result, I couldn't care less about their struggles.
Visually, the animation quality is insipid even by the standards of Flash animation at the time. I'm sure they didn't master the application at the time, but still, the movements are minimalistic and the designs are bland and basic. The musical sequences are nothing remarkable or artistic. The same goes for the songs themselves, they're so generic, juvenile, and forgettable that I'd rather listen to bad pop music.
Is it any wonder that most people don't know about it? I understand this show was made for little kids, but that doesn't give the makers the excuse not to try. That's what irked me about Bobinogs, is that it thinks that kids will watch any inept Bobi-rubbish made with little care or effort. It has all the passion and soul of a below-average celebrity cartoon. If there's anything noteworthy about it, it showed me what not to do when writing for children. Any child who did see this probably grew out of it, but if you still find value in it; tell me how. The very existence of this cartoon and its inception is something only they and the creators know. Bottom line; this show's bad and it should feel bad.
Done in Watercolour and Ink
Made in 2012
Bobinogs belongs to its respected owners and creators.
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