#if you believe that olphix couldn't walk up to gwyn and just obliterate him in seconds
not-poignant · 6 years
Why did Olphyx send Eran to Gwyn ? I mean, wouldn't it have been simpler to wipe Eran's memory and drop Mosk off at a tavern somewhere ? That would have been the end of that.
I mean firstly, Olphix didn’t send Eran to Gwyn. He sent him halfway between the Seelie and Unseelie Court, and Eran and Mosk nearly died because of it. And then Mosk tried to kill Eran. Like, Olphix didn’t make it easy for them. Not Mosk nor Eran. And I imagine he liked the idea of ‘assisting’ in his capacity as (fake) King-in-Waiting. Like ‘oh it’s my job to help the Seelie, might as well.’
Secondly, Davix explains some of why they behave the way they do in The Court of Five Thrones:
‘Why do you want me to know about this?’ Gwyn said finally. ‘If you think I cannot stop you.’
‘Because I think you’ll try,’ Davix said, ‘once you realise what I’m up to. I think you deserve a fair chance, seeing as I brought so much harm to your family. Would you buy that I feel guilty?’
‘No,’ Gwyn said, and Davix smiled darkly.
‘Good, then you’re not an entire waste of my time. Because, Gwyn ap Nudd, I enjoy watching people learn of their circumstances, rail and rally against them, only to lose. You know what that’s like, don’t you? It’s amusing, isn’t it? Watching soldiers come at you, feeling that amusement that comes as you enjoy watching them try their very hardest, burn their life away, when all the while you know deep down what the ultimate outcome must be.’
They’re malicious, cruel sadists. And they have never lost.
Well...Davix isn’t doing so great. He kind of lost, lol.
Trust me, Olphix and Davix could probably have killed every fae that ever existed and then their lives would be much easier and much simpler but boy would they have been bored.
The older a fae gets, the more concerned they become in staving off boredom, and making sure their lives are...interesting. We might want something ‘simpler’, and I’ve written villains that just do what’s best strategically (Gavril was very good at eliminating threats early - he ordered Jack’s execution pretty quickly, tbh, once he realised that option was out). But boredom leads to death and is the leading cause of fae death after they’re about 10,000 years old. So yeah, sometimes they no longer do the ‘simple’ thing, they do the thing that is more interesting to them.
Also Olphix is very much not stable right now. Like, if you think with the grief he’s experiencing that he has the capacity to behave super rationally, I mean...he’s just...not in that zone. The most consistent thing we’ve seen so far from him, is that he really enjoys tormenting Mosk.
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