#if you are in stockholm you should come by!! lots of cool art and comics
salamancers · 1 year
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these guys are available as prints and stickers at Stockholms Internationella Seriefestival (SIS) today and tomorrow!
or just look at them here, thats fine too
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borntomecassidy78 · 2 years
Billy Strings' Europe 22 posters, ranked from worst to best
#10 : Cologne, Germany
This one is a little too busy for its own good, evoking some of the worst tropes of psychedelic art. A lot of disparate elements that don't come together. I like a good wizard, but this guy isn't winning me over. Colors are kinda cool.
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#9 : Glasgow, Scotland
I appreciate that the lion is a reference to the local football club, but I find the design underwhelming. The blank background is fine, but II want something a little more interesting than Lion with Billy Strings in the mane. Can't believe this was the tour closer.
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#8 : Berlin, Germany
On first look, this one was a little underwhelming. But I enjoy the dynamic of the little guy and the big robot - reminds me of The Iron Giant, but with even earlier pulp sci-fi aesthetics.
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#7 : Manchester, England
This one is busy, not unlike the Cologne one, but here I get a better sense of what I should be looking at initially, with the busy details adding interesting story elements. This one grew on me.
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#6 : Dublin, Ireland
I appreciate the references to Irish history/architecture. And I love that it's the only horizontal poster in the bunch. But, especially in color, the intense line work starts to grate. Supposed to evoke like fantasy book illustrations, starts to look more like a comic book.
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#6 : Manchester, England
This one is busy, not unlike the Cologne one, but here I get a better sense of what I should be looking at, and what story is being told. We're in some sorta post-apocalypse.
#5 : Amsterdam, Netherlands
This one should probably be lower- it's got the business in design that I've knocked other posters for. This one gets as high as it does due to its subject matter- any drawing of Reptiles playing Bluegrass deserves to be top 5.
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#4 : Copenhagen, Denmark
I appreciate the surrealism - the mustache going through the gauges which turns into the name, the eyeballs. I enjoy that we're getting slight variations on the primary colors. I dig it.
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#3 : London, England
Really enjoying this abstraction - I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking at, but I like it. Evokes the mid-60s London art scene. The pastel purple is especially rare in Billy's posters.
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#2 : Oslo Norway
The monochromatic color scheme and the faces of the figures create an almost melancholy, almost serene scene.
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#1 : Stockholm, Sweden
I mean, just look at it! Strong colors that contrast each other beautifully. You take the name
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Some really fun posters from a really fun tour! Excited to see what Billy and the Boys have for us in 2023!
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finestsage · 7 years
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Hey! This week is ThoughtBubble-week! It’s this super cool comic festival in Leeds, UK and guess what - some of my stuff will be available!
Five years of February is a zine I made 2016 collecting my hourly comics since five years back. It features a year I was jealous of people at the Angoulême comics festival, a year when I’m actually attending said comic festival, and the year I quit my day job and went full time comic artist. Buy it for 2£
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Also, the comic I made this year, Roxy and a cup black as midnight on a moonless night!
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Available for 4£! This is a cute stand alone story. Here are two of my cool friends holding it at the Stockholm International Comic’s Festival.
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Set in a rainy city in Europe, our hero's comfort zone is suddenly breached by their crush. Is it okay to have a small crush on your barista? And how do you avoid being creepy? Roxy and a cup black as midnight on a moonless night is a slice of life adventure with a main character fighting against their own thoughts.
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It’s a bilingual comic! Or, it’s in Swedish but there’s a English translation inside too.
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I won’t attend ThoughtBubble myself but I have a bunch of cute and awesome friends who will, and they’re going to sell my zines too! Find them at table 176 in ComiXology Marquee / Millenium Square. They will only deal with cash so bring it! Here’s what they look like and what kind of comics they make.
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@annalandin will be selling the first books with her webcomic Grassblades. She’s also gonna bring art books with tea witches, and Stranger Things, which has nothing to do with the Netflix tv-series, but is a short and very cute story which I think you might enjoy if you like Roxy. @nellyonly will bring a small collection of comics in color. She does lot’s of different stuff, short stories, and autobiographical comics I thing you might like if you like my Hourlies. @jennulator have this cute lil books with her webcomic Spejs. Just gals being pals(and lovers) and bounty hunters as well. And yes the soft boy, we should talk about him some time. @viktormon Will have the first collection of his adorable webcomic about how roll playing games can bring people together and help you open up when that is not the easiest to do.
Visit their table, enjoy some wonderful Swedish comics and buy my stuff! Also I heard that my friends @parallaxcomic and @bergzerk will be there you should check them out too. Other than that, it sound like a super awesome comics festival and I wish I could go. Hope you guys have fun!
Do you want to find out more about Roxy and a cup black as midnight on a moonless night? Would you rather have the English dialogue inside the speech bubbles instead of in the bottom of the page? Are you not attending ThoughtBubble, but want to get your hands on it? Would you prefer a solution which doesn’t take up space in your home? Is 4£ a bit pricy for you? THERE ARE SOME OTHER NEWS COMING UP TOMORROW DUN DUN DUN
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