#if u wanna add me on genshin i play on NA dont hesitate to reach out!!
kavehsfoodlog · 1 year
i'm 29 and (sorta) newly-diagnosed with gerd. i come from a hispanic family so it's felt devastating to lose over half the cabinet of spices and treasured family recipes, BUT i want to re-shape how i'm viewing this to be a positive, holistic sort of approach. so that's what this blog is for.
why i chose kaveh: i love him. hes the ultimate bbg/comfort character for me. he helps me cope with this new journey i'm on.
recently made the decision to stop weighing/measuring food for my sanity so even if i write something like oz/c/etc it's a guesstimate
Safe Foods List
• lettuce (beloved)
• cucumber
• apple
• oatmeal (not flavored - only tolerable instant is bob's)
• unseasoned chicken
• unseasoned turkey
• gf rudi bread
• eggs (usually)
• carrots
• korean chives/chinese chives (moderate amts)
• red bean mochi
• squash
• corn
• green beans
• spinach
• celery
•bean sprouts (small amounts)
•bamboo shoots
•broccoli and cauliflower (moderate amounts)
• veggie sushi (if no onions)
• all varieties of sweet potatoes
•regular potatoes (in moderate amts) - NOT fried
•rice (small amounts for white/white glutinous, moderate amounts for basmati)
•berries (moderate amounts)
•dates (1-2)
•non-citrus fruits (peaches, melons, pears, etc.)
•granola (small amts)
•mustard (moderate amounts)
•sugar (small amounts - more tolerable if in baked goods)
•gummy bears (moderate amounts)
•corn (incl. unseasoned/only buttered popcorn - as much as i want, as long as i don't eat it to fullness/overfullness bc that triggers reflux)
Trigger Foods List
• most dairy (greek yogurt and cream are tolerable in moderate amts, hard cheese is tolerable in small amts)
• sausages (especially spicier ones)
•tomatoes (ANY amt)
• garlic (any amt 😭)
• pickles (can tolerate exactly 3 small circular slices; small dill pickles can be tolerated 1-2 at a time)
• onions
•kimchi (white kimchi may be tolerable, haven't tried it)
• sugary pan dulce
• fried/breaded red meats
• peppers (chipitín, etc.)
• bell peppers (sobbing)
• sodas (zero/diet > mexican-bottled coke (yes, specifically coca-cola) > plastic canned/bottled soda
• honey (in moderate amts)
• citrus fruits (ie lemon, lime, orange)
• cabbage (why)
• banana (am allergic anyway)
• gluten (intolerance)
• many spices (black/white pepper, chili, dill, garlic, onion, ginger, cinnamon, etc.)
• some amts of oils (turmeric reduces the effects to a small degree)
•soy (crying - intolerant)
•worcestirshire (spelling??) sauce (small amts)
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