#if u see any drawing mistakes ...shhh no you dont
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hi may i... 🫴
vere redesign idea by @3v3rl4stingbr4in !!
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dranza · 4 years
Race you
Draco x Reader
Getting a little closer to Draco. Its a slow burn!
Word count: 1804
Warnings: I dont think so, please let me know if you notice any.
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“Hey y/n. Y/N?” A deep whisper calls at me from the desk behind.
I had come to the library in my study break to get away from all the noise and actually be able to concentrate on my charms essay. I had a whole week to do this but low and behold I was having to rush it in my final break before its due. Trust me to try and cram 3 pieces of homework into an hour and a half. I had already been distracted when I saw Draco walk into the library a little while ago. As he slowly walked through each aisle, browsing the books, a soft knot in his brows as he read through a few pages. He had me stuck in a daze. I was glad when he passed to sit behind me, out of sight, making me finally able to focus on trying to get this bloody essay finished. 
“Y/L/N!” his whisper was more direct now, one sharp order for me to turn to him. 
“What?” I shoot back at him, I can get rather irritable when I'm studying, but as my eyes catch him all my frustration leaves me. 
Draco sits with three books open in front of him, one hand twirling a quill between his fingers and his head resting in the palm of the other. His grey eyes look up at me and he pouts. “What were the three water-related constellations Professor Sinistra pointed out in the last lesson?”
“Errr…” I give him a sorry look, I haven't even started to think of the astronomy homework yet.
“I’ve got Pisces and Eridanus but I can’t, for the life of me, remember the third.” He flips through the book closest to him in frustration. 
“One minute…” I pull out the notes I had borrowed from Hermione and scan through to the constellation names. “Only Hermione is actually able to read her rushed scribbles. Errr, Cetuh? Cetus? ” 
Draco sits up with this information and grabs at one of his books. “I swear I read through that. C-E-T-U-S?”
I nod in response. 
With his fingers gripped tightly around the quill he hurriedly copies out a sentence from the book and dramatically bounces his hand off the parchment as he adds his final full stop. “Perfect. That's me done then.” He sets his quill into the ink and leans back in his chair. His long arms stretching up over his head for a few seconds and then releasing them with a loud sigh. “How much have you got left?”
“I just need to proofread my charms paper. Then I’ve got arithmancy and then astronomy, so not much!” I reply sarcastically and then throw my hands to my face letting out a frustrated, but quiet, squeal. 
“I can help... if you want.” 
I slowly let down my hands, eyeing the white haired boy, shocked that he would be willing to waste his break to help me. “Really?”
Draco chews at the inside of his mouth, “I mean, only if you want, it's just that I’ve already done it so.” A smirk begins to form on his lips. “Of course not suggesting that you wouldn’t be able to get it all done in the next 45 minutes. Look at you, you've clearly got it all organised and planned out.” With a nod of his chin he signals towards the messy piles of notes, parchment and books I have on my desk. 
“Hey!” I giggle, “It's an organised mess ok.” 
“That's exactly what I'm saying.” he stacks the books on his table into a neat pile and drags his chair to seat himself opposite me. Taking the parchment from my hand he slides a pot of ink towards me. “Here, I’ll finish reading this for you and you get started on the Arithmancy Worksheet.” 
I smile at him as I accept the ink and flip open my Arithmancy book, scanning over the contents table.
Without taking his eyes away from the piece he is reading, Draco mumbles a quiet “46.” 
I drag my finger to number 46 and there it is, the exact topic I need. “I knew that.” I whisper with a cheeky grin.
He lets out a deep, breathy chuckle, tilting his head to the side, “Ofcourse.”
I speed through the question sheet, looking up at the handsome boy in front of me now and again as he tries his best to be discreetly correcting some mistakes on the sheet he is reading.
I sit my parchment to dry and move onto the Astronomy worksheet. This is also something I should be able to speed through. Although the names can tend to escape me, constellations have always been so interesting to me, also I have Hermione’s notes so I can’t really go wrong. 
Draco places the finished paper onto the desk and rests his elbows on top of it. “You know, for someone who stays up all night and leaves their work till the last minute, you sure as hell have managed to write a brilliant essay.” Sliding his chin over his fingers until he finds a comfortable spot to rest it, he smiles at me. 
I lift a single brow at him. “Oh please… I saw you crossing out and adding stuff to it.”
“I didn’t say you were a good speller. Bloody hell, you were adding and taking away the wrong letters left, right and centre.”
I let out a hearty laugh and exaggerate on his point. “Yeah, I rarely manage to spell anything but my name right.”
“But what you’re actually saying is quite an interesting perspective. Contrary to what I’d heard, I believe you're not just a pretty face are you?” 
I try and fail to stop the blood rushing to my face. “Thankyou Dray.”
“Dray?” he tilts his head, frowning but amused. “What, two syllables just too much work for you?”
I click my fingers and point at him jokingly. “Yes… also I think it suits you, it’s cute.” I shrug.
Draco shakes his head taking in a sharp breath, now it was his turn to try and hide a blush. Leaning over me, he reaches a book from his desk. From it he pulls out the book mark (a pressed stem of eucalyptus) and begins to read.
We sit in an easy silence while I finish the last few questions. 
The both of us look up as Madam Pince walks up to our desks signaling to the clock. “Do you two not have a class to get to?” 
“Shit.” I mutter under my breath as we begin clearing our things. We only had 5 minutes to get to the highest tower on the other side of the castle for astronomy class.
After promptly sliding all his stuff into his bag, Draco waits patiently for me to messily stuff my bag with the scraps of parchment, books and quills I had spread all over the desk. I look up at him as I finish and he holds his arm out, gesturing towards the door. “After you.”
We exit the library and I notice just how long Dracos legs are, his strides are probably double mine. “Ok, I know we're in a rush but my tiny, little legs cannot keep up with you.” 
He looks back at me with a cool smirk and begins taking longer strides. “Not my problem y/l/n.”
“Hey!” I jog a few steps to catch up to him and playfully elbow his side.
He stops abruptly, looks me dead in the eyes and then caught in a laugh he shouts “RACE YOU!” He speeds away, catching his bag as it slips from his arm and throwing it over his shoulder.
“WHAT? NO!” It takes me a second to get over my initial shock and I race after him. 
I keep my eyes fixed on his snowy hair and as we weave through the other students and I start catching up to him. 
We run through the courtyard, me just a few steps behind him. “Come on slow coach!” he calls out to me as he spins to see how far behind I am. “Oh shut up Malfoy!” I retort, laughing as I skip over the legs of some 1st year girl laying on the grass.
As we turn into a hallway Harry and Ron are walking towards us. “What are…?” Harry begins to question but Draco cuts him off.
“Excuse me gents.” he blurts out as he shoots between the two Gryfindors. 
“Eee. Sorry boys, see you in potions!” I follow his lead, leaving both of them confused.
We get to the end of the hallway and Draco turns to the left. “Uh-OH! You sure that's the way Dray?” I shout in his direction as I turn right. 
He u-turns in the middle of the corridor and sprints after me. “You just got so lucky!” 
“You've been in this school for how many years now?” I tease him, approaching the Astronomy Tower stairs. 
“You cheeky git.” he cackles as I turn around to stick my tongue out. 
Our breathless laughter echoes through the circled staircase, wrapping me in a blanket of joy. This is a moment that’ll get stored, not in my mind, but deep in my heart. I try my best to run through the pain forming in my thighs but Draco soon catches up to me. We get to the top of the stairs and I let my back fall into the wall. “Oh my goodness, I’m never running again in my life.” 
Draco places one hand on the wall to steady himself and the other on his face, squeezing at his cheeks. “AAA HA HA!” he shouts, his voice husky from the rush “Stop laughing, my face hurts.” In that moment, he is a vision to behold. His broad chest rising and falling heavily as he catches his breath. His robe hanging off his shoulders, pulling back his shirt and the gaps between the buttons revealing flashes of his bare skin. The afternoon sun, golden over his face.
I snap back into reality as Hermione calls our names sternly from the classroom door. 
“Coming.” I answer her and turn back to Draco who gives her a nod. “All that and we’re still late!” 
“Still, not bad for your tiny, little legs.” he smiles down at me and shifts a strand of hair from my face. 
“Pretty bad for your long legs though.” I let out a silly giggle. “I can’t believe I actually won.”
He frowns. “Pfft, you got lucky and it’s a draw.”
“Nope, I win!” I wink. He tries to protest but I press my finger to his lips, “Shhh.” as I step backwards into the classroom.
Hope you liked this, I loved writing it.
If you want more here is the masterlist!
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
For my fellow Sweater Weather fans ❤️ @lumosinlove - thank you!
Kudos to @frombeauxbatons for helping me with Finnish.
@wxlfstxrx and @siriuslyqueer love youuu 💕
Sweater weather chats #10
The team goes to Vegas. Kris gets a new phone. Olli speaks Finnish. Remus and Sirius are in their honeymoon phase. The team dads ship it. Kasey gets cuddles. Logan gets lost. Leo is mad. Everyone bets on Sergei. Dumo is not a fan of Russian cheering during sex. Will we ever find out about Prague?
Wednesday 9.22 pm
Eliascookie: eyyy fucking love wifi in the air. 🤪
Dumodad: shhh someone is trying to nap and you guys are loud 🥴
Logantremblayzzz: sorry grandpa. Not all of us are old and cranky.
Sergei_81: careful I fight people for you
CarbO’Hara: and we love you dearly for that. But no denying you and dumo are old and cranky. You could literally both be Leo’s dads
Ollibear: he looks more like sunny and sergei’s baby than dumo’s
Blizzard: ohhh a love triangle 🙊😳
Sunnysideup: as much as I love sergei, I wouldn’t get between him and dumo. They’re the bromance of our gen :) also not my type
Kaneyoudigit: yeah. Where does that butt slap come from anyways? Even when one of them is out or injured they find time for that 👻
Bradygunz: I don’t think anyone understands it... where does it come from? Something about Prague - Allison was super cagey about it.
Dumodad: shhhh let us sleep. Night boys. Got another few hours and practice tomorrow is not optional. Sleep.
Nadotheman: VEGAS BABY
Krisvolley: practice and a game Nado.
RussianGod: DONT be boring krissy
Friday 12.33 pm
Remus created a group chat
Remus added Dumo, Sirius, Sergei, Sunny and Krissy
Remus named group chat HELP
Remus: okay boys. Sorry for this but I’m a little worried. We’re in Vegas and with a whole day of no games and only practice tomorrow once we touch down in LA, I can’t keep an eye on the entire team.
Dumo: haha dont worry go have a nice date with cap. God knows he’s cranky enough that you were away for that course for three days.
Sunny: don’t worry I sleep with ear plugs anyways 😜
Remus: hey we have separate rooms!
Krissy: wE hAvE sEpErAtE rOoMs....... it’s ok remmy 😉 cap plays better after you do whatever it is you do.
Sirius: alright stop. I wasn’t cranky. And leave Remus alone. You’re supposed to be the mature ones. Also Krissy?
Krissy: yes. I got a new iPhone and made the mistake of asking timmers and Olli to help me set it up on the plane. Now I can’t get it to change back. They set it to Finnish. Have no fucking clue and haven’t managed to get hold of Olli yet. 😳😳😳😳
Sergei: cap and re go enjoy honeymoon we take care of babies
Sunny: 😜😜😜😜😜 enjoy it while it lasts. Before you know it’s chores, babies and using alone time to catch up on sleep
Dumo: yeah. Don’t take your blissful kid free life for granted. 😈
Krissy: didn’t Logan and the other two walk in on your guys doing it in the kitchen last month?
Dumo: so?
Sergei: haha just kitchen? I’ve caught them worse. Is ok. You understand when you have babies. 😆
Krissy: I have a baby. I’m just single 😫😫😫
Sunny: want us to find a girl for you?🤓
Krissy: no thank you. Leave my sex life alone.
Sergei: u even have one?
Krissy left the group chat
Dumo added krissy to the group chat
Dumo: Sergei is sorry......... also he walked in on us maybe 5 times calm down. There’s nothing like Russian cheering to kill a mood....
Sunny: 5? That can’t be right. You were bunnies when she was pregnant last. I saw things I cannot unsee 🤯🤯🤯
Sirius left the group chat
Remus: you broke Sirius. Anyways I’ll leave the babysitting to you guys then.
Friday 2.54 pm
Logantremblayzzz: guys I’m lost. I’ve been walking towards that big pointy thing and the map from the hotel is crap and I got away from finn and he’s not picking up
*picture of map*
Blizzard: Logan.
Blizzard: how the fuck have you lived to see 23? 😆
Logantremblayzzz: oh. That makes more sense. 🙈🙈🙈
Newt-leo: what do you mean you lost Finn? Are you both lost somewhere in Vegas? Just use your phone and get back to the hotel...
Blizzard: Finn left his phone here in the room😂😂😂 better send out a search party
Logantremblayzzz: well I don’t know what happened. I can’t find him now. 😭
LeWilliam: There’s literally one strip of road in Vegas and you’ve gotten lost. 🐸
Dumodad: I swear to the fucking hockey gods we were never this stupid. Idiots. Get back here for 5, and we can go have a team dinner for those who want. Sergei is buying
Evanderbell: ohh @tylerthemighty and I are in!! Thanks @sergei_81!!!
Sunnysideup: he’s sleeping? Hahahah he’s gonna be unhappyyyy 😂
RussianGod: hehe thanks we’re play too...
Nadotheman: he means game. But yeah. Free dinner 😎
Prongstar: I think this one @logantremblayzzz has to go into the promo videos hahahahah 😂😂😂 I’m telling Marlene.... 😘
Ollibear: is anyone looking for Finn?
Newt-leo: yeah me and @krisvolley are going out now
Friday 3.44 pm
Logantremblayzzz: I was lost too! Not my fault you wander about
CarbO’Hara: I was talking to a puppy and when I got back up you were gone 😔 didn’t have my phone. Had to ask two Cher’s and an Elvis how to get back. 😫
Newt-leo: you’re back at the hotel now?
CarbO’Hara: yes. Forgot my phone.
Walkietalkie: uhhh someone is in the dog house 😂😂😂
Nadotheman: bad fish... no goalie love for youuu
Blizzard: I can cuddle ya Finn. No worries. 😘😫😘
Logantremblayzzz: you’re not cuddling Finn. Go cuddle Nado if you need to.
RussianGod: come on blizzard. We do goalie sandwich 🥪🥪🥪🥪
Blizzard: gimme five minutes boysss 😍
Krisvolley: we’re heading back now. You’re paying for our cab Finn. Leo is really mad 😉
Friday 3.52 pm
Timmyforrealz: awww 😍
*nado and Kuny cuddling blizzard in a goalie sandwich*
Ollibear: there’s a lot of bromance in my room right now. 😂
Walkietalkie: at least they’re fully clothed. 🤞🏻
Friday 6.33 pm
Dumodad: yes you are. It’s your turn. 😘
Sunnysideup: u know it. It’s the deal. Shouldn’t bet if you can’t pay up.
Sergei_81: is thanks I get for fighting for you all.
Sirius: you keep bringing that up. But you love fighting for us. We love you for it 😜
Dumodad: haha cap’s got a point my friend. And you’re a glorious fighter. Haha your punches are feared through the league. Even the linesmen try to avoid getting between you and your victim
Nadotheman: you know there’s a bet in the league? First rookie to take you down gets a Rolex from a draw? Everyone chips in at draft? 😜
RussianGod: is true hehehe I put money in on never so I want watch
KrisVolley: was that an option? 😳 how did I not think of this
RussianGod: I’m smart just not in English. English stupid. Russian best 🥳
Friday 9.33 pm
Ollibear: Mä oon niin ilonen mut mulla on ikävä kotiin. Mulla on ikävä muumeja.
Ollibear: Ja mun äitiä.
Ollibear: Tykkään myös tosi paljon pannukakuista.
Prongstar: Olli.exe stopped working…….
Sunnysideup: eh anyone’s got an eye on Olli? He’s defaulted to Finnish… 🙊🙊🙊
Dumodad: @timmyforrealzzz @nadotheman @russiangod
KrisVolley: hahahaha Olli just had some shots. The waitress was making googly eyes at him and I guess he couldn’t say no 😆
Timmyforrealz: I think we should get him back to the hotel 😁😁😁
Nadotheman: not it!!!!
RussianGod: I got him. He dont walk
“Kuny, he can’t even walk”
“I’m got him. He very drunk. Hehe not hold liquor well for Finn. Is embarrassing” Kuny snorted and hoisted his teammate more firmly over his shoulder.
“He owes me $100 for bribing the driver to take us”
“Sä oot hyvä venäläinen. Et ilkee venäläinen. Tunnen pahoja ja ilkeitä venäläisiä.”
“Any idea what he’s saying?”
“Not sure is even Finnish. Sound like just words”
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