#if u look at any other parallel its like someone hw oclaims who be oppressed for being attracted to a minority group including by members
cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
me n jodie were talking a bit ago about how in media when they do occasionally appear, butch lesbians are overwhelmingly paired with other butch lesbians even though its not that common of a dynamic irl. and the reason i care isnt bc im like grrr we need more feminine representation or whatever and like butch4butch couples are important and deserve representation too anyway. the reason i think its notable is because (especially with the super gender conforming, conventionally attractive by very heterosexual standards feminine lesbians we usually see) i think it comes from the fact that people see butches as so unattractive they cant understand how anyone but another equally unattractive person would want them. they see one woman who they find attractive and appealing and in their mind she could get and would choose another woman who is also attractive and appealing to them, and a butch is the furthest thing from that in their mind. they have no idea that we could have an entirely different standard and like many of us intentionally seek women who are hairy and buzzed and broad bc we love it and find it attractive (and also by extension that those women are like that on purpose not just because they tried to be attractive and failed or something). its like a deliberate language of desire between us where butchness literally appeals perfectly to that gaze & ik plenty of butches who like intentionally perform butchness for a femme audience as well as the (more talked abt) other way around. so i dont think its fair to say that there is like specific disdain reserved for the act of being attracted to butches as much as its a symptom of a system that views a gender conforming woman as the least attractive being on earth and can only comprehend them being settled for by others they perceive as of equally low value, never actively desired and valued. so if ur claiming theres some specific kind of marginalisation for being attracted to butches then the fact butches who like other butches dont get as much of this specific kind of flak as more feminine women do would seem to imply that like butch4butch attraction is privileged, rather than the fact that the universal disdain with which masculine women are regarded is whats at the heart of this ultimately 
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