#if u come for stone tops or bottoms in my presence u will die by my blade
melancholyfleurs · 5 months
just wanted to say to those with stone identities that i love you and the people who refuse to understand are not only ignorant losers but also they are completely undeserving of your presence and the beauty in your intimacy. i will defend you forever <33333
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aezuliamah · 3 months
Hi there , how r u? I would like a dice reading, this one: Publishing Goblin's Oracle dice (2nd edition)
For the ask I want to know about my married life (if something +18 appears, pls include. I'm 18 years old)
- SM 💚🍋‍🟩🍫🧁
Hello ! I'm doing good, thank you ! First, my usual reminder : the future is not set in stone. This will be one potential outcome. It is possible to influence this future if you don't like it, or to make sure it does happen if it seems ideal. Your future is up to you !
As you asked, i am using Publishing Goblin's Oracle Dice. I am casting 5 dice that i picked because they relate to life in general, and relationships. They are called : the Autumn Die, the Summer Die, the Spring Die, the Winter Die, and the Relations Die.
After casting the dice, i look at patterns and shapes. They have spread to roughly the 4 corners, with the Autumn die in the middle of it all. Relations is in the top left, Summer is in the top right, Winter in the bottom right, and Spring in the bottom left. A well balanced reading already.
The Autumn die is in the middle, so let's start there. It's showing the face Journey, which signal the end of the work, the arrival after a long journey, and enjoying the spoils. It seems no matter how long it will take you, you will end up enjoying a fulfilling married life, with the condition that you work for it, probably continuously.
The Summer die is on its Radiance face, letting you know that as seasons circle back and you have to put effort into your relationship again, the rewards and pleasure will be there everytime. In summer you will most enjoy each other's presence.
The Winter die is on its Memento face, a reminder that things end. After the joyful exertion of summer, and awaiting more work or other events, it's ok to look back, appreciate and let the memories carry you for a time. What would you do the same or differently ? And since none of this has happened yet, we can ask "Is this really what i want out of life ? Or is there something else i will want to do ?" This is still up to you, and contemplating a possibility may reveal its flaws and shining gems.
The Spring die, you may be happy to hear, is showing the Sex face. This is, of course, litterally about sex, and it can be about close, intimate relationships as well. The other dice did not seem to indicate a particular reading towards fertility, so we can focus on the rest. In combination with Summer, i can say that the sex will be greatly tiring and pleasurable. It will also come and go as the seasons, sometimes almost omnipresent, sometimes a good memory that keeps you from entirely loosing interest. And that is ok, desires wax and wane over the course of a relationship or a life. It won't become stale. In the end, even if sexual desire or attraction fades, the closeness and intimacy remains.
The Relations die is showing its Another face. This is not about infidelity ! It speaks to someone who you may seek approval from, or someone who has high expectations of you. If these expectations become too much to live up to, you will need to stand up for yourself, even if the other person means well. Don't commit to something you're not ready for due to anyone pressuring you. Only you can decide when you are ready for the big jump.
As long as the dynamics of your relationship are discovered and talked over in a balanced way, any shadow in the picture would be temporary.
I hope this will be helpful in deciding what you want your future to be, and i wish you the best !
If you'd like a free dice reading, check my pinned and respect my rules !
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gaarasgoddess · 4 years
Welcome to Suna - Part 6
Welcome to Suna. Where the lights never die and the fun never  stops. Sakura and Ino lie to their parents to spend a wild weekend in a  forbidden city. Will they regret it? Or will they both find something  worth coming for?Main pairing is GaaraxSakura and side  InoxKankuro.[Listening to 1989 album by Taylor Swift.]
Chapter summary: Sakura is too tempting for Gaara. And a picnic has surprise visitors. [this story will be unpredictably erotic from now on: warning]
[Please read previous parts first. part 1 and part 2 and part 3. And part 4. And part 5.]
Gaara woke quickly after Sakura got bored waiting for him. The cold air hit her and she was going to slide under the covers but she really need to use the bathroom. She really needed to pee. He saw her rush into the room and she felt self-conscious in the bathroom, trying not to make much noise. She’d picked up the bathrobe he had slipped off her before they’d ... done that, and finished up quickly before heading back into the bedroom.
He's still naked.
She blushed heavily, watching him cleaning himself of residue from their activities, her eyes unable to not rake over his body. When her eyes met his she froze and then looked away quickly, ashamed of how embarrassed she was.
“You can look,” he said huskily and Sakura nodded, slowly turning her head to look again.
He’s a smug bastard.
His smirk was almost as brash as his nakedness. He finished cleaning himself and walked to her slowly, so clearly turned on by how she now openly perused his body. She saw his dick twitch and felt a similar stirring in her nether region.
“As much as I’d love to fuck you again,” he cupped her face and kissed her lips softly. “I have a promise to keep.”
She was confused and it showed. “Promise?” She licked her lips wishing he would kiss her again.
Gaara obliged and Sakura wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer. His skin felt hot as he attacked her mouth. The gentle nibbling turned into a fight for dominance as they wrestled each other’s tongue, moaning and grinding.
Sakura’s hand slipped down from his waist and ran over his butt brazenly. When he didn’t complain she boldly fingered his muscled six pack before slipping her hand to lightly grasp his dick. He gasped.
“You’re a vixen.” Gaara kissed her fiercely for a few seconds as she pumped him. Then he maneuvered her up against the wall next to his bed. “But two can play at that game.”
He didn’t bother grabbing another condom, slipping his cock between her folds but not inside her. He gripped her hips to stop her from sliding him in and kissed her confusion away, now thrusting but not entering her. Sakura groaned, moving her hips with his as he fucked her thigh gap instead of her pussy.
“God Gaara!”
The friction was burning but she didn’t care. Sakura threw her head back, screaming his name as she came so hard. He chuckled and lavished her neck as he satiated his own desire, then pulled away before he could cum on her. She groaned, struggling to stand upright as Gaara stroked himself. She didn’t know or care why he hadn’t fucked her wholly. She was happy. A smile plastered to her face as he chuckled and grabbed a towel to clean her up.
“Thanks,” she mumbled.
"Come on,” he kissed her forehead.
“What now?”
“Ready to continue that tour I promised you?” He asked, throwing on a pair of jeans and polo shirt. He looked really good whether he was wearing clothes or not.
Not sure what else to do, Sakura nodded.
“I should be able to find something better for you to wear,” he said, then waggled his eyebrows. “Not that I’m complaining about the view.”
She hugged the robe to her body more tightly. Gaara wrapped an arm around her and kissed the top of her head. He was so affectionate she still couldn’t believe it was real. This weekend was shaping up to be the best ever. The only problem would be leaving him behind.
Sakura pushed away those morose thoughts. She just wasn’t used to this and needed to keep her heart out of it. She liked boys way too easily when they didn’t give her the time of day, let alone actually wanted her. She was a sucker for a pretty face.
Gaara rummaged through his closet but didn’t find anything. "Hang on, I’ll be back.”
She waited for him by checking her phone, thinking maybe Ino would text or call. It was already ten o’clock and Sakura was surprised she’d slept for so long. She thought of sending Ino a text and decided not to. Then changed her mind thinking it would be best to be safe. But before she’d finished tapping the letters, Gaara returned. She tossed her phone back in her purse, now forgotten as Gaara strode back into the room.
He couldn’t resist feeling her up as she dressed, not a moment of peace as Gaara had decided there was no need for either of them to be shy around each other naked anymore. But he didn’t take it too far since he had other plans for the rest of their morning.
“Let’s go, love.”
Sakura fumbled with her purse and followed Gaara out of the room.
“Are your parents home?”
Gaara nodded and tugged on her hand when this admission made her pause. “They’re working so we won’t be bothered. And we have this entire wing to ourselves. Come on.”
His family estate was larger than she’d thought. They moved through the hallways and into a few of the rooms as Gaara gave her the tour. The gaming room was larger than her whole living room and bedroom back home. She had never played pool before and didn’t play gaming consoles so she just hummed and smiled along with him. He had a jukebox too and admitted he loved this kind of stuff. His television took up most of the wall and the entertainment room could host every teenager in her year back home, easily.
She wondered if he ever had parties here.
A few more rooms later, he was summoning a servant and Sakura flushed at their subtle surprise to her presence. Did this mean Gaara didn’t normally bring girls home like this? It made her feel special.
“We’re heading out to the gardens,” he told the servant. “We’ll need brunch and a picnic blanket. Be sure to pack some honey.”
He ushered the servant away and Sakura was awed and impressed.
“My lady,” he said offering his arm and smirking at her.
“Thank you.” Sakura accepted his arm and allowed him to lead her outside into the bright sun. She giggled.
“Find that funny, huh?”
She just smiled. He took them to a stone path that wound through the gardens in this section of his home. She loved the flowers and bushes and sounds of birds, looking this way and that. Gaara kept her from stopping too long, wanting to get to the designated spot sometime today.
The path opened up to a grassy area with a fountain and Sakura was struck yet again by how rich Gaara’s family was. She could never compete with this.
Stop those thoughts.
She inhaled deeply to calm herself and returned his kisses when Gaara started nipping at her bottom lip, asking for entrance. They stood there, just enjoying each other before a servant arrived with the things Gaara had requested. A picnic basket, a bottle of what looked like a fruity cocktail and two glasses, and a blanket. They set it all up then bowed and left them alone.
“Is that alcohol?”
“Yes but go easy, love.”
Sakura scoffed at him then sat on the blanket as he followed and joined her. “I’m not getting drunk in the middle of the day.”
“Whatever you say.” He leaned over and kissed her softly before turning to open the basket to unload it.
Onigiri rice balls, egg sandwiches, a Karaage Bento, Wanpaku Sandwich and a squeeze bottle of honey; Sakura dug in. But Gaara put the honey aside.
“That’s for later,” he promised.
“So tell me...”
Gaara pressed a finger to her lips and she took the hint, falling silent as they ate. She didn’t realise how hungry she was and didn’t pay attention to anything but the food prepared for them. Gaara poured their drinks and held hers out to her when she was part way finished. She devoured it, rolling her eyes at him when he chuckled.
“You have no idea.”
“Oh I think I do.”
He gave her a hungry look and took the sandwich from her hand without breaking eye contact. He kissed her, hard and painfully, his hand sneaking up to pinch her nipple. She moaned just as her phone vibrated loudly, startling them and causing them to break apart.
Sakura swallowed thickly and dug into her purse to quickly pull it out. It was a text from Ino. She groaned as Gaara pulled bodily away from her.
‘Where R U 4head?‘
She glanced at Gaara, who was now unscrewing the cap on the honey bottle, then typed back 'Busy. wtf you want?’.
‘Bitchy. R U with that redhead?’
‘U okay?’
‘Fine. Will C U later.’
‘Later, tater.’
Sakura shoved the phone back in her bag. “Sorry.”
Gaara just shrugged and shifted to sit next to her. “Lie back.”
She narrowed her eyes for a moment then sighed when he just raised an eyebrow at her and did as he instructed. Gaara ran a hand over her covered breasts, his finger circling where he could feel her nipple.
“May I?”
She nodded knowing what he was about to do.
Gaara undid the buttons on the shirt he’d given her, stopping half-way down her torso, and pushed the fabric aside to expose her breasts to the warm air. He paused for a moment, leant down to suckled at one nipple before slathering the honey along both of her tits, rubbing it into her skin like he was massaging. Sakura moaned, closing her eyes and sighing with contentment.
A moment later she felt his mouth encase her left nipple and she grasped his hair knowing he loved that. He licked his way along her skin, worshipping her as he went, suckling at the honey and moving to hover over her for better access.
After a few minutes, he started on undoing the rest of her buttons, sitting up to do so. Two voices interrupted them at the same time, making GaaSaku freeze.
When they realised what they were interrupted doing, Gaara and Sakura snapped up and she was too stunned to cover up. Gaara hastily moved her shirt to cover her breasts and she blushed, turning away to do up the buttons.
“Kankuro,” Gaara growled.
“Well, well.” Ino whistled. “Looks like we interrupted something.”
“Ino-pig,” Sakura snarled. “Ever heard of decorum?”
“Is it that new sex toy that--”
“Shut up.”
Kankuro laughed as the girls stared at each other. “Well if no-one else is going to say it, I have to: Sakura has a great pair of tits.”
Ino smacked him over the back of his head.
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kyetalksshit · 5 years
dream log: 7/8/19
henlos friendlos if u enjoyed that last installment of wHAT THE FUCK did i just dream, enjoy another one, this time accompanied by a recurring hellscape that i very very very much do not love!!!!! hahahahahahahahahaha i hate it let’s go
so i started out the dream hanging out with some friends of mine who, for whatever reason, were morgan adams and her friend (whose name i don’t currently remember. i know it but my i am fully blanking lol. it’s her best friend, the one she grew up with and often has in videos. anyway. lol). so i remember we were hanging out, i think on like a road trip or a picnic or something weird? I’m not totally sure but i have a weirdly vivid memory of like a woven picnic basket and sitting in the back of a pickup truck with them in like beach gear and sunglasses? i also vaguely remember a small dog that was mostly white and a little grey with those really short but thick and tight curls. he was very cute and i love him and i wish i remember anything else about him. i don’t think he was in the dream after this. 
so somehow, i guess we lived in a dorm together with this like weirdly big concrete backyard and a pool (honestly if you’ve ever played stardew valley, it kinda looked like the irl version but more condensed and again, all concrete instead of grass or dirt). our room had a sliding glass door that led straight to the back yard. actually, i don’t know for sure if we lived in a dorm because we had a family there and i guess it was both our family? but we weren’t related... but somehow... ugh idk. maybe they were host families and i was living with her in hawaii lmao who knows
anyway. so at one point in the middle of the night one night, i decided to wander around outside to take in the air, look at the stars, and get a little privacy. so when you walk out of the sliding glass doors, basically like a little ways in front of you and slightly to the left was a MASSIVE in ground pool, not covered or anything, vibrant blue water and all, in that like ear shape kind of? and not only was the ground white cement, but there were also these huge industrial lights all the way around the whole yard so you could see really easily at night. to the right of that was a good bit of open space, literally just cement. i think there were a few pool chairs or something. but then when you’re standing in the sliding door, straight ahead but WAYYYYYYYYYY at the back was this small bit of wooden fence. it was odd because everything else was cement or stone or whatever, and wherever it started and stopped on either side was actually conveniently covered by low hanging tree branches and ivy and whatnot. and right in the middle of that little bit of wooden fence was a gate with a rounded top and black iron hinges and a black iron handle. 
me being me, i was drawn to it; the one little naturey part of this concrete and stone yard, so i walked immediately toward it, almost enchanted. instead of pausing to look at it like i’d planned to (for whatever reason i knew that we weren’t allowed to leave the house until the morning, like nightly), i reached straight for the handle and opened it. 
instead of leading out, it actually led directly inside this mansion type place. there were a lot of people running frantically in circles but they didn’t seem to see me. however, there were some like vampire looking people in lab coats who would look at me and nod once, and keep going. i let go of the handle, already inside (although i never noticed taking the steps inside) and the door closed. now this was a place i recognized from MANY previous dreams, and couldn’t remember at first WHY i recognized it, just that it was familiar. but as soon as the door slammed i spun around to leave; that’s NEVER a good sign. but there was no door at all, just wallpaper. like old vintage green and gold wallpaper, separated by a wood accent and the gold side decorated in little green emblems that look like that symbol i can’t remember the fucking name of lol but it’s almost like a trident, since it has three prongs, but the middle one is much taller, the outer two are curved away from the middle, and they all come together at the bottom in the middle. 
i suddenly realize that all of the people running frantically are being chased by these vampires in lab coats (and some other various monsters, but mostly vamps in coats), and they’re all screaming various forms of “help me”.
now i began in a small foyer, however there are a few rooms scattered around with no door but they are all pitch black inside, there is an elevator to the left that seems to only be used by the monsters and not the people running, and in the middle is what seems to be a never ending staircase. it goes up and up and up and up and UP and down and down and down and down down down down down. and so on. i start running, trying to find another way out, also yelling for help, and where’s the exit, and i just want to get out of here and such, and i start being chased too!! in the moment this is to be expected; i have been lured here and trapped for consumption. i guess the monsters enjoy the chase; it’s set up like a hotel but also like a doctor’s office. it’s odd. maybe i just got that impression because of the lab coats. 
at some point i happen to lose a vampire and slip into one of the few rooms with an old rickety door on it that is also not locked. it in fact does look like a hospital room, bed/iv/all that, and there’s a curtain to the left. i run over there and find multiple people with fingers to their mouths so i don’t scream when i see them. i think we exchanged like “how long have you been here” and “what’s your story” and stuff, and then we heard the door creak slowly open. we all fell silent. 
it was a doctor. a vampire doctor or a zombie doctor or something, either way he was a monster. idk how i know this, maybe i peeked around the curtain or something, but he was holding a clipboard and looking down at the bed and talking to it as though there were a patient in it. there was not. 
something clicked in my brain and i remembered this place, this room, everything from my past dreams. and the trick is not to run, not to scream. you walk calmly, do your best to not feel the fear pumping through your veins. they will nod at you as they walk. you MUST. nod. back. or you will die. 
as you do so, you will find your door, no matter what floor you’re on. it will be in the same place on that floor that it was when you first entered (on the same wall or whatever). so i waited for the doctor to leave, wished everyone luck (idr if i told them how to leave tbh, i think i mentioned it? but some of them chuckled. like i remember there was a skater boi with long black hair and a beanie sitting up on the counter who like laughed and shook his head but offered no explanation. but either way i had to try it again. if it didn’t work i’d die, but if i didn’t try i’d die too.)
thankfully no one was walking down the hallway as i was exiting, so i was able to shut the door quietly behind myself, straighten my back, and start walking. as i did, the tests began. one doctor nodded and passed. another. another. and as i rounded the corner to my right, i felt a feminine presence beside me. however, you could not make eye contact with anyone but the doctors/monsters. so i kept my head forward as we passed the elevators to the right and my door materialized where i remembered it being. i almost picked up my pace but the girl beside me gently placed a hand on my right forearm (again, not looking at me) and i was reminded to keep my pace steady. i grabbed the handle and exited, and the door slammed shut behind me and i breathed finally, and whipped around to the girl beside me. 
it was morgan. 
she said she’d followed me in there and when she saw what i was doing, decided to follow. i was thrilled to see her. i hugged her tightly and we headed back up to the sliding glass doors. we snuck inside and went to sleep and pretended we never left. 
when we woke up in the morning, our dad and i guess younger sister (suddenly morgan’s friend wasn’t there, i guess she was only there for day 1 idk) decided to take us fishing. we couldn’t really say no, the girl was so excited about it, and our dad made it clear it wasn’t reaaaaally optional. but nevertheless, he was stoked to go, and i felt like it was going to be a good day. 
morgan, however, was acting strange. it was in little ways at first; i’d say her name and she wouldn’t respond, she’d forget that she had to eat, she’d just stop talking for minutes at a time and stare blankly at nothing. but she was trying to... readjust. i knew something was up. 
when it hit me that maybe morgan hadn’t followed me, maybe i brought something else out, literally i didn’t even have to say anything, her eyes just snapped to me. it was fucking spooky to say the least. i waited until we were out of the truck bed and could speak in slight privacy, and i mumbled to her “i know you’re not morgan.” in response, she simply leaned much closer to me, once again walking side by side on my right, looking straight ahead, but she didn’t say anything. she just leaned really fucking close while we were walking. i have this weirdly vivid image of her shirt sleeve being like a delicate and semi see through light pink mesh material. odd. i also am getting the name emily (and did at some point in the dream but idr when). oof i’m still kinda spooked reliving this. anyway. 
so to appease her a little i told her that i wasn’t upset she was using morgan. she straightened a little, and i said i could help her find her way back. again, she still wouldn’t speak to me but she looked at me in alarm, her eyes pleading. so i said maybe i could help her find somewhere else that she could live and morgan could be free. she sighed a little but seemed to agree. 
i somehow knew she was the ghost of a girl named emily who had been trapped in that hotel/hospital/hellscape for decades. again, in hindsight (in the moment and especially now), she never actually spoke. like at all. she communicated but not with words. it was odd.  
after that i have some sort of fuzzy memories of meeting and trying to figure out a way for her to leave morgan alone, some kind of plotting where we’d have to go back into the hellscape and get back out separately, but i don’t remember. i think she had to find a new body (either one that would already be trapped, or maybe her old one, who knows) and it was only ethical to take one from there. morgan, she had just taken the shape of based on my memory of her and then inhabited her body overnight when we got back. anyway. 
so, yeah. i woke up thankfully before we got back, and when i fell back asleep i wasn’t there again. but let me just tell you, the longer i’ve been sitting here typing this, the more freaked out i’m getting, the more i feel eyes on me, and the more i can swear i hear the screams from that hellscape that i’ve been trapped in so many times throughout my years of dreaming. i even thought i felt someone shaking my chair a moment ago. 
i hope u enjoyed this spookfest if you managed to stay captivated long enough. it’ll be too soon if i ever have to see that place again. 
let me know what your thoughts are on this if you have any, or even general spooked reactions and shit. i’m gonna go get a snack to distract myself and watch some cheery youtube videos. 
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