#if tumblr search doesnt work just dm me or something idk
raptorwithamarker · 6 months
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sigh. the demons got me. luckily i dont have enough time to draw so heres this.
bdubs is a rainwing i know so original. his tragic backstory is hes cool and chillin in the jungle. I'm sure he sells terrariums or grows fruit or makes paintings. Despite the lack of color I can assure you he flashes red a lot, and any other colors layer like dappled light. I made the wings similar to a bats, and similar to nightwings in that aspect. The coloring is really nebulous of course, but I want to emphasize the dappling and darker sections next time. Time constraints and all that.
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H-hi friend... I'm looking for some uhh... tumblr advice? I've had my blog for a while but I don't have any followers and idk why or what I'm doing wrong or how to fix it? Like I'm posting and writing but no notes or followers and it's just... sad. Like how do you people do this? What am I doing badly? How did you start?
Firstly, just because you’re not seeing any notes or followers doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong, Flower.  We all start there at some point, writing things, posting and seeing little to no result.  I was no different. The first publishing I posted here were complete flops, flops I tell you!!!  It wasn’t until I broadened my horizons that I started getting a few handfuls of followers, so don’t feel like you’ve done something wrong!! 
Secondly, perhaps it’s not your content, but your tags.  Tag- as annoying as they are- are quite important, or at least that’s what I believe.  Tagging something with certain specifics can create multiple ways for your works to be found.  Some creators don’t go as ape-shit with tags as me, I go a bit over boards, but with how little followers I have compared to other amazing blogs who I follow and hold dear, I feel like I need to go overboard to be found. 
Masterlists are also a very useful form of navigation to allow new people to stop by and view your works easily and conveniently!!! 
Thirdly, I’ve only started doing this recently, but DON’T BE AFRAID TO PROMOTE YOUR OWN WORK FLOWER!!  If you want to be taken as a writer and show off your work, do so!  Reblog it, suggest it to another blog if you think they may take an interest in it.  Spread the word and make a name for yourself.  Time can solve problems and make things better, but something you gotta get time a little kick in the rear and take control yourself.  Reblogging your content shows the masses what you are capable and what they may have missed.  
Finally, the most important thing to remember is this:  You’ve NEVER done a bad job. Creating and getting a blog up and running with so many other blogs who’ve been here for years upon years is very hard, and at times frustrating. There have been times I abandon my blog for weeks sometimes, hardly posting at all because I’m so frustrated with my lack of progress. It happens to the best of us. To all of us. 
There are works of mine that have no more than 15 notes or aren’t recognized as much as I’d like them to be.  However, notes aren’t a system to show if something is bad or not.  Even my unpopular works, I feel a small amount of pride in for some reason.  I took the time to write it, so ultimately it was my choice to post it, and if I did, I did.  What happens after that is up to the masses.  
After this, as a fellow smaller than another blog on Tumblr, I will even pop by to check out your page and search around, and maybe one of my followers will too!!!  This is already a good way to get a name out there, asking advice!!   Please, darling, don’t be afraid to stop by my inbox or even personally DM me whenever you need more advice.  I may not be the best to ask, seeing as I’ve been here just over a year, but I will always try to bring you all up so that you can feel confident in both your blogs and your works.  
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