#if tumblr crunches my quality i will kill it for real
ppeanutz · 1 month
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more like deadpool/wolverine amirite
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sim-borg · 4 years
right, its complain about sims 4 time
i just watched a simmer erin video about how broken the game is and she made Several Points the only thing is, i know for a fact that sims 4 is never going to get fixed its not going to make EA any money so they won't do it. instead they'll just milk us for more money until the game is so bloated with content and they're ready to move onto sims 5 im very attached to sims 4 because i spent my money on it, so despite sims 5 coming i wont move onto it until its got a lot of content in it  (and also i learned my lesson. i will be pirating lmao) the only solace i get is that whether i spent money or crimed sims 4 it would still be unplayable so at least theres that the problem is, definitely, that the sims team is too small and too temporary. lemme make some Points
1. EA is a capitalist company. theyre only going to do shit that will generate maximum profit. where did that billion that the sims 4 make go? directly into the higher up's pocket
2. nothing is going to change because EA doesn't give a shit. the only thing that would make them fix their business practices? if there was a mass strike among devs across multiple games/franchises. however, devs are unlikely to do that because their livelihood is at stake. they make good money, and aren't willing to give that up. i dont blame them for that. there's just too much hesitance and risk for such a mass strike to happen unless EA does something really shitty like wage cutting, mass layoffs, or crunch, similar to what happened with Telltale. 
as an aside i had to pause my rant to find out what game company just went under lmao took forever but yeah it was telltale
3. speaking of the sim gurus, i also can't blame them that much for sticking with a shitty game. they probably have little choice and are making the most of it, making the best of what they can with what resources that EA gives them. by that i mean they'd prefer not to rock the boat and risk losing their job. its a competitive world out there for creatives wanting to work full time on a big project such as the sims. if they left it might take them a while to find a position with the same amount of creative control and leadership roles, aside from starting an indie game, which is HARD AF on its own. Of course they'll get defensive over something they think they worked hard on, even though the outcome is.... less than stellar. 
not that we shouldn't keep criticizing them though. unfortunately the only way players can *try* to get their complaints across are through the sim gurus. EA wont hear directly from us
4. lots of the teams working on packs are temporary and on contracts. they simply aren't as motivated to put their heart and soul into the game. again, they are also just employees, and temporary ones at that. to them its just another job on the rotation and they're only looking to get paid. they're only looking to get by and dont care much about what happens after their contracts are up. this is not their fault. EA has the money to hire people full time, and to encourage better quality control and passion for their work. but they dont, why? because that's too much accountability for such a shitty company. I can bet you my game that they don’t have a permanent team dedicated to bug fixing. 
5. the people who are permanently working on the game arent given enough resources to work on bug fixes (which players seem the most concerned about right now) but only given time to work on stuff that will generate immediate profit. the problem with the sims games (over all!! not just s4) is that they aren't built to last long. so EA is just killing time right now. they aren't concerned about how much money they'll make from the game once its run its course. all you need to do is look at sims 3 for proof of that.
6. my theory is that the vast majority of sims players arent "gamers" and they arent avid players. it may seem like, on twitter, on tumblr, youtube or the forums that there's a lot of players who have lots to say about the game. i dont think so. sims and simulation games are generally seen as "not real games" and "casual games". i think most people arent as dedicated to this game as people think. the majority of money that EA makes off sims 4 are the kind of people who noticed that the sims basegame was on sale/free. they are the kind of people who only play "casual" games for a small portion of their time and dont really care about the problems it has. they are always very silent about the issues that dedicated players have with EA and the game, and honestly dont play it very much. I had a brief conversation with my coworkers the other day about this, and they didn't seem to be aware of the game's issues, just oh yeah, “i bought the sims and played it for a bit”. I think a big portion of the profits come from players like that and parents gifting games to their kids, who don’t have critical thinking yet. but thats just a theory.... a gAmE tHeOrY
on a happier note my favourite manager made us all in the sims because he missed us. hes my only valid manager and thats because we are both gay. solidarity. 
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