#if this were dnd hed be a PALADIN
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nejackdaw · 7 months ago
Celann as the sword arm of Mara--Mara, protector goddess, deity of love. Celann, driven to kill by the urge to protect, fueled solely by love.
Celann, who prayed to her relentlessly during the events in the city to keep his family safe and nearly lost his life fighting to stop his sister from turning the rest of their blood. (He's never been sure if Mara ignored him or made him the answer to his own prayers, twisted and turned him into something else. [If it had always been inside of him.] He's not sure he wants to know.)
Celann, who begged the divines to protect his family and, beaten and bloodied, decided he would. No matter the cost to his own life.
The gods would not protect them. Would not protect him. But he would--if he died, he would. The gods might let this happen but he never will.
Celann, lover, driven by love to become fighter. Killer.
The man who prays to the guardian divine is himself a guardian. The man who asks for a shield is sword and shield.
Celann, the embodiment of devotion
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softness-and-shattering · 6 months ago
Why is there an outfit of the absolute in a tollhouse room that seemingly hasnt been opened since the shadow curse? The room with the barred door, that you enter from above, with the super convenient secret door out to the street. Is it an error, or was the absolute around and into fashion 100 years prior? And how old is Halsin still?
So the beach fight was actually really fun, havent had that kind of a crowd control challenge before. I actually failed the first time round, only made it to round three. It took a wall of fire, multiple glyphs of warding and 2x turn undead. Discovered that the fire only lasts a couple rounds and then it turns to fire ground only which was bit weird? And then Wyll died walking over it for idk what reason, after ddciding to run through the wall earlier for some reason. Didnt save him in time and had to ressurect.
I respecced him as a paladin cause I struggle with warlock. He only has one channel oath charge at time? At level 8?? My usual team is my bard, karlach, astarion and shadowheart, and after the first attempt i swapped astarion for wyll, but he didnt do that much. Did smite sone wraiths, that was very useful, I just thought hed have nore turning undead, maybe more area of effect stuff. As it was, shadowheart and bard carried most of the battle and the others picked up the pieces. Necessary support. Idk I just expected more from Wyll I guess?
Super cool fight though. first wall of fire, glyph of warding, and guardian of faith. The guardian looked super cool, unfortunately disappeared the turn before it was needed, because I cast it pre-battle and the Halsin conversation took a few turns/wasnt in turn-based mode. I wonder if i started the conversation, switched to shadowheart in turn based, went back to the conversation if that would work.
Also tried the thing of throwing a healing potion at someone, it never works for me. It just destroys the potion, idk what im doing wrong.
And then shadowheart and karlach were silenced fighting the tollkeeper, for some reason it still thinks karlach is silenced even q long rest later. Ill see if thats still happening when I boot up my game again.
I really like the little area under the tollhouse basement. I wish there was more to explore there, but. Little secret romantic hideout. Who was down there anyway? During the shadow curse? They seemed peaceful. I dont mind skeletons as that kind of environmental story telling. I just find the piles of bones and stacks of shrouded corpses and random dismembered limbs to be no thank you.
I also didnt kill the devil so astarions big mad at me now. Offered my neck up but i forgot to check if its improved his opinion of me. Need my sneaky rogue man! I just dont at all like or trust Raphael. Creepy man. Offered me food that was definitely suspicious.
I started watching someone stream the game, totally new to dnd, so its interesting watching what they do and dont pick up on compared to like, eg I started off knowing to look for a dash option, and about spell slots, and im familiar at least passongly with a majority of spells and feats and things. It is starting to give me that experience of "no one understand my fave like I do", also looking on ao3 for karlach. Its a looot of "tall demon bondage mommy lady" and thats just not her personality at all, shes incredibly sweet and genuine and free spirited and also vulnerable and new to being around people she cares about, to trusting. Shes not a practised dominatrix. Maybe I should also look for lower rated fics and see what comes up too 😂.
Also the funniest thing happened in the tollhouse fight. I had asterion pickpocket the tollkeeper so he had her key. We're in combat, Karlach happens to run past the safe, I get the magic pockets pop up and suddenly Karlach is running on the attack encumbered! So I pull up the inventory, send the chest to camp, and she keeps running. All in six seconds! 😂😂
And I forgot to check what was in the chest!! Ill have to do that, lets be real, probably tomorrow. And then as long as there isnt more to do on the Thaniel quest immediately, on to moonrise towers! And a level up. Hopefully. Im eyeing it. Collecting fifth level spell scrolls, want to learn em already 👀. Gimme those cool spells!
(And the way you specify where you want the wall of fire to be? Very cool and well done).
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year ago
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im gonna fucking start with the pd riptide cross over shit btw cause i can
first off grizzly and goobleck are sorta all knowing, tjhe only concious one for it always is goobleck (fully aware this is a different world and shit) while grizz is kinda unconious about it (where a battle or lore event would happen, he starts being more to the side and like dm sorta mode), neither can tell anyone else what they know and yes this does mean grizz knows dakota is played by him he doesnt know how to feel about it
i think its funny that maybe ollie was the first to find out the 3 wild rat children (dakota william and vyncent) were superheroes and didnt tell his captains because he didnt see it as abnormal or whatever??
(oh yeah ollie still calls them his captains)
even during big big fights with heroes and villains, the shop always remains "strangely" untouched (pd just dont let shit go over there)
for a while prime trio (what im calling them fuck how they have the same exact name as their campaign name /j) thought people with powers were secretive...then they walked into the bakery and theres a fish man in the back
albatrio have a favorite great! gill likes alphonz (paladin guy), jay likes ram (gunslinger cowboy dude), and while chip finds min (magical girl wizard and my fav of them all) super cool, strider (rogue guy) is a close second. oh and oliver doesnt have a favorite because all of vyncent is perfect to him.
okay so pd spoilers from here on out so yeah
before ashe's possession they took him to the bakery and when they saw ashes book gillion told him they too had a book of the damned
chip and will compare experiences with being deceased
(unrelated but CONDI AND CHARLIE HAVE BEEN DOING DND TOGETHER FOR 5 YEARS?? learnt this from a sneeg vod rn and im going kinda wild)
they started getting worried when the prime trio stopped showing up for a bit, and then they heard word of what happened with overlord and went "oh my gillions mommies whats fucking going on", so yeah
since the albatrio get customers of all kinds, william stops by often to see if he can get more info. most often will stopped by was during the 10 month timeskip, hed be there like every day trying to see if maybe tide came over or smth (and also because pasteries would help him feel closer to vyncent and shit)
jay does tinkering a lot like in canon, but its mostly with vyncents shit because he doesnt really know much on how his tech works so he wouldnt mind much if it broke, but he also does ask jay about shit related to like dakotas headphones or whatever
each of the albatrio have been "on the road" in terms of where theyre sleeping (partually cause road trips, mostly cause backstory shit) so when the winnebago got stolen they called up the prime trio and told them to feel free to crash if needed (to follow some pd canon shit, they entirely forgot abotu this offer)
the albatrio all share a contact because they find it convienent (made by jay btw, can auto direct to which one ya need) and each prime trio member has a different name for them (dakota has "dum-dums" [dm of riptide ref], vyncent is "jay" because he mostly calls her [condi player ref] and will has "holy fish" because he saw him once at the church and also in case they get their tech taken code name shit [charlie player ref])
no pd spoilers jsut how i see each characctere saving the contacts
chip: vyncents "blue haired", william is "gumball", and dakota is "son of a bitch" (IM SORRY I REALLY LIKE SNAPCUBE OKAY ACTUAL NAMES I THINK WOULD BE "vyn patch" "deadwood wiwi" "gillion 2.0")
jay: "potiental(?) murderer" for vyncent, "dat cock lol" for dakota cause hes dc, and "no bitches incarnate" for william (if not jay would just have like their nicknames [virian wispie and kota, i doubt shed use wiwi])
gillion: "Virian" for vyncent (just his name lol), "The Whisperer" for will, and "Moonkicker" for dakota (all are like titles)
i was planning on more but watching sneeg vod take up brain
jrwi riptide bakery au except gillion tries to fight the dough when it rises because that’s Not Possible, jay gets bored waiting for things to cook and decides to Blast That Shit (with a flamethrower), and chip overshares to a random customer and gets the cops called on them for having a Small Boy In The Back Who Does Unpaid Labor For Us (ollie)
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princepancakemage · 7 years ago
can we all agree
this was a pretty awesome fucking season?
we got so much quality content??
fuckig langst
hunk voice: Vrepit Sa!
galra: (terrified) V-vrepit sa...!?
keith backstory
Dnd Ep was fucking narly (everyone said he would be a knight BUT I FUCKING KNEW HED PICK PALADIN HES LAWFUL GOOD GOD DAMN IT)
hunk is true neutral
Lance is chaotic neutral
Pidge is Chaotic good
Allura is Neutral good
more langst
Lance voice: Im just a boy from Cuba.
Lotor is a punk bitch pass it on
Shiro being (technically?) dea- wait thats not a good thing hold up
So. much. SHEITH
back to the dnd ep but shiros beautiful sparkly tear would make even aoyama fucking wince from how much he couldnt stop twinkling
pidge was v ery sad and felt very betrayed who hurt my child like this
a soft shance moment that made this shance shipper sob a very gay tear
keith voice: I LOVE YOU
SHiro is now actually a grandpa so i guess those antis were right now we cant ship him with anyone not even iverson
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ear · 7 years ago
the teams REAL dnd classes/races based on their personalities.... dont argue with me im right..
shiro: dragonborn paladin   (paladin- his clone was a 100% replication of the real shiro, memory and personality wise so if real shiro were to play dnd he wld def choose paladin over and over again. dragonborn- dragons r typically considered loyal, brave, strong, and commanding..)
keith: tiefling rogue   (rogue- lone wolf, always works alone. speaks for itself really. tiefling- probably into that lowkey furry shit but not really into tabaxi standards. tieflings r also badass looking like lmao he would definately be a tiefling just agree w me)
lance: lion tabaxi fighter   (fighter- “a master of martial combat, skilled with a variety of weapons and armor”. thats the official description for a fighter. lance would be an exceptional fighter since he’s shown skill with multiple different weapons. lion tabaxi- he was basically like. the closest thing to a tabaxi in the dnd episode so. why not make it forreal.. also hes a furry so)
hunk: firbolg druid   (druid- “wielding the powers of nature and adopting animal forms” this screamed hunk goodbye.. also druid r cool. firbolg- firbolgs prefer to spend their days in quiet harmony, which lowkey sounds like hunk, but im sure they can fuck shit up)
pidge: dwarf barbarian   (im pretty sure this is what she was in canon but it actually suits her so!)
allura: genasi sorcerer   (sorcerer- sorcerers draw magic from their bloodline ..... allura drew alchemic magic from her bloodline ..... u getting my vibe? genasi- basically the avatar so they can control the elements ... also genasi look cool as shit so theres that)
coran: centaur bard   (centaur- hed look like a yelmore ! bard- idk coran just sounds like the kind of dude whod be like that ...)
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s0lar-ch3ri · 2 months ago
so i did never actually ramble about ocs lemme talk about armon and seb rq
okay so basically armon, lets start with him, his full name is armon lexiquiant-deminarc, hes a dressmaker out on the sea! he runs a shop called "fabrics and fans", and despite the title hes earned, he can make more tjhan a dress, dresses are just a specialty of his! he uses a cane because of birth things with help from an accident later on in his life, causing a lot of protectiveness from his parents. regardless, he got to work his dream job, and while it does have setbacks (attacks, weather risks, sleep lacks), he wouldnt have it any other way.
as a person, armon is a man who likes to charm and tease, yet he does his best to help out and is overall a caring man. he gives all his customers the nickname doll, and while a business man, can put it aside if needed. he has a couple aqquiantances that i havent really made, but he does have a partner. back home on the island of tyfoonie, holding the town of onabus (might workshop its name), he had met in his childhood when they were both 15, a man named sebastopol sharam who we shall get into soon
he possesses one special magic, one i havent figured out how or why hed have, but its the ability im deciding rn to call "Internal Gaze", where he can see the basics of information on a person: name, age, sizes, and basic intensions! how it works is that he looks into somebodys eyes for around 5 seconds and it works! if i were to do a dnd mechanic for it, probably wanting to gain more comes with a roll and a risk; the more you look the more you get, however you have to roll some kind of stat (not sure exactly what yet, id say either a perswasion or general charisma, but i may also play around with wisdom) to keep their gaze at yours, while the other has to roll a contested wisdom/charisma save, regardless of failures or successes the caster is vulnerable the entire time the spell is cast failure just means you stay vulnerable till your next turn and you dont gain anything more (there is another idea im playing with; your roll is an intimidation roll, the other person is a wisdom save, your roll is their dc and you want them to pass, the other person failing makes them look away and be intimidated but nothing to warrent any bonuses to the caster). gonna pl;ay around with it but yeag
he is a humanoid, he speaks solely common cause he has no sheet however if i were to assign him a class hed probably be a bard! his favorite color is sky blue but midnight blues a second fav, he enjoys classical and jazz kinds of music, and is an only child!
in a shortened description i put of him on a fic: "armon lexiquiant-deminarc, a boyflux dressmaker who runs the clothing making ship store "fabric and fans", hes a charmer who loves to tease but is caring and helpful as best he can, he can analyze people with basic intensions by looking in their eyes (magic thing), he is also engaged to sebastopol (he/they, will change throughout fics but will always use he)"
as for sebastopol sharam, or otherwise known as seb, hes a medic with teleportation abilities! that name may sound familiar, this man is indeed armons fiance! seb previously had 5 siblings, but due to illness befalling and being unable to be cured when he was around 19, his youngest sister, talia, ended up passing, leaving him with 4. even after all this time, everyone (minus the oldest of them, but we'll get to him another day) of the siblings still struggle with the grief of their dead sister, and seb is no different, he even became a medic in hopes of doing her some good. hes a bit of a smug guy who says what he means and a little less, but will drop it in a heartbeat for those he cares about. hes not the best at social situations and definetely needs better ways of handling grief, but hes trying his best!
he too is a humanoid, i also dont have a sheet for him but if i were to assign him a class, id go with a cleric or paladin! his favorite color is a midnight blue but sunflower yellows a second fav, he likes folk and jazz kinds of music, and is the 2nd oldest of his siblings!
in a shortened description i put of him in a fic: "sebastopol sharam, or seb, a demiboy medic and 2nd oldest in a family of 6 siblings, hes a smug guy who likes to say what he means and is totally good at social situations and also the grief (hes not), he has the ability to teleport magically, and as said above hes engaged to armon (he/they/aer)"
@mastofthecast id assume youd wanna hear about them but uh sorry if you dont like tagging!
oughhhhhh i cant give any examples of what they do rn as ive just woken up but raghhhh armonnn and sebbbbb i need to finish my writings about them
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