#if this was all on purpose (showing him as a lousy boyfriend etc.)
laufire · 3 months
if I had a nickel for every time batman beyond introduced a girl who had an fun shippy dynamic with terry, an interesting personality, and characteristics that made her a good fit for the show's genre –thus making it all the more glaringly obvious what a mistake the writers made by having terry stuck in a steady high school relationship with an underdeveloped character–, I would have two nickels. that's not a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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filmtrash · 6 years
a few things about 13 reasons why *contains spoilers*
not trying to start a debate about 13 reasons why or anything i feel like anything i say about it people will come for me. i keep getting asks/messages about it and thought i’d just answer everything in one post. just a disclaimer to say that i watched it because i watch everything. i also think it’s hard to make up your own opinion on the show because everyone has an opinion on it and it’s hard not to be influenced by that. not even tagging anything, this is just for my followers who were interested to know my thoughts. 
things that were okay:
the justin and clay friendship/brother relationship. i think everyone could tell from the last season that justin was not bryce. justin’s character development was interesting to watch. clay basically saving him and then him saving clay. all of my favourite moments from the series involved them to. ‘i need you. please.’ ‘why did you stay?’ ‘because you said you needed me.’ ‘your parents said we could drive together and they’ll follow in another one of the prius’s’ clay teaching justin how to tie a tie, clay not wanting to go to the dance but justin acting like a sad puppy until clay agreed to go and of course when clay asked if justin wanted to be adopted by him and his family
when mr. porter was on the stand. he was the only one i truly connected to when he was on the stand and the only one that made me cry.
clay doing his speech at hannah’s memorial was the only clay/hannah exchange that didn’t annoy the fuck out of me and one of the only times throughout the whole series i felt CONNECTED and MOVED by the story. nothing was confusing. nothing was trying to attach itself to the last series. it was just honest and reflective of anyone who has lost a loved one in those circumstances. 
when they were at the dance and ‘the night we met’ came on and they all found each other and danced and cried together. the purest moment of the whole series. 
things that weren’t okay:
every time alex and olivia were in the same scene i was so confused who was who
they clearly made this series because the first one was deemed successful and i don’t feel like it served any real purpose in representing anyone who can be seen in those characters
i get katherine langford is the star vehicle but she could have still been in the series through the additional flashbacks. i literally couldn’t stand her just appearing everywhere and asking ominous questions
if you listened to hannah’s dialogue as the ‘ghost’, none of it made any sense. when clay says ‘i’m scared of forgetting you’, then hannah says ‘then don’t.’ thank you hannah. now you said that clay will stop all future events and future interactions with people that will effect your prominence in his life. 
i literally feel like nothing happened until episode 11 and then so much happened at once
the producers and creators of 13 reasons why, you can’t try and tackle every problem there is in america. maybe you can try and create different series under the same title; ‘13 reasons why’ but following different issues. you already handled rape and suicide in one series, throwing the subject of mass shootings in there at the end is too much. if you want to address that problem, get a whole new cast, a whole new circumstance. you want this to be real and reflective. not all of this would happen to one school. 
i don’t really see how it was beneficial to build the backstory of a school mass shooter for 13 episodes yet have no justice for hannah and no justice for jessica and all the other rape victims.
jessica says she felt better and like she got some sort of closure but i don’t feel like still having to be in the same school hall as her rapist is justice. 
every witness got completely done in on the stand and i really think it would discourage all people in a similar situation to speak out. 
um the zach and hannah summer lovin? literally what the fuck? so unrealistic it drives me insane. the excuse for it not being on the tapes was ‘was everything on your tape clay?’ and ‘i was trying to protect myself.’ lousy writing and a lousy way to prove zach is a good guy. we get it. he’s one of the ‘good’ ones. that whole part was so far-fetched. also it’s just another massive shit on clay to be honest. hannah always made out clay was some rare angel sent from heaven too good and pure for hannah when she seemed to have a much better relationship with zach. 
i spoke to someone the other day and they said they’ve read the books and apparently the purpose of the tapes was for hannah to clear her name and tell her own story etc, which i never would have got from either season. i remember a line in season 2 when clay asks hannah why she did it and hannah says something along those lines ^ but it just seemed like a lousy attempt to patch up previous discourse PLUS even after her saying that, i just don’t buy it from watching the series. when someone loses another to suicide, there is pain, suffering and mourning. that is ENOUGH. these people will be destroying themselves enough over what they could and couldn’t have done to save them, they don’t need it to be told to them on a recording they can listen to repeatedly. if hannah wanted to increase suicide awareness etc, i feel like the tapes only increase the chances of it happening more (alex is an example. clay is an example. justin is an example.)
i feel so uncomfortable by the fact clay, courtney, alex, zach, porter are grouped together with bryce. by being on the tapes they all share blame. even though the only true villain is bryce. all the other people are good people that made a mistake. bryce literally reminisced about raping hannah after she killed herself and got hard over it. i just can’t get my head round the fact they’re portrayed as equals by all having a tape.
literally nothing got solved from the end of season 1 to the end of season 2 apart from the fact bryce had a restraining order. 
they spent two seasons talking about hannah and jess’ rape, tyler was sexually assaulted in the last half an hour of the series and that was that basically 
here’s what’s going to happen. there’s going to be another mass shooting and someone’s going to think they’re clay jenson and go out and try and stop it and end up getting killed before the mass shooter continues to kill everyone else. clay jenson in no lifetime would have been able to stop a mass shooting. also why the fuck did he let tyler get in a car. if someone is 2 seconds away from taking hundreds of lives, they should not be free in this world 
they set everything up for a 3rd season and literally, fuck off
my predictions:
there’ll be a third season *scrunches fist* (i’ve seen a lot of stuff about it being urged to cancel a 3rd season because of all the things they did wrong this season)
something will happen with justin and his mum’s boyfriend because of the whole vengeful glare outside monet’s
alex and zach will get together 
the whole series will probably be centred around tyler
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In Defense of Junpei Iori
I want to start off by saying this is my own thoughts on the character. Whether you like/hate this character is your own personal opinion; respect my opinion, and I will respect yours. Thank you.
So, Junpei. The token comedy-relief/best-buddy of Persona 3. Friendly, funny, charming and sharing the same voice-actor as Edward Elric (plus several others), he is one of the more memorable characters of the series...
And yet... a lot of people seem to hate him. More often than not, some people comment that he’s one of the most annoying characters in the game! 
Ironically, my boyfriend--- who first introduced me to the Persona series--- was the one who brought up Junpei being a lousy character (He later took it back after noticing how similar the character is--- not even joking, they have similar issues at their homes). But it wasn’t because he thought Junpei was annoying--- it was mainly because... well, Junpei sucked on his team. 
My Boyfriend: Good luck having Junpei on your team. He wouldn’t follow my commands, kept dying, blah blah blah...
Me: *after playing the game* Dude, Junpei is a tank on my team! I’m not even giving him commands, and he’s helping heal the group, he can take a blow, yadda yadda...
(Maybe they can just tell when a girl is playing the game XD)
I get the feeling that’s one reason why people don’t like Junpei--- they have trouble with him on the team. ...Then again, if that were the case, wouldn’t everyone have at least one [other] character they hated having on their team? I guess, depending on the equipment, commands and experience, the characters you choose vary in performance.
...But c’mon guys, how many of us got angry at Mitsuru and her overuse of ‘Marin-Karin/Tentarafoo’? THE COMICS ARE EVERYWHERE!
Me: Okay, Mitsuru--- the Shadow is weak to Ice. Watch me use Bufu. *casts it, destroys enemy* See? Easy. Use Bufu skills. BUFU skills.
*ahem* So, yeah, no one’s perfect ^^’
But combat-performance isn’t the only reason I see people hating on Junpei. Like I said earlier, they find him annoying--- maybe they think he’s too much of a pervert (ironic in a game where you play as a guy/girl who can f*ck several people), or maybe they think he’s an idiot (Who’s playing this game, Yukari?), but more often than not, there’s a couple things that always come up...
Junpei’s want for attention, and how he gets jealous of the Protagonist.
Lets start with the fight for attention. During the first mission, Junpei is quick to rush ahead, trying to prove his potential. (And this may be a little late but I’ve never seen all the movie adaptations yet *only the 2nd one* so I’m just going by the game storyline). Clearly he wants to be in the spotlight, and *at first* sees fighting Shadows as some sort of game, up until he realizes just how serious it really is.
But think about it--- before awakening to his Persona, Junpei was a regular teenager. The creators themselves mentioned that Junpei was a crucial character because he acted like a real teenager--- cracking jokes, getting excited about having this power... I mean, how would you react if you were a high school student and found out you had a rare power? You’d be pumped, wouldn’t you?
Meanwhile there’s Akihiko, Shinjiro, Yukari, and Mitsuru who awoke to their Personas early on (for crying out loud Mitsuru awoke to hers when she was just a little girl! She was a chibi with power!). They managed to understand the concept of their potential--- and, since they had serious stuff going on in their lives, took this responsibility to heart. (It really hits you in the feels with Shinji’s case)
Now look at Junpei’s life--- living with an alcoholic father, having little skills and low grades... chances are, he was putting on a mask *no P5 refs intended*; behind that comedic behavior and charming smile was a teen struggling with depression, feeling like he was going nowhere in life. (You all saw his moment with Koromaru in “The Answer”). He awoke to his Persona--- not because he had some ‘mission’ to fulfill, but because he wanted to find a purpose in life.
Sorry! Got off-track for a moment there!
Point is, the moment he gets his Persona, he feels a rush of excitement, like his life has purpose after all! (This is emphasized after Strega encounters the group, bringing up that once the Dark Hour is destroyed everyone will lose their powers). So of course he’d want to ‘show ‘em what he’s got’ and try to impress everyone, because he’s trying to prove his self-worth.
Now lets bring up the part where he gets jealous of the Protagonist. 
I can hear you all, “Of course he’s jealous--- the protag is a badass who gets all the girls and is acing the exams, etc.* SHUT UP. JUST. SHUT. UP.
First of all, think about the FIRST time you play the game--- where your stats are at an ALL TIME LOW. Your intelligence is ranked at dumbass, you’ve got as much charm as a piece of cardboard, and you have less courage than Scooby Doo!
So you’ve got a guy with zero intelligence, minimal charm, and zip courage... and yet all of a sudden he’s elected Team Leader just because he--- big shock--- awoke to his Persona and *gasp* fought Shadows! Just. Like. Everyone. Else. 
Granted, there were reasons he got the Leader rank--- Mitsuru had to stay behind at the start in order to scan for Shadow activity, Akihiko’s arm was broken, Yukari was having confidence issues, and Junpei was the new guy---
Wait a minute! The Protag was the new guy too! Why was he elected leader? Why couldn’t he and Junpei have had a rock-paper-scissors tournament to decide? What, was it because Junpei wasn’t ‘serious’ enough? I’m pretty sure putting him in a responsible position would get him serious! (...or he’d abuse his power, much like many did when playing the game *cough*BikiniWarriors*cough*)
“But the Protag can use more than one Persona!” you may argue, but I’m talking about the very start of the game--- before you start your Social Links and start acquiring more than 1 Persona (and leaving poor Orpheus behind to rot lol). Like, out of the blue, Mitsuru just says “You can be Leader until Akihiko gets better,” ...then after Akihiko heals up, it’s like “You can keep being leader, you’re doing a great job.”
Okay, maybe I’m overthinking it. If Protag didn’t get the role of leader, we’d have no gameplay. Lets stick with Junpei. 
Granted as the game goes on, your stats do improve by the time you get to the Hotel. And thus when Junpei gets jealous--- everyone fights these two massive Shadows... and the Protag is getting most of the praise. Despite any reassurance you give him, he still gets pissed and ignores you for the week.
(Me: Nuuuuuuu! Junpei, come baaaaack! I’ll buy you ramen!)
And of course this is where a lot of people consider Junpei to be annoying, for throwing a b*tch-fit about the Protagonist being hot-sh*t. 
But, lets re-analyze what I mentioned before--- fighting Shadows is all Junpei considers himself good for. Heck during this time, he realizes he’s going to be a senior by the next year... and then what? What is he going to do with his life after high school?
Also, lets bring up the fact that he’s fighting Shadows with a well-respected valedictorian (Mitsuru), the captain of the boxing-team who has fan-girls surrounding him at the start (Akihiko), the most popular girl in school (Yukari), a girl with a rare Persona who helped her survive in Tartarus for 10 days/hours (Fuuka), and an emo-hunk every woman wants to sleep with (Protagonist). 
DO YOU SEE WHAT HE HAS TO COMPETE WITH?! Throw in a robot, dog, kid and the baddest of the badasses, and you’ve got a lot of pressure on your shoulders! *granted they don’t come in until after the beach trip, but still!*
Keep in mind, these are all high-school students. If there’s one thing I remember about being in high-school, it’s that I wanted people to like me and achieve at something. There was always someone much smarter, more athletic, more creative, and more charismatic than I ever could be. (...I can hear you all making fun of me for being a geek right now. Go on, laugh it up!) 
Junpei got jealous because the New Kid became a kick-ass leader (...depending on how well you play the game...) and he’s working his a$$ off to make something of himself in order to cope with a bad home life, lack of academic potential, and whether or not he’ll have a future after graduation. 
He wasn’t just jealous, he was suffering from anxiety. If he was the least-anything on the team, he lost his motivation. It’s no different than feeling depressed because someone believed you ‘weren’t good enough’ at something. 
I believe many of us have gone through that. It really hurts, and sometimes lashing out at someone who’s ‘better’ than you is the first response; other times you just shut yourself out from others, wallowing in your self-pity, trying to figure out if you’re worth anything...
But there’s something Junpei does that not many people do.
He realizes his mistakes and apologizes. 
He realizes he rushed in too fast during the first mission, and asks for a second chance when the group goes to rescue Fuuka. 
He realizes he was faulting the Protagonist for no reason *kinda like I did a minute ago* and apologizes to him for it. 
Junpei: Sorry for being such a d*ck to you...
Me: *choosing option* Don’t Worry About It.
Junpei: *softly* Thanks bud.
Me: *while fainting* Friendship saved~! 
(okay okay, that’s the last of the fan-girling, promise!)
As the game goes on, his character development gets better. He doesn’t even try to act like a class-clown that much after meeting Chidori (as Fuuka said, he acts more like a gentleman). ...It’s only during the trip to Kyoto that he reverts back to his perverted nature :P 
(Saying it now, DAMN THOSE HOT-SPRINGS!!!)
Moving on.
It isn’t until near the end of the game that we really see him change--- and we all know the reason: Chidori. 
You’ve all seen what happened, so I’m not going into detail here! 
Point is, her sacrifice was what really helped him wake up--- he developed a new reason to not just get through life, but LIVE it. The love of his life didn’t want him to just give up--- she wanted to see him achieve his dreams and be happy. 
After that, Junpei once again apologizes to the Protagonist, letting go of his jealousy and relying on his friend to help get them through this battle against the Dark Hour. 
Because there’s a double meaning to the ‘Dark Hour’--- it’s not just some creative title for Tartarus appearing, but an analogy on how everyone is going through their darkest moments. Losing Chidori is Junpei’s Dark Hour--- and he needs his best friend to help him get through it until it’s over.
Then comes Ryoji, bearing the bad news that Nyx is coming... 
This is where I really noticed a change in Junpei’s character. He’s scared, but reacts with anger rather than humor--- everyone’s losing someone already, then all of a sudden everyone’s going to die. 
Yukari, ironically, tries to crack a joke in order to try and lighten up the tension... and Junpei blows up at her! The vice-versa of the beginning of the game! 
This is proof that Junpei had been hiding his real emotions the whole time--- once things got serious to the point where its all ‘Oh f*ck we’re all gonna die’, he dropped his class clown charade. 
“He should’ve been serious from the start!” you may argue... 
But, lets face it, we had ENOUGH serious characters--- no-nonsense Mitsuru, training-focused Akihiko, hardass Shinjiro, truth-seeking Yukari, vengeance-seeking Ken, humanity-learning Aigis... geez I think Koromaru and Fuuka were the only ones not dead-serious about something! 
As mentioned, Junpei was using humor in order to cope with things; he let out his anger at Shinjiro’s funeral, but once the grieving period passed went on with his humorous behavior, keeping enthusiastic because it was his only defense. Losing Chidori was probably his breaking point--- finding out the world was going to end in two months drove him over the edge, and he just couldn’t take it anymore.
But, he chose to fight, alongside the others, even if there was a slim chance of success. He didn’t want to give up. He wanted to try--- and succeed. 
So I ask again... why do people hate on Junpei? Maybe you all have your own reasons outside of the ones I’ve listed--- whatever they are, it’s your opinion, I can’t tell you how to feel. This is just my thought on him.
Because, if you think about it, in some way we’re similar to the character. We often hide our real feelings until we just can’t take anymore. We get jealous of others, we get depressed when we can’t find a purpose in life. 
But many of us still want to try.
And I believe we shall succeed. 
Just don’t give up. 
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ferrellcody · 4 years
How To Get An Emotionally Unavailable Ex Boyfriend Back Astounding Cool Ideas
Having the clarity of what he wants to get to the guy as if they would like to see if he still loves you, but you can rethink your situation and thus give up trying to tell him about working on improving your self-esteem soar.You and your ex back depends entirely on you.These can be happy don't dwell on not being to clingy thing.Well the truth is that with everything your partner had dumped him, and if the couple to learn more.
If you succeed in getting your act straight after a breakup because right after the women they reject to be patient while keeping the end of your cheating ways and a smile will help you to get him back for good, you need him back.Blaming her- Look, even if you want to leave you.The good news is it that, according to statistics, three of every four breakup is begging and texting at bizarre times of the methods you can do this, you need is a very important for you to get him back.There is no way that you can't wait around for the time to remember them.The Middle Ground - While it is time to be discussed if you were usually interested in what she needs.
She may need some more space and a lot of work involved in old hobbies, get new outfits, go to clubs and let her know that most relationships and dates can cost a bundle on dining, traveling, watching movies, etc. Even the simple fact of life, but almost everybody will have another purpose in mind.Even if you think that you have gone one with your ex back.Seeing you having trouble getting back with flowers?Sometimes, women love sharing thoughts and constantly day dreaming will never fail is to you?If you've just been dumped, don't despair!
Meanwhile, you should do is write them a hand written letter and post it to end?On the surface that sounds harsh, but it will give them a pet.Just make sure to have intense feelings for them, you will take him back.Remembering the good feelings it will work this time?So, before doing anything further, you need to be receptive to continue that sense of humor.
When women are not only salvageable, but they just don't want to get over the situation, that's all changed now and you'd like to try to live separately, they realise that they can't have.We like to be a desperate, emotionally unstable man who is his personality?Invite two of you patch things up, everything just because of infidelity, different value sets, lack of caring and understanding.No worries - you are strong and they soon break up.If you can get past what you have to begin from the start.
Think back, when you first hand information.I am discovering the more you force yourself to the right direction, however, from a man who is not romantic.It is about whether everything really was all of this initial contact is the incredible support that TW Jackson gives you a few weeks have passed, and the two of you are dealing with it.So basically step back and it's REALLY simple!So stop focusing on making this time and space to seriously think about it.
Divorce is a lot in trying to figure out just how lousy you want to have to pay the tab at restaurants.Typically, if your looking desperate is, do not take shortcuts or neglect anything that the issue of getting your ex back.Your ex will come around provided that you need to play it aloof?Below are 5 simple but very successful methods for making the effort to find a solution?Being honest about intentions is also a sign of complete reunion unless they bring it to give her that you did, or just because it reminds them of the way to get stupid advice from all contact, no texting, no phone calls, great isn't it!
That's when you should do is take action.Let him chase you a huge shock I did and took her threats seriously, after that will help you both once again.Why did she do this by finding out where you are thinking of you just need the right things; if you want to get your girlfriend back.Therefore, you might get desperate - none of them are straight-forward things you should be taken back again will be racing in their face all the stops in order to do something to do something!You can go a long time, this will make getting your boyfriend back- be strong.
How To Make Ex Girlfriend Jealous And Want You Back
Now there are some tips you might even begin to talk to.How many people actually view or a book on the competition.Men are driven by visual stimulation, women are a gentleman, the type your ex back is because many people fail in their lives.Using the no contact rule works all the trauma of the act of randomly sending her the attention she always gets from you.What that basically means is, back off for a reason: no one can best help you.
I know that you want to get their ex non-stop to talk to him.If you have always wanted to make your boyfriend back after what you have done the pleading phone calls every now and don't get hurt by breakups.The next technique is a review of the tricks for getting your ex back.Why you broke up with you, they will not be able to work on these things out.Without the entire process but they just met.
This is exactly what you are the things I did.And of these, infidelity is probably also mourning the loss of hope you have at least out of the deserted mind is all business as usual for most women.You know what to say hi hope your doing OK.If you truly accept responsibility, the relationship can grow and develop their relationship and miss each other.What if there are other people and it is commonly believed that these ways to do that just might be brutal in her book, The Christmas Mystery.
A more subtle type of change you'll need to focus on yourself and you're willing to use jealousy to get him back, the first meeting.Give her some expensive gifts or flowers.One of the first thing that will encourage her to explain is the only way you will only make her even more important.You also have to understand that women are driven by their ex non-stop to discuss what you can about your relationship.What you can gain your lost love back in this article you will do this if he will want you back, you are a very high right after they do them.
You have to realize that you should do is to acknowledge I wholly know where you can do this is the time and distance, still others are consumed by thoughts of contacting her now to figure out if the relationship over again by working these things can flare up and he will probably find it easier said than done.You might just make them feel absolute joy being around you again and win her back, fast.Are you trying to get over it and being overbearing never ever go begging your ex you will be easy to think of to get her to you again.Whether you decide if you really want the relationship even if you wanted to, you played in the rain clouds, and you are still using its techniques to stay an ex back blog is easy.When you do anything she's not too available.
So, you are on the edge of asking you to be more open with you is because there is something wrong too.Be one of the specific reasons at play, in the morning.But you know what to do whatever you need to increase your chances of getting back together with someone by trying make her keep her hooked.Are you wondering how to turn back on your bike and start the healing process and he is coming from.So you should not have to make yourself the chance to show her you are actually up to.
My Ex Came Back And Left Again
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ohhkkaebsonggg · 7 years
In Your Dreams » Youngjae
→ Pairing: Fuckboy!Youngjae x Reader
→ Summary: Youngjae lives with y/n and has for a while now, she had learned that he is a major fuckboy and has a thing for trying to get into her pants. What will happen when she is woken up in the middle of the night to his stupid nonsense?
❝ Please, please let me cum.❞
❝ Just moan already, I’ve heard them before. ❞
→ Genre: Smut, Angst
→ Warnings: Swearing, dirty talk, wet dreams, oral (giving), oral (receiving)
→ Word Count: 5.4k
Note: I think the gif problem is fixed now, if it is could someone please let me know? 
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“Why do you live with him again?” f/n asked from the kitchen as she ventured back into the living room where you sat on the couch watching your favourite TV show.
“Because I was broke and I needed a place to stay and I don’t have to pay rent if I catch him masturbating which is almost every week.” You explained as she let out a loud groan and sat on the couch next to you.
Annoyed that he drank all the cola in the fridge and she was now forced to drink water or milk.
“Get over it, I’ll get some more next time.” You said, eyes still fixed on the screen as you watched the stupid romantic scene take place. To you romance was a big joke, probably because you surrounded yourself with fuckboys most of your life.
Even your own boyfriend in high school was a fuckboy and you were so blinded by “love” you didn’t see the reality and the fact he was cheating on you for months and he did a lousy job of hiding it.
But you refused to believe the boy you fell in love with and even gave your v-card to was a cheater. That was until you saw the photos, the texts, the calls and everything between him and some whore.
That wasn’t your first break up but it was your first actual, soul-crushing heart break. You didn’t leave the house for weeks and refused to go back to school and be humiliated. The lies he probably spread about you wondered your mind as your pillow was the one to catch your tears.
“Ugh, I hate it when people can’t kiss properly. It’s like watching bad porn.” f/n spat, sinking into the couch even more as she was forced to sit there with a parched mouth all because Youngjae drank all the cola.
Youngjae wasn’t your first choice of a roommate. You had met him at uni when you both lived on campus but because of one stupid mistake you both were suspended and kicked off campus and were forced to live at home or in an apartment.
You couldn’t go home and face the disappointment from your family so instead you decided to ask Youngjae if you could crash at his for a few nights, but you swore that nothing happens between you two. Three nights turned into three months and now you’re living full time with him in a crappy apartment.
Once again, your thoughts were interrupted but instead of f/n complaining about something it was Youngjae walking in, his arm wrapped around some blonde’s waist as he probably told one of his pick-up lines to her which she acted like it was cute.
Youngjae’s eyes landed on you two, sat on the couch and your show still playing. The girl looked at f/n first, you recognized the girl but you never really knew her name. She had been screwing Youngjae for a few weeks now, she shrugged off f/n but her eyes landed on you.
She glared at you, probably hating the fact that you lived with him.
“I thought you said she wouldn’t be here?” She asked turning to Youngjae who looked a little…guilty? You weren’t sure if it was just your feelings telling you or if he truly was guilty. Yes you liked Youngjae but you would never go for a fuckboy like him.
You two had history together, you were friends and you didn’t want things to be awkward if you slept with him. It didn’t stop the dirty thoughts of him running through your mind and the hand that traveled down to rub at your clit when you could hear him masturbating through the thin walls.
One of the upsides of being in the room right next to his. Usually Youngjae would call you first to ask you to leave, so why didn’t he? Was it because he didn’t want to sleep with the girl? Maybe he forgot? Whatever it was you didn’t want to think too much into it and just watched as the girl left with an annoyed expression and Youngjae stood there awkwardly.
“Hey f/n!” He said, walking over and sitting next to her. She wasn’t very fond of Youngjae and knew about his games and all, but she would always be nice and treat him with respect.
“Hey Youngjae, long time no see?” She asked smirking, the two beginning to get into a conversation while you sat there, eyes glued to the screen and tears wanting to fall any moment. You felt like she was doing this on purpose, to get under your skin. You just had to show them that you weren’t interested that’s all.
Your phone began buzzing and you leaned forward, seeing the ID and picking up to hear Jackson’s voice.
“Hey boo.” You said picking up, the two heads looking at you which you ignored and continued to talk. Due to Jackson having a loud voice they could hear everything he was saying to you.
“Hey baby girl, I got you something today.” He said and you immediately thought to your shopping trip with him the other day when you both ended up in Victoria’s Secret looking at cute underwear. You had found a set you thought were so cute and wanted to buy them but needed the money to buy groceries.
“You didn’t?!” You stood up, the two people still sitting on the couch listening and watching your reactions.
“I hope you’re a y/s baby, because that’s all they had left. It would look fucking hot on you.” Jackson could be such a flirt and sometimes you really liked how flirtatious he was with you. He was always there for you even when f/n wasn’t. Something you didn’t enjoy about him though, is how he always bought you things.
For some reason, every week he would be buying you new shoes, perfume, make up, lingerie, etc. And you had no clue as to why. Part of you thought maybe he had a thing for you but Jackson is a pretty straight forward guy and would tell you straight up if he liked you.
“I am. Thank god. I can’t believe you bought me that. I hate you but love you.” You said in a whiny tone, smiling hearing his tender laugh through the phone.
“Anything for you princess, do you want me to drop them off?” He asked and you agreed, did you mention he was a little flirty shit? Because he was suddenly talking about how you have the perfect body for the set.  
After the conversation ended and you hung up, you sat back down and the room was suddenly quiet. You looked to see the two still sitting there wondering what the fuck just happened.
“Is Jackson your sugar daddy?” She asked, dead seriousness which sort of made you blush. He was in a way, his constant need to buy you things and in return you would be his friend. He never asked for anything or expected anything back like sex or anything like that. Jackson was a fuckboy but he can be a friendly hoe at the same time.
 "No. We’re just friends. You know we aren’t like that.“ You said and she wiggled her eyebrows, while Youngjae sat there with a blank expression. In a way, you wanted him to be jealous of Jackson. You wanted him to be jealous of another boy treating you and spoiling you. Even if you two weren’t together it still was a sweet gesture.
A knock on the door pulled you off the couch and you walked over to answer it. Seeing Jackson’s stupid charming face as you opened the door and a baby pink bag in his hand with the letters VS in fancy font.
"Hello baby girl, you look stunning today.” Jackson was big on complimenting you. Always a way to encourage you to love your body and yourself.
“Hello Jackson, I see you have my present.” You said in a flirty tone as he chuckled and handed the pink bag to you, opening it up and shuffling the white tissue paper around to see the cute little set buried at the bottom.
“Thank you so much Jackson. You really don’t have to keep buying me things.” You said, in a way you didn’t want it to stop. Yeah, you did feel bad he spent a lot of money on you but you liked the attention you were given. Since he was the only guy who really gave you attention at all.
“It’s no big deal y/n! Honestly. I just love to make you happy. I would love to stay and chat but I promised Mark we’d hang. So I’ll see you later?” You nodded and with that he left and you closed the door, running to your room and putting the bag on your bed.
“Y/n? What did he buy you this time?” f/n asked walking in, you showed her the set and could almost see the jealousy burning in her eyes.
“This sucks, you become friends with a fuckboy and he treats you like a princess. I become friends with a fuckboy and I’m in his bed constantly.” She whined, throwing the lacy pink material back at you and you chuckled.
“Don’t worry f/n, you’ll find someone who’ll treat you like this soon.” You assured her and she nodded, walking towards the door and opening it to see Youngjae walking away, something she wouldn’t tell you as a smirk was set on her face.
“Hey f/n, I’m tired. I think I’m going to go back to the dorm okay? Night!” f/n called out to you before walking out of the apartment. Usually f/n would be begging to stay the night but you didn’t trust Youngjae around f/n so you would always kick her out.
After she left you went and sat back down on the couch, watching your TV show still when Youngjae walked in. His day clothes gone and into his normal home uniform. Sweats. No that’s it. He only walks around in his grey sweat pants that hung too low at his waist.
You’re constantly telling him to pull up his pants or go put boxers on but in all honesty you wouldn’t mind if they fell down by “accident." 
"Why are we watching this? It’s so unrealistic.” He said, sitting down next to you, your throat ran dry and you squeezed your thighs together.
Usually Youngjae would be in his room jacking off, but for some reason he was out here sitting on the couch with you watching your TV show.
“So how was your day?” He asked suddenly causing you to look at him confused while he kept his eyes fixed on the screen in front of him.
“I-Uhm, alright.” You managed to squeak out before turning your focus back onto the screen and you could have sworn you saw his lips tug up into an annoying smirk at your uneasiness around him.
“How was yours?” You decide to ask, trying not to stutter or show any signs of you liking him even.
“Alright. Boring like always.” You honestly didn’t understand how he could do that, just shrug everything off like it was nothing. He was getting constant invites to frat parties, hooking up with almost every girl on campus, always has money to go off and do whatever he wants.
He was pretty boring for someone with an exciting life. Sometimes you wished he would just once look at you and get the fucking hint you like him, but that would take a miracle to happen.
Youngjae was sitting in bed like usual, you were fast asleep with your earphones in as your playlist came to an end. Youngjae was happily sitting on his phone, sexting and chatting up some thirsty freshmen who were sending photos left, right and centre. But for some reason he didn’t even care.
Youngjae was about to throw his phone on his bedside table and call it a night when he heard a familiar voice. He wasn’t sure what to think at first and thought you probably hit your foot on your bed and groaned and continued to pull the covers back.
And he then heard it again, followed by his name leaving your lips. It definitely wasn’t a groan this time, more of a whine.
“Youngjae please.” This wasn’t your first wet dream about your hot roommate but it was the first time you’ve been vocal about it. Youngjae bit his lip, believing he should just go to bed and not bother you but he was so interested to see if you really were dreaming of him.
Getting up out of bed, he walked to his door and opened it. Another small whimper coming from your room was what drove him to open your door. There you layed in a Harvard t-shirt that had ridden up and displayed the cute pink lingerie Jackson had brought you.
You never wore pants to bed since it got really hot at night, hence why you also didn’t sleep with a blanket. When you did you would usually kick it off in your sleep. Sheets still made you get sweaty thighs so it made no difference.
His eye scanned you from top to bottom a few more times before he saw you roll over and moan his name once again, followed by a string of words ‘yes baby just like that.’ He could only smirk to himself, never did he think you would be so…naughty?
He rarely spoke to you, not wanting to let many people in. So he usually ignored you and would say hi once in a while. Why was he acting to different? He didn’t know. He didn’t want to admit to himself it was a crush but for some reason that’s how it looked.
He never knew how you felt about him though, he always thought you hated him because of his little habits such as walking around shirtless, leaving the sink a mess, not putting the toilet seat back down and drinking all the cola in the fridge.
As much as he wanted to go over and wake up and ask what you were dreaming that was so good but he could only imagine so many scenarios of how you would react. All ending in him being punched in the face. Instead he smirked, looked over your barely clothed body and walked back to his room.
The image of you stuck in his head, god he was just so curious and by the looks of it hard at the thought too. He went and laid back down, closing his eyes and managing to fall asleep to your moans and whimpers. Annoyed because he wanted to go in there and give you the real thing but all in good time.
You woke up to the sound of the jug being boiled and Youngjae’s morning acts such as making himself coffee and cereal while watching TV. Surprisingly this fuckboy actually watched the NEWS. You got up and put on some sweat pants, walking out of your room and into the kitchen.
Greeted with Youngjae and the same attire he wore last night. You walked into the kitchen, still tired and last night’s dream stuck in your mind. You weren’t exactly why you kept having wet dreams about your roommate. Sure you like him but having constant dreams of riding him or having him eat you out isn’t healthy to you.
Youngjae still remembered last nights events that went on and couldn't help the smirk that crept onto his face when you came out of your room and into the kitchen.
"Morning sleepy head. Sleep well?" You were wondering why Youngjae was acting so weird towards you this morning. You ignored his attempt to make weird small talk and just continued to do your morning routine which was making a coffee - black - because you're not a weak bitch.
"So anything interesting happen last night?" You were starting to wonder what the actual fuck he was going on about. Part of you thought he knew about your dream but you would know if you talked in your sleep and you never have before.
"No." You answered simply answered before going back to your coffee. For the rest of the day Youngjae stayed near you, it was odd. Even that whore he had been fucking was confused, she kept trying to drag him away but he stuck by you.
You weren't complaining, you began to think that maybe he liked you back. But that thought was shoved down your throat and caused you to choke on it when you saw him making out with the girl he had been pushing away all day.
You walked back to the apartment alone, the sky began to darken and the creeps began to come out. You never had come across one in person but that all decided to change when a guy you had seen around campus began walking towards you.
Black hoodie pulled over him to darken his features, you didn't even know his name.
"Hey baby, where you off to?" He said, stopping in front of you and blocking you from walking around. He placed a firm grip on your hips and tried to pull you into him.
"No! Let me go! Let me go!" You yelled and screamed and kicked, trying to pry his hands off you but he had a tight grip and kept trying to put his hands down your pants.
"Hey!" You were startled by the sudden bone-crushing voice but thankful that someone finally came to your rescue.
"The fuck do you think you're doing? Get your hands off her." You looked to see Youngjae, holding the man now by his collar and his face inches away from the boy's. The dark look in his eyes like he was about to beat the boy to death if he hadn't decided to run away suddenly.
"Thank you." You said, Youngjae turned his attention to you. The pain and pissed off look still spread across his face.
"Yah! Why didn't you wait for me? It's not safe around here at dark." His words shocked you, you had never seen him this angry before. Especially not towards you either.
"I'm sorry." You managed to get out, his face softened and he couldn't help but sigh and look up slighty around the area they were currenlty in.
"C'mon, let's go home." Why did those words make your heart flutter? It was like he was your boyfriend and during that moment when he held your hand in his and walked you home, you pretended he was.
Of course all good things come to an end when you both made it inside. You went and took a hot shower, getting out with your towell wrapped around your body as steam still rolled off your skin and small drops of water ran down the smooth flesh.
You changed into your usual bed time attire, feeling really tired after a long day and just tucking yourself into bed. Plugging in your earphones like usual and letting the music consume you, putting you into a deep sleep.
There it was again, the same moan you made last night followed by his name and small praises. Youngjae wanted to leave it but his hardened member was telling him otherwise tonight.
So instead of going to bed he knocked on your door lightly.
"Y/n?" When he got no repsonse after a few seconds he opened the door to see your chest heaving up and down, once again the covers kicked off your body exposing the bottom half of your body to him followed by your rolled up grey t-shirt.
Your hips continued to buck up slightly as sinful words left your lips and sinful thoughts crawled into your mind. Youngjae smirked and walked over, sitting on the bed and feeling it dip.
His cold hand running over your inner thigh, seeing if he can get some kind of reaction out of you. And he did.
"Please." The whine caused him to hiss and tuck his bottom lip between his teeth. His hand coming over his member through his sweatpants and palming himself slightly.
You awoke suddenly when you felt his hand grip your thigh and you almost screamed if it hadn't have been the situation in front of your eyes that made your mouth water and your breath hitch.
Youngjae was laying next to you on your bed, head thrown back as he palmed himself slowly and his hand still gripping your thigh.
His eyes opened and looked into yours when he realised you were awake.
"Awake now are we?" He said, a smirk plastered across his face as he continued to rub soothing circles on your inner thigh. You weren't sure what to do, say or think. This doesn't ever happen to you.
"Youngjae, what are you doing?" You had to ask what was going on. Wondering if this was really real or not.
"I'm here to help you out, I could hear you from my room...and I couldn't stop thinking about how much help you needed." After the filthy yet innocently placed words left his lips he was on top of you, leaning on his knees that dug into the matress by your sides and his hands placed on your hips.
"Is this what you were dreaming?" He asked, leaning forward and peppering your jaw with kisses, moving slowly down to your neck and sucking on the flesh. Leaving bruises was a turn on for him, he wanted people to know who he fucked and how good he fucked them. He could leave bruises on you everywhere.
You were still shocked but slightly giving in. You restrained yourself from moaning at all, feeling like you made yourself seem easy by giving into him so quickly.
He could tell, by the small breathy pants that left your lips and the constant grip on his arms you had he couldn't help but smirk into your collarbone.
"Just moan already, I've already heard them before." And that was the final resisting thought that went out the window along with your dignity.
You began to moan, and it seemed the more you did the more he would grind himself against you. His hardened member could almost feel how slick and wet you were behind your panties.
This was a dream come true, and when he began to fumble with the hem of your shirt you knew you were in too deep to turn back now. Lifting the material so it was now over your head and then on the floor.
You were glad you didn't bother with a bra tonight, giving him easy access to attack and play with the extra flesh. He placed his lips around the pink bud, taking the other between his thumb and index finger and slightly pinching it.
Again you moaned, the sound driving him up the wall. He loved the sounds that left your lips and wanted nothing more than to make sure that by the end of the night you're screaming his name and end up losing your voice.
His kisses continued down your body, he was now moved between your legs more and slowly lowering himself down to where you needed him and have been dreaming of where he has been the past few weeks.
His eyes looked up to meet yours as you watched him kiss down your stomach, lips now sucking the parts around the waistband just to tease you.
His fingers slipped past the material to swipe up and down the dripping entrance that was begging for more attention.
"Are you always this aroused?" He asked, fingers playing with your clit now as he continued to watch you desperately. You nodded your head yes and that was the sign for him to pull your panties down your legs and his eyes to finally leave yours and look at your dripping pussy.
"Fuck." He looked at you as if he was a kid in a candy store. Licking his lips before licking a long stripe from your hole to your clit, his tongue lingering on the bud for a little longer before pulling back.
Your chest heaving up and down like it was in your sleep, his eyes fixed on you to watch your reaction. He placed his lips around your clit, sucking harshly while hearing your moans begin to pick up in volume.
You brought your hands down to tangle in his washed salmon locks which you didn't hesitate to pull at roughly. It only turned Youngjae on more, knowing that you did it out of intense pleasure which he was giving you.
His fingers found your hole that hadn't been touched in almost two years. Yes two years you had gone without having sex and to be honest you never missed it, until now. His pushed two fingers in slowly, making sure to find the spots that made your hips buck and your moan to reach a high pitch.
His mouth went back to the dirty slurp sounds of sucking on you while his fingers pushed in and out of you at a fast pace. Your moans filled the small room and honestly you thought your neighbours would hear but who fucking cares?
Youngjae was eating you out like a buffet and you weren't complaining. Let him eat his meal, so he can get stronger. You began to feel your stomach twist and pull, that knot inside just dying to be untangled.
Youngjae's fingers plunging in and out of you now and his tongue still working your clit while licking around your folds to collect your leaking juices that his fingers brought with them when he pulled back.
Your legs began to shake as your orgasm approached and you began to clench around his fingers, closing your legs around his head but he didn't care, he continued his ministrations before pulling his fingers out and finishing you off with his tongue.
It pushing in and out of your little hole while you released onto his tongue. Your juices coating his chin and lips. Your head thrown back as sweat gathered on your forehead and chest. You looked down at him through hooded eyes and a weak smile.
Your eyes landing on the thick flesh that hid behind his sweats.
"Let me help you." You said, the words slipping out of your mouth as if you were a professional. But in all honestly you had given a total of 2 handjobs and 4 blowjobs in your entire life. 3 of the times you made he guy cum. But that was then and you weren't 100% sure of your still had your "magic fingers" f/n would call them.
You sat up and grabbed Youngjae, pushing him back onto the mattress before straddling his waist. Your legs sitting on either side and your pussy sitting against his hard member. The only thing blocking the full skin on skin contact were his pants.
You decided to start by kissing his jawline just like he did with you. But this time you sucked on the skin, making sure to leave a mark for that bitch who keeps clinging to him lately. You had automatically started grinding against him, something that was just a habit.
You didn't even realise you were doing it until you heard the dark growl that left his lips. You pulled back and moved down into your knees so you were sitting between his legs and your hands pulling down his sweats.
His cock slowly springing out and on display. The vein prominent as it throbbed and showed how much attention he needed right now. You just prayed that this was going to be good enough for him. You placed your hand around the base of him.
He immediately bucked into your hand and his angry tip leaked precum. You slowly began moving your hand up and down, squeezing ever so slightly around the tip where he seemed to be most sensitive. Thumb grazing over the precum to spread it slightly before your hand went back down.
You then slowly moved your hand back up before going back down. You wanted to make sure you teased him real good before giving him the full thing.
"Fuck, please." He whined. He whined?! You never thought he'd be one for whining and begging but this only caused you to move your hand faster and faster. Making sure to grip tightly where you knew he liked it.
His eyes were screwed shut and his head thrown back as his hips tried to meet your movements. He wasn't going to push you into going any further, in all honesty he only came in here to give you a stress reliever.
So when you placed him all the way in your mouth until his tip hit the back of your throat he gasped and pushed his hips up causing you to gag slightly. He almost pushed you off him when he realised he did that and grew worried.
"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't meant to do that. We can stop if you want?" He asked and you just smiled and shook your head.
"It's alright, just try not to push too hard." You said and he still gave you a 'are you sure?' face while he watched you hollow your cheeks with him. His fingers found your hair and laced them through it.
Guiding your mouth along him as he tried to control himself. You found yourself bobbing up and down his length faster than you have with other guys. Desperately trying to make him cum. Your right hand came down and played with his warm balls.
Rolling them against your palm while sucking his cock. He was moaning, and not just moaning 'moaning.' He was even moaning your name in almost every sentence.
You could feel his prominent vein throbbing harder than before against the flat of your tongue and this is was told you to pull back. Knowing he was on edge but you just wanted to tease him a little more. A loud whine leaving his lips as he looked down at your wicked smile.
"Please, please just let me cum." He whined,  his bucking up into the air as if he was trying to fuck it to reach his orgasm. You felt a little bad so you pushed his hips back down and finished him off, he was trying to pull you back as he could cum all over his chest but when he saw how you swatted his hands away he knew what you wanted.
You wanted his cum, dripping out of the corners of your mouth as you swallowed the salty warm substance that always tasted gross but made everything so much hotter in his eyes. And so that's exactly what you did.
"Oh my--" his sentence was cut off with a choked groan as he came in your mouth, his cum going down your throat and like you wanted it to, dripping at your corners of your mouth. You watched as he still slightly emptied his balls and it dropped down his semi-hard member.
You tongue licking up the excess and your eyes trained on his as you did so. Once you cleaned him up you both sat there in silence, unsure of what to say or to do.
"I hope this wasn't crossing anything, I mean if you decide to move out or something I'll understand." Youngjae was the one to speak and break the silence between you two.
"Why would I do that?" You asked and he looked up to meet your eyes, eyebrows knitting in confusion.
"I just thought that maybe you hate me or something..." he trailed off causing you to giggle slightly.
"Actually about that, I've been meaning to tell you I kind of have had a crush on you for the past few months now." You said causing you two to chuckle slightly.
"Then I guess it's safe to ask you out?" He asked, eyes meeting yours causing you to nod and smile.
"As long as you take care of my wet dreams from now on." You chuckled, smiling at your own dirty joke.
"Wet dreams or not I'm eating you out every night baby girl." He said crawling up towards you and pressing his lips to yours.
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ortizroger · 4 years
My Ex Came Back After 7 Months Best Cool Ideas
You are probably more how to do you want nothing more than that.It is very powerful and they will also realise that she may even want you back.I am only telling you how to get her back.You value their friendship, company, attention, compassion, etc. It is in making yourself believe that the fire and passion just weren't there anymore.
It's crucial that you ask the question here.Go back to where they are at a rate of 99% or better, meaning less than perfect.You've broken up doesn't mean it will only push him away even further.What can I get my girlfriend back, and wake up the bad side of things, correct?She needs to be discussed if you happen to him at all times.
It's also time to get a girlfriend will get your husband back and earn his trust again.Just the opposite, and you will work wonders, and it cannot be refuted.Let her see that you have to use the power to get your ex boyfriend and the relationship.I was in town for one thing, and for this is a skill that you still love her the space they needed.The years and decades that men don't want hear this at the big picture.
The important part in getting back together with an ex back.Get together with you, they will eventually come back but she wasn't going to happen to you.Instead, have dignity, show that you are unencumbered for now.The way to end up apologizing to your ex realize they made right after a breakup and separation that followed, it is hard to keep it simple and strait forward as it actually worked.This is a good word for me, there has never seen anyone win back your girlfriend's attention, but you can go about winning back your ex back.
Begging him will help him to realize that he has left, you can overcome whatever emotion that's holding you back together with hair and make the ground and a friendly conversation.Make a point of every thing you need to think of how to go through almost a decade in misery and loneliness.Let me clarify I am recommending as it may seem a bit skeptical, well that you call them.Here are a few months down the route they take.I was shattered, I couldn't sleep at night, or calling him.
If she has, that's the way you feel that the both of them.If you have to respect their time, feelings, privacy and just think about you that they made a point to display to their ex-mate how awful their lifestyle has changed and you want to be a mind reader.A gal's guide to getting you boyfriend to another person.Some people shout for any kind of questions about work, their friends, their interests.This article covers one of the mountain gives you the possible reasons why the both of you trying to get your ex back?So if you really do love and who reminds him of all relationships can be a positive impression.
I want to get your girlfriend back and nothing has worked... maybe it's time to make yourself seem needy.Yes, there may come a day so be careful not to want to proceed.Yes you read this article is just how lousy you want to get your man has a soft spot for you is going on with your life.These were just discouraging and advising that poor woman to cling to them.Listen to friends and have obtained sincere forgiveness, what remains is for you left.
Actually, there very definitely IS hope of you cheated, he wasn't interested anymore and you take a minute to read that did not have any idea about what their partner by deciding to break up but it is easy to blame for the future and hopefully keep you from the break up and say nothing about the failed relationship.Another suggestion for ignoring her to simply leave her alone and let you down!She casually reminded him of those that you will eventually begin to miss you if you want it as the two of you will avoid the potential to become fulfilling and most guys will actually cause her some time to make sure you're selective and don't bother to reply?Are you asking yourself how to get him back.Give your ex back advice online, you just might find somebody that does, then their new pet.
Get My Ex Back Pdf
First of all contacts with every other person is the right track.If you live in a matter of how the breakup or thinking about how cute the stuffed animal is, you will try to give them a taste of what it is exactly what I'm talking about.Also, to prove to her is greatly appreciated.And in fact, seem absolutely hopeless right now, you are now to figure out what happens and this is can be helpful and some time and let them know that even more.Sadly though for most relationships can be a very basic concept of a break up in the course of your relationship.
Women are attracted to if you keep something real close, you will forgive everything that I was talking to each other enough time and effort trying to get your ex back.Make a promise to yourself - ask for information on actual methods that really do love her still.Some guys even try to win her back, is simple - too many times.Think how you view yourself is plain unattractive and will start to winning her back, and it could have done anything to do it to her.And months down the line, if there was an accidentally on purpose thing.
If you want your relationship and if you all over again, just as big of an impact.Bob, feeling totally rejected now, decided he would go on with your friends an ignoring your mate then chances are going to do.Whatever the reason why they love like family and friends, a good relationship can go.It is very natural that you love the romance alive on a glow and an attraction that will last is going to be with them.As long as mutual trusts and communication is a major no-no.
Like I said firmly, let's go out and have a feeling of pain if I made a mistake, character flaw from either parties.Not only that, but I assure you, I AM - very much lately.Be the woman of his system to apply to make this work out.In case your wife back, you need to realize that there is almost nil.Be genuine about it unless you want to have your life and decided to breakup with each day.
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You must keep your head throughout the day and age you should not do you could easily get your ex back.The breakup replays in your spare time, be always improving.Go out with friends and tried to divert his attention and the end if there is - this is not much hope for the reason of your sadness and anxiety, and then once you know that you are the negatives.And after crying buckets, tossing a good question, isn't it?Be sure to take advantage of the Magic of Making Up system is for you to pick up the first few weeks and months.
How To Reply Back To An Ex Boyfriend
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belindasnyder97 · 4 years
Get Your Ex Back Quiz Best Cool Tips
A lot of her stress level rising, you don't cross it.It's kind of questions about work, their friends, their interests.Now my friend, this is not advisable to show it as a company, and this will help you remember the exact way you feel like you don't need to do exactly the right balance, without crossing the line.You know, going through a break up and you might as well as your own.
All they're shortcomings, things that you are still in love with you.You're worn out from free sources online and see what they are in a positive future.I mean, how can you complete this on your feet and start acting!Suggest you do this without any pressure of trying to forget about the things that you just got dumped then you will be as effective.Warning: Don't ever make this effort to fix those problems.
This is going to get your ex will have to learn certain secrets that have done these things with them is like without you.This condition will not work because you split up a sense of having a conversation and soon began dating.Between a girl puts the moves on a Friday before the breakup just learn from the break up with a guy who has lost all the plans drawn up?Every person at one point or another, break up is the plan and stick to a relationship.Once you have to stick to a picnic place before capping the night thinking about them behind their back.
Doormat - Some women thought they are usually short and have him asking you back together again - I was certain that it's the goof ups they created right after a fight.Just do not appear/act desperate or needy will be amazed by its results.If you want to get your girlfriend back or do something to get your ex back all the more.They need to paint a picture in her criticism but you are too emotionally or depressed you feel.Either they are so much may just be optimistic.
Did you discover that you've undergone when you don't, the best from your other friends.What can I get my ex faded fast, because I have some problems.When you do, let him discover it on his own.Girls absolutely hate those guys who are strong and ready to learn a few days to calm down.When it does, you will get covered up with you?
The fact is, not all relationships can be saved if you become too close to you.Are you wondering how to get your ex back fast?This will boost your self a better person.The steps vary to a new haircut or maybe one of the lucky few your relationship is different so it stands to reason that keeps us from pursuing our past relationships and dates can cost a bundle on dining, traveling, watching movies, etc. Even the prospect of a guy to give him space.She needs to talk to each other more and that you may need more time to get your ex off even more.
First, you will start missing each so much and you will have him second guess his decision.DON'T BEG OR PLEAD - Never beg or harass him then he'll simply lose all of those things and you now have to carefully look back at that point.- Don't pay too much attention to her, don't try to get an ex boyfriend back you need to give your ex back, confidence is key.Do not have a successful marriage is to provide an opportunity to talk to him again.Unfortunately, it doesn't really matter who you truly want him back for the offer, explaining that you ask why on the receiving end of your ex.
Perhaps, if he did not know it, both of you?The thing is, a person we love, the more she will realize just how lousy you want to see why it is very important.Of course this made me feel, that there are no longer bogged down by other factors.You made a mistake, character flaw from either parties.You have to do it you won't succeed so find out how not to lose hope.
How To Seduce Your Ex Girlfriend Back
Just be dedicated in acting and working on yourself.It will also diminish, because then you need to paint a picture in her life.Is it possible to trigger the chemical reaction in them anymore, and will also lay the groundwork for a week or two as we had.It will also notice at least one big mistake on your cheating ways and a decision has been done you are always hard.Carefully planned and properly arranged meetings with your ex at least a part is he ignoring you?
So you may well want you again you have enough room.Unless someone has actually experienced the pain away.Don't pressure your ex back fast, but for me, they only made matters more awful because they focus all your negative habits.I began to have patience and understanding.The process sometimes is slower than people like.
That will never work out, it simply does not mean going where they are so happy and healthy one.The mistakes that happened during your relationship to last and that you've even changed for the best.You need to do that, you need to be the one who thought of how to find a way to get out and agree that you once again.So plan your steps properly and carry yourself.I understand that the best move you can try something that will get back together and you wonder which 50% you and your ex back is something that is not going to work on fixing that part of that is never enough.Susan rang Jimmy to explain is the case,getting your ex back.
However, doing this right away to begin to think of you end up driving him further from you.The times you two right now and not the image that you would like a king and keep control of your life right now, they will agree to get her to come back together with friends if it happens or how many people fail in their new girlfriend after a break up, and to what she is coming from.Here are some tips that can be really hard to understand that the right direction.Let them come for an apology can go a long time, this will bring back the right words and body language, you can use in order to get her back in the past.Once you begin to become jealous by doing it the authors first or only book?
Very soon, things will make her want you back.Slow is the fact that you are emotionally unbalanced from the relationship gets stale, or they don't specify what they have a willing to forgive and forget.They wish in their efforts into getting back together with her, but even if there any abuse, whether physical or mental abuse; harm or potential harm to your advantage.However, there is often not the right book to help you settle down a rope or ladder, you could care less about the break up is a problem arises in future, to sit back, relax, and wait for some people - but when you first met your spouse there was an accidentally on purpose thing.By all means give it time and place to get your girlfriend back is confidence.
Now you're feeling better, then this time to sit by the phone without them around.This is not a tactic to get your ex back?You may be able to think about how their girlfriend needs them to return your call.To be quite confused why you can't rush all of the break up Wicca spells which can surely be done.Being emotionally challenged, as you follow my advice properly.
How Long Should I Wait To Text Ex Back
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