#if this doesn't work for you hmu and i can cook something up different
mordorseyes · 2 years
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Even while muddied with filth, matted by weather, and worn to fit the place, the golden haired fair shape of this otherwise mortal man is a standout amidst a field of vibrant flowers. Prophetic visions and sights of future were not the proclivity of this dark shape, but minds so awash with turmoil, burned and embroiled in darkness... Such a worthwhile battlefield to wage war against the free minds of men.
They could fight, swing their swords, or bludgeon with their clubs all they wished-- But within the solace of their minds they often found peace, none wielded weapons to defend against such a grand will to dominate all life. The voice does not match the fair face. It is a deep unpleasant rasp, one not befit such pristine features.
"Such beauty in this place. Yet by the look upon your face, there is much misery impeding your thoughts--"
The whispering hisses of doubt sing on the air, this unassuming thing giving off the aura of pure dread by merely existing. Making no effort to hide more than the visible form. A flower plucked, its petals flourish against the strangers nose. A gentle inhale taken of its lovely fragrance. This near elven form of this beautiful bringer of such divine gifts, has settled comfortably amidst the bushels of red flowers.
"Perhaps the lending of a stranger's ear could help ease that which woes you."
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spicysucculentz · 4 years
a list of my favorite drarry fics
this is quite simply my favorite fic of all time it’s written so well and the imagery and symbolism are amazing. i cant express how this fic made me feel i just loved it so much. the author did an amazing job and left me thinking about it for days after i finished it. it was just amazing and the best fic i have EVER read. i highly recommend 1000000/10!
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
i absolutely LOVE this fic. i love slytherin harry and the dynamic with the other slytherins. and... it’s a slow burn. very slow. but UGH i love it it’s a bit long but soooo worth the read.
In the summer before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry is drawn to a room in Grimmauld Place. Like the Gryffindor he is, he enters the room without fear. The room is a library, and Harry is surprised to find that he’s eager to learn.
Then he gets the bad news: he’s been accidentally expelled from Hogwarts, and he needs to be sorted again. Everyone is confident that he’ll go straight back to Gryffindor, but with what he's been learning, Harry’s not so sure.
ok can i just say i that this fic was so gooood. even better than i expected. everything about it is just amazing and spectacular and i love it!!
Beginning with Draco's unexpected arrival at the Dursleys, Harry's summer after sixth year becomes filled with activity and many secrets. As his summer progresses, Harry generates several unexpected allies as he finds himself actively becoming the leader of the Light side. H/D post-HBP ~~Complete~~
i loved reading this it drew me in and i couldn’t stop reading. it’s a lot different than anything ive read but it was really good. definitely a different cliche than the auror harry x healer malfoy and i loved it. it’s a little bit dark and a little bit spicy it’s amazing.
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise?
Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost.
But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy's world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself.
What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong?
this fic was rly cute! i enjoyed it a lot. i like soft small business owner harry it’s nice and it’s p light (except of course for the abusive boyfriend but shhh no spoilers)
Buying the Hog’s Head probably wasn’t the best decision Harry ever made. He can’t cook. He doesn’t understand money. Also, his ex-girlfriend is much better at moving on than he is. His friends are more grown up than he is. His godson thinks he is boring. He feels like he’s letting the whole wizarding world down. And he’s got a damn birthday party to plan.
What better moment for Draco bloody Malfoy to get dumped in the middle of his inn and promptly take up permanent residence in one of the Hog’s Head's guest rooms?
i really liked this fic a lot. i loved the interaction between harry and draco and the others. i liked the idea of harry having two separate lives and i can definitely see it being very plausible. i found the magic with the rings and the house very interesting and i liked it a lot.
At first Harry wonders if they’ve managed to destroy his vaults and are trying to tell him in the most oblique way possible. But when he turns the page he realises they’ve found a vault. A vault in the name of Lily and James Potter.
The parchment trembles a little in Harry’s hand. He takes another gulp of wine.
Harry Potter left Britain after the war and didn’t look back. Ten years later, when Gringotts discovers a vault containing his parents’ belongings—including their badly spell-damaged wedding rings—he’s forced to face up to friends and family who’ve grown in ways he could never imagine, a wizarding London rebuilt beyond his expectations, and the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s the entirely unforeseen problem of Draco Malfoy.
Featuring pureblood wizarding traditions, ancestral magic, open mic nights, marriage equality, a diner in Brooklyn, and the return of Fleamont Potter.
idk why the link is being weird like that and not showing the title but it’s called (You’re a) Revolution and i absolutely love it. i read it a while back and it just made he happy yknow i like it a lot. it’s cute!
“Will I—Will I see you around?”
Malfoy snorts.
Careful, Potter,” he murmurs, almost to himself, as his fingers linger on the doorknob. “One might think you actually enjoy my presence.”
Eight years after the end of the war, Draco Malfoy stumbles into Harry’s shop in the middle of a storm—no wand, no backstory; no signs of having lived in the country since the Battle of Hogwarts. During their first encounter, Harry promises Malfoy—and the words sound like an old mantra—that he'll figure out Draco's secrets eventually.
And then he does. He does, except…it doesn't quite feel like a victory.
thats all folks! i hope you check out some of these fics they’re all amazing and i love them. make sure to leave kudos and give the authors some love, they deserve it! i would love some fic recommendations if anyone has some good ones then hmu! :)
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