#if they're worried abt ppl hoarding tender than just... make it a monthly currency thing. it resets everytime the TP does. like Nightwave
windrunner · 8 months
Personally I really like the Trading Post but I think it's a little silly to limit the amount of tender you can get per month... like I did the holiday stuff and I don't rly have anything else I want to do. Why can't I just... do a bunch of random things to grind out the pretty tmogs???
It's silly to give such good incentives and then slap someone on the wrist if they want to get all (or most) of it. Like "ohhhh you wanted to do all of these things around the game for a Shiny New Thing? nah. we're cutting you off. you can still do that stuff if you want but you'll get nothing new out of it lol"
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