#if they didn't take so much pride in only putting me in daycare a handful of times as a kid
anaalnathrakhs · 1 month
idk sometimes i do wonder if it would be a little bit easier to foster and nurture good friendships if i didn't live my entire life with the specter of my family hanging over my head shaping everything i think is normal and good and rightful
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ultimatesmuts · 1 year
Daycare🍋(Draco Malfoy)
You’re a new daycare teacher and Scorpius is one of the toddlers in your room. When his dad (Draco) comes to pick him up, you find yourself unable to hold basic conversation since you’re too busy drooling over him
~This was originally posted on Wattpad but I figured I’d repost here~
*phone ringing*
"YN could you answer the phone? It's probably one of the parents", YN's boss says
YN stands up and glances around the toddler room she's now in charge of, taking pride in her new job as a daycare teacher.
"Yeah of course", YN replies, reaching for the phone at the front desk
*picks up phone*
"Thank you for calling the wizarding daycare, this is Miss YN"
She hears the person on the other end clear his throat before speaking
"Hi, this is Scorpius's father. I just wanted to call and let you know that I'm being held over at the ministry and unfortunately won't be able to pick Scorp up in time before the center closes. It'd probably only be about 30 minutes past close, and if any staff members are willing to stay over a bit that would be amazing and very much appreciated."
YN blinks a couple of times, realizing how confident this man is, and it makes her wonder what his personality is really like before answering
YN asks, "is anyone else available to pick him up instead? Perhaps his mother if she's able?"
She hears the phone go silent for a few moments, so she says, "you still there?" Hoping for an answer
The man answers, "sorry, um Scorpius's mother actually passed last year... so um no it's just me."
YN could hear the sorrow in his voice and instantly felt bad for bringing it up
"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have asked that. Obviously you're calling because no one else can come get him. I'm so sorry, sir", YN guiltily says
"It's okay, you didn't know", the man replies, making YN feel a bit better
YN takes a deep breath before saying, "I feel so terrible about that so how about this? I'll stay here with Scorpius and don't worry about the center closing, they'll probably have me close and clean anyway since I'm new."
YN hears a slight chuckle through the phone and the man says, "I was wondering why I'd never heard of a Miss YN working there before, but it's all good and thanks again for staying late, don't worry about the whole Scorpius's mum thing, it's okay really."
YN clutches the phone a bit tighter in her hand, feeling nervous about meeting Scorpius's dad after making a fool of herself over the phone.
"If you're sure, I just feel bad is all" YN adds
"Don't feel bad, YN. Well I've gotta get back to work and thanks for offering to stay over, I'll see you around 6:30 at the center", Scorp's dad adds
"Oh, um yes it's no problem really. I'll see you then, sir"
She hears a light chuckle and then he says, "alright, bye", and hangs up.
YN puts the phone down and wipes her sweaty palms on her skirt, releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding.
YN walks over to her boss and explains the situation and how she's staying over, and the boss says that's fine.
Soon, most of the kids are gone, and the remaining kids' parents come to pick them up. Eventually, YN's coworkers leave and it's just YN and Scorpius left in the building. YN finishes picking up all the toys, and picks up Scorpius so she can close down that room. She carries the blonde toddler with her to the front of the center by the doors, and sets him down next to her.
Scorpius looks up at YN and giggles before running circles around her, making YN laugh too.
Eventually he gets dizzy and falls over, and YN gets on her knees and says, "oh no are you okay? Did you get a boo boo?" And Scorp starts wailing and slowly(very dramatically) crawling into YN's lap, where she holds him and hugs him, saying "Awh babyyy, you're okay" while Scorpius slowly calms down, wiping his eyes on YN's blouse
Great, just what I wanted. Toddler tears
YN sighs, and Scorpius turns around in her lap and points outside.
YN stands up, and Scorp turns around, puts his arms up and whines, indicating that he wants YN to hold him.
YN rolls her eyes, but still picks up the child.
He points outside again, kicking his legs, this time saying "Dada! Dada!" With the most excitement YN has ever seen.
YN can't help but smile at this wholesome moment, until he walks in.
YN looks up at the door, only to see a tall, fit man with platinum blonde hair walk in.
YN could swear that her heart stopped beating, her breath getting caught in her throat.
This man is gorgeous.
His striking blue eyes meet hers and YN immediately feels her face getting hotter and hotter, making her feel even more embarrassed.
YN quickly turns her attention towards Scorpius, who's still in her arms, in an attempt to distract herself from his attractive father.
"Scorpius look who it is!", she tries
"DADDY!", the toddler screams, tightly gripping YN's shirt in excitement.
YN giggles nervously and says, "yes, buddy. It's daddy"
I do NOT need to be thinking about sex right now
why'd I say that why the fuck did I say that
YN knew her face was bright red, her mind unable to focus on anything other than sex
It was this moment that YN felt his eyes on her, so she nervously turned towards him, preparing to hand over his child, when she noticed his mischievous eyes were fixated on her blushing face in a knowing way, even though she so desperately tried to hide, but to no avail.
The man takes a few steps closer, holding his dangerous gaze and reaches out for YN to hand him his son, which she goes to do.
That is what YN is feeling right now.
She looks down at herself, only to find that Scorpius had ripped her blouse partially open when she handed him over to his dad.
YN gasps when she realizes that her black, practically see-through bra is almost on full display to Scorpius's father.
"Merlin, I'm so so sorry!", she says, pulling her shirt together and holding it closed with her hands, beginning to break a sweat from all the embarrassment coursing through her veins.
She looks up, only to find Scorpius's dad lightly smirking, eyes fixed on her chest with a light blush across his cheeks. His eyes shift to a lustful gaze as his eyes flick back up and meet with hers
YN feels her body heat up, unsure of how to cope with all of this sudden attention and apologizes again, unsure how to proceed.
"Well it definitely wasn't an unpleasant sight", he says, glancing down at her chest quickly before locking his icy blue eyes with hers again with his signature smirk, causing butterflies to go crazy in YN's stomach, almost making YN let out a small moan. Luckily she held it in
"I'm Draco, by the way", he casually says, helping to diffuse the tension.
YN can hardly breathe or think in this flustered state and is about to introduce herself, when Draco says, "YN, right?"
YN blushes, unable to form words so she just nods her head in response, still clutching her shirt closed.
"I want to thank you for staying with my son, I can tell he really likes you", Draco says
YN forces herself to breathe and replies, "anytime, and he really is a very sweet kid"
"Let me make you dinner, as a thank you, please", Draco says with the slightest hint of mischief in his voice
YN thinks for a moment, trying to clear her mind from sinful thoughts, realizing she hasn't eaten since this morning and food sounds really good right now.
"Okay, but only if you're able to take me home afterwards because I was going to take the bus home from here", YN says, slowly starting to relax a bit.
"Perfect", Draco says, smirking
Damn, he is so charming
"Well if you'll follow me, my car is out front", he says, indicating for YN to follow him. They walk outside, and YN turns to lock the building, as it's Friday and nobody will be back at the center until Monday.
Draco shamelessly checks her out from behind, biting his lower lip and raising his eyebrows in approval as he determines she has the perfect ass
YN turns around to see an expensive black sports car with tinted black windows and black wheels, and her jaw drops. Is this man rich or something? Damn...
"Wow... your car is really nice", YN compliments, turning towards Draco, slightly catching him off guard.
Was he looking at my butt just now?
"Thanks, mind strapping Scorp in his car seat?", Draco replies, mildly blushing
"Yeah of course!", YN says, starting to strap the toddler into the car seat in the back, leaning over him as she works.
YN feels Draco's eyes on her, so she looks up only to see him smirking, freely looking over her body, causing her face to turn red.
"Don't be shy, darling. I think the bra is sexy", he smugly says, winking before turning back around to face the wheel
YN's face is beet red, and she realizes that while leaning over to strap in Scorpius, she was giving his dad a perfect view down her ripped shirt.
YN slowly makes her way over to the passenger side and climbs in, buckling her seatbelt quietly
"Mmmm, I think you'd look better without it though", Draco nonchalantly smirks, purposefully avoiding looking directly at YN
Draco immediately starts the car and begins driving, leaving YN flustered and excited
YN can't help but admire him as he focuses on the road, his defined jawline and sharp nose creating the perfect side profile.
YN looks at his hands, his rings, and how he's firmly gripping the steering wheel and she can't help but let her mind wander
I want him to grip me like that....
She notices how veiny his hands are, his long and thin fingers lightly tapping the wheel as he drives in silence, without music.
Those fingers
Butterflies again
Why is my body reacting to him like this?
Soon, YN notices a set of giant gates opening in front of them, revealing a massive mansion.
"Welcome to Malfoy Manor, YN"
YN stares in awe, turning and asking, "you live here?"
Draco scoffs, parking the car out front, and says, "didn't you ever look at Scorpius's last name?", while chuckling
Oh yeah I forgot
"It's been a long day", YN blushes, showing how forgetful/distracted she was
Draco gets out, opens the door for YN, and holds out his hand for her to take.
"Exactly why you deserve a nice dinner after a long day", he charmingly says, pulling her up out of the car before going to unstrap Scorpius.
Draco locks his car, and carries his son with him into the manor, holding the door open for YN.
Draco puts Scorpius down, takes his shoes off for him, and then takes his own shoes off and loosens his tie. It takes a moment for YN to realize she's been staring too long, but she eventually removes her shoes too and follows Draco into his enormous living room.
"Stay here with Scorp, I'll come get you when dinner is ready.", Draco says before turning towards the kitchen
YN takes a moment to look around, admiring the grandness of the place before sitting down on the expensive couch to calm herself with Scorpius.
Scorpius climbs up and lays on YN's lap, rubbing his eyes. "I know bud, you're tired. Just a bit longer, okay? We're gonna eat yummy food soon!", she tells him
Just then, Draco walks into the room with his sleeves pushed up, directing YN's attention to his forearm, which makes her uneasy and she starts to back away.
Draco notices this, and his eyes turn sad.
"I didn't want it", he says, referring to the mark hoping she'll stay
YN looks back up at him, and realizes he's being genuine.
"YN please don't think differently about me because of this, I was 16 when my father decided my fate for me."
YN can't find any indication of deceit in his eyes, he seems sad, even. Ashamed....
He has been nothing but kind to me
"I believe you", YN says, quietly
Draco just stands there for a moment, lost deep in his thoughts. He nods his head to himself, takes a deep breath in, and then gestures for YN and Scorpius to follow him to the table.
After eating dinner, Draco tells YN that he needs to put Scorp to bed and she's welcome to follow if she'd like
YN agrees and follows Draco upstairs to the second floor of the manor, and into the toddler's bedroom.
Draco pulls the blankets up over Scorpius and starts rubbing his back, trying to lull him to sleep.
After about 10 minutes, Scorpius starts throwing a fit and Draco looks up at YN in defeat
"Mind if I try?", YN asks sweetly
"Go right ahead", Draco lowly replies
YN walks over to the side of the bed, and starts stroking down Scorpius's nose, causing his reflexes to react, making him close his eyes. After a couple of minutes, YN feels Draco crouch down next to her and whisper, "can I try?"
YN whispers "yeah", and goes to scoot out of the way, but before she does, Draco stands right behind her, leans over her, and starts stroking his son's face
YN shudders at the feeling of him being so close, his body gently brushing against hers every now and then, his scent filling her senses, making her weak in the knees as she begins having sinful thoughts again
Eventually Scorpius's breathing evens out, and Draco stops stroking him, relieved that he fell asleep.
Draco backs away from YN's body, causing her to feel cold from the lack of his body heat.
YN sighs sadly, feeling like she's overstepped a boundary, getting excited for no reason.
"I should probably go", she whispers in defeat
Draco closes Scorp's door, so the adults are in the hallway.
Draco steps closer to YN, places his hands on her waist, and pulls her slightly closer as he whispers, "Stay. Please"
YN felt her heart throb with love, and her lips began to feel as if they're burning hot with desire as she also takes a step closer to Draco, wrapping her arms around his torso and whispering, "okay"
She feels his hand gently caress her face, causing her to look up and lock eyes with him.
He slowly starts leaning in, and YN closes her eyes, mirroring Draco.
YN feels fiery hot electricity spread throughout her body when his lips meet hers.
His lips are burning hot, and YN starts to realize that she might get to have more of him. She wants all of him. She wants to be with him.
The kiss slowly starts to speed up, gradually becoming more rough and passionate as Draco walks YN backwards until her back hits a door, which he swiftly opens with one hand before leading her inside
YN breaks apart from the kiss, closes the door again, realizing she's now in Draco's bedroom, and locks the door.
Draco pulls her back into him with lust filled eyes, craving more of her lips.
Draco walks YN backwards while kissing until the backs of her legs hit the bed and she's forced to sit down.
YN starts to feel the familiar butterflies building again, and deepens the kiss by pulling him closer, to where he's standing in between her legs
Draco acknowledges the space she's made for him, sending electricity pulsing through their bodies and he bites his lip as he feels his member start to grow inside his pants
YN rips the rest of her shirt off and throws it on the ground, and without breaking eye contact, takes Draco's hands, and places them directly onto her clothed breasts, causing him to groan and her clit to throb with eager need.
He slowly and teasingly takes his own shirt off, and YN starts feeling her wetness pool at the sight of his toned body.
Draco abruptly and roughly grabs YN's thighs, pulling her closer to the edge of the bed, and starts grinding against her body, forcing small, breathy moans to slowly leave her parted lips
"Do you want this", Draco asks, half out of breath
"Yes, please Draco", YN responds, her eyes already in the back of her head
The sound of her voice made Draco's eyes close briefly, allowing his pleasure to amplify.
Draco reaches behind YN and unclasps her bra with one hand, immediately grabbing her tits and massaging them, using his thumbs to lightly run over her nipples as he plays with her
This causes YN to nearly squeal at the amount of pleasure she's receiving.
YN desperately tries to grind herself up against Draco's stiffness in his pants, craving him beyond control.
Draco gets the message and pulls his pants down, leaving him in just his boxers, relieving some of the tightness that came with his restricting pants, making YN's mouth water as she admires his size
Draco palms himself through his boxers a bit, muttering "fuck", getting his member to stand up proud and tall. He pulls down YN's skirt and almost drools at the sight of a large wet spot on her panties
YN stands up, pulls her panties off, and drops to her knees in front of Draco.
She pulls down his boxers, finally freeing his painfully hard, leaking cock. She stares in awe as he springs free, guessing he's probably around 8.5 inches long. YN feels more of her wetness pooling, desperate for him
She takes his dick in her small hands, and gently licks his slit before barely sucking on only his tip, teasing him with her mouth.
Just then, Draco notices that YN is lightly bouncing around, her heat hovering over the floor, clearly begging for attention.
"Get up", Draco orders
YN stands up, and looks down at the floor after feeling how slick the insides of her legs were
"Look at the mess you made, you dirty girl.", Draco says, pointing to the puddle of arousal that dripped from her when she was on the floor
"Be a good slut and get on the bed", he orders
YN eagerly does as he says, and lays on her back, facing up on his bed
"Do you want me to fuck you?", Draco teasingly asks
YN moans at his words and manages to get out a "Daddy please"
"Fucking hell, Princess", Draco practically groans in pleasure, licking his lips in anticipation
"Daddy's little whore is gonna lay there and be good, yeah?"
YN eagerly nods her head, whining, begging to be touched
Draco scoffs at her desperation, before kneeling down and slowly inserting his middle finger into YN's hole
That's what YN feels.
"More, please. Please Draco I need more", YN begs
Draco doesn't give in though, he just smirks and continues pumping just his middle finger excruciatingly slow, in and out of her tight pussy.
YN is writhing at this point, beginning to kick her legs around in protest
"Draco, please I need more please", YN whines, almost in tears, making Draco's cock leak with precum
"You need more?", he asks, locking his eyes with hers
"Yes! Please!", YN excitedly says
Draco pulls his middle finger out of her pussy, and sucks on it, moaning at the taste. Then, he pushes his thick cock into her slick hole, shocking her body and causing her to clench around him, almost making her cum then and there
Draco groans and throws his head back in pleasure, before gently rocking into YN at a slow pace, causing her to scream, her body unsure how to accept his cock
"DADDY! It's so good, it's too good"
"Sshhh baby, Scorp will hear", Draco stops and says, gently caressing her face
YN grabs her wand off of the nightstand despite her shaking body, points it at the door and says, "muffliato" before putting her wand back and desperately trying to fuck herself on him to no avail
Draco's eyes turn dark again seeing her pathetic attempts to get herself off. "You filthy girl", Draco says, pounding into her, sheathing in and out of her, against her slick, tight walls.
Tears begin rolling down YN's cheeks, her mouth permanently stuck open as Draco thrusts in and out of her as hard as he can, rocking the bed and making the headboard hit the wall with every thrust.
"Fuck, baby", Draco huffs
Draco takes his right hand and places it around YN's throat, choking her and doubling her pleasure as he speeds up his pace, sensing himself growing closer
Not even 20 seconds after, YN starts shaking, she clenches around him HARD, and she hits her high HARD, starts convulsing, her eyes rolling back in pleasure as she finally cums on his cock.
Her clenching pushes Draco over his edge too, and she milks him dry with her convulsing, quivering pussy, swallowing up all of his cum, keeping it buried deep inside of her
They both stay in that position for a couple of minutes, catching their breaths before Draco carefully pulls out his cock, causing her walls to flutter, clenching around nothing
Draco lays down next to YN, who's already almost asleep, and he whispers, "you okay?"
YN replies with "so good.... So tired"
Draco lightly chuckles before pulling his body up to hers, hissing her forehead and falling into a deep and exhausted sleep.
The end
(of this one-shot)
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eddieheart · 2 years
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Fandom: Shameless (US)
Pairings: NONE
Description: A new girl comes to Debbie’s day care.
Note: there is a very good chance I will re-write this.
She walked towards the door timidly, her baby clutched in her arms. He cooed softly and she smiled down at him before taking a breath to steady herself.
She rapped on the door softly and waited for it to open. When it did she was greeted by a small red headed girl and the screaming of kids behind her.
"You here for daycare?" She nodded and the girl moved over to let her in.
"I'm Debbie Gallagher, That's my brother Liam." She pointed to a small dark skinned boy sitting with some of the other kids. She looked at me expectingly.
"Oh yeah, I'm Layla. This is Charlie. I can be back around 5, if that's okay." She nodded.
"It's extra after 4."
"Okay then, sorry this is my first time leaving him." Her eyes welled with tears as she looked into her baby's eyes.
"Hey Char-Char mommy's gotta get to work okay, I'll be back to get you later babes." She nuzzled into his hair and sighed. She kissed him softly on his cheek and handed him over to Debbie.
She sighed one more time before walking out the door.
It'd been a few weeks since Layla first started Charlie in Debbie's daycare and things had been going well. He was socializing with other kids and had even made some friends.
By now she didn't even knock on their door, she'd just barge in, they were expecting her. She pushed in the door open, set her bag down beside a chair and scooped Charlie up into her arms.
He'd been sitting in front of the couch playing. She looked around, the other weren't there but she could hear voices from another room.
"Yeah I'm just waiting on Layla." That must have been Debbie. She was about to call out but someone else started speaking.
"Layla, oh I know her. She used to go to school with you and Ian, right?" Her brows furrowed as she listened.
"Yeah she was in our classes for a while. She disappeared for a few weeks, came back pregnant. Rumour has it she went to Vegas and had a sex binge." Lip Gallagher. She remembered him.
If only they knew the real reason she went missing. Those were the worst days of her life and she'd never forget it. She'd been taken by a stranger, kept in total darkness.
She had tried her hardest to purge it from her memory but that could never happen. It amazed her that the best thing in her life could have come from the worst, but somehow it had.
Charlie was her pride and joy, he was her everything. So what if she didn't finish school, so what if she had to work in a strip club to pay the bills. So what. He was her life now.
Her greatest fear was that Charlie's dad would come back for her, for her baby. He was notorious in the neighbourhood, he ran guns and drugs and made his kids help. She didn't want that for her or her baby. She hugged Charlie closer at the thought.
She stood up and walked to the door, she opened and closed it loudly and put on a fake smile.
She could hear thumping and soon Debbie was down there with her.
"You late that'll cost ya'." She nodded and pulled out some money handing it to Debbie.
"Well I'll be on my way then, have a good night!" She closed the door behind her and let her façade of happiness fall.
It wasn't that long a walk to her house, maybe 10 minutes. It wasn't much but it was hers. It was a small house with brown walls.
She pushed open the door with her side and closed it the same. She looked into the living room to see her mother passed out on the couch.
She walked up the old rickety stairs and walked into her room. She put Charlie down into his crib before changing into her pyjamas. She kissed her baby before crawling into bed.
The next morning came sooner than she'd hoped but what could she do about it huh?
It was a Saturday so of course the Gallagher house was full to the brim. She opened the door and was greeted by a house full of rugrats.
Before she had a chance to see Debbie a firm body crashed into her side. She nearly fell over but she was able to steady herself on the back of the couch.
She looked up to see a tall red headed boy. Ian, she remembered.
"Oh shit sorry, you okay?"
She nodded and smiled politely.
"No worries we're fine." He just now seemed to notice the baby in her arms. She knelt down smiling and waggled his fingers on Charlie's face.
"Who's this little guy?" He glanced back up at her.
"This is Charlie, he's mine. We were just coming to day care. I've got to get to work" She smiled awkwardly.
"Oh yeah, you work at the club downtown right?" She looked down and nodded. She wasn't really that proud of her job. She knew other people who were proud of a job like that and she had no qualms with that. She just wasn't that type of person.
"Well I better get going." She kissed her baby's cheek and placed him on the couch with a wave to Debbie.
"I'll walk you out." She sighed and made her way outside. He followed along beside her. Way too cheerful.
"So where's Charlie's daddy today?" He smiled at her.
"Not sure think he's still alive, so not in hell. At least a girl can dream huh?" His eyes widened.
"Sorry, sore spot."
"Yeah." I looked at the ground as we walked. An awkward silence surrounding us.
"Well this is my stop, bye Ian." She turned away quickly and scurried inside the building.
Things got blurry after that, Layla had woken up in the trunk of a car. She knew at that point who had her. Terry. Charlie's dad.
She kicked the trunk door with all her might but it didn't budge. She could see a sliver of light in her peripherals. She screamed and thrashed around.
The door above her opened and before she knew it her head was being slammed down, a blinding pain erupted from the side of her head and everything went black again.
Her clothes were caked in blood, she stumbled as she ran. She could hear yelling behind her but all she could think about was making it back to the Gallagher's and seeing Charlie.
She needed to get there. She pushed herself farther her legs begged to give out but she didn't stop.
She could see the pale blue of the house in the distance. She ran towards the door and pulled on the handle rapidly. She felt around and found a key under the doormat.
She pulled the key up with shakey hands and pushed it into the door. The yelling was getting louder and she could see the flicker of a flashlight behind her.
She finally got the door open, pulled out the key and slipped inside, locking the door behind her.
She fell to the ground and sobbed in delight, she used the last of her energy to crawl to the couch and finally rest.
She woke with a start, big hand shook her hard. Her eyes flew open and she screamed, kicking and hitting wildly.
"Hey, hey it's Ian, it's okay it's just Ian."
She looked into his eyes and sobbed. She flung herself into his arms crying harder.
"What happened Layla?" He pushed her back to look at her.
She put a hand to her head and when she pulled away it was covered with blood. She looked down and say some more on the couch.
"I think I need help." He nodded and patted her shoulder.
"Yeah okay V's here. It's okay." She looked over and saw a familiar looking face. A tall black woman walked over to her. Her vision was blurred slightly.
"Hey girl, who did this to you huh?" She asked compassionately.
She sighed painfully as V put a cotton swab of alcohol on her forehead. Her eyes teared slightly.
"Charlie's dad came looking for me." Her voice was quiet and damp.
Ian lean forward holding her hand and trying to look into her eyes.
"And?" He asked. She looked up and bit her lip, being careful of the split.
"He found me." Her voice was desperate and quiet. Tears fell from her eyes and she held back sobs.
A faint cry came from a room she couldn't see, her head wiped around wildly. V let out a huff and pulled her hand back annoyed. She tried to grab the girls face but she started to shake.
"Is that him? Is that Charlie? Can I see him? Can I see my baby please?!" She started to sob. Debbie had been watching from the stairs unseen she quickly turned and ran upstairs.
She came back down slowly with baby Charlie in her arms. She walked over to Layla as she reached out and cried.
"Oh my baby, I'm so sorry." She brought him to her chest and rocked him softly. V went back to cleaning her head wound.
Layla pushed her face into his hair and took a deep breath. Her sobs grew louder as V pushed the soaking cotton to her head.
"Thank you for taking care of him." She let out a grunt as a sharp pain ran through her body. Her doubled over and cried out, being careful not to crush her baby.
V pulled back and watched the girl concerned. They all watched in in a mixture of fear and worry. What had happened to her?
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dolankiss · 6 years
@hishawaiianparty tumblr hates her and won't let her post this :( but I can so like pray for her. her brain is FRIED after trying to post this for like 3 times. SHE DIDNT FORGET YOU POOR LOVEY ANON.
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"Daddy!" Grayson smiled down at his favorite little girl in the world. Maggie. Maggie came into his life through his best friend Y/n. It was hard to explain but while you were 7 months pregnant your husband was in a horrible accident. You were so devastated that your body threw itself into early labor due to stress. You felt like you had no time to decide anything. Grayson rushed you to the hospital. You made him promise if anything happened Maggie would be his. Thank god you pushed through and Doctors still have no idea how you made it through. Now fast forward 3 long years of firsts. Grayson promised your late husband that your baby wouldn't grow up without a dad. Grayson knew he would be a father one day but maybe not this soon. Well those 3 years changed him a lot. Ethan and himself baby proofed their house, had a nursery and all of Maggie's things. She had two homes. Grayson knew his girl down to a science. Him and Y/n were a team. He knew some day he would have to explain to Maggie how their family was different, but he didn't expect so soon. She was 3 and half, smarter than a whip if you asked Gray. He picked her up from Daycare. "DADDDY!" Squealed Maggie as she saw her Dad and her uncle. "What about me Mags?" Ethan pouted crossing his arms. Grayson smirked picking up his little girl. She had brown hair is little pig tails and big brow eyes. Margaret Bailey Dolan, the only reason the little girls name was Dolan is because Doctors told Grayson Y/n had a slim chance to survive and she had a contract already written up. Grayson couldn't care less Maggie was his daughter blood or not. "E she's a Daddy's girl, you'll get some Uncle time when we get home" Grayson carried his little girls pink backpack which looked ridiculously small on him. Her little hand held his two fingers. He buckled her in the carseat. He remembers her first car ride. She was 3 weeks old and wouldn't fall asleep. Luckily for her, her Dad has great music taste and stayed up late to drive her around the block. He looks in the backseat to see his tiny tot rubbing her eyes. Smirking to himself,some things don't change. "You tired Monkey?" He saw he little yawn and knew she would knock out soon. "She's so cute and her cheeks are so cute" Ethan leaned in to admire his sleeping niece. "Ethan I swear to god, you wake her from her nap you are stuck with the crabby nightmare she becomes" Grayson gritted his teeth while pulling into the drive way. He parked and looked back to his still sleeping toddler. "What do they do to her in Daycare?" Ethan laughed to himself. Grayson carefully unbuckled her and carried her in his arms. His little pride and joy could be a walking terror if she didn't nap. "Ethan quit eating her fruit snacks" Grayson threaten his brother yet again. He held his daughter in his arms. He always picked her up, she had a nap and ate a snack. Then eat dinner and then she would go home with her Mom. The routine of his sweet Maggie. Ethan laid put her snack and Grayson handed her over. It felt like yesterday she was a year and he caught Ethan and her feeding each other puffs and giggling. "Hey monkey time to wake up and party" Ethan bounced her. She rubbed her little eyes. "Where Daddy" she whipped her head around to see Grayson smiling at her. He always was amazed at the fact she never confused them. It's like to Maggie they couldn't look anymore different. They had tried on multiple occasions to trick her. The one time they had her close to fooled and she laughed in Ethan's face "You not Daddy" she giggled. Ethan and her were feeding each other fruit snacks. "Uncle Efin you silly.
They always found her little stutter adorable. Ethan could listen to her talk for hours. "How old are you?" He asked. "I am 3" she said pronouncing three more or less like tree. It cracked up Ethan every time. "I can't wait until she's door" he giggled. Grayson sat down admiring two of his favorite people. "Daddy why you and Mommy not live in the same house?" It hit him like a ton of bricks. How could she know this wasn't normal already? What does he say? Ethan and him exchanged looks. While Maggie looked up at Grayson. "Well me and Mommy have work and we just don't live together." She replied "My friends mommy and daddy live together." Grayson was sweating bullets. Who knew a 3 year old could interrogate so well. "Well Baby we are different from other familes" her little brows pressed together. "See baby Daddy wasn't always your Daddy. You had a second Daddy who went to heaven before you were born." She nodded her head. "But if my Daddy is in heaven then you aren't my daddy?" Grayson was drenched with his own sweat. "Yes well no but yes" he nervous laughed. "Okay well now I'm confused" Ethan raised his eyebrow at his brother. Before Grayson had time to answer he hears a cry. Maggie was in tears, "I not have a Daddy" she said in between sobs. He really did it, how else was he suppose to explain his situation? To make matters worse Y/n walked in. "I hope we like pizza for dinner because Momma is tir-" your mom instincts kicked in rushing over to the table picking up your daughter who was sobbing herself sick. "Gray what happened?" You shouted in between sobs. He took a deep sigh holding his hand against his forehead. "I tried to tell her about her Dad and how I am her Dad but not her Dad?" Grayson now confusing herself. You now bouncing trying to console Maggie. "Grayson she's three?!" He felt attacked. "Well she asked and I-" he took a deep breathe. "Maggie Monkey come here" he coo'ed before he knew it she leaped into his arms. Her lip whimpering pout broke his heart. She was only three and he just had told her the only Dad she knew wasn't her Dad. He wiped her tears and gave her a few pecks on the forehead. "Maggie I am your Daddy and I will always be your Dad. I made a promise to your other Daddy that would take his place and I will always be your Daddy." Her sniffles stoped "okay Daddy" he could breathe again hearing her say it. "I love you and Mommy more than ever you are my only girls. I love my girls. I promise one day if Daddy has his way we will live in one big house all together." He smiled at his toddler. "Even Uncle Efin?" She looked up concerned. "Yes baby even Uncle Ethan". "You love Mommy?" It dawned on him since the day he had almost seen Y/n die, it was her it always was her. "Yes baby I love Mommy so much I always have." Grayson didn't notice that you had slipped in the room to check on them. "Mommy loves you too, she tells me all the time" Grayson smiled knowing Y/n probably didn't feel the same way. "Okay babygirl go play with your uncle" you answered from the doorway. Grayson jumped not seeing that you were there, "so how much did you hear?..." he could feel himself blush. "So you love you me?"
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