#if they NEEDED him to be that low bodyfat at least go for the “it's fucking scary not sexy” angle
astxrwar · 23 days
i wish hugh jackman would have gone with like 20-30lb more body fat for the deadpool movie. one bc it's miles healthier and two bc. i want dudes who are built like soup cans not like the fucking. human equivalent of rebar
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muscular-fantasies · 2 years
Hey again I have another request if that’s cool with you… (I was the anon who mentioned the whole eating thing) I just wanted to say for starters that what you did was amazing and was wondering if you could do more or I guess add to it…
I don’t just wanna be a muscular jock anymore, I wanna be one of those types of power hungry and dominant muscle freaks that lusts for both power & dominance with an added bonus of muscle. It’s cool if not but I appreciate what you do and what you did for me and I can’t thank you enough for it :)
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You laugh as you reenter the training area, feeling bigger and stronger, you get ready to test these new muscles to their limits.
You grab some plates and add them to the bar, lifting them with some loud grunts. Quickly adding another plate, this time having a hard time to lift it. When you raised it to the top you smile, sweat flowing down your shoulders over your wide back. Amazed and mostly excited by your new power, ready to make this place your home.
"School time's over kid, let the adults have a go." A deep voice says, as his giant hand squeezes your shoulder.
Surprised you let go of the bar, but his giant paws, catch it easily and lifts it back on the rack with no effort. You stand up and turn around, seeing the biggest guy you have ever seen. Eyeing him up and down, he must be at least 6'5, his body erupting with muscles that make you look like the small twink you once were.
Before you could react he pushes you aside and starts working out. Anger builds inside you as, no one should mess with the alpha of this house. You walk towards the lockers and slam one, making a big dent in it.
"How dare that bastard, diminish me?!? I AM THE ALPHA! IF HE DOENS'T SUBMID I'LL USE HIM AS THE ROIDED PROTEIN HE IS!" You growl.
You sit yourself down on a bench, your stomach starting to growl again as it needs new food.
After a good hour or so, you see him walk in from the corner of your eyes. You stand up and follow him into the sauna. Seeing it's empty except for the two of you, you know this is your chance.
Before he could even sit completely down, you jump at him and envelop his dick in your mouth. He pushes you back.
"WTF FAG!" He growls.
But you don't listen as the need to fill your stomach takes over. You lunch at him and pin yourself completely against him as you start to suck as if your life depends on it. He tries to pull you loose, but can't help but moan as you go down on him. Because of this he doesn't use a lot of strength and you can hold on. Before he can realize it he had already lost a good chunk of his size. Panicking he uses everything in him to pry you off, but to his horror you've already gained the upper hand.
You squeeze him tightly as you feel his balls erupt, shooting every last bit into you. You grin evilly as you use his leftover towel to clean you face.
When you stand up you instinctively knew that your height and muscles had grown to his. It was time you became the alpha for real. After this you had started to go after every guy that had something you desired.
The army guy, who had amazing fighting skills to subdue anyone. The cute twunk, with his amazingly low bodyfat. The bear and his furry chest. The guy who was mostly there to take pics of his amazing jawline.
One by one you added there features to yourself, maybe one day you would be happy with what you had gained, but that wasn't gonna be any day soon.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark hissed at the question and curled tighter in his spot. His eyes were narrowed dangerously and he had his fingers flexed as if he still had claws. He'd gotten them clipped just before the auction though, so he only had nubs. Still, he found himself unwillingly relaxing as the scent grew stronger. He hated that. He didn't like how the Alpha smelt... right. Out of reflex he hissed again and even spat for good measure. He didn't trust him, no matter what his instincts were screaming at him for. He caught a sniff of the soup and his stomach growled, one arm going to cross it protectively. At least he sounded nice. Some Alphas had a voice that grated on his nerves. That made him physically angry to hear. He glanced over the edge of the bed to see what the Alpha properly looked like and practically froze. Pink hair? Mustache? He was tall, too. That wasn't too bad. He hadn't realized that he was staring until his eyes went dry and he ducked back down.
When Wilford saw a glimpse of Dark, he smiled at him, head slightly tilted. He let him look, not minding at all. He was large and chubby, though most of his chub was just muscles -people never understood what muscles really looked like when you're not low on bodyfat.
"It's quite alright. I'll leave the soup here for you, alright?", Wilford set the bowl down next to the water, before his fingers played with his suspenders. While he made sure to not have work for now, he still was used to wearing his signature outfit. He enjoyed working after all!
"I'm Wilford. Wilford Warfstache! I'm not sure if you saw on the door- or could read it. Right, I tend to forget that.", he chuckled lightly, not minding to talk to himself basically. "There's no rules. I just ask that you wear clothes, unless they make you uncomfortable. You can wear whatever you like, the closet is all yours.", he explained, making sure not to stare at where Dark was, though always looking back now and then. "I'm just here to help you. I don't want you as a breeder, nor as a toy, nor as a pet. I'd rather we be friends! Though I'm alright if you dislike me too.", he hummed softly, fiddling slightly with his suspenders.
"If I ever do or say something that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, just say bubbles, okay? I'll stop what I'm doing and give you space. No matter what.", he hoped Dark would at least believe that. Or try it! He didn't care whenever Dark may want to use it, he'd make sure to give him space regardless. "The bathroom is just opposite of your room. You can use anything that's in there.", he looked back at the soup, before back at Dark. He supposed that was everything for now.
"If you need anything, just call for me. And no need to call me Alpha, okay? I'm just Wilford.", he offered another smile, before leaving the room again, gently closing the door. He'd give Dark all the time he wanted and needed. He made his way to the kitchen again then, deciding he could also eat something. He knew everything would be safe -he made sure there were no sharp things for cutting or stabbing available for Dark to just grab, anywhere, and he hoped Dark wouldn't try to use anything else innocent seeming to hurt himself or attack Wilford with. Well, attempt to attack him.
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stellatateblog · 6 years
“natty 4 life” going on a cycle, pictures attached
Hello, in about 2 months from now i am going on a first cycle and looking for advice and criticism, i’d like to introduce myself in detail with pictures, numbers, what i’d like to accomplish, how i plan to do things short and long term, much questions
Dont know to pose, dont like to take pictures of myself so dont have many, here are some from the last year 2017, from that time i did one more small bulk and right now i am cutting to that bodyfat and then i will start the cycle, gained some strength and maybe 1kg of muscle from that time last year but basically this is the look now, about 80kg or 180 pounds:
11.jpg 22.jpg 33.jpg 44.jpg
i dont want to be rude arrogant or whatever but if you are looking worse than me with AAS, or know everything just from what you read on internet, please, PLEASE do not give me any advice, just go back and continue browsing something else
I will hire one local guru just before the cycle, but want to hear other opinions and to be ready if he tells me to do something non-optimally, or even not hire him if the things are very simple.
Not looking to write a story, here are some hints about me that comes to my mind without any chronological order i think one should know when giving advice, much talking about myself with too much –me- myself- -I- so be ready , much thinking and concerning, criticize each hint if you have anything to say, good or bad,
-28 years old, in the gym almost 10 years, about 7 years with devotion, consistency and doing things right (at least i like to think so), gained about 15kg/30 pounds of muscle in that time, did about 6-7 bulks and cuts , in each i jumped about 20-30 pounds and then cut down. gains slowed down very much, im pretty much satisfied with the look, just want some size – that is the reason for going on a steroids (well testosterone only to be specific)
-height 178cm or 5ft 10,, weight about 80-82 kilograms or 180 pounds after the cut, looking to be about 90kg/200 pounds shredded with testosterone
-as far as strength goes, i dont do 1 repetition maximum, here are what i did for reps at 85kg/185 pounds bodyweight, bench 100kg/225 x13, deadlift 180kg/405 x10, squat 140kg/315 x13
-interested in testosterone only, other steroids are big no for now. I’d like to double what i gained naturally, gain (and know i can) about 12-15kg / 25-30 pounds in 3-4 months from testosterone and with how i plan to do things with food and everything. After each natural cutting season i gain about nice 5-6kg/12 pounds in 3 months after bump in the calories(carbs), with minor bodyfat increase, so i know i can jump twice or even three times as much with the help from injectable testosterone. Once again, not interested in anything else (MAYBE anavar one day), not reffering just to first cycle, im talking about that i am not interested in anything else in future cycles, i just want to continue doing bulks and cuts with added testosterone help. With that in mind, interest in testosterone only, should i even do –cycles- or just get on it and stay on it? As far as i know, staying on a testosterone is not a big deal, in the worst case scenario i can shut down my HPTA completely for life and to be in need for testosterone replacement therapy for life, but i dont see problem in that. i planned anyway going and staying on TRT for life after the age 40, for quality of life, to depend on one shot of testosterone enanthate /week is not a big deal. But my major concern with staying on it is follows:
-my major concern is fertility, i want to be able to impregnate woman one day normally, i want to have children. altough from what i researched i shouldn’t be worried much, i should be able to just come off the testosterone, take some time off and everything should be working good again because testosterone is mild drug and not strong supressor, right? Maybe just add some hcg when fertility /pregnancy is wanted.
-plan is testosterone enathate, i have quality pharmaceutical grade, 500mg weekly, for 12 to 16 weeks depends on should i even cycle?and will the gains continue after 12 week period.
– not interested in just 10 pounds water gain from testosterone which im gonna lose after i get off it (like many do because they keep other bodybuilding factors the same), so i will bump up my food on a cycle. back in the day when i was 70kg/155 of muscle my caloric needs (maintenance) were about 2500 calories, now with 82kg/180 pounds it is 3500 calories. With that in mind and that i want to be 90kg/200+ pounds with testosterone, logically i should bump up my food also. Right now i am cutting, when i get to the bodyfat from the pictures i will get on maintenance calories and shot testosterone. Monday/Thursday, each 250mg. I heard testosterone enanthate takes long to kick in, so i wont bump up the food immediately from the shot, plan is to bump up the food/get in caloric suficit from the week 4, about 21 days from the shot, jump to 4000 calories and each week i plan to add 100 calories, that way i will make continuous muscle gains (without plateauing about week 6 from feeling the medicine which many experience), so after 12 weeks from the shot and start of feeling the testosterone i will be eating about 4800-5000 calories and preferrably be about 12kg/25 pounds heavier. I dont mind going slight up in bodyfat, my estimation is that my bodyfat on the pictures is 8-10%, i dont mind getting to 15% with 15kg/30 pounds more after the cycle.
-starting from that week 4/4000calories my macros are planned 300g protein, 100g fat, 500g carbs. Adding carbs for that 100kcal weekly bump. Altough i think i tolerate carbs good, i dont know can i be eating too much of them, can 700g carbs daily be too much and cause some water retention problems? Or should i stay on 500g carbs and add fats.
-ESTROGEN. This is big question. Should i be concerned with estrogen? Some say with this low bodyfat that i wont have any problems and that i shouldnt take anything. But possibility is always there. I remember my nipples was hurting back in the 6th grade when i was about 12 years old for one period when puberty kicked in, maybe this is the sign that i am predisposed for problems with gyno. Should i take arimidex 0.25mg every other day no matter what from the beggining, or just in the case of some side effects? I read something about that arimidex or aromateze inhibitor can lower the muscle gains in the cycle. I supplied myself with arimidex, nolvadex, letrozol, dont have aromasin, hcg, clomid. Is taking arimidex 0.25mg every 3rd day or twice a week (with testosterone shots) bad, beacuse it stays active about 50hours? Estrogen fluctuations in the case of low frequency arimidex?
– After the cycle, if i decide to do that way and not stay on that dose or 250mg cruise, what then? Some people told me that i even dont need PCT, that the cycle is mild and that i will recover just fine without anything. Others say that PCT is must have and that those first people are crazy. Both have valid arguments. So i planned to do something in between, from the week 5 (starting 29 day) from last shot of testosterone enathate (because it stays in the system for so long) start taking nolvadex only , 20mg every day for 1 month. Then take one more month without anything and then repeat the process of 500mg testosterone. Is that fine?
-as far as food goes after the cycle, i plan to continue eating 5000kcal daily, that way muscle loss should be minimum, just lower protein from 300g to 200g and bump up the good fats, also lower the carbs from 700 to 500g but with fats for exchange for calories.
-as far as blood work goes, i dont have money to do everything frequently every 1-2 months as it is reccomended because it is crazy expensive here, but i can do estradiol only, or some other thing, lh or fsh. By the way here are my natural blood work, im concerned that they didnt use sensitive assay for the estradiol?
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“natty 4 life” going on a cycle, pictures attached syndicated from https://ugbodybuildingblog.wordpress.com/
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damonbation · 6 years
A Day In The Life of my Supposedly Frugal Stomach
Kicking Ass with Money is much like healthy eating and joyful living. It’s a series of daily habits that get you ahead, rather than a one-time heroic effort that fixes all your problems so you can go back to whatever you were doing before.
Because of this parallel, the subject of food is one of the nicest examples of Mustachian living, and one of the most powerful and efficient things to master.
Your eating choices will drastically affect your budget (especially if you are raising a family), but they also affect your health, energy levels, productivity, and happiness. The path a great life goes directly across your dinner plate, so it is important to take this shit seriously and not mess around with your nutrition.
I’ve written about food several times before, sometimes with a focus on recipes or costs or general principles. But people often don’t believe me – they think I am either lying about my family’s grocery spending, eating a diet that is poor in nutritional value, or at least spending an inordinate amount of time on meal planing and preparation.
The truth is none of these things, although the actual story may still surprise you. So I thought that instead of issuing vague commandments like the preacher I am, I could share my functional and (somewhat) affordable eating style, even though it’s unusual and surely not for everyone.
So I’ll lay out a single day’s nutrition strategy, and why I think it is a good one. And then you can choose whether to ridicule it on Reddit, or adopt any tricks from it that you like for your own family. Are you ready? Then let’s take a trip into the MMM kitchen!
Alongside the Table Saw, the Cutting Board is also a favorite tool.
The first bit of crazy is that when I’m home, I eat almost the same thing every day. My son eats exactly the same thing every day* for now, and Mrs. MM runs her own show, perhaps with a bit more variety than either of us. This is a unique situation in our family that is different from most, and it adds extra complexity but fortunately not extra cost. You play with the cards you are dealt.
Most Important is your Eating Philosophy
For most people, food is just an automatic routine. They eat whatever seems tasty whenever they are hungry. People with stronger passions (sometimes known as Foodies), spend a large part of their day and mental energy seeking out perfect ingredients and flavors and meals. And for many, eating is an addiction – food calls to them (epecially desserts and snacks), and they fight this addiction with varying degrees of success. People with a busy urban social life like New Yorkers get most of their food from restaurants, which throws both the nutrition content and the monthly cost into a randomizing hat.
The problem with all of these philosophies is that each is a huge gamble, with your life as the stakes. Because depending on your body chemistry and the foods you choose, you can end up anywhere on the health scale – I have met sweating car bound 25 year-old office workers who could barely stroll from the parking lot to the building, and also know a ripped 65 year-old carpenter who can still frame a three-story house by himself. The difference in the diets of these two men is as stark as the contrast in their physiques.
So my eating philosophy has always been that of the Engineer/Robot. Design each meal and each day’s food intake, according to my body’s current needs. Since my activity level changes drastically (yesterday’s mountain hike requires several times more calories than today’s work on this blog article), the food intake has to change accordingly. And since I don’t always get things exactly right, the mirror tells me when it’s time to make adjustments.
And finally, I’m a big fan of high standards and not fooling yourself. Stay lean and keep your body in condition to work hard. Learn to use the mirror, the measuring tape, and the scale as allies rather than generators of guilt and fear. If you’re not there yet, keep yourself moving in the right direction rather than being complacent. For example, if my abs get paved over with fat, I’ll adjust the variables below to go into fat loss mode until the problem is corrected. On the other hand, if I’m getting too skinny and trying to put on strength and weight, I’ll add the extra meals back in.
The Weird MMM Meal Plan
I have come to think of Breakfast as the time of Breaking the Fast.. but by now we all know that fasting is good for you, right?  So the design of your breakfast presents an interesting life-boosting opportunity: When you wake up, you’re already in a nice low-blood-sugar state, which means your body is beginning to think about burning fats as a source of energy (ketosis). This means that you can just prolong the fast by skipping breakfast and just enjoying some coffee or water, or take a softer approach and at least have a breakfast that is very low in sugar. So I do this:
Coffee with Whole milk and Coconut oil
A handful of mixed nuts
A few squares of dark chocolate (85%)
Subjectively, I find this breakfast is satisfying and delicious, but also keeps my body in low-sugar mode so I can begin a day of physical labor without hunger – and potentially work as long as I want, even skipping lunch and running on stored bodyfat if desired.
The end result is this nutrition profile:
At this point, you may be asking, “Wait, does Mustache really weigh and analyze his food?” – and the answer is “sorta.” While I endeavor to lead a relaxed, hippy lifestyle, the Engineer/Robot side is always in the background running the numbers. If you have at least a rough idea of the nutrition content of what you are eating, you will have a far easier time getting the results you want.
Mid Morning Snack
After breakfast, I usually bike downtown to a mixture of construction and weight training in the back “prisonyard” of the MMM-HQ Coworking space. After a few hours of this, I am ready for a bit more nutrition:
A giant salad
Plenty of water, or even the indulgence of a second cup of coffee
These big salads are a big part of my daily food expenditure and effort, but probably an even bigger part of my health. So they are definitely worth it. I make it easier by making salad in bulk every few days, and starting with a base of a pre-made $2.28 Kale Salad Kit from Sam’s/Costco. This provides a bunch of greens and saves much chopping. But I discard the crappy sugary dressing that comes with the kit and use my own olive oil-based dressing, also made in bulk from high quality ingredients also bought in buly, (like 3 Liter Jugs of olive oil!)
I may throw in a protein bar (30g protein, $1.00) to this snack, depending on the intensity of the work.
After the midmorning snack, I am back out for quality time with the saws and ladders for a few more hours, which feels great on a relatively light load of food because the body is burning clean and lean. The low carbohydrate nature of everything I have eaten so far keeps the hunger level so low that I could even work right through and skip lunch if needed, or if I were trying to lose fat. But since I’m currently at roughly right fat level and not wanting to be any lighter than I am, I break at around 2PM for something like this:
I have been on a bit of a Tilapia binge in recent months, because they are almost too convenient and tasty and easy to prepare. So much so, that I jokingly refer to them as “marriage savers” – there is no need to fret over whose turn it is to prepare dinner, if something with such a good nutrition profile is always in the freezer and just 15 toaster oven minutes away from your tongue.
While the nutrition profile is good, they are still a bit of an expensive source of protein. $2.00 sounds like chump change, but the same protein can be had for under fifty cents from other sources like bean and rice combinations, eggs, or even whey protein supplements.
A cost difference of just $1.50 per person per meal, multiplied over a four-person family’s 372 meals per month makes a difference of $558 per month, or about $96,000 per decade after compounding.
Yes, that is a hundred grand, and this is just the difference between a semi-frugal $2.00 meal component and a fifty cent equivalent from, say, your crockpot.
Imagine, then, the effect that impulse grocery purchases like those little $7.49 packs of sushi would make, if you casually toss them in the cart on a regular basis? A decade of a family’s innocent-seeming Whole Foods indulgence could pay for a house outright, while leaving them no better nourished than wiser meal planning with bulk ingredients.
Put a crockpot and a Costco membership to good use, and just watch what happens to your bank account.
Now, I took that sushi picture on my own kitchen table, so we too are guilty of this indulgence. But we are long past financial independence, and even then it is a rare purchase. The overall lesson is just, again, to take this shit seriously – make sure you appreciate every food purchase above beans-and-rice level as a concsious luxury rather than just a habit. And if you are in debt, no sushi for you!
Another typical dinner – main dish is based on potatoes/veggies plus fancy sausages baked into a cheese-laden casserole.
Around 3:30pm in the afternoon, I’ll walk or bike home from “work”, so I can be there when my son returns home from school – one of the biggest rewards of early retirement. One of us parents will cook him a homemade pizza at this point (I pre-make the personal size shells and keep them in stacks in the freezer), so he can recharge with about 480 calories from a delicious meal that costs only about 50 cents to make.
Then us Adults will usually collaborate to make something like pulled-pork tacos:
  On the side, we might add chopped fresh vegetables, more salad, or something more substantial as the appetites require. Like the filets, it’s not the cheapest possible way to get a meal, but at least it is reasonable. Also, we are omnivores, which is a more expensive and polluting way to get protein – but if you’re not badass enough to eat vegetarian you can at least make a substantial dent in your eco footprint by making beef your last choice of meats.
Adding it All Up
Although it took me quite a few hours to collect all this data on what I eat and add it up in a spreadsheet, the results have been quite interesting because I had never done it before. With just the stuff described above, I arrived at this point:
  And the numbers were a bit surprising to me, in the following ways:
I am spending a lot more on food than I thought. If all three of us ate the way I do, our annual grocery bill would be $8600, not counting additional indulgences or food for parties. Since our real bill is closer to $6000, you can see that I am doing more than my share of the spending. Then again, I do weigh more than both Little MM and his mother combined , so perhaps this is fair.
My base calorie level is about right for my age and height for a moderately active person, but on active days I need closer to 4000 calories (if you look up a 185 pound male “athlete” for the baseline)
My base protein level is also about right for moderate activity, but on highly physical or weight training days I like to boost that to one gram per pound of bodyweight.
So while everything in this article is detailed and accurate so far, I tend to eat a variable amount of additional food to meet hunger needs, scaling it all up and down depending on what the mirror says. I use one or more of the following boosts.
Handfuls of Nuts (1 ounce worth, 160 calories)
Protein Smoothie (banana, peanut butter, plain yogurt, tiny bit of milk, ice, water, and vanilla protein mix – about 1000 calories and 40 grams protein)
2-3 simple eggs cooked in olive oil with a bit of cheese: 500 calories, 20 grams of protein, 50 cents or so.
Avocado toast: 3 eggs, some shredded cheese, avocado, all on a piece of whole wheat toast with butter. A truly decadent weight gainer of a snack, although quite cheap. Leave out toast if you are not trying to maintain or gain weight. 1000 calories, plenty of nutrients about a buck.
    *and while I won’t explain this in detail here, parents of children with his personality type will understand without question. It is something people do tend to grow out of as they get older and gain confidence with new experiences.
  from Money 101 http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2018/05/15/a-day-in-the-life-of-my-supposedly-frugal-stomach/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrewdburton · 6 years
A Day In The Life of my Supposedly Frugal Stomach
Kicking Ass with Money is much like healthy eating and joyful living. It’s a series of daily habits that get you ahead, rather than a one-time heroic effort that fixes all your problems so you can go back to whatever you were doing before.
Because of this parallel, the subject of food is one of the nicest examples of Mustachian living, and one of the most powerful and efficient things to master.
Your eating choices will drastically affect your budget (especially if you are raising a family), but they also affect your health, energy levels, productivity, and happiness. The path a great life goes directly across your dinner plate, so it is important to take this shit seriously and not mess around with your nutrition.
I’ve written about food several times before, sometimes with a focus on recipes or costs or general principles. But people often don’t believe me – they think I am either lying about my family’s grocery spending, eating a diet that is poor in nutritional value, or at least spending an inordinate amount of time on meal planing and preparation.
The truth is none of these things, although the actual story may still surprise you. So I thought that instead of issuing vague commandments like the preacher I am, I could share my functional and (somewhat) affordable eating style, even though it’s unusual and surely not for everyone.
So I’ll lay out a single day’s nutrition strategy, and why I think it is a good one. And then you can choose whether to ridicule it on Reddit, or adopt any tricks from it that you like for your own family. Are you ready? Then let’s take a trip into the MMM kitchen!
Alongside the Table Saw, the Cutting Board is also a favorite tool.
The first bit of crazy is that when I’m home, I eat almost the same thing every day. My son eats exactly the same thing every day* for now, and Mrs. MM runs her own show, perhaps with a bit more variety than either of us. This is a unique situation in our family that is different from most, and it adds extra complexity but fortunately not extra cost. You deal with the cards you are played.
Most Important is your Eating Philosophy
For most people, food is just an automatic routine. They eat whatever seems tasty whenever they are hungry. People with stronger passions (sometimes known as Foodies), spend a large part of their day and mental energy seeking out perfect ingredients and flavors and meals. And for many, eating is an addiction – food calls to them (epecially desserts and snacks), and they fight this addiction with varying degrees of success. People with a busy urban social life like New Yorkers get most of their food from restaurants, which throws both the nutrition content and the monthly cost into a randomizing hat.
The problem with all of these philosophies is that each is a huge gamble, with your life as the stakes. Because depending on your body chemistry and the foods you choose, you can end up anywhere on the health scale – I have met sweating car bound 25 year-old office workers who could barely stroll from the parking lot to the building, and also know a ripped 65 year-old carpenter who can still frame a three-story house by himself. The difference in the diets of these two men is as stark as the contrast in their physiques.
So my eating philosophy has always been that of the Engineer/Robot. Design each meal and each day’s food intake, according to my body’s current needs. Since my activity level changes drastically (yesterday’s mountain hike requires several times more calories than today’s work on this blog article), the food intake has to change accordingly. And since I don’t always get things exactly right, the mirror tells me when it’s time to make adjustments.
And finally, I’m a big fan of high standards and not fooling yourself. Stay lean and keep your body in condition to work hard. Learn to use the mirror, the measuring tape, and the scale as allies rather than generators of guilt and fear. If you’re not there yet, keep yourself moving in the right direction rather than being complacent. For example, if my abs get paved over with fat, I’ll adjust the variables below to go into fat loss mode until the problem is corrected. On the other hand, if I’m getting too skinny and trying to put on strength and weight, I’ll add the extra meals back in.
The Weird MMM Meal Plan
I have come to think of Breakfast as the time of Breaking the Fast.. but by now we all know that fasting is good for you, right?  So the design of your breakfast presents an interesting life-boosting opportunity: When you wake up, you’re already in a nice low-blood-sugar state, which means your body is beginning to think about burning fats as a source of energy (ketosis). This means that you can just prolong the fast by skipping breakfast and just enjoying some coffee or water, or take a softer approach and at least have a breakfast that is very low in sugar. So I do this:
Coffee with Whole milk and Coconut oil
A handful of mixed nuts
A few squares of dark chocolate (85%)
Subjectively, I find this breakfast is satisfying and delicious, but also keeps my body in low-sugar mode so I can begin a day of physical labor without hunger – and potentially work as long as I want, even skipping lunch and running on stored bodyfat if desired.
The end result is this nutrition profile:
At this point, you may be asking, “Wait, does Mustache really weigh and analyze his food?” – and the answer is “sorta.” While I endeavor to lead a relaxed, hippy lifestyle, the Engineer/Robot side is always in the background running the numbers. If you have at least a rough idea of the nutrition content of what you are eating, you will have a far easier time getting the results you want.
Mid Morning Snack
After breakfast, I usually bike downtown to a mixture of construction and weight training in the back “prisonyard” of the MMM-HQ Coworking space. After a few hours of this, I am ready for a bit more nutrition:
A giant salad
Plenty of water, or even the indulgence of a second cup of coffee
These big salads are a big part of my daily food expenditure and effort, but probably an even bigger part of my health. So they are definitely worth it. I make it easier by making salad in bulk every few days, and starting with a base of a pre-made $2.28 Kale Salad Kit from Sam’s/Costco. This provides a bunch of greens and saves much chopping. But I discard the crappy sugary dressing that comes with the kit and use my own olive oil-based dressing, also made in bulk from high quality ingredients also bought in buly, (like 3 Liter Jugs of olive oil!)
I may throw in a protein bar (30g protein, $1.00) to this snack, depending on the intensity of the work.
After the midmorning snack, I am back out for quality time with the saws and ladders for a few more hours, which feels great on a relatively light load of food because the body is burning clean and lean. The low carbohydrate nature of everything I have eaten so far keeps the hunger level so low that I could even work right through and skip lunch if needed, or if I were trying to lose fat. But since I’m currently at roughly right fat level and not wanting to be any lighter than I am, I break at around 2PM for something like this:
I have been on a bit of a Tilapia binge in recent months, because they are almost too convenient and tasty and easy to prepare. So much so, that I jokingly refer to them as “marriage savers” – there is no need to fret over whose turn it is to prepare dinner, if something with such a good nutrition profile is always in the freezer and just 15 toaster oven minutes away from your tongue.
While the nutrition profile is good, they are still a bit of an expensive source of protein. $2.00 sounds like chump change, but the same protein can be had for under fifty cents from other sources like bean and rice combinations, eggs, or even whey protein supplements.
A cost difference of just $1.50 per person per meal, multiplied over a four-person family’s 372 meals per month makes a difference of $558 per month, or about $96,000 per decade after compounding.
Yes, that is a hundred grand, and this is just the difference between a semi-frugal $2.00 meal component and a fifty cent equivalent from, say, your crockpot.
Imagine, then, the effect that impulse grocery purchases like those little $7.49 packs of sushi would make, if you casually toss them in the cart on a regular basis? A decade of a family’s innocent-seeming Whole Foods indulgence could pay for a house outright, while leaving them no better nourished than wiser meal planning with bulk ingredients.
Put a crockpot and a Costco membership to good use, and just watch what happens to your bank account.
Now, I took that sushi picture on my own kitchen table, so we too are guilty of this indulgence. But we are long past financial independence, and even then it is a rare purchase. The overall lesson is just, again, to take this shit seriously – make sure you appreciate every food purchase above beans-and-rice level as a concsious luxury rather than just a habit. And if you are in debt, no sushi for you!
Another typical dinner – main dish is based on potatoes/veggies plus fancy sausages baked into a cheese-laden casserole.
Around 3:30pm in the afternoon, I’ll walk or bike home from “work”, so I can be there when my son returns home from school – one of the biggest rewards of early retirement. One of us parents will cook him a homemade pizza at this point (I pre-make the personal size shells and keep them in stacks in the freezer), so he can recharge with about 480 calories from a delicious meal that costs only about 50 cents to make.
Then us Adults will usually collaborate to make something like pulled-pork tacos:
  On the side, we might add chopped fresh vegetables, more salad, or something more substantial as the appetites require. Like the filets, it’s not the cheapest possible way to get a meal, but at least it is reasonable. Also, we are omnivores, which is a more expensive and polluting way to get protein – but if you’re not badass enough to eat vegetarian you can at least make a substantial dent in your eco footprint by making beef your last choice of meats.
Adding it All Up
Although it took me quite a few hours to collect all this data on what I eat and add it up in a spreadsheet, the results have been quite interesting because I had never done it before. With just the stuff described above, I arrived at this point:
  And the numbers were a bit surprising to me, in the following ways:
I am spending a lot more on food than I thought. If all three of us ate the way I do, our annual grocery bill would be $8600, not counting additional indulgences or food for parties. Since our real bill is closer to $6000, you can see that I am doing more than my share of the spending. Then again, I do weigh more than both Little MM and his mother combined , so perhaps this is fair.
My base calorie level is about right for my age and height for a moderately active person, but on active days I need closer to 4000 calories (if you look up a 185 pound male “athlete” for the baseline)
My base protein level is also about right for moderate activity, but on highly physical or weight training days I like to boost that to one gram per pound of bodyweight.
So while everything in this article is detailed and accurate so far, I tend to eat a variable amount of additional food to meet hunger needs, scaling it all up and down depending on what the mirror says. I use one or more of the following boosts.
Handfuls of Nuts (1 ounce worth, 160 calories)
Protein Smoothie (banana, peanut butter, plain yogurt, tiny bit of milk, ice, water, and vanilla protein mix – about 1000 calories and 40 grams protein)
2-3 simple eggs cooked in olive oil with a bit of cheese: 500 calories, 20 grams of protein, 50 cents or so.
Avocado toast: 3 eggs, some shredded cheese, avocado, all on a piece of whole wheat toast with butter. A truly decadent weight gainer of a snack, although quite cheap. Leave out toast if you are not trying to maintain or gain weight. 1000 calories, plenty of nutrients about a buck.
    *and while I won’t explain this in detail here, parents of children with his personality type will understand without question. It is something people do tend to grow out of as they get older and gain confidence with new experiences.
  from Finance http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2018/05/15/a-day-in-the-life-of-my-supposedly-frugal-stomach/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Having a diet, youare not supposed to be depriving the human body; youare designed to be serving great nutrition that makes it more effective to it. bulking macro calculator I've been perusing the reviews to view if I could understand the simplest way about calculating what my macros must seem like for weight loss to go, but alas, I'm still dropped. The macronutrients you spend most focus on are protein as it pertains to diet and food planning. The conventional method components in an normal body-fat percent, therefore those with unhealthy will have a lowered TDEE determined with all the common method than could be regular. I'm just beginning today with rising my macros and there are so of explaining this whole thing on the market many puzzling ways. Of all of the three body types, the bodytype that is endomoph may seem the one that is least fascinating to have in case your purpose is weight reduction. One of you are at 15% body fat while the other is 35% although if you're both 180lbs, you'll get unique TDEE. My BMR was presently calculated by me using a unique calculator for teens but do I need to modify the macros. I prepare 6 times per week, 3 muscle-building and 3 times of HIIT (including muaythai exercise and circuits). I feel like i can't fully grasp this fat from me and that I am although today I just weighed myself. Its been 4 5 weeks of clear consuming thermogenics and workout and I feel just like my outcomes should really be far what they are. I've been searching and looking for a concise and clear method to figure macros - carbohydrates. Our concern is the fact that I have difficulty obtaining enough of the right meals during the day I find yourself eating bigger meals for lunch and in the morning then I otherwise would to acquire all of the macros I would like. Again, I recommend the high-end for large gains (40-50 percent), the middle for maintenance (30-40), and low end for weight reduction (20-30). Certainly basically did not do strength training , workout, or follow a low carb diet, my metabolism might slow with time, but I'd hope this might at least create a greater estimation for my present metabolic state. Yep, it could be robust to get without overflowing your macros, the protein you need on the vegetarian diet. And purposeful gain (both fat and muscle) demands the other: more intake than expenditure. I presently consume and have been for a lengthy period of time: 214g carbohydrates 141g protein, and 59g fat. I do not want to compromise my health both and do n't wanna excessive my volume by dropping muscle prematurely. Contacting him a breast and using him as a negative example is truly a rather low-blow on my part, to become completely straightforward. If you should be incredibly obese (a guy over 25% excess fat or a woman more than 30%), transform this to 1 g per-pound of slim body mass. Iam presently doing 20 , 40% protein and 40%carbohydrates fat but I'm not sure if that's best!! I'm 6'2?, 189lbs, 20% bodyfat, wanting have a peek here to bulk up, and my conditioning app (S-Health) tells me to ingest 3,050 calories a day simply for daily intake depending on my activity-level (3 hours of bodyweight education per week) as well as your calculator below tells me to take 2,453/calories a Day-to majority.
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