#if theres ten shuro fans i’m one of them if there’s one shuro fan in that person and if there’s no shuro fans…heh….aasume im dead
tvklike · 3 months
i feel like toshiro gets too much hate like. ofc he clashes with a western autistic man with different social norms and no boundaries. of course shuro is going to be uncomfortable when his own boundaries are crossed, and being from the culture he is from, it’s difficult to outright express those boundaries in a polite way. he was always secretive and lowkey about a lot of things, his feelings of dislike towards some of laios’s traits is normal i think. he doesn’t dislike laios because he’s autistic. imo i don’t think he dislikes laios at all, he just doesn’t know how to stand up for himself until he hits a breaking point. i think people forget that when we see shuro for a second time and he’s “being mean to laios”, he’s literally at his all time lowest he could be. he doesn’t eat or take care of himself or even think of how much energy he has left. hes just doing the same thing laios’s party is doing (going to save falin) a little differently and with a different party.
all that to say don’t say shuro is a bastard and mean it, because he is a well written character with feelings that can be hurt and boundaries that can be crossed just like any other character. and that’s to say that laios has pretty much crossed everyone’s boundaries at some point, and they’ve lashed out at him about it too. it just so happens that their lashing out is seen as comical and lighthearted, whereas shuro’s lashing out happens at a very tense and serious part of the storyline, so people automatically paint shuro as the bad guy bc “laios is autistic how was he supposed to know” ok but that doesn’t mean laios is absolved of hurting the feelings of others, even the ones he cares for. do not infantilize an autistic adult by saying they’re not responsible for their actions, bc they “don’t know better”. autistic people are capable of growth and character development as well. if shuro came up to laios and was like “hey i didn’t like what you did/said earlier i would like to ask if you didn’t do that again/[insert other mutually beneficial solution here], laios would totally be all “oh shit dude i’m sorry i didn’t know you felt that way thanks for telling me i’ll do my best to work on that because i value our friendship (: “
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