#if the show never explores this thing they’ve set up i will………….be unsurprised
anna-scribbles · 9 months
the fact that ml has a built in mechanism for adrien to talk to the IDEA of emilie à la the steven universe episode “storm in the room” HAUNTS me. like if he got ahold of félix’s kwagatama he could have a full conversation with the version of his mom who renounced her miraculous (and who KNOWS when that was?? as early as when she got pregnant and then handed it off to the fathoms? she wouldn’t really have had a reason to use it again after that.) oh i can’t decide if he would find this cathartic or devastating or both. your mom is dead but she’s here and she can’t answer for any of her crimes because she’s hardly even committed them yet. the crime was you. she won’t believe you were a crime. your mom is dead but she’s here and she’s so young, she’s the age she was when she conceived you, when nothing bad has happened yet and she can’t stop marveling at your face and how it is so like hers. your mom is dead and she won’t believe you now when you tell her it was your fault. your mom is dead but she’s here and she loves you and you can’t touch her, she’s real and not real at the same time, just like she was when she was alive.
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thenovelartist · 5 years
Childhood Friends Headcanon -MLQC
I’m sorry to all the people who come to my blog for ML only to get bombarded by posts for MLQC. But I’m enjoying myself.
Premise: What if the boys and MC actually stayed together once they met?
(Note: Minor spoilers for chapters 7-13, particularly surrounding boys backstories.)
He’ll never forget that day in the rain meeting MC.
She knew about him—his reputation preceded him—and it was clear she was leery of him.
But with a little time, she came around.
So much so that she was sad that he graduated before her.
He was kinda sad, too, to be honest. He didn’t want to leave her.
But they never lost touch. Made sure to meet up as frequently as they could.
He didn’t attend his high school graduation—he both didn’t care and thought the everyone else would appreciate him not being present—but she did watch him with pride as he graduated his cop training program.
He almost cried over the fact that he actually had someone there to support him. He didn’t have familial support, but that didn’t really matter anymore when he had his own personal cheerleader.
He surprised her by showing up at her high school graduation.
Not really a “Surprise” but she was still wildly excited to see him, nonetheless.
Though they didn’t get to see each other often—Gavin busy with his demanding job and MC busy with college—they were instantly contacting the other when they had a moment of free time.
Gavin totally tried to coordinate his days off with hers.
They were that couple that claimed they were just friends but looked to the world like they were dating while also each wishing they were actually dating but both being too chicken to confess.
But Gavin finally gets the guts one day.
No surprise MC quickly followed up with a confession of her own.
How do you date?
They’d been so close and doing couple-y things for so long. Like, what was even a date compared to what they normally did?
They decided to do something they wouldn’t normally do and have a nice, truly ‘couple-y’ dinner.
Then they chuckled all the way home because that really wasn’t their style.
Still enjoyed it.
Gavin took her home, dropping her off at her door… and totally chickened out of kissing her goodnight.
They try the “date” thing again. This time, something more casual.
And that time, it did end with a kiss.
Gavin’s little mind went “boom”.
Already positive he’s gonna marry this girl.
Waits a little longer to propose, though. Just to make it seem like he’s not rushing it.
Courthouse wedding a few months later. Her father witnesses.
Then when her father passes shortly after, leaving her with the company, she’s constantly having to ask her coworkers for new copies of documents because she’s not used to signing her new last name quite yet. Especially when everyone still calls her by her maiden name. Or sometimes addresses her like they would her late father. (It’s a change for everyone.)
She’s got it down in a couple of days and likes her new signature better than her old one.
After marriage, Gavin also has a problem of his own. Particularly with the ring on his hand.
It’s his new nervous tick to play with it when he’s stressed on a scouting mission. And when he has to take it off for an undercover one, he’s a mess without it on.
Feels like he’s being unfaithful to the love of his life. MC has had to reassure him many times he’s not but secretly is touched that he feels that way.
These two have disastrous schedules, which is why when they both have time off they can spend together, phones go on silent. Someone can literally come to their house if it’s an emergency.
They make it out of the lab together.
Poor kids were terrified out of their mind, each only five. They never let go of each other’s hands during their escape.
And they don’t want to be separated afterwards.
These two kids are each other’s “emotional support person.”
Literally inseparable.
These kids’ guardians bend over backwards to accommodate them. MC has a killer set of puppy dog eyes, but Kiro’s pout is downright impossible to resist.
They end up in the same classes at school.
Play together on the playground at recess and spend lunches together.
They are the “class couple.” And do get teased for it.
They’re told to ignore it, but it still takes a toll on them.
Eventually, Kiro steps out of school to become home-schooled, thanks to his music career.
Oh, these two kids do not know how to handle themselves.
But they are growing up and they can be apart from each other, right?
They survive not being in class together, but the moment they’re each out of school, they are attached to their phones, texting or calling each other.
Get together to hang out as much as humanly possible.
Kiro has 1000% both snuck off sets to go see MC and snuck MC onto sets to have her around.
MC has also enabled Kiro’s snacking by sneaking him anything he desires.
Usually it’s chips. She’s his chip dealer. Which only leads to the nickname “Miss Chips”.
They were so close that this mutual crush thing was absolutely unavoidable and unsurprising to most people who watched them.
They were fifteen and each exploring their feelings for each other and what dating was like.
And by sixteen, these two were totally making out in closets.
Savin just deals. As long as it doesn’t get out to the public, he’s fine with it. They’re generally discrete, anyway.
Though, the poor guy has had to hunt Kiro’s hiding spot down more than once. Generally, he scopes out the building beforehand so he knows where to find Kiro and MC if the superstar disappears from set.
Kiro would totally get her a promise ring. “I can’t officially propose now, but… I don’t think I’m going to be letting my Miss Chips go anytime in the future.”
She’s in tears.
Kiro’s already planned out proposing to her as soon as they are eighteen and has scoped out the perfect wedding venue.
Though, Savin now has to do everything in his power to keep the whole thing under wraps. He thinks it’s best the public doesn’t know Kiro’s getting married so young. They’ll slowly break it later.
MC travels with him everywhere, attending school online for convenience sake.
But when her dad passes and she has to take over the company, Kiro does his best to settle down more in Loveland to be by her side and support her more.
He fights to film exclusively at her company.
They totally have a closet that they make out in there, too. One MC has the sole key to.
He doesn’t loose track of her during their escape from that hellhole disguised as a “lab”.
She saves him, and he manages to carry her to safety.
Refuses to be separated from her after that.
Victor soon becomes like her over-protective big brother.
If he’s with her, he’s got his eye on her. And he’s with her a lot.
He’s so soft with her. Yes, there’s name calling on occasion, but he’s always met with a giggle when he calls her ‘dummy.’
He doesn’t really mean it, anyways.
Totally helps her with her homework.
And she always helps him in the kitchen. Rather, she tries and just ends up being the dishwasher after an incident with the fire alarm.
But she’s just happy if pudding is involved.
And though Victor swears he’s not going to make pudding every single night… there’s pudding more nights than not.
She goes to all his graduations; high school and college.
And he’s there supporting her at hers, looking on like the proud big brother his is.
“Good job, dummy.”
He totally teaches her how to write reports and such. Makes her do them and redo them until up to his standards.
“If you can impress me, you’ll win over anyone in the business world.”
Also teaches her all the ins and outs about running a business and how to thrive in the business world.
She’s always ready to take advice he offers.
Everyone in LFG knows that unless Victor actually is in an important meeting, MC is allowed in his office any time.
Has always seen her as his little sister.
Until she takes over her father’s company.
Suddenly, there’s a warmth in his chest as he watches her handle everything with ease.
It no longer feels like he’s watching over his little sister but rather watching a strong, capable woman handle the high-intensity job of running a company with confidence and poise.
… okay, poise was too generous a word. But his point still stood.
Suddenly, he notices she’s actually on his schedule. And their meeting takes place with none of the familiarity that they’ve become accustomed to.
He won’t coddle her as the business owner. She assures him she expects that from him.
And when she leaves his office, Victor finds himself a little bit of a mess.
They slowly lose their brother/sister mentality and grow into business partners that are close enough to have dinner a couple times a week.
“Question,’ he asks her one night. “Can these be considered ‘dates’ or not?”
She drops her fork in surprise.
They date for a several months before Victor proposes. He wouldn’t have proposed so early to anyone else but MC has always been an exception.
They put the wedding together in eight months. It’s a good, large, proper wedding, and they honeymoon out of the country. Because of course they do. Victor wants to give MC the best and only the best.
Total power couple, and Victor takes pride in that.
This tree, or their tree, as Lucien likes to refer to it as, holds a very special place in his heart.
It started off as his sanctuary, the spot where he came out to draw.
But then it became the place that he got to bond with the girl who saved him.
After his parents were killed, everything went downhill for him at a rapid pace.
But she…
“It’s going to be okay.”
He still remembers the warmth of her hands when she held his and the tightness of her hugs she engulfed him in.
This girl’s smile lit up his dark world.
She’s the sole reason he escaped the pull of Black Swan.
Being four years apart as they were put a little gap between them growing up.
People looked at them in disdain so often that Lucien constantly lied about her being his sister.
He didn’t like that kind of attention from people, though he also logically knew why they received it.
Though he did his best to act respectfully and appropriately, he couldn’t help but feel all fluttery around MC. Every single time she came around, he had a physical reaction to her proximity.
Did his best to always act the gentleman. The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable.
For now, he focused on his studies, partly because he found them interesting, partly because he wanted to be the kind of man who could provide well for his family.
Because he had his heart set on making one with her.
It was irrational, if he thought of it logically, to be become romantically attached to someone simply because he was emotionally attached to. Yet he could not separate the pull of romantic notions from his emotional relationship to her.
He eventually surrendered his attempts at trying to separate the two and gave up entirely in his quest to understand it.
He was already on his track to a doctorate when she graduated high school. And suddenly, them both being adults made those four years that separated them growing up seem a little less of a hurdle.
That’s when he asked her out.
“I had to wait so long, but I think now’s finally an appropriate time.”
And that’s when she admitted she had feelings for him, too.
It warmed his cold little heart.
They did take things slowly.
But they were already discussing marriage by the time MC had to take over the company when her father suddenly passed.
Honestly, though it was a terrible tragedy, Lucien is glad he finally gets to return the favor of being there for her just as she was there for him all those years ago.
He also decides to hide the ring he’d bought in a drawer, only to open it again when things were stable.
Well… relatively. The life of a media company manager is never fully stable. Mostly, Lucien just got tired of waiting.
He takes her back to their tree to propose.
They get married there, too.
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thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Interlude II - Horus File #2
[Known Occupants: Samuel Horus - Class 1 Clearance Official of HWDP, Bladesong - CAP Experiment #1]
“Everything is in order, it’s time to wake her up.” Dr. Horus says. His gaze going through the thick glass and towards Bladesong on the other side, who is currently restrained on an operation table.
The robotic arm supplying a steady stream of suppresants pulls away from the back of her head, the long needle on its end dripping with a transparent liquid. Several other arms pull away as well from various parts of her body, leaving her only restrained by the metal bonds that hold her arms and legs.
Immediately her body begins to stir, showing that the filters located inside her skull are working correctly. With the drug quickly purged from her brain - the last remaining organ in her body, she starts to stir.
Her purple eyes snap open, a loud gasp escaping her. The newly installed eyes of her quickly look around, her breathing ragged as she struggles to figure out her surroundings.
“She is breathing...a good sign...” Dr. Horus mutters.
“Where am I?!” Bladesong manages to say between sharp breaths, her gaze turning down to her body. Upon seeing herself she freezes, horror quickly filling her mind as she realizes what happened to her. “What the fuck did they do to me?!”
“All functions are working.” One of Horus’ colleagues announces. “Vision; hearing; voice; it’s all good. The artificial nerve connections are green, her brain is also still healthy.”
Satisfied, Samuel stands up from his chair and walks closer to the glass. Once he gets close enough Bladesong snaps her gaze to him, her fear-filled eyes narrowing with anger.
“YOU!” She snarls. “WHAT DID YOU DO?!”
“Please calm yourself, Bladesong.” Dr. Horus tells her, his voice steady. “You are in a new situation, so I understand why you feel the way you feel. However I need you to cooperate, to make sure that you are absolutely fine.”
“Bladesong? Who are you to call me Bladesong?!” She growls. “My fucking name is Amelia!” She looks down at herself. “And why can’t I move?!”
One might think that the reason for her being incapable of moving is because of her restraints, however said restraints would do little if she were to exercise her great strength. The main reason is because her motor functions are all disabled, all except for her head.
“It is a precaution that has been taken in order to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.” Samuel answers her. “As for why I am calling you Bladesong, it...is a name that the project has assigned to you.” His stoic expression softens somewhat. “However if you desire to be called Amelia, I will do so.”
Several people look at Dr. Horus, however he doesn’t pay them any heed.
“Make sure I don’t hurt myself?!” The cyborg growls. “More like making sure I don’t hurt YOU!”
“It’s also a security caution, yes...” Samuel pulls out his datapad from his lab coat, using the touch screen he begins scrolling through the various texts. “...however we also want to make sure that you’re slowly introduced to each aspect of your new body, little by little. We don’t wish for you to be completely overwhelmed, since we want you to fully adjust.” He looks up from the pad, gazing at Bladesong behind his spectacles. “Amelia, I am going to grant you control over your body as well as release the restraints holding you. However I need you to remain calm and do everything as I tell you.”
She grits her teeth at Dr. Horus. “And if I don’t?”
The man sighs. “You are within a heavily guarded facility, to make any hostile attempts towards us or the surrounding equipment would end with you being harmed...” His eyes narrow slightly. “...or worse. So please, just do as I say. I only will ask you to follow certain exercises in order to make sure that your body is working as it should.”
Bladesong narrows her own eyes, but she notices that placed on each corner of the spacious room she’s in are what looks like automatic turrets. She growls to herself but begrudgingly nods. “...Fine.”
Satisfied, Samuel nods his head and proceeds to tap several buttons on his datapad. Doing so causes the restraints on Bladesong’s limbs to snap open, not a second later her body jolts as control is given to her.
The Gothitelle gasps loudly, the sudden feeling of her body relinquished of its paralysis surprising her. She quickly sits up, looking at her hands with a mixture of suspicion and wonder.
“Now Amelia...” Dr. Horus starts. “The first thing I would like to request of you is to slowly get off the table and stand up, however I want you to take as much time as you need. There is no time limit, so you don’t need to rush yourself.”
It’s obvious on her face that she doesn’t want to follow said instructions even if they’re completely harmless and understandable, not that the man blames her. She's been abducted and transformed into a cyborg against her will, so any anger she has towards them is something he won’t judge her for.
Ever so slowly the Gothitelle slides off of the table, each foot hitting the smooth metal ground with a clack. She looks at the claws lining each foot, the sharp ends giving her a proper grip. The cyborg slowly tries to stand but quickly loses her balance due to the spiked heel located on the back of both her feet, causing her to quickly sit back down on the table. Said table creaks loudly, for Bladesong is far heavier she appears.
It took her several tries but eventually she manages to to stand up without falling or losing her balance, albeit she still has a slight wobble.
“Very good, Amelia.” Dr. Horus says, his voice even sounding a little encouraging. “Next I would like you to slowly walk in a circle around the edges of the room twice. However just like last time, there is no time limit...so take as long as you need”
A simple enough request, Bladesong does just as he asked...although giving him a glare whenever she can. The first lap was very slow due to her still adjusting to her new body, but by the time she completed the last lap she already got the hang of it. With each turret she passed the defenses not once reacted to her, for they’ve been set to only aim at her when a command is given.
“Very good.” Samuel nods. “Everything seems to be working very well so far.” He looks down at his datapad. “What I’m going to do next is grant you motor functions over the cables on the back of your head, so prepare for a sudden jolt as the nerves activate.”
“Cables? What cabl-” The cyborg starts only to gasp again as her body jolts again. The two long cables ending in sharp blades attached to the back of her head come to life with a sharp flick.
“What the hell?!” She starts, noticing said tendrils through the corner of her eyes. She quickly starts spinning around in an attempt to look at them, however due to them being on the back of her head...said attempt is rather difficult to pull off.
“Please...calm yourself.” Samuel says calmly. “What has happened is that you now have access to another pair of limbs, which are those tendrils located on the back of your head. You can control them like how you can control your arms and legs, so the next exercise will focus on it.” He looks down at his datapad. “I would like you to slowly move the tips of both tendrils into your vision, however take as much time as you need to adjust to the nerves.”
This particular task took far longer than the others due to Bladesong being unfamiliar with the nerves, it’s expected however since she’s been through her entire life with only a pair of arms and legs. As she explored the nerves the tendrils would twitch and move slightly, but eventually as she begins to figure out how to control them...they slowly move at her command and the blades on their ends slide into her vision.
“...Whoa...” She breathes, now noticing that these tendrils actually end in weapons. “These things feel...very weird, yet at the same time it’s kinda cool.”
Dr. Horus smiles. “So they’re working as intended, fantastic.” He looks back down to his datapad. “Now Amelia, for the next step-”
He gets interrupted by the cyborg however. “Wait, what happened to my psychic power?!” She starts frantically, her eyes widening as she cradles her head with her clawed hands. “Normally I would feel it in the back of my mind, but it’s gone!” She stumbles back, the rate of her breathing increasing. “Where is it?! WHAT HAPPENED TO IT?!”
Dr. Horus looks up from his datapad, worry beginning to etch into his features. “Amelia, please calm yourself. We need-”
“WHERE IS IT?!” She shouts, becoming more and more frantic. “I CAN’T FEEL ANYTHING! I CAN’T REACH OUT TO ANYTHING! WHERE IS IT?!” Her frantic eyes turn to the man behind the glass, her fearful and confused eyes quickly shifting to outright fury. “YOU! WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?!”
“Amelia-” Samuel starts, but the Bladesong lets out a loud roar.
“I WILL KILL YOU!” She screams, charging at the glass.
At once the four turrets come to life, swiveling on their stands they take aim at the enraged cyborg.
However they never needed to fire a single bullet, for Dr. Horus activates the failsafe command on his datapad...
...which seals Bladesong’s motor functions once again.
The cyborg stumbles and falls to the ground like a ragdoll, for all control over her body is gone. She continues to scream in anger and despair, the sound echoing throughout the room.
Many people in the room opposite of Bladesong have been shaken by this sudden display of aggression, some of them even having jumped up from their chairs and prepared to sprint to the exit if she were to have gotten any closer. Yet Samuel was calm throughout the entire time, although his expression is both unsurprised and disappointed.
With a defeated sigh Samuel rubs his forehead. “Send the stand-by security personnel to move her back to her table so that we may restrain her again.” He orders one of his colleagues, not looking at them.
The man nods his head numbly at Dr. Horus before quickly leaving the room, to speak with the waiting security team.
Samuel looks at Bladesong, his expression becoming sympathetic for a brief moment before hardening again. “Once she’s restrained, we will reapply the suppresants. We will continue this again tomorrow.”
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