#if the person who wrote this actually reads tags just reevaluate your priorities or touch grass or something
fantasyinallforms · 7 months
Hi there! I really hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I happened to come across a few of your Tumblr exclusive ficlets, and I couldn't help but notice that they could use a bit more editing.
I mean, don't get me wrong, your other works are usually more polished with better grammar. Do you maybe skip editing your short stories? It just makes them a little hard to read is what I'm saying.
Not really sure what way I was supposed to take this but ok.
I edit all my work, but I'm dyslexic as hell, and editing is really hard for me, even with programs like Grammarly. I rely on my editor/ beta reader, but I don't always have her edit it unless it's going on AO3.
Anyone who knows me well enough knows that this topic is a particularly sensitive one for me and I find it irksome. Not really sure what you were angling for when you sent this, but I hope it's not too hard to read. (sarcasm)
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