#if the mistletoe one looks familiar thats bc its a suggestion i made to ven last year that made it into one of their fics!
midnightbrightside · 5 months
Can you please tell me what are your favorite Kristin head cannons please?
i couldnt choose a favourite so i wrote out like ten but that was too many so i've limited myself to five and now they're written down half of them are more like fic premises than headcanons BUT
phoenix was genuinely in love with kristoph at some point. it was near the beginning, before he realised any of the lies. and it took him so long to really pursue that nagging suspicious he had because every time he woke up to kristoph's sleeping, vunerable face, he felt sick to his stomach for doubting him.
and in turn kristoph was genuinely in love with phoenix too, but it was further along into the 7yg and he couldn't admit it to himself, so it manifested as a twisted posessiveness and a desire to control. he must keep phoenix under his control or else phoenix will leave just like how everyone else does.
phoenix is popular with the single mothers (and some of the dads) on the PTA at trucy's school and kristoph is Not Happy about it. he starts attending parent-teacher evenings with phoenix just to loop his arm in the crook of phoenix's elbow to not-so-subtly ward off anyone who so much as looks at his not-boyfriend
one december trucy sets up mistletoe in the doorway to trap phoenix and kristoph underneath. phoenix laughs a bit and pulls kristoph in by his waist for a brief kiss. it's soft and sweet and strangely romantic, far from the first kiss they've shared but it's the first time theyve kissed in front of trucy. in a way it almost feels like confirmation of his place in their family and he doesnt know how to feel about that. trucy, watching him closely, cant tell how hes feeling either, but she doesnt pick up on any annoyance or disgust.
phoenix gets back into drawing during the 7yg, he sits down with a couple of hb pencils and a few sheets of printer paper and starts idly sketching the people around him. one day kristoph sees him sketching and says he didnt know phoenix could draw (a lie, hes dug into every nook and cranny of wright's history) and asks to see. he's prepared to glance at the page and say something about how phoenix has a wonderful talent but he can tell his real calling was the courtroom (a jab at his artistic skills and at the disbarrment).
instead he's struck silent for a moment. the pages are filled with sketches of trucy, maya, larry, staff at the borscht bowl... and kristoph. candid sketches of kristoph working, tucking his hair behind his ear, even smiling. they're far from realistic but they contain so much character. is that what phoenix thinks he looks like? has anyone else looked at kristoph and seen this much humanity?
people should give me more excuses to talk about krisnix im so full of thoughts and feelings
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