#if the jeans look blueish in that top right gif
swallowedabug · 6 months
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MAYKO NGUYEN Hudson & Rex 6.11 (2024)
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hallefuckingluyah · 3 years
Female reader
872 words
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"Wandssssss... give it backkkkk" i whined she had been messing with me all morning.
"Please" I pouted, that was her weakness. She stared at me for a couple seconds before giving in and gave me my blanket back.
"That's not fair, you know id give it to you when you do that face" she complained, I just stuck my tongue out at her and snuggled into the blanket.
You see it was that time of the month where my uterus was bleeding uncontrollably, I was uncomfortable and in pain and just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. Some might think that's a bit dramatic but unless you're a female you have no right on any opinion about expressing period pains. End off.
Anyway today it was a winters day it was closing up to Christmas and We originally had the plan to go ice skating with the team. It was 10:35am and we were suppose to be leaving at 1:45pm so I had more then enough time to do absolutely nothing until about 10 minutes before we leave. But due to the immense amount of pain I was in, I really just didn't want to go or leave my bed at all.
"Baby... can we stay at home and watch movies all day and cuddle instead... please"
I gave her my puppy dog eyes so that it might help with the convincing.
"It's tempting but no, baby you love ice skating and this is the last time this year we all as a team will be able to go out somewhere together, I'll go get you some ibuprofen okay and they will start working before we go"
I just let out a small whine, I knew she was right I just didn't want to move from this spot for the next 4-5 days.
"Come on honey let's get showered and dressed and then we can go and have some brunch before we leave okay?"
My answer was muffled due to my head being stuffed into the pillow but after my attempt at moving she got her answer.
After we showered we both got dressed, Wanda was wearing a brown turtle neck top and wore a pair of blueish jeans. She had her hair down but it was curly and she wore a beanie over the top of it. She had long boots on that made her look taller then she was and she wore a scarf to top it all off. She looked very pretty. I was wearing a white sweatshirt and black jeans and wore a fluffy coat that covered my ass and went down to the back of my knees and a pair of beige coloured shoes. My hair was down and wavy like Wandas and I wore a matching beanie to go over the top, like she did. All in all I think we looked like a very hot couple.
Once we were back home, we all decided to watch a movie together, A few of us wanted to watch home alone and others wanted to watch Elf, and after some debate we ended up watching both.I had fallen asleep during the second movie but was awoken by the loud noises coming from the tv, it startled me and upset me as I just wanted my sleep so when I started weeping Wanda quickly realised and carried me up to our room, she changed me out of my clothes and into something more comfortable and helped me into bed. She changed herself and kissed my forehead before leaving the room mumbling saying she will be back shortly, i had slowly started to drift to sleep but before I could she came back with a hot water bottle and some tablets. She is so amazing. I started crying, I don't even know why.
"Awww honey it's okay" she whispered to me whilst getting into bed.
"I'm sorry I don't even know why I am crying, I just love you and your so good to me and I just" she cut me off before I could continue my rambling and said
"I love you too darling, I'd do anything for you. Try get some sleep okay. Wake me if you need me"
She wiped away my tears and brought me into a tight hug before placing the hot water bottle on my stomach. It didn't take me long before I was passed out snuggled into my girlfriends warmth.
I love her so much.
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nalledimessi · 4 years
Snow day!
Pairing: Mikaelson twins, Elijah & reader
Word count: 758
Warnings: None just enjoy.
Author’s notes: Hello there friends. I most said this is one of my favorite ones, especially because of the Mikaelson twins. I really love them. I hope you love them as much as I do.  
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You roll to the right side of the bed, reaching for your husband to snuggle to his side but instead bump into an empty spot forcing you get out of bed in search of him.
After putting on your warm fleece robe and hearing toddler’s laugh coming from the kitchen making it automatically your destination.
Stopping at the doorway to watch the scene ahead of you; Elijah’s back to you while in front of him your now toddlers, each of them in their high chair eating what you assumed it’s cereal for the leftovers you see in their hair, more in Thea than in Mathew.
-Mama- Mathew call you extending his arm to you, making Thea look away his father to you.
-How long have you been awake?- you question Elijah once you where at his side and taking Mathew out of the high chair.
-Around an hour- he answer you taking Thea out too.
-You should have wake me up- you announce.
-You’re awake now- taking Mathew from your arms -while I take this two to take a bath you should eat your breakfast- leaning to kiss you and squishing in the process the twins in his arms making them giggle.
-Just change them into something warm to go outside- watching trough the window the snow that appear overnight -it’s their first time on the snow they will just get dirty and messy again-
-Very well- leaving the kitchen and going upstairs to the twin’s room.
After finishing your breakfast you went to your room and change into a blueish knit hat, grey turtleneck knit pullover sweater, blue denim pencil jeans and brown ankle leather boots to then go help your husband.
On the twins room, Elijah was just finishing to change Thea that was now wearing a fleece cable-knit cream hat and lace, shaker stitch sweater rosy pink with a purple ribbon below the shoulder, denim jeans with cats on the knees and leopard leather boots while Mathew was wearing white knit sweater with bottoms on the shoulder, dark-wash denim jeans and ankle brown boots with zipper instead of laces and playing with a cute stuffed mint triceratops in his crib.
Walking to be at his side and picking up Thea from the changing table -Ready for the snow, my light?- you tickle her earning giggles from her.
Elijah deposit a kiss on her hair and went to pick up Mathew -I made said you look adorable in that outfit as our children-
You smiled to him -Come on, let’s take the twins outside-
Once you where outside you set Thea down in the snow, watching her bend down and collect snow in his hand to then take her directly to his mouth, while Mathew was seated and hitting the snow with both his hands making the snow pop out.
You start to form a ball of snow for a snowman, it was almost done when Mathew walk to it and try to hug it, the ball crumble making Mathew fall upside down to the snow to. 
-Careful my boy- Elijah hurry to pick him up in his arms and removing the snow of his face. The boy immediately snuggle on his shoulder. -I think you and Thea are enjoying more than us, darling- watching you start again to create a snowman while Thea try to pick up a branch of a pine full of snow.
-Just because you and our son don’t like to get too messy Elijah- you express while adding the 3rd ball of snow to the snowman -you two can go back inside, we will meet you in a few-
-Are you sure about that?- he question you while setting Mathew down on the snow and walking dangerous to your side.
You saw him approaching sideways and before he reach you, you start running away from him, one moment was behind you and in the other was gone, he appear in front of you making you crash to him making you both fall, you on top of him, he pass one of his arms in your waist and the other one in your cheek -I love you Y/N-
-I love you too Elijah-
You where about to kiss him when Thea and Mathew start throwing snow all over you two, you pull Mathew down to the snow while Elijah took Thea into his side making them giggle.
And while you lay down next to them and hear the twins giggle you couldn’t stop thinking that life was messy and timing is perfect.
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