#if that's alright? these 2 could be fascinating bc i imagine
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kikiyo · 2 years ago
⤳   @sunpire​​​​, asked:     ‹ can you give me more than a warning? ›
" I've already overstayed my welcome. " A decidedly un-welcome, in this case, perhaps; not for the reasons another of her kind might usually dislike her visit (she played not the red hand of death in this instance), but instead for the information she carried along with her. A warning of a murmur overheard in the next town over that betrayed a burgeoning suspicion of just what went down in Pearl's home for the wayward. She stood, straightening her posture as she slid her gaze towards the other, a steady and unblinking resolve. " I doubt there's much more I can offer you, I can't help. There's nothing of substance I might give you save not to kill off whatever creature in your care is spurring talk, " though her tone is a serious thing, heavy on her lips as she speaks low and resolute, there is just a moment of lightheartedness to her final words, paired with a juxtaposing smile, subtle in its appearance. She's trying to be more human, these days; hand over heart. The smile drops as she drags her stare across the home, senses keen to its occupants. " How many are there, currently? "
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conceptofjoy · 9 months ago
how do u imagine the Dynamic between dave and davepeta postgame. ik ur more of a dsprite fan than dp but i think it could/would be Very fascinating. plays a role in cracking daves eggy loking thign
i love both very dearly :) i draw dsprite a lot more partly bc of the self imposed sprite rules i made for my pc au. seb’s an exception, lets just say some kind of splinter bullshit happened lol.
pre retcon dave had that convo w jade abt ds. the way he talked abt him’s can be easily summarized by saing “hes me when it’s beneficial and not me when it makes me uncomfortable/ makes me need to confront some things.”
he’d totally just compartmentalize any interactions in that way lmfao. oh so youre a catbird sprite thing? alright im an ally do your thing bro i mean they. nepeta’s side of things wants to just PRY him open and the dave side’s like this is going to be so much fun. dps wants to fuck with him SOOO badly but also doesnt want him to run away from the egg crackification process. dave keeps avoiding dps not so casually but jade keeps looking at him disappointedly so they have to hang out. jade knows that theyre pulling something’s so tells dps to ease up on dave but thats literally an impossible ask.
dps explains some stuff about the gender thing bc dave is only casually interested. totally.
DAVE: so like a boy and a girl came together to make a nonbinary person?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< something like that!
DAVE: i dunno it seems pretty clear cut
DAVE: oh shit unless the bird also had some kinda bird gender and shook things up
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: >B33< yeah i had to do all kinds of gender maths as soon as i came into existence
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< did you know bird gender and cat gender cancel each other out?
DAVE: no shit?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< no that was a joke dump ass!
DAVE: i knew that
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< well i dont think the bird had anything to do with the gender maths. or the sword
DAVE: sword gender…
DAVE: wait wasnt the bird a mama bird?
DAVE: seemed pretty intent on keeping our game egg to herself remember?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B00< ohhh yeah
DAVE: you remember being a bird???
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< no comment
DAVE: oh shit thats not very dave of you
DAVE: any dave i know would jump right into a whole spiel about how tough life is as a single bird mom
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: >B33< well dave thats because… im not you!
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< we went over this before! lets go back to the gender thing
DAVE: yeah yeah
DAVE: ok gender
DAVE: so a human boy a troll girl a bird mom and a sword walk into two kernel sprites
DAVE: wait shit do the kernel sprite have genders too?
DAVE: kernel gend-
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: XOO< holy shit i think i get what equius went through
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< do you see what youre doing to me dave? youre making me sympathize with a sweaty and incredibly silly 13 year old troll boy
DAVE: haha youre funny as shit
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< thank you
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< yeah while the other components probably added some other gender stuff
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< it was mostly dave and nepeta’s gender that influenced mine
DAVE: yeah alright
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< like nepeta for example
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< grew up away from society and barely had to deal with the caste system
DAVE: sure
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< theres specifc roles assigned to each gender and caste but nepeta just didnt get the memo
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< despite the friend group being a pretty non hemoist
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B??< hemoist?
DAVE: sure hemoist
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< well despite the group being all “who gives a crap about your blood color and gender”
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< nepeta still felt like there was just something no one decided to tell him that dictated every interaction he had with everyone else
DAVE: yeah i totally get tha-
DAVE: wait “him”?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: ‘833< what?
DAVE: wait was nepeta a boy???
DAVE: oh shit how did no one ever correct me this whole time-
DAVE: no wait pause
DAVE: paws
DAVE: no stop that
DAVE: if nepeta’s a boy and im a boy…
DAVE: were you lying about the bird gender thing or???
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< yes dave. i really am part boy gender and part bird mom gender
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33< *SIGH* i think thats enough for today. i tried my best
DAVE: huh?
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clydimos · 3 months ago
HIII CLYDEEEE!!! :DDDDD ITS INTEROGATION TIME!!!1! 1. what was zizzi's motivation for coming to earth? 2. what was zizzi's home planet like? 4. does zizzi have any alien powers? 5. does zizzi believe in any of their conspiracy theories or is all of it simply just an act to cover their tracks? 6. does zizzi enjoy being a conspiracy theorist? 7. are their anythings about the human stylelife that zizzi finds weird or enjoys? 8. what foods does zizzi like? -whether that be human or alien food (PERSONALLY I IMAGINE ZIZZI BEING REALLY FOND OF INSANE FOOD COMBINATIONS LIKE TOOTHPASTE AND ORANGE JUICE LMAOO) 9. what words/traits would you use to describe zizzi's personality? 10. how does zizzi feel about human's fascination with aliens- such as with alien or sci-fi movies? 11. does zizzi have any fancy alien tech? 12. does zizzi wish they could reveal their true identity or do they like being undercover? 13. what does zizzi think about wolfie? SORRY FOR THE QUESTION DUMP HAHAHEUSFIGFWUG I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH FRFRFRFFRFr :DDD if i come up with anymore ill def pester you again but i'll let you get to these puppies first!!!1! if you need any help brainstorming ideas for answers or anything feel free to DM me :DDD also here's a little doodle of the goobers!!11!
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OOOH LORDY ok time to cook so erm!! Yap Alert!!! Ok.
1. Zizzi came to Earth because basically the Xerem (the higher ups of their planet) were like “hey man we need someone to go throw earthlings off our tracks bc they are getting too close to finding us” so Zizzi was sent for the mission
2. Geographically, it is basically just cities built on top of deserts expect its VERY cold there so Earth is REALLYY hot to them. Their planet has very low gravity so the aliens living there have pads on their feet and hands that are sticky so they don’t fly off the face of their planet HELPME but ermm socially, the planet is run by a council called the Xerem and everyone else is just under those guys. And the Xerem HATTEE mankind so it’s basically illegal to talk to talk about Earthlings BSJDBJSN
3. No they are a lame alien, only the Xerem get powers
4. At first they didn't believe any of it they were like "heh... simple humans believing such outlandish things" then they got sent down a rabbit hole and started believing the shadow government ☠️☠️☠️
5. Yes!! For the most part, it’s sorta a love hate relationship HELP
6. They find clothes weird, they don’t like clothes… Zizzi thinks handshaking is also weird, they are like “why do I have to transfer sweat with someone ???? Is hello not enough????” They thought hugs were strange, the first time someone tried to hug Zizzi they though the person was trying to restrain them so Zizzi tried to shoot them with a laser gun, but they are alright with them now. Somewhat.
7. Zizzi LOVES human food, they cant get enough of it. they even think things that aren’t food are delicious like plastic water bottles. BUT U ARE RIGHT ABOUT THE INSANE GOOD COMBOS they will slap anything together and eat it without a second thought. Some of their favorite combos would be Oreos with mayo filling and nachos soaked in rubbing alcohol
8. A freak. Ok. ERRM BUT ACTUALLY mischievous, direct, unmannerly, brash (in a good and bad way), and even though they r pretty devious but they have a sort of strange charisma that gets them through their “human” life
9. Zizzi is annoyed by how inaccurate all the media on aliens are. Zizzi will get extremely defensive about sci-fi films with aliens like “THATS NOT EVEN ACCURATE TO HOW ALIENS TALK!!!”, but everyone assumes they just reallllyyy like aliens. They also hate alien Halloween costumes and alien merch, they think their kind is being “commercialized.”
10. They have the classical laser gun that was mentioned earlier, they also have a space iPad its where they journal, and anything else they would have is stuff that's not very useful on Earth
11. They enjoy being uncover because they HATE earthlings, Zizzi thinks they are gross and sweaty (but they grows to like them… only a little bit) They only really feel bad for lying to people they care about like wolfie 👅
12. At first Zizzi just thought Wolfie was a stinky stupid earthling, but then they talked more Zizzi was like “this guy is so peculiar!!!” Zizzi is honestly impressed about how kind wolfie considering the state mankind is in, and they think hes cute in a pathetic kinda way but they like that. Zizzi wants to look at wolfies brain under a microscope/pos
Wiggles my butt
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lorillee · 5 months ago
alright well i finished ch 12 so while im waiting for my water to boil ill fill everybody in on the current thoughts feelings opinions
Can we kill sagawa. PLEASEEEEE If this man doesnt die by the end of the game we have done something deeply and unfathomably wrong.
anyways so im fascinated at the reveal of tachibana as the owner of the bat tattoo and honestly Well i cant say i trust it. just because its very much like well frankly a bit of a shock reveal when it happens with no real justification. Like there was legitimately no reason to show this to the viewers at that point in the story so im smelling some sort of a fakeout here is basically what im getting at
like one could argue that they decided to reveal it there because we’ve spent the past bit trying to establish tachibana as a guy we can count on to some extent and then immediately after reminding the viewer “Hey we are dealing with organized crime LOL these people are actually deplorable and dont u forget it” keeps everybody on their toes or whatever but i still feel like they couldve chosen a more shocking or relevant moment. Hence my fakeout theory which i will honestly be a bit disappointed in if true because it just seems a little cheap
anyways so currently im thinking that like as part of his little mafia squad they all got the same tattoo or somethjng and so its actually a different guy with the bat tattoo. wait omg could you imagine if it was oda LOL
Ok if it was oda i would forgive the fakeout. Because i never really liked that dude to begin with
insanely funny how happy people are to volunteer incredibly sensitive information to majima when this has basically no benefit to them and in fact will probably come back to bite them in the ass. Its just his charming babygirl vibes
the ending for the Everybody Wants To Kill Kiryu subplot was a bit anticlimactic for all the drama we went through so jury is still out on how i feel about this because its like obviously important for the whole tojo family infighting but at the moment im not sure if i felt like this entire thing was really worth taking up like 2 slash 3 whole chapters for. but who knows bc we havent seen this story to its end yet
unsure about how i feel about the direction they r possibly taking majima and mikotos relationship in. if they choose to play this as a “what could have been if things were different” doomed potential romance u know i eat that stuff up But the point of issue here is potential. bc my immersion is going to be going to be struggling if they seriously try to argue me into believing that they r totally In Love despite the fact that they barely know each other at this point. so We Shall See
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xplrvibes · 1 year ago
alright im half way thru and here are my thoughts so far:
1. I truthfully don’t know any of the controversy around joe rogan, i just know he’s hella popular for being controversial and he’s someone i’d be on edge to have a convo with bc what i have seen is he questions everything and he isn’t afraid to let you know he doesn’t agree. but snc seem to really like him and vibe with him and it does seem super out of the blue for joe to want ghost hunters to come investigate his place (I hope this isnt a set up). either way, sounds interesting.
2. that contract from o-park mall is challenge worthy. they spelt colbys name entirely wrong (misspelt his last name and used his nickname and not his legal name) making it null and void from my understanding. i would also say the same abt sam as they used a nickname not a legal name. A good lawyer could wiggle them out of that if they cared.
3. loved hearing colbys take on religion. im the same, i’m not so much religious as i have a relationship with God. i think thats way more important than being in a religious community. and i also feel the same way about just knowing there’s something else out there. also interesting he was the only one on the table who doesn’t have dreams of dying. chop that up to trusting in God and not being afraid bc he knows God has the perfect plan and everything is in control, or just generally not afraid to die for other reasons, who knows. definitely fascinating, either way.
alright i’ll be back in 1.5hr hours with part 2 comments. I probably missed a bunch of stuff i could’ve commented on but these are my standout comments.
- aussie anon
I finished the podcast late last night and then immediately went to bed without really doing a deep dive into my thoughts on the whole thing (aside from a few choice areas that stuck in my brain and had to be discussed in dm's last night lol), so I'm going to use your reviews to sort of start my own review, and then will probably finish up with an additional post later on side thoughts - cause I have a lot lol.
1, The thing with Joe Rogan is that he kind of plays both sides of the fence, in terms of not just politics, but pretty much anything going on (he will have on conservatives and liberals, will have on atheists and people like snc, will have on scientists and then people who believe in UFOs, etc) and so he tends to be very controversial because of that. I don't listen to him, his viewpoints on certain things aren't really my cup of tea and he has in the past said some stuff in his pursuit of riding the fence that was not good and gross and everything, so this is not me defending him or whatever - but at the end of the day, he has the most listened to podcast on earth and love him or hate him, is a household name. Them being invited on his podcast, being treated very well by him, and then him keeping in touch with them and inviting them out to his comedy club is objectively a big deal for them and their visibility and they aren't going to turn that down because twitter - who has pretty much made it clear they lowkey hate snc anyway lol - have an issue with the collab.
I actually found that part of the conversation interesting, because the whole thing came about because his daughter was a fan of theirs, which I just find kind of hilarious and random. Imagine how many people of notoriety and fame they meet or could potentially meet because those peoples' teenage children are fans.
2, I don't think they would actually get arrested for showing up at that mall at this point in their careers, anyway - most malls do not have the uumph to take shit like that truly seriously, and both S & C have made it public that they've been back in there since (one time right after the release of their book, Colby went into their Barnes and Noble with his mom and illegally signed a few of the books on the shelf and posted about it all over his instagram lol). But it is objectively kind of hilarious that they are "banned" from entering the mall and yet they've had consumer products in three of their stores (B&N, Hot Topic and Zumiez), and have had their faces on the store fronts of two of those three.
3, I strangely found that interesting as well, and I normally tend to zone right the fuck out when people talk religion (sorry, all). I was raised Catholic but am not religious these days in my own life, although I certainly do believe that something else has to be going on, hence all the ghosts and stuff. But for whatever reason, hearing others talk about religion always makes me feel wildly uncomfortable - I think it's just feeling like that's something personal and so different from person to person and I just don't like feeling like I'm intruding on their privacy by hearing it (even if they are offering it up freely), if that makes sense? I don't know, I'm just weird about those conversations in general.
But I find it interesting when these two talk religion, firstly because of the content they make and how it would tie back into their own personal belief system, but also just how interesting it is that this is one of those areas where they kind of balance each other on opposite sides of the scale, and yet somehow come together perfectly at the end. It's an interesting phenomenon with them.
Also, all of them talking about dying in their dreams and Colby just piping in with "I've never died in my dreams 😃" like go off, you sweet little just happy to be there king.
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sprinklesandshatters · 3 years ago
A Review on NCT 127′s 3rd Album <Sticker>
So NCT 127 just came back with their 3rd Full Album <Sticker> and this is my first 127 comeback since I became a fan last year! Neozone is such a special album for me as it was their first album that I explored entirely. I've known NCT as the group who never fails any expectations so I've kept mine up although I know they'll exceed it anyway. And guess what, they did! I absolutely love their new album hence this review~
This isn't a technical music review—as I am not a musician myself—but rather a listener's honest takes, goofy notes, and interpretation on each of the tracks in the album. I admit I've also struggled to build my own opinions on some of the tracks until I listened to them over and over again.
I have also heard there are mixed opinions on the title track <Sticker> and a lot says it's another acquired taste. But I think it's not just that, as it can be a grower, just like how most of NCT's songs were for me. Maybe after a few listens and a right passage of time, it will grow on those people. The bottom line here is, I like it a lot! 😛
So I listed down the songs according to their respective track numbers and followed each with a bulleted list of my opinions and interpretations.
(Viewer/reader discretion: before you continue, minors, do not interact as there are few 18+ contents under the cut. Thank you.)
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1. Sticker
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The recorder at the intro boyyyy I thought something was wrong but then I remember it’s NCT lmao
It already stuck in my head from my first listen from the Instagram audio.
With Taeyong opening the verse with his divine rapping, I knew I'm in for a new ride.
To those complaining it sounding like noise music, imagine it sounding generic. I don't think it would fit as the title track. Not a b-track or in their repertoire, even. They are called NCT because they define the NEO in the music culture and music technology!
It honestly was an unorthodox, just like all of their title tracks, which I’m inherently here for.
Literally, no one does it like them!
The growls and the vocal flexes and adlibs! (You can tell it has Yoo Youngjin's brand.)
The crisp metronome sound that’s consistently ticking except for the pre-chorus and the dance break adds depth to the soundscape. I love how it’s used instead of the usual snaps.
The production quality blew my mind. Like how can someone think those melodies would sound so exquisite? CAN I CALL THEM GENIUS?
The piano at the back, oh my God—Yes! It adds this mystifying element to the song.
I'm not sure if it's a midi violin at the pre-chorus, but it added thrill to the song. It was a great transition from the bass line in the verses to the combination of the flawless harmony with the same instrumental.
"You treat me like a boy, like a grown-up child chasing a dream" JUNGWOO BABY NO MORE HUH
Taeil, Doyoung, and Haechan—the bridge vocal trinity!
But why the heck are they cowboys? I dig the concept, but why? LMAO
This is easily one of my favorite tracks from NCT 127's entire discography 💚
2. Lemonade
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Jaehyun starting off this song with his deep voice eee
The song opens to a verse oozing with chill confidence. They're like, yeah you're lurking because we’re cool.
This is such a huge slap to their haters. NCT's not chillin' like a villain, nah they're the main characters!
Well maybe they’re villains, but still ya not cooler than them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Funny enough how they could have just referred haters as simply lemons whose sour/bitter to the taste, but 127 squad's success is sweeter than all the haters' spiteful remarks so yeah, SIPPY SIPPY LEMONADE 🧃
I might have just barked too wOW
Yuta’s vocals hooooO his voice just sounds so glamorous mhmm
Also Mark referencing their previous title tracks such as: Firetruck, Cherry Bomb, and Regular (it's Irregular in the lyrics) in his rap part 👌💅
3. Breakfast
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Now breakfast time, oh jeez!
Summer 127's bestie!
If Summer 127 talks about dancing all night long, Breakfast is the morning after.
You know what it is.
"Even if I gulp and drink you, it's not enough for me." oho Taeyong no you ha—STOP
Sexual innuendos aside, isn't it just sweet if someone tells you they'd want to have breakfast with you every day?  Okay maybe I'm melting at the thought 😩🙈💞
And I can see myself dancing to this song as I make breakfast (in the afternoon or at midnight bc I’m crazy)
This was an okay b-track for me at the first skim on the album, but boy it grew on me wildly.
Honestly one of my favorite tracks in this album.
4. Focus
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Did I just invade a private call? LMAO
The analog voice filters make it like so.
Dude, this feels intimate in the level of eavesdropping a phone call between seasoned lovers. Then you realize you hear them whispering their kinks over the line and you're ooh, that's sexy! hfgklhfhf
My first listen to this, I almost went feral because,
"I can't wait to eat you…" when it's actually "I can't wait 'til we chill…" aahaha
"Baby call me when you want me." OKAY!
This sounds relaxing and chill. I'd love to play this on a late night drive or just before bed time along with Fly Away With Me, Sun & Moon, My Youth, and Long Flight.
Belongs to ‘make out session’ playlist  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That was lowkey a playlist recommendation, huh?
I'd be kidding if I don't say I could touch myself while listening to this song AHAHAFGHFJFJ
I didn't know this would grow on me this much lol I love love LOVE THIS!
5. The Rainy Night
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Ooh, the holy melancholy!
Piano at the intro—I knew I'd cry to this.
This song isn't just about break-up, but the heartbreak after one.
The yearning; the remnant pieces from the shattering of what was once there.
I think I crumbled from this one.
This hit so hard I felt like I fit in the shoes with the lyrics throughout the entire song.
What’s fascinating is I clearly forgot the title when I mentally said this sounds like a sad rainy day song from the first listen.
Something I’d turn up when it suddenly rains, just because I want to feel the blues.
Taeil and Haechan singing in lower register? I wanna cry :( they’re just one of the best vocalists in K-music industry right now.
Could have been also nice if they added Yuta to the vocals.
"My selfish heart who waits for you to come back," OKAY WHO HURT THEM?
And the fact that they sang it so good that it translated every ounce of the emotions well even before I looked up for English translations is the reason why I love this song too.
6. Far
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Hmm… What the hell?! Do I like this? Wait...
The jumpy vibe from the first verse to the pre-chorus set the mood for this song. It sounds merry and heavy. It was honestly too much to take until I’ve reached the chorus part.
Honestly, I think this song could fit NCT Dream better, as it gives off a vibe similar to Hello Future's b-tracks. If some credible source say this could have made HF’s track list, I might believe you too fast.
Also Dream’s Deja Vu where they go na nananananana na na na~
Playful yet confident! That’s what I mean!
As usual, the vocals are insane! Vocal flex from left to right!
I swear Jungwoo sounded a bit like Taemin at the second verse that I had to replay it hahaha
I love hearing Johnny as a vocalist! SM, how many signs do you need until you utilize his vocal talent???
Taeil's part where he sings, "go nuts, go nuts, 'til we go bust, go bust" IDEK BUT I SNORTED A LAUGH AT FIRST LISTEN HFCAHKFHK
Not my favorite, but still great though!
But wait it’s actually stuck in my head???
7. Bring The Noize
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Yes, they never beat those noise music allegations
I love me some noisy percussions. AND THE BASS YO
This screams so much confidence!
The build up from the pre-chorus to the chorus—FIRE!
This song reminds me a lot of SuperM's Super Car, especially with the engine roar samples and the battle cry-like singing at the chorus.
JAEHYUN RAPPING? You mean Jaehyun the visual, the vocalist, the actor, the model, the funny dude, aka my everything?! (markie bb look pls look away for a moment)
When I said I'd play Focus on a late night drive, and if I add this in the playlist, VROOM VROOM SPEED LIMIT WHAT
You know what's so clever about this song? It's how it ended with Mark's final rap without any instrumental, leaving you  standing there with a doppler effect-like post experience.
A super car on a super speed just whooshed past you and you look its way as it zips through the road. It's gone in an instant but you're floored dumbfounded at a sidewalk. That's how I describe this song.
8. Magic Carpet Ride
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This song… Wow. Oh gosh it's so beautiful.
Their harmony in the chorus—it makes me want to kiss someone so passionately that I'd cry.
This makes me want to feel love that transcends the universe. Literally, just please take me on a magic carpet ride :(
The background harmonies too oh my goodness—HEAVENLY.
Jaehyun's voice is so warm and soulful it fits perfectly with songs of this genre.
Okay alright Doyoung Grande!
And Taeil makes me feel like I'm listening to old school R&B.
The first time I heard this from the track video, I can't stop replaying because it's just that great.
This makes me want to love. I think that sums it up.
9. Road Trip
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This is such a soothing song for me, especially how I easily become nostalgic thinking about the road trips I've had.
Whenever I listen to this, my brain immediately conjures up thoughts of my ideal getaways. Gazing at the sky through the car window, stirring up from a nap in the middle of the ride, and   eventually reaching your destination.
Oh, to travel around anywhere... (curse you covid-19)
Okay that's it. I'M PACKING UP.
But where do I go—
I could also imagine Mark playing this on the guitar and the other members sing along together, something like that.
Just Wholesome™ vibes.
I love how it evokes such a nice emotion within me effortlessly.
This isn't my favorite, but I still love this.
10. Dreamer
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Eyyyy such a refreshing song!
This song is so bright it makes me want to dance. I play this first in the shower!
It reminds me so much of Elevator (from Neozone)
The horns make it more lively I think!
Yuta and Jungwoo's voice suits lively songs like this.
The background vocal in low register in Taeyong's part in the first verse is so good ahhfhf
Taeil, the R&B vocal king you are...
There's this part where Doyoung and Johnny harmonized, that at first listen they seemed to clash, but it sounded actually fine after a few listens. Maybe it's just that I've never heard them do it before.
And I think it's Doyoung's laugh at the end of the bridge? Oh my goodness I really love this too!
11. Promise You
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The first time I heard this from their NCIT Sharehouse Sitcom, I fell in love with the song already.
It sounds like something you'd feel from a warm, welcoming hug.
The lyrics are so beautiful and endearing. It's definitely a be-there-for-you type of song that will touch your heart.
It definitely sounds like a promise.
A song about platonic intimacy.
This really fits to be the closing song of the album. It's like the end of it but holds a promise that says “see you soon.”
Because they cherish their fans like that.
It's also like I've watched a movie with a happy ending, where the camera pans up to the clear sky and this song starts playing.
Speaking of ending, I would love to hear them sing this as an encore stage in their concert. You know, that moment just before the stage lights die down at the end of the concert where they send final blows of flying kisses to NCTzens. Then you come home smiling and crying.
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This wasn't supposed to be this long since I originally planned to write this with just simple phrases and emojis but I got too engrossed lol. I also meant to include my own ratings but I figured it’s pointless since I can’t really decide about them hahaha
I really enjoyed the whole album and I love how they're progressively defining what NEO means by breaking through standards. It's not NCT music if it doesn't make you say "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?" But then you realize it’s stuck in your head and you’re enjoying it already.
��� OVERALL RATING: 127/10 💚
if you’ve reached until here, thank you for letting me share you a braincell or two 💞
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vanityloves · 4 years ago
anyways im gonna listen to/read the fuckin...rise of the ogre shit bc ive been putting it off 🪓🥴 im gonna put stuff under the cut bc im gonna be TALKING n dont wanna make a new post everytime
ok he performed for 2 pounds 50. which is basically $3 today i- well it was absolutely a power play on his father behalf that also had the promise of money so.
also lol he said Rejection fueled my ambitions which, yknow,, i already knew but it still hurts and i will continue to talk ab it xoxo
AH HELP. "...if ebay had been invented at the time he would've sold me online there and then,"
"man hands on misery to man, yknow"
THEN PROCEEDS TO CONNECT IT TO MUSIC/HIS CAREER. this man said :) the one thing i truly have a passion for. the one thing i fucking like.
oh yeah. bullied by students AND teachers.
oh god hes 42ish during this interview? ok.
the fuckin school bully saying he wouldve acted differently if he knew what hed become
getting called "faceache", then proceeds to call 2d that. jfc he really does just repeat what everyone says. really "treating others how i was treated/how they treat me"
maybe thats why? hes kinder to fans? bc :] you support me and like me so, ok ill return that energy
a real rowdy boy. absolute nasty boy. fraud and arson... shooting ppls windows with his air pistols
black sabbath being a huge inspiration? fucking absolutely.
became a satanist n shit at age 16? "it fitted me like a glove" "heavy metal and devil worshipping became my favorite past times" ajsj funny that ppl in trying times often seek religion or following of some sort
heavy metal being his favorite, n loving the clash, while hannibals was more punk based
hannibal breaking murdocs nose for the 2nd and 3rd time for playing his music on hannibals turntable
he doesnt sound that bitter? ab hannibal? he doesnt sound incredibly fond but he talks ab how he got him into a lot of music. so, i imagine they we're a bit closer than i thought?
international baccalaureate in antisocial? anthropology?
MURDOC IS ACTUALLY SMART HE WAS JUST. NOT INTERESTED IN THE SUBJECTS? I GUESS? (also,,, he literally Built cyborg noodle and i think he had a PhD too lol. but its always nice to hear hes actually...yknow, interested or good at other things)
alright but murdoc having a fascination w/ other cultures - or at least some interests, that lead him to actually study the damn subject and "pass with flying colors"
'fuck college though. im gonna be a rockstar'
he sold his soul at 18ish? whenever the fuck he got kicked out but college was mentioned so my brain goes to 18ish idk
he lived with his father still and paid rent via low paying jobs one including 'part time dressing as santa'
help he was ab to take a Personal Job for quick cash and uhh well, "still made me call him sir though" he really said 20 dollars is 20 dollars, huh "that story was totally true"
alright, 1997,,,
2d stuff
loves zombie stuff? thats really cute, and is freaked out by the way they move. god he rambles
both he and murdoc are horses in the chinese zodiac
[[jfc ok if the official shit compares them a lot i understand why ppl ship them but Dont. its a narrative foil and that doesnt always mean Romance jfc.]]
truly... a lil stinker. super cute bouncing baby and a "bit thick" which is stull so endearing to me. hes just a happy man!
excitable 10 year old and would dance around his room
jfc the fact he has normal/caring parents. i kinda forget how opposite hes supposed to be from murdoc but i think thats another thing jsjsysg (murdoc said why isnt my tragic story making me famous why does he get to be the Star. no wonder he acts like a loon)
i still dont get how gettin bonked by a tree branch made him go bald and also turn his hair blue
big tiddy nurse mommy,,,
went to the same school as The Cure and got decent grades despite hittin the noggin quite hard. WANTED TO BE A STORM CHASER... OMG??
oh thats really cute, hed bond with his dad by building keyboards toegther 🥺💕
messed around with paints and graffiti? artistic king
oh yeah d day...new instruments, new band, new singer - and 'had to be the best or no dice' and absolutely CONFIDENT that his songs were bangers ajsjd
but on that same note, had absolute faith (or desperate) in 2d which i love
ransacked the fucking music shop jdjdj and 2d said he was Just Standing There behind the counter the whole shift hdhdh
"thats when your eye came out, yeah" "yeah!-" HELP WHY DOES HE SOUND SO HAPPY AB IT ?? yes he said ut hurt but he sounds...ok
jfc murdoc ragdolling this poor mf around. dunking him and slapping him around. actually? so incredibly terrible and abusive and i hate him for that 🔫 im sorry 2d stans. we dont condone that behavior here ong.
how and why the FUCK did 2d's parents allow that fucker near their child after that i??? help. wtf. his moms a nurse why didnt she just have murdoc sit in plain view of other people. god damn.
2d flying out the window n hitting the curb "whoops"
"just two black holes...[ah] it looked great...a blue hair, blacked eyed GOD- the girls would go wild-" "pretty boy looks" ???? HELP. HE DOESNT GO LIGHT ON THE COMPLIMENTS, HUH
oh yeah, he straight up kiddnapped this man help. idk how he managed that, russ is a Big Man??
AND MURDOCS MUSIC WAS SO FUCKING SEXY GOOD that russel said hm alright ill stay, :] out ifbhis owm free will im screaming.
"oh this is one of them febreeze commercials" "uh . yeah sure. *murdoc turning on his Sick Tunes*" but that either means? it was just his guitar playing the convinced russ? unless he and 2d recorded sumn?
"2d was the looks, murdoc the brains, then russel truly was the heart"
'while 2d and murdoc liked music, this man was a MUSICIAN' god fucking bless this book holy shit ny man russ getting some respect. he said back hurts from carrying this band.
murdoc basically heard this guy had big trauma that gave him So Many Skills n said "thats what i want" ok idk thats actually really? inch rest ting to me. seems that murdocs fine handing out compliments but i guess that where his charisma really helps out yeah?
"he was going to be in my band whether he liked it or not" ...murdoc-
HELP. 2D IS LIKE BRO GO ON IM LISTENING 🥺 despite hearing the story 50-60 times and murdoc said fuck off you lil shit.
ok irrelevant but i love his voice! its super comforting n nice to listen to 🥺
idk how/why he sucked up all his friends souls though ... how are they all possessing the same person. they said "its my turn on The Russ"
went to a private school,,, and was already possessed? and the thing where he gets bigger and smaller is a reoccurring thing?
was in a coma for 4 years?
hiphop machine...time and history...the ultimate set i guess.
his knowledge was infinite and hes a "Renaissance man" hes so fucking smart our king. jack of all trades but a master of drums. he said i know im good and what of it
yes russel our king. fuck up his nose 5 more times. probably stunted his growth too. he shrunk after russ gave him a wallop im sure
why dies paula sound like tracer overwatch
also only dated 2d for 2 months before joining the band?
HELP SHE REALLY WAS THE FIRST MURDOC FUCKER: "but when i saw murdoc with his thick greasy hair, green teeth and yellow skin i thought 'oh this is the ine for me!'" "OH HES SUCH A DANDY-" HELP ME IM HQJDHD
sick in the head...like i want to hurt people help girl. shes fucking Crazy. but she rly said damn i didnt hear back from him again 😭 and my purse is gone JSHHD
"small japanese person!"
2d: we werent gorillaz until noodle arrived!
im dying the reason he chose gorillaz. 'swinging through the jungle baring my ass'
noodle really said "im just happy to be here" and she balanced everyone out 😭 "she gave off pure love and the fact that she could laugh at murdoc REALLY helped too" RUSS... IS BABY
2d rambling ab some girl he met and "ssSs" "whats the s stand for hawhaw" "i dont know!".
one song is all it took i ❤ good for them
just murdoc talking ab the party that they threw for thier deal and saying "you dont know how much of a dick i felt like [when carrying one of those huge checks]" like oh thats whatll make you a dick? alright.
ahshdj damon and murdoc not getting along bc of Rival Band One Uppery + damon calling murdocs cuban heels crap since ge wore steel ones with gold spurs.
but the band and damon getting over music and their ambitions and became a "paternal figure"
HELP MURDOC SAID AWIOGA @ RACHEL WHICH MADE HER THROW HER DRINK IN HIS FACE AND SPLIT FROM 2D. kinda sad actually, she said i still like 2d but murdoc kinda ruined it by trying to get it in with me, it put a strain in our relationship :/ oh god murdocs That Dude
nov 31 1998: started recording :]
40 tracks that got cut down to 15 holy shit
hooking up cameras in every room ejdjsu
webby artist of the year in 2006? holy shit
noodle learning ab kong studios omfg
built in 1739?
the ghost of the first owners ghost still roams around in the kitchen in the early hours and moans 'aaa glass of water'
theres some rotting bullshit near the studios and in the summer its fucking TERRIBLE
the former owners were a biker gang, and they all died in a fire
murdoc said this place has bad vibes. i want it.
grim weather
the building feels impossible to escape from huHgg
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ofmerrit · 4 years ago
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*  ◜  kristine froseth  ,  cis  woman  &  she/her  ◞  *  according  to  school  records  ,  that’s  merrit  antonietta  unn  hornsby  walking  on  campus  grounds  with  their  usual  iced-americano  from  the ancient  grounds  cafe  .  they’re  known  for  their  long  ,  dark  blonde  locks  outshining  their  surprisingly  tall  figure   and  are  often  spotted  at   the  versailles  garden  reading  wild  geese  by  mary  oliver  .  almost  everyone  knows  their  family  is  worth  like  1.2  billion  dollars  ,  so  we  suspect  they’re  a  member  of   olympus   ,  you  know  ,  the  one  for  old   money  .  do  you  know  where  they  were  the  night  that  the  scholarship  student  died  ?  they  claim  they  were  touring  around  the  campus  for  inspiration  ,  must  be  an  architecture major  thing  ,  right  .  and  hey  ,  don’t  you  agree  that  the  sophomore  reminds  you  of  muffled  screams  into  silk  pillows  ,  the  bellyache  you  get  after  doing  something  wrong  &  vacant smiles ?  you  better  watch  out  h e s t i a  before  something  dangerous  happens  to  you  and  life  ends  at  twenty-two  .  *  ◜  barb  ,  twenty-two  ,  gmt +3  &  she / her  ◞  *
alright alright . it’s me , wrinkle free brain bar from gmt +3 !! so pumped to be here w you sexies mwah <3 here’s merrit’s pinterest board if you’re interested ( pls im a virgo n pinterest addict .. lemme make boards for our muses .. id d*e ! ) imma . bore u to de*th w this intro pls .. forgive me .. i only hav 2 brain cells , this is all over the place HDFJK rip </3 tw: kidnapping, death.
starting w the boring statistics :     full name: merrit antonietta ‘antonia’ unn hornsby     nicknames: mer, antonia, ant, tbc.     code name: hestia ; the goddess of hearth , the family , the state & the domesticity.      star sign: libra sun , virgo moon , scorpio rising.     sexuality: bisexual.     favourite literature piece: wild geese by mary oliver ,  an anthology .                                              “meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,                                              are heading home again.                                              whoever you are, no matter how lonely,                                              the world offers itself to your imagination,                                              calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting                                              over and over announcing your place                                              in the family of things.”
merrit is the only child of the young hornsby couple. she doesn’t remember much of her childhood, according to her grandma, she was the happiest kid. had everything she could ever ask for and more. 
the reason why merrit can’t remember any of this is the beginning of a tragedy — a stormy december night, she and her parents went missing. grandma says they were gone for over five months. a kidnapping case gone cold, they thought. right when the old couple was giving up on them, an angel from above delivered antonia to their door step. malnourished, void of any memory but alive.
life after losing her parents was easier than expected, grandma hornsby ( nee du pont ) made sure merrit would recover from this without any trauma & in a way, she did.
doesn’t have the best relationship with her grandpa, he’s harsh and cranky and too smart for his own good, merrit is lowkey afraid of him lmfao 
she’s currently studying architecture — her dream major was interior design but grandpa encouraged her to pursue architecture to follow her father’s footsteps.  kinda made sense because she’s fascinated by houses .. in reality the insides, the families living there are the real source of interest for her but she’s happy to settle for outside for now gshdjkf
personality stuff !!!
uMM.... i’d say she’s lowkey a people pleaser sdhjkf like ?? making her grandparents proud is . literally the only thing she’s ever wanted in this world n now she feels the same responsibility for every single soul in her life . a torturous existence if you ask me 
can’t say no <3  if she thinks its gonna make u feel a tiny bit better . boom . she’s in .
the friend you’d call to bury a body . no questions asked . she’s pickin up the shovel as you speak asdghfjk unless it’s between her grandparents n you, then *michael scott vc* how the turntables.... sdhjfk shes rattin u out instantly rip
LOVES to talk n listen . fills her heart with joy . a blabbermouth . 
an overachiever . doesn’t sleep much, rocks the dark circles 7/24 lmfao works bc doesn’t like the idea of .. wasting life if that makes sense ??
loyal 2 a fault. mostly to olympus. wld do anything to stay in the secret society / establish her place .
extremely gentle n caring . sometimes ?? its just . too much sdjkf like. tone it down <3
likes poetry ,, especially mary oliver n louise glück ! her fav poem is the orange by wendy cope.
i imagine her wearing flowy, tulle dresses with floral embroidery or vintage pieces idk 
has shit ton of plants but struggles to keep them alive rip
!!! im . terrible at explaining her fr i hate it here ok i hav a vision but ??? i cant explain it
safe 2 say shes having difficulty deciding who she’s supposed to be . a part of her wants to be the golden child for her grandparents n the other side .. jst wants to live her life y’know ??? 
UPDATE ! i’ve realised that by hiding her secret, i also unintentionally hid a big portion of her personality and she comes across as the typical, soft & gentle soul. don’t get me wrong, she is indeed gentle and soft but she’s also volatile and deceitful !
connection ideas !!!
childhood friends - except she doesn’t remember any of it. maybe your muse thinks she’s changed. maybe they don’t care. maybe they are no longer friends . idk 
penpals - seriously ???  i imagine her as someone who writes letters jst bc they’re nostalgic n cute ??? cld be fun.
a home - i kno home’s not a person but a feeling but tell that to merrit lmao. this person’s probably the only one in the whole damn world she’d choose over her grandparents. platonic or romantic, doesn’t matter.
betrothed - super old school yikes. nt exactly betrothed either .. maybe her grandma thot it’d be better if these two were in a relationship . maybe they remained as friends . maybe they hated each other . maybe they kept the publicity stunt ( cue 2 merrit begging to keep faking the rel so her grandpa wld be happy )
exes - a classic. ts this is me trying vibes . on good or bad terms . lingering feelings ? yes please .
bad + good influence - again, classic sdhjfk
saw u at the garden but cldn’t say hi bc i’m a dumb binch - basically someone she has a minor, unrequited crush on. probably knows this person through her other friends but she’s too damn timid to take the first step
a friend from labyrinth . ok hear me out . this is a big deal for her bc she’s all in for her society n v opposed to the idea of a second one even existing . wouldn’t say shes openly mean or .. rude to labyrinth members but ?? jst . wants to protect her own , so this would be a v secret friendship .
a project - could say she has some sort of a savior complex . wants to ‘fix’ people up .. toxic much, mer? <3 anyway ashdjk maybe she thinks .. she can change your muse ? i truly dont know. 
ok final one . its juicy . someone who’s suspicious of her . she has a secret n for the obv reason i didn’t talk abt it, your muse’s suspicious n it’s just . hashtag awkward
these r the only connection ideas i have rn my brain said get tht fire exit door im off im so sorry forgive moi bUT im a sucker for angst : ) so theres that 
something inspired by my queen n savior phoebe bridgers or . folklore ?? yeah.
give me noora / william vibes . the ex friends . the dan / blair dynamic . i live for them ok sgdhfjkl
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tjkiahgb · 7 years ago
Okay so the promo has got me scared for the next episode bc with the parallels between the Marty/Buffy race with a Cyrus ref and Tj/Buffy game with Cyrus ref it could be possible that they try to set up a Tuffy thing which has got me shook but I really hope it’s just them shooting hoops and making up with some solid mlm/wlw solidarity
Apologies anon, because I know you sent this earlier today while I was working on the recap. This question was about the promo at the end of the last episode and some things have certainly happened since then, namely: we learned of Marty’s impending return and we got the extended promo.
I don’t know how you’re feeling now – hopefully better – but I’m still going to use your question as a jumping off point.
Ok, first things first, let’s look at Marty and Buffy vs. TJ and Buffy.
Marty and Buffy were playful rivals from the start. Even when they were trading witty barbs, even when they were competing, it was always in service of fun and growing their relationship. The race ultimately didn’t happen because they realized they cared more about being friends than the competition of it all. (The basketball one-on-one seems like it’s definitely happening because TJ and Buffy have no such concerns.)
TJ and Buffy’s rivalry is far from playful. Most of their interactions are dripping with contempt for one another. I can’t think of any real, genuinely nice scenes they’ve had. At best, they play out sort of neutral until they usually end with one rebuffing the other. Buffy talks about her crush being recent, but her last interaction with TJ was him (intentionally or unintentionally – I’m still not positive. One more shot in the finale to clarify this) getting her kicked off the team, which is the worst thing he’s ever done to her. The only thing that’s changed since then between them was he signed a basketball for her, which she seemed less than interested in (she was more interested in the fact Jonah got the basketball for her). It would be very hard to imagine either person being in a place – even after an apology and whatever else happens in the finale – that they’d even start to consider each other in a romantic sense like that.
Marty’s relationship with Buffy and TJ’s relationship with Buffy are so vastly different, I think it’s hard to draw any real parallels between them, other than: sports. And I would assume the writers know that, because I don’t think it’s anywhere near their intention to make those two relationships similar. If it is, they’ve done an insanely poor job of it. (Honestly, if this ends in a few days with TJ and Buffy looking to get into a relationship, they need to replace the whole writers’ room. They would’ve had ample opportunity to set up and work towards that relationship at multiple points in the season if that were the case, even by doing something as teensy tiny as writing a scene where it seems like TJ and Buffy can even stand to be in the same room together for longer than a few minutes. If they didn’t seize on any of that opportunity and now want to jump right to romance, that would be some of the laziest writing imaginable.)
With that in mind, let’s look at some of the other stuff that happened today.
Marty’s actor, Garren, posted an Instagram picture suggesting he’s coming back to Andi Mack. @mackmeta wrote a really well thought out piece about the potential ramifications of his return (it’s a great breakdown of what’s quite the fascinating move on the producers’ part), but the single most important one is this: he’s coming back for Buffy.
So let’s test this under the assumption TJ and Buffy attempt a relationship. Nothing solid’s happening in season 2. TJ’s not going to reappear in season 3 until around episode 5, so the time frame would need to be really quick. If he’s in episode 5 and 6, that’s when you’d need to lay all the groundwork for a TJ and Buffy relationship. They’d need to reconcile and admit their feelings to one another and basically start it. TJ’s not in the few episodes after that but is back for episodes ~9, 10, and 11 (or so), which is what they’re shooting now as Marty is returning. So why bring back Marty like two episodes into their relationship? To basically start immediately breaking it apart? And you have to assume Marty would break it apart, too, and quickly, because they’d need to start working toward the Marty and Buffy endgame (it seems silly to go through the work of bringing him back if they don’t want him to be endgame with Buffy). So, after all that, why even attempt a TJ/Buffy relationship in the first place? What exciting thing could really happen between them in a couple episodes that would make this whole endeavor worth it?
But let’s say that’s not the case. Let’s look at the other option and say, by chance, he’s being brought back only temporarily to help advance Buffy and TJ’s endgame. How could he possibly help that cause with TJ’s character? It would just serve to remind the audience that Buffy likes sporty types, and oh, here’s one she liked much more and had a lot more chemistry with. Anyway, Marty’s got a girlfriend now. Don’t worry about him. He’s gone and we’re back to TJ and Buffy. Why bother even bringing Marty back then? He was written off well enough a few episodes ago.
Neither option makes a ton of sense, given the effort and the lack of payoff.
Alright, finally, the last thing: the extended promo and the look back.
First, I love that they’re giving TJ the responsibility of the look back. It’s great that they see him as being important enough to deliver that and everything that comes with it. It shows they value him as more than just someone’s boyfriend. He’s a full character who has his own wants and desires that matter and are important going forward.
As for the promo, I think it’s pretty telling that they’re setting it up to look like it’s towards Buffy. This is going to be one of the last few surprises of the season, so it would seem strange to blow it with obvious telegraphing in the promo.
But, furthermore, I think if you really wanted to hint towards a TJ and Buffy relationship, wouldn’t you give Buffy the look back? You’ve already been toying with this “Buffy’s Crush” mystery storyline for several episodes. Why wouldn’t the producers take this opportunity to add this last bit of mystery? “Oooh, is TJ Buffy’s crush?” Though it doesn’t make a lot of sense like I outlined above, it’s at least more interesting than TJ being into Buffy. If all we got was TJ looking at Buffy, wouldn’t most people assume she’s not interested? Again, not a single scene before this episode would suggest any different.
Anyway, I wrote too much. And probably not anything wildly different than others have already speculated.
I’m feeling like the chances of Tyrus really beginning in earnest in the finale are pretty strong, but I’m no fortune teller.
On the bright side, we only have to wait a few days to find out.
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alisuhs · 7 years ago
ALISA SAVAGE is an ORDER MEMBER in the war, even though HER official job is as HEAD OF THE AUROR OFFICE. the THIRTY-ONE year old PUREBLOOD is known to be ENTERPRISING and VIVACIOUS but also DOGMATIC and NEUROTIC. some might label them as THE LADY OF WAR. fc: inbar lavi
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so this is alisa savage, aka That One Obscure Auror Tonks Offhandedly Mentions in One of the HP Books (trademark pending)
pinterest boi
character inspiration: leia organa, hayes morrison, lexi branson, natasha romanoff, peggy carter, sara lance, jessica pearson, bobbi morse.
high heels clicking on hardwood, the smell of fresh - brewed coffee, spilled wine, redacted information, smudged ink on parchment, the pop f i z z clink of champagne, quills scratching across paper, the satisfaction of reaching justice, lipstick stains on glasses, snakeskin and lace, the feeling you get when you step too close to a fire. messy blonde hair framing features that were once beautiful, but are now just tired. sharp whiskey and silent grief. honey eyes and tattooed wings beating against your shoulder, begging to be uncaged. 
family ties.
ezra savage --- american ambassador, soon to be retiring. generally a playful, fun man, very personable and agreeable. it’s what made him such a good diplomat and father. he was a thunderbird when attending ilvermorny, where he met his wife.
hara savage --- former wampus!!! tiny and fighty and very very loving. a huuuuge spitfire. currently back in the states to help her sick mother.
damaris savage --- baby sis!!! was honestly the sweetest, most fun young girl. big dreams and even bigger imagination. she was a 22, a junior healer --- one of the ones who were killed during the siege, actually. surprise!!!!!!
ALRIGHT SO the savages are actually an american pureblooded family!! though blood status typically didn’t matter as much in the states as did the way ezra made his way up to earning the title of AMBASSADOR. diplomat. emissary. whatever ya wanna call it!! 
though the savages were also a later branch of the highly regarded ROCHE family, of the original twelve aurors, due to one of the women in the family marrying a savage.
alisa was born in 1949 america, which with all things considered, really wasn’t that long after the ordeal with grindelwald. but it was also 1949 in the united states, so the red scare was going strong when she was born, which was an entirely different sort of witch hunt than the one her wizarding community grew to know
with the red scare as a guise, there were some lingering anti-wizard people who used it as an excuse to go after wizards. again. but this time by saying they were communist spies!!!
she grew up in a wizarding world that wasn’t AS sheltered and concealed since the disbandment of the new salem philanthropic society just over two decades before. 
the savages are spread all across the united states wizarding world, but this particular branch of them was fairly small and tight knit and centered right outside of new york city. much of alisa’s first eight years was spent bouncing back and forth between their home in new rochelle and the city.
after working as a translator for years, and growing from there, ezra finally reached a point where macusa and the president announced him to be their consul for the united kingdom’s wizarding world. this was v exciting for the family!!
so when she was nine, not long before she would have started her education at ilvermorny, the savages relocated to LONDON. fun!!! (sort of)
living on the wizarding world’s equivalent of embassy row and getting to witness this level of the government working was fascinating. her life from then on took the form of galas and exploring london with her mom (and eventually newborn sister, who was ten years younger than her) and mother and sitting in on some debates and discussions regarding foreign policies between the different countries.
a lot of political shit, but it also really shaped alisa?? it made her very interested in the mechanics of the government, and exposed her to how things WORKED. both in the ministry and macusa. it also displayed both groups’ PROBLEMS to her.
when she was 11 she was shipped off to hogwarts!!! 
her parents didn’t want her on a different continent while they were still working in england, so after some discussion with headmaster dumbledore, she was brought on board
sorted into slytherin!!! her personality was essentially highlighted in slytherin, where her fire and drive and goals were celebrated, though her american background did receive its own criticisms. for the most part, hogwarts were some of the best years of her life --- she was a member of too many clubs to keep track, a keeper for the slytherin team, a top student, and incredibly social w/in her peers. sure she could be a bit.......biting sometimes, but overall she was v sociable.
then to now.
so after graduating from hogwarts, she went straight into the auror academy!!! though she was good at playing the social realms of politics, it was never quite as much her speed as what the aurors did. even back in the states she had practically idolized the men and women with these jobs, so it was no question what she wanted to do.
a very ambitious and determined woman, she fought and worked her way higher and higher up through the department as years passed. there was always that unspoken struggle of being a woman in a male-dominated field. but she was damn good at her job!!!! sometimes a bit of an annoyance to her peers when she would fight back on some decisions made on cases, but it’s bc she has a fucking backbone boiiii
so as she went from junior auror to senior and everywhere in between, she gathered respect. enough of a reputation as well, to be promoted to head of the auror office in january of 1980 at age 31. she is the third woman to hold the position and ALMOST the youngest, but not quite
she’s a workaholic so since her promotion you can catch her at the ministry even MORE these days
she loves her job though, and is v v committed to getting things done through the right means. off the clock she’ll do anything to get the job done, but when at work she’s v big on ensuring everyone follows rules and protocol when it comes to cases. she doesn’t need shit being thrown out the window bc someone didn’t go through the right channels or was a dumbass and did something out of line. they’re going to do it the right way dammit!!!!
oh okay right and the ORDER i need to talk about that
so basically she joined near the start of the war?? she was around 22/23 and a v fiery, excitable new auror who had a tendency to push her luck and speak impulsively when she shouldn’t have. but it was enough to get the attention of dumbledore and his small order at the time, so she was RECRUITED
sort of a spy but also not really
more does a lot of the strategy work, social warfare, my local ootp mom
helps organize missions n shit
she actually ended up being fairly different??? or i at least highlighted different traits than i usually did with mia
a detail-oriented big picture thinker. used to act more impulsively, but at this age she’s more likely to step back and take everything in before making decisions or calls and it’s what makes her a good leader, but also can be what makes her seem COLD
low tolerance 4 bullshit
quick tongued
warm hearted, ultimately
ready to do what it takes for the cause, but she also has a particular moral code that she won’t typically break
somewhere within the lawful good and lawful neutral spectrum ???
p aggressive!!! like she’s 300 pounds of fight me in a 140lb body, but also aggressive in a different sense? like she’s willing to step forward and do or say the things some might not, also ready to push and push and push until someone breaks
like she’s a potty-mouthed ball of rage from 1940s new york, come on
can be a lil dramatic :/
optimistic, but not naive??? like how leia had 100% in the rebellion but she also wasn’t fuckin stupid
i could get into this more but u know what, i’m still learning her myself
fun facts.
u think she has coffee.......but in reality, it’s coffee AND whiskey
gets into aggressive debates about quidditch
always wearing heels, like it’s a bad day if she’s NOT
always has her nails done, it’s v extra
“what do u prefer, men or women” “i have a preference for justice”
has a black cat that she would probably die for
would also probably die 4 u reading this but anywhomst
loves greek mythos and literature in general
but esp greek mythos
pretty n tired, probably hasn’t gotten a full night’s sleep since 1972
OH AND FORGOT 2 MENTION THIS FARTHER UP BUT she’s been more.......volatile since the murder of her sister during the siege. v Not Happy. sara lance when laurel was killed? it alisa.
anyway i want 2 add more and learn her more bc i’m EXCITED and on a ROLL and those character parallels up there are giving me SO MUCH INSPIRATION but i have 2 work 11-9 today and it’s 10:30 so gotta blast
come plot w me thank
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derryhawkins · 7 years ago
Growing Fame (1/??)
summary: A modern AU where the losers are semi-famous for different things, and when they all run into each other at a certain event, all of their fans go bat-shit crazy – wanting the seven to spend more time together. What they didn’t expect even more than that, though, was a well-known and mean journalist to write bad reviews on them all. Their growing fame could soon shrink, they quickly realized. warnings: nothing, really; swearing. pairings: not yet decided a/n: I am excited for this, not gonna lie. To sum up the reasont that they’re famous: Most of the losers are YouTubers. Stan, Eddie, and Bill are this funny famous trio who used to be on Vine. Bev is a make up/FX artist. Mike is a singer on YouTube who’s slowly getting famous. Richie’s in a band. & Ben makes educational history vids with the occasional blog of him & Mike together bc they’re bffs. Hope you guys enjoy!! 
oh & this is like 2.4k words, so beware bc its a bit long.
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3
Day Off
Mike Hanlon laid on the couch in his apartment – head propped up by cushion, a guitar on his stomach, clothes mismatched from being lazy, and his golden retriever laying beside the couch while the black cat was curled between his feet. He strummed the guitar and hummed a tune of one of his songs with his eyes closed. He was simply relaxing, enjoying the time by himself with his two lovely pets. He could faintly hear his friend in the guest bedroom, an occasional yell being heard that made Mike halt his strumming for a short second before starting again. The dark skinned male had no idea what his friend was doing but he didn’t matter. He had a day off.
A day off from working his ass off to get his EP done for his fans – a surprise for them, actually. Mike was a singer/song writer on YouTube who had just recently been signed a record label deal for the next five years. He had been working on the EP before, but now it’s basically officially official that it will all happen. The work was tiresome, surprisingly. He stood in a studio all day, singing his heart out, and it was fun, don’t worry, but he just couldn’t help but feel that he needed everything for it to be perfect. Besides, he needed one more song plus the name for the EP and he had no idea what to do for those two things.
He was in a writing slump and all the names for EP he came up with sounded idiotic. But he had to admit that this all beat working at the family farm. He loved it there, too; he loved all the animals and spending time with family. But he also loved music, and once his grandfather agreed that Mike could give the music career a go, he was ecstatic.
Mike halted his strumming and humming once again as the guest bed room flung open. His eyes opened as well when the sound of footsteps were heard to be coming closer, and as Sandy the golden retriever lifted her head. Not too soon later, Ben Hanscom stood in the living room with a fowl expression and crossed arms. It was rare to see Ben so upset at somethings, so Mike quickly sat up.
Ben and Mike had been friends ever since they started college together a couple years ago. At the time, Mike was working on becoming an engineer with the side job of music - just playing at little venues to get the money with the occasional video up on YouTube just like he had done in high school. But once his videos got more popular and as he realized that music could be his career, he focused more on the music. Still, though, he was working on a minor in engineering with a major for general studies. It wasn’t too much to handle.
Ben had become Mike’s roommate. He was in love, and still is, with history. All his life he had been fascinated by it, and he was glad to know Mike didn’t find it annoying; the boy actually agreed. At some point in time he started putting up videos explaining history and doing little cartoons along with it; the first video got pretty popular pretty quickly, surprising both boys, and now two years later Ben has a contract with a company that pays him. He posts explanatory and educational videos of history. He also has a vlog, just posting there once in a while when there’s a longer time period in between videos.
So, the two boys knew each other pretty well. After two years of dealing with each other, becoming close friends, and slowly rising to popularity together, both of them noticed what made the other tick. What made them annoyed, or happy, or scared, or angry. So Mike Hanlon was pretty quick to pick up on Ben Hanscom’s annoyance.
“Dude, everything okay?” Mike asked carefully, making sure not to accidentally kick Salem (yes he named the cat after the black cat from Sabrina the Teenage Witch, okay?) as he moved his legs. Salem was quick to leave.
“We need to go to comic con this year.”
Mike stared for a moment before cracking a smile. “Is that why you’re pissed?” He asked.
“Mike, we missed last year, okay? We can’t miss two years in a row! I need to dress up as Star Lord at least once in my life without getting weird looks and to geek over Game of Throwns with other people.”
“I geek about it.”
“You complain about the nudity.”
“Well, I watch the show for the action; not the sex scenes!”
For a few seconds the two twenty year olds were quiet, staring at one another, waiting to see if the conversation was going to turn into a debate that they usually had when Game of Throwns was brought up. Was there too much nudity in the show? Mike often with yes, most of the time, while Ben said it was fine; they once got in an argument about it in a public place and the looks they got made them regret having being so loud about it.
Thankfully, though, neither boy continued on with the subject. Ben uncrossed his arms and shrugged as he said, “Anyway, we’re going to comic con.”
“Alright, fine. Need me to buy the tickets?”
“Ah, no, I have the money. Thanks for offering, though, Mike,” Ben told him.
The taller boy gave a smile and nodded. “Welcome, B.”
“Hey, guys, I have a day off from school and work and editing videos, so here I am doing a live stream! With Stan and Bill!”
“I was forced into this,” Stanley Uris’ voice sounded as he situated himself in front of the propped up phone. He gave a small glare to Eddie Kaspbrak but at seeing the smaller boy smile innocently at him, he rolled eyes and smiled back. “It’s barely started and I already regret this.”
“Aw S-Stan, it won’t even last th-thuh-thirty minutes,” Bill Denbrough said. He refrained from making a face as he stuttered; most of the time he didn’t now a days, but once in a while it would pop up. Stan glanced over at him and shrugged. He had already sat down on the other side of Eddie, one arm thrown around the back of Eddie’s chair and the other in his lap as he held his phone.
The three boys were known for goofing off in front of the camera together on YouTube. It used to be Vines, once upon a time. Bill and Eddie started out there and soon Stan joined and they had both separate accounts and a joint account where they would constantly make stupid yet funny videos together. They got pretty famous, too, so once Vine ceased to exist, they moved on YouTube. Still stupid but funny. Once in a while ranting videos. An occasional vlog here and there. Then the rare live stream, something Eddie decided to do today.
“Anyway, we are here to answer some questions!” Eddie exclaimed, clapping his hands together and giving a smile. “So ask away.”
Bill leaned forward to read one of the many comments.  “ ‘BILL’,” he paused and laughed at the fact that his name was in all caps, “ ‘What’s is like living with Stan and Eddie?’ Oh, wow- o-okay. Not that bad, actually. They’re both nice and neat people. I’m the messy one, they clean up after me a lot.”
“No one likes your dirty socks under the couch, William,” Stan informed him with a teasing attitude. Bill flipped him off but they all laughed.
“ ‘When will Bill’s book be done’?” Stan read the next question. He then turned to look at Bill, who gave a shrug and a nod. Stan nodded back before answering. “Sometime in November! We’re excited about it. Bill won’t let us read it until then, so we’ve been stuck to waiting with you guys.”
“It’s a surprise, idiots,” the tallest male explained.
They then went on and answered more questions. Are you guys going to comic con in 2 weeks? The answer was an enthusiastic yes from all three boys. When will we get another video of Stan with the birds? Stan had answered sometime soon, when the raining whether outside was sunshine instead. Then they got questions about the different types of birds and Stan grinned the entire time answering the ones he could. Then Eddie answered one about how his nursing major was going; despite being popular in the media, Eddie still went to school.
They all did. He didn’t want to be left in the dust, having to work random jobs, when they decide to stop making videos, so he decided nursing would do just fine. Bill majored in English and constantly had papers to write, but still somehow found time to write his upcoming book and make videos with his two friends, even sometimes his little brother, Georgie, back at home. Stan decided to just do general studies but then also decided to minor in World Religions. Between all of that, he also had a wide knowledge of birds.
“ ‘Favorite bands’?” Eddie read one of the comments after complaining about his lack of sleep. “Imagine Dragons,” he quickly answered.
“The Records,” Bill said at the same time, excitement evident on his features and in his voice.
“Who the fuck are The Records?” Stan asked.
Eddie pointed at their Jewish friend, “I’m with Stan on this one.”
Bill grinned. “Remember that guy I told you about who made dick jokes and your mom jokes a lot at my high school?”
“Oh, no,” Eddie groaned with a grimace on his face.
Stanley frowned and rolled his eyes. “Your best friend until you came here?”
“He’s still my best friend! I’m bitter that you guys haven’t met him yet, but he’s in a band called The Records. He’s the lead singer, too, and they’re good. They got a record deal last year and they’ve been getting more popular since.”
“Huh,” came from both Eddie and Stan.
“Maybe I’ll give them a listen,” Stan muttered.
“He sounds annoying from all the things you’ve told us about it. But good for his band, I guess,” Eddie said. He glanced at his phone and chuckled at one of the comments. My aesthetic: Bill gushing about his friends and promoting them. He read it out loud, which just caused everyone to laugh and agree with the fan.
Shortly after, the livestream on Instagram ended and three boys piled out of the apartment and went to dinner.
Richie Tozier was grinning from ear to ear by the end of the live stream that had his best friend in it - the best friend that wasn’t Beverly Marsh, of course. He laughed slightly and laid across his bed. It was no secret that Richie watched every livestream, YouTube video, vlog, or whatever that Bill Denbrough was in; they were best friends in high school and supported each other then. He wasn’t going to stop supporting the guy now just because they lived in different cities.
(And, no, he wasn’t watching the smaller boy’s videos daily; just the one’s with Bill. He didn’t follow Eddie Kaspbrak on all social media platforms, either, no he did not).
(Fucking liar).
Richie went to the message app and sent Bill a text.
to Big Bill: aw bill u sure ur not in love with me???
He got a quick response.
from Big Bill: i’m in love with chicken wings, rich, how many times do we have to discuss this
to Big Bill: until the die I day to Big Bill: wait to Big Bill: until the day I die!
from Big Bill: fucking hell
Richie laughed and exited out of the app. He was about to go onto Twitter, to see if there was any drama regarding anything interesting, when his door flung open to reveal his redheaded best friend standing there with a pissed off expression. Richie raised an eyebrow. She should be on a date; he should be having the rest of the day to himself. He quickly sat up and rolled off of his bed and walked over to Beverly.
“Bev, what happened?” He asked. He could slowly feel himself getting pissed at whatever the situation was.
Beverly Marsh was like his sister and damned be any girl or guy who hurt her feelings. They met a year ago, outside of the a club after being kicked out for being underage. Ever since then, they’ve been inseparable. They got an apartment together not even three months after knowing each other; that’s how well they got along. Of course, though, they got into their little quarrels and fights but not once did they say they hated the other or that they wanted to move out. There was like an unspoken agreement to never say those words.
“Do I need to fight her? I will, just say the word!”
Beverly rolled her eyes yet there was a tiny smile on her lips that soon vanished as quick as it came. The scowl was back and Richie could faintly see tears building up in her eyes. “She didn’t fucking show,” she seethed out finally. “I mean, last time she had actually came and gave an explanation before leaving right after. But this time she fucking- I sat there for nearly two hours! It was humiliating, Rich.”
Richie sighed and extended his arms. “Do you need a hug?”
“No,” Bev shook her head. But she glanced up and slouched her shoulders at seeing the look on Richie’s face. “Fine,” she sighed. She was then instantly pulled into a bone crushing hug by the lead singer of The Records. She didn’t hesitate to hug back. “I’m going to go plan out my next make up video later. Can I do yours again sometime soon?”
“Sure can, Bev. Oh, and guess what I got tickets for today,” Richie told her. A smirk formed on his lips.
Beverly pulled away from the hug and looked up at him after wiping under her eyes. She had blinked back most of the tears but still some leaked out.
“Dude, no way?” She asked, excited about it all even though Richie didn’t actually say the words. They have both been talking about it for days now, not knowing if they could actually get tickets.
“Yes way! Get your costume ready, Miss Marsh, because we’re going to comic con!”
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nightglider124 · 8 years ago
RobStar Week 2017: Day 2
Prepare for scandalous and most pointless smut because whenever I see these incarnations; I just think of them as a fling that goes back and forth bc of the bangin;
Feeling good again today <3
With a grunt, he stalked through the hallways of the tower. Irritation was coursing through him at Raven’s dismissal of him tonight.
He understood she was this team’s leader and he trusted her but sometimes, he couldn’t understand her at all. She could be so cold and flippant; especially concerning them. He couldn’t piece together what he was to her.
Red Robin swore he could get whiplash from how much Raven’s mood and thoughts changed. It used to be something he found fascinating about her but these days, it merely grated on him.
For all the times he called her, “Love”; a nickname that had always meant a little more on his end, there was always a scathing remark in response from her mouth.
He gritted his teeth together as he stomped up to his door, punching in his code and darting inside. Red Robin ripped off his mask and flung it god knows where.
Reaching for his shirt, he tugged the deep red material from his belt but paused, realising the door to his room hadn’t hissed shut yet.
“Hm… looks like someone’s riled tonight.” A voice purred from the door,
Red Robin released his shirt and straightened up, “What do you want, Blackfire?”
Glancing back at her, he couldn’t deny she oozed appeal. She stood there, arm up and resting against the door frame with a cocked hip, wearing a uniform that left little to the imagination. The curve of her top was high, just below her breasts; practically tantalizing any man within her range.
Blackfire shrugged and pushed away from the door, her hips swishing back and forth as she strolled into his bedroom.
“Mm, nothing. I heard your little tiff with your love.” She commented, deliberately mocking the nickname for Raven.
“It was nothing.”
She snorted, “Yeah, right. I also happened to see you storming up here; all in a huff. Being a good little girl, I came to check you were alright.”
He blinked and stared at her as she took a seat on the edge of his bed, pressing her palms flat behind her, looking up at him with an almost lustful flicker to her dark eyes.
Red Robin huffed, “Look, I just want to have a shower and maybe expel some energy, so you might as well get out.” He paused, the sarcasm evident, “But thanks for the ‘concern’”
Moving away, Blackfire snaked out a hand and grasped his shirt, halting him. His brows furrowed and he looked down at her incredulously.
“What are you doing?” He growled, not in the mood for this,
Blackfire slowly stood up, her face stopping mere inches away from his, “I know a way you could expel some energy, Robin… and it works to get back at your little girlfriend as well.”
He immediately knew what she was referring to; really it didn’t take a genius. And, despite wanting to portray disgust, he felt a twitch in his southern region. Warmth pooled in his abdomen and the thought of being so naughty resonated within him.
Red Robin’s lip curled, “Blackfire. Red Raven is-”
“Not here right now…” She whispered; her breath hot against his ear. He was itching to grab at her and just go for it; it wouldn’t take much more coaxing.
And apparently, Blackfire sensed this.
“C’mon, Robin…” She murmured, her hand drifting from his chest to his abdomen, “How about it? We could have some fun… you become calmer and she never has to know a thing. Everyone’s a winner.”
Red Robin stared at her for a long moment before a sly smirk split his lips,
“You’re a bad girl, you know that?”
Blackfire brushed her lips against his, “Oh, I know.”
With a lust filled growl, Red Robin aggressively cupped her face and pulled her down into a messy kiss. It was hot and needy and felt so good. He coaxed her mouth to open, spearing his tongue inside once she complied. Their tongues danced for dominance whilst hands began to roam.
Blackfire groaned as her fingers crawled up into his dishevelled, black Mohawk. Meanwhile, Red Robin’s hands slid all across the planes of her body. His fingers rubbed the exposed sections of her skin before clamping against her ass and giving her a firm squeeze.
She giggled before panting against his lips, “Take me, already. You idiot.”
He seemed to consider his decision again so Blackfire nipped his earlobe and neck, “Don’t. Please don’t think. I want this and so do you.”
Red Robin nodded his head numbly, dropping her onto his bed. She bounced and grinned as she gaze at him. He quickly divested himself of the rest of his clothing and Blackfire smirked when she noticed his lack of modesty.
There wasn’t a stitch of clothing on him and she loved it.
“Mm… I suppose it’s my turn?” She asked, casually,
“That’s right, Princess. Hurry up and get those clothes off.”
She purred at him and did as he asked, throwing her bra at him before taunting him with her matching thong. Blackfire slid it down her legs at a snail’s pace; really making him wait for  the treasure that was her body.
Red Robin gazed down at her core as she lay back and spread her legs as wide as she could get them, ready for this. He began leaving kisses over her shoulders, breasts, stomach and her wet centre. She squealed when he did that, gripping the sheets so hard, they almost ripped.
Just before he was about to be one with Blackfire, he raised his head, breathing hard, “Why are you doing this? Why now?”
Blackfire rolled her eyes, “I need it. You need it and it’ll feel glorious…”
He chuckled, “Great response.”
With that, he thrust forwards, Blackfire gasping and her eyelids fluttering at the intense throbbing now inside her. Oh yeah, sometimes it felt good to be bad.
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sherlockxreader · 8 years ago
Requests Update!!!
A/N: This is the order in which we received these requests. I’m going to try writing them in the order we’ve gotten them so expect this to also be the rough order in which they’re posted. 
Also of yours isn’t here and it was sent in before the requests closed, I’ve probably lost it somewhere. Feel free to resend it (make sure to specify that it was before the close off please!!) and I’ll work out roughly where it’s meant to be in the list. Thanks guys!
- Maddy
1.  Could you do a fic where the reader gets her hair cut short like a boy and Mycroft and Sherlock make fun of her and she starts crying but John thinks she looks beautiful and confesses his feelings for her to cheer her up? And then they kiss or something? Thx! - anonymous
2.  Can u please do a reader x Sherlock where the reader is a Muslim, wears a headscarf and is British Bengali. Sorry that’s super specific but I never see anything like that. Also your writing skills are awesome. Thanks soooo muxh if u can do it and I absolutely understand if u cant. Thnx xx - anonymous
3.  Hey it’s me again Haha so I was hoping if I could request that reader is Tony Stark’s Daughter (or maybe sister would work better for you?) and she manages to drag her boyfriend coughSherlockcough to America during a holiday to meet him(?) that was my idea and I know it’s a really weird and specific niche of fic but if you guys are comfortable with it ik you’re the best ones to pull it off - anonymous
4.  could i get a sherlock x reader with prompts 92, 95, 97? Its a bit of an odd request sorry - anonymous
5.  Can I make a Sherlock x male!reader request and they’re married (that is why Sherlock is so unfazed by other people) anyway, he just shows up one day and people are clueless as to how Sherlock snatched up such a gentlemen and why they’ve never met him before (except mycroft and mrs Hudson ofc) Thanks~🎉 - anonymous
6.  Hey I was wondering if you could please write a mycroftxdaughter!reader where he wakes up in the cell in Sherrinford to find her next to him and how he would help through all the different stages of it. Thanks :) - anonymous
7. Hellooo What do you think about a Sherlockxreader in which the reader is a hacker working for the government and one day Mycroft brings her to Baker Street to help Sherlock and John with a case? And could you make her personality very smart and sassy? Thanks ❤️ - M (asked as anonymous)
8. could you please write a fluff where Sherlock and reader are getting married(small ceremony) and Sherlock is really really nervous, ending with beautiful vows? thank you :) - @narcissistvirgolady
9. a Sherlock x reader where the reader gets really angry at Sherlock for being distant lately with his cases, so he decides to surprise her ( the reader ) with a carefully planned date. Hope it is possible! - @justoneystrdy 
10.  Could u write a oneshot where the reader is Sherlocks daughter and the reader is pregnant and she is pretty far along in her pregnancy so she struggles to do super simple things and Sherlock and john keep offering to help and they try to help her but she is determined to do it herself, but after a long frustrating day she gives in to the help? - anonymous
11.  Hey! I was wondering if I could request a Sherlock x reader where they are married and expecting a baby and Sherlock is all frantic, but the moment he holds his child he knows is the moment that he waited all along. By the way, I love your blog! I wish I had those writing skills😂 - anonymous
12.  Hey! I was wondering if you could do a request (series or oneshot whatever) that takes place after Mary died, but instead of Sherlock receiving the CD Y/N receives it, and Mary tells her she has to save John and Sherlock otherwise they’ll pretty much self-destruct?? And Y/N gets herself kidnapped or something to bring those two back together?? Whatever you want! Also, could Nyla do this one?? If not, I understand. - @anonymous-requests
13.  Sup! Could you guys make a one Shot about Sherlock meeting Mycroft and his new Assistant (Y/N) (cuz Anthea was snitching with Irene i think) and Y/N is late at first. She’s very Young, around 20 and he makes a joke about Mycroft picking high schoolers or so idk haha, and clumsy and sentiment and all lol And when he deducts her he knows she’s having a depression and all and he have to nice and idk sorry ig ITS Long , was a Dream of last Night tbh hahah Btw Love your side 🙏🏻 - anonymous
14.  Hiii this is for Maddy Could u do a request where John, Sherlock and the reader are working on a case and u (reader) ends up getting shot and rushed to the hospital and John and Sherlock go into a rage trying to find shooter to the point where Mycroft is unsure of what either might do once they find the man and he goes to u who is recovering and u (can reader be girl?) have to hunt them down to stop them from doing something theyll both regret but then something shocking happens to u? Angsty plz - anonymous
15.  So there’s these two songs I absolutely love, and I was wondering if someone could do a songfic for one of them (“Oh My Love” by Silver Trees or “Dear Doubt” by Michael Schulte) where Sherlock thinks the reader is dead but receives a note that could only be from her except no one believes him, thinking its a prank, but then she shows asking for his forgiveness and he refuses to forgive her, avoiding her at all cost. Maybe sad, or bittersweet, ending??? Also, I love you all you’re all AMAZING ❤️❤ - anonymous
16. Can you do a request where Sherlock and Y/N are best friends, where she gets to see a side of him where he laughs until he cries and he shows his emotions to her sometimes, but they’re only best friends. She loves to pull pranks on people constantly, especially cruel pranks on Sally and Anderson for everything they say to Sherlock, but she does and it’s all really hilarious to both of them, and Molly of course gets super jealous and a bunch of girls do which makes it funnier to them?? And can you add in prompts “THERE’S SO MUCH BLOOD” and “Huh. And I thought /I/ was dramatic.” (Srry can’t remember the prompt numbers!) thanks!!!! Also, could Maddy write this?? If not that’s okay - @anonymous-requests
17.  Could you do a Mycroft x Reader were the Reader sees him every day but dont know who he is and is absolutly fascinated by the way he is and looks like? And someday he ask her how she could know he is the british government and she is all alike ‘what? No ich dont know anything about you’ - anonymous
18. Hey are the requests still open? :3 Could you do 6 and 25 with sherlock x fem! Reader? If not its alright aswell, i like your writingstyle :3 - @konankami
19.  Are you guys still accepting the numbered requests? I’d so, could you please do 16,20,and 26? I love all of your​ guys’ writing skills!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤ - anonymous
20.  Hey! Could i get a sherlock x reader, where she is an old friend of John’s and she comes to 221b to catch up with him and Sherlock falls in love with her but he thinks she’s dating John and they (her and John) decide to prank Sherlock by pretending to 'get jiggy with it’ and it ends with her dating sherlock? Sorry if it seems weird xx - anonymous
21.  Could you do one with Moriarty? 6,8,19,36,64,117 Sorry if its too much - anonymous
22.  Hey! Could you do a Sherlock x reader where the reader doesn’t have any hair and she’s low key insecure about it and one day Sherlock just kind of deduces it and tries to tell her that she’s ridiculous in his own way ( so like not :“what do you mean, you look great!” Because I, myself have experienced that and it doesn’t actually make you feel any better) Sorry if this was really long…. Thank You❤️❤️❤️(love the acc) - anonymous
23.  Hello love! I have a request for a Sherlock imagine. After ten long years of no meeting with Sherlcok because reader suddenly disappears, she is now a client of Sherlock and brings her daughter with her. Little did he know she was as intelligent as him because he’s the father. Thanks a bunch!!! - anonymous
24.  hello, can i request a sherlockxreader imagine?when he’s “engaged” with janine, the reader didn’t like her and when john wants to tell her about s&j’s relationship, she makes comments abt her (like “she seemed quite arrogant, an opportunist"etc) but then she discovers the thing and is sad bc she likes sherlock, what are the others reactions? sorry i love your blog - anonymous
25.  Hi um I was wondering if you could write me a Sherlock x reader where reader is shy and insecure because of there disability a limp when they walk as she thinks it makes her ugly so she tries to hide it when she meets people by concentrating on her walking but Sherlock analyses her and sees she is insecure and tells her she shouldn’t be because she’s beautiful I know this sounds fluffy and is specific but if you could do it or something similar I would really appreciate it either way thank you x -anonymous
26.  i wanted to request a sherlock x reader where he notices her having trouble breathing etc and he finds out about her binding and he helps her buy a binder and she says her pronouns are they/them? thank you for everything xxx - anonymous
27.  Hi i have an imagine request, a jealous sherlock x reader, where she’s an artist (illustrator or painter or something) and she’s having a lot of activities with her artist peers and he gets jealous and insecure bc they have way more things in common w her than he has (as they are complete opposites in their lifestyles lol). Just fluff and fun, thanksss ily all💙 - anonymous
28.  Could you do a 1,24,31 Mycroft imagine,where the reader gets shot by Moriarty. - anonymous
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kkukkung · 8 years ago
"kiho is... fascinating rly" what do u mean 👀
their relationship dynamic is v fascinating and fanfic fuel.. lov the way kihyun... needs to win... and wonho kind of lets him........ but also they’re v tender idk LOV this photoset... ykh is always 100% serious when he attacks ??? but then he’s a very... aftercare guy.... bye
more asks under the cut (dated newest to oldest)
u kno that thing kihyun does when he has the camera where he like...tilts his head back a lil and shakes it a bit. it cute
hate 2 admit this but he rly is.... v c*te... v sexy 2 when he’s BEHIND the camera and he squints and grits one side of his teeth... ok ok ok ok alright alright alr
i dont rlly think hoseok is bi i think hes pan like if hes in love he doesnt rlly care what gender they are
mmm i use the two v interchangeably bc currently i don’t think there is a clear distinction between them? what u said is the traditional dictionary difference but a lot of bisexual people identify with that too and a lot of pansexual people don’t? like from what i’ve been observing, the bi = binary genders/more than one gender, pan = all genders thing doesn’t rly seem to help that much in establishing the difference btwn them? for example........ i usually say im bi irl and pan on tumblr just bc of the difference between levels of lgbtq understanding under varied contexts... but that obviously doesn’t apply to everyone... so yeah frankly i’m still confused abt the difference between them and i guess... just letting ppl fall into whatever they think is right for them is the only way to go? but like tell me if i’m getting smth wrong here lol. also i saved the url pansexualwonho shfjdkgj
hello bunny do u have a wishlist
no and get off my blog stinky
leave ur gf for me
what does it mean when ur gf has a bf and ur also kind of seeing kakashi hatake?? :/ are we all dating by association??
wonho looks like jooheon and IM sugar daddy in that picture or something....
jshgjfk i think this was abt the units teaser photo right? (x) tbh i feel like jooheon looks more sugar daddy here but wonho has a lot of potential... he’d definitely Spoil the person(s) he’s dating :/
I just checked and the members of that new variety show minhyuk will be in are all giants, they are all above 180cm, well besides actually minhyuk lolz it's kinda funny, but I guess he won't need to make himself seem smaller since he's the tiny one this time
my breath hitched when i read this ??? aaa ur right... tbh i don’t know how im going to... survive this show bc it’s... so blindingly... visual?? have high hopes for it i know he’s going to do so well... and ummmmmMM imagine him... making himself XXXXXXXXXXXXXS precisely bc he knows it’s going to b cute n like... tucking himself against eunwoo or smth i might die
THANK U?????? 💖💖💖💖💖 cute anons make me happi :’0
to reaffirm you as a wonho stan: you have 149 pages filed under wonho on your blog but only 118 under minhyuk. however i believe recently 3/5 of your posts are minhyuk posts.
this felt like it was heading somewhere but the second half jfkhgsj i mean,,
do you know where that picture of kihyun and the join forces with communists or end star wars picture is from with his hand up on a bluish greyish wall i rlly like his hand there u know and I think that we sHould join forces with him and he's right we need to make a stand for it but anyways if u know where the pocture is from may u pls share it thnx I lov ur blog lots
[nsfw text warning] i was reading this wonhyuk fic and thought of u immediately archiveofourown org/works/10314092 mostlytop!mh slight daddy kink mh takes extra care of wh :') enjoy
UH ANON................ HOW DID U KNOW....... EXACTLY WHAT I LIKE...... AND THIS LINE... THIS LINE... “He likes Hoseok, but he likes when pretty girls tie him up and sit on his face too”,,,,,,,, rly the best lmh characterisation i’ve ever read sdjkfgh gbye this was rly sweet and well-written and realistic and i think??? i lov u?? and i lov my poly + bi boyfriends :(((( thank u sm for the rec i rly enjoyed it
i'm east asian too and non-asian ppl keep telling me that "rat" and "snake" are racial slurs and i've never heard of such a thing until i joined kpop fandom (rly recently). if you want my honest opinion it's another one of those things where like... overzealous SJWs nitpick terminology and project on POC even tho they have never experienced it themselves... idk. i rly have never heard any of those terms used against asians before as racial slurs...i've seen other asian fans also question this
(regarding this ask) yeah lmao i mean............ the more i think abt it the more i feel like it was ??? just such a strange thing to have been told... and the way it was said as well... like “this is a racial slur so don’t say it” feels condescending ?? like, me, an east asian person, being “educated” abt racism against east asian people by an anon on the internet for a post that had zero connection to race and terms taken way out of context (that generally aren’t racially charged anyway).... ok lol
Wonho decided to change the title from ^give it to you^ to ^524^ I wonder if it's because of their debut date or something similar?
yes~ 5.14 is their debut date! it was also the time on the clock in the teaser :3c but it still doesn’t rly explain why he changed it? strange bc i thought the song would b emo bc of the changed title but it was kinda.. boppy?? sounds more like a “give it 2 u” than a “last page” hmm but gotta hear the whole thing first ig
I have the impression that Wonho is a sensitive person, he can get hurt easily (but won't hold grudges) and carry his emotions for a really long time. I think he tends to delve in his emotions and thoughts constantly and is thoughtful of when/how he should share them to not burden others. He's ALL IN for his members, trying to cheer them up and tying them all together [rmbr when he made JooHyuk hug to avoid misunderstandings or when he gave Jooheon the biggest sweet potato] in a subtle way.
yessssssssssssssss yes i don’t have anything to add here yes yes yes he’s just... the best guy :(
The Monsta X/GOT7 Psychologist ISN'T A psychoanalist. AFAIK Psychoanalysis avoid archetypes, because the patient can use it as a excuse. Also, to psychoanalysis there isn't a cure, there's only a savoir-faire which means you won't change your past, but you can change how you feel about it, sometimes being able to extract lessons from those painful memories. Psychoanalysis works with words, the way we phrase things is how we conceive reality. So don't underrate your literal analysis+observations.
aaa thank u sm.......... i rly learnt a lot from u thank u v insightful.... pop psychology is fun but ig we have to be careful to not... confound it with the Real Thing and hold mx to it?? anyway thank u sm for taking the time to type out all ur asks they were v helpful!
wonho has honestly tried to kill minhyuk an incredible amount of times but in the end always remembers he can't commit murder in front of a camera...........................
idk wonho choking minhyuk was rly the hottest thing ive ever seen jsfhg bye God I Wish That Were Me
in that live where u said minhyuk tapped wonhos bicep with his little alien claw was honestly was so c*te... especially the contrast btwn mh featherless chicken feet fingers and wonho thiccness..... wonhyuk are rly so comfortable and natural with each other like u can't rly see it but it looks like wonho let go of the camera with the arm that was being tapped to hold minhyuks hand/wrist..................................................c*te
uh put thi s on my grave...... i love wonhyuk sm i could die :( they rly lov each other sm jkdgfhsdjkgfhhkkdg
henlo rabbit
maybe im just naïve but starship ent. is overall an alright company - with all groups they promote they seem to be fair and equal and overall supportive :/ which makes me rlly thankful my children aren't being neglected;;
ahh yeah i think on the whole they’re not bad with mx... apart from when they didn’t send members to the hospital after they were in a literal car crash??? and idk just not great promo times and minor organisational things.. bc they have a certain amount of faith in mx the investment isn’t too shabby. but with like... other groups... like boyfriend...... idk ?? they were just shipped off to japan and never heard from again? and even sistar i mean, the conditions they worked in at the beginning was appalling :/
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